shatterinseconds · 23 hours
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whadda hell
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shatterinseconds · 23 hours
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
The Water Guardian (aka Cryptid Keith AU) Part 7
Keith’s cave is, well, Lance wouldn’t call it homey, but it’s not what he was expecting, whatever that was. Set off to the side of the waterfall, still close but far enough away to avoid the spray that surrounds it, the cave is dry, and warm, and remarkably clean. The stone floor smooth and polished from what looks like decades, maybe even centuries of wear.
A simple wooden table and chairs line up against one of the walls, and an equally simple bed piled with a few old quilts stands in the back. There are no pictures on the walls, but carvings made of wood and stone fill alcoves carved out of the stone walls of the cave itself.
Keith raises his hand and a sphere of bluish white light forms over his palm and rises gracefully to hover near the ceiling, illuminating the space fully. Well, that’s convenient.
Keith walks to the back of the cave, and bends over to open a chest at the foot of the bed. “My books are here.” He says by way of invitation.
It feels odd to be in what is clearly Keith’s home, but Keith seems cool about it, so Lance tries to be nonchalant. “Nice, ah, cave.”
Keith grunts and squats next to the chest, lifting out some of the books within.
Lance leans over. The chest is old, but well cared for. A couple dozen hard cover books are stacked neatly inside, next to some smaller carved wooden boxes, some wrapped in old linens.
Lance glances at the spines of the books he can see: There’s Jane Austen, Dickens, H.G. Wells, Jules Verne, Thoreau, Conan Doyle, Mark Twain, Brontë, Lewis Carroll, Bram Stoker. Keith hands Lance a book and he looks down to see it’s an old copy of “Treasure Island”. A really old copy.
He sits down at the small table to examine it. He carefully turns the yellowed pages, not wanting to damage Keith’s prized possessions. This book looks more like an antique than something a person would keep on their nightstand. All the books Keith has look old. Doesn’t look like he has a single author from the 20th century even. Keith said they belonged to his dad, was he some kind of collector?
“Have you read it?” Keith asks him, nodding at the book in front of Lance.
“Huh? Oh yeah,” Lance answers, “I think we read it back in 6th or 7th grade. I remember thinking it would be cool to be a pirate.” He smiles.
Keith hums and returns to sorting through his stash.
Lance takes another good look around the space. Now that he’s thinking about it, everything here looks old. And not the normal “this belongs to my parents or grandparents old”, but an “I found this at an estate sale at some haunted old mansion” kind of old. The only things that don’t look like antiques are the carvings of animals and birds that fill the shelves notched into the walls.
They look hand made, which makes sense, it’s not like there’s a mall nearby. Lance picks up a small wooden rabbit from the shelf next to the table. It’s beautiful work, delicate and realistic, looking like it could hop out of his hand at any moment. Keith clearly has other hobbies besides reading.
As he carefully returns the rabbit to its place on the shelf, he notices something he hadn’t before. A small, faded, sepia toned photo of a young couple in a plain sliver frame. Lance lifts it off the shelf and takes a closer look. The couple is dressed in clothing from over a century ago, and posed formally in what looks like a nice living room. The man is handsome and well built, he looks like he’s no stranger to hard work, but has kind eyes. The woman next to him is tall and beautiful, and, fuck, a DEAD RINGER for Keith.
Is this Keith’s mom? Are these his parents? They can’t be, this photo is ancient! But then so are the books, and everything else.
“Keith? Who are these people?” Lance asks, holding out the photo.
Keith glances over, “My parents.”
His parents? But, how…
“What year was this taken?”
Keith shrugs and turns back to the chest.
“You don’t know?”
“What care would I have for human years?” Keith responds without looking up.
Bah, this idiot is FRUSTRATING. But still, if this photo and the books are as old as they look… “Keith, how long have you been here?”
Keith is idly sorting through the books in the chest, clearly avoiding having to look at Lance. “A while.”
Lance huffs in exasperation, “How much of a while?”
“It’s not important.”
“Humor me.”
Keith sighs, “Maybe, ninety turns of the seasons?”
Lance sits back. NINETY YEARS? Keith’s at least ninety years old! He looks no older than Lance. Of course, he’s not a human, and who knows how long a dragon is supposed to live. Forever?
Still it’s a long time to live in this cave all alone. Geez, has he been alone this whole time? No wonder he wanted Lance to come back.
“Has it always just been you here to guard the waterfall?” Lance asks.
“Mostly.” Keith answers softly, still speaking into the chest.
“Did your mom live here too?”
Keith drops the lid of the chest down with a crash, standing abruptly. “You’ve seen the books, so we’re done here.” He spats.
Oh crap, too far. “I, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t pry. I just wanted to get to know you.”
Keith is silent, glaring at the exit, waiting for Lance to get out he supposes.
“I could get you more books. If you want.” Lance offers, hoping Keith takes it as the olive branch it is.
Keith shifts his gaze to Lance. “More books?”
“Well, you can’t think that this is all there is?” Lance chuckles, gesturing at the chest.
Keith looks down, “I don’t think much about it. This is what I have.”
Lance is suddenly overwhelmed with compassion. Hell, poor kid, stuck out here for a century with the same handful of books to keep him entertained.
“Well, yeah!” Lance smiles, “Of course there are more. Thousands more! Look!”
Lance grabs his phone and thumbs quickly to find his book app, bringing up one of the few downloaded books he has and shoves it in Keith’s face.
Keith squints looking confused, then focuses, his eyes growing wider by the second.
“This is a book??” He points to the phone in astonishment.
Lance nods enthusiastically. “Yup!”
Keith blows out an audible breath as he looks again at the phone. “I don’t know this story.”
“There are a lot of stories you don’t know.” Lance laughs. “But I can bring you them.”
Keith’s eyes are impossibly even wider when he looks back at Lance. “You could get books? For me?”
Lance scoffs, “Yeah, no problem! I’ve got a few and I can stop by the library. Seems like you enjoy adventure and fantasy stories, me too, I’ll bring some back next time I come.”
“Next time?” Keith asks, suddenly shy.
Oh lord, this guy… “Yes, next time. I mean, I’ve been a guest in your… cave, I figure we’re friends now.”
“Friends?” Keith repeats warily.
Shit, did he read this wrong? Just when he thought that maybe he was getting the hang of it. “I mean, if you don’t want me to, I don’t have to…”
“No!” Keith practically yells, “I… I want you to. Come back… bring books…” he looks down, “be friends.”
“Friends then.” Lance confirms with a grin.
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shatterinseconds · 23 hours
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my klance klowns + keith actually being a clown irl
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shatterinseconds · 23 hours
"Uhh... Dude?" Lance asked, slightly concerned over the death stare Keith was giving the house they were passing. "Are you.. Good?"
Keith's voice was grave when he replied
"Pull over."
Lance pulled over quickly, not wanting to challenge the finality in his boyfriends voice.
He looked over at him questioningly only to have the same looked reflected back to him.
"how far from your parents are we?" He asked
"Like 20 minutes," lance replied glancing at the gps map on his phone quickly before looking back up at the pretty blue house they were pulled up to. "Why?"
"Lance." Keith said shakily, as if he was liable to breakout into hysterical laughter any second. Which was.. Worrying
"This house" he pointed out the window to the blue house behind him, "is the house I grew up in."
"What?" Lance asked confusion drawing his eyebrows together
"Are you-" Keith's voice broke into a short laugh before continuing "Are you seriously telling me" he emphasized, sounding near hysteria "we grew up less than 30 minutes from each other?"
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shatterinseconds · 23 hours
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shatterinseconds · 23 hours
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Keith can't stop thinking about Lance 🥺
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shatterinseconds · 23 hours
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“you said we’re not together so now when we kiss i have anger issues…. i know baby no attachments…” CHAPPEL WHAT! KLANCE WHAT! WHAT?!
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shatterinseconds · 23 hours
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Back in 2019 when I watched voltron for the very first time I remember being so confused by the fact that there were ancient lion markings in the cave where they found the blue lion. Cue my 14 year old dumb ass wondering HOW TF DID THEY GET THERE?? Did they just appear out nowhere? Did Blue somehow make them with her magical lion powers? Did some lion-obsessed asshole try to commit cave vandalism?? It wasn't until later I realized... Blue was on earth for 10,000 years. And that cave men existed. And that it was probably their talented asses that made those markings. Yeah.
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shatterinseconds · 2 days
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52 Weeks of KICK Friday PDF - 2022 - page 19 (February);
You can find the PDF in the shop with digitals, here
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shatterinseconds · 2 days
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shatterinseconds · 2 days
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made a lil thing on my sisters ipad
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shatterinseconds · 2 days
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why did he do this to this poor boy I bet after that Keith spat in Lance's face or something like that to piss him off
reference: https://pin.it/6Oqh9FVJm
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shatterinseconds · 2 days
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keith, from the curse au
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shatterinseconds · 2 days
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He's gone...
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shatterinseconds · 3 days
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both of these keiths are so precious to me
i feel like as a society we do not appreciate the scene of keith saving lance from being sucked out of an airlock enough
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shatterinseconds · 3 days
i feel like as a society we do not appreciate the scene of keith saving lance from being sucked out of an airlock enough
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shatterinseconds · 3 days
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