siriusly-ilovemoony · 2 years
I've been thinking a lot about queerness lately and I keep getting stuck on how deeply I want it to be normal. I want little girls to come home excitedly telling their parents about a pretty new girl in school that they have a crush on. I want young boys to have their first kiss with another boy and be able to tell their friends about it. I want them to be impressed and slap him on the back and say congrats. I want to bring home a woman to my family and have my father give her that whole fake threatening, "you better be good to my daughter" speech before offering her a handshake and a beer. I want people everywhere in the world to be able to hold hands in the street and not even think twice about it, not have to feel afraid, not have to feel like they're making a statement. I want so desperately for the world to catch up with something that so many of us already understand as normal. I don't want to be merely tolerated, and I wish pride wasn't necessary. I wish that having confidence in myself wasn't a revolutionary act.
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siriusly-ilovemoony · 2 years
Latin phrases or words worth knowing because life is too short and this language is stunning :)
ad astra per aspera - to the stars through difficulities
dum spiro spero - while I breathe, I hope
helluo librorum - a glutton for books or bookworm
in libras libertas - in books, freedom
poeta nascitur, non fit - the poet is born, not made
veni, vidi, vici - I came, I saw, I conquered
vivamus, moriendum est - let us live, for we must die
alis volat propriis - she flied with her own wings
ergo dum me diligis - so long as you love me
sic mundus creatus est - thus the world was created
mellilla - little honey
mea vita - my life
mi ocelle - my little eye
carissima - dearest
deliciae - delight
amata - beloved
apotelesma - the influence that stars have over human destiny
asteriscus - a little star; an asterisk
astrioloquus - talking of the stars
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siriusly-ilovemoony · 2 years
'I wish I could be with you'
TW - Homophobic behaviour
Draco loathed the fact he could never hold the chosen's one's hands out of love, he loathed the fact he could never kiss him in public or whisper his name tickling his boyfriend's ears, his. He hated it, no, he despised it, never being able to really be Harry's boyfriend was the thing that Draco begged he could change.
After the war, everyone calmed down. The Slytherin's began to mingle more and Draco even came out as gay well by coming out he meant just a couple of people that would never tell his family. It was a big change for them but again Draco could never mutter a word of his rebellion.
Yes Lucius was in prison but that didn't matter too much, he would still find a way to despise his son if Draco ever declared his true love. Narcissa wouldn't mind but Draco knew everyone else would, it would leak through the family like a forest fire, bleeding all life till none was left.
Draco was an only child and was gifted the task of bringing the next line of Malfy's into the world, he never wished for that. Obviously, he loved children but any children that Lucius wanted would be from a lady and none other than a prosperous one who was a pureblood. Of course. And well Harry he was the complete opposite to that a complete and utter mess, they both were but that's why Draco loved him.
Draco loved the small dimple on his cheek when Harry rarely smiled or his light chuckle that wasn't really a laugh but a small murmur of joy. He loved his freckles splattered across his face like forgotten constellations or his rosy blush that contaminated his face whenever Draco was around. He was in complete awe of Harry but it wasn't enough.
Astoria Greengrass was flooded in lush velvet white as she glided down the aisle, it wasn't his parents first choice but she would do they simply said. Harry was drifting through the rows standing quietly at the back as droplets escaped his eyes, Draco tried his best to pull a smile but it was the wrong person walking down. He wished for something to happen, he wished for a life where he and Harry could be together in peace but it was not meant to be.
His head drooped down and as he saw Astoria emerging in his eyes, one deep breath and he looked up smiling slightly staring through the aisles. He was gone, he couldn't take it, a raven-haired boy was missing.
That was the exact moment when Draco lost the need to impress others and impress himself with what he wanted. He dropped the ring in his hand and bolted down the aisle running from any chance of what his father would call respectful life but rather chasing after a chaotic one that begged for attention.
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siriusly-ilovemoony · 2 years
'Skin and Bones'
TW: Eating Disorders, Bulimic and Anorexic behaviours
She never knew how much it affected her until life as she knew it began to slip away. They noticed, all of them did and tried to warn her, how close she was to the edge but she wouldn't listen, she had to be skinnier, prettier, more attractive even if it meant tipping over the edge.
She never knew what an eating disorder was until Severus called her a disgusting fat mudblood that was the first time she realised the fat on her belly where she could pinch or the jiggle on her thighs. He was her first friend, her only friend but the summer joining into their second year, he changed. She starved herself for a whole week just to make it go away and when it didn't she carried on for another week eating barely anything.
She never knew what it meant to be in critical condition, working out before any meal, running till she could no longer breathe, fainting because of the lack of food she ate. Anything she ate would just come back up again because she would make herself throw up, it was the only thing that made her feel in control of what calories she gained from the meal.
She never knew how much weight she had lost until someone told her they could see her ribs, that was the day she threw up the most even when she hadn't eaten for days she threw up whatever was left in her stomach. That was the day she went for a run to avoid dinner and collapsed in the forest.
That was the day she has been sick for three years. They noticed, they all did but she wouldn't listen.
"Lily, Lily wake up...please wake up, Lily," James's scruffy raven hair collided with her view as she stared up at the luring figure.
"Huh, Jam..." Lily could barely speak.
"You're alive thank fucking Merlin, Jesus Lily, here let me help, get up please," James carefully picked her up as she staggered leaning onto James to just stand up, all that was left was skin and bones.
"I-I'm...I...fine," Lily pushed herself off him as she stumbled to a tree gripping tightly.
"Bullshit Lil, look at you. Bloody LOOK AT YOURSELF, can't you see, Lily I..." his voice faded knowing she was too polluted by the calorie counting and her perfect body to really hear what he was saying.
"I'm sorry," she whispered it was the first time she ever meant it.
James stared at her unable to speak, all he did was walk over and lift her up to take her back to the castle, he had to help her.
She never knew what it was meant to be loved until the day when James saved whatever was left of her.
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siriusly-ilovemoony · 2 years
'Don't leave me'
Set during the Deathly Hallows, Draco helps everyone escape Malfoy Manor.
"Harry wait..." Draco whispered through small tears, he had grabbed his hand as the others continued down the secret passageway.
"Hey baby what is it?" Harry stared into his cloudy grey eyes, submerged with worry, the Slytherin was shaking gripping tightly to his hand.
"Please don't go," Draco muffled, "please don't leave me, please." Draco looked up as his eyes swam with fear.
"I...Dray, I have to go."
"But you don't we can stay here, we can hide, we can-"
"For how long though," Harry mumbled walking away from his lover, his hand pushed down to his sides as he stared at the floor, "the war won't go away unless I fight, he wants me, he always has."
"But what if...what if you don't...don't come...back," Draco breathed heavily as his chest exhaled.
"I-I can't promise I will sweetheart...but I'll try. It's the most I can do," Harry walked back over to Draco pulling on his shirt to bring his lips to his kissing him passionately, gripping his neck not wanting to leave, but as soon as they started it had to stop.
Harry pulled apart walking towards the passageway, "I love you."
"I love you too," Draco whispered back. He engraved this memory in his brain for it could be the last.
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siriusly-ilovemoony · 2 years
Can you just imagine Sirius Black on the Gryffindor table in the great hall dancing to Michael Jackson and him thinking he is fucking amazing but he is AWFUL? Because I can.
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siriusly-ilovemoony · 2 years
"Do not enter" is written on the doorway.
Why won't everyone just go away?
-Except you, you can stay.
During the full moon, Remus to Sirius. (Treehouse by Alex G)
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siriusly-ilovemoony · 2 years
Sirius's first Christmas at the Potter's after he got disowned.
Sirius: Prongs! GET. YOUR. ASS. HERE. NOW.
James (running): What Siri, you okay?
Sirius (confused and whispering): You brought me Christmas presents?
James: Yeah of course we did, you're family.
Sirius: What...what did you say.
James: Shut come here. (wraps him in a hug).
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siriusly-ilovemoony · 2 years
'Fragments of love'
Surrounded by candlelight, Remus snuggled up in a corner of the common room, enclosed with brown parchment, wilted flowers and twine. He began the first letter to be sent this Christmas, Sirius's letter.
"My Dearest Darling Love,
Merry Christmas gorgeous, we made it! It has been a wild year full of the sweetest memories that make my face overcome with crimson and joy.
Remember the time we were walking down the hallways and I made you stop because you had something stuck in your hair. I got it out but everyone started laughing and whispering, we were rather confused until Lily whispered to me we were under mistle-toe and I looked up blushing intensely, you didn't even warn me when you grabbed my head and pressed a kiss to my lips before gripping my hand and strutting down the hall while everyone stared. You see we hadn't technically come out yet but well you did it for me, we did it together and that's why I love you.
Yes my Darling, I LOVE YOU.
There has never been a night when I haven't dreamt of you kissing me under the stars or holding my hand, your soft kisses on my back or your cold hands tracing my scars. I long for your touch on me, I yearn for it every moment of the day. When one knows they have fallen deeply in love they really know and my dear I know. We know! You see my angel, you have made me stronger and happier by just being with me, you have made me into the Remus I am.
Sirius mere words can never describe the amount of love I possess in my heart yet body for you, I love every bit of you, your stupid grin, your eyes, your scars on your arms, your messy hair and sweaty forehead. Every inch I love and every inch I crave.
Be mine another year, Darling I beg you, and in return, I will always be yours, my sweet Sirius. I love you, Baby.
From your beloved Remus x
Ever thine.
Ever mine.
Ever ours."
Remus was famous throughout his years at school for writing the most touching Christmas letters anyone has seen and if you received one, you were the utmost luckiest person, however, somehow you would always end up in tears.
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siriusly-ilovemoony · 2 years
Harry (Walking out of the bathroom whistling with no towel on):
Draco (Lying on Harry's bed): Well gooooodd morning darlinggg isn't it just the besttt morning.
Harry (jumping because he didn't think anyone was there): JeSuS FuCKinG ChRIst.
Draco (jumping a bit too): Calm down love.
Draco (smirking knowing he will continue to do this) Okay!
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siriusly-ilovemoony · 2 years
'Don't look back'
After the war, Harry was never the same. He was shy and cautious of everyone and everything, you see the War scarred him deeply, he never went a night without a bad dream that would wake him up panting and crying with pain. It meant he could never sleep or at least when he did it wasn't for long at all, three hours had been the most he had ever had since the war which meant he was always slightly down or always tired. Hermione and Ron had somewhat noticed but didn't think it was as bad as it was, they thought it was a phase and it would soon pass like their minor PTSD but for Harry well, it was the worst it had ever been. Harry lay awake in his bed, 3am read the clock, Ron was fast asleep in his poster bed snoring loudly. Yawning quietly, Harry got up, loosening his grip from his wand that he held tightly and crept down into the Gryffindor common room. He paced through the halls towards the library and quietly snuck to the back of the lofty shelves. His little corner of the library was a squished armchair that was neatly stashed between a little cove of bookstands, perfect for cold drafty nights like this one. Reaching the far corner, his eyes widened to find a small beam of orange dimly lit rays, rather unusual this late at night. Harry carefully whipped his wand out that he safely tucked away in a secret pocket, his fingers turning white with pain as he inched over silently prepared for a duel, except what he thought was an imposter, turned out to be another student. Draco Malfoy had the hardest of times after the war as well, he never slept and suffered from anxiety and PTSD most likely caused by the high expectations of his vicious, demanding and narcissistic father Lucius. You would often find Draco in the exact same spot as Harry, at the squashed armchair, but it was strange they both never happened to come on the same night and run into each other, except for today.
Draco had a book out in front of him but seemed to not be reading it at all, he was instead staring at the wall with his headphones in his ears, Harry could hear light rock playing from them as he stood far away. Walking slowly to him, Harry lightly poked Draco on the shoulder as he flinched clenching his wand in his fists. "Sorry I er didn't mean to er scar you Malfoy," Harry stared into his cloudy grey eyes as Draco lowered his wand. "No please it's fine I'll leave, it's um Draco...." his voice faded away. "What?" Harry spluttered. "Draco is fine Harry," a soft smile formed on his lips as Harry smiled back, the war was over and well he hadn't forgotten all those things Draco did to him and his friends but that was the past, this was now and it was time to move on. Start afresh. "Right, of course, Draco and um you can stay I don't mind at all, I'll go." "No please," Draco insisted as he rose up gathering his things. It would seem that a constant discussion went on for quite some time between the boys but eventually, they both sat down and spoke about the strangest things; from the war to the last meal they ate, time had flown by and before long it was soon time for the rest for the school to wake up. Draco walked with Harry to his common room and they both found they couldn't say goodbye, they had rather a lot in common with each other and it was strange that had instantly become so close. Hearing the distant bell, Draco chuckled quietly as Hary smiled, it must be time to go. "See you tonight again?" Harry whispered shyly. "Yeah alright," Draco smiled shyly as he grabbed Harry's hand and shook it slightly but kept his hand linked in between Harry's for unusually long, ever so slightly blushing on his pale cheeks. Wishing each other a final goodbye Harry wandered back up to his poster bed collapsing onto it overcome with a plush blush on his face. Every time they met things got more intense and soon they would hold hands for longer and longer, then hug for longer and longer and soon kiss...for longer and longer. It was just small steps for them.
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siriusly-ilovemoony · 3 years
Harry: You know Malfoy has got a really nice tie on today.
Hermione (smiling): Yeah, true.
Harry: Yeah.
Hermione: So are you gonna go and sit with your boyfriend.
Harry: Yeah probably...wait what?
Hermione: Shit.
Harry (getting up): DRACooOOO did you fucking tell her we were dating?!
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siriusly-ilovemoony · 3 years
'Secret kisses'
When he was bitten at the age of four, his life began to change rapidly, his parents home-schooling him meant Remus never became friends with anyone, at all, he was isolated entirely but the thing is he never minded it.
Remus practically grew up with the comfort of his old books and comforting parents, so when he got the letter to Hogwarts Remus began to panic, it was always going to happen but he never imagined it would come so quickly. Along with his Hogwarts letter came a handwritten letter from Dumbledore himself, the Headmaster knew about Remus's condition and had set plans in place for his arrival to ensure the werewolf's safety. The difficult part was saying goodbye to his family, he put on a brave face for his parents before he left as he knew they were worried sick for him but showing he was confident to them at least may it seem just a tad better. They gave Remus a big hug promising if he felt unsafe he can come back home, no questions asked, this really comforted Remus as it meant he had a plan B but once he got to Hogwarts everything changed.
For starters, the library was huge, bigger than he would have ever imagined, ninety per cent of his time was spent here snuggled up studying or reading his recent book, however, it didn't matter because he still very rarely spoke and if he ever did it was in a low whisper, this was of course before the marauders.
You see when he watched James and Sirius in class, they were always talking of pranks to plan and it happened that he butted in one time suggesting an easier option. That was when he unofficially joined them, it began with Lupin got any ideas to Moony let's go to Hogsmeade together.
It was also strange that Remus got rather attached to them and Peter very quickly, usually he hated people but these people he loved so dearly. During the second year, all four of them even requested a dorm together in hopes of hanging out even more. They soon found out Remus was a werewolf and loved him anyway which really meant Remus had found a family.
As the fourth year came to a beginning, he was beyond ecstatic, every year bring new memories and he had missed the drafty old library he practically called home. Sirius had also sent many letters that summer as he was with the Potters now, seemingly, his letters got more and more intimate to Remus or at least he thought. When they arrived at Hogwarts Padfoot loved being with Remus alone, they would talk for endless hours and Sirius would always try and hold his hand it all seemed so wonderful for Moony.
Things escalated to them holding hands and hugging, to Sirius giving Remus his first kiss on the lips, Remus didn't want to stop but he had no idea how he was going to tell everyone after all he was dating his best friends brother now. Sirius suggested they stay a secret for now and Remus couldn't have been happier, he knew the attention that he would get would kill him.
After some time during the fourth year, things started to swing back into the marauder's usuals, it was around 5 pm one evening and Remus was wandering down to the library, he did this every day without fail because you see, Remus loved routines, not following them would make his whole day crumble and well, he hated that. Moony loved to indulge in scribbling some poetry all having roughly connected words but this particular evening Moony had asked for company. It was odd for him to actually have company as he hated a distraction but this distraction was well, how do I put it? Stunning.
Carefully, he trailed his finger along the shelves before soon finding an interesting book and plonking himself down in a small corner. It wasn't long when he heard them, looking down at his watch, he smiled, just on time, as per usual. Remus knew what was coming, but he continued to scan the pages acting as if nothing was going to happen.
Sirius Black strutted over to Remus and bent down to meet his chocolate eyes, he carefully sprawled his dark curls across Remus's book as the shy boy attempted to hold back his smile while Sirius grinned slyly.
"Don't you need a hair-cut Padfoot?" Remus spoke dryly without any tone.
"Oh do shut up baby," he purred and without another word, Sirius then pushed the book down from Remus's gaze to crash their lips together.
This routine turned into a daily habit as Remus and Sirius stayed a secret for rather a long time but let's be serious (or Sirius ha) who could outwit these two boys so quickly?
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siriusly-ilovemoony · 3 years
@lunopal on Instagram.....I LOVE THIS PLEASE GO CHECK IT OUT ❥︎✌︎
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siriusly-ilovemoony · 3 years
Um help I'm sleep deprived
Remus: I'm gonna jump off a bridge.
Sirius: no baby!
Remus: don't try and change my mind.
Sirius: I wasn't going to just let me come with you :)
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siriusly-ilovemoony · 3 years
Remus is pissed oops
Sirius: Babyyy-
Remus: Don't fucking say a thing it's three in the morning and I finally got comfortable. SO. SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP.
Sirius (muttering): jeeezzz
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siriusly-ilovemoony · 3 years
Wolfstar emotions wrapped up in one love chat, your welcome
Sirius: You know you're so fucking sexy. Your beautiful face and strong arms, you're so smart as well, like you're a fricken angel, a beast!
Remus: Aw Siri Baby you shouldn't have, I love yo-
Sirius: Don't speak too soon Rem, I was talking about MYSELF!
Remus (rolling his eyes and muttering): Huh of course you were.
Sirius (now regretting what he said): I DO LOVE YOU THOUGH!
Remus (still muttering and getting up to see Sirius): That fucking idiot.
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