pups-bos · 2 years
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The sabbats are holidays celebrated throughout the year on solstices, equinoxes, and the midpoints between them. These sabbats form the Wheel of the year.
There is a controversy surrounding the dates of these holidays, as people celebrate them all over the earth, not only in the northen hemisphere but in the southern too. 
One viewpoint is that the Sabbats should be celebrated as they were originally created to be… in other words, Samhain is October 31st, regardless of where you live. In the Southern Hemisphere, even though you are just gearing up to summer on October 31st, this perspective says that you celebrate the cleansing and releasing, the honouring of the dead just as you would if you lived in the Northern Hemisphere. The other viewpoint (the one I personally agree with) is that you should celebrate when you feel like the season corresponds with the holiday, in other words, your craft, your rules. So if you live in the southern hemisphere, you have the choice.
I’ll be writing the dates for each holiday starting with the northen hemisphere and then the dates that many people celebrate them in the southern hemisphere
{December 21st//June 21st}
Yule focuses on rebirth and renewal as the sun makes its way back to the earth. It’s all about new beginnings, reflection and embracing warmth. Much like Christmas, many celebrate with a feast, gift giving, being cosy and appreciating the good.
↟Nature: cedar, frankincense, myrrh, mistletoe, pine, birch, ivy.
↟Foods//flavours: ginger, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, wintergreen, apple, dried fruit.
↟Stones: citrine, ruby, garnet, alexandrite, green tourmaline.
↟Activities: decorate your altar with incense associated with Yule, burn ash wood for prosperity, bake using Yule flavours like ginger or cinnamon, make wreathes to hang around the house, spend time with loved ones.
{February 1st//August 1st}
Imbolc focuses on celebrating the nature that is preparing to grow and renewal, also known as “candlemas” and the “Feast of Pan”.
↟Nature: basil, blackberry, heather, celandine, iris, wisteria, vanilla, bay, yellow and white flowers.
↟Foods//flavours: pumpkin and sunflower seeds, poppy seeds, peppers, onions, spices, and herbal teas.
↟Stones: amethyst, bloodstone, garnet, ruby, onyx.
↟Activities: decorate with candles and sun decorations, go hiking, have a bonfire, bake foods with poppy seeds, and burn any leftover winter herbs.
{March 21st//September 21st}
Ostara focuses on manifesting creativity and love. As the days become longer, energy becomes stronger.
↟Nature: ash, alder, daffodil, honeysuckle, narcissus, primrose, violet, jasmine.
↟Foods//flavours: olives, maple syrup, honey, edible flowers, chocolate, pine nuts, nettle or lavender tea, local fruits and vegetables.
↟Stones: amethyst, rose quartz, moonstone.
↟Activities: gardening and planting seeds, bake breads with olives or honey for example, start new projects, talk to plants, do some painting, decorate with wildflowers.
{May 1st//November 1st}
Beltane focuses on fertility, love and abundance. Also known as “may day”, on this sabbat many celebrate with dancing, bonfires and many high energy activities, including enjoying themselves sexually with a partner or even conceiving children.
↟Nature: frankincense, lilac, ivy, marigold, woods, rose, thyme, mint, yarrow.
↟Foods//flavours: oats, leafy greens, fruits, breads, honey.
↟Stones: malachite, amber, fire opal, red jasper.
↟Activities: dance, decorate with florals and symbols of the sea, go to the beach, go hiking, have a bonfire, feast on fruits, vegetables and grains, laugh and let your hair down. And if you’re trying to conceive or simply would like to have sex, Beltane is a wonderful time to do so.
{June 21st//December 21st}
Litha focuses on growth and celebrating the longest day of the year and the sun, before the shorter days begin.
↟Nature: fern, yarrow, sage, rose, oak, mugwort, lavender, chamomile, myrrh, pine.
↟Foods//flavours: herbed bread, honey, sunflower seeds, iced herbal tea, lemon, vanilla.
↟Stones: lapis lazuli, amethyst, malachite, tiger’s eye.
↟Activities: make or buy a sun catcher, surround yourself with warm tones, watch the sunrise and sunset, make sun water, spend time outdoors, make use of herbs.
{August 2nd//February 2nd}
Lammas, or lughnasadh focuses on celebrating the first of the three harvesting sabbats and taking time to really feel the positivity in different aspects of life.
↟Nature: cornstalks, heather, acacia flowers, hollyhock, oak leaves, wheat, myrtle, spices.
↟Food//flavours: grainy bread, corn, potatoes, nuts, blackberries, wine.
↟Stones: amber, agate, citrine, clear quartz, obsidian, tiger’s eye.
↟Activities: bake bread, make corn dolls, visit a sunflower field, spend time in nature, acknowledged what you are grateful for, journal.
{September 21st//March 21st}
Mabon focuses on honouring the change of the seasons, balance and peace.
↟Nature: sage, pine, marigold, thistle, acorns, milkweed, oak leaves, myrrh.
↟Food//flavours: cinnamon, nuts, beans, dark fruits, pies, soup, butterscotch.
↟Stones: citrine, carnelian, clear quartz, sapphire, yellow agate.
↟Activities: collect pine cones, donate food and old clothes, meditate, dry herbs, spend time with loved ones, speak to the nature around you.
{October 31st-November 1st//April 30th-May 1st}
Samhain focuses on celebrating life, and honouring those who are no longer with us.
↟Nature: heather, sage, pumpkins, straw, flax, patchouli, myrrh.
↟Foods//flavours: apples, cider, pumpkin, pies, soups, stews, potatoes, ginger.
↟Stones: amber, black obsidian, fossils, onyx, sandstone, bloodstones.
↟Activities: honour the deceased, spend time with family, make a hearty comforting meal, make or buy a scarecrow, spend time practicing divination.
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐨 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐚𝐭
↟Do a tarot reading relevant to that sabbat.
↟Spend time in the moonlight, charging your crystals and tarot cards, as well as meditating.
↟Bake something using at least one traditional food of that sabbat to share with others.
↟Sage cleanse your living space and any of your magickal items.
↟Write down how you’re feeling and how you’d like to feel in the weeks to come.
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pups-bos · 2 years
Some witchy things I do every day
just a little list of witchy things you can do every day
morning stretches, sun salutation
bless my morning cup of coffee, stirring three times anti clockwise (to banish the bad) and three times clockwise (to bring in the good)
add cinnamon to coffee for an energy boost
tend to my plants, either watering, pruning, repotting, or just talking to them
give thanks to my deities for the food and drink I have
I like to do a little protective blessing on my cat every day
cleanse the bedroom
check the wards and protective enchantments on my house
check my bird feeders and place protection on them, and if they need refilling, I bless the seeds or nuts for health and longevity
I take my meds, because self care is important for witches
write at least one page in my journal
check my crystals for dust and if they need recharging
check my offerings to any spirits or deities and refill them if needs be
these are all acts that don't take up much energy! as many of you know, I'm disabled and it's very hard finding the spoons to do witchcraft. these are all small, low spoon things I like to do to incorporate witchcraft into my every day life.
I'll be making another post soon of low spoon witchery!
hope you're all okay loves, staying safe and healthy. 💖
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pups-bos · 2 years
The Significance of Rings
Rings add weight to the area of life that the finger represents, or could reveal imbalances. A ring placed with intent can enhance areas of your life. This can be strengthened by rings with corresponding crystals. When a ring is worn unconsciously, it more likely refers to the negative trait or imbalance that corresponds with that finger. Left hand: Corresponds to your personal and private life. Connected to family and personal identity or internal issues. Your left hand reflects the energy you take in. Right hand: Relates to your public life. Connected to work and your relation to society. Your right hand reflects the energy you give out. Middle Finger Element: Earth Considered the finger of cultural identity. It reflects how you related to justice, law, order, and responsibility. Can also signify inner security or materialism. Consciously placed ring: Reduce anxiety, improve stability, desire for self-development. Unconsciously placed ring: domestic unhappiness, insecurities, judgmental, lack of security. Crystals: garnet, onyx, agate, topaz, tiger’s eye, jade.
Index Finger Element: Water Considered the finger of personal identity, how you relate to and see yourself. Associated with leadership, ambition, and self-confidence. Consciously placed ring: Boost self-esteem, increase authority, improve confidence. Unconsciously placed ring: Damaged self-esteem, feeling not good enough, feeling better than others, controlling personality. Crystals: tourmaline, lapis lazuli, peridot, opal, emerald. Ring Finger Element: Fire Represents your extra-personal identity and self-expression. It represents creativity and love of beauty. If it’s a wedding ring or engagement ring, it represents success in finding a mate. But if bought by the wearer it can represent self-love. Consciously placed ring: Strengthen creativity, express friendliness, improve aesthetic awareness. Unconsciously placed ring: Creative frustration, concern with image, desire to be liked. Crystals: garnet, ruby, pink tourmaline, diamond. Little Finger Element: Air Considered the finger of impersonal identity. It reflects communication and sexuality. Also represents confidence in relationships and strength. Consciously placed ring: Improve communication, express sexuality/sexual identity, gain confidence in regards to relationships. Unconsciously placed ring: Poor communication, lies, difficulty with sexuality/sexual identity Crystals: blue topaz, sapphire, aquamarine. Thumb Element: Ether Your thumb symbolizes your spiritual identity. It relates to your will power, determination, and application of personal energy. It also reflects your ability to reason and apply logic. As the thumb is separate from the rest of the fingers, and a very useful finger, it also represents strength, independent thought, and freedom. Consciously placed ring: Boost energy level, increase will power/motivation, provide comfort, increase reasoning, increase personal strength and independence. Unconsciously placed ring: lack of energy, feeling powerless, lack of control, poor reasoning, feeling trapped, stubborn/stuck in own way, need for control, aggressive/forceful Crystals: moonstone, diamond, amethyst. Rings on all/many fingers This can indicate a negative circumstance that you are being faced with. It shows a likely lack of feeling safe or secure in your world, and that your putting on a front. It can also signify avoidance to deal with issues affecting your life.
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pups-bos · 2 years
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“I Can Manage My Anxiety”
Wear this on yourself over your heart if possible or meditate with this sigil briefly in the morning before starting your day
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pups-bos · 4 years
Grounding With Other Elements
Sit in a body of water, a natural one or a bath. Feel where the water touches your skin. Find the line at the surface, where it touches you. Go around your whole body. Feel weightless.
Drink a glass of water, slowly and steadily. Feel it travel down your throat and into the rest of your body. Finish the glass.
Listen to the rain, the waves, the babbling brook. Feel the sound. Let it vibrate through you until your vibrations match.
Feel the wind on your face. Let the spread-out pieces of you be picked up by the wind, and pushed back to you. Let the wind carry the unnecessary stresses away. 
Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Repeat.
Take a word, sound, or phrase. Repeat it or sing it, find that pitch and speed that feels right.
Feel the heat from a fire, let it warm your bones.
You are a candle flame. Sit or stand tall. Let the excess energy burn up and out the top of your head like smoke. Flicker as needed.
Turn off the lights, light a candle. Watch its light flicker on the walls. Melt into the room.
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pups-bos · 4 years
Witch Tip!
Do you use incense ash when making your black salt? Don't waste your energy trying to scrape it out of the incense holder. Just stick the stick right into the salt. The ash falls right in. Remove the stem, cover, and shake. Boom, black salt!
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pups-bos · 4 years
🌊natural witch salts
💧white salt (sea salt) + purification, dispels negative energy
💧black salt (hawaiian lava salt) + warding areas from trouble and unwanted contact + absorbs negative energies, useful in purification baths + charged negative salts make for potent curses
💧pink salt (himalayan crystal salt) + promotes self-love and personal empowerment + heals emotional wounds, dissolves self-doubt and confusion + useful for wish magic, romance, and compassion
💧red salt (hawaiian alaea salt) + love, attraction, romance, passion for life + amplifies magical intent when burned with herbs + enhances energy, enthusiasm, and assertiveness
💧epsom salt (epsomite) + used in ritual baths for purification and physical healing
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pups-bos · 4 years
🌻 fae offerings for beltane 🌻
if you’re like me and completely forget about beltane the day before and need to do something easy, fae offerings are a good option!
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time: best performed at beltane, but you can leave a fae offering anytime!
gather: milk, honey, dried lavender, thyme, daisies, other flower heads of your choice
🌿  find a shallow bowl / dish and fill it with milk
🌿  stir in some honey
🌿  add dried lavender, thyme and any other herbs you like
🌿  make a daisy chain long enough to surround your offering (this will also protect the offering from evil spirits and pesky cats)
🌿  add some flower heads that are seasonal to beltane. i used dandelions and violets!
🌿  if you like, you could add some coins or other shiny objects that attract the fae
note: as i was setting this offering up, i heard the gentle tinkling of a wind chime. this usually is a sign of nearby fae, so i took this as a good omen! if you experience this as well lmk 🌙
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pups-bos · 4 years
🌿🌹herbs for your menstral cycle🌹🌿
🍃 Red Raspberry Leaf: -reduces premenstral tension -reduces painful bleeding
🍃Red Clover Blossom: -balances hormones -PMS relief -helps correct irregular periods -rids the body of toxins/cleanses blood *blood thinning properties- do NOT use if your periods are heavy*
🍃Nettle Leaf: -packed with vitamins & minerals (including protein) -restores healthy adrenal function (balances hormones) -eases cramp discomfort *diuretic- this will make you pee*
🍃Lemon Balm: -calms nervous system -helps your body rest and repair
🍃Rosemary: -improves circulation -helps relieve spasms & pain
🍃Ginger: -helps relieve cramps -aids in digestion
hopefully this helps you 🌚
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pups-bos · 4 years
Siren Allure Spell
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Sirens are dangerous creatures, who lure nearby sailors with their enchanting music and voices to shipwreck on the rocky coast of their island. This spell is used to bring allure to your speaking and singing voice, to enchant those around you.  It is best used when a witch is wanting to kill it at an interview, dominate a speech, or perform like the greatest diva.  And it is so simple!
–tablespoon of honey –bowl of sea salt –glass of water
Begin outside.  (If you are near a body of water, this would be even better.)  Toss a pinch of salt in each of the four directions, saying: Northern sirens of rivers carving stone and dark depths, aid me. Eastern sirens of cliff drops into jetties and sea spray, aid me. Southern sirens of pale sands and hot lava rock, aid me. Western sirens of endless horizon and ancient shipwrecks, aid me.
Make a circle with the remaining sea salt, large enough for you to stand in, and step into it.  Shut your eyes.  Envision the tide rolling in over your toes, kissing your ankles, and drawing you out waist deep.  
Open your eyes and distribute your honey onto a spoon.  Recite the following chant: For words sweetened as fresh honey, for song as powerful as hurricane gales, for confidence as strong as undertow, for appearance as alluring as siren maidens. I am one with the sea and the sea is in me.
Consume the honey.  Let its warmth spread over your tongue, along your teeth, down your throat, and into your stomach.  Concentrate on that heat and feel it spread through your veins.
Taking your glass of water, drink the entirety of it.  When you are finished, say: My siren spell begins now and all will be enchanted.
Step out of the circle and your spell is complete.  It should last one full day.
Hope this helps, darlings!
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pups-bos · 4 years
☽Empath Protection Jar☾
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I needed a jar like this for my gift for sooo long, being an empath is such a blessing and a curse. I’ve lately suffered through more problems taking in negative energy and I feel as though I need to add some protection regarding that. And I so did!
A jar(small preferrably)
Chamomile infused olive oil - Peace and Security
Taglock of yourself (hair, blood, nail clippings)
A pinch of:
Salt - Purification
Black pepper - Protection
Basil - dispels weakness 
Cinnamon - Strength
Sage - Purify
Clove - banish Negative forces
Coffee - dispel negative thoughts
Dandelion leaf - healing and defeating negativity
Bay - Healing, strengthening psychic abilities.
1. Invoke your deities or anything that can help you create it.
2. Put all of the ingredients together and while doing so you recite and repeat:
“I protect myself, As this gift can harm, Shall I be balanced, Give power to this charm.”
3. Once it’s together, seal it with wax (I chose black since it corresponds with absorbing negativity, purple works too.)
4. Visualize and meditate!
- Anabiel
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pups-bos · 4 years
Perfume Enchantment For Self-Confidence and Self-Love
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Hey! I’m here with another spell. It’s around this time of year (with finals and AP exams) that I really, really need to keep my head up! With all the challenges in life it can be difficult to remember that we are worthy of love and happiness, so here’s a spell to help you remember that!
You will need:
A bottle of your favorite perfume or cologne. If you don’t really have a favorite, choose whichever one makes you feel most like yourself. My favorite, as pictured above, is Jo Malone’s Red Roses.
Moonlight. I recommend the full or waxing moon, but really it works no matter what!
A piece of paper and a writing device. If you want you can also use a word processor, just as long as you’re able to print what you’ve written.
A bowl. A clear bowl would be ideal, but any one would work. 
Stones and herbs associated with self-confidence and self-love. This includes (but is not limited to) citrine, rose quartz, rose, fennel, motherwort, lavender, and tarragon. You don’t have to use them all, even one will suffice.
What to do:
Cleanse your perfume. Especially if you’ve just bought it, you don’t want any unwanted energies mucking up your perfume. I visualize cleansing energies (like a white light) purifying my perfume while holding the bottle in my hands, but other methods such as putting the perfume bottle in salt work as well.
Write down things you like about yourself and personal affirmations on a piece of paper. Things like “I have nice eyes,” or “I am worthy of love,” etc, etc. Write down as much as you want until you feel satisfied.
Gather your materials at sunset. Make sure you’ve got everything before you begin!
Put your herbs, gems, piece of paper, and perfume bottle in the bowl. Feel free to say a prayer to any of your deities at this point, I say a prayer to the Christian God asking for His support. 
Leave the bowl to be charged over moonlight overnight.
Done! Enjoy your enchanted perfume.
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pups-bos · 4 years
Correspondences for Succulents and Cacti
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     So I know there are a lot of witches, including myself, who grow succulents and cactus plants. Despite that there seems to be hardly any resources or correspondences/uses for them in witchcraft. So I figured I’d share my own with you guys, these aren’t strict guidelines they’re just personal correspondences so feel free to use them or base your own different correspondences off of them, or completely disregard them.
Cactus Correspondences/Uses:
Protection magic
Wards (cactus or just their needles are good for “offensive” type of wards as well that “poke back” at the person or spirit that try to cross it)
Needles can be used in curses as something to cause them pain (physical or metaphorical)
Endurance of a spell (like make the spell last longer, have a better chance against blocks) since cacti can grow while enduring harsh conditions.
Personal growth spells, spells to overcome obstacles, or spells to get over something that previously happened (again, growing through harsh conditions)
Succulent Correspondences/Uses:
Luck and money spells (honestly this doesn’t have a specific reason I just remember hearing that somewhere but it resonated with me and works for me personally)
Home related magic
Endurance of spells (same reasoning as cactus)
Personal growth, overcoming obstacles, getting over something (again, same as cactus)
Charging with specific energy (succulents tend to store a lot of water in their leaves, charge your water with a specific intent or energy before you water it and the succulent will hold onto that and give off some of that energy over time)
 Of course these are just general, and specific types of cacti and succulents will have their own correspondences as well. For example Aloe Vera has healing and soothing properties and the gel can be used to help with minor cuts and burns. Hope this helped give people some ideas of what to do with the extra leaves and needles they collect from their plant friends.
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pups-bos · 4 years
Simple Nightmare Ward
This is a simple spell to ward off recurring nightmares. It may work for other nightmares though I only have experience with recurring ones.
chunk of black fabric (I used a torn nylon, it can be an old sock, a shirt, etc)
about 2’ string (use what’s on hand; I use black thread #3)
extra 1’ string to tie off your ward
a piece of paper & writing utensil
something that represents the scary thing
What to do:
This will be a bit of text but it really is easy!
If you’re using a sock or nylon, just cut off the toe leaving about 4 inches of fabric above it. If a different fabric, lay it flat. Make sure it is large enough to hold your things and still be tied. Rub down the inside with salt. Table salt is just fine.
Begin by allowing yourself to think of the nightmare. While doing so, channel that fear into what you write. This is a free think ward so, write down all the things you want that will make this nightmare fuck off.  
Fold the paper and lay it on the fabric (or stuff it into the toe). Now, get your thing that represents the nightmare. Wrap it with the string. Bind that shit up. Get angry, get scared, get whatever emotion you need to beat it. Lay it on top of the paper.
Sprinkle with lavender and clove. If using a nylon, use whole cloves. Carefully tie off. If using a squarish chunk, bring the corners together, twist and tie off so nothing can escape. Place on a windowsill for one night. I store mine under the head of my bed in a small box though you can put it under a pillow or even a nightstand drawer. Bam! You’re done.
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pups-bos · 4 years
Magick Foods to Eat in December (Plant Based)
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I wanted to make a list of plants and Wild foods that are in season for the month of December, I hope this is helpful to you! I sourced these foods recommended by the book Hedge Witch: Book of Days by Mandy Mitchell, which is a read I highly recommend! I left out the seafood portion she recommends in order to create a plant-based and vegan friendly list of fruits, veggies and more!
Disclaimer: If you plan to forage any items please triple check what you gather and be careful with what you choose to pick. Most importantly: please do not disturb the natural landscape with your harvesting.
Brussel Sprouts
Red Cabbage
Wild Foods and Nuts:
Fairy ring mushrooms
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pups-bos · 4 years
Keep My Name Out of Your Mouth -Spell-
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We’ve all experienced gossip at some point, and sometimes we know exactly who is spreading the word. For those situations, I have a little chant that I have found effective to stop the person from speaking ill of you.
1). Focus on the person you wish to affect, maybe have their picture or something reminiscent of them.
2). Say the following while holding your focus
“I suggest my name you keep out of your mouth,
Or your reputation will be the one to go south.
For as you tarnish my name,
Yours will experience threefold the same.”
Note: You do not have to use threefold, as I know some people are uncomfortable with it. I simply use it to strengthen the effect of the spell.
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pups-bos · 4 years
🌷❤️🌙Spell for Sapphic Love🌙❤️🌷
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For all my fellow sapphic witches out there looking for love, here is a spell you can cast to find the woman of your dreams✨
You will need:
🌺A pink candle
🌺Rose quartz
🌺A plum
🌺A bowl
💋Begin by casting your circle. I recommend calling on Artemis or Aphrodite if you work with deities. 
💋Light your candle facing you
💋Next, you will place the violets in a circle on your altar resembling a small wreath
💋Place the rose quartz on the outer part of this circle of violets
💋Place your bowl in the center of the circle with the plum inside of it(you may peel the plum prior to the spell so that the sugar and cinnamon sticks to it.)
💋Now, you will take your cinnamon and sugar and sprinkle an even amount of each over the plum as you chant Sappho’s fragment:
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💋When you feel your energy at its peak, bite into the plum as you visualize your future sapphic love. You may close your eyes or focus on the flame of your candle to maintain a meditative focus and visualization. Eat the flesh of the plum and place the pit inside the bowl.
💋Blow out your candle
💋Close your circle
💋Dispose of the plum pit and violets in the earth to thank the universe for the energy it has lent you
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