sixtytwoweeks-blog · 8 years
Since I totally botched the pushup challenge already (turns out its a terrible idea to do 100 pushups the day you donate plasma), I decided that I am instead going to walk the equivalent of at least 4 miles every day in May. I’m doing pretty well so far. Inclement weather hasn’t stopped me, but some horrible bleeding and cramping did. I’m not going to let that stop me, though, and I’m already making up the lost miles a little bit at a time.
I started feeling a little dizzy and lightheaded at 1200 calories a day while walking, so I am giving myself ever so much wiggle room calorie-wise to avoid fatigue.
The Mr. has also given me squats as homework. He gives me star stickers for the squats and stickers of wrestlers for walks. Its childish, but it works for me. :D
I hit 210 lbs this past week. I am hoping to be 199 or less by June 1st, but I know that is kind of a pipe dream.
Oh One-derland... how I miss you!
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sixtytwoweeks-blog · 8 years
Horrible terrible cramping and bleeding today. I want to eat all of the things.
I am not going to eat all of the things.
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sixtytwoweeks-blog · 8 years
So... I noticed that my shoes are beginning to wear out. I’ve never gone through a pair of shoes as fast as these, but I’ve also never made it a point to walk several miles every single day before this past month either.
I wonder if they’ll last through May. I’m most upset that I’ll have to order another pair of Engo patches for my heels. Those were definitely a gamechanger. I haven’t had a single heel blister since putting those bad boys on. I have been considering getting a pair for the balls of my feet, but I suppose I’ll wait until I replace my shoes.
Also, now my favorite pants are slightly too big on me. But my other pants are still sort of too tight. Ack! No money for replacements yet either, so I’m just gonna have to look like a hot mess for a while in the interim.
I’m still not seeing changes when I look in the mirror, but I know its happening. I can tell that my legs are getting more muscular. I feel less like a zombie after walking three miles than I did before, too.
3 months until I head out to California (including DISNEYLAND). I hope I can stay super on track until then.
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sixtytwoweeks-blog · 8 years
Reblog if you're genuinely happy when a blog you follow posts about any of their progress.
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sixtytwoweeks-blog · 8 years
I fit into a pair of pants that I haven’t fit into in a year.
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sixtytwoweeks-blog · 8 years
Tumblr media
I’m still learning how to makeup. I never learned when I was younger. I think its fun. Like a coloring book on my facemeats.
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sixtytwoweeks-blog · 8 years
SV: 215! This is the weight I was this past August (it was a pretty terrible autumn/winter for me). That is 11 lbs total in the past 40 days of tracking food. If I dip one more lb in the next week or so, I’ll be exactly where I was last year around this time.
Normally, that would make me sad. Like, imagine where I would be if this year wasn’t so shitty, right?
Well, I’m going to treat this like a fresh start. No pity party about what could have been. I’m taking a mulligan on last year and I am redoing it. And the great part? This time I have 40 days of food tracking experience under my belt and I’m way more active to start with. I feel like I have a headstart this time.
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sixtytwoweeks-blog · 8 years
Okay, time for some real talk.
I’ve been dealing with body dysmorphic disorder for as long as  I can remember. I’ve been battling various eating disorders, which I later learned have a high rate of comorbidity with BDD, for nearly as long.
I’ve been having a really rough couple of days. I feel like I am getting BIGGER even if the number on the scale is moving down. It is absolutely wrecking me inside.
Basically, I am in a rut. I’ve been counting calories and trying to become more active, but I’m so tired. I don’t feel good after exercising. I am hungry after eating “healthy” meals. I am tired of the “food algebra”, as my fiance calls it.
For just over a month’s worth of effort, the scale says I am 9 lbs lighter. I see no difference when I look in the mirror. My clothes do not feel like they fit any better. I’m short. In the past, a 10lb weightloss would basically mean I needed a belt or a new pair of pants. Not this time. I’ve heard the paper towel roll analogy, but I really feel like I look bigger.
I took some pictures of myself a month ago. I took another set today. Same underwear, same bra. I seriously look like I’ve gained weight. My fiance has been on my case about taking some “before” shots because he knows about my BDD and he knows I won’t see any change by looking in a mirror. I haven’t told him about the ones I took. I’m utterly embarrassed. I know he loves me no matter what, but I feel like I’m letting him down.
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sixtytwoweeks-blog · 8 years
100 lb goal here as well!
Fatblr Fitblrs Reblog Please!
Can all my fellow fatblr fitblr people reblog this?
I want to know who is out there trying to lose weight. If you have more than 50lbs to lose please add me too!
My goal is 100lbs!
I need the motivation to be more personal! I want to post pictures and feel good about trying! If you feel that way too lets do this together!
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sixtytwoweeks-blog · 8 years
Having quite the week. In a bad way.
Two days ago I donated plasma to get some extra cash for a trip I’m taking in a few months and they botched the stick. Lost a whole cycle’s worth of blood. Spent two days dizzy and nauseous.  Now I have a sick bruise at the needle site. Not happy.
I did eat over my calories that day (I was absolutely famished afterward), but still under my TDEE. I was disappointed in myself until I realized that a deficit is still a deficit and honestly my body could probably use the extra 400 calories I gave it to recoup the whole blood loss.
I also didn’t walk or do pushups the day of. :(
The day after that was much better in calories. I was under by almost 100 and felt absolutely fine, so I think I’m just gonna continue that trend for a few more days to fully make up for that extra 400. I’ll probably spread it out between normal calorie deficit days just to be extra sure that I don’t make myself feel worse.
I was still not feeling the best yesterday, so I did my pushups but skipped the walk.
Silver lining is that the downtime over the past two days gave me some time to play around in Fallout 4.
Anyway, today I am getting back on the horse completely. A walk. Maybe two. My pushups. Maybe a few extra to make up for the missing day. It’s happening. I’m not letting a bad day or two stop me.
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sixtytwoweeks-blog · 8 years
I got my first baby whoosh!
The scale wasn’t really budging much over the past month, but it especially stagnated this week. I stepped on this morning and found that I am down about 7 lbs since March 14th! Eeeee!
That is just phenomenal! I am going to pat myself on the back for a few moments before I lace up my shoes and take the sausagedog for a walk.
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sixtytwoweeks-blog · 8 years
I caved and got a bunch of “healthy” frozen meals because I absolutely cannot cook for one, and the Mr. is on a soup kick while he struggles to get well. Poor dear is so so sick. :(
Unfortunately, for me it means that I must walk sausagedog alone and also that I must make two separate plates for every meal because I am souped right the fuck out.
(On a side note, sausagedog has lost almost 3 lbs this month. Her vet was very pleased with us.)
I’ve been absolutely on target with the pushup challenge. To be honest, I started doing counter pushups first because they are all I could do. After a few days, I added knee pushups to the mix. Yesterday I did all 100 on my knees with little trouble. I’ll start doing normal pushups in a few days, I’m sure.
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sixtytwoweeks-blog · 8 years
I’m right there too. Nursing a killer headache and trying to ignore a jar of cookie butter that my friend sent me. My friend who is also dieting with me.
y u do dis, friend?
I forgot about the headaches
When you start dieting and your body craves sugar, empty carbs and just junk food in general …. ugh this headache SUCKS
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sixtytwoweeks-blog · 8 years
My energy level is nonexistent, so I did not walk today. I feel super guilty about it, but I just couldn’t do it.
The Mr. is incredibly ill and I have been doing my best to hold the fort down, but now I am starting to get whatever it is he has.
I just want to eat all of the things and sleep forever.
I took a nap earlier and now I feel worse. Aughhhhhhh..........
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sixtytwoweeks-blog · 8 years
Just starting and looking to lose exactly 100!
Please reblog if you are a fitblr anr have lost/are trying to lose 100+ lbs
Need to follow some more blogs!
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sixtytwoweeks-blog · 8 years
My scale isn’t budging.
I mean, I’m sticking with it anyway, but its an annoyance. I’m still walking 1-2 miles a day and doing 100 pushups a day. Some days seem super easy while others remain difficult. I’ve gone over budget for food exactly once, and not by a large margin.
Things are happening, I’m sure of it. Even if I can’t feel it or see it yet.
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sixtytwoweeks-blog · 8 years
reblog if:
you are currently losing weight
you are still at the beginning of your fitness journey
you aren’t already a hardcore, super in shape fitblr
you are new to your activity of choice
no offense to all you experienced ladies and gents out there, you are all basically the blogs I already follow so I want some different stuff on my feed!
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