plusdouxmiel · 5 years
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plusdouxmiel · 5 years
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plusdouxmiel · 5 years
Words that will help you to understand Arabic when memorized:
1. The. (Al) أل 2. Of. (Min) من 3. To. (Ilah). إلي 4. And. (Wa) و 5. In. (Fee) في 6. it (Huwa/hiya) هو/ هي لغير عاقل 7. You (anta). أنت 8. That. (Dzaka). ذاك 9. He. (Huwa). هو 10. She. ( Hiya). هي 11. For. (Lee) لي 12. On. (Alah) علي 13. With. (Ma'a) مع 14. As. (Ka). گ 15. I. (Anaa). أنا 16. They. (Hum). هم 17. Be. (Kun). كن 18. At ( fee/alah). في علي 19. Have. (Lahu). له 20. This. (Hadza) هذا 21. From. (Min). من 22. Or. (Au); أو 23. Had. (Lahu). له 24. By. (Bawaasidatu) بواسطة 25. Hot (haarun saakin) حارساكن 26.but. (Lakin). لكن 27. Some. (Ba'adu). بعض 28. What. (Maadzaa). ماذا 29. There (hunaaka) هناك 30. We. (Nahnu). نحن 31. Can. (Yastadee'u) يستطيع 32. Other. (AkhAr). أخر 33. Out. (Khaarijan). خارجا 34. Where. (Aina). أين 35. All. (Kullu). كل 36. When. (Mataa) متي 37. Up. (Aaliyan) عاليا 38. Down. (Sufliyyu). سفلي 39. Use. (Isti'imal). إستعمل 40. Word. (Kalimatu). كلمة 41. How (kaifa). كيف 42. Said. (Qaala). قال 43. Each. (Kullu waahidu). كل واحد 44. Which. (Ayyi). أي 45. Do. (Adhaa). أدي 46. Their. (Lahum) لهم 47.time. ( waqtu). وقت 48. If. (Idzan). إذا 49. Will. (Saufa). سوف 50. Way (dariqatu). طريقة 51. About (taqriban). تقريبا 52. Many. (Kaseeran). كثيرا 53. Then. (Ba'ada dzalik). بعدذالك 54. Would. (Saufa). سوف 55. Write (kataba). كتب 56. Them. (Him). هم 57. Like (hubbu). حب 58. So. (Hakadzaa). هكذا 59. These. (Haa'ulaa'i). هؤلاء 60. Long. (Daweelun). طويل 61. Make. (Ja'ala). جعل 62. Made. (Ma'amuulun). معمول 63. Thing. (Shai'un). شيع 64. See. (Unzur). أنظر 65.him. (Huwa). هو 66. Himself. (Nafsahu). نفسه 67. Herself. (Nafsaha) نفسها 68. Myself. (Nafsee). نفسي 69. Yours (laka/lakum/lakuma). لك/لكم/لكما 70. Yourself (nafsaka/nafsaki). نفسك 71. Themselves (Nafsakum). نفسكم 72. Has. (Lahu). له 73. Look. (Nazru). نظر 74. More. (AksAr). أكثر 75. Day. (Alyaum); اليوم 76. Go. (Dzahaba). ذهب 77. Come. (Ta'al). تعل 78. My (Lee). لي 79. Sound. (Sautu) صوت 80. No. (Laa). لا 81. Most (bidharajatu kabeer) بدرجةكبير 82. Number. (Adad). عدد 83. Who. (Man) من 84. Over. (Zaa'ida). زاءد 85. Know. ( arif). عرف 86.water. (maa'u). ماء 87. Than. (MinA). من 88. Call. (Yad'u). يدعو 89 first. (Auwalan). أولا 90. Last. (Akhiran). أخرا 91. People. (Alnaasu); الناس 92. Side. (Naahiyatu). ناحية 93. Been. (Kaana) كان 94. Now. (Al'An). الآن 95. Find. ( Aujad) أوجد 96.any. (Ayyi). أي 97. New. (Jadeed). جديد 98. Work. (amalu) عمل 99. Part. (Juz'u). جزء 100. Take. (Khudz). خذ 101. Get. (Sal) صل 102. Place. (Makaan). مكان 103. Live. (Ish). عش 104. After. (Feema ba'ad). فيمابعد
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plusdouxmiel · 5 years
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i’ll be honest: texting in french is somewhat of a nightmare. things are often written phonetically and literally nothing will look like the french in your textbook. however, just like actual french; it may be nonsense, but it’s nonsense with rules.
in general: - no apostrophes - no accents - je/tu + être and je/tu + avoir become one word je suis → jsuis tu as → tas - je + any verb can become one word je dois → jdois - objects become one word je l’ai → jlai - basically anything that can be combined is combined
ajd - aujourd’hui bcp - beaucoup c - c’est dac - daccord dmn - demain eske - est-ce que g - j’ai gt - j’étais je ss - je suis jcp - je ne comprends pas jpp - j’en peux plus jsp - je ne sais pas jtm - je t’aime koa - quoi koi - quoi mdr - mort de rire mm - même oklm - au calme pq - pourquoi pr - pour prcq - parce que psk - parce que ptn - putain ui - oui wi - oui we - ouais ue - ouais qqch - quelque chose qqn - quelqu’un qlqn - quelqu’un qlq - quelqu’un sa - ça slt - salut ski - ce qui squi - ce qui stp - s’il te plaît svp - s’il vous plaît tfk - tu fais quoi tg - ta gueule tjr - toujours tqt - t'inquiète tt - tout wsh - wesh ya - il y a
hope this helps! and although i did make this list based off of things my friends have said, not everyone texts like this - don’t be too afraid!
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plusdouxmiel · 5 years
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plusdouxmiel · 5 years
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plusdouxmiel · 5 years
do you ever like… know a better resource for a language than duolingo but you just keep going back to the duolingo course because there is something lovable about the terrifying anxiety ridden owl and its “i eat the apple” sentences??
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plusdouxmiel · 5 years
Yall still speaking english….. in 2018? Grow up :/
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plusdouxmiel · 5 years
(more) random french phrases and expressions i’ve picked up from watching movies in french all night
continuation of this post and this post 
ne pas avoir la moindre idée = to not have the faintest idea, not have the slightest idea
garder son calme = to stay calm
je vous donne la parole = i’m giving you a chance to speak, i’m allowing you to speak
prendre une décision = to make a decision
faites-moi confiance = trust me, have confidence in me
rester calme = to keep calm
sois prudente = be careful
sables mouvants = quicksand
je n’arrive pas à croire = i can’t believe
soeur jumelle = twin sister
je m’en veux = i feel bad, i feel guilty
de toutes mes forces = with all my strength
être au courant = to be informed, be aware
je me réjouis de = i’m very happy about, i’m very pleased with
s’emparer de = to seize, capture, take possession of
en ruines = in ruins
vous vous trompez = you’re making a mistake, you’re mistaken
commettre une erreur = to make a mistake
d’une manière ou d’une autre = somehow, one way or another
fort possible = very likely
mettre fin à = to put a stop to, put an end to
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plusdouxmiel · 5 years
(more) random french phrases and expressions i’ve picked up from marathoning french tv shows all night
continuation of this post
tu veux parier ? = wanna bet? 
moi, c'est [nom] = i’m [name]
tout aussi bien = just as well / just as good
se mettre en colère = to get angry
qu'est-ce qui t'arrive ? = what’s the matter ?
faire l'affaire = to do the trick / to fit the purpose
bien joué = well played
en quoi puis-je vous être utile ? = how may i help you? / what can i do for you?
c'est à moi = it’s mine 
trou perdu = middle of nowhere
je regrette = i am sorry / i regret
en vrai = for real
mes gamins = my kids
on se débrouillera = we’ll manage / we’ll take care of things
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plusdouxmiel · 5 years
random french phrases and expressions i've picked up from marathoning french tv shows all night
comment ça ? = how come? what do you mean?
il n'y a pas de quoi = you’re welcome / no problem (response to “thank you”)
ça risque d'être… = that risks being… / that runs the risk of being…
à quoi bon ? = what’s the point ?  
ça suffit ! = that’s enough ! 
s'occuper du reste = to take care of the rest / to deal with the rest 
vous y arriverez = you’ll make it 
c'est promis = i promise / it’s a promise 
une petite mise en garde = a little warning
pas question ! = no way! / no question !
j'ai tenu ma parole = i’ve kept my word / i’ve stuck to my word
il a vu juste = he got it right / he guessed right
j'en ai assez = i’ve had enough
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plusdouxmiel · 5 years
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French Future Review notes, green themed.
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plusdouxmiel · 5 years
To everyone learning a language, who is getting frustrated and impatient and maybe even thinking of quitting: remember how far you have come (not how far you have to go), remember why you started and remember how fantastic the end product will be. Learning a language is difficult and the journey can be long but it is rewarding and it opens so many doors. You are capable of doing this, you can do this… don’t quit now
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plusdouxmiel · 5 years
When you’re typing in another language on the English keyboard and autocorrect attacks you:
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plusdouxmiel · 5 years
Free Online Language Courses
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Here is a masterpost of MOOCs (massive open online courses) that are available, archived, or starting soon. I think they will help those that like to learn with a teacher or with videos.  You can always check the audit course or no certificate option so that you can learn for free.
American Sign Language
ASL University
Arabic for Global Exchange (in the drop down menu)
Arabic Without Walls
Intro to Arabic
Madinah Arabic
Moroccan Arabic
Catalan Sign Language
Intro to Catalan Sign Language
Basic Chinese
Basic Chinese I. II, III, IV , V
Basic Mandarin Chinese I & II
Beginner’s Chinese
Chinese for Beginners
Chinese Characters
Chinese for HSK 1
First Year Chinese I &  II
HSK Level 1
Mandarin Chinese I
Mandarin Chinese for Business
More Chinese for Beginners
Start Talking Mandarin Chinese
UT Gateway to Chinese
Chino Básico (Taught in Spanish)
Chinese Stories
Intermediate Business Chinese
Intermediate Chinese
Intermediate Chinese Grammar
Introduction to Dutch
Online Courses here
Resources Here
Faroese Course
A Taste of Finnish
Basic Finnish
Finnish for Immigrants
Finnish for Medical Professionals
AP French Language and Culture
Basic French Skills
Beginner’s French: Food & Drink
Diploma in French
Elementary French I & II
Français Interactif
French in Action
French for Beginners
French Language Studies I, II, III
French: Le Quatorze Juillet
Passe Partout
La Cité des Sciences et de Industrie
Reading French Literature
Introduction to Frisian (Taught in English)
Introduction to Frisian (Taught in Dutch)
Basic German
Beginner’s German: Food & Drink
Conversational German I, II, III, IV
Deutsch im Blick
Diploma in German
Rundblick-Beginner’s German
German:Regionen Traditionen und Geschichte
Landschaftliche Vielfalt
Reading German Literature
Alphabet Crash Course
Know the Hebrew Alphabet
A Door into Hindi
Business Hindi
Virtual Hindi
Icelandic 1-5
Learn Indonesian
Introduction to Irish
Beginner’s Italian: Food & Drink
Beginner’s Italian I
Introduction to Italian
Italian for Beginners 1 , 2, 3 , 4 , 5, 6 
Oggi e Domani
Intermediate Italian I
Advanced Italian I
Italian Literature
Italian Novel of the Twentieth Century
La Commedia di Dante
Reading Italian Literature
Beginner’s Conversational Japanese
Japanese JOSHU
Japanese Pronunciation
Sing and Learn Japanese
Tufs JpLang
A1-B2 Kazakh (Taught in Russian)
First Step Korean
How to Study Korean
Learn to Speak Korean
Pathway to Spoken Korean
Intermediate Korean
Latin I (Taught in Italian)
Beginner’s Conversation and Grammar
Introduction to Norwegian
Learn The Norwegian Language
Norwegian on the Web
Curso de Português para Estrangeiros 
Pluralidades em Português Brasileiro
Basics of Russian
Easy Accelerated Learning for Russian
Russian Alphabet
Russian Essentials
Russian Phonetics and Pronunciation
Reading and Writing Russian
Reading Master and Margarita
Russian as an Instrument of Communication
Siberia: Russian for Foreigners
AP Spanish Language & Culture
Basic Spanish for English Speakers
Beginner’s Spanish:Food & Drink
Fastbreak Spanish
Introduction to Spanish
Restaurants and Dining Out
Spanish for Beginners
Spanish for Beginners 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Spanish Vocabulary
Spanish:Ciudades con Historia
Spanish:Espacios Públicos
Corrección, Estilo y Variaciones 
La España de El Quijote
Leer a Macondo
Spanish:Con Mis Propias Manos
Spanish: Perspectivas Porteñas
Reading Spanish Literature
Intro to Swedish
Swedish Made Easy 1, 2, & 3
Read Ukrainian
Ukrainian for Everyone
Ukrainian Language for Beginners
Beginner’s Welsh
Discovering Wales
Multiple Languages
 Ancient Languages
More Language Learning Resources & Websites!
Last updated: March 1, 2017
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plusdouxmiel · 5 years
english-french faux amis
faux amis (or false cognates) are words that look similar in two languages, but their meanings are vastly different. here are a few common ones english speakers should watch out for 
actuel(lement): current(ly)
ancien: former (less commonly also means old)
assister: to attend 
assumer: to take on
attendre: to wait
un avertissement: a warning
un bras: an arm
une brasserie: a brewery 
blesser: to wound 
blessé: injured 
un bouton: a pimple
car: because
cent: 100 
la chair: flesh
le coin: the corner 
déception: disappointed 
envie (f): desire 
excité: aroused (but also means excited in quebecois french)
une grappe: a bunch 
un habit: an item of clothing
une issue: an exit
isolation (f):  insulation
joli(e): pretty 
une journée: a day 
une librairie: a bookstore 
une location: a rental 
une monnaie: lose change
le pain: the bread
un préservatif: a condom
une prune: a plum
un raisin: a grape 
réaliser: to accomplish/carry out
réel(lement): actual(ly) 
rester: to stay
résumer: to summarize
sale: dirty
sensible: sensitive 
tentative: an attempt
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plusdouxmiel · 5 years
This is your reminder that you can go at your own pace. Not all journeys are linear or efficient. Some take necessary twists and turns that make life more interesting or make you realize where you really want to go. You are where you’re supposed to be
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