Again, I forget that I even own this blog LMAO. I’ve only been doing Busuu for German so far, I’ve been avoiding my grammar textbook because it isn’t as fun aksdfjkajsdf. I’m very close to earning my A2 certificate from Busuu so there’s that!!! 
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My brain: tryina keep up with juggling Japanese and German
Also my brain: hEY leTS leARN RUssIAN BECAUSE WHY NOT
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Picked up Busuu again for German and it helped me get back on track, aw yissss~~~~
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Hey, check out this cool 勉強ノート!!!
Which Interior Do You Like Better
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I keep forgetting to update this blog, oi vey x_x
Soooo 2 months ago I got a hold of Kanzen Master for N3...it has reaaaally been kicking my butt lmao but it's a GREAT book. These last 2 months I've been studying Japanese almost every single day, I was trying to get ready to take the N3 JLPT exam. My exam was cancelled because of COVID tho :''''( all the slots for the exam were taken and slots were limited because of COVID. Oh well. There's always next year I guess
Since I was focusing so much on Japanese I brushed German aside. Probably should pick that up uvu
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So I'm studying some Japanese today. I've been brushing up on kanji for n4 and particles. I've always had trouble with particles, they're so tricky for me lol.
I've found out that the best possible way for me to memorize kanji is with flash cards. The stack to the left are the kanji that I'm still struggling with and the stack to the right are the ones that I feel comfy with.
I'm still a bit worried because I haven't dived into n3 kanjis, I took one look at the complete list and I only know like 3 or 4 😅
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I'm REALLY Forgetting to blog on here lmao. I've been keeping up with both Japanese and German but haven't posted anything...
Also I might be the only person who says "schlafen no jikan da" when it's time for bed...
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More JapanesePod101 for today~~~
Tryina rlly crunch this Japanese >0< gotta work for that n3!
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Today was Japanese studying night~ <33333 日本語の勉強~
Doin some JapanesePod101 :3333
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一夜乞食 「いちやこじき」 person turned into a beggar overnight
雨乞い 「あまごい」 praying for rain
曲馬団 「きょくばだん」 circus trope
桑畑 「くわばた」 mulberry field
思案投首 「しあんなげくび」 being at ones wits end
煎餅布団 「せんべいぶとん」 bedding worn flat by usage
団栗眼 「どんぐりまなこ」 goggle-eyes
蠱毒 「こどく」 poisoning someone
蠱る 「まじこる」 to be drawn in by something wicked
孤塁 「こるい」 isolated stronghold
傀儡 「かいらい」 puppet, marionette
囂々 「ごうごう」 noise, boisterousness
鼯鼠 「もみ」 or 「ももんが」 flying squirrel
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~営 Vocabulary
官営 (かんえい) - government management; run by the government; government-run
県営 (けんえい) - prefectural management; run by the prefecture; prefecture-run
市営 (しえい) - municipal management; run by the city; city-run
公営 (こうえい) - public management; public; government-run
民営 (みんえい) - private management; private
私営 (しえい) - privately operated; private management; private
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I believe in Busuu supremacy 💞💞💞
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Some Japanese Adverbs
必ずしも:  not always; not necessarily, not all, not entirely
~とは限らない: not necessarily so
必ず: certainly, always, invariably
いつの間にか: before one knows
確か: maybe, if I remember right; sure; certain
確かに: definitely, indeed, undoubtedly
いつか: sometime, someday
いつまでも: forever
つい: unintentionally, on accident, carelessly
ついに: finally, eventually
どうしても: no matter what
どうも: thanks; quite; somehow
なんとか: somehow
どうにか: in some way or another
なんとなく: somehow or other, for some reason or other
なんとも: not a bit, not at all
もし: if, in case
もしかしたら: possibly, perhaps, by any chance
もしかすると: perhaps, maybe
なるべく: as much as possible
なるほど: I see
近々: soon, before long
絶えず: continuously, steadily, without interruption
前もって: in advance, beforehand
少なくとも: at least
まもなく: soon, shortly
そのうち: sooner or later, eventually
やがて: soon, before long
ようやく: finally, at last
いずれ: anyhow, at any rate, sooner or later, eventually
たちまち: in a moment, instantly, immediately
ただちに: immediately, without delay, at once
にわかに: suddenly
つねに: always, habitually
しきりに: frequently, constantly, repeatedly
しょっちゅう: very often, constantly
すでに: already
とっくに: a long time ago
ほぼ: about, roughly
およそ: about, approximately
ほんの: mere; only; just
たった: only; merely; but; no more than
せいぜい: at the very most
せめて: at least, at most, at best
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Masculine endings :-
-ant der Konsonant — consonant
-ast der Palast — palace
-ich der Teppich — carpet
-ig der Honig — honey
-ling der Liebling — darling
-or der Motor — engine
-us der Materialismus — materialism
Feminine endings :-
-a die Pizza — pizza
-anz die Toleranz — tolerance
-ei die Wäscherei — laundry
-enz die Intelligenz — intelligance
-heit die Merheit — majority
-ie die Astrologie — astrology
-ik die Musik — music
-ion die Kommunikation — communication
-keit die Müdigkeit — tiredness
-tät die Kreativität — creativity
-schaft die Erbschaft — inheritance
-ung die Bedeutung — meaning
-ur die Frisur — hairstylist
Neuter endings :-
-chen das Mädchen — girl
-il das Ventil — valve
-lein das Männlein — little man
-ma das Drama — drama
-ment das Instrument — instrument
-o das Auto — car
-um das Zentrum — city centre
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im learning turkish now! :)
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there are so many instances when dar pops up, so here are a few of the common expressions as listed by @spanishskulduggery in this post. i picked out just a few for now but will definitely be coming back for more (pdf)
music: society hook by shayfer james
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Just finished lesson 7 for this book! I figured I was up for some late night studying 👀👀👀 book is Grammatik Aktiv btw, I highly recommend 👌
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