outsiders-posts · 2 years
Os dias são bonitos agora, quem diria não?
As vezes sinto que posso olhar para o meu eu do passado e falar
- Nós conseguimos!
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outsiders-posts · 2 years
Eu sinto ela em toda parte, isso está começando a me assustar
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outsiders-posts · 2 years
Não me olhe como se eu fosse um monstro, já não basta eu mesmo me achando um?
Eu sei o que devo e não devo fazer, mas isso não significa que é mais fácil.
Você acha mesmo que entende que eu estou passando? Acha mesmo que essa sua impatia humana falsa e medíocre consegue se colocar no meu lugar e entender como é ser alguém como eu? E ainda ter a audácia, a indelicadeza, a pura falta de sacanagem de dizer o que faria na minha situação? Por favor.
Eu sei o que eu sou, eu sei quem eu sou, e dói sabia? Uma dor que você não vai entender por mais que tente, não importa o quanto você diga que nossa geração é fraca e muito mimimi. Abra os seus olhos e veja alguém que nem mesmo você com seu grande ego pode entender, nem mesmo pode tentar porque eu tenho certeza que passará muito longe da dor que é eu acordar e me olhar no espelho e perceber quem eu sou.
Eu entendo que esteja preocupado, no seu lugar eu faria o mesmo, mas, não pense, nem por um segundo que eu não estou fazendo nada para mudar essa situação, eu estou, e quer saber? Dói, meu corpo dói, minha cabeça dói, minha alma e meu espírito doem. E eu estou cansado, quero deitar nessa cama e deixar o vazio da existência me engoli por completo e sentir, nem que seja por algumas horas a sensação de não existir nessa realidade, onde fui posto nessa situação, nessa vida.
Eu não sei o porquê, talvez nem exista um. Talvez...eu não sei.
É minha resposta para quase todos meus pensamentos ultimamente. Eu não sei.
-Um amigo meu, 2016
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outsiders-posts · 2 years
Mais um dia se passou sem eu receber mensagem de Bom Dia dela.
Mas, não irei perder as esperanças, mesmo já fazendo 6 anos que espero por isso.
Algumas pessoas dirão que é idiotice, eu digo que é paciência.
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outsiders-posts · 2 years
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outsiders-posts · 2 years
3 day manifestation
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In lesson 3, neville is confident that it takes no longer than 3 days to manifest your desires into your 3D.
“Three days; the duration is three days for response in this world. If I would now assume I AM what I want to be, and if I AM faithful to it and walk as though I were, the very longest stretch given for it’s realization is three days.” - Neville Goddard
once you decide you are who you want to be, or have what you want, staying faithful and loyal to that will guarantee that the manifestation comes into fruition within 3 days.
“If I could completely saturate my mind with one sensation and walk as though it were already a fact, I am promised that I do not need more than a three day diet if I remain faithful to it. But I must be honest about it. If I Change my diet in the course of the day, I extend the time interval.” -Neville Goddard
so in this quote, neville is talking about the process of the 3 days. basically, if you soak your mind with the corresponding thoughts (affirmations) and persist, 3 days is all you need to see it in the 3D. however, during those 3 days, if you waiver, repeat the old story, dwell in doubts or intrusive thoughts, the days will be extended. that’s what neville means by “If I change my diet in the course of the day.” and by diet he means mental diet.
1. decide what it is that you want. this can be one thing or a list of things.
2. choose affirmations that correlate with your manifestation
2. choose affirmations that correlate with your manifestation
3. repeat these affirmations all day
3. repeat these affirmations all day
repeating, will saturate your mind with this new idea. and it will start to become a natural thought.
4. do not waiver, repeat the old story, doubt. anytime you feel the urge to, repeat those affirmations until it’s stuck.
5. and by day 3 (or within 3 days), you will have your manifestation, if and only if you did not dwell in the old story.
*i also want to say real quick that if you do get doubts, intrusive thoughts, or repeat the old story, as long as you do not dwell in that, and immediately change that thought you’ll be good. so don’t worry so much about having those thoughts, worry about correcting them*
this post is no different than any other telling you to persist. cause that’s all this is.. persisting. and i’ve seen all the “i am persisting” “i’ve been persisting for weeks” however, the reason many of y’all don’t see your results is bc while you were so called persisting you let all types of contradicting thoughts pass by and you dwell’d in them. stop doing that!
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soooo.. saturate your mind with affirmations, correct any opposing thoughts, and persist/live in the end.
for 3 days. if you really want your desire, you’ll STAND TF UP, and persist for just 3 days!
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outsiders-posts · 2 years
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outsiders-posts · 2 years
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outsiders-posts · 2 years
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outsiders-posts · 2 years
“E se me achar esquisita, respeite também. Até eu fui obrigada a me respeitar.”
— Clarice Lispector. 
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outsiders-posts · 2 years
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outsiders-posts · 2 years
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outsiders-posts · 2 years
"Manifestation motivation"
B!tch do you understand how powerful you are like you can make things go your way, people will act the way you want them to, they will think the way you want them to think AND ALL THIS BY JUST SITTING ON YOUR A$$ NOT EVEN LIFTING A FINGER I MEAN YOU DO THIS ALL WITH JUST YOUR THOUGHTS??? DO YOU UNDERSTAND YOU CAN HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT LIKE ANYTHING??? you can make the sky purple if you want...you can fly if you want...you can make unicorns a real thing?? like everything you ever thought was impossible is now ABOSULTELY POSSIBLE!! AND ALL THAT WITH JUST YOUR THOUGHTS LIKE TELL ME THATS NOT EXCITING!! And dont hit me with a "but i've been trying to manifest this but i see no results :((" I've made a post on it here but b!tch people literally TELEPORTED to places people have time travelled PEOPLE WOKE UP IN THEIR DESIRED HOME BESIDE THEIR SP? and here you are thinking is changing bone structure possible? PEOPLE OUT THERE MANIFESTED DRASTIC CHANGES INSTANTLY and here you are buying little cute princess diary to do the 369 method for 21 days to get results💀 people out there marrying their sps and here you are waiting for the clock to hit 11:11 so that you can wish for him to text you?? b!tch no step up in your power and realize that you are the creator of your reality "b-but they are good at manifesting :((" b!tch you think they are any different from you? you think their moms ate that magical flower from rapunzel? noo they are all the same its just that they realized that they are the creator and started using their power they prolly worked on their self concept and started applying the knowledge they read. while you were at the store getting the pink princess diary with a unicorn pen that poops glitter they already manifested it cause they know methods dont hold power YOU do. so stop with this and step up in your power!! lets get that damn df, that sp, that apartment ,that car, money ANYTHING YOU WANT!! YOU GOT THIS!!! LETS GET THE DAMN DESIRE!!!
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outsiders-posts · 2 years
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outsiders-posts · 2 years
For me, LOA really clicked when this happened. Imma set the stage.
It was a dark and stormy night. A young girl (me) was lying on her bed in starfish position trying to get into a state known as the void.
She started crying because she felt like she couldn’t do even though she had only affirmed for 3 seconds before quitting.
She took out her trusty notebook to write down her feelings when all of a sudden, Neville Goddard came down from heaven and possessed her so that she could understand the Law, coz he was tired of her stupid ass.
She switched on her phone and started playing L’s piano theme from deathnote, and began to write.
This is the bullshit she wrote:
The law of assumption is a law of infinite choices.
A choice being a reality.
You switch realities every time you make an assumption consciously or unconsciously.
You see, whatever you choose to align your beliefs/assumptions with, you switch to a reality in which that is true.
Obviously, she wrote a lot more than that but everything she wrote was more than four pages so that’s it summarised. 
This is SO good thank you!
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outsiders-posts · 2 years
my self concept / daily affirmations
i use these every day; when i wake up, before i go to bed, and whenever i feel the need to during the day.
i am amazing
i am sexy
i am beautiful
i am hot
my self concept is perfect
i am the god of my reality
i manifest easily, instantly, and limitlessly
i am everything anyone could ever want
everyone is so incredibly in love with me
i am everyone’s favorite person
i am so smart and intelligent
i keep it short and sweet. in my opinion, shorter and “blunter” affirmations are just as powerful - if not more powerful - than long, detailed and complex affirmations.
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outsiders-posts · 2 years
Eu me apego com facilidade, mas tenho uma incrível capacidade de não demonstrar o que eu sinto. Deve ser um tipo de mecanismo de defesa, pois se eu fingir que não sinto nada, o estrago vai ser menor quando forem embora da minha vida. Ou só me convenso de que é isso que vai acontecer.
Sarah Lima.
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