snt-good-omens · 9 months
Here is a free pdf of the players handbook
Here is a free pdf of xanathars guide to everything
Here is a free pdf to monsters manual
Here is a free pdf to tashas cauldron of everything
Here is a free pdf to dungeon master’s guide
Here is a free pdf to volo’s guide to monsters
Here is a free pdf of mordenkainen’s tomb of foes
For all your dnd purposes
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snt-good-omens · 1 year
For SOMEbody's sake, someone please motivate me to finally finish that halloween/christmas themed Dagon&Belzebub fic I started years ago, I beg you, I can't live with it staring at me from the WIP folder like this for another year. :(
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snt-good-omens · 3 years
Good Omens snippets: before the beginning, but a bit later
The first weeks after the Glorious Revolution (really. guys? really? That's what we're calling it? It is? All right, moving on now) were, to put it lightly, unpleasant. The shock of suddenly being cut off from the Almighty's presence, which up until now they all took for granted. The pain of their grace rearranging itself to protect them from the sudden gaping void where her grace used to be; their outer forms  twisting with it. The shock of discovery that they were no longer able use their own bloody names. The absolute and utter confusion that followed, when everyone tried to come up with a name that felt right and wouldn't burn their throats when spoken. (Most of the Fallen weren't very creative and many a fight broke out when two dozen demons tried to claim the same name simply because it started with the same letter as their angelic designation).
Interesting side effects of that, and the radical makeover they all went through, was that, for quite a while, nobody knew who was who. Numerous were the incidents of a demon getting uppity with a vaguely familiar stranger, only to get smacked clear across the room and realize that, oh, oops, former archangel, sorry my lord, my prince, so sorry. (Alternatively, it was getting smacked harder than expected and realize - oh, fellow-ex-archangel, how very much dare you, this is my piece of Hell, fight me!)
And, to top it off, Lightbringer, now going by Satan for reasons only known to himself, was throwing a temper tantrum for the ages. The Hell shook with his pure rage (And his furious roaring rants. And his attempts to physically tear the palce down and get out). Quite a few unlucky demons who ventured too close found themselves rent apart and absorbed into his Disgraces's being. Good for Satan's power level maybe, but not so great on the overall morale. (And disastrous for the extinguished demons, of course, but nobody really cared about that).
Eventually the newly self-titled Princes of Hell stopped squabling among themselves over hierarchy for long enough to stage an intervention (which is to say, they held a screaming match with His Nastiness from a safe distance) which, after much posturing and reminding everyone who's the boss, ended in Satan settling in for a good long sulk; his sullen mood poured over the Hell like thick syrup and spread among the denizens, settling ruffled feathers and replacing the straight up agreession with much calmer medium-level discontentment.
The demon formelrly known as Zakzakiel spent most of that transitional periond curled tighly in a dark hole in the wall, thinking such deep existential thougths as "What?" "How?" and "Guh?", occasionally even reaching coherency of "what am I even doing here?".
Eventually, things calmed down (see aforementioned discontentment).
Eventually, no-longer-Zakzakiel emereged from his hiding spot, looked upon the new world he got to live in, and with innate talent and grace he immediately put his foot in it again (seriously, he didn't even have any feet at the moment, how did he keep doing that?). Well, in this case like this: by slithering up to the person who, he was quite sure of it, was his former immediet superior and asking what he thought was perfectly reasonable question. "Why do we have filing cabinets?" It might have saved him quite a lot of grief to take a moment to contemplate said superiors new title. He didn't take that moment though, and when Almost-Certainly-Ex-Raphael, his ichthyic aspects now etched into his face like scales, looked down at him and hissed "too keep track of things", he carelessly answered: "Yes, keeping track, I get it, very useful thing, keeping track, but why like this? Why do the things the old way? Wasn't the whole point of this mess you didn't like how Upstairs was run?"
Dagon, the Lord of Files, Master of Torments, looked on at him with pure malevolance on his face and smiled. "Zakzakiel, is that you?" he purred, and wow, they weren't kidding when they said that hearing one's former name hurt.   "Oh, I'm sorry," Dagon continued, very clearly not sorry at all, while Definitely-Not-Zakzakiel writhed on the floor in agony. "That was bad form, wasn't it? What were you calling yourself these days, Zeke?" "Blargh," wheezed Not-Zakzakiel-And-Also-Never-A-Zeke. Dagon showed his spiky teeth in what could technically be called a grin (were those steel? How did he not shred his tongue everytime he spoke?) and made a show of checking some files. "No, that one's taken, I'm afraid. So are all other pronouncable B-sounds. Maybe you'd like somehing in C? How about Crawly? Since you're so good at crawling?" "Ngk," said Yeah-I'll-Take-It-Crawly,
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snt-good-omens · 3 years
Good Omens: before the beginning (way, WAY before)
Once upon a time... Wrong. There was no time as of yet at the time. Storytelling can be a bit of a bother when applied to events from before a timeline was officially started. Let's try again.
Once before the time, there was Creation happening. A lot of it, actually, all over the place. And as any creation, capitalized or not, it needed creators to happen. Creators, in this particular case, were angels of various kinds. And as any creators, they needed a break from all the creating every now and then. It wasn't anything official, you understand, there was no mandated lunch-break or suppertime or shift end. But if an angel finished its allotted task, it would often fleet around a bit, and if it happened to come across other similarly unoccupied angels they would flock together, find a nice nebula or maybe a supernova with pleasant radiation, and settle down to compare notes and maybe gossip for a bit. (If you wish, you may compare this to laborers gathering in a pub after work for a beer or three. It is not at all accurate, but might give you a vague idea of the attitudes involved)
There was a joke that certain type of angles liked to share on such occasions. It wasn’t very funny joke, and some might say it was not a joke at all, seeing as… well. Anyway, it went like this:
In the beginning there was the Almighty and Their light and nothing else.
Then She made some of Her light into Her Grace, and She saw it was good.
And She divided the Grace in half, and of one half She formed the first Archangel, the most beautiful and powerful one, to help Her in the act of Creation. As soon as he came into being, he set to work on creating galaxies that lighted the nothingness around them, and so She named him Lightbringer.
But Lightbringer was caught up in creating new things and he didn’t much care where he put them afterwards, and he made a bit of a mess; and so the Almighty turned to the remaining Grace, divided it in half and formed the second Archangel to bring order to the Universe. As soon as she came into being, the new Archangel set to work pushing galaxies in proper places where they wouldn’t collide with each other, and the Almighty named her Michael.
And the Almighty looked upon the Creation in progress and saw there were more tasks to be done, and so She turned to the remaining Grace, divided it in half and formed all the other Archangels to take care of them, and they set to it as soon as they were made.
And the Almighty looked upon their work and saw that it was going well enough, but could go even better if there were more beings to share the workload, and so She turned to the remaining Grace, divided it in half and formed the Seraphim. And on She went, dividing the remining Grace in half and forming it into Cherubim, and Thrones, and all the other orders of angles, each one less powerful than the other, and She really should have stopped at Gregories who were pretty useless already, but on She went with creating new beings, down to the Pixies and Nemenos and Sprites and other riffraff that’s no good for anything at all.
Finally the Grace was so depleted it couldn’t be divided anymore, and so the Almighty used the very last drop to form something that’s so barely there no-one even cares what’s it called.
And so the Almighty finished Their work, and wiped Her hands on the ground before her.
And the mud soaked up the residue of the Grace coating Her fingers, and it believed itself to be important since it experienced the Almighty’s touch.
And so the mud gave itself a form, got up and started getting uppity, and that’s how the first humans were made.
For obvious reasons, this ‘joke’ is not repeated among angels anymore. It is, however, remembered.
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snt-good-omens · 3 years
Random fic rec: “Can You Hear Me, Major Tom?“
Today  Some time ago I read and loved: “Can You Hear Me, Major Tom?” by CopperBeech
If you loved the rat army Crowley set loose in the deleted scene, and if what is missing from your life is reading a diary of the rat who leads it, this is the fic for you. Featuring - feels, treats, fluff, betrayal (perceived), rat angst, jealousy, daring escapes, minor destruction of property of bookish kind, treats, bribery, feels and fluff. :) Enjoy.
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snt-good-omens · 3 years
Good Omens - confessions
There are many ways to say how you feel and tv GO has many grand examples, but as far as I’m concerned there has never been a love confession as grand as this: 
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I’m no longer sad/angry about the quality (thanks, @krakensdottir​ ), so have a smaller gif minus the rant, and you can find a bigger, not-animated verions on deviantart if you want - I’m Syntia13 there. (no link, because Tumblr) Happy One Year Anniversary, Good Omens Tv series! :)
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snt-good-omens · 3 years
Good Omens - two kinds of people - worth liking... and not
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On the one hand you have a literal demon who corrects himself immediately when called out on a slip-up, on the other you have that asshole who won’t even acknowledge being called out on a deliberate slight.
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snt-good-omens · 3 years
did you know that you can access text emojis by pressing windows+; and choosing second tab? I didn't, but now I do! ( •_•)>⌐■-■        (⌐■_■)
Good Omens animal confusion
So remember that bit in the first episode, where God is talking about St. James’s Park‘s ducks and their eating habits? Well.
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Crowley, talking about ducks: “do ducks have ears?” Aziraphale, about dolphins: “…kind of fish.” God, looking at a swan, some seagulls and a pigeon: “…the ducks…”
Like mother, like children, I suppose.  
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snt-good-omens · 3 years
This was posted in March 2020; since then I got my prescious snek scarf, and with matching mittens too! Maybe I’ll post a picture sometime in the future, shoulder!demons permitting.
My sister made me a Crowley scarf!
So last August someone posted this site: http://www.beachton.com/2016/09/realistic-knit-snakes-dugite.html  - it shows how to make these:
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and like any sensible and self-respecting adult would, I called for help:
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and like any loving sister, she recently got back to me with this:
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She had to learn how to decipher English instructions, and learn two new knitting techniques, and acquire suitable eyes, and with the recent unpleasantness she had some spare time, so she’d made several versions.
Of course, since we live in different countries and hers currently forbids leaving home for anything but absolute necessity, it’ll be some time before I get my Crowley junior. Such is the reality of Pestilence returning to active duty. But, I can wait a bit longer. So worth it. :D 
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snt-good-omens · 3 years
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Crowley’s Mona Lisa, in the book and on TV.
I’m sure there are some typos that I missed, but, eh. Whatever. Everyone and their sibling had already discussed the Mona Lisa to death, but I found this in my WIP folder and it was easy to finish, so why not post it anyway, right? :)
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snt-good-omens · 3 years
Update: one of those WIPs got finished! Take that, shoulder!demons! :D
Procrastination - two reasons why
Me: Huh, I kinda feel like doing something today. Should I finish this WIP?
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Or maybe this WIP?
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Or… dare I consider… this WIP?
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Shoulder!Beelzebub: these are all months old. Why do you even bother with them?
Me: …well, I’d like to finish something and–
Shoulder!Dagon: oh, I know, write a ficlet about me!
Me: …ok, I’ll add that to the to-do list, but today I–
Shoulder!Beelzebub: You haven’t finished anything in years. Stop kidding yourself.
Me: I, I posted a few collages recently, so–
Shoulder!Beelzebub: It was last year. And nobody cared.
Shoulder!Dagon: Oh, oh, remember that fic idea we had with cool backstory for me? write that!
Me: But–
Shoulder!Beelzebub: obviously you’re not doing anything. Take a nap.
Me: …
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snt-good-omens · 3 years
Nearly two years later, and I still hadn’t gotten to it. But considering the big RL stuff I’m procastinating on, this should not be a surprise, nor a big deal. *tired smile*
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DISCLAIMER: only a few of those pictures are mine. All the rest came from DeviantArt, and you can see that the sources are included in the last two pages of the book.
So, that out of the way: what the Manchester is this thing, and how did I get it?
It is a very exclusive edition of illustrated Good Omens book - so exclusive, in fact, that there are only three copies in existence, and each one differs ever so slightly. Mine, for example, was a prototype and as a result it’s already starting to fall apart, and is missing some of the art added to the two later copies (the nun and the sword, e.g.).
I made them back in 2014, using three second-hand copies I hunted down in various online shops, foreword/fun facts from a World Book Night edition I already had, picture of Neil&Terry found on the net, an overwhelming amount of art found on DeviantArt, and quite ridiculous number of man hours spent on fitting it all together. If I recall correctly, I started working on this in summer, and finished sometime in early December, just in time to send two copies as Christmas presents for some dear friends of mine.
I’m thinking of dismantling my copy and adding some art from TV series to it, but that’s a project for another year. I’ll share it if I ever actually get to it. ;)
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snt-good-omens · 3 years
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Enter Nanny Ashtoreth. It should be noted that in the book it wasn’t Crowley him/herself, but one of his assorted team. Possibly a demon, possibly a damned soul who got lucky to get a little parole time from eternal torment.
We were blessed with TV series and we should feel lucky, is what I’m saying. Even if A&C should have moved in at least 3 years earlier, come on, who hires a nanny for a 5yo? That’s way too late. One more year and he’ll be ready for school (or private tutors. Just think, if Warlock had tutors, we could have had one more set of disguises for our boys. Don’t tell me Aziraphale wouldn’t make an amazing absentminded professor with an outrageous pretend-combover.  :D ).
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snt-good-omens · 3 years
@i-am-having-a-moment-here #kudos for the manips because for the moment I thought they were taken from some DVD feature ; aww, thank you kind stranger! <3
@metatextuality #good omens#…i'm sorry i can't get past the apparent amount of effort put into visually depicting the 1020/1023 scenes#that is some dedication;  Why, thank you, sharp-eyed watcher, I’m rather ridiculously proud of them myself :D
@whetstonefires #i'm impressed by how much aziraphale's outfit changed in three years#he hates change Dear human person, it’s all well and good wearing the same thing when staying in the same place with the same weather, but when Head Office relocates you from Scandinavia to Persia, you’re going to update your clothing post haste, angel or no angel.  ;)
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Good Omens the Book fun facts - when you’re an immortal, you can take your time with conversations. :D
Not technically a book quote, since it’s paraphrased from 3p narration to dialogue, but I’m counting it anyway. Because I can. :P
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snt-good-omens · 3 years
Hint: how many fingers an average human has on one hand? (if you count fallen angels as well, make it Stanford Pines‘s hand)
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How many angels can you see in this picture? Only the most observant of watchers can usually spot more than one. ;P
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snt-good-omens · 3 years
Ah, they joys of whining about stuff that didn’t work... this one got finished eventually, I’ll reblog it shortly.
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Add a caption if you like: …. what would be the point?
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snt-good-omens · 3 years
Good Omens the Book fun facts
Here’s a cute bit of insight into Angel/Demon relationship:
At one point Shadwell asks if Antichrist is harder to get rid of than a demon. Aziraphale’s reaction:
“Not much more,” said Aziraphale, who had never done other to get rid of demons than to hint to them very stronly that he, Aziraphale, had some work to be getting on with, and wasn’t it getting late? And Crowley had always got the hint.
In the series, of course we have the marvelous amazing squee-worthty Episode 3 cold open to show us that they’d always been at least civil to each other, but before that, this sentece (”he never done other”) was the only thing to tell us that a) Aziraphale never had to deal with demons other than Crowley and b) they’ve always been at least civil to each other. :D
Of course, that never stopped fanfic writers from coming up with stories of them actually doing their job and doing their best to off each other at one point or another, all for the tasty, juicy angst with a side of fluff. Such is the beauty of fandom. XD  My favorite one of those is  “A Matter of Convenience” by Hekateras (yes, I’m going to plug a 7-years-old book fic, you can’t stop me!)
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