sadgirlselfcare · 1 year
29 Nov 22
Good Morning! “The greatest trap in our life is not success, popularity or power, but self-rejection.”  -  Henri Nouwen
You might be asking yourself what is self-rejection. Well it is a form of self-sabotage. It typically occurs after we convince ourselves we aren’t “good enough.” You tend to dwell on your flaws and failures regardless of if they are large or small. From there your brain will spiral downwards in its thinking that you are not good enough to achieve what you want. But I have news for you, you brain will lie to you. You are “good enough”. You can do it if you try. Will you fail at times? Yes, but you will also succeed as well. You are able to work your way out of your mental hole. You just need to try. So my wish for each of you today is that you realize, “You are good enough.” I hope your day is a good one.
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sadgirlselfcare · 1 year
scripting ideas for manifestation
writing with pen and paper is a deep sensory experience, more immersive than typing. it leads to stronger memory recall. in other words whatever you're writing is going straight to your subconscious mind, and the contents of your subconscious will manifest outwards.
journal from a future date
choose a future date (e.g. 20th february 2030) when you know you'll have your desire definitely. preferably many years after it already manifested. now write a diary entry of your day on this date. describe your day in detail. where you woke up, what you ate for breakfast, then your daily schedule etc. the feelings of gratitude will come naturally and it will begin to feel real the more you write.
letter to your past self
similar to the previous one, choose a date in the future but instead of journaling your day, write a letter to your present self from this future perspective. this will shift your consciousness to that of the wish fulfilled and also put your present circumstances into perspective. this will help minimise having negative reactions to current circumstances if you do it frequently.
movie script
imagine your life is just one movie. choose a scene from the future and write it out like it's a movie scene. maybe research how to write movie scripts and use that as a template or write it like it's from a book and your life is just a live action of this book you write. become the director of the movie you're in. maybe also create a music playlist that is the soundtrack to this movie, and listen whilst you write.
gratitude spiral
have a gratitude spiral whilst writing it out. you can either express gratitude for your present situation or for everything that will happen. thank your subconscious intelligence, the intelligence of the whole universe for its infinite intelligence. thank every person on the earth for helping you to get your desires. thank yourself for never giving up on yourself. just keep going. literally spiral and give gratitude for everything you can think of.
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sadgirlselfcare · 1 year
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sadgirlselfcare · 1 year
your desires aren't only possible, they are inevitable.
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sadgirlselfcare · 1 year
Every one says forgiveness is a lovely idea, until they have something to forgive.
C.S. Lewis
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sadgirlselfcare · 1 year
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Wishing you the courage to live your mysteries with an open heart ❤
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sadgirlselfcare · 1 year
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— Natalie Diaz, Manhattan Is a Lenape Word
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sadgirlselfcare · 1 year
no more of the agonies. have you seen the wonders
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sadgirlselfcare · 1 year
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POV: mister Devon Price, PhD, telling me that I am right about everything
Source: Unmasking Autism, discovering the new faces of neurodiversity
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sadgirlselfcare · 1 year
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Where the sounds of the earth can’t reach.
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sadgirlselfcare · 1 year
If you’ve made it to this page, you’re probably feeling a little lost, confused, maybe even angry and bitter. That’s okay. I’ve been where you’re sitting right now, In fact, I still play musical chairs with the spot you’re in right this very moment. First, Let me start off by saying, healing isn’t this mystical thing that only happens to the few lucky souls who manage to find it. Healing isn’t impossible. It’s far more possible than you might realize, it just takes effort, persistence, and motivation. This will not be a journey you walk straight through. This will be a maze of hurt, confusion, tricks your mind plays, and more. You brain is going to fight you every step of the way. It’s used to hurting. Hurting becomes comfortable. Growth and healing becomes terrifying.
There are roughly five stages of healing. For some it’s more or less, but for the most part, these are the five:
Suffering. In this state, you are denying your emotions. You are in a constant state of misery and you either feel numb, or your emotions consume you.
Awareness. This is where you acknowledge your emotions, and let yourself feel them. Sit with them, and then release them when they are ready to go.
Confrontation. Here, you will confront your emotions head on, facing your fears and worries.
Expression. Talk about what you’re feeling. Let yourself cry when you’re sad. Let yourself scream into a pillow when you’re angry. Express the emotions you’ve been hiding from for so long.
Acceptance. In this state, you are capable of controlling your emotions. They do not consume you anymore, and you are able to regulate yourself. Anxiety has lessened or disappeared completely, and you are no longer negatively affected in your day to day life.
If you’re anything like me, you get stuck at the awareness stage. Yeah, I acknowledge what I’m feeling, I know it sucks, I know its unhealthy. But what next? How do you confront your own mind? It’s easier said than done.
How do you confront the very essence of your being? How do I show myself love, empathy, and grace, while also condemning the deeply seeded beliefs I have about myself?
I’m still trying to figure that part out myself, but I do know that I will get there one day with strength, courage, and will.
I will go over some of the steps I’ve learned in therapy, to begin the healing process. These are NOT things I have mastered, and I would never present myself of a perfect example of healing, because I am not. These are simply skills you can begin to work on, in order to start your healing journey.
Recognize your emotions. Give them a name. If you’re struggling with identifying the emotions you’re feeling, take a look at a feelings wheel like this one pictured below.
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What is the source of the pain? What is at the root of your hurt? When this this pain begin? Who is associated with it? When was the last time you remember NOT feeling this pain? Write it all out in a journal, a notebook, hell, a scrap piece of paper will do. Just get it out.
Understand your emotional wounds. How severe are your emotional wounds? How do they negatively impact your life? WHERE do you feel these feelings physically?
Look at the positives AND the negatives. It’s easy to focus on the negatives, but try to point out the positives to. Who has been a light in your life? What lessons have you learned from your emotional pain?
Express your emotions and pain. Whether that be to a trusted friend or family member, or to a mental health professional, you NEED to express your pain. You need to let yourself feel your emotions. You need to let yourself cry. Let yourself get angry (as long as its not at the expense of others). Healing cannot happen without understanding. Understanding cannot happen without letting yourself feel.
Redefine what you want your healing to look like. Where do you want your life to be? How do you want your situation to change? What steps can you realistically take to make these changes?
Mindfulness. Mindfulness is the act of being in the present moment, being aware of your surroundings, and being aware of your emotional and physical needs and well being. It is imperative that you stay impartial to your own experience. Do not let your doubts, worries, or biases take over. You must learn to trust yourself and your experiences.
Forgive yourself. Forgive yourself for the mistakes you’ve made. Forgive yourself for the ways you tried to heal. You are human, and you deserve kindness and grace. This does not mean you have to ignore your negative or toxic traits. You can forgive yourself for something while also acknowledging that you need to grow.
Its important to note, that while forgiving yourself is important for healing, you are NEVER obligated to forgive those who hurt you.
The healing process takes time, there will be loss of tears, there will be frustration. You may feel completely alone at times. But its important that you keep going. With empathy, integrity, and self acceptance, healing is always possible.
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sadgirlselfcare · 1 year
Be so fucking proud of yourself for passing the hardest moments alone while everyone believed you were fine.
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sadgirlselfcare · 1 year
Emotion Health VS Mental Health
Throughout my life, I always thought emotional health and mental health were the same thing, but they are two completely different concepts. They are often used interchangeably in the media, and no one really bothers to learn the difference. I want to discuss some of the differences in today’s post.
The Webster definition of Mental Health is: A person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being.
There is no definition for Emotional Health in the Webster dictionary.
So that settles it then, they’re the same thing, right? Well, it’s complicated. Emotional health is a PART of mental health, but it is also a separate concept. To dig deeper, we need to look at the root of the words mental and emotional.
The word Mental comes from the Latin word “Mentalis” which translates to “mind”.
Mental health typically refers to the cognitive processes. (Attention, Memory, Alertness, Critical Thinking, And Reasoning) . Someone with a healthy mind will relate well to others, function efficiently, and make good choices. Someone with a poor mental health is going to have a hard time with day to day activities, have irrational thought patterns and behavioral patterns, often feel alone or empty, have thoughts of harming themselves or others, and live in a constant fog, in addition to other dysfunctional behaviors.
The word Emotion comes from the Latin word “ Emovere” which directly translates “To stir up” or “ To agitate”.
Emotional health refers to our feelings, how we manage them, and how capable we are of rational thinking and regulating our emotions. Someone with a healthy emotional health is capable of thinking clearly, regulating their emotions, controlling responses to stimuli, And generally feel stable in their reactions and thinking. Someone with a poor emotional health is can react on their emotions without thinking first, they can feel chronically pessimistic, and generally have a negative view on their life.
Mental health typically refers to illnesses, such as bi-polar, clinical depression, anxiety, and more. Emotional Health typically refers to less pathological concerns, such as stress and worry.
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sadgirlselfcare · 1 year
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Trista Mateer, from Aphrodite Made Me Do It
[Text ID: “You have to let something / go. You carry too much in your heart. / There’s no room for anything else.”]
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sadgirlselfcare · 1 year
Not saying i’m special but there is literally nobody else like me 
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sadgirlselfcare · 1 year
Maybe you weren’t a terrible person maybe you were just fifteen
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sadgirlselfcare · 2 years
things you can do despite your sense of guilt
- go for a walk even if you think you don’t deserve it
- have a snack even if you think you don’t deserve it
- take a break from studying even if you think you don’t deserve it
- reach out to someone even if you think you don’t deserve it
- demand, have needs and wants even if you think you don’t deserve it
- make it through the day even if you think you don’t deserve it
- feel mentally exhausted albeit seeming physically fine
- feel the sense of abandonment despite the company of those around you
- go to bed early despite not having done much according to your mental routine
- let out a deep breath even if you think you weren’t holding one back
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