rheingoldweg12a · 23 hours
God! JFC! I'll never be over them!
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SUCCESSION 4.04 | Honeymoon States
ROMANGERRI ganging up on Greg
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rheingoldweg12a · 19 days
Could you all just stop making me cry!!! 😭 It's fucking easter!!!
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Well, it was nice knowing you.
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rheingoldweg12a · 19 days
@slimepuppied Just so you know. You made me cry on the Eve of Easter. 😭😭😭
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Jeanette Winterson, Lighthousekeeping // L.H.Z, Excerpt from Modern Romantics // // Marina Tsvetaeva // Succession // Will Wood, Against The Kitchen Floor // Anna White, Mended: Thoughts on Life, Love and Leaps of Faith // Sue Zhao
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rheingoldweg12a · 22 days
You are doing God's and every slime puppies work here.🫶
I actually need someone to write a romangerri fic where they are accidentally seeing the same therapist who slowly realizes they are talking about each other and in possible violation of professional norms gently nudges them toward reconciliation
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rheingoldweg12a · 29 days
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Favorite Otps/Pairings: Roman Roy & Gerri Kellman (Succession) “But you and me...we run it to fuck.”
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rheingoldweg12a · 29 days
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Unter Gärtnern
Tatort Münster
(entschuldigt die absolut unterirdische Qualität, die bei meinen Gifs typisch ist lol)
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rheingoldweg12a · 29 days
Die aufmerksame Beobachterin wird merken, dass sich die Beträge immer weiter erhöhen bis er ihr einfach das Portemonnaie gibt. Total natürliche Entwicklung dieses Erzählungsstrangs, wenn ihr mich fragt.
samma hat boerne zwischendurch irgendwie im lotto gewonnen oder wieso zahlt der alberich nich nur cent beträge, sondern n fucking hunderter
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rheingoldweg12a · 29 days
Awwww. You shouldn't have! Aber danke, danke, danke. :) Ich habe dafür kaum noch Nerven.
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Unter Gärtnern
Tatort Münster
Ein Gifset für euch Haller/Boerne-Shipper*innen :)
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rheingoldweg12a · 30 days
OMG!!! It gonna happen next month! :O Ich komme leider immer noch nicht so ganz darauf klar, dass es nächsten Monat wirklich 20 Jahre werden. I'm not ready for that emotional roller coaster. I'm not build for that shit! Ich will nichts groß versprechen, aber ich hoffe mal, dass das Jubiläum sich produktiv niederschlägt. Wir werden sehen.
Jap, es war einmal…nämlich genau diese Szene. Genau in diesem Moment ist es passiert und ich habe mich schrecklich schön verliebt. Es brauchte nur diesen einen Blick. Sie musste nicht mal was sagen und mich hat’s kalt erwischt. 
19 Jahre ist es her. Auf den Tag genau. Das war mein allererster Tatort. Das erste Mal, dass ich das gucken durfte. Und zwar diesen hier. “Mörderspiele” in der Wiederholung am Montag nach seiner Erstausstrahlung einen Tag zuvor. Der Rest ist Geschichte. Alle anderen Teams und vor allem Charaktere danach konnten nur noch verlieren. Sorry, liebe Leute, aber Silke “Alberich” Haller war einfach zuerst da und ist geblieben. 
Stur, trotzig, eigen. Genau wie meine Liebe für diesen Charakter, die schon so viele Tiefen und Höhen durch- und überlebt hat. Tja, manchmal ist das Herz eben doch herrlich einfach gestrickt. Ich bereue es nicht. Nicht einen einzige von diesen Tiefen und Höhen. 
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rheingoldweg12a · 1 month
So I just finished rewatching Succession (immediately after watching it for the first time) and it really is a show that demands multiple viewings. What struck me most this time around was that in your first viewing of the show, you're kind of set up to view Kendall as the default main character and the most likely "winner" but when you divorce yourself from that idea, you notice a lot more.
Because Roman snuck up on me as my favorite character during my first viewing, I wasn't really following his story as closely so the second time, I found myself following it a lot more and, bias aside, if any of the kids were to "win" in the end, it should have been him (although I absolutely wouldn't change the ending; I think it was perfect).
This is most clear to me in the final episode. Everyone talks about the scene where Kendall hugs Roman so aggressively that his stitches reopen and it's a great scene but what happens before it is really powerful too. When Kendall first sits in Logan's chair you see this very subtle discomfort on Shiv and Roman's faces like, "Oh no. What have we done?" but it's not enough for you to necessarily think they are going to betray him.
Then after Shiv leaves, Roman sees Gerri in the hallway and kind of breaks down. He says he doesn't want to go into the meeting and this eventually turns into, "It could have been me." It's a reminder that throughout all of season three and half of season two, Roman was actually the one doing the best work at the company. Why? Because he had an actual ally in Gerri. Kendall had his experience and sheer determination and Shiv had a false promise from Logan but Roman had actual, tangible support from someone with power. He and Gerri spend a bunch of time raising each other up and it actually works. She believed he could win. He believed she could get him there and if it wasn't going to be him, he wanted it to be her. But his messy feelings for Gerri is also the reason everything fell apart for him. Being reminded of what he could have accomplished got into his head.
Even his assertion at the end that everything is bullshit and they're all bullshit (echoed from the first episode) also kind of shows why he would do well at the job. Kendall believes he's entitled to it and is constantly shooting himself in the foot. Shiv lacks the experience and is incapable of loyalty. But Roman always knows deep down that it's all a silly game. He wants to win, sure, but he's able to bend to whatever needs to happen without letting it personally affect him. His emotions that he denies having are about individual people, not business. The fact that he has a genuine capacity for love means Logan views him as weak but it's that separation of emotions that makes him stronger than Kendall or Shiv who are constantly letting their feelings affect their business decisions. The one time Roman slips up on this, the dick pic, it takes him down completely, but that's so minor compared to all the times Kendall lets his feelings control him. Honestly if Logan hadn't been so horrified by it (and let's be real he seemed more horrified by the fact that Gerri is "old" than that his son is sending dick pics to employees) and Shiv hadn't been so determined to use it against her brother, it could have been nothing.
Of course, the "it's bullshit" attitude is also why Roman will be fine. Kendall and Shiv are in hell, and Roman is just chilling with a martini: kind of sad for what was lost, kind of nostalgic as martinis are Gerri's drink, but he'll be able to move on far better than his siblings.
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rheingoldweg12a · 1 month
Y'all are amazing. Reblog to hug the person you’re reblogging from.
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rheingoldweg12a · 1 month
What a killer choice of a song for that particular Tatort. I've loved that song since it dropped back in 2014.
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rheingoldweg12a · 1 month
Gefühlt 100 Jahre nichts für Tatort geschrieben. Aber diese kleine Serie hat noch Leben in sich. Ich habe die Chapterzahl mal auf 50 erhöht. Erscheint mir realistisch. :)
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rheingoldweg12a · 1 month
Endgame. Wenn sie mal wieder zusammen auf dem Institutsboden liegen. :')
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rheingoldweg12a · 1 month
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500 Jahre passiert hier nichts Schönes und dann haut mir der WDR sowas hin. WHY?!
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rheingoldweg12a · 1 month
Wenn selbst Schraderchen betreten auf den Boden gucken muss, haste vielleicht doch echt ein bisschen Mitleid verdient.
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rheingoldweg12a · 1 month
Ja man! Das können die doch nicht mit uns machen. Da kriegen wir 3 Jahre lange fast nichts und dann werfen die uns so eine Folge hin und brechen Boerne am Ende das kleine Herzchen. Geht gar nicht. Guckt euch den doch mal an! :'(
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you're telling me, dass boerne so enttäuscht war, dass seine alberich nicht mit ihm einen trinken gehen wollte, dass er einfach sein thielchen gepackt und an strand gefahren is?
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