she-learns · 6 years
i got an A+ on my senior thesis I’m about to cry tears of joy oml (,,,,:
(p.s. if anyone wants to read it lmk! it’s about plastic pollution and i would love to have a fellow scientist/science student give me their thoughts)
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she-learns · 6 years
Synonyms For Very
This masterlist is a masterlist of words that you may use alongside the word very, very being one of the most common words that are used when writing. I hope this helps you as much as it helps me in our writing seem more sophisticated and unique. 
Very accurate - exact Very afraid - fearful Very angry - furious Very annoying - exasperating
Very bad - atrocious Very beautiful - exquisite Very big - immense Very boring - dull Very bright - luminous Very busy - swamped
Very calm - serene Very careful - cautious Very cheap - stingy Very clean - spotless Very clear - obvious Very clever - intelligent Very cold - freezing Very colourful - vibrant Very competitive - cutthroat Very complete - comprehensive Very confused - perplexed Very conventional - conservative Very creative - innovative Very crowded - bustling Very cute - adorable
Very dangerous - perilous Very dear - cherished Very deep - profound Very depressed - despondent Very detailed - meticulous Very different - disparate Very difficult - arduous Very dirty - filthy Very dry - arid Very dull - tedious
Very eager - keen Very easy - effortless Very empty - desolate Very excited - thrilled Very exciting - exhilarating Very expensive - costly
Very fancy - lavish Very fast - swift Very fat - obese Very friendly - amiable Very frightened - alarmed Very frightening - terrifying Very funny - hilarious
Very glad - overjoyed Very good - excellent Very great - terrific
Very happy - ecstatic Very hard - difficult Very hard-to-find - rare Very heavy - leaden Very high - soaring Very hot - sweltering Very huge - colossal Very hungry - ravenous Very hurt - battered
Very important - crucial Very intelligent - brilliant Very interesting - captivating
Very large - huge Very lazy - indolent Very little - tiny Very lively - vivacious Very long - extensive Very long-term - enduring Very loose - slack Very loud - thunderous Very loved - adored
Very mean - cruel Very messy - slovenly
Very neat - immaculate Very necessary - essential Very nervous - apprehensive Very nice - kind Very noisy - deafening
Very often - frequently Very old - ancient Very old-fashioned - archaic Very open - transparent
Very painful - excruciating Very pale - ashen Very perfect - flawless Very poor - destitute Very powerful - compelling Very pretty - beautiful
Very quick - rapid Very quiet - hushed
Very rainy - pouring Very rich - wealthy
Very sad - sorrowful Very scared - petrified Very scary - chilling Very serious - grave Very sharp - keen Very shiny - gleaming Very short - brief Very shy - timid Very simple - basic Very skinny - skeletal Very slow - sluggish Very small - petite Very smart - intelligent Very smelly - pungent Very smooth - sleek Very soft - downy Very sorry - apologetic Very special - exceptional Very strong - forceful Very stupid - idiotic Very sure - certain Very sweet - thoughtful
Very talented - gifted Very tall - towering Very tasty - delicious Very thirsty - parched Very tight - constricting Very tiny - minuscule Very tired - exhausted
Very ugly - hideous Very unhappy - miserable Very upset - distraught
Very warm - hot Very weak - frail Very well-to-do - wealthy Very wet - soaked Very wide - expansive Very willing - eager Very windy - blustery Very wise - sage Very worried - distressed
A/N: If you know of anymore words I can add please message me.
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she-learns · 6 years
[ ap literature analysis, terms, and tips ]
a not-entirely brief run-down of which literary terms are most important to know, and how i use them in essays. ^ denotes those that aren’t as important to know.
FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE metaphor - direct comparison of two unlike things simile - comparison of two unlike things using ‘like’ or ‘as’ personification - assigning human characteristics to nonhumans ^ metonymy - referring to something by something associated with it; e.g. ‘hollywood’ for the movie industry allusion - indirect reference to another work (not actually figurative language, but i write about them in the same way) figurative language (and allusions) usually expands the meaning of a work by relating it to the ideas evoked by something else.
SOUND euphony - melodic, 'good’-sounding cacophony - harsh, 'bad’-sounding assonence - repetition of vowel sounds consonence - repetition of consonent sounds alliteration - repetition of initial consonent sounds end rhyme - last syllable in a line rhymes with the last syllable in another line repetition of sounds is often interpreted as pleasing to the ear, and contributes to 'good’ feelings from a work. slant, near, eye, approximate rhyme - words that almost rhyme, but don’t slant rhymes are often discordant and otherwise 'off-putting’ - they suggest a 'wrongness’ to the work because you expect one thing (for them to rhyme) and get another. couplet - two lines that rhyme, next to each other repetition - self-explanatory parallelism - repetition of the same syntax couplets and repetition draw attention to and emphasize certain ideas.
RHYTHM / METER iambic - pattern of one unstressed syllable, followed by a stressed syllable blank verse - usually non-rhyming poetry written in iambic pentameter iambic meter has been referred to as the 'heartbeat’ rhythm and is pleasing to the ear. i like to interpret it as being 'sing-song’ and comfortable. ^ [prefix]meter - number of feet (rhythmic units) in a line; e.g. iambic pentameter has five sets of unstressed syllables followed by stressed syllables
TONE AND MOOD tone - the attitude the writer or narrator has towards the subject mood or atmosphere - feeling evoked by the language used by the author
FORM enjambment - lines that don’t end with punctuation, but instead spill over into the next line enjambment often conveys a sensation of being 'rushed.’ (i also like to talk about this when you have listing, run-on sentences, or lack of conjunctions in poetry.) ^ caesura - a pause in the middle of a line; e.g. 'of unreflecting love; - then on the shore / of the wide world i stand alone, and think’ caesuras usually indicate a shift in tone. ^ apostrophe - direct address; e.g. 'bright star! would i were steadfast as thou art.’
TYPES OF POETRY ode - poem of praise; e.g. keats’ 'ode to a grecian urn’ narrative - poem that tells a story; e.g. coleridge’s 'rime of the ancient mariner’ lyric - poem that expresses a feeling; e.g. wordsworth’s 'i wandered lonely as a cloud’ it’s important to know that poems can have elements of both narrative and lyric poems. elegy - poem of mourning; e.g. whitman’s 'o captain! my captain!’ petrarchan / italian sonnet - sonnet written with a sestet (six lines) and octet (eight lines) seperated by a volta volta - a shift in tone or thought, usually found in a petrarchan sonnet shakespearean / english sonnet - sonnet written with three quatrains (four lines) and a couplet at the end the easiest way to distinguish between petrarchan and shakespearean sonnets is to look for the couplet at the end. ^ pastoral - poetry about nature, especially rural or farm life
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she-learns · 6 years
honestly my number one piece of advice for students is to like. be pragmatic about studying. because lbr doing your headings in perfect calligraphy with a £5 brush pen isn’t going to improve your grades. re-writing and re-writing your notes until they’re instagram-worthy isn’t going to help you retain the information. planning in a £30 bullet journal which you’ll then feel pressured into making really aesthetic spreads for when a £5 planner would do the same job isn’t going to make you a better student. yes, 100% take pride in your notes and by all means treat yourself to nice stationery every now and again but pls don’t waste your time and money trying to reach some unattainable studyblr goals.
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she-learns · 6 years
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12.22.17 // 2:30 pm
trig graph review notes i made
my studygram
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she-learns · 6 years
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This week has been one of those long weeks, but the weekend has started: so now its time to relax! 😊
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she-learns · 6 years
Surviving School with Depression
Hey guys! So I’ve had depression since around middle school and now i’m a sophomore in college. I thought I would try to write some tips since I’ve been able to still do pretty well in school despite having depression. Now disclaimer, everyone’s depression is different and this is just what works for me. 
1. Do as much work at once as possible
You might think is a weird tip but for me, my motivation and mood fluctuate A LOT! I have times where I am super motivated and can stay focused and get several assignments done. Then there are other times when I don’t do any work all day. This makes it all kind of even out. When I get really focused, I just keep doing work for as long as that feeling lasts. 
2. Try different environments
The library is a really good one. The quiet can help some people focus and can be good. Also if you have a desk, that can be a good place. Play around with different elements: lighting, music, time of day. It may take some time but finding the ideal time and place for you to work can really help in productivity.
3. Plan and do work in advance
At the beginning of the semester, I went through all my syllabi and wrote a to-do list for each week. This was super helpful to be able to look ahead and see when everything was due/which weeks had more work than others. For me, all of my syllabi had the due dates for the entire semester included which made this easy to compile. I created a note on my phone with a checklist for each week. I also color coded each class so I could easily distinguish these (I’ll show this in a future post once the new semester starts!) I also made daily to-do list that broke down bigger tasks into smaller ones. Honestly, to-do lists are your best friend!
4. Give yourself a break
It’s important to not be too hard on yourself. You’re human! Everyone can’t be at their best all the time. There are good days and bad days. If you can’t focus on your work, try doing something else for a while like watching netflix, listening to music, whatever you like to do. Anything to distract your mind from bad thoughts can help improve your mood. Writing and coloring help for me sometimes too. It’s okay if you don’t get any work done all day as long as you’re taking care of yourself. This is something I’ve learned over the years and lately has been helpful. Find coping mechanisms that work for you. Just don’t be too hard on yourself.
5. Reward yourself
Similar to #4, recognize when you’re doing good. Did you get your homework done? Get that reading done? Start that essay? Reward yourself! That can be anything from a cookie, a face mask, an episode of that show you’ve been watching, anything! Celebrating the small victories is important when even the most menial tasks can be difficult. 
6. You come first
Your mental health should come first above all. I don’t want to get too personal but I left the first college I went to after the first semester in order to take time to get better since I was in a bad place. I decided not to go back and that’s totally fine. Every college is different and if you realize the place you’re at is not the right fit, you can transfer. It’s not the end of the world! (btw if anyone wants to talk about transferring/taking time off i’m here) Leaving definitely made my mental health improve, some schools are honestly just toxic. 
If any other depressed or neurodivergent peeps need some help feel free to message me any time!  
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she-learns · 6 years
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Ultimate Student Organiser Printable Pack
Newly updated to include some of my most recent printables! Consists of 47 pages of simple to use pages to help organise your studying life :-)
Comes in A4 and letter size with large margins for hole punching!
*Download link here*
Get 10% any purchase using ‘student10′ at the checkout :-)
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she-learns · 6 years
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A couple of pages from my December monthly spreads! I’m actually really happy with the way these spreads came out!
QOTD: what are you guys most excited for this winter season?
For me it’s definitely the winter lights and the Christmas spirit!! Ahh so excited ~~~
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she-learns · 6 years
Forgive yourself for accepting less than you deserved - but don’t do it again.
Unknown (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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she-learns · 6 years
just start. do a single math problem out of the 20 you have. one page of reading and youre done. try to just place one item where it belongs. research that one thing you need for your paper. go over a powerpoint slide for that lecture youre confused in.
i promise you doing one single action feels better than doing nothing at all. take 5 minutes to do just one small task thats been staying in the back of your head.
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she-learns · 6 years
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11.10.17 • autumn afternoons are my favorite :)
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she-learns · 6 years
little reminders
do you have homework due tomorrow? do it
did you get any homework today? do it
did you get an assignment notification? break it into small chunks, schedule these chunks and make a start on it. 
do you have an exam tomorrow? do some light revision. or if you’ve left it until the last, turn off your phone, put it in your desk drawer and revise until you’re done. make sure you get at least 4 hours of sleep if you’re cramming, 8 if you’re not. 
do you have a quiz tomorrow? do some v light revision, and redo some homework problems or handouts on the topic.
how much tea/coffee/general caffeine have you had today? how much water have you had? switch your next coffee refill to water.
have you brushed your hair? tame that mane.
have you showered? have a warm shower right before you go to bed so you feel sleepy when you come out.
are your feet cold? put on socks.
are you working your hardest? push a little harder. 
when was the last time you allocated relaxing time? pick a cutoff point for your work, whether it’s 9pm or 1am, and spend 15-30 minutes (depending on the time) to wind down by reading a book, talking to family or friends, taking a shower and generally doing whatever you want. 
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she-learns · 6 years
Hey guys! Here’s some notes I took as I prepared for the SAT and ACT. These aren’t everything you need to know but I’m confident that some of these will be able to help you raise your score as it helped me. Feel free to ask me any question regarding SAT or ACT.
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she-learns · 6 years
studying makes me feel alive
stay close to everything that makes you feel alive
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she-learns · 6 years
Please, keep looking. Not for a person, but for your passion, your love, your courage, your goals, your dreams, your happiness, yourself. Keep looking. Explore yourself before you explore another. Know your worth, know yourself. Only then will you know what you need over what you want. You need yourself to become your own.
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she-learns · 6 years
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06.12.17// History notes making an appearance ✨✨ I have an interview next week and I am honestly so unready 😬
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