optimist-pine · 8 days
Ahhh! This makes me so happy, thank you! @dixons-sunshine @ghostboneswrites2 @celtic-crossbow All of you, your works are so good, they're art. 🥰 Gotta tag @djarindroid
When I read a fanfic I like, the author becomes a mini celebrity to me. So when an author with a work I like kudos’ or comments on my own fanfic I just-
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optimist-pine · 9 days
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🏆 The Triwizard Champions 🏆
I worked on this piece for a while, figuring out the designs, poses, uniforms, composition. It was really fun! I like that I added the decorative border at the last moment. It really pulls the whole thing together✨
I’m really interested in the other wizarding schools, like Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. I am still figuring out the uniforms.. I might do a sketch sheet on those soon. You’ll see :)
Which Champion’s your favourite?🌟 Personally, I really like Fleur, because she’s the first character I read about that shared my name. Nine-year-old me was very, very excited about that.
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optimist-pine · 9 days
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An underrated Sirius moment in Goblet of Fire where Sirius lets Harry talk and talk, and Harry lets out everything he's been holding in since he became an unwilling Triwizard Tournament champion.
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optimist-pine · 10 days
Fell in a lake today.
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optimist-pine · 14 days
This is like two fully evolved pokémon but instead of battling they're simping
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In memory of Marichat💖🖤
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optimist-pine · 14 days
I knew I liked them
I love her. 🩵
So happy to see her in the spotlight!
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optimist-pine · 14 days
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optimist-pine · 15 days
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THE WALKING DEAD (2010-2022) 7.08 ✩ Hearts Still Beating
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optimist-pine · 15 days
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OK i guess i will continue to macrodose birds
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optimist-pine · 16 days
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Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban 2004 | dir. Alfonso Cuarón
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optimist-pine · 17 days
A lament:
Hello, dermatillomania
My old friend
I've come to lose
An hour to you again
Because life's too freaking overwhelming
And I should definitely be sleeping
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optimist-pine · 17 days
How to Train Your Turtle Chpt 1.
Pt. 1 |Next->|
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The journey begins
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optimist-pine · 17 days
Y'all are amazing. Reblog to hug the person you’re reblogging from.
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optimist-pine · 18 days
Brain really do be replayin' the top 40 times my bed was the comfiest place on earth but not be lettin' me make it 41.
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optimist-pine · 18 days
genuinely one of the worst things that’s happened to television in the last few years (exacerbated by streaming services) is death of Filler. going from 20 episodes to 8 because “we didn’t really need that episode where the main characters went to the beach right? it had no long lasting effect” but we DID!!! we needed to see how they act without the Big Bad Plot and to establish the dynamics between the characters and lay in the sun (do they forget sunscreen? how do they react to a thieving seagull? do they get buried in the sand or do they do the burying?). the plot isn’t everything. the action doesn’t hit as hard without the quiet moments. give us character development and our little scenes back
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optimist-pine · 18 days
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You collapsed in a heap on the couch next to Daryl, who looked over in surprise. Everyone else had gone to bed ages ago but you had only just got home and by the look of you it’d been a tough day outside the walls.
“Ya alrigh’?” he asked. Secretly, he’d been waiting up for you, but he was using making some new bolts for his crossbow as an excuse.
You sighed and rubbed your hands over your face, pressing your palms into your eyes for a long moment. Daryl noticed that all your knuckles were grazed. “Yeah. Just… tough day. Almost everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. Well—except I made it back and I am still alive. So there’s that,” you sighed, sinking back into the deep couch cushions, exhaustion quickly settling over you heavily.
Daryl was appraising you. “Mm. Ya wanna talk about it?”
You shook your head, your eyes closed. “No. I’m almost too tired to think.”
He nodded, and hummed a response again. His blue eyes studied you for a moment before he spoke again. “I’m gonna get a kit for your hands. We should clean up those scrapes.”
“Huh? Oh.” You held your hands out in front of you, catching sight of the abrasions for the first time. You hadn’t even noticed them.
Daryl left and returned quickly with what he needed to at least get your hands cleaned up and you murmured your thanks as he worked gently. “Sounds like ya had a day like that time Rick and I met Jesus. When that truck went into the pond,” he said.
You laughed lightly and bit your bottom lip thoughtfully, nodding. “Yeah, you know… it was kind of like that. I didn’t lose an entire truck but… not far off.”
“Well,” he drawled, setting aside the used first aid supplies, “’m just glad yer okay.”
You smiled at him. “Will you run away with me?” you asked, again sinking back into the couch, your eyelids heavy.
Daryl looked stunned for a moment and then laughed, a low, chesty sound you loved to pull from him. “Where would we go?”
You shrugged. “I don’t care. Anywhere. I’d go anywhere with you, Daryl.”
He ducked his head, feeling his cheeks burn a little with a blush. “I think maybe ya should sleep on that… ya’ve had a day.”
Your smile widened. “I’ll ask you again tomorrow. My mind won’t have changed.”
Prompt: “Will you run away with me?” / “Where would we go?” / “I don’t care. Anywhere.”
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optimist-pine · 18 days
I think I've finally figured out why these two together are so important to me.
The first time we're introduced to both of them, they're each framed as a problem to be dealt with.
Daryl knows what he was like, he remembers what it felt like to be - at the least - a nuisance to everyone around him. The first time he's mentioned it's to the tune of you won't get any trouble... except from Daryl. And we can put together that he's spent his entire life from childhood up until we meet him acting out that difficulty.
Judith's very existence created complications for the group from the moment Lori found out she was pregnant. Before Judith was even born her life was viewed in the light of she's going to be a constant danger to everyone else. And yeah, people made sacrifices for her sake, but her life amounts to a whole lot more than being an inconvenience.
There's something so special about Daryl doing everything in his power from the moment she's born to make sure Judith doesn't grow up feeling like a problem.
Sacrificial love just gets me, okay?
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Daryl is her dad !!
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