roman-langblr · 2 years
West Medinipuria Bengali
Personal Pronouns
Unlike Standard Bengali which has three, the WMB seems to have only two tones of formality: casual and very informal. This is probably because for more formal situations the speakers generally turn to Standard Bengali.
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For plural of inanimate objects, you can also use এগুলা (egulā), ওগুলো (ogulā) and সেগুলা (segulā) although -গা (gā) is more specific of this dialect.
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For inanimate objects, it's fine not to use -কে (ke).
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I'll be posting on WMB for the time being, so you can read my previous posts for resources on Standard Bengali.
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roman-langblr · 2 years
Bengali sentence structure
Today we’ll learn three sentence structures in Bengali for three commonly used expressions. 
to be:
  subject pronoun + amount টি/টা/ জন  + noun.  *টি /টা refers to anything nonhuman জন refers to a human 
          আমি + একজন + ছাত্রী 
            এটি + একটি + কলম 
 same rule applies for plural pronouns: 
       subject pronoun + amount টি/টা/ জন  + noun    *you can either say the        number or use কয়েক (some)
      আমরা + চারজন + স্বেচ্ছাসেবী                  
     ঐগুলো + কয়েকটি + পাখি 
to have:
  possesive pronoun + amount টি/টা/ জন + noun + আছে 
             আমার + দুইজন + বোন + আছে 
            উনাদের + তিনটি + ছাগল + আছে 
to not have:
 possesive pronoun + কোনো (any)/ amount টি/টা/ জন  + noun  + নেই 
      আমাদের + সাতটা + গাড়ি + নেই 
      উনার + কোনো + সময় + নেই 
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roman-langblr · 2 years
Bengali Word of the Day: মৃত (mr̥to/mri-to)
English: dead, deceased, waned
শবাগার থেকে মৃতদেহগুলি উধাও হয়ে গেছে।
Śôbāgār theke mr̥todehoguli udhāo ho'e gæche.
The dead bodies have disappeared from the morgue.
Happy Halloween guys🎃
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roman-langblr · 2 years
Bengali Word of the Day: ধ্বংস ('dhôṅso)
English: destruction, ruin, end
এই চললে পৃথিবী ধ্বংস হওয়ার দিন দূর নেই...
ei colle pr̥thibī 'dhôṅso hôwār din dūr nei...
If this continues, the end of the world isn't far...
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Delhi, a day after Diwali (img scr)
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roman-langblr · 2 years
first off : HOW ARE YOU? (i hope you're okay)
could you direct me towards any resources to learn Bengali? I really wanna learn.
I'm a complete beginner. COMPLETE. (ik hindi if that counts for anything)
also like, i can't spend money on anything (strict parents hahaha)
Thank you so much n bye!
Yep, just 'okay' xd. Hope you're doing fine though :)
Oh knowing Hindi (or any other Indo Aryan language) does count! Because you already know how the abugida (writing scriot typical to most Indian languages) works. You also have a strong base of tatsam words (Sanskrit loanwords, we use a lotta them in the Bangla).
There are a lotta resources available online but here's my pick (including stuff I created):
Firstly, you should know a little about the language before you begin. So here are some Wikipedia links:
They even have tables of pronouns, verb conjugations etc so do check it out.
Next, you might wanna learn the alphabet and the pronunciations... I've made a playlist on that:
Learning basic phrases beforehand helps too:
And now you're all set to begin your language learning journey! This YT channel has good videos... I suggest you to learn spoken Bangla first before attempting to read and write.
And since you already know Hindi, this should help:
And listen to this podcast:
This website is pretty cool too:
Conjunct consonants can be a pain in the arse... So here's a table for u:
And I find these apps pretty helpful for language learning:
Once you have certain grasp over the language, I'd suggest you to consume as much Bengali media as you can. Listen to Bengali music, watch Bengali movies, read Bengali short stories and poems (or novels if you'd dare)... And it's really nice if you have Bengali friends who are willing to help you out. I'll of course be available in the asks if you have any doubts or need help. All the best! ^^
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roman-langblr · 2 years
Okay so... I tried writing something in West Medinipur dialect and... It's kinda crap but here, you can read:
আইজ কইতে পারি
তুমি বুঝলনি
মোর মনের কথা
আইজ কইতে পারি
সে ফিরাইলনি
মোর ভালোবাসা
আমিই ছিলি বোকা
করছিলি অপেক্ষা...
- অগ্নি
āij koite pāri
tumi bujhlôni
mōr mônēr kôthā
āij koite pāri
se phirāilôni
mōr bhālobāsā
āmi'i chili bokā
korchili ôpekkhā...
- Ogni
In Standard Bengali:
আজ বলতে পারি
তুমি বুঝলেনা
আমার মনের কথা
আজ বলতে পারি
সে ফিরালো না
আমার ভালোবাসা
আমিই ছিলাম বোকা
করছিলাম অপেক্ষা...
- অগ্নি
Without hesitation
I can say this today
You never
Understood me
Without emotion
I can say this today
She never
Returned my love
At the end of the day
It was I who acted foolishly
Even when heartbroken
I waited...
- Ogni
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roman-langblr · 2 years
Temauke 6: food
I decided to put all of the food-related vocab I’ve learned in the grammar book ‘mysteriet om nils (part 1) together in a list: 
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en agurk - cucumber
en appelsin - orange
et bakeri - bakery
en banan - banana
et brød - bread
ei brødskive - slice of bread
en dessert - dessert
et egg - egg
et eple - apple
ei fiskesuppe - fish soup
fløte - cream
(ei) frokostblanding - cereal
(en) frukt - fruit
grønnsaker - vegetables
ei gulrot (gulrøtter) - carrot 
(en) honning - honey
en indrefilet - tenderloin
(en) kaffe - coffee
ei kake - cake
ei kjøttkake - meatballs
(en) kylling - chicken
(en) løk - onion
(ei) melk - milk
en melon - melon
et måltid - meal
en oppskrift - recipe
(en) ost - cheese
en paprika - paprika
(en) pasta - pasta
en potet - potato
en pudding - pudding
ei pære  - pear
ei pølse - sausage
(et) pålegg - everything that you can put on bread
ei reke - shrimp
(en) ris - rice
et rundstykke - bread roll
en salami - salami
en salat - salad
(ei) skinke - ham
(en) sjokolade - chocolate
(et) smør - butter
en sopp - mushroom
ei suppe - soup
(et) svinekjøtt -  pork
(et) syltetøy -  jam
en tomat - tomato
[Let me know if there are any mistakes]
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roman-langblr · 2 years
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New List of Verbs for our #Norwegian Learners! (Part 12) 📚💕 PS: Learn Norwegian with the best FREE online resources, just click here: https://www.norwegianclass101.com/?src=twitter_special_infographic_verbs12_image_072320
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roman-langblr · 2 years
Opposite Adjectives
god | dårlig good | bad
lav | høy low | loud
ny | gammel new | old
død | levende dead | alive
stor | liten big | small
vanlig | rar usual | rare
rask | langsom fast | slow
samme | forskjellig same | different
ren | skitten clean | dirty
hyggelig | ekkel nice | gross
glad | trist happy | sad
gammel | ung old | young
lur | dum smart | stupid
pen | stygg pretty | ugly
sterk | svak strong | weak
modig | redd brave | afraid
tom | full empty | full
lang | kort long | short
høy | kort tall | short
bred | smal wide | narrow
rik | fattig rich | poor
trang | løs tight | loose
dyr | billig expensive | cheap
snill | frekk kind | rude
høflig | slem polite | mean
tung | lett heavy | light
mild | skarp blunt | sharp
overfladisk | dyp shallow | deep
vanskelig | enkel difficult | easy
tidlig | sen early | late
tradisjonell | moderne traditional | modern
varm | kald warm | cold
glovarm | iskald hot | frigid
lys | mørk light | dark
grov | glatt rough | smooth
søt | sur sweet | sour
fersk | moden fresh | raw
tørr | våt dry | wet
myk | hard soft | hard
tynn | tykk thin | thick
trygg | farlig safe | dangerous
alvorlig | barnslig serious | childish
interessant | kjedelig interesting | boring
ryddig | rotete tidy | messy
midlertidig | permanent temporary | permanent
åpen | stengt open | closed
privat | offentlig private | public
nær | fjern near | remote
ledig | opptatt available | busy
ekte | falsk real | fake
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roman-langblr · 4 years
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roman-langblr · 4 years
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roman-langblr · 4 years
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Expressing DISLIKE in #Russian! 🙅‍♂️🖤 PS: Learn Russian with the best FREE online resources, just click here: https://www.russianpod101.com/?src=tumblr_special_infographic_dislike_image_072120
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roman-langblr · 4 years
german adverbs (and one preposition) of time
related to past:
gestern - yesterday
vorgestern - the day before yesterday
vor kurzem, kürzlich - recently
neulich - recently
vorhin - just now
eben - just now
soeben - just now
in letzter zeit - lately
früher - earlier
damals - then, back then
vor - ago (vor goes before words like “week”, “year”, etc. “vor fünf Tagen” - five days ago. vor is used with dativ)
related to present:
heute - today
heutzutage - nowadays, these days
jetzt - now
nun - now
soeben - right now
gerade (also grade, colloquially) - right now
momentan - currently
related to future:
morgen - tomorrow
übermorgen - the day after tomorrow
gleich - immediately
sofort - immediately
bald - soon
später - later
demnächst - soon
jemals - ever
irgendwann einmal - at some point in the future, someday (both words can also be used separately with the same meaning)
eines Tages - someday
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roman-langblr · 4 years
the real regions of europe
crystal clear tapwater
everyone eats dinner at 10pm
slav squat
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roman-langblr · 4 years
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Van Kakelverse Meme’s
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roman-langblr · 4 years
Wow i love polish...i cant wait to stop being a lazy fuck and actually really learn it.
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roman-langblr · 4 years
Bezüglich der Situation: Was fällt dir beim Anblick von Gütersloh ein?
Nicht ganz so hässlich, wie einige andere Städte in NRW. Außer das vierte Haus von links, das wohl meinte “It’s not a phase, mom!”
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Hat sogar Fachwerkhäuser
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