rachetmath · 5 days
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Pyrrha: Wow.
Alyx: Good times.
Penny: Okay, really though., what changed? Both of you got along well with Jaune.
Lewis: I know. I still cared about Jaune. I really wished I knew what changed between him and Alyx.
Pyrrha: Yeah. It seems like... like... Penny.
Penny: Way of ahead.
Roman: Don't worry, we got him.
Alyx: .... You son of bitch.
Hazel: You bastard.
CC: I did what I had to do. You wouldn't understand.
Hazel: You were plotting. You took and killed one of his kids. Tried to take his friend. You make me sick. You're the reason why dogs are man's best friends.
Pyrrha: And women.
Roman: And if you're wondering why I'm here, I didn't take too kindly what you did to my friend.
CC: Please. Please. Spare me. Alyx, help me. We're friends.
Alyx: We were.
Lewis: Suffer.
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rachetmath · 11 days
Vol 5: What Oz should have done for RNJR
Oscar(Oz): Alright here's what’s going to happen. Right now, Leon's intentions are a mystery. We are outnumbered. And our maiden seems to be a part of The Branwen tribe. So to ensure you all are ready considering you may be what we have. I will give each of you an assignment. 
Ruby: Woo-hoo.
Ren: Hm.
Nora: Okay. Show off.
Jaune: What do we do?
Oscar(Oz): Ms. Rose you will be with me. We need to see a way of unlocking the power of your silver eyes. This way we can stand a better chance against Salem. Meanwhile helping Oscar and yourself hone your skills. Jaune Arc.
Jaune: Um. Yeah?
Oscar(Oz): You will be assigned to Qrow.
Jaune: Whoa wait-
Qrow: Oz, I’m already looking for recruits. I can’t be bothered-
Oscar(Oz): Enough. Look I understand you both are not on good terms. However, Mr. Arc, you have yet to unlock your semblance-
Jaune: Yeah but-
Oscar(Oz):  Though you may have improved, your skills are adequate at best. Sadly, with an unknown amount of time, the best course for you is to learn to be more adaptable to battle. And who better to teach that than Qrow? Qrow is also a better swordsman than you are right now. Learning from him may help you in the long run. Plus, it will keep Qrow from drinking.
Qrow and Jaune: *resentment* Hm.
Nora: What about us?
Oscar(Oz): Do you have money?
Nora: Yeah.
Oscar(Oz): Buy some lighting dust and learn about your semblance. You might discover something new on how to use it.
Ren: What about-
Oscar(Oz): Just don’t push yourself too hard. Come in between the other training sessions and spar with the others. Focus on improving the skills you have.
The training sessions begin in the morning as Ruby and Oscar travel to a nearby forest where Grimm are located. There Oscar(Oz) started throwing hordes of Grimm at her one after the other. Afterward, her and Oscar spar as Ozpin put it that Oscar has the potential to learn faster through intense training and muscle memory.
Nora does exactly what Ozpin said, buys lighting dust, and starts using as little to as much as possible, working on new ways to use her semblance.  Ren trains however he wants, coming in between sessions to test himself and the others. 
Jaune’s training though wasn’t just at the house. Jaune training involved staying with Qrow at all times. Avoiding danger in all corners. All in the morning. The afternoon is much worse. Qrow immediately tells Jaune to forget what he learned from Pyrrah and instead of fighting with their actual weapons, they fight with regular training swords. Qrow becomes more displeased as in the first round;
Qrow: Too slow.
The second round;
Qrow: Too wide.
Third round;
Qrow: Don’t stare out into space. Move.
Fourth round;
Qrow: Come on! Don’t tell me that’s all.
Fifth round;
Qrow: You’re overthinking. 
After the tenth round, Qrow and Jaune stop however Qrow states;
Qrow: Let me be clear. This isn’t Beacon. Regardless, your enemies will not wait until you figure them out. And the moment you lose track of them you will die. And once you die, your friends will die next. Sometimes having a stronger offense is just as good as a defense.
Jaune: *groans*
Qrow: *signs* That’s enough for the day. Go and rest up.
Afterward, Qrow starts to drink a little while being up a little. He then heard something. Qrow grabs his weapon and prepares to deal with the intruder until he is grabbed by his niece. Qrow was about to say something until Ruby hushed him. Ruby and Qrow proceeded cautiously until Qrow saw it wasn’t an intruder but Jaune himself.
Qrow watched as Jaune listened to Pyrrha’s recorded message. However, what impressed him was Jaune’s strikes as the wind started to emerge. Ruby and Qrow soon walked away as Ruby spoke;
Ruby: He listens to it every night.
Qrow: Every night? 
Ruby: And here I thought you’ve been watching our every move. 
Qrow: Ruby, look, I get-
Ruby: Then act like it.
Qrow: What?
Ruby: Uncle Qrow, I get it. I understand right now you and Jaune are not on the best terms. And I can’t blame him. You-
Qrow: Hey she-
Ruby: I know! But that doesn’t make it right. What if it was me? Or Yang? Wouldn’t you be just as upset as he is right now? More importantly, even though he doesn’t like you he still saved you. 
Qrow: *silent*
Ruby: All I’m trying to say is- give him a chance. If Pyrrha saw something in him and Ozpin assigned him to you, shouldn’t that be enough reason to help him? 
Qrow: But Ruby, he sucks though.
Ruby: So did I. No teacher wanted to train me. You did though. And look how I turned out.
Qrow: Yeah but-
Ruby: Please. Just try. For me.
Qrow: *thinks and sighs* Fine.
Ruby: Thank you. Good night Uncle Qrow, Also, you’re not exactly fun drunk. 
Qrow gave it some thought as he prepared to sleep. In the morning Qrow sees Jaune waiting for him. 
Qrow: You’re up. Good.
Jaune: Where are we going now? 
Qrow: Just follow me.
Jaune follows Qrow until they reach their destination. A tiny forest not far from the city. Within it is a large lake with a waterfall. Jaune was confused as he asked;
Jaune: Okay, why are we here? Normally we-
Qrow: Kid? We’ve been looking for a week now. We might as well assume that we have no allies to recruit. As Ozpin hypothesized, you and your friends may be our only chance.
Jaune grows silent as he knows the old bird is right.
Qrow: Therefore our schedule has changed. From here on, the focus will be on improving your combat skills all day and night for hours.  No breaks. No food. And more importantly…
Qrow holds out his hand to Jaune but Jaune doesn’t know why. Qrow continues as he states;
Qrow: No scroll.
Jaune was shocked. At first, he hesitated but soon caved in as he pulled out and gave his scroll to Qrow. Qrow proceeds to put the scroll in his pocket as he explains;
Qrow: You will get it back once training is done. Now first let me explain something to you. Sit.
Jaune does exactly as Qrow said as they sit on the ground, not breaking eye contact.
Qrow: I know why you’re here. You wanted answers and more importantly, I know you want revenge.
Jaune: And? So what? What’s wrong with making someone pay? 
Qrow: Oh nothing. There’s nothing wrong with getting payback. Especially when they deserve it. However, I don’t like it when that same person is willing to throw everyone under the bus to get it.
Jaune: Now hold on a-
Qrow: I’m not saying you would… however, it is possible. You want to know how I know. I’ve… been there. 
Jaune: *silent*
Qrow: I’ve lost people. I’ve got back for people. I’ve killed people. Even innocent people. And whether I liked it or not their deaths -their blood will forever stain my hands. And this was all before I became a huntsman. I’m saying, I know what vengeance can do to even good-hearted people like yourself.
Jaune: *remain silent*
Qrow: You start being spiteful. Stubborn. Colder. Yet willing to throw away your life not knowing what you leave behind. 
Jaune: *remains quiet*
Qrow: Look… if you want revenge, fine… however don’t make your friends suffer for it. Understand?
Jaune: … … Yes.
Qrow: Good. Next is a demonstration. 
Qrow gets up and walks towards the water. Qrow gets into a battle stance as he grips his sword. Jaune watches as Qrow stikes the the lake. However, Jaune was soon stunned as he saw not only Qrow strike the water but split the lake in half, as the current rose and splashed the grass. Qrow then asked;
Qrow: Now what happened? What did I do?
Jaune: You-you used- you used your aura to split the lake. 
Qrow: Good, so you know what your training is about now. With the little time we still have you will learn this technique. During this training, you will be under extreme combative conditions. Weapons drawn. And no aura barrier. This will allow us to knock two birds with one stone.
Jaune: *silent*
Qrow: So what do you say? Care to give it a shot.
Jaune: *readies himself* Bring it.
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rachetmath · 12 days
@weatherman667 I would like to agree with you but sadly no. I have to agree with maswartez because even someone with good persuasive skills, James would've been too stubborn to listen. You might as well have no choice but to plot around him. Watts did it and he won.
As I said, Yang and Blake tried but failed. They didn't think it through. In fact, everyone should have invested time in figuring out what was going on instead of just going on random mission. Especially after the party.. But that's more headcanon than I care to admit.
Ya know, I always stood by the idea Ruby didn't tell Ironwood the truth due to the Haven and massive Ozpin lore drop. Now, to be fair to Ironwood, I don't think he would ever make a deal with Salem(since that's like making a deal with Satan), but seeing how determined he was to get the lamp in vol 8 by getting Watts, one of Salem's Lieutenants to hack Penny. I wouldn't have been surprised if they actually went the route of Ironwood secretly working with Salem. I'm not excusing Ruby Lying, I'm just saying I can kinda understand her thought process if her process on holding the truth for the time being
@waltat04 Yes I can understand that thought process however James was pushed over the edge in volume 8. Now with Ruby, again, I understand, especially after Leon and Ozpin, however, Ruby has already met James, three times. He bailed her and her team out on multiple occasions.
Next James explained his reasons. His methods are debatable but... no one in the group cared. I mean at least not enough to do anything different. You would think after how bad the situation is getting Ruby would try being more attentive and solve some problems but no. I mean, Blake and Yang tried, but that only made things worse.
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rachetmath · 12 days
Jaune Vol 10 Character Analysis
You know what I planned to make this a few pages long, but screw it, let’s talk about it. In Volume 10, I want Jaune to have that same energy back in Volumes 9 and 6. I’m sorry, but after everything Jaune has been through should not go back to being a comic relief character. No, not a chance, considering they're in the kingdom of Vacuo.
Vacuo, the desert kingdom might as well be the crime invested, savage, and brutal nation in all of Remnant. And this was the best place to bring thousands of people to? Imagine the amount of stress Jaune will be under due to the amount of work needed just to have stability. And he just got back from the Ever After. Imagine how hard it will be for him to readjust to Remnant, especially if the people start losing faith in the hunters. Not only that despite being reverted to the age he left in, he still is mentally older than everyone else. 
Remember what Jaune’s mother told him, “A stranger is a friend you haven't met yet.” Well, that’s debatable now after being betrayed by so many people. So imagine Jaune thinking twice about trusting anyone, regardless of good intentions. Hell, have him question Emerald so she can prove herself or his allies for a change considering they barely do anything for him. Either way, Jaune… won’t be as trusting as before. 
Next, after failing his friends multiple times at least story-wise…Jaune might as well be more obsessed with getting stronger than ever before. Even though Weiss, Yang, and Blake slightly helped him, it’s not enough to help him move past the amount of pain he went through like isolation, paranoia, and self-doubt. These things can make Jaune question himself, and lead him to want to quit, leaving the hunter world for good. Or die. This isn’t a good idea, considering Jaune is needed and is a hero in other people's eyes. (Jaune has been doing a better job than most characters, despite being the weakest in the group.) 
Sadly, his friends may be unable to talk to him about it. I’m talking about Ren and Nora, mainly due to relating. But it's because they are both horrible teammates. 
Okay, I explain my beef with these two. Ren and Nora, I tolerated at the beginning volumes. However, after volumes four to eight, I got frustrated with them enough that I didn’t mind if either of them or both of them died. Jaune always has to be there for both of them but neither is there for him when he truly needs them. I get it he is their leader but still. And before you all say “Ren and Nora have moments with Jaune.” My counterpoint is that most of them are forgettable and were outweighed by their other actions. Don’t believe me? Then let us discuss the volumes.
In volume four, it’s crazy that Ruby knows what Jaune has been doing more than his team. Let’s not forget during a fight with a Nuckalavee they were conversing while Jaune and Ruby were fighting for their lives. Look I understand, the Nuckalavee killed Ren’s parents but still. And don’t get me started on how they were willing to stand aside in the fight with Tyrian. At least Jaune was trying to help in response to Ruby jumping in between Qrow and Tyrian’s fight by herself.
Volume five, not going to lie, Nora was worried about Jaune but that was in a trap set up by Cinder and Raven. And to make matters worse they fought one man together while Jaune faced a maiden alone. Then when Jaune was healing Weiss, not knowing how long it would take, the moment Ren got hurt, Nora rushed in to help him, knowing Jaune may need protection. (I know it was under Jaune’s orders but come on.)
Volume six…. No. Let us skip this because even though it was a bad time, at least Nora and Ren said the sweetest thing ever. It’s too bad I can’t say those same words held up for volume seven. Nora and Ren were barely with Jaune at all. Jaune is more with Oscar than they were combined. Then they were useless in the fight with Neo and argued half the volume onto volume eight.
In volume eight, I truly started hating these two even more. Nora seems to care more about Oscar, to the where she has hugged him more than once, while I don’t recall one time she ever hugs Jaune. So far, in many volumes, she was straight-up rude to him. And even when he and Ren return from almost certain death she never says “Hi” and after healing her, Nora and Ren start having their moment again. Nora never said “Thank you”.
Speaking of Ren, we can’t forget this man calling Jaune out like he did, over something they all agreed to do. Understand, the circumstances they were in. Oscar got kidnapped by an unknown enemy. They were in a snow field with no shelter insight and they could die. All while Oscar was in enemy clutches with no way to reach him. With the facts in mind, was addressing any of what Ren said, important? “No. Why?” because not only was it not of any importance, there were too many counterpoints to his statements.
And what makes this worse, is when the portal to Vacuo, appears before them, they immediately use Jaune as a test subject instead of Emerald. Nope, these two are unless to Jaune if he starts going on the deep end. Emerald and Oscar might be a better choice than either of them. Hell, I’ll take the red-haired woman over them. I want Raven to talk to him or at least Qrow. 
I want Raven to come back and talk to him, due to being one of the same. The only difference is Jaune’s actions were based on circumstances, while Raven’s were purely by choice. Imagine Raven telling Jaune every cruel thing she’s ever done. And how some of the decisions she’s made in her life, caused her more grief and hardship than good. She tells Jaune not to make the same mistakes she did. Telling him to press forward despite everything he has gone through. I wouldn’t mind if Raven bothers to train him if Jaune asks of her. And if that can't happen then give that role to Qrow. However, there is one person Jaune needs to stay away from and kill. Tyrian.  
Tyrian is one of those toxic individuals, who will use and manipulate people to do things recklessly. Like I said before, the people's faith in the hunters could be diminishing. People like Tyrian will take advantage of this by using violence and chaos as a solution. When it's simply him pushing his own agenda. Tyrian was already interested in Jaune, but he never expressed why. Tyrian, in theory was like Jaune but life changed him somehow to be a monster. Jaune who's already close to insanity might as well be another reason fueling Tyrian’s curiosity. Tyrian wants to see how long it will take to break the knight’s spirit until he becomes just like him. Or push him to become another ally for Salem. Basically, instead of like Marco where he just forgets and moves on with his life, Jaune, I agree, becomes more like Samurai Jack. Or in this case, Odysseus, who I probably talk about later.
Samurai Jack, as many know was a Samurai, sent to the future and out for revenge against a demon known as Aku. He has experienced multiple failures, especially trying to find a way home to the past. Soon, he lost all chances of getting home to his family. And to make matters worse, he loses his sword and his way. This led to Jack being on the run and hiding from Aku. Sending him into a downward spiral as he felt all hope was lost. It wasn't until he met Ashi and remembered the good he had done for the people is when he rose to fight again, overcoming his demons. Odysseus, on the other hand, learns a different lesson. Again later.
If that’s the direction Jaune’s character is taking, then these are the requirements. Jaune moves on and embraces the reality that he isn’t the same person he once was before the Ever After. And he needs to find his strength once again. Planning and making better choices than the supposed headmasters and rulers of the world. And the best way to do that is to work on himself while separating from the group. What I’m theorizing is, when Alyx said “You’re not meant to be the hero.”, what could she have meant by it? Probably because while being a hero is good, being a ruler and leader for the people is a lot better.
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rachetmath · 12 days
I'd like for Jaune. I'm vol 10 whenever we get it to be more mature and level-headed but still have some trauma to work through. Also, he would like for him to have some screen time with his team, and they just talk and listen to Jaune as He talks about what happened. Also, if we ever see Jaune V Tyrian, I want him to take what knowledge he has of how Tyrian fights and uses it against him, kinda taking a page out of Neopolitan's book in a way. But speaking of Tyrian after rewatching RWBYJ V the Cat, Tyrian kinda fights like the cat in a way but in a more unpredictable sense. I also would like to see Merc try to join the fight only for Tyrian to stop him and be like
"No this one's mine"
@waltat04 I can respect that but I don't think Nora and ren can help.
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rachetmath · 16 days
Sometimes, I wonder what a Penny&Jaune Vs Cinder fight would have gone in the finale. For example, team rwby have all fallen, and it's just Penny and Jaune holding Cinder off giving the Atlas and Mantle civilians time to get to Vacuo. Of course, they would lose and fall, but we could have gotten RK Jaune AND Penny, and I would have loved to see that
@waltat04 I mean.... hmm... I mean Penny could still die in the Everafter considering the cat. But besides that, I can imagine what could go down.
Penny is human so Jaune has to teach her how to survive. I say it could spark a romantic relationship but there are red flags to this mainly with Penny loving Ruby.
Either Penny or Jaune dies, leaving the other alone causing either of them to have a mental breakdown. That way, even when either of them sees Ruby again, neither would be the same. And to be honest, Ruby still had it coming but a pissed off Penny is worse than Jaune, I can give you that.
They do fall in love and have a life but when they return to Remnant, again, they have change. Mainly because they would be a lover or they already have a child. Or to make it dark, they had to give up their lives and erase that child from existence
I mean there are many possibilities.
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rachetmath · 16 days
Ya know, I always stood by the idea Ruby didn't tell Ironwood the truth due to the Haven and massive Ozpin lore drop. Now, to be fair to Ironwood, I don't think he would ever make a deal with Salem(since that's like making a deal with Satan), but seeing how determined he was to get the lamp in vol 8 by getting Watts, one of Salem's Lieutenants to hack Penny. I wouldn't have been surprised if they actually went the route of Ironwood secretly working with Salem. I'm not excusing Ruby Lying, I'm just saying I can kinda understand her thought process if her process on holding the truth for the time being
@waltat04 Yes I can understand that thought process however James was pushed over the edge in volume 8. Now with Ruby, again, I understand, especially after Leon and Ozpin, however, Ruby has already met James, three times. He bailed her and her team out on multiple occasions.
Next James explained his reasons. His methods are debatable but... no one in the group cared. I mean at least not enough to do anything different. You would think after how bad the situation is getting Ruby would try being more attentive and solve some problems but no. I mean, Blake and Yang tried, but that only made things worse.
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rachetmath · 26 days
Man hell yeah. I would love to hear her story before she met Ren. I say her mom was worse than Raven. Like volume seven you gave me a moment with Nora and you didn't let her go off.
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Confession #5
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rachetmath · 1 month
Yang Priorities
Yang: Hey Jaune. 
Jaune: Yes?
Yang: Remember that question me and Winter asked you?
Jaune: Yes. 
Yang: Be honest with me then am I a good sister?
Jaune I mean you are better than me but not better than Winter or Sapphron.
Yang: How so?
Jaune: Yang you have been doing Ruby dirty for a while.
Yang: Not true.
Jaune: Yang on her first day you abandoned her. How do you think we met?
Yang: um.
Jaune: Our initiation, you never once tried to save her. Weiss did that. 
Yang: Okay but that was because she needed to toughen up. Especially if she is going for the big leagues.
Jaune: Okay. First mission.
Yang: Oh come on, I was asleep. I found her and hugged her.
Jaune: Okay. After the fall of Beacon. 
Yang: Okay you can not fault me for that. I was going through it. 
Jaune: You were crying over a girl. At least she was alive. 
Yang: I lost my arm.
Jaune: Protecting Blake who you were crying over. And you got a new one. I stepped up and went with Ruby to Mistral.
Yang: I eventually came back.
Jaune: You did. But not before going after Raven. The deadbeat.
Yang: She was my- 
Jaune: Bitch, you could've just called once you were close to the city.
Yang: It would have taken me hours. 
Jaune: You had a bike.
Yang: Still.
Jaune: Okay then back Blake. You talk shit about how your mom did you dirty. But suddenly when Blake did the same shit and came back you forgave her.
Yang: She's different. She did it to protect us. 
Jaune: That's great. But here's the thing, um, we were in danger anyways. What the fuck do you mean?!
Yang: … … I-
Jaune: And the crazy part is, you prioritize Blake a lot more than your own sister.
Yang: Not-
Jaune: Yang, Beacon you gave her a lecture because she was obsessed with the White Fang. 
Weiss: Then in the house, you got Blake out first before Ruby.
Jaune: Yang you were against telling Ironwood a lie and called Ruby out on it. 
Weiss: Not once but twice.
Yang: Weiss!
Weiss: You're right. He is going to do the same thing to me. But still.
Jaune: But all of a sudden when Blake wanted to talk with Robyn you agreed to that shit! With no debate!
Yang: Okay that-
Jaune: Then when that old lady talked bad about Faunuses, you were ready to talk shit considering your girl is a Faunus. 
Yang: Okay, I-
Jaune: Nah, bitch, I am not FUCKING done. The Ever After you were crying over your sister, but before, what were you doing that you didn't notice her having a mental breakdown?
Yang: Umm… well-
Jaune:  See bitch I should- Ooh. Ooh.  
Yang: Okay but-
Jaune: And then when she finally broke down. Start yelling at Blake, you jump in front, protecting her, from your own sister. 
Yang: Okay but I am still there for her.
Jaune: You're right. You do. But still, you need to start balancing Blake and Ruby because if you don't, then your relationship will be just as bad as Qrow’s.
Yang: Yeah you're right. But hold on what makes you worse?
Jaune: Yang, I have seven sisters. The one sister you met, I allowed all of you into her house. Eat her food. Cracked her walls. Risked her wife’s job and in danger her whole family to get us to Atlas. And guess what, I never told her about Salem or the mission we're on. She's probably worried sick especially because I barely write to her. 
Yang: Damn. 
Jaune: In fact I haven't talked to my family in years. I haven't spoken to anyone in my family since Beacon.
Yang: What? 
Jaune: You heard me.
Yang: Oh my God, Jaune, you need to go home. 
Jaune: *stressed out* I know!
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rachetmath · 1 month
Jaune's Last Man
(Hi sorry this has been my head and I completely forgot about this so let me end this with a kicker. A rap you may say. If you need a recap or you don’t know what this is about....he links here.;
Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/rachetmath/681709097493659648/ilia-blake-i-want-to-come-with-you-blake-ilia?source=share
Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/rachetmath/683991434179805184/can-we-please-get-a-sequel-to-the-post-about-jaune?source=share
Part 3: https://www.tumblr.com/rachetmath/688883250974916608/so-i-know-ow-you-said-you-dont-normally-do?source=share)
Jaune: Mercury.
Mercury: Vomit Boy. How’s it hanging?
Jaune: I’m doing fine.
Mercury: Really? I mean since you killed your friend. Your girlfriend dead. And Atlas. I would think you be in a site of depression.
Jaune: Yeah. Except I’m in state of rage.
Mercury; Oh.
Jaune: I mean I haven’t seen my family in years to where I can barely remember their faces. I watched thousands of innocent people die. I was betrayed by someone I wanted to call friend. All because of my stupidity.
Mercury: Wow finally admit it. You don’t know what your doing.
Jaune: Still don’t… but I’ll take my chances.
Mercury: So what are you going to do torture me.
Jaune: Haha no. Of course not. Ladies.
Neo and Ilia walks into the room. Neo before she took a seat on the table, she gives Jaune a kiss on cheeks while Ilia a has weapon to Mercury’s neck. Mercury was still shocked with Neo.
Jaune: Alright. Let us begin. I’m here to make a deal.
Mercury: A deal?
Jaune: You bet. I want you on my team.
Ruby: What?
Jaune: Yes.
Mercury: Why?
Jaune: We need someone like you on our side. Guys like you come in very short supply.
Mercury: That doesn’t give me much of a reason. Why should I give you allegiance?
Jaune: I’m willing to give something that can’t refuse.
Mercury: Please, your not even giving me a right to choose.
Jaune: *sigh* Ilia.
Ilia removes her weapon and sits down.
Jaune: Fine, I’ll play by rules. Look, I understand. Your father he was bad man. But brother he’s dead.
Mercury: I know.
Jaune: I know it was by own hands. I get it wasn’t easy but you fail to get-
Mercury: Is?
Jaune: That you can be better. So much clever. Do really want to stay in his shadow forever?
Mercury: Please. Who are you to judge me? If I recall correctly didn’t you cheat. You went to a school filled with talent. With nothing to show but empty promises and values. You talk a big game but you can’t measure up. Face it bud, your only here because of luck.
Jaune: …. ….
Mercury: Got nothing to say. Guess the fun is over. No more debates. I guess I’m done now prison await. Besides Salem offered me world on a plate what’s better than that?
Jaune: Okay, little man, so what’s your plan?
Mecury: What?
Jaune: Yeah, little man, what’s you plan?
Mercury: I mean-
Jaune: What’s your plan? Tell me, little man, what you gone do when you got the world in your hands? You get all money and get some respect. You make yourself sound like you really are a threat. Yes its true, your right about me. I did what it took to follow my dreams. But now look at me. I am all three. Money, Power and respect. A threat guaranteed. I lost many people but yet I still breath. Yet I still believe in what we can achieve.
Mercury: … … …. What are you saying to me?
Jaune: We’re nothing like them.
Mercury: What do you want from me?
Jaune: Show me your bravery. Leave it all BEHIND and make history.
Mercury: But I-
Jaune: You’re nothing like him.
Mercury: I’m-
Jaune: You can still be better.
Emerald: *burst in door* And if your not sure we can explore it together. We’ll have each other.
Jaune: And if you believe-
Mercury: Believe?
Jaune: In yourself.
Emerald: And me.
Jaune and Emerald: There’s nothing you can’t achieve.
Mercury: Really?
Jaune: Right.
Emerald: You can fly. Again. Sore the sky. Again.
Jaune: Away from sun. Together with us. We can make history. Forge our destiny. Our story will be legendary. So-
Jaune: *pulls his hand out* What do you say?
Mercury: Hmm. Well-
Jaune: Yes, you will paid.
Mercury: And?
Jaune: Yes, come man, what do you say?
Mercury: *shakes Jaune’s hand* Alright you got a deal compadre.
RWBY: Dang.
Oscar: They went play by play.
Nora: So Jaune? Tell us, what’s now the team’s name?
Jaune JMNI. What do you all think?
Mercury: I got say, it’s got nice ring to.
Ilia: I accept the team name. No mistake.
Neo: *agrees with smile*
Jaune: Guess we agree. But before we celebrate we have demonstrate, how useful we are, leave no trace to debate. So let’s start on our first case. What do you say?
Mercury, Ilia and Neo(with a sign): Bring it.
Jaune: Oh this will be great.
Nora: Can we stop rhyming.
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rachetmath · 1 month
@weatherman667 Thank you. No I am for thank you. I respect your opinion. And glad you spoke because I am still trying rap my head around it.
 Okay, I know some people might be mad at me, but I stand by this. Volumes seven and eight were the most horrible volumes to me. Many you would say because of Ironwood and how the heroes betrayed him. And I would say, “Yes. That is absolutely the reason.” However, that is not the only reason I hate those volumes, especially with nine.
Ren and Oscar:
Ren and Oscar were the MVP s of volumes seven and eight. In volume seven, Ren was concerned with lying to James and was more worried about the people's safety. He became the most emotional in the group and started acting somewhat critical to the point he lashed out at Nora, Yang, and Jaune. This causes Nora to become somewhat distant from him and Jaune to be a little disappointed, especially after mentioning he cheated Beacon. However, after a little talk with Jaune and yelling at Harriet, Ren semblance evolves to where he can read emotions.
Oscar, who was willing to trust James when Ruby, for reasons, didn’t. Who openly told James the truth about Salem, then gets shot for it. Then gets found by his friends and immediately gets taken by Salem’s forces. He then persuades Hazel to betray Salem and gets Emerald on the side of good.
Here’s the problem, Ren didn’t do anything. Like, he didn’t try to fill James in on anything. He stood by his friends and still carried out the lie. And then his evolution really was unnecessary and wasn’t well-earned. And many of you might say, “But he earned it by standing up to Harriet. And it helped them in some way.” Okay, but hears the thing. First off, Harriet was going to hurt Ren if Winter didn’t stop her. And second, his semblance wasn’t even that useful in finding Oscar.
Now Oscar, he just overstayed his welcome. He somehow persuaded Hazel to betray Salem… Even though he is the reincarnation of the man he hates. He gave away the information to Hazel, who was ordered to collect that intel by Salem, which Hazel got mad at Oscar about afterward. But what did he offer Hazel to make him switch sides, considering Ozpin still can’t kill her? Why offer the last question to him? He already knows everything.
 And then Emerald, whom he met once and tried to kill Ruby in Heaven, Oscar managed to get her to join the hero side. Why? Why would the characters who not only met Emerald but were betrayed by her and Cinder be willing to trust her? Because Oscar says so? And what makes it worse is Ren agrees to it first because of his evolution. The reason it doesn’t make sense to me is because it’s coming from the wrong characters. Which brings me to my next problem.
Jaune and Nora:
Mainly, Jaune was my issue. However, we will talk about Nora first. Mainly on how the writers gave her the Jaune treatment. Nora was more concerned for the people of Mantle, while Ren was concerned for the entire world. This is due to Nora’s backstory where she was poor, parentless, and alone on the streets. Nora knew exactly how the people were feeling. So you would think out all the characters, she would most likely side with Robyn. Maybe even so far as to tell her what’s going on. But then it was Yang and Blake. Even though Yang was completely against lying to Ironwood and was calling Ruby out on it. (But hey, bumblebee matters.) Then what made Nora's coming out party even more hollow is she leaves Mantle to her teammates, while she goes back to Atlas with the majority of team RWBY, only to be knocked unconscious for half of volume eight. All while thinking about only Ren.
Jaune got it the worst though. Not just with the fact that he had to kill Penny even though he trained with his semblance and probably the most innocent and cool headed person on the group. But as I said before, a lot of Ren and Oscar's actions were pointless - no, didn't make sense because they fit Jaune’s character more.
Look, I said this before, but Jaune has no reasons to trust James. Not only because of Leon’s betrayal but Ozpin whose secrets came to light. Jaune had his trust broken two times. By Headmasters, no less. And you may say, “Ironwood gave Jaune and his friends their licensees early. And a place to stay.” True enough, however, Jaune knows Salem exists. James is trying to keep her a secret until Amity Arena is ready for launch. Who's to say he’s not giving them their licenses and a place to stay to keep an eye on them? (However, that’s not true. Considering Ironwood as we have seen has done nothing wrong to them.) That’s something for Jaune to consider. And even though he could feel sorry for the citizens of Mantle, that doesn’t mean he would fully trust Robyn either, due to her methods causing more harm than good. (The only reason anyone would side with Robyn is that she is a better choice than Jacque. Plus, why do we just see Yang argue about this? Why would Jaune agree to something that he almost hurt Oscar for?)
Basically, Jaune should have been the middle man from the start of volume seven, and in volume eight he brings everyone together. In volume seven, we could’ve had Jaune struggling due to having to help Atlas and Mantle as a huntsman while training to extend his aura, keeping his team together, and watching out for Tyrian, who said he had an interest in him (still don't know why.), and Salem. Jaune would’ve had a hard time, especially because his friends would have been making things worse, and he had to follow up on their actions. (More importantly, Jaune might as well learn to stand on his own two feet as huntsman and a leader. Otherwise, how is he important to the story?)
Then in volume eight, when Ren lashed out at him, Jaune would have had more to prove. Imagen Jaune negotiating with Winter on letting them go in to save Oscar. Offering the relic as leverage so they can find Penny, who mind you they were looking for. Rushing in, extending his aura, and going on his own to find Oscar while relying on his friends to do their part. Then having to fight and reason with Hazel to help him. Even to promise Hazel a future where no more people need to die due to Salem’s and Ozpin’s war, considering Jaune lost Pyrrha. Even maybe seeing Hazel ask Jaune to bring Emerald with him. Jaune learning to trust Emerald, despite everything she’s done because he may need her or sees her redeeming qualities. All this, though unintentionally, is to prove Ren wrong. That he’s capable of doing great things and making him a supposedly better leader than Ironwood. He’s based on Jeanne D'Arc, right? Who was the biggest turnaround in the war for France in 1429. A leader and influencer who managed to convince her allies to join her side. Despite being a woman and a peasant with no proof that angels told her to help in the war.
(Okay, look, many of you might say, “Jaune is not a good fighter” which I agree… but isn't a fight more like a debate using strength and knowledge. And we have seen Jaune fight just not with human opponents.Him fighting Hazel may determine how far he has come from when we met him. Also Jaune’s and Hazel's character a true opposite 
Plus the whole point of Hazel’s character is him being a broken man with nothing left to lose. A man who lost all faith in humanity and the hunting world ever since his sister and possibly his whole family were slain by it. His faith slipped the moment he met Salem and found out she was immortal and cannot be killed, making his sister's untimely death even more worth less. However, Jaune is the opposite.
Jaune lost Pyrrha. He lost the very first friend and could've been lover to the hunting world. He was betrayed by others who he thought were  his allies. To make matters worse he too learns of Salem’s immortality. Yes, he was angered by this information. Furious. Almost enough that he would have done the same things Hazel was doing out of spite. But he didn't. He still fights the good fights.
Hazel is man who feels no pain. Sees an indifference between Ozpin and Oscar. Mainly because unlike Jaune he never hanged out with Oscar. So Jaune who was already worried for Oscar, especially after he got kidnapped would be the one to oppose and object Hazel for his actions. Believing that his actions will not only not bring his sister back… but mainly dishonor her. I'm just saying these two should have fought.)
But that’s it for volumes seven and eight. Look, I don't hate Ren and Oscar. However, as some of you complain about Jaune getting too much screen time or being a self insert but when Oscar does the same thing, no one talks about it and are ready to defend other characters and not call out their levels of screen time. Or how they don't fit into the situation. There were plenty of better things Jaune and Nora could have done beside kill or nap for the volumes. Instead, they’re pushed to the side until the writers need an escape goat to advance the plot.
(Also if you are wondering why I am just talking about team JNRO then I am going to be straight forward with you. TEAM JNRO CARRIED THE WHOLE ATLAS VOLUME. And mean main character wise..They save team RWBY. They were the main one probably keeping the people of Mantle and Atlas alive. Jaune killed Penny to save Winter. Basically unlike team RWBY, team JNRO were doing their FUCKING jobs. Hate me if you want to.)
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rachetmath · 1 month
Paper Pleaser = RWBY+NRO+PP
Weiss: hey Jaune?
Jaune: What is it?
Weiss: Were you…like… you know… were
Yang: Were you f’ing the paper pleasers?
Jaune: *eye twitching* No. What the hell gave you that idea?
Blake: Well you named them after us. One was named Pyrrha and…
Jaune: *holding in his vomit* 
Ruby: Look we just-
Jaune: Stop! Okay no. Phew. Oo this fanbase. Look, girls… I have a question. What were the paper pleasers?
Weiss: Their servants. 
Jaune: One. What else?
Blake: They’re smart.
Jaune: Yeah… smart.
Yang: Oh. Oh… they are also stupid.
Jaune: Yep. That's the word. 
Ruby: But they took care of you.
Jaune: Yes because of the list. Which takes me time to complete. Remember when I say they're predictable?
Ruby: Yeah… but what-
Jaune: Ruby, when I first got there, I was sad. So I thought maybe, at first, they did all that to cheer me up. After the third time, I told them, “Thank you for trying to cheer me up.” They looked at me confused. Also, they were living creatures.
Ruby: Oh.
Weiss: I see.
Blake: That explains something.
Yang: Hold on! Then why did you name them after us?
RWB: Yeah!
Jaune:*raises an eyebrow*
RWBY: *stares back at him with a serious look*
Jaune: Are you sure you want an answer? Because I made it clear.
Jaune: Okay. Y'all are reckless. I can't count, how many times, you almost died. And I couldn't do a damn thing about it. In fact, I can't help but feel like I am the cause because I don't bother to grab you by the shoulder and tell you to slow down. 
Yang: Oh.
Jaune: Yeah. Ascension is still death. So if you were to die unlike the Paper pleasers, you wouldn't return. You don't come back to life. You're six feet under the ground. And even if you do come back you won't remember me or your life. Then I have to tell your family. I have to live with it. I have to go on. Me. 
Ruby: I didn't -
Jaune: “Know.”? Of course. You never think about it. No one. Not Pyrrha. Penny. Alyx. Nobody! They don't have to live with it! I do! Just like Pietro. Pyrrha's parents. Ren. Qrow and your father.
Yang: But Alyx-
Jaune: Caused me more stress. Betrayed my trust. And almost killed me. One act of good… doesn't make up for years of pain. 
RWBY: *silent and feel bad*
Jaune: I struggled… to let Penny go. Now I have to let go of Alyx. I have to forgive her. And that's hard. It really is. So I think you know now, Ruby, why I got pissed after you spoke of them like they weren't real. 
Ruby: I'm-
Jaune: No need. Just understand this. Just because you had it ruff… … doesn't mean you had it worse. *leaves*
Ruby: *feels worse* Okay, I’m going to go cry.
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rachetmath · 1 month
What are your thoughts on jaune arc turning into a monster?
Idea: monetization from one punch man.
@themagicion77 I mean
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I've done something like that before. But if you mean something from the show OPM, what kind?
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rachetmath · 2 months
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Jaune vs Ursa (Level 3)
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rachetmath · 2 months
Okay, this bothered me for a while does no one in Ever After besides the cat mentioned Jaune Alyx and Her brother?
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rachetmath · 2 months
???: *laugh* Jaue Arc we have your friends.
Jaune: *silent*
???: Surrender and we'll maybe let you go. Or you die here.
Jaune: I see. Well there's only one answer.
???: Hahaha I knew you would... what?
Jaune: *stretching*
???: What are doing?
Jaune: Nothing. I'm loosing myself up.
???: Why?
Jaune: I mean shit- we fighting, right? Come on.
???: But-but you're-
Jaune: Look buddy you already got an army surrounding me. Why are you scared?
???: The fact that you are calmly saying that scares me. Aren't you a healer?
Jaune: Yes. I am. At least I'm supposed to be. But here's what I can't heal. My trauma.
???: What?
Jaune: I've had nightmares. I barely sleep. I still feel the pain. And no amount of alcohol can even make the experience leave my mind.
???: Um.
Jaune: I was so down bad I slept with the first woman I saw. Good experience but still.
???: UH.
Jaune: I wish I could go to therapy but, most of them don't return my calls. Barely listen to me. In fact, most of them say nothing is wrong with me. And keep forcing me back to work. Giving me the old "Fuck you."
???: O no.
Jaune: Yep. Since Vacuo is all about strength then this maybe the best therapy I can afford right now. So who wants to go first?! Who wants to console me before they get put sic feet under? Cause I'm right here.
???: Pfft. ATTACK!
Afterward, about half the army was killed or knocked out.
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Jaune: So who else?!
???: Okay. Okay. Okay! You are good! Take your friends!
Jaune: Thank you! I appreciate that!
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rachetmath · 2 months
Salem: *sigh*
Me: Hey.
Salem: Who are you?
Me: Not in important. You must me Salem. The immortal.
Salem: Yes.
Me: You have magic right?
Salem: Yes.
Me: You control the Grimm right?
Salem: Yes.
Me: Good. So is that it?
Salem: What are you-
Me: So let break this down for you. Your immortal woman. With magic. Yet you never use any other spell besides a lazer.
Salem: …
Me: You never picked up any hand to hand combat skills yet your immortal.
Salem: ….
Me: Have you ever touched a weapon?
Salem: … ….
Me: Okay but at least you’re smart right? You have allies right?
Salem: Yes.
Me: Okay good.
Salem: But…
Me: But?
Salem: Two of them betrayed me. Two of them died. One them has an tendency to disobey me. So…
Me: So there’s no structure in your team. Are there any other members besides the ones mentioned?
Salem: …
Me: Okay see that’s the problem. Do you have any idea what’s going on in the world? Like any clue.
Salem: Not really.
Me: So, you didn't know the White Fang is divided, right?
Salem: Why should that concern me?
Me: Because you can take advantage of that. You can lead them and they can be your servants. Your soldiers. Next, your Grimm are very adaptable and it seems they can merge with objects. Have you ever thought of experimenting with them?
Salem: No, I could barely find the time.
Me: Well then there is somebody who can help with that. And they hate Ozpin.
Salem: I see.
Me: And you destroyed Atlas. That increases your reputation. You can gain more allies.
Salem: Hm, you're right. May I ask you something?
Me: What is it?
Salem: I have this relic that was supposed to answer any question I wanted. However, one of my allies used it and now it won’t work for another hundred years.
Me: Oh so you need information. Well theirs a group for that.
Salem: Really?
Me: Yeah. And their criminals. Help them. They’ll help you. And you have a lot to offer.
Salem: Hmm. You know I could use an adviser. Do you mind?
Me: Sure.
Salem: Really? Sir you do know I plan to recreate this world in my image. I plan to be god.
Me: Okay, and if the heroes win it means nothing was wrong with the world. Or if you win it means this world was doomed from the start.
Salem: Okay.
Me: Let’s do this. We gonna make you a Madara, Seprthioth, and Thanos tier villain. Heroes ain’t go know what hit them.
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