otakusocialista · 4 months
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otakusocialista · 4 months
Liberalism is a center to center-right ideology invested in the maintenance of capitalism. It seeks to make capitalism more equitable at best and actively fosters market solutions everywhere (neoliberalism) at worst. Most of the world recognizes this and it's largely only in the United States and a few other choice places that the illusion of "Liberal/Democrat = leftist" is rampant. On a whole host of issues, liberals and conservatives (and by extension Democrats and Republicans) have more in common with each other than Democrats have in common with leftists and socialists. The former two are both fundamentally capitalist, imperialist, extractivist, and managed by the richest of the rich. Fierce debate is encouraged over the issues they do disagree on, certainly, but all that fire and noise distracts us from the fact that both ideologies and parties ultimately want very little to change about the unequal, unjust status quo. We need an ecosocialist alternative sooner rather than later, a path that represents the actual left.
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otakusocialista · 5 months
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otakusocialista · 6 months
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otakusocialista · 6 months
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struggle class
la rebelión del artista contra los convencionalismos, es la rebelión contra los gustos de la clase dominante
The artist's rebellion against conventions is the rebellion against the tastes of the ruling class
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otakusocialista · 7 months
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"Al fascismo no se le discute, se le destruye"
Primeiro debuxo de 2023❤️
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otakusocialista · 8 months
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otakusocialista · 8 months
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En esta sociedad en vez de acumular medios de produccion ...son las "habilidades sobre naturales"
la clase dominante se pelea por acumularlos; y asi sus hijos heredan esas habilidades, en vez de heredar medios de produccion
Así la aristocracia feudal se casaban entre ellos para heredar y acumular las tierras; y la burguesia de hoy, empresas que exprimen trabajo asalariado.
La "reproducción familiar" entre la aristocracia y la burguesía se parece mucho a la evolución entre el Neanderthal y el Homo sapiens: la burguesía se dio cuenta que "es malo casarse entre familiares cercanos tal como lo hacia la aristocracia feudal en su afán de acumular más tierras" ...por eso son mas "buena ondita"
in this society instead of accumulating means of production…it's the "supernatural abilities" the ruling class fights to accumulate them; and so their children inherit those skills, instead of inheriting means of production Thus the feudal aristocracy married among themselves to inherit and accumulate land; and today's bourgeoisie, companies that squeeze salaried work. "Family reproduction" between the aristocracy and the bourgeoisie is very similar to the evolution between the Neanderthal and Homo sapiens: the bourgeoisie realized that "it is bad to marry between close relatives, just as the feudal aristocracy did in its desire to accumulate more land" … that's why they are more "good vibes" (with their sons)
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otakusocialista · 8 months
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otakusocialista · 9 months
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New Graphic! Announcement included on mg Twitter @sunflowertaters
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otakusocialista · 10 months
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otakusocialista · 11 months
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Mama i'm in love with those criminals🔥🔥
(Parody from Barbie Movie)
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otakusocialista · 11 months
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otakusocialista · 11 months
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Marx-Engels Nendoroid edit.
Manifesting they're exist🙏🙏
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otakusocialista · 1 year
La expropiación de las mujeres 
La mujer fue expropiada de todo medio de producción desde hace milenios, es decir, no se le permite trabajar, ni estudiar. Durante milenios su única salida para sobrevivir es la belleza; es un asunto de vida o muerte agradarle a la clase dominante o a lo que más se le parezca . De ahí le viene su paranoia sobre su novio; en conclusión, que no se les va a erradicar ese comportamiento hasta que extingamos el trabajo asalariado y todos por derecho humano tengan acceso a los medios de producción: Maquinaria, tierra y Libertad para todos.
The expropriation of women: The woman was expropriated from every means of production for millennia, that is, she is not allowed to work, study. For millennia his only exit to survive is beauty; It is a matter of life or death to please the ruling class or what seems most. From there comes her paranoia about her boyfriend; In conclusion, that this behavior will not be eradicated until we extinguish salaried work and all by human right have access to the means of production: Machinary, Land & Freedom for everyone. 
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otakusocialista · 1 year
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otakusocialista · 1 year
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La armada proletaria; buscando a una burguesía escondida que esta conspirando contra la sociedad para regresar el trabajo asalariado.
cuando EEUU abolio la esclavitud....surguieron en cada estado esclavistas confabulados; de ahi se inventó el Ku Kux Klan que luego se convertiria en la burguesia dominando todas las instuciones publicas como los jurados; todos blancos y de pasado exclavista....y el gobierno como nunca hizo nada porque "los estados son libres".....ahora existe el racismo endémico y total en EEUU: No basta con escribir una ley y gritarla a los 4 vientos
The proletarian army; looking for a hidden bourgeoisie that is conspiring against society to return wage labor → when the US abolished slavery....they arose in each conspiring slave state; from there the Ku Kux Klan was invented, which would later become the bourgeoisie, dominating all public institutions such as juries; all white and with a slave-owning past... and the government like never before did anything because "the states are free".....now there is endemic and total racism in the US: it is not enough to write a law and shout it at 4 winds
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