pixoplanet · 24 days
🎙️ March 25th – Happy Birthday, Howard Cosell!
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pixoplanet · 2 months
❄️ It's February 27, International Polar Bear Day!
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❄️ International Polar Bear Day is celebrated every year on February 27th to raise awareness of the current state of polar bear conservation. As stewards of this planet, it's our responsibility to protect all Arctic animals and preserve their delicate ecosystem for future generations.
Polar bears are one of the most iconic symbols of the Arctic, known for their strength, beauty, and adaptability to extreme cold environments. However, climate change is presenting them with numerous challenges. The melting sea ice caused by rising temperatures is shrinking their habitat and reducing their access to prey.
What immediate actions can we take to protect our polar bears and preserve what’s left of their fragile Arctic ecosystem? We can support specific polar bear conservation organizations such as Polar Bears International and the World Wildlife Fund's Arctic Program. These organizations work tirelessly to research and implement strategies for polar bear conservation.
We can also support specific climate change prevention organizations like 350.org and the Sierra Club, who are dedicated to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating the impacts of global warming on polar bears and their habitats.
Organizations such as Conservation International and the Nature Conservancy focus on conserving biodiversity worldwide, including fragile ecosystems like in the Arctic.
By supporting organizations focused on polar bear conservation, climate change prevention, and biodiversity preservation, we can make a positive impact on protecting our beloved polar bears and preserving the delicate Arctic ecosystem for generations to come. Please do what you can to help. ☮️ Peace… Jamiese of Pixoplanet
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📚 Text Sources: https://justoneocean.org/ https://polarbearsinternational.org/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polar_bear https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_change https://www.aza.org/polar-bears-international https://www.worldwildlife.org/species/polar-bear https://www.un.org/en/chronicle/article/bare-sanctuaries https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/facts/polar-bear https://unfoundation.org/blog/post/how-biodiversity-loss-harms-human-health/ https://www.nwf.org/en/Educational-Resources/Wildlife-Guide/Mammals/Polar-Bear
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pixoplanet · 3 months
🦓 Today is January 31st, International Zebra Day!
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🦓 It's January 31st, International Zebra Day. There are three species of Zebra living in the world today – the Plains Zebra, Mountain Zebra, and Grevy’s Zebra – and they are all native to Africa, of course. The populations of all three Zebra species are declining. The most threatened is Grevy's Zebra, whose population has decreased 54% over the last 30 years. The Smithsonian Institution's National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute founded International Zebra Day to help raise awareness of the Zebras' plight and help encourage efforts to preserve and protect them and their habitats.
Each Zebra species has a distinct pattern of alternating black and white stripes. And why do Zebras have stripes? Believe it or not, scientists still aren't sure, though many theories exist. Stripes might provide camouflage in tall grass, especially at night. The stripes on a herd of Zebras might also confuse predators by making it difficult to determine where one Zebra ends and another begins. Or Zebras may use their stripes to identify each other as, like with human fingerprints, Zebra stripe patterns are unique to each individual. In addition, it's been proven that the alternating black and white pattern of Zebra stripes helps control body temperature and deters biting flies from landing. It could very well be that all of these factors play a part in the natural selection of stripes for Zebras. Are Zebras black with white stripes, or white with black stripes? In its mother's womb, each Zebra starts out black, and the white coloration develops there, while still in the womb.
There've been many attempts to tame Zebras, but their unpredictable nature makes this difficult. However, in 1907, Kenyan Doctor Rosendo Ribeiro regularly rode his tame Zebra to his patients' homes. That must have been a sight! ☮️ Peace… Jamiese
📚 Sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zebra, https://www.greenmatters.com/p/international-zebra-day, https://www.ehlers-danlos.com/international-day-of-the-zebra/, https://www.safariltd.com/blogs/toys-that-teach/international-zebra-day, https://www.takeactionforwildlifeconservation.com/international-zebra-day.html, https://wilderness-safaris.com/blog/posts/international-zebra-day-celebrating-africa-s-dazzling-equids, https://www.getactivewithanimals.com/blog/read_197184/international-zebra-day-is-on-31-january-2022.html
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pixoplanet · 3 months
🐲 It's Jan 16, Dragon Appreciation Day!
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🐉 It's January 16th. On this day in 2004, American author Donita K. Paul created "Appreciate a Dragon Day" to celebrate the release of her book "DragonSpell." Amazingly, from such a humble beginning, it's caught on not only all over America, but all over the world! Commemorated every year now, Appreciate a Dragon Day is marked by activities at children's museums and libraries to celebrate literacy and honor some of our beloved dragons in books and movies.
Most of you have a favorite dragon, whether you realize it or not. If you think about it, you're bound to come up with Puff, Mushu, Smaug, Norbert, Falkor, Toothless, Elliott, one of the three "Game of Thrones" dragons – Drogon, Rhaegal, or Viserion – or whomever. Today's a great day to share your favorite dragon with children – and learn about theirs – isn’t it?
Dragons are mythical creatures (except for the Komodo and Bearded Dragons, which are really lizards and not dragons at all) that resemble lizards with bat wings. They're often depicted as able to breathe fire and have large claws they slash their opponents with. Some dragons are depicted as having multiple heads. The word "dragon" comes from the Greek word "drakon" which means giant sea serpent. In the West, dragons are typically depicted as evil creatures. In East Asia, dragons are depicted in a positive light.
Why do dragons appear in almost every culture of the planet? It seems impossible we'll ever know for sure, but classical folklorist and ancient-science historian Adrienne Mayor hypothesizes that dragon stories may have been inspired by dinosaur and pterosaur fossil discoveries. In fact, to this day in China, dinosaur fossils are referred to as "dragon bones." Have fun learning about dragons today if you can make the time. ☮️ Peace… Jamiese
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pixoplanet · 3 months
🤎 It's January 15th – Martin Luther King Day! 🎂
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🤎 On this day in 1929, Martin Luther King Jr was born in Atlanta, Georgia. The leader and enduring symbol of the African-American Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 60s is revered for using civil disobedience to combat institutional racism.
In 1955, at the age of 26, Martin Luther King Jr helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Inspired by Rosa Parks' refusal to give up her seat to a white woman, he led the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott, which helped end racial segregation on the Montgomery, Alabama, public transit systems.
On August 28th, 1963, the African-American Civil Rights Movement reached its high-water mark. The peaceful "March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom" rally attracted 250,000 civil rights protesters to the Washington Mall. Martin Luther King Jr was the last speaker and delivered his iconic “I Have a Dream” speech.
On December 10th, 1964, Martin Luther King Jr was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize "for his nonviolent struggle for civil rights for the African American population." He turned over the $54,123 in prize money to the furtherance of the African-American Civil Rights Movement.
On April 4th, 1968, Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated, allegedly by a lone white racist, James Earl Ray, in Memphis, Tennessee, where he was to lead a protest march for striking sanitation workers. Martin Luther King Jr's legacy, however, will never die. ☮️ Peace… Jamiese
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pixoplanet · 4 months
🍎 The Amazing Life and Discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton
Introduction: Unveiling Newton's Remarkable Journey
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It's December 25th. To quote the greatest science communicator of our time, Neil deGrasse Tyson, "On this day long ago, a child was born who, by age 30, would transform the world. Happy Birthday, Isaac Newton," who was born this day in 1642 in Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth, Lincolnshire, England. According to the Gregorian calendar, which the world uses today, Newton was actually born on January 4th, 1643. However, in Newton’s day, England used the Julian calendar, and according to that calendar, Newton was born on December 25th. Mr. Tyson and I (among others) prefer to celebrate Sir Isaac’s birthday on the Julian calendar date.
And so today we celebrate the birthday of one of the most important human beings who’s ever graced our planet. Isaac Newton was an extraordinary physicist and mathematician and is credited with laying the foundation for classical physics and jumpstarting the scientific revolution. He believed and proved that all of nature is governed by universal laws that can be expressed mathematically. Newton’s list of accomplishments are long and profound and continue to shape our understanding of the world. His influence will be felt forever.
From his early years at Cambridge University to his later role as President of the Royal Society, Newton's impact on scientific thought cannot be overstated. Sir Isaac Newton's contributions to physics, astronomy, and mathematics are unparalleled. His theories and laws revolutionized our understanding of motion, gravity, and light. Through his meticulous observations and rigorous experiments, he laid the foundation for modern science as we know it today.
So let’s celebrate the life and work of this extraordinary man and explore how his insatiable curiosity led him to unravel the mysteries of the universe. Let’s uncover the stories behind some of his most iconic discoveries, such as the laws of motion and universal gravitation and see how his relentless pursuit of knowledge forever changed our perception of reality.
Prepare to be inspired by Sir Isaac Newton's unwavering dedication to unraveling nature's secrets. His legacy continues to inspire generations of scientists and serves as a testament to what can be achieved through relentless pursuit, unwavering determination, and an insatiable thirst for knowledge.
Let’s now embark upon this fascinating journey and unveil the remarkable life and contributions of Sir Isaac Newton – a true pioneer in the annals of scientific history.
🍎 Early Life and Education: The Formative Years
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Isaac's father unfortunately died two months before he was born. His mother remarried when he was three. Isaac’s stepfather died when Isaac was 12, and he was immediately pulled out of school to help run the family estate. Isaac seemed to show little promise in school anyway. His teachers described him as idle and inattentive. And Isaac soon showed he had no talent or interest in managing an estate, either.
An uncle persuaded Isaac's mother to let him go back to school. This time he must've shown some promise because after he graduated from primary school, the school's headmaster convinced Isaac's mother to send him to college. Isaac entered Cambridge’s Trinity College in 1661 at the age of 19 and began studying philosophy, science, and mathematics. He returned home in 1665 when Trinity College closed down due to a bubonic plague pandemic. Free to study whatever he wanted to while at home, he gobbled up all the mathematics texts he could lay his hands on. During this time, Isaac developed calculus and different theories on optics.
When Isaac returned to Cambridge in 1667, his newly-developed mathematical prowess was evident to all. His professors marveled at his ability to grasp complex concepts with ease and solve intricate problems effortlessly.
But it wasn't just his exceptional mathematical abilities that now set Isaac apart. His insatiable curiosity drove him to delve into fields of knowledge well beyond the confines of the classroom. He voraciously consumed more books on science, literature, and philosophy, expanding his horizons and developing a well-rounded understanding of the world.
🍎 Universal Laws of Motion: Revolutionizing Physics
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The Universal Laws of Motion that Newton formulated have revolutionized the fields of physics and mechanics. These laws provide a fundamental understanding of how objects move and interact with one another.
The First Law of Motion, also known as the Law of Inertia, states that an object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will continue moving at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. This concept has paved the way for our understanding of momentum.
The Second Law of Motion is known as the Law of Acceleration. It introduces the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration. It states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting upon it and is inversely proportional to its mass. This law enables us to calculate how much force is needed to accelerate or decelerate an object.
Lastly, the Third Law of Motion is known as the Law of Action-Reaction. It states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This principle explains why objects exert forces on each other when they come into contact.
Newton's Universal Laws of Motion have shaped our understanding of physics and have truly revolutionized our comprehension of how objects move in space. And they continue to have practical applications across numerous contemporary scientific disciplines such as engineering, robotics, and space exploration. They serve as a foundation for designing efficient machinery, predicting celestial movements, and even explaining everyday phenomena like walking and throwing a ball.
🍎 Universal Law of Gravitation: Unlocking the Secrets of Celestial Bodies
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Newton’s development of the three Universal Laws of Motion led him to formulate his Universal Law of Gravitation — a groundbreaking theory that has revolutionized our understanding of celestial bodies and their interactions. This law describes the gravitational force between any two objects in the universe, enabling us to unlock the secrets of planetary motion and other cosmic phenomena.
Through its elegant simplicity and yet immense explanatory power, the Universal Law of Gravitation transformed our perception of gravity and its influence on celestial bodies. Newton theorized that a smaller object doesn't actually orbit around a larger object, but that the two bodies orbit around their common center of gravity. With this realization and ever-more precise measurements of the sun and planets, his model of the solar system has continued to become more and more accurate over the years.
One of the most famous anecdotes associated with Newton is, of course, the story of him watching an apple fall from a tree as he was gazing at the moon. It’s said that this event sparked Newton's curiosity about why objects fall towards the Earth, leading him to develop the Universal Law of Gravitation. This simple observation paved the way for a profound understanding of how gravity not only governs our everyday lives, but also shapes the movements and behavior of every object in the universe. It serves as a testament to human curiosity and ingenuity in uncovering nature's secrets while reminding us that even seemingly ordinary occurrences can lead to extraordinary discoveries.
Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation continues to be a cornerstone in astrophysics and cosmology, guiding our exploration and expanding our knowledge of the cosmos. By comprehending and applying this law of nature, scientists through the years have been able to unravel mysteries surrounding planetary orbits, predict astronomical events with precision, and even explore outer space.
🍎 Optics: Shedding Light on the Nature of Color
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Newton's groundbreaking experiments with light have played a pivotal role in unraveling the mysteries of optics and color. At the time, scholars hotly debated the subject of whether or not color was an intrinsic property of light. Newton settled the debate in 1665 when he invented the prism and discovered that white light is composed of a spectrum of colors. By passing a beam of sunlight through a prism, Newton observed how it refracted into its constituent colors, creating a beautiful display which we now call the color spectrum.
This experiment revolutionized our understanding of light and demonstrated that different wavelengths correspond to different colors. It not only shed light on the nature of color but also paved the way for further exploration in the field of optics. His own continued experimentation led Newton to construct the world's first practical reflecting telescope in 1668.
The discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton about the nature of light have been instrumental in expanding and enriching our scientific knowledge. They continue to shape scientific advancements and inspire scientists and researchers to delve deeper into the intricacies of optics and its applications.
Our understanding of how light interacts with various materials has led to the development of innovative technologies like lasers and fiber optics. These inventions have had a profound impact on numerous fields such as communication, photography, lighting design, and even art. By comprehending how light behaves and how colors are perceived by our eyes, we’ve gained valuable insights into how we can manipulate these elements for practical purposes and creative expression in various aspects of our daily lives.
🍎 Mathematics: Pioneering Concepts Still Used Today
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Sir Isaac Newton’s contributions to the field of mathematics are nothing short of remarkable. His groundbreaking work in calculus has had a lasting impact on the field and continues to be used today.
Newton's development of calculus revolutionized mathematical thinking and provided a powerful tool for solving complex problems. His concepts, such as differentiation and integration, laid the foundation for modern mathematical analysis.
These pioneering mathematical concepts are still widely in use in various fields from physics to economics. They allow us to understand and model intricate systems, make predictions, and solve real-world problems. His contributions continue to shape our understanding of the world around us and serve as a testament to the power and beauty of mathematics. When sending a probe to the outskirts of the solar system, NASA scientists don't rely on Einstein's relativity to work out the math – they use Newtonian physics equations.
🍎 Legacy and Impact: How the Discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton Shaped Modern Science as We Know It
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Sir Isaac Newton has unquestionably secured his place in history. He's widely regarded as one of the most important people who's ever lived. His contributions to science have left an indelible mark on our understanding of the natural world. His groundbreaking work in physics and mathematics continues to shape modern science as we know it, as many of his ideas still hold true and his equations are still in use today.
One of the most significant aspects of Newton’s legacy is his influence on future scientists and thinkers. His Universal Laws of Motion and Gravitation, along with his invention of calculus revolutionized the fields of physics and mathematics, providing a solid foundation for subsequent scientific discoveries. Newton's rigorous approach to experimentation and mathematical reasoning set new standards for scientific inquiry, inspiring generations of researchers to follow in his footsteps.
Furthermore, Newtonian physics has had a profound impact on technology advancements. From the Industrial Revolution to space exploration, his work has provided the framework for engineering marvels that have transformed society. Scientists and engineers continue to apply the principles derived from Newton's work as they make further advancements in various modern fields such as aerospace engineering, robotics, and telecommunications.
Newton was revered during his own lifetime as the culminating figure of the Scientific Revolution and has since gone on to inspire and influence many scientists who have stood upon his shoulders to see even farther — Edmund Halley, James Clerk Maxwell, Ernst Mach, Albert Einstein, Edwin Hubble, Richard Feynman, Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and on and on.
It’s truly remarkable how Sir Isaac Newton's ideas continue to shape our present and future. His intellectual prowess and dedication to scientific pursuit have paved the way for countless breakthroughs that have propelled humanity forward. We owe an enormous debt of gratitude to this brilliant man whose legacy will forever be intertwined with modern science and technology. ☮️ Peace… Jamiese
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pixoplanet · 6 months
🎃 It's Oct 31st – Have a Spooky Halloween!
🎃 It's October 31st – Happy Spooky Halloween! Have fun trick-or-treating and celebrating this modern holiday. Halloween's roots stretch back to pagan rituals performed by ancient Celts to rid their homes of evil spirits. ☮️ Peace… Jamiese
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pixoplanet · 6 months
♀️ It's Oct 11th – International Day of the Girl
It's October 11th – International Day of the Girl. Let’s create more opportunities for the world's 600 million adolescent girls and spread awareness of the gender inequality they face. Help girls worldwide become tomorrow’s leaders. ☮️ Peace… Jamiese
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pixoplanet · 7 months
🦋 It's October 1 – Monarch Butterfly Release Day!
It's Monarch Butterfly Release Day in Salisbury, NC. Let's celebrate their annual migration odyssey!
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pixoplanet · 7 months
🌍 Happy World Tourism Day!
On World Tourism Day, we celebrate how travel expands our horizons to exciting new places.
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pixoplanet · 7 months
💲ep 17, 2011 – Occupy Wall Street Movement against Economic Inequality begins. The 99% vs. the 1%.
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pixoplanet · 7 months
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🎨 12 Sep 1940 – Lascaux Cave Discovered
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pixoplanet · 8 months
⚾ It's September 6th – On this day in 1995, Cal Ripken Jr. became Baseball's Iron Man ... ☮️ Jamiese
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pixoplanet · 8 months
🎂 Happy Birthday, Salma Hayek! The stunning path of success in your life continues to encourage us.
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pixoplanet · 8 months
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🪐 It’s September 1st. On this day in 1979, the Pioneer 11 space probe marked a significant space exploration milestone on Earth’s first-ever visit to Saturn.
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pixoplanet · 8 months
26 Aug 2023 – Happy Painted Dog Day! Painted dogs are amazing apex predators of the African savanna, who by regulating prey populations, help preserve this important ecosystem. ☮️ Peace… Jamiese
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pixoplanet · 10 months
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It’s the 4th of July, America’s Independence Day. Let’s celebrate!
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