sabzam248-blog · 5 years
Latinx Millennial takes trolling and other fun topics from this week
Being a Latina Millennial, I decided to focus my Tumblr posts on topics most closely related to me, we are after all on the topic of intersectionality this week. I most enjoyed the articles talking about how internet communities have organically formed without a specifically closed group but rather by sharing experiences and vocalizing their feeling on current events such as black lives matter or boarder control issues. Reading about the nuances that social media has brought into our lives was interesting as well. Prior to the rise of social media bullying was largely done in person and left in our youth however now with trolling, sea lioning, and doxxing not only has bullying become much more personal and insidious, it has also gone on to be played out and affect adults engaging in social media. Another perhaps less problematic effect of social media in our society is our new engagements in and with social media. Thanks to social media it’s become easier and more accessible to stay current on news and politics however this also has a confirmation bias if our social media timelines just echo our own thoughts & opinions or if the wrong people are being listened to or taken too seriously.
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sabzam248-blog · 5 years
To be apart of the Latinx twitter community & enjoy hashtags such as #nomames #latinamomsbelike & #growinguplatinx it might be important to understand the term “latinx” what it means & why it’s important
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sabzam248-blog · 5 years
Tumblr media
This chart is specifically about Hispanic social network use trends, it’s no surprise one of the highest uses is to find info on current news & events considering the climate regarding immigration & the U.S. Mexico boarder. As well as its major use to keep in touch with family in friends, family relationships especially are SO important in hispanic culture!
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sabzam248-blog · 5 years
As I scrolled through #nomames, I felt a funny irony. Just as my parents’ Spanish tongue made them feel like outsiders, five decades later, my own language inadequacy left me feeling like a stranger in a strange land.
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sabzam248-blog · 5 years
This article discusses social media trends amongst Hispanic millennials, most interestingly referencing the rise of Mitú, a platform aimed specifically towards this audience.
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