poetrythreesixfive · 6 days
Billy tends the taps each night,
he works the outdoor bar,
knows each patron by their name
and waves to passing cars.
Everyone is having fun
while Billy pours my drink,
chatting up each friendly soul
while I just sit and think.
And then it hits me suddenly
like bubbles in my stout,
instead of trying to fill my self,
I should be pouring out.
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poetrythreesixfive · 7 days
Different Kinds of Loneliness
Different kinds of loneliness,
depending on your pain,
some are like a cloudy day
and some are like the rain;
sometimes, it just floods you
like an endless hurricane,
until you feel like drowning
just to overcome the pain.
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poetrythreesixfive · 8 days
and without the weight of your love
to hold me to earth, I drift like a ghost
untethered by gravity, purpose or place,
roaming a labyrinth of empty hours
in search of some hidden treasure that
will never be found, condemning me
to an eternity of hollow wandering
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poetrythreesixfive · 9 days
The birds returned from far away,
with winter stories singing,
gone tomorrow, here today,
the birds returned from far away,
upon magnetic streams, they say,
like flights of angels winging,
the birds returned from far away,
with winter stories singing.
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poetrythreesixfive · 10 days
Whisky Tears
How to mend a broken heart?
with barley, hops, and ale?
they only lead to more regret
and aching without fail.
I do not recommend a bout
of drink to mend the pain;
sometimes, the only thing to do
is simply go insane.
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poetrythreesixfive · 11 days
No Hope, PA
I wander the streets without you,
a blankness on my face,
lost in my thoughts about you,
I wander the streets without you;
when I am not around you,
I feel so out of place;
I wander the streets without you,
a blankness on my face.
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poetrythreesixfive · 12 days
Insult to Injury
How much can a human heart take
before it literally breaks, stops working,
systems crashed due to catastrophic failure,
repeated blows to its gears, insults to its integrity,
acid poured into its operations until the damage
tips beyond the point of repair, and recovery
becomes impossible, no healing on the horizon,
just shattered parts bleeding like a corpse
tossed on the side of the road?
More than you can imagine,
as the only other choice is not being
here anymore to experience
the pain of being.
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poetrythreesixfive · 13 days
Just like that, with a text,
my life as I knew it ended,
my heart, my breath, my reason,
the person on whom I depended,
to whom I devoted my everything,
my living and working and giving,
and now that my heart is gone,
what is the point of living?
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poetrythreesixfive · 14 days
Your Touch
What is it about your touch
that makes life worth a damn?
I need it so fucking much,
what is it about your touch?
I never thought of it such,
but it’s everything that I am;
what is it about your touch
that makes life worth a damn?
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poetrythreesixfive · 15 days
Just Like That
You are what gives my life meaning.
It wasn’t always like this.
There was a time when I had no idea
that you existed, nor you I, and we
went about our lives day to day seeking
happiness, romance, companionship,
pointlessly wandering the shelves in
like browsers in a bookstore in which
none of the volumes are for purchase.
And then I turned a corner, and you
were there.
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poetrythreesixfive · 16 days
Primitive Self
The old you, even the you from one year ago,
is some primitive looking up at a solar eclipse
terrified that the gods are angry and attempting
to alleviate their horror by sacrificing virgins
or slaughtering a horse, and when the moon
moves along, they cheer in senseless defiance,
pleased with their gestures and incantations,
oblivious that all they had witnessed was one
object merely blocking the view of another.
The current you looks back on your blindness,
the deeds best left undone, the flippant words
that injured a person you love, the emotional
rollercoaster fueled with your own childish
fears, the poor judgment wielded when you
should have known better but you didn’t know
better any more than our ancestors knew how
to harness electricity, but now your bulbs are
fully illuminated, at least for some things.
The question is, what are you doing now that
your future self, one year from now, will look
back upon in horror, cringing at your stupidity?
what fear are you giving into? what assumption
are you entertaining? what decision are you
contemplating that will steer the course of your
life into loneliness and oblivion because some
need must be met and you fail to grasp the big
picture? Take off those dark glasses and see.
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poetrythreesixfive · 17 days
The day you told me you got that job,
worked out, made plans to go to school,
volunteered at the shelter, went to sleep
early and woke well-rested—it stirred
my muscles into action, catapulted my
ambition into urgency—every success
you realize reminds me of why I wake
each morning and go dutifully to work
instead of driving off the road into a tree
because it always takes two wings to fly.
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poetrythreesixfive · 18 days
Every time you tell me of your diabolical plans:
the movie you’ve been wanting to see in that
old fashioned theater, the cute French café that
we’re going to visit for croissants, the botanical
garden you’ve heard so much about, a trip to
the beach where you hope to hide your toes in
the sand—it fills me with an indescribable joy
deeper than victory, wider than success, bigger
than all the wealth I could ever imagine, for
nothing says devotion like presuming a future
where you and I are together as a matter of fact,
my very soul closely captured within your hands.
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poetrythreesixfive · 19 days
Getting Dressed
Is there anything sadder than dressing up
in a vain attempt to solicit validation from
total strangers, hoping to turn the head of
someone who means nothing to you and
likely never will because you have no one
in your life who gives a shit if you even
wake up in the morning and breathe?
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poetrythreesixfive · 20 days
Everyday Things
If only we could take more credit for the everyday
things we do, the sticks we pick up from the lawn
after the storm, the stubborn pot that needed a good
scrub, picking up the neighbor’s paper and putting
it on their front porch because they’re not at home
nobody notices, nobody cares, nobody ever will;
the care with which you pour water into the cacti
so that it gets into every groove without spilling
over onto the windowsill, the hesitant driver that
you allowed to merge, slowing down with a wave
every time I got up in the middle of the night and
tiptoed silently across the bedroom floor so that
you, tangled in the sheets, wouldn’t wake, even
though more than anything I wanted to hold you
and kiss you and tell you how much I love you.
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poetrythreesixfive · 21 days
When the Daffodils are Dying
When the daffodils are dying,
then spring has finally sprung,
their petals brown and lying,
when the daffodils are dying,
like a long, eternal crying
from the earth’s eternal lung;
when the daffodils are dying,
then spring has finally sprung.
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poetrythreesixfive · 22 days
Blood and Roses
How long does it take for a house to be haunted?
how many years does it take for some ghastly
trauma to infiltrate the floorboards, the drywall,
the crown molding hiding up in the dark corners
of dusty rooms? how many months does it take
for new family to move in before someone hacks
someone to death with an axe and then explodes
their own skull with a shotgun before the tiles
reverberate with the memory of their insanity?
how many hours after the final nails are driven
into a brand new home does some wandering
ghost, lured by the reflection of moonlight upon
new glass, move in to set up shop in the attic?
Yet there are structures standing for a hundred
years within whose walls are growing only a vase
of roses brought every week by a jealous lover
who thinks not of murder but only the dull ache
of his heart that will live on long after his death.
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