pieceofwar · 2 months
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pieceofwar · 2 months
من مذكرات طفلة ناضجة/ عن أبي
مساء كل يوم في ذاكرتي، يرتسم مرتدياً بيجامة رمادية نُقِشت عليها مربعات مخملية اللون، مستلقياً على كرسيه المريح جداً، وأمامه تلفاز يبث الأخبار الهامة وغير الهامة على مدار الساعة. حليمٌ وحَسن الخُلق، لكنه قليل الكلام، كثير الصمت كمن أصابه داء العمق، ولذلك لا يمكن أن أخوض معه حواراً أو نقاشاً، كما لا يمكن الشكوى أو الاتّكاء على كتفه والبكاء قليلاً. قد لا يعرف أبدا أنني كنت أكتب عنه في دفاتري. صنعت أمي من أبي آلهة شديدة الهيبة، يكاد وجودها معنا في المنزل ذاته مقدسا.. لن يعرف أبي أنه لم يقترب، لن يفهم فن احتواء العُقد الصغيرة التي كبرت معي شيئا فشيئا، احتويتها أنا، وأحببتها أنا.
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pieceofwar · 2 months
hate how so much of adult friendship relies on updates, experiencing your life through pictures and tidbits. we had it good with childhood friends, could spend years and years basking in the same circumstance. now i just float through clouds of strangers, hungry for something solid and warm. yes i carry your heart within mine, yes i see the world through your eyes. but in that very moment i still feel alone, still know it's poor substitute for same room, twin smiles.
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pieceofwar · 3 months
مساء الخير، يا حلو شكل الإنسان وهو عارف قيمة نفسه، ما يغريه المديح ولا تعكّر مزاجه المذمة، يكون شعوره زي م�� قال عبدالله علوش: "ما عاد يرضيني وفا ولا يزعّلني جفا — متساويٍ في خاطري ظلم العرب وانصافها"
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pieceofwar · 3 months
كييفك ؟ وكيف الحياة معك
ليست أيامي، لكنني أُحصي نِعمي، وأؤمن أن المُرّ سيمرّ.. :)
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pieceofwar · 4 months
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pieceofwar · 4 months
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pieceofwar · 7 months
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pieceofwar · 7 months
“The way she saw it, too much religion could be as bad as too little, maybe even worse; but moderation was just not in her husband’s nature.”
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pieceofwar · 8 months
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"لقد تمنيت لو أنه بكى.."
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pieceofwar · 10 months
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pieceofwar · 10 months
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pieceofwar · 1 year
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Massimo Campigli - Weeping is Not Allowed / Non è lecito il pianto, 1944.
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pieceofwar · 1 year
“And after all that, however long all that may be, you'll go somewhere new, and you'll meet people who make you feel worthwhile again, and little pieces of your soul will finally come back. And all that fuzzy stuff, those years of your life that you wasted, that will eventually begin to fade.”
- Iris Simpkins from The Holiday (2006)
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pieceofwar · 1 year
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“Granny and Elsa used to watch the evening news together. Now and then Elsa would ask Granny why grown-ups were always doing such idiotic things to each other. Granny usually answered that it was because grown-ups were generally people, and people are generally shits. Elsa countered that grown-ups were also responsible for a lot of good things in between all the idiocy – space exploration, the UN, vaccines and cheese slicers, for instance. Granny then said the real trick of life was that almost no one is entirely a shit and almost no one is entirely not a shit. The hard part of life is keeping as much on the ‘not-a-shit’ side as one can.”
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pieceofwar · 1 year
When you reach your late 20s, people with uterus's might start receiving pressure from others to have to children. If you feel too young, or not ready, or simply don't want kids ever, that should be respected. You don't owe your parents, your partner, or society to have children just because you have a uterus.
Some people won't respect your right to reproductive choices even if you’ve made clear you don't to be a parent multiple times. They won't even respect your gender identity. You start to feel like people don't see you as a person, but as a reproductive organ.
You don't owe society to have children and you don't owe them any explanations to why. Neither you should have to listen to people trying to manipulate you into making a choice that you don't want to.
You shouldnt be pressured into having a child to please others. That decision is yours.
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pieceofwar · 1 year
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Reginald Dwayne Betts, from Felon; “Night”
[Text ID: Listen, who hasn't waited for something / to happen? I know folks died waiting. I know / hurt is a wandering song. / I was lost in my fear.]
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