session 19
Session 19 Sunday, April 25, 2021 7:47 PM
- I'm cold :[ the window is open - Last week on dnd: we went to a place mirt tipped us abt; activity around stone in castle ward o Explored a bunch of rooms and snuck around o Got to arena w prisoners made to fight, came across vats filled w dead beholders o Cel theo and adam discover the kitchenso Asyna and aerana went upstairs hearing commotion not knowing from where - Adam was instructed to head down the hallway to the left and go upstairs, pass through the meeting room and go through first door to right o Currently on lower level, heading towards noisy area - Adam kachunk kachunk kachunks up the stairs o Cel is slightly concerned abt adam's trolley driving ability, theo is holding onto the trolley for dear life bc adam cannot push this cart - Confronted w wall of noise, music o Passes through open door and sees two mess tables, full of diverse set of ppl generally looking shabby/down on their luck o They look mean and shifty but they're having a good time rn o Someone in corner sees adam with the cart ■ "looks at you and says" *dom waves, not saying a word* ■ Adam goes toward person and sees staircase ■ It is a human w a shaved head and an eye tattoo on the back of his head like the motifs in the dungeon ■ "when's my order coming sir" □ "sorry sir we're a little backlogged rn and I'm not your waiter if u tell me who ur waiter is I can find them n give u an update" □ Man sighs n grumbles bc they're v hungry ◆ Adam offers one appetizer to them; one big whole crab ◆ The ppl lean back and look at adam ◆ "just don't tell the chef," adam says, then trolleys away, full steam ahead - Confronted w sheer staircase, no ramp o Adam is gonna try to pull it up, strength check ■ Rolls a 7 ■ Halflings must make stealth check □ Pass without a trace thing is still active ◆ Theo rolls 21 ◆ Cel rolls 34 o Adam can get them up a couple of steps, but after a bit of trying some of the ppl at the party r just . Looking at adam■ "is there a . Strong dude . Just sitting down anywhere"□ "that dude and a couple of the guys" the crab ppl□ They stand up and start heading over to adam◆ "hello friends ! Did you like the crab?"◊ Human guy, half-orc woman, two dwarves w pleated beards► Human : " you want a . Hand ?"- Adam says he's feeding royaltyo The four of them get around the cart and hoist it up the stairs
o Cel's internal screaming gets loudero "I'd just like to thank you guys so much for helping me out"■ Adam winks at one of the dwarves, but why?- Top of the stairs, 150 feet hallway that starts to curve towards endo In front and to right, set of double doors followed by another doorwayo Also a set of double doors to far left and one perpendicular from thato Tl;dr: Facing three doors and one at the end of the hallo Adam is going to follow the directions, sees a passageway as he walkso Lots of ornate carving in the door, door carved to look like a piece of funguso Adam rolls perception, 6■ Doesn't see any other door but hears talking behind this one■ Hears ppl clapping and cheering; otherwise just hears deep booming voice that's difficult to make out- Adam bends down to cart and pokes head insideo "so we're here" adamo "thank god" theoo Left are snails, whole turkey, blueberry pie on carto Plan is to go inside, give them food, grab lord silgaro Cel asks if adam wants fake lord silgar now or later■ Adam puts fake lord silgar on head and pulls chef's hat over■ Except nvm■ He can't do that so uses empty crab dish instead□ Remembers where he puts it to avoid giving fake lord silgar out- Adam opens door and starts wheeling cart ino Theo n cel holding hands- Meanwhile !!- Asyna and aerana just finished going up spiraling staircase stealthilyo Poke heads around corner, notice passageway moving forward {straight) and one offshoot to right, further down there are two more branching pathso Aerana rolls 19 perception■ Can hear some ppl chatting■ Aerana can understand undercommon□ Ppl arguing, that there's no ghost "you're a moron if you think you saw a ghost" "no I'm not gonna check"□ They sound wet, dom says, and lillian and marguerite stare me down :{■ One thinks they saw the ghost, hear them to our righto Naya turns in circles then walks into wall■ Goes behind■ 17 investigation check□ No buttons on wall□ Nothing on the floor□ Nothing on the ceiling, no eye things; down 50ish feet can see an ornately carved door, looks drow-related w spider motifso Not sure if guards would see us if we went down hallway■ We poke our heads in and go OOP did u see the ghost in undercommon■ See big chamber■ Three doorways in diff sections of the room, in between two of the doors, a wider portcullis that's been lowered■ A bunch of fish looking bipedal creatures w spears digging into food, they're called kuo-toa■ One of them turns around and stands up, eating tough cured meat■ "do you know where it went ? I'm scared"□ Deception, 7
□ Short thingy but has a long whip in his hand□ Stares us down "you two aren't authorized to be here"□ "but she's a chef, so" asyna "we're lost"□ Asyna asks what they're up to◆ One of the fishy guys says he saw the ghost go a certain way, pointed towards a hallway leading off to the right in the room□ The main guy staring at us cracks his whip and says "we're busy"■ We back out and head into area we were first in- We go back to kitchen to grab food, off in distance we here loud banging crash from behind us- Adam wheels out the carto The floor drops bc there are stairs; a dozen or so cheering warriors in a wide chambero Make acrobatics checks■ "stairs have been the ultimate enemy in this session" jacob, 2021■ 16 for theo, 7 for celo Adam pushes cart out, and as it leans down, it's a little too heavy and turns to sideo Platters clatter open, except for the one containing the fish {stays upside down)■ Two dishes splatter onto floor, along with a halfling■ Theo stays inside the cart■ Cel tumbles outo Everyone looking at them■ "did anyone order a halfling and blueberry pie?"- Adam must make performance checko 14o Everyone in the room draws their weapono Floating creature descends and hisses, drow gathering energyo Sylvia has an idea■ Adam is telling everyone to calm down bc he has a pieo Cel stands up, hand on dust of disappearance subtlyo But they hear low rumbling sound- Adam yells "WAIT ! I know this looks bad ! But there is a much more pressing manner" as he pulls out the fish foodo Grumbling turning into laughter■ Really creepy uncomfy laughtero "halfling pie" ahahahahao Adam starts laughingo Cel halfheartedly laughso Can't see anything but can hearo Looking at ceiling just see large circle bowl attached to ceiling- Adam "I have been informed - praise xanathar by the way - I've been informed by ot to feed lord silgar his daily sustenance and if I don't get this to him soon things aren't going to b looking too hot for the xanathar guild"o Everyone kinda chuckling to themselves■ Cel makes 21, adam makes 13 or smth for insight check; theo rolls 3o The ppl don't think the joke is funny but they're laughing anywayso Voice echoes "v mysterious . ot went missing"■ "well he hasn't been to work in awhile" adam says□ Adam makes persuasion check□ Adam rolls nat 1◆ Hears deep imposing resonance◆ "deliver your food and then be gone from this ?? Space -- if you should trifle, then perhaps we shall enjoy the new employee with the pie"□ Adam tells cel to wait here and cel Is like :I◆ Adam casts message and tells cel that if things go south to find aerana and
asyna◆ Adam takes theo with him□ Cel messages back for adam to keep an eye on the plushie◆ Cel standing by door, adam wheeling cart with one hand, sets pie on table by buff guys and keeps going◆ Cel looking around room and doesn't see anything that doesn't look humanoid, sees two other doors not including one she came from- Human woman tells cel that she better leaveo "I think you should leave before he changes his mind"o Cel tries the door she came in from, it's unlockedo Adam is going for door closest to him firsto Cel leaves room going back way she came■ Right as she goes to leave, booming voice says "wait. You there . Halfling . Tell us a story . And you tiefling fellow . If you encounter ot, give him my best wishes . And then come back . say . Which door is ot behind, my friend?"■ Jacob: "I'm gonna roll a d2"□ "is this a test ?? I still just started this job" adamo Cel tries to leave, makes acrobatics check 18■ Human woman rolls nat 20 and cel cannot leaveo Jacob rolls 24 to ask for a hint■ "it is not the door on your left !!"■ Adam insight checks, 15; voice is odd and adam can't tell what's going on■ Adam says he loves the voice and opens the door right next to him■ Cold rush fills adam's body, just fear□ "give my regards to ot! You passed :)"■ Adam feels push and door shuts behind him, without theo■ Adam has darkvision, sees gigantic 20x20 fish bowl with aquatic plants and gravel inside and a miniature castle + sizable treasure chest at bottom of bowl■ Inside is a familiar looking dwarf with a strange helmet on□ Turns around and yells◆ "OT"◆ Adam goes over and puts two hands on his shoulders◆ Ot is holding smaller fishbowl with a goldfish◆ "I need that goldfish"- Back to asyna and aeranao We go get food from the kitchen, two souffleso We hear more argument back at stairs, sounds like ringleader from before in undercommon saying "well no sir according to my observation did not see any ghost . Well I should hope not but we can investigate for you if you desire"o We walk down left hallway, see tall pillars■ Passageway to left back in direction we came□ Door, passageway, passageway that goes sort of back way we cameo We keep going down passageway■ 17 perception check at ornate door■ We can hear cel talking and occasionally a deep booming interjecting voice■ We listen by other door, can hear fish people talking through there■ 18 perception down other passageway, looking down catches glimpse of a halfling being dragged off□ Halfling doesn't look like someone we recognize- 28 stealth check to pull open door a little bito See big group of ppl, knocked over cart that looks like one adam was pushing, cel- Back to cel, cel telling a storyo "have you ever heard the story of the yawning portal"
o "no . I've heard it's a terrible place"o "yeah it's an awful place with mystery that I want to explore"o Cel relays things durnan has told about typ, rolls performanceo 11 performance check■ Is talking for awhileo Aerana and asyna can hear clearly- Theo still inside fallen carto Is close to door adam went througho Everyone is watching celo Door adam went through is probably unlocked■ Stealth check, 17 w pass without a trace- Theo makes it through unscathedo Sees ot and adam chatting- Back to adamo "OT I need that fish"o adam slaps himo Adam makes strength check of 5o Theo has sneak attack and is gonna bonk ot on the head■ 13 to hit, stun attack and ot drops bowl□ Adam makes dex check, 14, catches bowl□ Looks like the fish adam saw in that painting but also looks p mundaneo Theo has other fish, other fish kinda looks like lord silgaro Adam gets lord silgar and puts him underneath chef's hato Fake fish named filgar■ See passageway leading out and sloping up {like a ramp) + locked double door against wallo Ot says "we spoke of the stone"■ Ot begging for fish, adam says give stone ot says I don't know where stone is■ Adam rolls 18 for insight, but ot blocking big bowl■ No fish in the bowl just a rocky sandy bottom, faux treasure chest, faux castle- Adam walks up to bowl, tips it overo Adam mage hands down into fish bowl, opens chest, sees oval, uses mage hand to grab rocko Ot starts crying bc he doesn't want to fail at his jobo Adam gives him filgar and brings ot close■ "you saw nothing"- Adam puts rock in pocketo Jk adam hands stone to theo and tells her to get out, adam is gonna go get celo Adam tells theo to meet at kitcheno Jk we'll meet outside the guildo Theo just needs to book it- Adam and theo high five, adam walks back out and claps "he ate"o "very good" booming voice sayso Says they're gonna finish eating the halfling but adam offers his entertainment skills■ Cel dips out, sees asyna and aerana and we hand her the souffles■ Keep door pried open- Theo follows passageway as far out as she can go- Adam starts storyo "there once was a young man in a fallen city . This city had many factions . This young boy was the leader of the smallest . His faction was growing smaller and weaker until one day he made a deal with a devil . Devil asks for an heir, man agrees, came at cost of best friend, but man receives great power and influence in city; one morning realizes consequences and at his doorstep were two baby twin tieflingso One crying one laughing
o Man takes it upon self to raise tieflings in secret, can't kill tieflings bc agreement- Theo running down hallway, sees heavily armed fish folk and head to double doors, walk through; four of us now togethero As adam giving speech, is casually inching towards door he came from, preparing darknesso Voice is just listening to storyo "Man raises two tieflings in secret, one void of powers other great sorcerer; tutor hired to teach lesser tiefling . Tutor was kind and only friend of younger tiefling and realized younger tiefling needed to escape; when younger tiefling turned 17, led tiefling out of city; older tiefling told father of plano Adam's voice cracks :{o "tutor was killed but the younger one got away"o "you know the younger one should've been stronger" voice sayso Adam's voice cracks, stops movements■ Looks at tentacle monster, cross and a little angry, hands shaking behind backo Is close to door
• We ALL run■ "and with that story that has ended with no happy ending, I will bid you adieu" calls darkness, YEETS away■ Adam running
- Naya pokes head out of wall, we run and cel recasts pass without a traceo 13 celo 20 aeranao 19 adamo 11 theoo 10 asyna- Running down hallway back towards kitchenso Behind can hear someone shouting "there you are" from behind us■ Adam casts hypnotic pattern on stairs for next minute■ Aerana launches bow, 6 damage on the jailer dwarf who was immediately chasing us
□- We keep runningDwarf is incapacitated and stands still on stairs
o Following pathway we came through
o Dex saves bc adam's pyrotechnics doesn't work
■ Aerana rolls nat 1
■ Adam nat 20
■ Theo 23
■ Cel 19???
■ Asyna 12
□ Everyone takes 5 damage, except aerana who takes 10
- Adam casts healing words to take aerana to 6 hp
o Adam casts hellish rebuke, 20 fire damage
o Aerana hits 15 damage and yeets out of room
o Asyna rolls 6 dex save, as running out asyna feels incredible slowness; can make door but still slow
■ Halved speed
- We round corner and go up the stairs
o "rat might actually work because rat is rat"
- Aerana turns into squirrel, speed returns
- We get to sewer we entered from and for the moment it looks as we've escaped
o We have lord silgar and the stone
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session 18
Session 18
Sunday, February 28, 2021       7:33 PM
  -  "we're all gonna die"
-  Lilguerite talking about soup and secondary soups and tertiary soups
 -  Last week on
-  We went to the hideout thing
-  In the prison thing
-  "you take little bites you fool"
o  "take bigger bites you fool" - marguerite, judging marianne
-  There's a minotaur
-  We tried killing this one guy but it didn't work lmao rip us
 -  6 for initiative
- 19 for L (22}
- 14 for M (17}
 -  Theo shoots, misses (10}
-  Dwarf
o  Sylvia: "how big is his ass"
-  Dwarf has an axe
o  Aerana is probably the closest
■       Is hit
■       I'm unconscious
■       "I'm expendable" "no binch I won't take any of this negativity"
-  Halfling asks theo for the lockpick
o  Theo gives it to her
-  Asyna turns into a crocodile
-  Adam o o o o o
Tries to bite and misses
 Cutting words Hits
Next minute dwarf is completely unconscious Strums one note for hypnotic pattern
Falls on his face (the dwarf not adam}
-  Time to go get his keys
-  Asyna has to roll a saving throw as a crocodile (17} ; she's fine
-  Cel adds 8 to aerana
-  Asyna turns into ape, grabs key, 11+2 for dex
-  Throws keys to adam
-  Adam lets big boys out first
o  minotaur, ogre, another w ogre-like features but not quite sure what type of creature it is
-  Cel lets out human and drow
-  Asyna takes battle axe
-  Asyna looks through pockets, 4 for investigation
-  Asyna gives adam the axe and gives the axe to the minotaur
-  Theo gets lockpick back
-  Aerana moves to the back bc she's casually bleeding out
o  Aerana in back with sword
-  Asyna still an ape
-  Theo doing smth I didn't hear lmao oops sorry lillian
-  Dwarf gets up
-  Adam "so you wanna surrender now?"
o  Dwarf grunts
o  Adam tells minotaur to sic him
-  Cel rolls to hit, dirty 20 w disad
-  theo rolls to hit, 15 w disad
o  Cel hits
■       12 damage
■       "can I shoot him in the ass?"
-  Adam has to persuade minotaur
o  11, persuades and minotaur
o  Hits, 21 damage
-  Back to theo
o  18 to hit
o  9 damage
-  Halfling looks around, turns to squad, says we have everything covered
o  Adam asks for any helpful things
■       27 for ?? Persuasion ??
  -  Asyna
 21 to hit
Sighs and has a crude shiv and walks up and shivs the dwarf Hits, damage ig
o 6 damage
-  Dwarf uses half his movement to stand, tries to run
o  18 damage from ppl around
-  Asyna gets to hit again
o  21 to hit, 9 damage
-  He runs off to the right
o  Adam is like 80? Ft away from him, casts sleep ?
-  Cel peeks out, sees arena with a bunch of blood
o  No bodies ???????? Ew
-  Arbys is the minotaur
o  Because he's got the Meats
-  Dom asks us for our passive perception
o  We apparently don't see the thing
-  Drow woman steps out
-  Does blood trail stop?
o  Adam investigating, 11
■       "sure" there's a trail of blood leading to wall, adam pushes wall, it swings inwards
-  Cel goes in first, adam right behind her
-  "are you guys finding the way out?" "we're finding the way in, dawg"
-  Inviting them to come with us
-  Ask them their names
o  Human names
■       Arthritis
□  "there you go. He's smoking hot"
□  This is an elderly man
□  Why are we into him
■       Claudio
■       Jia
o  Drow
Raylan Arwindar(?}
"if you follow quickly, minotaurs have an uncanny ability to memorize where they've been"
Looks @ asyna and aeranan and in elvish says if we're interested in visiting below, operation works on level 5
□ Puts on a ring and disappears
o  Humans choose to follow minotaur
o  Halfling is gone
-  We can still pass without a trace
o  Time to go down secret passage
-  Adam peeks head into somewhere and sees four pillars glowing w sickly green/yellow light
o  100 ft long
o  Urns scattered throughout
o  Via thaumaturgy dims the lights, walks over to urns
■       Stealth check to go to urns
■       30 stealth, notices some things abt room
□  Nine alcoves in wall; ones he can see have murals w beholders painted on them
□  Diff patterns + colors + eyestalk shapes
□  Large statues of beholder heads that look similar to the ones in the murals placed in front of them
□  To right, carved stone display of a scowling beholder flanked by two statues of wizards
□  Beneath each wizard's hood a light that pulses
□  The pillars are kinda pillars but they have bubbling liquids w a beholder n all of its eyes shuts in the tank
-  Adam wants to let them out
o  "bitch what the fuck" - sylvia
-  Adam looks back at everyone else and says "what the fuck"
-  There's an exit to the south, ahead of us
-  Adam investigates
o  Walks up to biggest beholder and "no don't do that" (sylvia} looks at it
o  They're frozen in a serene pose; the furthest one is jet black and chonky, larger than the one that attacked our house
-  Adam looks inside an urn
o  Adam makes constitution save
o  Dirty 20
o  Unique smell that makes adam wanna puke
o  Quickly shoves lid back on, adam picks up urn and takes it with him
o  No one is hiding in alcoves
-  Go out south door, see a hallway that looks like another hallway we were in earlier
o  In front is heavyset wooden door, another passageway extending to right
o  Door swings open, aerana looks inside; pitch dark which is unusual
■       Heavy desk made of stone in corner, ornate chair behind it w a spider motif
■       Bookshelves not really w any books
■       Two open crates
■       25 for perception
□                Nat20 bois "it's an 8" "no it's a 6" - lillian and marguerite
◆      Spider motif gives off drow vibes
◆      Crates: stuffed beholders in them
◊ Grabs a bunch of them
◆      Small statues in other crate like trophy depicting smaller beholder being caressed by hands
◊ Looks kinda nice
◊ Some type of stone
◆      Empty bookshelves
◆      Chair smushed
◆      Drawers in the desk? Pull desk back
◊ Nat20, we move desk and it grates against stone; see different compartments in desk
◊ Nothing on or behind the walls
►            Asyna recognizes chair theme
-   Not made of wood, made of mushrooms
-   13 history check
•   Looks like a chair from menzo bonanza
•   Basically drow capital
•   Asyna remembers that her mother used to hide things in her chair
 -  "guys there's a key in the chair. Can we look for a keyhole"
14 investigation
There's a sealed compartment in the chair, pulls out a small black key
o  Try desk keyholes
o  Left cabinet
■       Silvery silken sack
□  "what's in the sack" - adam
□  Asyna pulls out sack, hard to see
o  Right drawer
Nothing in it
Adam cannot tell us what it is
Jacob cannot tell us what it is either Asyna puts her hand in it, feels around Fits her arm in the bag
Tardis bag
■       Heavy tome
■       "it's not even a book. It's like a tome. This big black book"
■       Wrapped in webbing
■       Asyna recognizes it as just a typical book protector
■       Pages of symbols n words; some in elvish
■       Arcana check 17
□  It's a wizard's spellbook
-  Use naya to find the jailer
o  Goes out of pathway and to left
o  Let's go kids
-  Puts a plushie in the bag
o  Puts 30 plushies in bag, they fall out one at a time
o  Bag does not get heavier
o  Puts urn in the bag
o  Takes urn back out
o  Only fluff in the plushies
o  10 investigation to see if there's anything in the plushies
■       Yellow n blue beholder
o  Puts book in sack
-  Aerana wonders if turning bag inside out is infinite
o  Everything falls on the floor
■       The animals and the trophies
-  Theo steps into the bag
o  Put on the ground, oh never mind it's been 15 minutes
-  70 ft down hallway, see an eyeball thing
o  Looks like a living thing, alien, looks back and forth every once in awhile
o  Doesn't see us
o  Sneak past it?
■       Narrow hallway
o  Theo + aerana 20 to hit, same time
o  Cel 17 to hit
■       Creepy shriek noise
■       Liquid slips out, drips, turns into cloud of green dust
o  Dust in the bag
o  Adam tries to do monster lines
o  "now it's a bag of . beholding" - lillian, 2021
o  We get some beholder dust in the bag by blowing
-  Hallway continues, ends at a doorway w heavy wooden door w side passage and stairs heading up
o  Naya looking up
o  Adam peeking into other door
o  Black smoke billows out of room, adam sees room lit with a halfling male with a dirty apron on, running around frantically
■       Appears to be cooking
■       Adam opens door and salutes
■       "head chef I'm here to help ! I was sent by the upper"
□  "finally I haven't had a break"
□  Gives adam the apron and mans leaves
◆      Leaves out off to right
□  "does the apron say anything"
□  Cel says if we survive she'll embroider "kiss the chef" on the apron
■       Adam puts food on top of rack, two halflings on bottom?
■       Adam rolls 14 investigation, sees one dirty apron and chef's hat combo
□  Aerana puts on chef's hat and apron
□  Thinks this is stupid
□  Asyna and aerana cook
□  Nvm asyna and aerana r following naya
-  Adam pushing cart towards good smelling food
o  V elegant chef ppl walking around
o  Hallway transforms into smth less dingy
o  Two large stoves
o  Spice rack
o  More elegance here
o  Seven chef ppl
o  Two small beholders; gazers
■       Floating above, chef gazers
o  "well fuck you too" ???? Cel to adam ???
o  Adam goes to most important looking chef and says he's responding to duty, says he was instructed to feed lord silgar but bc new doesn't know where to go
■       Gives self bardic inspiration
■       17 for deception
□  Chef goes "what are u doing w that"
□  Can't give food to silgar
□  Cobalts look like little lizard ppl
□  Adam instructed to follow stairs from outside
◆                                                                                                              Left right left right again for xant chambers
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Adam: "Hey, can I have a sip of that water?"
Celandine: "It's not water."
Adam: "Vodka! I like your style-"
Celandine: "It's vinegar."
Adam "...what?"
Celandine: "It's vinegar, pussy."
(incorrect quotes; source: vine)
0 notes
Xanathar: "You're too late, super dorks! You’ll never stop me now!"
Celandine: "That’s where you’re wrong, evil-doer! We will stop you with the powers of-"
Asyna: "Friendship!"
Theo: "Harmony!"
Aerana, holding a bloody knife: "Incredible violence."
Adam: "Aaaaaand love!"
(incorrect quotes; source: shencomix)
0 notes
Asyna: "Nothing in life is free."
Adam: "Love is free!"
Celandine: "Adventure is free."
Aerana: "Knowledge is free."
Theo: "Everything is free if you take it without paying."
(incorrect quotes; source: ???)
0 notes
session 17 notes
Time for lunch in the castle ward
Someone is yelling at us in the farmer's market place
We walk away
Adam rolls a nat20 to find a tavern
Mirt looks the same as always but he's dressed up more than we're used to
Mirt pays for us bc we're poor
It's like a café
"some of them laughing, in like a very upperclass way"
We are at the dragon's head
Old elf guy is there asking us to follow him as he takes us to the bag
Not much seating inside
Situated on a bluff, unblocked view of the sea
Pigeons have hatched, ugly
We're getting water
Where are we going
,,,,, home ?
Someone sent mirt a thing that said we were looking for the xanathar guild hq
Mirt said he can show us where the alleged entrance is
The shrimp is half celandine's size
We're talking abt someone who embezzled ??
Adam goes to yava
Confronts her abt telling laerl
Gives her his ukulele pick and says he might not come back next week
Asyna and celandine are
Going to meet jones
And get a goldfish
Shack on the outside but inside of apartment is richly furnished
Lots of goblins
Cel's talkin to jones
Jones has once use of dust of disappearance
"I can sing for the dust" asyna 2021, rolls 17 and persuades him
Sings baby by bustin bieber
Acquires dust
Y does everyone think we're gonna die
They're gonna go get goldfish now
Rolls nat20 for investigation
Theo goes to TYP
Talks to durnan
Asks if he knows anyone named lavinia
He's gone for a bit in the back
Comes back w a rlly big tome
Asks theo when
Apparently four months since they were separated
Durnan asks theo to describe her
Page covered w names dates n groups, pointed to group that dipped abt two months ago
Was there for a few days before (going down the well?)
Five companions with her
She's probably down there
They have not come back through this entrance
Typ is more like a front door
Gets names of other companions
Half-orc, tharos
Human, meer
Leila, halflin
Jauros, dwarf
Tha(y)ne, human
Says if she ever wants to investigate herself it's 5 gold
"I'd say you're ready"
Durnan went down a long time ago, suggests to bring a friend
Aerana goes to temple of knowledge
Big houses of worship for god of knowledge
Go to dragonborne lady, filing through papers and scrolls
Some records lent from the castle ward abt ruins and stuff abt tunnels there
Sheath of papers, investigation check of 12
Blueprints for what sewers originally looked like
When first conceived
Investigation, 18
Nothing particularly weird but diff testimonials from citywatch reporting weird things like gangs and monsters
You read that occasionally they find areas with strange layouts
Investigation check, 5
Ask if dragonborne knows of other places
Suggests speaking to city itself
She listed places in the sea ward
  Adam is looking for another teacher
Adam is acquainted with don as another teacher
Adam is buying smth
Jacob losese 150 gold n gives potion as collateral
Adam is racist
And sexist
And hates women
Accidentally talks to theo instead of cel
Got a gift, magic bow?
Cel has a present for theo
New cloak
Gives adam dirty cloak
Attuning to bow gives +2 to damage
.mirt is taking us through a few alleyways
Bureaucratic stuff
We come into enclosed doorway place to alley tha's been blocked off on the side of the street
Manhole cover in the ground]
Gives mirt wig
Aerana goes down after cel, refuge from rain
Down into sewer
Aerana jumps in, area looks like a fluke
Walls look like would contain larger passageway but they took section of sewer and blocked it off as separate room
Passageway with a doorway and stairs leading down
9 perception, can't hear too much other than dripping water
Aerana steps inside, gets sense of being watched, goes down stairs a little bit
Starts seeing points of light
Sees eyes that pop open bc of the light
Magical carvings
Unsettling carvings
No reaction; stone carving in the walls
Displays an eye
Readies weapon
Aerana rolls 23 for stealth
Light gets a lot brighter as descending down staircase
Enters to long hallway that's 9ish feet long, doorway I can see from my position leading off righthand side, all throughout tunnel are eye motifs carved into walls
Sensation I'm being watched
Looking down to left there's big set of double doors, in front of doors on ceiling is eye but different from carvings; looks alive, sticks down and is attached to stalk, occasionally blinks
Eye is just monitoring passageway
Adam makes intelligence check, 6, it looks like the beholder's eyes
It's 60 feet away
Aerana sneaks down, pushes door open a little
Peeking through looks like another shorter hallway going for 40ish feet, v narrow, stops at another door
Adam makes intelligence arcana check, thinks the thing is a sensor, like a security camera
Aerana goes to other door
Peeking in, looks like big chandelier? is hanging from ceiling
23 for stealth again, I'm good thank the lord
You see another beholder eye thing floating in the middle of the room, it's being necormanced
Doesn't see me
There r big green spores floating around like dust motes
Looks like there's another hallway down there
We are outside the room with the beholder zombie
We're gonna try to blind the thingy and RUN to the other hallway
Long dark hallway that leads to left past range of left
Dash into room on the left
Throw open door
Slam circular door behind us
Now we're in a stairway that slopes downwards
Making way downstairs
There's a figure looming in shadows on the side, is actually a suit of armor on the wall
Cel stops adam from touching armor
We walk for a little while, passing into tunnel that curves a little; opens up to open amphitheater, have entered into spectators area for audience
Semicircular recess on the southeast wall
More eye things
Jacob has tums
Looking around chamber, well-lit, blood-stained sand pit in the center
Eye is far away doesn't appear to b looking at us, urns and weird jars under it, nobody here
Set of stairs leading up to right, stairs leading up to left
It's like an arena
We can assume it's for fighting
There's a tunnel leading under the thingy
We're gonna go to tunnel
Jump into the thingy, eye still doesn't appear to see us
Big open tunnel abt 10 ft wide w a circle door blocking our view
Aerana turns the door handle, rolls away
In another darkened chamber
Does look like there are cells in here
Aerana runs 30 feet into cells
Halfling sitting in corner, arms crossed
Drow woman
30 feet sees third cell out of four, has three people in it
Woman, two men
Older man, two younger people
Do we recognize anyone? From what you can see no
Fourth cell has some rlly large hulking creatures
Adam is talking to smth that doesn't rlly understand ? Minotaur ?
Adam is going to sing smth ?
Shutting the door, adam rolls a 17 bardic inspiration
Face matted w blood
Bones in cell
Adam takes out a ration and v tenderly pokes it through the cage doors without putting hand through the cage
Cel is going to humans
Brown skin, olive complexion
Rushes up
"say you don't look like one of the thugs"
"we're not we're trying to take them down what can you tell us about this place"
This is xanathar guild, they throw ppl in arena to fight, beasts in other cell
Claudia, jia and arthwright
Arthwright is an older man
Been here for two weeks?
Others have been there longer than them
Jia says the only time they've seen Him, when fighting; usually by place w urns
Find the jailer for the keys
Or just pick the lock
Aerana is going to drow woman nvm
Halfling closest to door minute came in she yelling at her
We're gonna try to get you out
Was kidnapped
Used to live in sea ward
Maybe we can help you
Asyna goes to drow
Starts talking to her in elvish
Greets her
"say .. You're not with zorin are you?"
Who's zorin
"oh . Well in any case unimportant now"
Asks if she's from a house
Was wandering through and was captured
Asyna rolls history check, 20
Official house title was houses of zorlauren
Asks her what house she's from
"oh ! Wonderful"
Expedition project led her astray
She says no one else of importance was captured
They were killed
She killed the last beast they threw at her
Not sure what she's talking abt when she says levels
Theo lock pick check
14 to pick
Wire using snaps off
They look like skeptical ogres
One of them speaks common
"if we let you out just running amok"
"oh we can find weapons"
Adam is gonna roll insight
They seem trustworthy
Adam put a lot of stupid trust
Halfling said she could fight
Adam walks up to humans and asks how often jailer comes by, daily
Dwarf wearing horned helmet
Dwarf already came in to give food
If make too much noise he might come back in
"big boys, I need you to make a lot of noise on my signal"
Hear cursing in dwarvish and someone descends down flight of steps
Doorway rolls open, see squat dwarf fellow w big helmet
Cel and theo both hit, takes 30 damage
He's wearing some armor
Adam casts sleep
HE IS NOT SLEEPING his hit points are higher than 33
Pulls out axe
Stopping for tonight
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session 16 notes
We’re talking about mushrooms
And george michael
Why did dominic put us in number brackets
I’m [7, 8] because i couldn’t have 18
Jacob is 3,4
Lillian 5,6
Marguerite 9,10
Sylvia 1,2
Now we’re starting ig
Aerana is in a nice room
Soft light
Not too intense that it hurts your eyes
U don’t recognize the room ur in
Friends r there
Everyone sitting in nice chairs
Two others in the room u don’t know
Woman behind fine desk, hands folded
Human, middle-aged, red hair
Behind her another woman, less serene looking
Dark-skinned, black robes
Looks frustrated
It’s like we’re in an office ??
Theo notices lady behind holding staff looks weirdly familiar
Keeps looking at staff
Woman at desk looks at each of us; asked us a question
“What became of the stone?”
Cel thinks this is weird
Cel can’t remember who we were guarding, just remembers we were last in house
Adam reaches for uke
It’s there
Woman asks different question
“What do you remember from last night?”
Adam remembers looking over a dwarf
Then that he went outside
Adam asks her if she sent the big eye creature
As he says that we remember
Roll initiative
Adam 17
Cel 16
Theo 14
asyna/aerana 11
Adam remembers last night he came face to face w a creature
Shot off pyrotechnics
Blinded the thing
Adam instinctively rips a chord and fireworks start going off around eye thing
Creature grumbles
Eye without pupil; glassy
Almost like it’s rotting
Disengages and goes back into house
Creature snaps at adam
Cel sees adam walk back into the house
Grabs bow+sword
Too dark for cel to see thing; no darkvision
Adam just knows of it close to a zombie
Theo running down
Aerana shoots w shortbow
9 damage
Runs down and squints + launches arrow, strikes on jaw
Asyna tries casting spike growth ??
3 damage
No legs; lifts up above spikes
Creature rolls nat1
Adam rushes to window, looks like a floating head; flesh falling off its body
Bonus action cutting words
Opens window, “oh fuck… i don’t know you’re hideous . you’re ugly”
18 damage
Starts playing somewhere over the rainbow
Noise reverberates throughout creature’s body, starts crying, dies ??
As turn ends, eyeballs start blinking again realizing where they are, swivel to look at adam
Cel casts hunter’s mark ?
14 misses
Theo tries shooting
16 hits
9 damage
Rolls stealth to hide, 22
Aerana misses, 10 to hide
Asyna 17 to hit with ice knife
6 damage right in the face
Creature looks at adam
Con save
“I always make my con saves” - jacob, 2020
Rolls a 6
Adam takes 21 damage, creature takes 25 points of fire damage
Adam feels weird cold like life getting sucked out; tunnel vision
Adam uses cutting words
“That was weak” - adam, 2020, despite having 21 damage
Creature takes 8 damage
Adam ducks under window, goes back back into house
Cel rolls 18 to hit
10 damage
Theo rolls 18 to hit
12 damage
“How do you want to do this?”
Goes right through the eye
Cel uses cure wounds on adam, 11 hp back
Adam runs to basement to check on ot
Latch shut
Opens, goes in
Hard for adam to see in basement, casts message and whispers “are you there ot”
Aerana investigates body, 7 but was hovering, landed on spikes, oozing, tongue black
Con save 4 to cut off eyeball
Touches tentacle; gives too much
U throw up on it
Theo doesn’t see anyone outside
Cel asks asyna if she can see anything
Asyna rolls 4, cel rolls 6 for perception; can’t see anything
Adam casts message, nothing in that direction responds
Thaumaturgy to boom voice, calls everyone over
Reminds adam of darkness spell
Con save
“I always make my con saves” - jacob, 2020
Everyone starts moving back
Cel goes to adam
Theo goes to adam
Theo + cel also make con saves
Cel 6
Theo 10
Cel theo adam all hear each other enter, feel sense of relief; smells smth rlly sweet
Feel unsteady for a second
All three fall unconscious
Aerana stops throwing up
Rinse mouth, eat food
Looks in pit, dark
Aerana puts latch back on
Latch won’t close all the way
Dark purple hand
Aerana 15 to hit, misses
Hand flips latch open
“Don’t be so hasty”
Flamboyant purple hat w green feather holding box
Shirt cut open, pointed ears, sash w diff weapons
Aerana introduces to asyna, eating toast
Asyna asks who he is
Introduces self as nareel
In swoops another figure
Lieutenant of jb
Offers us employment opportunity
Pulls out sack
Aerana takes it
Tells asyna abt “merry little band”
Band called bregan d’aerthe
Jb starts talking to asyna
Bregan d’aerthe born out of desire for drow men to be free
Wants to recruit drow to join band to enrich selves and others
Jb not supposed to be here
From luskin
Expected to take on missions
Invite to brunch
Jb will just pop in
Asyna and aerana join
Jarlaxle baenre
Asyna remembers smth
Society she ran away from
Lady who ran it last name is baenre
V interested in rumor abt open lord embezzling dragons
Conceited idiot
Location of treasure
Heard there’s a stone
Wants the location
If no treasure, would still receive normal compensation
Aerana wafts cupcakes
Asyna eats cupcake
Aerana eats cupcake
Everyone wakes up
This is laeral silverhand
“This is the black staff”
Theo rolls history check, doesn’t remember what black staff as a title means
Staff reminds of blackstaff tower
We pin blame on xants
Adam rolls 21 persuasion for compensation
Black staff says “sure maybe we can arrange smth . avoiding a labor camp for disrespecting the open lady’s wishes”
Adam tells most irrelevant parts of conversation
Black staff bangs staff, ends conversation
23 deception for saying he doesn’t remember
Theo’s sister is in typ’s hole
Laeral says treasure may be beyond us
Adam walks out
We say we’ll come back if we have more to say
Theo has voice in head that says she shouldn’t chase false hope
Adam looks for exit ? as theo steps into center floor runes glow and go down
Walls shift to aerial shot of city
Stop in fortress
Leave castle waterdeep
Morning by the time we leave
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made some moodboards for the pcs! it's Adam, Aerana, Asyna, Celandine, and Theodora in that order. hope you enjoy, maybe I'll make a few for some of the npcs if I find more things to put :)
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some reference pics of pcs & npcs, this is mostly for my own use but maybe people will enjoy this as well
done on procreate, idk how much time it took but less than most of my other things bc no shading lmao
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session 15 notes
Ok true crime as in my new addiction is true crime podcasts specifically about serial killers
Back to the session
 After getting a bit of a reality check from durnan about the supposed strength and power of the xanathar guild…
Protected our home w glyphs of warding
Last day of our contract
Spell is set to fade soon
Asyna is feeding ot
Ot looks at asyna like he's a cornered animal
"ot here's some meat"
Why is krystal roasting me about my lover
He wants poison
Ot is calling his jailers idiotic
Oh no aerana might be spilling beans
I really shouldn't be allowed to play games
Because I will always turn to the chaotic evil character
Aerana isn't giving anything up
Theo tells us about the plumbers who came over last night
Aerana is going to typ, rest of party is staking out house
Shifts to watch ot, adam takes front, asyna tower lookout (it's foggy tho so perception check at disadvantage, 9; city looks a little eerie in the fog)
Cel puts immovable rod across cellar door
Ot is suspicious whenever cel comes in
"you cannot fool me xanathar"
Cel making theo a new cloak
Ot asks cel when he'll turn him into dust
The xanathar can turn ppl into dust
Flare ?
Is flare the brain boy ?
I don't like the energy we've created around the word "enlightenment"
Cel rolls 18 insight check
Ot doesn't think cel is cel
Cel is gonna just vibe witth him
Sorry didn't mean caps but too lazy to fix
Everyone else
Adam in front hissing at neighbors and cats, 7
Hears pavement scuffle, someone approaches and reddish gtray beard person w non-descript gray cloak approaches; trench
Doesn't remember cellar and plumbers guild coming by night before
Trench says he can help
Help get bar open
Used to drink there a lot
Gets parchment and quill with ink
Rolls insight to see if bar was only thing he wasd interested in, 13, trench seems v interested
Works in surveillance, protection
Gives him cel and theo's name "5 copper please"
Gets 5
Adam picks his nose
Theo patrols entrances
13 for perception
Overlaps path w adam's
Aerana to typ
Afternoon when there
Similar pattern to those there; frequent patrons
"if I'm making up words, it's not really hitler"
8 perception
Place feels open, not as packed as it usually is
Still feel sensation of cold from the well
Wizard w pointy red hat a regular
You see goliath wizard talking to a dwarven woman
Aerana sees an elven man (bard) w "ugliest guy you've seen in your goddamn life" dom says but only after we point out he looks like legolas, tuning a lute
Sense you've seen him before
The wellllllllllllllllll
It is better told by a bard
Some patrons old and strange, others just like to drink
But ritual in the storytelling
Durnan built
Talking in elvish
Place formerly not too populated
But one of durnan's ancestors came over to build upon it and discovered the well
Network of tunnels underneath
20 for history check
Familiar with some of what he's saying
Parents would throw you into the undermountain if you were bad
Undermountain = stirs weird memory in your head
Being told as a child stories of undermountain
Deep dark fearsome place
Mt waterdeep wizard came here once named hallister the black cloak
Hallister - ppl don't know where he was from / if he was real but legendary
Brought apprentices trained in magical arts
Tunneled on peak of mt waterdeep
Legend of undermountain could not be verified as truth
Durnan's ancestor came to typ
Climbed into well
"I wouldn't bring this up around him" - doesn't talk abt
When ancestor returned was fabulously rich
Split money with best friend
Built typ
Occasionally engages in ritual of going
No one truly knows what lies in undermountain but there's something there bc some return but most do not
"it might just be the sewer" - "but don't tell anyone I said that"
Differing renditions
Some say durnan was the one with magical powers and killed everyone in there, or more nuanced speaking only of tragedy of those who return who come back fearful or returning with smaller parties; others talk more of hallister and argue over his life; every night a different story
Ask if he knows anyone who's come back
Gestures to half-orc in corner playing variation of solitaire; great celebration when he returned, he came back with riches
He is a regular
21 history check
Familiar name
"Deepest dungeon of them all"
When sewers were built many passages abandoned bc other halls + passages found, many teams from cellars and plumbers guild died during construction of the sewers
Prisoners often thrown into "undermountain"
Says even tho he's here most days there's still stuff he doesn't understand about it; new community reforged every night
At some point durnan talking to wizard and having a conversation which is odd ? Eventually wizard looks at aerana (old man) skinny pointy red hat
Wizard squinting at aerana then turns back to conversation
Try talking to half-orc
Interesting plated beard almost like that on dwarves wrt ornamentation; jewelry running through it
Wiry half-orc
Not skinny but muscled
Weird tattoos covering one side of his face looking like they change a little bit
Balanced a little precariously
Ask if he wants to play a two-person card game bc he's playing solitaire
Ask for his favorite game, Skipper (slapjack)
Dexterity check
5, 20, 10
First round you lose, his fingers have strange looking rings beautiful but rough-worn bands of steel or other heavy metal
Second you win
Third round he takes
"say not many people can beat me in that game"
"luck favors the bold"
In the well
Hell but now look at him can gamble all he wants
City of balder's gate
Large city rough place to grow up
Turned into rough child living on streets
Says his name is Sand
Balder's gate warlords make life difficult so he decided to leave
Was found in youth by someone who turned his anger into smth holy
Ran into thieves and plunderers of forgotten relics, became brother and sister and decided to take on deepest dungeon of them all
Horrible things - asks if you've heard the song
The yawning portal song
Not many people know the full tale
Was taught to be skeptical (it's in his nature or maybe his name)
Not sure how long he was in there or didn't know when he was in there
No light
Tunnels are confusing and without it would've been lost; found room with throne with snakes for arms
Great hallway with ancient trap
Living things also in there; all manner of beasts and creatures; ppl don't come back bc of those
Killed goblins down there but after the things he's seen and after the things he'd had to do could've gone with killing a few more goblins
Advice ? Some will sell maps of what they found or what they think they've seen; anyone can tell u abt beasts down there
Durnan wouldn't lower us down
Durnan doesn’t send ppl to their deaths
Durnan lowers people he deems worthy
Strong brave smart fast bold enough or some combo
But even then not everyone comes back
It's a place of death
Not buying him lunch lmao
Has broken into dangerous old elf dungeons like in the ones up north and would do it again if he could unsee some of the things he saw down in the well
A place of death but things move in the shadows w tombs down there and tunnels for miles hallways great and tall, treasures, beasts keeping it for themselves
Ask about tattoos
Gift from master
The person who saved him in balder's gate
Steeped in magic of shadows
Powerful bc he is strong but qi is stronger still
Aerana gets back home but starts to rain heavily
Ppl still patrolling
Sees drow ? W purple colored eyes silver-ish hair hiding weapons under his cloak steps up and says "pardon me" and asks if adam's seen a cat
Large cat - would've know if saw it
Adam sends drow to trench
Adam gives him good up and down look, can he see weapons ? Carrying two cinotaurs ??? Sinotaur ???? Adam rolls insight for cat
14, seems like he's talking abt a cat
Heads off to trench
Asyna in watchtower guessing ppl's names
Cel and theo switch
Theo says hi to ot, ot curled up in corner
Whispers "hey ot what's up"
Says he should've gone with his gut on the day theo arrived
"dark elegance" "the way you glided into the room" - ot on theo
Ot says he knows how the xanathar pays theo
"I guess seeing you was a realization of my deepest fear" a fear he couldn't name or place or knew he had but out of the darkness theo stepped forward
"I'm curious . How long do you leave your victims like this"
Ot starts to cry and says he would beg her to keep him in this place
"this voice you're using I find it sweet"
"I just don't want to wake up before the end"
Theo is gonna get him food
"the poor dead tiefling told me yesterday"
7 insight
Theo does not know what's happening
Says the water theo gives him looks real
Looks at the wall drinks some water
"and it tastes real"
We kinda fucked ot up LMAO OOPS
"I know that you don’t have a heart… but if there's any chance that anything I've ever said or thought about you could take root in your soul"
Theo says she'll consider his request
Sits there for a half hour then asks if that's her real name
"nithlur" or smth like that
"where'd you hear that"
In his head lmao
What if this is like
A tapeworm
In his head
"what does knowledge taste like"
Asks if it's a feeling or a thought
Theo says it's a feeling
Ot says whatever knowledge is it's valuable to the right thing
Wonders if he can take a nap
Gonna take a nap
Adam forgot he made ott think he was dead
Aerana is taking over for theo
Adam takes first watch
Perception check, 22
Raining ohp so at disadvantage gotta do it again
New roll, 12
Rain is still falling
Hears a weird noise coming from outside the house
Uses thaumaturgy to boom voice saying "wake up"
Everyone sleeping wakes up
Goes toward sound
Hears weird growling noise
Goes semi-toward noise w pyrotechnics prepared; darkvision does he see anything
Sees shape
It's not the cat
Unfamiliar, looks like it's flying but more like it's floating
Bobbing up and down in air
Creature w large glassy eye and sagging mouth w lots of sharp teeth
Sticking out from form are eyes attached to a slug protruding off it w glassy eyes hanging off it
Intense stench making icky moaning noise
Adam shits his pants
It's big
The size of its mouth is human size
I've been listening to serial killer podcasts all day
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a lesson in domesticity: a wdh fic
2832 words, takes place during the downtime
(note: was this an excuse for me to light something on fire without anyone going to prison? pretty much but also I really fucking miss my friends so this is the next best thing other than video calling)
When Adam saw the list pinned on the announcement board, his first reaction was to wonder if there’d been a mistake. It has been his idea to figure out who was doing what, and they’d agreed to rotate duties every so often to lighten the load on each other. Someone got groceries, two others would be on cleaning duty- hey, it was a big house- someone got some time off, and one person would be in charge of making team dinner. Unfortunately, he’d been stuck with the last task, and frankly, he was freaking out. 
Not that he resented team dinner by any means- in fact, it had turned out to be the highlight of his day on multiple occasions. Bard training, though rewarding, exhausted him sometimes, and it was so nice to decompress and spend a little time with the party that he was starting to really consider as friends. Theodora was very kind, Asyna was a really good listener, Celandine had become a fierce type of affectionate, and Aerana had a brand of dry wit that Adam had come to appreciate. The only problem? Adam had zero cooking experience. His family had always had a cook (who’d been promptly replaced when Adam had accidentally gotten the previous one executed) and he’d been discouraged from learning, as he’d been pushed deeper into studying magic. Unfortunately, none of his magic skills knew how to create food, a fact that Adam made a mental note to ask Yava about later. 
Adam ticked off options on his fingers as he pondered, faintly worried about how the hell to make food that was edible and not just buying fruit or something. Attempting to make food on his own… probably a bad idea. He could ask for help? Maybe, but it dawned on him that maybe he should have thought of that earlier- he was alone in the house and the others wouldn’t be back for a while. Asyna was getting groceries for the next few weeks, Aerana had taken her dog out to get in some bonding time, and Adam wasn’t exactly sure what the two halflings were doing. Theo had mentioned something about Cel helping her track someone down, and Adam kind of pitied the poor creature on the receiving end of Cel’s wrath. Nevertheless, he couldn’t call on anyone in the house, save for Jenkins the stuffed alligator who couldn’t exactly help him make food. 
Adam frowned. This was exactly the point in time where he’d hoped to have several friends, but he’d never really been good at that. He’d suspected that the other party members had also had a tough time making friends, but he wasn’t sure if he should be asking that. Besides, he had more friends now than he’d ever had, especially two weeks ago, when he’d been commissioned to rescue Renaer… Renaer! That’s it! Renaer and Floon lived in the next ward over, and it seemed like they both generally had their shit together- at least, more than Adam did. Maybe they could help him? 
Renaer sighed, closing the door of Mirt’s room behind him. This was the fourth time in the last five days that Mirt had knocked himself out from drinking, and Renaer could never understand how that man didn’t get awful hangovers in the morning. Mirt had been asleep for two hours, and Renaer knew that he’d be out for several more. Mirt’s tolerance was insanely good, and Renaer knew Mirt would be fine once he slept it off- he’d been like this more times than Renaer could count over the years, but that didn’t mean Renaer didn’t worry about the guy. 
It wasn’t like Mirt was alone in the house- he’d invited several of his old friends there to party and the house was uncomfortably loud for Renaer’s taste. Durnan, who was still sober, had offered to keep an eye on Mirt, and Renaer was grateful for the way out. He’d asked Floon to stop by, but Floon had mentioned that he wouldn’t be able to until much later. Renaer was debating leaving the house to go do something else, but the townsfolk weren’t particularly fond of him and he didn’t enjoy wandering around without something to get done. He could go to Floon’s, but there was no guarantee that he was home. 
Renaer was left in the living room, trying to think of an excuse to leave, when the doorbell rang. He peered through the spyhole- he’d learned the hard way that it was better not to have the son of the disgraced former open lord blindly answer to the Waterdeep police force for noise complaints. But instead of a team of law enforcement officers, a scrawny Tiefling teenager leaned against the doorframe, and Renaer couldn’t tell if the kid was out of breath or panicking. Renaer opened the door with a bang. “Adam?”
“Oh thank goodness!” Adam still hadn’t gotten his breath back, but he sprinted up to Renaer with worry-filled red eyes. “You gotta help me, man! I’m on dinner duty and I can’t cook and everyone’s out of the house and I don't have that many friends and I don’t wanna mess this up and-” 
“Adam. ADAM! Calm down,” Renaer commanded. Usually he didn’t like raising his voice (and sounding too much like his dad), but it was obvious that Adam was about to lose it. “Deep breaths. Take a big, deep breath, and then tell me what’s going on. Slowly.”
Adam gulped in a breath and complied, spilling his worry about screwing up the dinner and consequently his friends’ resentment. Renaer was pretty sure that Adam’s housemates wouldn’t resent him for that- they might be a little miffed, sure, but even he could see that the other party members did genuinely like Adam behind all the teasing. Still, Renaer knew how it felt to seek approval like that. 
“Do you have any cooking skills?” Adam asked Renaer, eyes still wide and anxious. Renaer frowned. Technically, he did not. He’d never really needed to- he’d always grown up wealthy and around food that was relatively accessible, and Adam had mentioned that he’d had the same background. Still, Renaer wanted to help, and he definitely wanted to get out of this goddamn house for a second. 
“I mean, how hard could it be?”
Asyna still had not returned with the groceries by the time that Adam and Renaer arrived at Trollskull Manor, so dinner options were rather limited. Adam seemed even more panicked at that- apparently he and the rest of his friends tended to wait until the last minute to pick up groceries and Adam looked like he was going to start hyperventilating, so Renaer made him sit down. Adam tried to protest, but Renaer raised an eyebrow and gave him a skeptical stare, prompting Adam to plop on the armchair in the taproom and curl into a little ball. Poor kid. 
To tell the truth, Renaer didn’t have any idea what to do next. The cupboards were pretty much empty, save for a few spices and the odd vegetable here and there. He could wait for the groceries, but Renaer had never been a particularly patient man. After a bit of searching, he realized that one of the pitchers had quite a bit of dried spaghetti in it. It was supposed to be used for decoration purposes, but Renaer assumed that it was still edible and chucked it into a pot. Flicking the stove on, Renaer watched the fire come to life for a few seconds before abandoning the kitchen to check on Adam.
Renaer found Adam still curled up in the armchair, plucking nervously at his strange instrument- was that a lute?- as if he didn’t know what else to do with his fingers. Adam glanced up at Renaer hurriedly, red eyes meeting slate gray. “Sorry for panicking. Um, do you need more help? I can still try to look for something…”
“No, it's fine. I found spaghetti, so it should be okay,” Renaer said. He hesitated before adding, “You don’t have to be so hard on yourself, kiddo.”
Adam raised one dark eyebrow. “Renaer, I’m seventeen.”
“You’re still a minor, then.”
“Wait, how old are you, then?”
“I, uh, just turned twenty-five.”
“Really? No way!” Adam threw his head back and laughed, and Renaer fought back a grin despite himself; Adam’s laugh was infectious even at the worst of times. “Are you serious? The girls and I all thought you were at least, like, in your thirties!  I mean, it’s been up for debate before. Cel is only like a year younger than you, and even she thought you were more than a few years older than her. Hell, Asyna thought you were like, dad-aged.” Renaer couldn’t help but laugh at that. He was no father himself, but Renaer thought that there was something oddly endearing about his misfit group of friends animatedly debating how old he was and if he was closer to their age or their parents’. (Shit, he really was getting old fast.) He was about to chime in again with another snarky comment on Adam’s age when the doorbell rang, prompting a still-laughing Renaer to the front door. 
The peephole showed a flash of ginger hair and gray eyes, and Renaer grinned further at the appearance of one of his favorite people. “Floon! What are you doing here?” Renaer asked. 
“I came to see you,” Floon replied with a smile. “I stopped by Mirt’s house, but you know how Mirt is... he was out cold again and Durnan said that you’d been summoned by Adam the tiefli-”
Floon stopped mid-sentence and Renaer whirled around to see Adam sprinting from the taproom to the kitchen, tail thumping against the walls as he made a quick turn. He stopped, turned back, and ran towards the kitchen again, this time with his instrument in hand. 
“By Adam,” Floon said after a second, gesturing at the direction Adam had run off to. Floon focused on Renaer again after the moment of confusion gave way to curiosity. “Renaer, what exactly are you doing?”
Renaer opened his mouth to respond, but the sound in this throat died as another sound became more prominent: the sound of Adam screaming, followed by the sound of intense instrument strumming and what could only be described as off-key singing/screeching. Renaer met Floon’s eyes for just a moment longer before he realized holy shit the spaghetti, and bolted towards the kitchen with Floon close at his heels. 
The first thing Renaer registered, besides Adam’s commotion, was the smell- something had evidently been burning in a way that it should not have been. What was once dried spaghetti had turned itself into a tiny torch inside of the pot. It had not cooked properly at all, opting instead to burst into a thin column of orange flames and gray smoke. Adam had turned off the stove and was smothering the flames with one hand while attempting to play his instrument with both his other hand and his tail, all while singing “Flame, flame, go away, come again some other day!” like his life depended on it. 
Floon rushed past Renaer to grab another pot and dash to the nearest sink, and Renaer did the same. After a couple of rounds of water to the spaghetti, the fire disappeared completely and the three boys stood in the kitchen in silence for a few minutes, just getting their breath back. 
It was Floon who finally broke the silence after a while, turning to Renaer with an eyebrow raised. “Did you… Renaer, did you put water in the pot?”
Renaer turned to Floon, confused. Adam piped up, “Well, yeah, he did. You both did, right?” Adam motioned to the water that they’d used to put out the fire that had been dumped into the spaghetti pot, and Floon groaned. 
“No, no, Adam, what I mean is, when you were first cooking the spaghetti, did you put it in a pot that already had boiling water in it?”
Adam and Floon both looked Renaer’s way, and something finally clicked in Renaer’s head. “...Is that a thing you’re supposed to do?” Renaer asked, already knowing what the answer would be. Water in the pot would have made a lot more sense, in hindsight. 
Floon sat down hard and smacked a palm to his forehead, muttering in disbelief. “Renaer, yes, you’re supposed to put water in the pot. Are you- I can’t even believe- why the f-”
Renaer couldn’t help suddenly bursting out laughing- at himself, at Floon’s disbelieving expression, at the slow grin on Adam’s face, at the ridiculous fact that he’d been alive for twenty-five fucking years and had no clue how to make pasta. The way Renaer saw it, it was either laugh about it or have a crisis about it and god, there were plenty of other things to have a crisis about. Adam joined in, and soon the laughter escalated into Renaer and Adam ending up on the floor barely able to breathe as Floon put his head on the table and regretted all of his life choices.
That was how the girls found them a while later, the four of them coming in within a few minutes of each other. It was Aerana who noticed the state of the kitchen first, Asyna following closely at her heels. Aerana’s powdered nose scrunched up at the smell of smoke as Celandine and Theodora walked in, and Asyna asked, “Um, was something burning in here?” 
Floon just looked at the newcomers in tired defeat and glanced at Renaer and Adam, then returned his gaze to the floor. Aerana’s bear dog, Groot, nosed her way over to Renaer and Adam, taking a particular interest in how the insides of their ears smelled. Renaer scratched the top of her head, and Groot wagged her hindquarters with such enthusiasm that her tail hit Adam in the face. 
Renaer sighed. “It’s… Guys, I’m so sorry. It's a long story, but I messed up. Turns out, I don’t actually know how to make food.” 
The girls stared at him in curiosity before Asyna burst out, “Hey, you know, maybe tonight’s just not a cooking sort of night. We could go out for dinner? All of us in the gang, and just not stress out over whatever happened?” She glanced at the others, a kind smile behind her soft hazel eyes. Theo perked up and grinned at Cel, and even Aerana looked thoughtful at the prospect of dinner out with friends.
Renaer hesitated before getting up, stepping past the party and over to where Floon was busy petting Groot. “Um, again, I’m really sorry- I can leave if-”
Cel raised an eyebrow at him. “Buddy, you’re invited to get dinner with us. You and Floon both. I mean, you don’t have to come if you want, but like…” She trailed off, seeming unsure of the right thing to say. “We’re not mad or anything. We still want to spend time with you guys.”
Floon blinked. “Wait, really?”
“Yes, really.” Aerana huffed, humor in her dry tone. “What else are friends for?” She made her way over next to Floon and they sat by each other for a while, just scratching behind Groot’s ears. The bear dog whined like a baby to beg for more attention, and cuddled her way even closer into Aerana and Floon’s laps. Renaer wasn’t usually one to dote on a dog, but Groot’s brown puppy eyes were the sweetest thing he’d ever seen. 
“Maybe the Yawning Portal?” Theo asked, as chipper as ever. “Their food is pretty good- and hey, Volo might be there! We could tell him about all our adventures, and he’d probably really like to meet Groot?”
“Dude, the Yawning Portal?” Adam immediately lit up. “The pork loin over there is so freaking good. I’m in.” 
Asyna laughed and looped her arm around his, promising that she’d help him make pork loin at some point. Aerana stood up and pulled on her hood, Groot and Floon trailing close behind her. When Aerana’s back was turned, Theo and Cel shared a mischievous grin and then Theo hopped onto Groot’s back like she was riding a horse and they bounded out the door. Cel turned to Renaer, the glint of trouble and fire in her expression bringing out the bright green in her eyes. “Hey, buddy, are you coming with us?” She held out one freckled hand to him in invitation as the others glanced in his direction.
Renaer stared at the whole squad, then her hand for half a second before a heaviness in his chest suddenly disappeared, leaving him lighter than he’d been in a long time. “There’s no where else I’d rather be.”  Renaer took Cel’s hand and let her pull him towards the door towards all of his friends, towards a future where as long as they had the group, they’d be okay after all.
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Celandine, shoving Gorick to his knees to threaten him: “You have no idea what I’m capable of!”
Gorick: “Don't take it personally, but I feel like I’m being threatened by a cupcake.”
(incorrect quotes; source: How To Train Your Dragon)
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session 14 notes
• Sylvia's siblings r screaming 
• Dom broke his brother's headphones
•  oh god we're starting but I'm still trying to fROST MY CAKE
• Yava I think her name is is like ok gonna join y'all
• Adam's racist
• Yava hates drows?
• Yava's gonna help protect the house
• I currently cannot breathe because there is a dirty diaper being changed around me and it is
• Aerana theo and asyna r downstairs
• Adam busts down the door and tells asyna to cook
○ Pushing yava into our house
○ "hi everyone this is yava this is my bard teacher she's gonna b basically our security for tonight"
○ Yava tugs on adam's shoulder and gestures to the pile of bodies
§ "yava remember when I said I got attacked last night . This was our self defense pile"
§ Yava apologizes to us for the nature of our circumstances
§ "if any of my friends - or you - " ok a/n: adam has put a suspicious amount of trust in yava given the amount of time and I'm shook
• Outside entrance doors
• Door opened by someone not a member of adam's party or by yava after dark, then spell set off
• All of our windows have been blown up but were boarded up
• Adam puts glyphs on doors and windows they used to get in last time and on basement hatchet and one on kitchen entrance
○ Making them all cold
○ Den on the second floor?
○ I wanna eat my cake
○ Glyphs will unspell around 8 a.m. the next day
○ I !! Wanna eat my cake :)
○ "when u wake up tmrw morning can u deactivate all the spells"
§ She would not b able to reactivate it if we did that
○ It won't dispel until the three days r over
• Jacob forgot celandine's name
• There r street vendors
• There's no ice box like no place to keep drinks cool in the house and apparently that's weird
• We need to feed yava
• "if asyna ,,, turned into a pig" marguerite, 2020
• Dom brings up lotr count: 1
○ Specifically namedrops "the fellowship of the ring" count: 2
• We're going grocery shopping
• Adam and asyna and theo r gonna go grocery shopping ? 18 for investigation
○ Not rlly grocery stores but ppl selling food everywhere
○ I want . Grilled chicken
○ Or like fried chicken
○ chicken
§ Maybe I'll microwave the pasta I made for dinner w some extra cheese on top
• Adam gets pork loins, potatoes, green beans, butter, bread, garlic, salt and pepper (which we have), strawberry sponge cake, heavy cream, chardonnay
○ Cel is making way back to house
○ Perception check, aerana 6
○ Aerana is looking around, sees yava making rounds; yava doesn't seem to treat aerana any differently
○ Eventually aerana sees cel arrive
○ Cel gets back
§ The bodies r not there anymore
□ There is no mistletoe
• "heh. That could be scary" dom, 2020
• I'M H U N G R Y
• "tuesdays are pork loin nights" adam 2020
• Theo works on potatoes
• Cel pops in
• "adam did you make the garlic bread like I asked you to" theo, 2020
• Adam makes cooking intelligence check, 15
• Dinner is done
• Yava is done with one of the spells
• Something's happening I tuned out for two seconds
• Yava no longer considers self as one who goes on adventures but is now asking for our motivation for seeking this treasure
• Yava asks us for our motivations
○ Adam: revenge on bingbong
○ I don't remember the rest but it's not for the money
• Yava says she admirers the nobler goal of keeping the gold out of the hands of the xanathar guild
○ We don't know what we'll do w gold; cel is on team chuck-it-into-the-ocean
○ Could throw it into typ pit
• Oh my god. My cake slaps.
○ I want to focus on what yava is saying rn basically she's proposing we return the money if/when we get it but MY C A K E S L A P S
○ I N C R E D I B L E
○ Yava thinks there's a need for the money
• We don't know if yava is gonna report us
• Adam is gonna feed ot
○ Adam scoots the food back
○ Adam walks upstairs and says he's gonna b gone for five minutes and doesn't come back
• Cel asks yava abt her adventuring days
○ Was part of a nobles court years ago
○ Pirates too ig
○ I want cheese I want pasta with cheese
○ Has been to island of chault
○ Am I microwaving my pasta uh yes
○ Bet my fbi agent is judging me for how I'm reaching for my pasta from the microwave to avoid unplugging my earbuds
• Theo asks for advice from yava
○ Advises us to be safe but also to seek adventure where we can
○ Can get in over our head tho
○ Yava is spending the rest of her time still guarding our house
• Never have I ever
○ Adam
○ Aerana
○ Theo
○ Cel 
○ Asyna
§ Been in a relationship
§ Been outside of waterdeep
§ Had drugs
§ A good relationship w parents
§ Not had Pets
§ Worn pajamas
§ Thrown up on someone
§ Education
§ Talked to a god or deity
§ Eaten meat
□ Asyna is a vegetarian but made the best pork loin
§ Met my mom
§ Swallowed a key
○ Asyna wins
§ Adam has to kiss ot
□ "this is super important the xanathar r upstairs" tells him to whisper kisses him on the forehead then runs upstairs
§ Cel and theo have to be one big person, go find yava and have a short chat as one person
□ Takes aerana's cloak
□ "do you want to be the top or bottom"
□ Theo is legs cel is heads and arms
○ Aerana has to hug everyone
§ Slaps adam when he accuses her of touching his butt; 11 damage
§ It's canon aerana can't hug
○ Cel sits on theo's shoulders (doing this bc yava is back)
§ Adam gives them a mustache w the purple wig
§ Gave up on walking in coordination
§ Yava is in kitchen standing near entrance, eyes closed kneeling, focusing on spell
§ Plans change cel and theo r gonna go to fallah's shop
§ They're gonna do it the next day w yava actually
• It's abt 11
○ Before yava leaves n during theo's shift, hear a knock at front door
○ Theo looks through peephole
§ Dwarf at the door wearing a guild uniform
§ Two other ppl w her
§ Gnome w them, one appears to b taller
□ Female dwarf, male gnome, somebody taller
□ Yava looks through the peephole and says they don't look to b armed
□ Theo opens the door a crack; the ppl had been repeatedly knocking
□ "female dwarf woman"
□ Half moon spectacles n long ponytail + taller human woman w cropped hair
□ They're all wearing a uniform
□ Utilitarian brown clothes
§ "hello there my name is kalima n these r mertram and harriet; members of one of the city guilds the plumbers guild"
□ Informed by city watch of magical explosion
□ Theo says to reschedule their inspection
□ Theo roasts n says they should've come earlier
® 5 persuasion check
□ They'll come back in two days
□ Lmao lavinia we learning
□ They step down the stairs and confer on the doorstep as leaving
® Look around house and discussing + carrying out informal measurements
® Can't hear anything then they walk away
□ Tells whoever has next watch what happened
□ Yava leaves during adam's watch
® Before she leaves adam thanks her for her work + says he's glad she's become a relevant character in this campaign
® "don't thank me yet adam"
• That's it
• Lord of the rings mention counter: 2
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Jones, holding a bag of powdered citric acid out to the party: “Wanna do a few lines?”
(incorrect quotes; source: Unus Annus)
0 notes
Adam, about to suggest a drinking game to Mirt: “Did you ever experience a stereotypical house party, you know, with drinking games, and togas, and... What else do they do there?”
Renaer, trying to be helpful: “Uh, premarital sex?”
(incorrect quotes; source: Unus Annus)
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overheard conversation after Jones modifies the house
Jones: “If you had to rate my first batch of presents, what would you rate it?”
Celandine: “...10.”
Jones: “Out of 10?”
Celandine: “No.”
Jones: “Oh.”
(incorrect quotes; source: Unus Annus)
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