snowy-little-dragon · 3 years
Which Word for Love Are You?
familial love. storge refers to natural or instinctual affection (such as the love between parents and their children).
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snowy-little-dragon · 3 years
A surely strange M!A list
Anon determines duration!
Split - Your muse’s soul and body has been split into numerous versions of the muse, each with a different part of the muse’s personality. Anon determines how many and what pieces of the muse’s personality.
Cruel Contract - Your muse’s soul has been crystallized outside of the muse’s body. The muse cannot be more than 100 meters from the crystal else they lose control of the body and someone else must bring the crystal back to them. Damaging the crystal causes harm to the muse’s soul, and shattering it will kill them until the time duration is up.
True Shadow - The muse’s shadow has been given form. This shadow represents everything the muse keeps hidden from the world and even themselves— everything they hate and every secret desire. Looking at the shadow disgusts the muse, but injuring it brings harm to them as well.
Curse of Stone - The muse has been cursed and turned into a stone statue. They cannot speak, but they can move one one condition: they can only move when no one is looking at them. Parts can be broken off the muse, however whether or not they return upon the spell ending is up to the mun.
Hosting Mind — ( for muses that have more than one soul possessing the body such as a demon possession) The second soul that was not the original host is given a body of their own. The body is connected to the host’s in an ethereal way, but takes the ideal form of the second soul. — ( for muses without a second soul/possession ) The muse’s mind has picked up a hitchhiker, and is now hosting a second conscience of the mun’s choosing— a demon, or a new soul entirely.
List is prone to updates!!
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snowy-little-dragon · 3 years
For every ✍ + a number I receive, I will share one headcanon for my muse about...
…their sleep schedule.
…being touched.
…how long they hold grudges.
…how sensitive they are to insults.
…being complimented.
…being alone.
…meeting new people.
…getting sick (a cold, flu, etc.)
…their handwriting.
…how easily they make friends.
…how educated they are.
…the type of music they like.
…a beloved toy or pet they had as a child.
…where they see themselves in ten years.
…what really scares them.
…how good they are with technology.
…how they would describe their personality.
…what makes them happy.
…what they think the meaning of life is.
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snowy-little-dragon · 3 years
hard-hitting q’s for character development… 
does your muse trust their instincts? 
what is an action your muse regrets NOT taking? 
would your muse risk themselves to save another?
would your muse kill someone if it meant saving another life?
could your muse cut ties with a loved one for the greater good?
would your muse be able to survive alone, in the wild, for a week? 
what does your muse consider their comfort zone, ie. safest place? 
if your muse became immortal, would they view it as a blessing or curse?
what does your muse consider the greatest challenge they’ve overcome? 
what does your muse consider the challenge they could never overcome?
does your muse see themselves as a pessimist or optimist? somewhere in between? 
does your muse believe in the idea of an afterlife? what does their ideal version look like?  
if your muse could redo one moment in their childhood, what would it be and how would they change it?
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snowy-little-dragon · 3 years
⍤ : What does your muse’s voice sound like? Is it light? High pitched? Scratchy? Deep?
Random Headcanons
((It’s on the higher pitched end due to a combination of them being a bit small for their age and also being only 11. People often assume they’re a little girl because of their voice’s pitch (which Yuki doesn’t really care enough to correct), but when they get a little older their voice is definitely going to noticeably drop in pitch.
They’ll always have a fairly high voice, though. Good for hitting those high notes!))
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snowy-little-dragon · 3 years
⚡ : How does your muse feel about storms? Are they afraid of them, or do they calm them?
Random Headcanons
((They aren’t particularly bothered by storms. Really loud thunder and lightning does startle them, of course, but they live in a place that basically has a dedicated rainy season. So they see a lot of storms at least once a year.))
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snowy-little-dragon · 3 years
♬ : Does your muse sing well? Regardless of whether they sing well or not, do they enjoy singing?
Random Headcanons
((Oh they absolutely love singing. Which is good considering they’ll ultimately grow up into a bard lol. They’ve got a good singing voice, and they’re good at it too. At least, they’re good for their age; they are only 11 after all.))
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snowy-little-dragon · 3 years
Terrible? Transformation Curses
Send my muse a curse to transform them for a day (or however long the mun/sender decides). Feel free to combine curses to create a terrible, or beautiful, monster!
Third Eye: The muse has an eye placed anywhere on their body that is often visible (forehead, chest, hand…) and this eye has the ability to see glimpses of the future, another dimension, and/or supernatural entities.
Horns: The muse has horns sprouting from their head. The size and number of horns is completely up to the sender!
Slither: The muse now has a long, serpentine tail and has lost the ability to walk on their legs.
Cloven hooves: The muse has to walk with a pair of hooves instead of feet. Add furry legs for a classic ‘satyr’ look if the sender wishes.
Lovely locks: Instead of hair, the muse now has … something else up there. Snakes, tentacles, spines, dripping slime - the sender can use their imagination!
Gaping Maw: If you have two mouths, can you eat twice as many tacos? Let’s hope. The muse has a second mouth placed anywhere on their body, either hidden or visible, and it’s full of razor sharp teeth.
Fangs: The muse’s ordinary mouth now sports sharp vampire-like fangs.
Jaws: Hell, since when is two sharp teeth enough? The muse now has an entire mouthful of razor fangs. 
Scratch: Instead of fingernails, the muse now has long, pointed claws. Be careful with those things. 
Thwump: Who doesn’t want a tail? Now the muse has their own tail. It can be cute and delicate or heavy and covered in spikes depending on the sender. 
Hiss: The muse has a long, long tongue. Tapered or forked is up to you!
Porcupine: Porcupines are cute, but a little hazardous when annoyed. The muse now has sharp spines placed anywhere on their body (back, elbows, legs…).
Swamp beast: The muse can breathe easy under water with a new set of gills, and why not webbed fingers and toes to go with it?
Majestic birb: Now the muse has the power of flight with their own set of wings. Are they fluffy bird wings, leathery bat wings, or buzzing insect wings? 
Piercing Gaze: Whatever the muse’s original eye color is, they now have something different and unusual. Pure black eyes, milky white eyes, bright red eyes - it’s up to the sender!
Snout: The muse has swapped noses with any type of creature. Give them a beak, a pig snout, a feline button nose, or even a canine muzzle. 
Solid, Liquid, Gas: The muse’s entire body is made up of something other than flesh! Turn them into a gooey slime monster, a red-hot lava monster, a hard rock beast, or even a wisp of person-shaped fog.
Leathers and Feathers: The muse has more than just smooth skin now. Add some scales, feathers, fur, or an exoskeleton!
Size Difference: Grow or shrink the muse either a little bit or a whole lot.
Chameleon: Give the muse bright neon skin, wild colors of hair, or exotic stripes and patterns. Plaid? Go for it.
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snowy-little-dragon · 3 years
Random Headcanon Meme!
⍤ : What does your muse’s voice sound like? Is it light? High pitched? Scratchy? Deep?
✍ : What is your muse’s handwriting like? Is it neat? Sloppy? Fancy?
☕ : Does your muse prefer coffee or tea?
⌚ : Is your muse good with keeping on schedule for meetings, appointments, or events, or are they always late? Or, are they always a bit early?
♿ : Has your muse had any injuries in the past?
☺ : What is your muse’s smile like? Do they smile often?
⚡ : How does your muse feel about storms? Are they afraid of them, or do they calm them?
⚠ : How does your muse react to possibly dangerous situations? Do they face them head-on, or do they plan out their actions first?
☃  : What is your muse’s favorite season? What about their least favorite season, if they have one?
☂  : Does your muse like rain?
☼ : Does your muse like daytime or nighttime more?
🏨  : How well does your muse sleep?
❤ : What are your muse’s thoughts on love? If they are not in a relationship, do they believe that they will ever find a perfect someone for them?
☘ : Does your muse believe in luck? How about fate?
⚯ : Does your muse have good eyesight? If not, what is it like? Are they nearsighted or farsighted? Or both? Do they use glasses? Or do they prefer contacts?
👓 : If your muse wears glasses, what are their glasses frames like?
♨ : Does your muse have good table manners? How do they feel about bad table manners?
❀ : What is your muse’s opinion about flower crowns?
♬ : Does your muse sing well? Regardless of whether they sing well or not, do they enjoy singing?
📐 : Is your muse good at math? Do they like it, or do they hate it?
♞ : What is your muse’s favorite animal?
εїз : How does your muse feel about bugs and insects?
📱 : Does your muse prefer calling or texting?
☆ : Of the sun, stars, and the moon, which is your muse’s favorite?
ツ : Does your muse prefer lots of friends, or just a few close ones?
✝ : Is your muse religious?
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snowy-little-dragon · 3 years
Tumblr media
Khala the Fox
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snowy-little-dragon · 3 years
1. Are there any notable capital cities? How large are they in comparison to other notable cities?
Worldbuilding Starts with You
The capital cities of the Aerix empire and the Tuermer... I don’t know if I settled on a proper name for it. Kingdom? Republic? I’ll go with republic for now, since that feels the most right. Anyway, those are the two biggest cities in their respective nations. The tuermer capital is the larger of the two, since it’s underground and not restricted to the range of a protective crystal. The Aerix empire’s capital is actually a little bit crowded due to that restriction, and has a lot of large crystals dotted throughout for the express purpose of expanding the city’s range. In fact it’s large enough that it’s starting to incorporate formerly independent towns into the city limits.
The Tuermer capital is actually an ancient Dwarven city that has sort of become the seat of power for both the dwarves and tuermez. Which is also why it’s considerably larger than the Aerix capital; it’s got a couple thousand year lead.
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snowy-little-dragon · 3 years
9. Are there any taboos that exist for the major races or species? What are they and what consequences does one suffer for dabbling in them?
Worldbuilding Starts with You
The seolcynn have a reputation for being thieves among the other races, but ironically thievery is one of their big taboos. As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, the seolcynn are big on consent due to their selkie heritage. So the idea of taking something that doesn’t belong to them and which they don’t have express permission to have is considered a Big Sin. Given the quirks of their particular brand of communal living, though, what they count as “belonging to someone” is not always the same as what non-seolcynn consider. For instance, food is often considered “the group’s” by default. You don’t necessarily need to ask for permission in order to take something from someone’s plate. (In fact, seolcynn are the types to take food that they don’t necessarily want or like specifically so they can share with others who do.) This sometimes leads to problems when seolcynn who are unused to dealing with other races end up walking out of a bakery with a loaf of bread that they didn’t realize they needed to pay for.
The tuermez tend to be sticklers for rules and traditions. It’s considered either bad luck or outright taboo to break them. Or at least... it’s taboo to break the big ones. Rules surrounding gender and gender expression aren’t considered big enough rules to worry about, for instance. And anyway the rules are so complicated that if you say “oh no, I’m not actually breaking any established rules about gender” people will generally let it slide. Basically the tuermez are the biggest rules lawyers around, in part because they hate outright breaking rules.
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snowy-little-dragon · 3 years
((There’s a vague part of me that wants to have the cataclysm be a result of, at least in part, corporate greed and fuckery lmao. Like an FF7 Shinra scenario where a company (or several companies) discovered and utilized some sort of technology that resulted in a lot of miasma being put into the environment. Maybe they kept things under control for a while, maybe they just didn’t care until it all reached a tipping point and things started failing in droves. I’m kind of leaning towards it being one part a gradual decline, and one part some sort of singular disaster striking at just the wrong time.))
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snowy-little-dragon · 3 years
((I figure there’s a certain process you need to go through to, in essence, take a cutting from a big crystal and still have a usable crystal. If you damage either the originating crystal or the cutting too much it becomes inert and useless. I imagine there have been many instances of towns or other settlements getting screwed over because someone accidentally broke the main protective crystal during maintenance or while trying to take a cutting for small-scale protection.
It would presumably have been a fairly regular occurrence in the early days post-cataclysm, because no one would have even known that there were proper techniques to be used.))
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snowy-little-dragon · 3 years
@creepy-crowleys: ((Hm... I suppose if the growth is regular enough, standard maintenance on any type of vehicle could include grinding down or recutting the crystal to its necessary size? Would that be an option?))
((That’s actually a good idea, yeah! People would probably favor cutting over grinding, since if you cut off a piece of crystal that means you have an instant backup protection crystal or a seed for another big crystal.
...Which, to be fair, would also still mean that at the current moment you need a decent amount of money (and free time) to be able to keep up with proper maintenance.))
((Looking through my worldbuilding notes and I just noticed the bit I had about crystals being able to grow over time, which adds a whole other layer of complexity to using them in technology! How do you deal with, for instance, a car engine that will slowly grow over time, potentially large enough to impact the actual frame of the vehicle? What about using small crystals to protect your airplane? How do you account for crystal growth to ensure your plane is capable of getting and staying airborne even as their protective crystals change size?))
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snowy-little-dragon · 3 years
((Looking through my worldbuilding notes and I just noticed the bit I had about crystals being able to grow over time, which adds a whole other layer of complexity to using them in technology! How do you deal with, for instance, a car engine that will slowly grow over time, potentially large enough to impact the actual frame of the vehicle? What about using small crystals to protect your airplane? How do you account for crystal growth to ensure your plane is capable of getting and staying airborne even as their protective crystals change size?))
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snowy-little-dragon · 3 years
What methods of transportation are most common?
Worldbuilding Starts with You
In the part of the world that Yuki lives in, most travel tends to be land travel. There are rumors that there was once a lot more air travel—without the aid of large winged creatures, even!—but the proliferation of miasma has made that too risky. The higher up in the atmosphere you get, the less effective the shielding powers of crystals become, so you need more/larger crystals to ensure your safety. Which is naturally going to affect the aerodynamics of any machine you try to build. That’s not to say air travel is impossible, mind you, it’s just the least reliable and therefore least common.
Most land travel tends to be by animal powered means, whether that’s riding a horse or having a horse pull a carriage. There are some self-propelled vehicles out there, but they’re relatively new and as such tend to be unreliable and costly to maintain. You need to have a decent amount of disposable income in order to make them feasible, so they’re largely the domain of the rich and powerful. The biggest sticking point, really, is that they’re powered by crystals, which they also have to rely on for protection. It ends up being a similar problem as for aircraft, where they have to decide whether it’s more cost effective to have one large crystal that powers and protects, or one large crystal for power and several smaller ones for protection. And then you have the question of how do you refresh the crystals, especially during long road trips.
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