I personally would like to know what other things allosaurus has seen that may be classified as bullshit
Who pissed off my man al so much in the time of the dinosaurs
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On the scale of dumbass with good intentions and dumbass with bad intentions I think I am a dumbass with average intentions otherwise known as a
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Hey science side of tumbler need recommendations on what I should mix Mac and cheese with
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Minecraft is a straight up horror game if it's foggy because on top of the normal threats like Teleporting demon men and Moss monsters that explode
You have to deal with the greatest enemy of all
The fog
In addition the fact ender men can spawn in foggy weather implies something even worse
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Hey science side of tumbler what's the chemical composition of beans
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Good question but I would like to add
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do u think Tinkerbell ever just fuckin bit people? she's tiny, angry, and easily mistaken for an insect, surely she gave into that tempation
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Oh shit hera is telling baby stories again get the popcorn
so athena burst out fully born from zeus's skull, right?
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That's not a butt plug that's a flail with +2 damage against undead
an atheist ghost. they refuse to move on to the afterlife on the grounds that the afterlife does not and should not exist
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O, ffend
Sounds like a spell
Good enough for me
-The bard that invented vicious mockery
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I find it funny that using a wooden stake to kill a vampire is considered a wives tale as in some vampire lore stabbing a stake into a vampires heart would only keep them from moving while someone got a weapon that can actually kill the vampire
But the fact that it's considered a
Wives tale
Is hilarious like there's just a bunch of midevil women sitting around and talking about ways to kill vampires like it's just a normal thing
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I personally give characters voices like even if they already have a voice actor I mentally strip them of their voice like Ursula from the little mermaid then force a new voice onto them it's just a common practice for me at this point and I'm too scared to stop
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Reading cute fan fiction really makes me want to write cute fan fiction but because I believe my writing skills are not good enough to write cute fan fiction it makes me appreciate cute fan fiction more because no matter how cheesey the fan fiction gets I will always look at the creator of the fan fiction like a god
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