padfoot-and-prongsie ¡ 1 year
Over 500 hearts?! This is unbelievable. Thank you everyone who read this fic. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. To date, it is probably my favorite fic I've written.
Unfortunately I haven't been as active recently, but I hope that will change soon. There's been some big changes in my life preparing for university, but I'm excited to continue writing soon ❤️
I Always Finish What I Start || Sirius Black
Character: Sirius Black
Word Count: 4k
Requested: No, but don't be afraid to send em in!
Summary: When Sirius lands himself in detention yet again, McGonagall sets him up with a tutor. Unfortunately you're the one who finds yourself in that roll.
Warnings: Swearing, references to sex
Disclaimer: This gif is not mine, credit to the wonderful person who made it!
A/N: I just reread the Gallagher Girls if you couldn't tell lol. Thanks for the hearts and reblogs!
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Sirius sulked down that hall at eight that night, having landed himself in detention with Professor McGonagall yet again. This time though, it wasn’t the rest of the marauders who had gotten him there. Sirius himself was the one who snuck up behind his lovely brother in the hall with a rather large and very angry pixie from class and dropped it down his robes. It was incredibly funny to watch and Sirius and been doubled over laughing as the creature shrieked and clawed at the inside of Regulus’s clothes to get out. Regulus himself was also shrieking and jumping up and down wildly. It would have been even funnier had Professor McGonagall not been standing right there when he did that and promptly docked 30 points from Gryffindor and awarded Sirius detention that night.
He knocked on the large wooden door to Professor McGonagall’s office, a place he knew all too well.
“Come in,” she replied, and Sirius pushed open the door.
“Sit,” she said sharply, pointing to a chair in front of her desk.
Sirius did as he was told.
“What will it be tonight Minnie?” Sirius asked, slouching in his seat. “Grading papers? Cleaning windows? Helping Flitwick?”
McGonagall pursed her lips. “No Black, none of those. I’ve decided that detention will do more harm for you than good, so I’ve arranged for something else entirely,” Sirius’s face lit up in glee at the prospect of avoiding a night of manual labor, “I’ve decided that you need a tutor.”
Sirius’s expression turned into one of a scowl.
McGonagall held up a hand to keep him from protesting. “I don’t want to hear it. We both know your shenanigans have gotten in the way of your studies and you need dire help if you still wish to become an Auror. The ministry will not hire someone with only A’s in their last year of classes.”
“Remus and Lily help me plenty,” Sirius argued.
“Helping, Mr. Black, is not copying,” McGonagall corrected. “There is a reason I didn’t ask them to be your tutor.”
“I am not sitting down for an hour every week with some stuck up know-it-all Ravenclaw like Terrence Boot,” Sirius complained.
McGonagall had to hold in a smile. She did agree that Terrence had a certain, usually extremely bothersome, way of expressing his smarts. “It’s an hour and a half, three days a week,” she corrected, “and she’ll be here in just a moment.”
As if on cue there was a sharp rap on the door.
“Right on time. Come in,” McGonagall called out.
Sirius looked over to meet your eyes as you stepped into the room.
Sirius smirked.
You narrowed your eyes.
“You have got to be kidding me,” you groaned.
“Hello Princess.”
McGonagall raised an eyebrow.
“Don’t call me that Black,” you snapped.
“Your highness, I always treat a Slytherin Princess with utmost respect,” Sirius replied sincerely.
You turned to look at McGonagall. “Professor I am not helping this prick, this was not what I signed up for.”
“If I remember correctly Miss L/N you didn’t sign up for anything when you decided to hex Miss McDonald in the hall yesterday because she insulted you. So either sit yourself in this chair right now or I will arrange for detention every night scraping the gum off the bottom of every desk in this school!”
You let out what sounded like a snarl to Sirius and sat down in the chair next to him.
You had always disliked Professor McGonagall, even more when she told Slughorn she would deal with your detention since she needed you to help with another student. And of course that student had to be Sirius Black.
“Now that we have that settled,” continued Professor McGonagall, “I will restate what will be happening here. Miss L/N, you will be tutoring Mr. Black on Charms, Potions, and History of Magic until he demonstrates proficiency in the subjects and gets his grades up. Mr. Black, you will be respectful and studious at all times. I expect to see you make progress in all your classes. Monday, Wednesday and Friday you will spend at least an hour and a half in the library or another location approved by me from 7-8:30. I will make sure neither of you skip these tutoring sessions.”
Your face continued to make an expression of annoyance.
Sirius looked equally peeved.
“Now off with you two,” she said, making a motion as if to shoo them both away. “I will check in on you tomorrow.”
You briskly got out of your seat and left the room, already down the hall before Sirius had stepped out the door.
He quickly jogged to catch up.
“Excited for tomorrow Princess?” Sirius asked, resting his right elbow on your left shoulder.
You pushed him off. “No,” you stated dryly.
“Don’t lie to yourself darling,” Sirius replied. He smirked at the scowl that filled your face.
“You’re annoying, you know that right?” you snapped.
Sirius winked. “I know,” he replied smugly, “and I know you love that.”
“And I know you’re wrong,” you replied, winking in return.
You took a left for the stairs leading down to the dungeons.
“Princess?” Sirius called out behind you, “Tomorrow try to do a better job of hiding the fact that you fancy me, it’s rather distracting.”
You turned back to protest but Sirius was already gone. Your face burned red, though if it was in anger or because you were flustered you didn’t know.
The following day Sirius Black grudgingly separated himself from the rest of the marauders, grabbed his books, and sulked down the stairs to the library.
He stepped through the doors at precisely seven o’clock and began searching the tables for his Slytherin tutor. He wasn’t particularly excited to be there, but he figured he got the luck of the draw. Out of anyone he could be stuck with for an hour and a half three days a week, he would have picked you. Not necessarily because he thought he would like being tutored in general, but because he knew how quickly he could piss you off and make you blush. That alone was fun enough.
Sirius double and triple checked each table, and after not seeing you, decided he was going to call it and leave. That was, until you flew in, hair slightly wild and three textbooks in your hand.
You looked up and noticed Sirius on your way to find a table, and your eyebrows shot up in surprise to see him already there. Sirius winked back and your cheeks flushed red.
“Hello Princess,” he said, strutting over to where you had dropped your books at a back table.
“Hello Black,” you mimicked, taking a seat. You opened up your potions book. “Do you want to start here?”
Sirius sighed. “You know we don’t actually have to do work right? We can just sit and talk.”
You raised an eyebrow. “And what do you propose we talk about?”
Sirius thought for a moment. “What’s your favorite color?”
“Really?” you asked in surprise. That question was not what you expected. “Purple,” you replied automatically. “You?”
“Red. Favorite class?”
“Mine’s Defense against the Dark Arts.”
“The one place you want to travel to?”
Sirius thought for quite a few seconds there. “Germany. You?”
This went on for several minutes, and when Professor McGonagall came in to check on you two you had learned several different quirks about Sirius. His favorite animal was a dog, his favorite muggle sport was what the Americans called football, his greatest pet peeve was “hallway hogs”, and he wanted to have at least two children when he was older.
You smiled slightly. You never really considered Sirius one to have children, but now that you thought about it he would probably be a great father.
McGonagall though was not amused. She was wondering why fifteen minutes had passed and no work was being done.
“Sorry professor,” you muttered, reopening your potions book. “We’ll get started now.”
“Good,” she nodded curtly. “I expect you two to be productive.”
When she had left Sirius pulled out his Potion’s essay and quill. He had about eight of the eleven required inches completed.
“I don’t know what else to add,” Sirius complained, re-looking over his paper.
“Do you want me to read it?” you offered. “I can see what you're missing.”
Sirius pushed the paper over to you.
As you were reading it you felt eyes on you and looked up. Sirius was watching you.
“Don’t stare at me,” you grumbled.
“Sorry,” he muttered, turning away.
The moment you looked back down Sirius couldn’t help but let his eyes wander to you again.
He studied the way you bit your lip when you were thinking and drummed your nails lightly on the desk as you read. He picked up on how you were constantly having to brush your hair behind your ear as it fell into your face, and though there was a hair tie on your wrist, you never pulled it back.
You were entrancing to Sirius. There was something incredibly intriguing about you, the way you could be so cold and hard, then witty and charming depending on who you were with. Sirius had only ever received your rather harsh side, that is until today.
“You’re doing it again,” you commented, your eyes reading the last few lines.
“Doing what?” Sirius asked, only half listening. He was busy focusing on how you were twirling your hair.
“Staring,” you said, looking up.
Sirius met your eyes. “Couldn’t help myself Princess, the view was too good.”
Sirius grinned when your cheeks tinged pink.
“Like what you see?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I think it’d be better without the green and silver robes, maybe without any robes at all,” Sirius winked.
“Good luck with that, Black,” you scoffed.
“Don’t worry Princess,” Sirius replied smugly. “I can be very persistent.”
“That’s good then,” you said, handing his essay back to him. “This paper could use some persistence. It needs three more inches.” You flipped through your potions book until you reached the page you wanted. “Try filling that with the origins of the Draught of Living Death, you haven’t talked about that yet.”
Sirius made a face and grabbed his quill. “You’re no fun.”
“I can be fun when I want to be Black,” you winked.
Sirius wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “Do I get to see this fun side sometime?”
You didn’t respond, though Sirius could see the smile playing at your lips.
Something strange happened in the weeks that followed. Sirius Black actually considered himself friends with a Slytherin. And that Slytherin was the girl he spent three nights a week with for an hour and half to do his class work. That Slytherin was smart and funny, sly as all the snakes were, and had somehow managed to capture a part of Sirius’s heart. But of course he would never admit that.
He ran into you one Friday night several weeks later, only fifteen minutes before you were to meet him in the library.
“What are you doing here Princess?” Sirius asked, surprised to see you in a wing of the castle so close to the Gryffindor common room.
“I had to deliver something to the owlery,” you replied simply.
Sirius winked. “Deceit is the root of all evil Princess, you don’t need to hide the fact that you were looking for me.”
“Looking for you? Now that was definitely what I was doing,” you replied sarcastically.
“I knew I was right,” Sirius said smugly.
You rolled your eyes, but there was a grin on your face.
“Since you’re here Princess, you better come up and help me get my books,” Sirius said, leading you towards the portrait of the Fat Lady.
“Did you just invite me up to your room?” you asked, placing a hand on your chest in mock shock.
“Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t. You’ll just have to come and see.”
You had to admit that you were curious. You had always wondered what the Gryffindor common room looked like. The Fat Lady complained when Sirius brought you with him to the entrance, but eventually she swung open and let you step in.
“Keep your head down Princess, you’re in enemy territory,” Sirius whispered in your ear, causing a shiver to roll down your spine.
You tucked up closer beside him, hoping you could somewhat cover the green and silver on your uniform. Sirius led you up the stairs to the boys dormitories with no problems and through the dormitory door labeled Seventh Years.
You raised an eyebrow, taking in the mess of clothes and alcohol, pranking supplies and school books that littered every available surface.
Sirius walked over to what you could only assume was his pile of possessions and began to sort through his trunk. You sat down on the nearest bed, hoping it was his. You really did not want to be on the one belonging to James Potter.
“Oi Sirius, this is yours right?” you asked, motioning to the bed you were sitting on.
Sirius looked over. “Yeah, why? Already picturing you and I in it?”
“That thought may have crossed my mind,” you said, smirking at the way Sirius’s eyes widened. “But I was more interested in who these belonged to.”
You held up a pair of boxers with little Gryffindor Lions all over it that had been sitting beside you.
If Sirius was embarrassed he didn’t show it.
You stood up and held them in front of Sirius, as if you were trying to picture him in them. Well you were picturing him in them, but he didn’t need to know that. “I’m sure you’d be such a cutie in these,” you teased.
Sirius stepped closer to you, leaning down so he could whisper in your ear. “I may look cute, but you would be so fucking hot in those princess, especially after I did you right here in this bed.”
You could feel your knees go weak and you looked up at Sirius with your eyes wide. There was no way he couldn’t hear your heart racing.
He tilted his head, moving it closer to yours, and placed his hands firmly on your hips. Your lips parted slightly and you glanced up at his which were getting closer and closer to you by the second.
Your breath quickened, your heart raced, and you closed your eyes.
“You know I’m going to kiss you now Princess,” Sirius said huskily, his lips brushing against yours.
And he would have too, if the pound footsteps had been a second later and James Potter’s loud voice hadn’t echoed up the stairs.
Sirius swore loudly, whilst your expression turned to one of panic.
“Under the bed,” he said quickly, and you did as told, diving under his as Sirius pushed the clothes on the floor to cover up the gap where you could be seen.
You heard the door bang open and James loudly declaring his presence as he thundered in. You hadn’t heard them before, but the soft chatter that followed told you Remus and Peter were with him.
Sirius made an effort to stand as much as he could in front of his bed, hoping the three boys wouldn’t notice that there was another person in the room with them. That other person being the cold hard Slytherin Sirius knew he couldn’t be caught dead with.
“Oi Padfoot,” James said, clapping his friend on the back as he went over to dig through his own trunk. “What are you doing here? I thought you had tutoring with the Ice Queen.”
James laughed at his nickname for you loudly and Peter joined in, always one to laugh along at James and Sirius’s jokes, no matter how bad they were.
“I do,” Sirius said quickly, grabbing a random textbook. “I was just getting ready to head down.”
Sirius tried not to gasp aloud as James walked over and flopped on his bed, looking up at his friend with amusement.
You could feel the springs sink above you, and you did your best not to panic. Your heart felt like it was beating out of your chest.
“How's she doing anyway?” James asked.
“What?” Sirius yelped, his focus back on James.
“How’s the Queen doing?” James clarified.
“Princess,” Sirius muttered under his breath. Remus's eyebrows raised in surprise.
James had heard it too and his eyes lit up in glee. “You fancy her mate!” he cried out in excitement. “You fancy Y/N L/N!”
You were so glad no one could see your face because your cheeks had turned a very vibrant shade of red.
You heard Sirius start to protest but James cut in again.
“Oh come on Pads, it’s obvious.” James said, and you felt the springs move as he shifted around above you. “I knew you couldn’t have failed that Potions test. You only did that so you could get more tutoring out of her. Damn mate, you have it bad for that Slytherin.”
Knowing that Sirius purposely failed a test so he could spend more time with you made your heart flutter. Merlin why did you find that so incredibly cute?
Sirius though had something else running through his head entirely. He really didn’t want to reveal to his friends that said Slytherin was below James right now and desperately needed to get out. McGonagall could come into the library to check on the two of them at any moment and neither would be down there. James wasn’t going to leave until he teased the hell out of Sirius over you, so he did the best thing he could think of to get his friends to shut up and leave.
“I don’t fucking like her Prongs,” Sirus said sharply. “I only see her because I’m forced to and the reason I failed that test was because she sucked ass at tutoring. I’d quit if I could.”
Your jaw dropped and your cheeks turned red for a very different reason.
“She’s just like all the other snakes, a self absorbed spoiled bitch,” Sirius finished.
James snorted in laughter. “You got that right.” He stood up from the bed where he had been lounging and clapped Sirius once more on the back as he walked back. “I was worried for you there mate, thought she had gotten to your head.”
Sirius didn’t respond as James passed him and Peter trailed after him out the door.
Remus was slightly behind, and when he reached the doorframe he turned and looked back at Sirius. “It’s okay if you like her, you know,” he said softly.
Remus could see there was conflict in his friend's eyes.
“I know,” he finally said quietly.
Remus nodded and followed James and Peter, leaving Sirius alone. Well as alone as he could be when there was a now fuming Slytherin under his bed.
“It’s clear Princess,” he said, turning around, but you had already crawled out.
Hurt and betrayal were evident in your eyes. “Do. Not. Call. Me. That.” you hissed, shoving past him.
“Come on Princess, you know I was just making that up,” Sirius protested.
You reeled around. “And that somehow makes it hurt less?” You marched towards him. “You could have said anything else Sirius Black, anything else to get them to leave. Why did you have to choose that?”
Sirius opened, then closed his mouth. He didn’t have an answer for that.
“That’s what I thought,” you said dryly, and you stormed out of the room. Tears were in your eyes.
You could tell by the pounding footsteps that Sirius was following you, calling out behind you. You ignored him.
Your efforts at hiding before were now useless as James, Remus and Peter had all looked up for the source of the ruckus from where they were sitting on the couch.
James’s jaw practically hit the floor when he saw it was you, the green on your robes a stark contrast to the warm red of the common room.
Peter too looked equally surprised, but Remus was only sitting quietly beside him, a knowing look in his eyes.
“Princess!” Sirius tried again, ignoring his gaping friends.
“Leave me alone Black!” you yelled.
And then you were gone.
Sirius was quiet for the next several days. He went to his classes like he should and for once did his homework. James didn’t know what to do for his best friend, he was powerless. He tried distracting him with quidditch and pranks and midnight exploring, but Sirius showed no signs of perking up.
It was Remus who eventually got through to him.
“You have tutoring tonight you know,” he said that evening. Sirius was pretending to be asleep on his bed.
“I know,” he muttered. “I’m not going.”
“No Sirius, you have to go, you need to talk to her,” Remus insisted.
“She hates me Moony, I can’t go make it worse.”
Remus sighed. “No she doesn’t Sirius, you and I both know that. You’re just ashamed and embarrassed. Sometimes though, the best thing you can do is apologize.”
“You say that like it’s easy,” Sirius grumbled.
“It’s easy when you know what to say,” Remus corrected.
And Sirius did know what to say. He had been playing the words through his head for the past three days.
That was how Sirius found himself walking down the hall, books in hand, towards the library.
There was a surprising amount of activity that Monday night, as Peeves had managed to create an ice rink in the Great Hall and lured all the house elves from the kitchen out to skate on it. Now most of the students were coming down themselves to give it a try and even Dumbledore had joined in on the festivities, his white beard flying behind him as he skated across the ice.
Sirius would have to make a mental note to come back afterwards if the teachers hadn’t removed it by then.
Then, Sirius suddenly caught sight of you coming up from the dungeons, a book bag on your shoulder. You were looking curiously at the crowd of students in the main corridor swarming into the Great Hall.
You were caught up on the sight of the giant ice rink that you didn’t even notice when Sirius walked up behind you and said softly, “I don’t think you're a bitch and I don’t think you're self absorbed. I think you’re the funniest and sweetest and smartest girl I’ve met. I love the way you laugh and the way you bite your lip when you’re thinking. I’m so sorry Y/N, I was an idiot the other day, and I regret every word that left my mouth. Please-”
“Even the part about me in your boxers?” you asked, turning to face him. Your cheeks were a light shade of red and there was a smile on your lips.
Sirius smirked. “No Princess, I don’t regret that one bit.”
But before you could reply your world turned upside down as Sirius dipped you in the hall. In front of everyone. But your thoughts weren’t on the people who could be staring or the rumors that would start. No, they were on Sirius and the fact that his lips had pressed against your own.
As he pulled you back upright you could see his famous smirk on his face.
In a tone that made butterflies explode in your stomach, he whispered in your ear, “I always finish what I start Princess.”
Taglist: @missmulti @girl-next-door-writes @28cnn @thedarlinghufflepuff @rocket-svt
Check out my other Sirius Black fic: Shut Up and Kiss Me
Masterlist: Click Here
Other Fics:
The Wrong Twin || George Weasley
Changing Fate || Regulus Black
Secret's Out || Oliver Wood
653 notes ¡ View notes
padfoot-and-prongsie ¡ 2 years
Thank you!!! This just made my day. Every writer loves to hear someone else acknowledge their work you ❤️
So as I am also an avid reader as well as writer, I figured I'd credit some of the writers who have inspired me and whose work I adore. This started with the stardust reblog challenge but it will probably continue afterwards. Enjoy!
@sunder-soul (Autumn's favorite: Mimicry)
@writerpetals (Autumn's favorite: waves of bliss)
@sub-text-again (Autumn's favorite: Shakespeare)
@wwilloww (Autumn's favorite: Tell Me What You Want)
@padfoot-and-prongsie (Autumn’s favorite: Shut up and kiss me)
@saintlike78 (Autumn's favorite: I hate you)
@acosmis-t (Autumn's favorite: vivre d'amour et d'eau fraĂŽche)
+ more to come~
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padfoot-and-prongsie ¡ 2 years
I hope fanfiction writers know that I think of them like celebrities
I literally scream a little bit whenever one of them interacts with a comment i made on one of their posts like they are literally famous in my mind
thank you fanfiction writers you are literally sometimes the only thing keeping me alive 
19K notes ¡ View notes
padfoot-and-prongsie ¡ 2 years
Fred: Easy, love... it hurts
y/n: Well, you wouldn't have gotten the bruise if you didn't punch him
y/n: Baby, it was a handshake
1K notes ¡ View notes
padfoot-and-prongsie ¡ 2 years
Thank you so much for including my fic! This made my day ❤️
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└stylesparker’s 1.3k fic recs┐
** indicates adult content, 18+ only
link to post
watercolor eyes @enviedear sirius black x reader
I always finish what I start @padfoot-and-prongsie sirius black x reader
something so magic about you @rae-gar-targaryen remus lupin x reader **
pomegranates @scandalous-chaos remus lupin x reader
just ours @0x81 wolfstar x reader
friends with benefits and secrets @slytherweasley wolfstar x reader
migraine @earlgreydream marauders x reader
he loves you @cryonme regulus black x reader
did I take it too far? @jamespotterswhcre regulus black x reader
schat @amourology kaz brekker x reader
beggin’ @anthonysharmaa kaz brekker x reader
sweetheart @cardanslctters kaz brekker x reader
don’t let go @magpiencrow kaz brekker x reader
the shattering @desireav kaz brekker x reader
convenience @ontheoddoccasioniwritestuff anthony bridgerton x reader **
the inn @sargeant-bxrnes anthony bridgerton x reader **
right in front of me @idontgiveaflyinggrayson69 anthony bridgerton x reader **
the princess and the lord @ficnacs benedict bridgerton x reader
en garde @delphispoeticals benedict bridgerton x reader
59 notes ¡ View notes
padfoot-and-prongsie ¡ 2 years
Congratulations on 400! I am so honored to know that you love my works and that I inspire you. So, if you don't mind, I'll be joining in on the celebration 😊 Can I request 🍄 for a College!Au with Fred?
Noisy Neighbors
It's done! I'm so sorry it took ages, but I absolutely loved writing it ♥️
0 notes
padfoot-and-prongsie ¡ 2 years
Sirius Black is for girls who talk a lot and say nothing. He is for girls who overthink every little detail but convinces themselves that they’re a shallow person. He is for girls who wear their hearts on their sleeves only for people who know how to read it. For girls who uses music and fashion as a way to express themselves because they’re bad at doing it verbally.
He is for girls who thinks sharing their problems is a burden for the other person so instead, hides their problems, never asks for help but doesn’t hesitate to offer help when another person seek help. 
He is for girls whose love language is acts of service and coping mechanism is humour
397 notes ¡ View notes
padfoot-and-prongsie ¡ 2 years
Noisy Neighbors || Fred Weasley College!AU
Character: Fred Weasley
Word Count: 1.5k
Requested: Yes!
Summary: You are summoned from your peaceful Friday evening to deal with the rowdy dorm boys next door.
Warnings: Cheeky Fred ;)
Disclaimer: I did not make this gif! Credit to the talented lovely who did
A/N: I'm back! Testing season is finally over and my writing time is here again. Thank you so much for being patient with me <3
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You settled onto your creaky dorm bed, a bowl of microwave popcorn in hand and your laptop tuned into the next episode of New Girl. It was a Friday night, you had no pressing homework, and you planned to binge the rest of season 4. 
“Who’s that girl, yeah who’s that girl,” you sang along with the theme song. Jessica Day was dancing along your laptop screen. “It’s Jess!” you finished dramatically, throwing several popcorn pieces into your mouth. 
There was a sharp knock on your door.
“You have got to be kidding me,” you muttered, pausing your favorite show.
You got off your bed, and slowly walked over to the door. You barely had it open when the person on the other side asked extremely quickly. “Are you the Residence Assistant?”
You blinked slowly, taking in the girl with the large bushy brown hair on the other side. “Is that what the sign says?” you asked boredly. 
You watched the girl’s eyes dart to the two letters “RA” that were stuck to your door. You had originally signed up for the position because it got you a cheaper room than renting an apartment would and let you live by yourself. You had thought it would be easy. What you hadn’t accounted for was the obnoxious residents like this girl who would pound at your door at every ungodly hour when they had a problem.
“If it’s a maintenance issue come back in the morning, nobody is here to fix that now,” you rattled off, having had to say that line several dozen times a month.
“Oh no it’s not that,” she said, furiously shaking her head. “The people next door to me are being extremely rowdy and obnoxious. I can’t focus enough to study.”
You sighed. “Have you tried the library?”
“That is beside the point,” she said quickly. “This is my dorm room and I expect a certain level of civility from the people sharing my walls.”
You could feel a headache coming on. It was a Friday night, she shouldn’t have her nose in a textbook.
“What’s the room number? I’ll go check it out in a little,” you said, having absolutely no intention of doing so. 
The girl scrunched up her nose to think. “Good heavens I can’t remember.”
Of course she can’t, you thought in annoyance.
“What’s your room number then?” you tried. “Are the people who are causing the issues on the left or right of you?”
“237,” she replied. “Now do you mean the left or right of when you’re in the hall or in my room looking out at the hall?”
“Bloody hell I don’t know,” you snapped. “Just pick one.”
Now you definitely were not going to check out the problem. This freshman was starting to get on your nerves.
“How about I come show you, it’ll be easier,” she decided.
“No, it would be easier if I checked later,” you corrected.
She ignored you. “Just come this way, I’m just over here.”
You groaned, but she was all the way down the hall.
“Are you coming?” she asked, turning to see why you weren’t directly beside her.
“Yes,” you muttered, cursing her in your head as you walked over to meet her.
She led you down to the end of the adjacent hall and took a left, finally stopping directly in front of room 236.
“This is them,” she said, pointing firmly at the wooden door.
“You can go back to your dorm now, I can take care of this,” you said. You were secretly hoping she would leave so you could go back to your show and popcorn.
“That’s okay, I can wait with you.”
Of course you can, you thought.
Accepting that she wasn’t going anywhere, you rapped loudly on the dorm room door.
You could hear the music that had been playing loudly turn off. There was a pad of footsteps and then the click of the door unlocking. The person behind it pulled it open. Your jaw dropped.
Standing on the other side and running a hand through his messy red hair was the most gorgeous guy you had ever seen. He had bright brown eyes that were taking you in in amusement and tousled red hair. His face was dotted in freckles that only seemed to soften his chiseled jaw. He was wearing a tight black shirt that did nothing to hide the defined muscles under it. You could see the outlines of his abs perfectly. 
You were not aware that you were staring until he reached out and closed your mouth with one long finger.
“Wouldn’t want to catch any flies there love,” he said, winking. 
You wanted to swoon.
He leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms in front of his chest. You were hyperly aware of his bulging biceps that were stretching against the fabric of his shirt.
“Can I help you?” he prompted.
“Huh- uh- what?” you managed to stutter. You shook her head sharply in an attempt to remind your brain to function.
He chuckled. “You’re the one who knocked on my door. I assume it wasn’t just to gawk.”
“She’s here to talk about you being disruptive,” the girl blurted out behind you. You had completely forgotten she was there.
“I was being disruptive?” he asked in amusement.
“Yes, your music is too loud,” she answered loudly. You turned around and glared at her. If she would just shut up for only a minute.
“Hmm really? I had no idea,” he mused.
You finally managed to pull yourself together. “You need to find a way to turn that sound system down because you’re disrupting the whole floor here.”
“The whole floor? That’s the first I’ve heard of this.”
“Listen, as the Resident Assistant it’s my job to make sure everyone on this floor is happy, and currently this one,” you pointed rather agitatedly at the bushy haired girl behind you, “is discontent with the volume of your music, so if you could please just turn it down for Pete’s sake.” 
The boy quirked an eyebrow, taking in the waves of annoyance that were seeping off you. “So you’re a Resident Assistant?” he asked.
“That’s not the point, your music is too loud!” the girl behind you interjected angrily.
You turned to her sharply. “Why don’t you go back to your room and let me handle this, you’ve done enough.”
Her cheeks turned a deep shade of red as she realized that she was getting on your nerves. Nodding softly, she turned and entered the room next door leaving you and the devilishly handsome redhead alone together in the hall.
“So you were sent to punish me?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
For some reason that question made your stomach flutter and your knees go weak 
“Uh, umm, I–” you stuttered, inwardly cursing yourself for letting him have this effect on you.
A smile quirked at his lips. “Are you trying to say something love?”
“Yes I am,” you respond, finding your voice again. “You gotta turn that music down buddy or else I’ll be hearing about it for the rest of night from her.” You jerked a thumb in the direction of the room the girl had just gone into.
He didn’t seem deterred. “Buddy?” he instead asked, letting out a chuckle.
God that was probably the hottest sound you had heard all day. You told your conscience to shut up.
“Well I wasn’t given a name, but that doesn’t matter anyways,” you said curtly. “Just turn the music down and I won’t come back and bother you.”
Now you seemed to catch his attention. “So you’re saying all I have to do is disruptively play my music and you’ll be pounding at my door?”
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, but I’ll be pissed if I have to come over here again.”
“Good thing you’re hot when you’re angry,” he winked. Your cheeks flushed red. “And when you’re flustered,” he added.
You couldn’t move for several seconds as your brain tried to start functioning again.
He raised an amused eyebrow. “Is there anything else I can do for you?”
“Uh yeah,” you muttered. You were annoyed with the effect he had on you. “I need your name for some paperwork I have to fill out.”
He grinned. “Fred Weasley.” Fred winked again. “I’m sure you’ll remember it.”
“That’ll do Weasley,” you said curtly. “Turn the music down and I’ll only write this up as a warning.”
“I appreciate your generosity there,” Fred grinned. “I’ll see you around RA.”
“Only if you disrupt your neighbors,” you said pointedly.
Fred smirked. “Then I’ll try to be as loud as possible if that gets you knocking on my door.”
Check out my other Fred Weasley fics:
Is That My Bra?
I Would Give You the World
Sneaking Around
Late Night Conversations
Drunken "I Do's"
Masterlist: Click Here
Other Fics:
Shut Up and Kiss Me -Sirius Black
You'd Probably Look Good in Green - Draco Malfoy
164 notes ¡ View notes
padfoot-and-prongsie ¡ 2 years
Over 500 hearts!
This is most definitely one of my favorite fics that I have written. I am so incredibly honored that at least 500 of you amazing people have liked this story. It truly inspires me as a writer.
I Always Finish What I Start || Sirius Black
Character: Sirius Black
Word Count: 4k
Requested: No, but don't be afraid to send em in!
Summary: When Sirius lands himself in detention yet again, McGonagall sets him up with a tutor. Unfortunately you're the one who finds yourself in that roll.
Warnings: Swearing, references to sex
Disclaimer: This gif is not mine, credit to the wonderful person who made it!
A/N: I just reread the Gallagher Girls if you couldn't tell lol. Thanks for the hearts and reblogs!
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Sirius sulked down that hall at eight that night, having landed himself in detention with Professor McGonagall yet again. This time though, it wasn’t the rest of the marauders who had gotten him there. Sirius himself was the one who snuck up behind his lovely brother in the hall with a rather large and very angry pixie from class and dropped it down his robes. It was incredibly funny to watch and Sirius and been doubled over laughing as the creature shrieked and clawed at the inside of Regulus’s clothes to get out. Regulus himself was also shrieking and jumping up and down wildly. It would have been even funnier had Professor McGonagall not been standing right there when he did that and promptly docked 30 points from Gryffindor and awarded Sirius detention that night.
He knocked on the large wooden door to Professor McGonagall’s office, a place he knew all too well.
“Come in,” she replied, and Sirius pushed open the door.
“Sit,” she said sharply, pointing to a chair in front of her desk.
Sirius did as he was told.
“What will it be tonight Minnie?” Sirius asked, slouching in his seat. “Grading papers? Cleaning windows? Helping Flitwick?”
McGonagall pursed her lips. “No Black, none of those. I’ve decided that detention will do more harm for you than good, so I’ve arranged for something else entirely,” Sirius’s face lit up in glee at the prospect of avoiding a night of manual labor, “I’ve decided that you need a tutor.”
Sirius’s expression turned into one of a scowl.
McGonagall held up a hand to keep him from protesting. “I don’t want to hear it. We both know your shenanigans have gotten in the way of your studies and you need dire help if you still wish to become an Auror. The ministry will not hire someone with only A’s in their last year of classes.”
“Remus and Lily help me plenty,” Sirius argued.
“Helping, Mr. Black, is not copying,” McGonagall corrected. “There is a reason I didn’t ask them to be your tutor.”
“I am not sitting down for an hour every week with some stuck up know-it-all Ravenclaw like Terrence Boot,” Sirius complained.
McGonagall had to hold in a smile. She did agree that Terrence had a certain, usually extremely bothersome, way of expressing his smarts. “It’s an hour and a half, three days a week,” she corrected, “and she’ll be here in just a moment.”
As if on cue there was a sharp rap on the door.
“Right on time. Come in,” McGonagall called out.
Sirius looked over to meet your eyes as you stepped into the room.
Sirius smirked.
You narrowed your eyes.
“You have got to be kidding me,” you groaned.
“Hello Princess.”
McGonagall raised an eyebrow.
“Don’t call me that Black,” you snapped.
“Your highness, I always treat a Slytherin Princess with utmost respect,” Sirius replied sincerely.
You turned to look at McGonagall. “Professor I am not helping this prick, this was not what I signed up for.”
“If I remember correctly Miss L/N you didn’t sign up for anything when you decided to hex Miss McDonald in the hall yesterday because she insulted you. So either sit yourself in this chair right now or I will arrange for detention every night scraping the gum off the bottom of every desk in this school!”
You let out what sounded like a snarl to Sirius and sat down in the chair next to him.
You had always disliked Professor McGonagall, even more when she told Slughorn she would deal with your detention since she needed you to help with another student. And of course that student had to be Sirius Black.
“Now that we have that settled,” continued Professor McGonagall, “I will restate what will be happening here. Miss L/N, you will be tutoring Mr. Black on Charms, Potions, and History of Magic until he demonstrates proficiency in the subjects and gets his grades up. Mr. Black, you will be respectful and studious at all times. I expect to see you make progress in all your classes. Monday, Wednesday and Friday you will spend at least an hour and a half in the library or another location approved by me from 7-8:30. I will make sure neither of you skip these tutoring sessions.”
Your face continued to make an expression of annoyance.
Sirius looked equally peeved.
“Now off with you two,” she said, making a motion as if to shoo them both away. “I will check in on you tomorrow.”
You briskly got out of your seat and left the room, already down the hall before Sirius had stepped out the door.
He quickly jogged to catch up.
“Excited for tomorrow Princess?” Sirius asked, resting his right elbow on your left shoulder.
You pushed him off. “No,” you stated dryly.
“Don’t lie to yourself darling,” Sirius replied. He smirked at the scowl that filled your face.
“You’re annoying, you know that right?” you snapped.
Sirius winked. “I know,” he replied smugly, “and I know you love that.”
“And I know you’re wrong,” you replied, winking in return.
You took a left for the stairs leading down to the dungeons.
“Princess?” Sirius called out behind you, “Tomorrow try to do a better job of hiding the fact that you fancy me, it’s rather distracting.”
You turned back to protest but Sirius was already gone. Your face burned red, though if it was in anger or because you were flustered you didn’t know.
The following day Sirius Black grudgingly separated himself from the rest of the marauders, grabbed his books, and sulked down the stairs to the library.
He stepped through the doors at precisely seven o’clock and began searching the tables for his Slytherin tutor. He wasn’t particularly excited to be there, but he figured he got the luck of the draw. Out of anyone he could be stuck with for an hour and a half three days a week, he would have picked you. Not necessarily because he thought he would like being tutored in general, but because he knew how quickly he could piss you off and make you blush. That alone was fun enough.
Sirius double and triple checked each table, and after not seeing you, decided he was going to call it and leave. That was, until you flew in, hair slightly wild and three textbooks in your hand.
You looked up and noticed Sirius on your way to find a table, and your eyebrows shot up in surprise to see him already there. Sirius winked back and your cheeks flushed red.
“Hello Princess,” he said, strutting over to where you had dropped your books at a back table.
“Hello Black,” you mimicked, taking a seat. You opened up your potions book. “Do you want to start here?”
Sirius sighed. “You know we don’t actually have to do work right? We can just sit and talk.”
You raised an eyebrow. “And what do you propose we talk about?”
Sirius thought for a moment. “What’s your favorite color?”
“Really?” you asked in surprise. That question was not what you expected. “Purple,” you replied automatically. “You?”
“Red. Favorite class?”
“Mine’s Defense against the Dark Arts.”
“The one place you want to travel to?”
Sirius thought for quite a few seconds there. “Germany. You?”
This went on for several minutes, and when Professor McGonagall came in to check on you two you had learned several different quirks about Sirius. His favorite animal was a dog, his favorite muggle sport was what the Americans called football, his greatest pet peeve was “hallway hogs”, and he wanted to have at least two children when he was older.
You smiled slightly. You never really considered Sirius one to have children, but now that you thought about it he would probably be a great father.
McGonagall though was not amused. She was wondering why fifteen minutes had passed and no work was being done.
“Sorry professor,” you muttered, reopening your potions book. “We’ll get started now.”
“Good,” she nodded curtly. “I expect you two to be productive.”
When she had left Sirius pulled out his Potion’s essay and quill. He had about eight of the eleven required inches completed.
“I don’t know what else to add,” Sirius complained, re-looking over his paper.
“Do you want me to read it?” you offered. “I can see what you're missing.”
Sirius pushed the paper over to you.
As you were reading it you felt eyes on you and looked up. Sirius was watching you.
“Don’t stare at me,” you grumbled.
“Sorry,” he muttered, turning away.
The moment you looked back down Sirius couldn’t help but let his eyes wander to you again.
He studied the way you bit your lip when you were thinking and drummed your nails lightly on the desk as you read. He picked up on how you were constantly having to brush your hair behind your ear as it fell into your face, and though there was a hair tie on your wrist, you never pulled it back.
You were entrancing to Sirius. There was something incredibly intriguing about you, the way you could be so cold and hard, then witty and charming depending on who you were with. Sirius had only ever received your rather harsh side, that is until today.
“You’re doing it again,” you commented, your eyes reading the last few lines.
“Doing what?” Sirius asked, only half listening. He was busy focusing on how you were twirling your hair.
“Staring,” you said, looking up.
Sirius met your eyes. “Couldn’t help myself Princess, the view was too good.”
Sirius grinned when your cheeks tinged pink.
“Like what you see?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I think it’d be better without the green and silver robes, maybe without any robes at all,” Sirius winked.
“Good luck with that, Black,” you scoffed.
“Don’t worry Princess,” Sirius replied smugly. “I can be very persistent.”
“That’s good then,” you said, handing his essay back to him. “This paper could use some persistence. It needs three more inches.” You flipped through your potions book until you reached the page you wanted. “Try filling that with the origins of the Draught of Living Death, you haven’t talked about that yet.”
Sirius made a face and grabbed his quill. “You’re no fun.”
“I can be fun when I want to be Black,” you winked.
Sirius wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “Do I get to see this fun side sometime?”
You didn’t respond, though Sirius could see the smile playing at your lips.
Something strange happened in the weeks that followed. Sirius Black actually considered himself friends with a Slytherin. And that Slytherin was the girl he spent three nights a week with for an hour and half to do his class work. That Slytherin was smart and funny, sly as all the snakes were, and had somehow managed to capture a part of Sirius’s heart. But of course he would never admit that.
He ran into you one Friday night several weeks later, only fifteen minutes before you were to meet him in the library.
“What are you doing here Princess?” Sirius asked, surprised to see you in a wing of the castle so close to the Gryffindor common room.
“I had to deliver something to the owlery,” you replied simply.
Sirius winked. “Deceit is the root of all evil Princess, you don’t need to hide the fact that you were looking for me.”
“Looking for you? Now that was definitely what I was doing,” you replied sarcastically.
“I knew I was right,” Sirius said smugly.
You rolled your eyes, but there was a grin on your face.
“Since you’re here Princess, you better come up and help me get my books,” Sirius said, leading you towards the portrait of the Fat Lady.
“Did you just invite me up to your room?” you asked, placing a hand on your chest in mock shock.
“Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t. You’ll just have to come and see.”
You had to admit that you were curious. You had always wondered what the Gryffindor common room looked like. The Fat Lady complained when Sirius brought you with him to the entrance, but eventually she swung open and let you step in.
“Keep your head down Princess, you’re in enemy territory,” Sirius whispered in your ear, causing a shiver to roll down your spine.
You tucked up closer beside him, hoping you could somewhat cover the green and silver on your uniform. Sirius led you up the stairs to the boys dormitories with no problems and through the dormitory door labeled Seventh Years.
You raised an eyebrow, taking in the mess of clothes and alcohol, pranking supplies and school books that littered every available surface.
Sirius walked over to what you could only assume was his pile of possessions and began to sort through his trunk. You sat down on the nearest bed, hoping it was his. You really did not want to be on the one belonging to James Potter.
“Oi Sirius, this is yours right?” you asked, motioning to the bed you were sitting on.
Sirius looked over. “Yeah, why? Already picturing you and I in it?”
“That thought may have crossed my mind,” you said, smirking at the way Sirius’s eyes widened. “But I was more interested in who these belonged to.”
You held up a pair of boxers with little Gryffindor Lions all over it that had been sitting beside you.
If Sirius was embarrassed he didn’t show it.
You stood up and held them in front of Sirius, as if you were trying to picture him in them. Well you were picturing him in them, but he didn’t need to know that. “I’m sure you’d be such a cutie in these,” you teased.
Sirius stepped closer to you, leaning down so he could whisper in your ear. “I may look cute, but you would be so fucking hot in those princess, especially after I did you right here in this bed.”
You could feel your knees go weak and you looked up at Sirius with your eyes wide. There was no way he couldn’t hear your heart racing.
He tilted his head, moving it closer to yours, and placed his hands firmly on your hips. Your lips parted slightly and you glanced up at his which were getting closer and closer to you by the second.
Your breath quickened, your heart raced, and you closed your eyes.
“You know I’m going to kiss you now Princess,” Sirius said huskily, his lips brushing against yours.
And he would have too, if the pound footsteps had been a second later and James Potter’s loud voice hadn’t echoed up the stairs.
Sirius swore loudly, whilst your expression turned to one of panic.
“Under the bed,” he said quickly, and you did as told, diving under his as Sirius pushed the clothes on the floor to cover up the gap where you could be seen.
You heard the door bang open and James loudly declaring his presence as he thundered in. You hadn’t heard them before, but the soft chatter that followed told you Remus and Peter were with him.
Sirius made an effort to stand as much as he could in front of his bed, hoping the three boys wouldn’t notice that there was another person in the room with them. That other person being the cold hard Slytherin Sirius knew he couldn’t be caught dead with.
“Oi Padfoot,” James said, clapping his friend on the back as he went over to dig through his own trunk. “What are you doing here? I thought you had tutoring with the Ice Queen.”
James laughed at his nickname for you loudly and Peter joined in, always one to laugh along at James and Sirius’s jokes, no matter how bad they were.
“I do,” Sirius said quickly, grabbing a random textbook. “I was just getting ready to head down.”
Sirius tried not to gasp aloud as James walked over and flopped on his bed, looking up at his friend with amusement.
You could feel the springs sink above you, and you did your best not to panic. Your heart felt like it was beating out of your chest.
“How's she doing anyway?” James asked.
“What?” Sirius yelped, his focus back on James.
“How’s the Queen doing?” James clarified.
“Princess,” Sirius muttered under his breath. Remus's eyebrows raised in surprise.
James had heard it too and his eyes lit up in glee. “You fancy her mate!” he cried out in excitement. “You fancy Y/N L/N!”
You were so glad no one could see your face because your cheeks had turned a very vibrant shade of red.
You heard Sirius start to protest but James cut in again.
“Oh come on Pads, it’s obvious.” James said, and you felt the springs move as he shifted around above you. “I knew you couldn’t have failed that Potions test. You only did that so you could get more tutoring out of her. Damn mate, you have it bad for that Slytherin.”
Knowing that Sirius purposely failed a test so he could spend more time with you made your heart flutter. Merlin why did you find that so incredibly cute?
Sirius though had something else running through his head entirely. He really didn’t want to reveal to his friends that said Slytherin was below James right now and desperately needed to get out. McGonagall could come into the library to check on the two of them at any moment and neither would be down there. James wasn’t going to leave until he teased the hell out of Sirius over you, so he did the best thing he could think of to get his friends to shut up and leave.
“I don’t fucking like her Prongs,” Sirus said sharply. “I only see her because I’m forced to and the reason I failed that test was because she sucked ass at tutoring. I’d quit if I could.”
Your jaw dropped and your cheeks turned red for a very different reason.
“She’s just like all the other snakes, a self absorbed spoiled bitch,” Sirius finished.
James snorted in laughter. “You got that right.” He stood up from the bed where he had been lounging and clapped Sirius once more on the back as he walked back. “I was worried for you there mate, thought she had gotten to your head.”
Sirius didn’t respond as James passed him and Peter trailed after him out the door.
Remus was slightly behind, and when he reached the doorframe he turned and looked back at Sirius. “It’s okay if you like her, you know,” he said softly.
Remus could see there was conflict in his friend's eyes.
“I know,” he finally said quietly.
Remus nodded and followed James and Peter, leaving Sirius alone. Well as alone as he could be when there was a now fuming Slytherin under his bed.
“It’s clear Princess,” he said, turning around, but you had already crawled out.
Hurt and betrayal were evident in your eyes. “Do. Not. Call. Me. That.” you hissed, shoving past him.
“Come on Princess, you know I was just making that up,” Sirius protested.
You reeled around. “And that somehow makes it hurt less?” You marched towards him. “You could have said anything else Sirius Black, anything else to get them to leave. Why did you have to choose that?”
Sirius opened, then closed his mouth. He didn’t have an answer for that.
“That’s what I thought,” you said dryly, and you stormed out of the room. Tears were in your eyes.
You could tell by the pounding footsteps that Sirius was following you, calling out behind you. You ignored him.
Your efforts at hiding before were now useless as James, Remus and Peter had all looked up for the source of the ruckus from where they were sitting on the couch.
James’s jaw practically hit the floor when he saw it was you, the green on your robes a stark contrast to the warm red of the common room.
Peter too looked equally surprised, but Remus was only sitting quietly beside him, a knowing look in his eyes.
“Princess!” Sirius tried again, ignoring his gaping friends.
“Leave me alone Black!” you yelled.
And then you were gone.
Sirius was quiet for the next several days. He went to his classes like he should and for once did his homework. James didn’t know what to do for his best friend, he was powerless. He tried distracting him with quidditch and pranks and midnight exploring, but Sirius showed no signs of perking up.
It was Remus who eventually got through to him.
“You have tutoring tonight you know,” he said that evening. Sirius was pretending to be asleep on his bed.
“I know,” he muttered. “I’m not going.”
“No Sirius, you have to go, you need to talk to her,” Remus insisted.
“She hates me Moony, I can’t go make it worse.”
Remus sighed. “No she doesn’t Sirius, you and I both know that. You’re just ashamed and embarrassed. Sometimes though, the best thing you can do is apologize.”
“You say that like it’s easy,” Sirius grumbled.
“It’s easy when you know what to say,” Remus corrected.
And Sirius did know what to say. He had been playing the words through his head for the past three days.
That was how Sirius found himself walking down the hall, books in hand, towards the library.
There was a surprising amount of activity that Monday night, as Peeves had managed to create an ice rink in the Great Hall and lured all the house elves from the kitchen out to skate on it. Now most of the students were coming down themselves to give it a try and even Dumbledore had joined in on the festivities, his white beard flying behind him as he skated across the ice.
Sirius would have to make a mental note to come back afterwards if the teachers hadn’t removed it by then.
Then, Sirius suddenly caught sight of you coming up from the dungeons, a book bag on your shoulder. You were looking curiously at the crowd of students in the main corridor swarming into the Great Hall.
You were caught up on the sight of the giant ice rink that you didn’t even notice when Sirius walked up behind you and said softly, “I don’t think you're a bitch and I don’t think you're self absorbed. I think you’re the funniest and sweetest and smartest girl I’ve met. I love the way you laugh and the way you bite your lip when you’re thinking. I’m so sorry Y/N, I was an idiot the other day, and I regret every word that left my mouth. Please-”
“Even the part about me in your boxers?” you asked, turning to face him. Your cheeks were a light shade of red and there was a smile on your lips.
Sirius smirked. “No Princess, I don’t regret that one bit.”
But before you could reply your world turned upside down as Sirius dipped you in the hall. In front of everyone. But your thoughts weren’t on the people who could be staring or the rumors that would start. No, they were on Sirius and the fact that his lips had pressed against your own.
As he pulled you back upright you could see his famous smirk on his face.
In a tone that made butterflies explode in your stomach, he whispered in your ear, “I always finish what I start Princess.”
Taglist: @missmulti @girl-next-door-writes @28cnn @thedarlinghufflepuff @rocket-svt
Check out my other Sirius Black fic: Shut Up and Kiss Me
Masterlist: Click Here
Other Fics:
The Wrong Twin || George Weasley
Changing Fate || Regulus Black
Secret's Out || Oliver Wood
653 notes ¡ View notes
padfoot-and-prongsie ¡ 2 years
Aww thank you so much for the tag!!! That made my day ❤️
Regulus black fics.
this is for @beaucherie here you go, love. I only met you today and im doing this.ďżź
if you are 18+ or 16+ and I have added you and your fic, I'm really sorry, I didn’t mean it intentionally. I'm just looking for any kind of fics; smut or fluff relating to regulus black in the  search bar and/or in hashtags. and I am trying my best to look at all the accounts to see if you are 18+ or not but if you did have an 18+ warning sign on your fic, I most likely didn’t add you but if I did I still sincerely apologize that is on me. if I did add you and you are 18+, please know that it was only because you write sfw too and I was reading your fluff fics and because you have a lot of good fics. either way, I’m still sorry. :( and sorry if I added you twice.
the de-grinching of regulus black; r.b by @dulcet-lover.
ďżź crazy in love by ^
final goodbyes by @tbzloonar.
Regulus Black by @roxetteblack.
He loves you by @cryonme.
Drunk nights by @scandalous-chaos.
and part two.
Wishes and a Gift by ^
The Best Man by ^
Words Unsaid by ^
regulus black masterlist ^
Second Choice | R.B by @messers-moony.
runaways by ^
regulus black masterlist ^
liar by @anordinarymuse
ever since by ^
abditory | marauders + regulus black by @ambrosialvr
little black book by ^
sweet something christmas by ^
another one by ^
your fated one by ^
my girls by @jetaimetamaman.
masterlist of @ddejavvu.
regulus black masterlist by @mirclealignr.
regulus black & fucking his best friend by @proserpina-magnus.
regulus black and thigh fucking by ^
pretty by @whosvioletta.
You by ^
ďżźacceptance by @lemon-boy-stan.
dating regulus black Headcannon by ^ďżźďżź
ďżźenchanted by @sarahisslytherin.
protective ďżźheadcannon of Regulusďżź by @theonly1outof-a-billion.
thunderstorm cures by ^
Piercing Shards of Glasses by @sirisuorionblack.
care by @soren-mai.
ďżźbracelets by @leydileyla.
only ďżźsoft for her by @mellifluousart.
regulus gifting you his ring by ^
cuddling with the black brothers by @henqtic.
ďżźďżźspecial care by @wrathspoet.
cornelia street by ^
regulus black masterlist by ^ďżź
professor regulus black by @roonilwazlibimagines
squeak! squeak!ďżź by @clarrissanewt.
biggie leo by ^
ďżźhappiest by @socksforgold.
ďżźTreehouse by ^
angel by @timotheechlamett.
ďżźregulus by ^
Innocent lost by ^ďżź
𝐣𝐞 𝐭'𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞 by @maybanksslut.
i love you by @cassieb1612.
sorry, ďżźSiriusďżź by @miiamour.
ďżźcomforting reggie by (my moot ily) @dylwrites.
being married to him by (tagged them already) scandalous-chaos.
A letter from Regulus by @quillsanddaydreams
ďżźpuzzle dates by ^
ďżźpolaroids by ^
ďżźmoonlight ďżźrambling by ^
pink, blues and yellows by ^
soft mornings by ^ ďżź
not anymore by ^
ďżź A little longer by @with-love-anu
peppermints and cologne by @lotsoffandomimagines ďżź
arranging fate by @padfoot-and-prongsie
baking with Regulusďżź by @marcela6malfoy
Carnival lights and City lines by @scvrllet ďżźďżź
hey baby by @fairydxll
Unrequited until proven per contra by @visd3stele.
okay that’s enough for now I’ve been doing this for maybe three hours and i’ll come back to add more later maybe. :)) i love you all and everyone I tagged let me just say you all are amazing!! <3
adding more;
me and my boyfriend by @inureflower
edging with r.a.b by ^
3 years by ^
crapbag by @kimorna
part two ^
harry potter masterlistďżź of/by @eunoniaa
okay i can’t tag anymore so im done. love you all <3
tags of moots; @sxriusblxck @ms-notorioustales @cyclonemetropolis @claireunoia @sagewritesstuff @dylwrites @f4iryluvy @inureflower
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padfoot-and-prongsie ¡ 2 years
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183. We are not allowed to move our dorm room beds to the Astronomy Tower for an “Ultimate Sleep Over”.
We are also not allowed to move other people’s beds to the Astronomy Tower to join us at our sleepover, without getting their explicit permission first. - RL
Apparently, people don’t like it when we move their beds for them. Even if it’s done with the excuse of “fun”. - SB
They especially don’t like it when we move their beds while they’re still sleeping in it. - JP
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padfoot-and-prongsie ¡ 2 years
You ever wonder if birds are afraid to fly?
Fred Weasley x fem! Hufflepuff! Reader
Summary: Y/n always thought George was the sweet twin and Fred was the famous player, but all that changes when she is assigned a project with him
Warnings: cursing, mentions of loss of virginity, nudity and sex, kissing, some angst at the start but overall very fluffy unless you’re George, written on a whim sorry if it’s a bit crap x
a/n: No Voldemort AU where everyone lives, reader can be read as Wolfstars adopted daughter if you want :) Hope you enjoy it, let me know what you think x
Everyone knew the Weasley twins, they were loved and adored by all, except maybe the Slytherins and a few choice Ravenclaws. Most knew George was the quieter, sweeter twin, while Fred was a bit of a player, leaving a trail of broken hearts behind him.
You on the other hand were no so well known, in fact you were pretty much invisible, and in honestly you both loved and hated it. It meant you kept off of their pranking radar and you weren’t really bullied by other houses. Everyone in Hufflepuff liked you, although some of the girls were a little jealous of yours and Cedric’s friendship their envy was shifted to Cho after the yule ball the previous year. You and Cedric had been friends you met in first year, and a year later another girl called Jess joined you, the three of you were the citrine trio.
Despite Cedric’s popularity, you remained relatively unknown by the other houses, even after he won the Triwizard tournament the previous school year. The three of you went touring around Europe using the prize money over the summer. You three would do everything together, of course now you were entering your final year and both your friends were in serious relationships you were beginning to feel a little alone.
It wasn’t their fault, you guys still spent every Wednesday evening together but every other day was spent in the library alone while they were with their significant other or at quidditch practice.
You had actually only spoke to one of the Weasley twins, since you were assigned to be their Transfiguration partner the second half of 6th year. You liked him, he was sweet and to your surprise actually helped with the project and didn’t slack off. You knew he wasn’t like his brother, George never really dated anyone, so when he flirted with you, you were surprised, you felt special.
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padfoot-and-prongsie ¡ 2 years
I love this ❤️
The Wrong Marauder
Pairing: Remus Lupin x reader
Summary: Remus overhears a private conversation and jumps to the wrong conclusion
Word count: 6k
Warnings: None I think? Aside from some swearing
A/N: This was a fun little idea I had last week and it somehow turned into a 6k word fic, not sure how lmao. Thank you to my love @thedevilwearsvibranium​ for beta reading this for me, and giving me the confidence to post it. ily <3
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Remus watched as you made your way to the table. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you. He knew he was staring, but he couldn’t help himself. You were so beautiful. 
“Well hello there, gorgeous,” Sirius said smoothly, winking at you as he did so. 
“Hi, Sirius.” You laughed at his neverending flirtations.
“Good morning, Y/N,” Remus greeted you, and you turned to him. 
“Hey, Rem,” you greeted back, raising your hand in a little wave. He started to smile, but had to fight the frown that wanted to settle onto his face as he saw the blush on your face. 
Damn Sirius and his stupid charms.
You sat down next to Sirius. It was the only space left available at the table, but still, Remus wished you’d been sitting next to him instead. 
He forced himself to take his eyes off of you, opting to focus on something other than the proximity between you and Sirius, which was driving him nearly insane. He brought himself back into the conversation his friends were having instead.
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padfoot-and-prongsie ¡ 2 years
So, this idea has been nagging me in the back of my mind, so I'm gonna bug you about it- can I ask for older sister y/n, and younger brothers Sirius and Reggie? Where the Slytherins are being douches to them, and y/n finds Reggie crying in a corne? Just protective Y/n and Sirius getting some payback against Slytherins, but mainly comforting their younger brother? Pleaseee?? - a very Tired octopus
This was such a cute prompt and I absolutely loved writing this. I'm sorry it took me so long to answer, I was struggling to find inspiration for it, but when that hit I managed to write this all out in just a couple hours! I hope you like it. This was one of those little fics that made me so happy to look back and read. This is definitely what a Black sibling would do ❤️
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Credit to the wonderful creater of this gif
"Oi Black, third time’s the charm am I right?” Avery called out to you shortly after the sorting ceremony and feast had finished. He was pointing gleefully at Regulus, the first Black child to finally land in Slytherin.
You and Sirius had been the mistakes of the family so to say, and every Slytherin at Hogwarts liked to make that known.
“At least we got three tries at greatness, your poor family only got one.” You gave Avery a look of dislike. “And it seemed to have missed the mark.”
Some of your fellow Gryfindors sniggered. Avery’s eyes narrowed.
“At least my mother doesn’t send me howlers every week,” he shot back.
“Reggy here won’t get those though,” added Mulciber, ruffling the first year's hair. “He chose the right house, am I right?”
Your fist clenched. Nobody touched your brother.
“Back off Mulciber,” Sirius said fiercely, coming up behind you. “Don’t bring him into this.”
You held Sirus’s arm, making sure he wouldn’t make any stupid moves at the rest of the snakes.
Regulus had yet to say a word, but his eyes were wide in fear. He had always been the least rebellious child, and though you knew he would survive better in your home life if he was a Slytherin, a part of you wished he had landed in any other house. If only so he could avoid the harassment of the other snakes.
“ ‘Don’t bring him into this,’ ” Avery mocked. “More like you stay out of it Black. He’s in our house now, and don’t worry, we’ll help him grow up just like mommy and daddy want him too. Now it’d be best if you two blood traitors run along now.”
Now Sirius was the one holding you back as you lunged towards a cackling Avery. You wanted to punch the smirk right off his face.
“Hey, calm down Y/N,” said James reassuringly. He was holding tightly to your other arm.
“I am going to make him regret–”
“No,” corrected Sirius, he carefully took your wand from your pocket before you could hex anyone. “You are not going to start a fight the first day back. I thought as the eldest you would have more wisdom, but here I am talking sense into you.”
You weren’t ready to let this go yet, but you let Sirius and James walk you backwards away from the Slytherins.
“Think about Reg,” Sirius continued. “Do you know what they would do to him if you beat the shit out of their leader?”
“Ok, ok,” you sighed, “but if any of them lay a finger on him…” You didn’t finish the threat.
Sirius laughed lightly. “I know, I know, they’re going to regret the day they were born.”
“They won’t hurt him,” James added. “Brainwash him maybe, but not hurt him. Your father would be on them so fast if they did anything to his son.”
And no, the Slytherins never physically hurt Regulus. They were smarter than that. They did however leave him as the constant brunt of their jokes, verbally abusing him because he didn’t have the strength yet to fight back. You and Sirius had grown up faster than most the second you hit Hogwarts, but Regulus had always been sheltered. He never knew people could be so cruel.
It was on your way to potions the following week that you heard the Slytherins laughing.
“Weak…he’ll never make it…heard him crying…behind the statue…I was only having fun…”
You were catching snippets of their conversation, but it wasn’t until Dolohov spoke that you realized who they were talking about.
His voice carried louder than the rest as he said mockingly, “Third time’s the charm my ass. That kid is just another mistake like the rest of them. How he ended up in this house beats me.”
Your vision turned red, as the uproar of laughter carried down the hall. You were about to hex the oblivion out of them when something else occured to you about what they had said: Regulus was crying.
You took off down the hall, wondering where on earth he could be. You jogged your memory of what else you had over heard.
“Behind the statue.”
That was it. You started looking behind every statue you passed, but Hogwarts was full of them. This would certainly take a while.
It wasn’t until you reached one of the quieter corridors on the second floor that you heard a gentle sob. You followed the sound and sure enough, found your crying brother behind the largest statue at the end of the hall.
“Reg?” you asked softly, carefully approaching his hiding spot.
“Go away!” he cried out angrily.
“Reg what did they say to you?” you asked, ignoring him.
You didn’t believe him.
“Hey, it’s going to be okay,” you said quietly, slipping down to sit next to him.
He was covering his tear stricken face with his small hands.
“No it’s not!” he cried out.
“Reg look at me.”
Regulus turned his head slightly and peaked through fingers. You could see his eyes were red and puffy from crying. A small part of you broke.
“Tell me what happened,” you encouraged him.
“They’ve been calling you and Sirus names all week, saying you two are failures, and–” he let out a sob “–and I told them to back off but they only turned on me and said was not truly a Black and then they started calling me names too and I have no friends and I’m all alone and I just want to go home,” he said this all very fast. “And this morning, while I was in the shower, they took all my clothes!” he let out another loud sob. “And during charms today they kept charming all my books to float in the air -we were learning the hovering charm- and I couldn’t get them down and one of them even took the special quill you got me for my birthday last year.” He shook softly as another flood of tears hit him.
You remembered that quill; it changed the color of your ink. Regulus had always loved it.
“They did all that o you?” you asked softly, putting an arm around his shoulders and pulling him into a side hug.
He nodded.
You forced yourself to take a deep breath. You were not going to go down and start a fight with the snakes, not yet at least. Regulus needed you more.
“Regulus,” you said firmly, looking straight at your brother. “What did father always say a Black should never do?”
“Show weakness,” he answered.
“Which is why I need you to stay strong. You are a Black, you represent this family, and you are better than every Slytherin here. You need to believe that.”
“They only make fun of me though,” Regulus protested.
“Then don’t let them. Show them what Blacks really are: strong, don’t take nobody’s shit, and more powerful than all.”
Regulus cocked his head. “You always told me that you don’t believe what mom and dad say.”
“I don’t believe it to an extent,” you corrected. “I don’t believe that you should discriminate against someone based on their blood type and all the other stupid ideologies they have, but I do believe you should have confidence in yourself and not let anyone tell you no. If you do that, Reg, they won’t mess with you.”
Regulus nodded. “And it’ll work?”
“That’s how Sirius and I made it through our first years,” you answered.
You stood up and brushed the dust off your robes. Regulus followed suit.
“Now wipe those tears off bud and show them who’s boss,” you said, before adding with a grin. “You can leave the revenge to Sirius and I.”
Regulus looked up and gave you the biggest smile you had seen from him since he had come to Hogwarts.
Sirius hadn’t even questioned you when you came into the common room later and told him they had to prank the Slytherins. He hadn’t even invited the rest of his Marauders to help devise a plan; this was family business.
At breakfast the following morning you and Sirius sent each other a wink. Now all you had to do was wait.
There was a shriek from the Slytherin table, and several curious heads turned to look as Alecto Carrow leaped up from the bench, wriggling madly and holding her rear end.
You tried to hold in a snigger.
The Ravenclaws, who were the closest, were beginning to laugh as one by one more Slytherin’s popped up from the bench and found themselves in a similar position as Alecto.
Gryffindors were now craning their necks to see what was happening and several professors were hurrying down from the staff table.
Many of the students were now grinning gleefully, as the only Slytherins who seemed to be affected were the ones who made it their mission to bully the other students. Mulciber seemed to be affected particularly badly as he was now sweating profusely and jumping around.
“Looks like some people got ants in their pants,” you muttered under your breath, causing several Gryffindors around you to snicker. Sirius caught your eye at that and gave you a knowing smile. Oh how true it was.
“What did you two do?” James asked, eyeballing you with both suspicion and humor in his eyes.
Sirius shrugged. “Absolutely nothing, but from the way it looks to me it seems that some very unfortunate Slytherins have found themselves with a case of ‘ants in your pants’”
James grinned. “And how did that come about?”
“I have no clue,” you said, shaking your head in bewilderment. “But if I had to guess, I'd think that their underwear must have turned into fire ants. Probably used a spell from Transfiguring Termites, and Other Household Pests. I heard they have that book in the library”
James snorted in laughter. “Is that so?”
“No idea,” Sirius said, “but that’s a good guess there. Might explain why Donohov is mooning the whole school right now.”
Everyone turned to look. It was true, in an attempt to rid himself of the creatures that were now swarming the seat of his pants, Donohov had promptly pulled them down. It seemed to surprise both him and Professor McGonagall, who was directly behind him, when there was no underwear beneath them. She promptly averted her gaze as a stream of ants fled from his trousers whilst Donohov’s shiny white ass was on display for all to see.
Regulus was the one grinning the most at the Slytherin table, and he turned to meet your gaze.
You sent him a wink.
“And that is why you never mess with a Black,” you muttered under your breath.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this <3
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padfoot-and-prongsie ¡ 2 years
Congrats! Can I have moodboard (🥑) male ship for Harry Potter?
I'm 20 year old chubby girl, 5'1" and Southeast Asian. My face look somehow gentle, and have introverted tendencies it won't last if someone initiates a conversation. Super talkative, sometimes hyper, giggly, nerdy, and swears like a sailor. Sarcasm and savagery are my main language and I'm the clown/drama queen friend. I tend stand boldly on what I believe, always chill, sweet, thoughtful, and not bothered to be true to myself, clumsy, and unattentive. The negative side is I have anger issues, get so provocative, belligerent, vulnerable, and weepy. I adore arts, singing, makeup, beauty pageants, choir, studying about my religion, reading something interesting, and gossiping the people I hate
I ship you with Fred Weasley!
- You both have a sense of humor and more energy than the sun. He loves your passion for what you believe in, even if that is you telling him off for one of his pranks. Fred balances out your different moods, always one to cheer you up when your upset or calm you down when you get fired up and angry. He does have a habit of bugging you when you're focused, but that you can live with.
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I'm sorry this took me a bit to get done, but I lived doing it. I hope you like it <3
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padfoot-and-prongsie ¡ 2 years
Hey sweets, it’s V! 🌻 Can I get a 🐢 with Sirius? I love to read and I’m obsessed with spooky things like old castles and foggy forests at night. I play/coach sports, garden, and have a very self-deprecating and snarky sense of humour. People also tend to trust me easily, so I try to merit that by being kind and thoughtful to everyone I meet. Thank you so much and congrats!!
Thank you so much for joining the celebration! I hope you like it <3
Sirius had always taken a liking to you because you were the only one to rival James on the quidditch feild
You and Sirius first really spoke though when you were assigned to tutor him in herbology. You were top of the class, Sirius was absolutely dreadful
Unfortunately the tutoring didn't help Sirius much as he spent most of his time staring at you. He found everything you did entrancing
You caught him staring rather intently once and awkwardly made several self deprecating jokes to lighten the mood
Sirius told you not to talk like that, that you were the most beautiful and incredible person he had ever laid eyes on. Then he kissed you.
You were kicked out of the library shortly after by Madam Pince on the account of "making out in a study environment"
You and Sirius love to explore Hogwarts with the marauders map.
You've done your own fair share of solo exploration and helped the marauders add to their map
Once Sirius even took you out to the forbidden forest.
Unfortunately for him you were rather keen on exploring as much as possible -Sirius on the other hand was scared shitless the second he saw a centaur
You are the only person other than the Marauders who know Sirius's animagus secret.
As a result you now gift him silly dog toys for his birthday
James finds this incredibly funny, especially after he caught Sirius playing with a squeaky chew toy once after the full moon
You and James have never let him live this down
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padfoot-and-prongsie ¡ 2 years
For FMK:
Fred, George or Oliver? 😏
Ok, this is a little easier.
I'm sorry Oliver lovers, but definitely kill Oliver. I love the Weasley twins too much.
Sleep with George, and of course marry Fred. (And nobody try to tell me he dies, Fred is alive in my heart lol)
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