Update: I'm back!!
Been a while, hasn't it. Originally I didn't want this story to end after felling the Calamity but burnout in addition to my laptop at the time dieing and life deciding it needed to flip a table this had to be placed aside for the moment. My sister has been bugging me to play the new game as of late but I just can't, I don't want whatever happens in it to color how I originally had this planned out. All I know about the sequel is the title and what was dropped in the first trailer of the sky islands and corps assumably in the castle basement and she's worried I'll get spoilers the longer I delay. So finally I'm getting back to this for her sake! And it's also nice look back and finally finish this. It's not that grand of a fic but it holds a special place in my heart nonetheless.
As for updates, I'm still getting back into the swing of things so they won't be as frequent as they used to be for a while, but I promise to have at least 1 entry a week for now. Maybe later I'll go back to every other day but we'll see what happens.
(On a side note, I may be changing Sidon's font to something that fits him better and giving him a separate font requires me to use HTML but this dumb new post editor doesn't allow you to put a "Read More" break in HTML posts and the entries with Sidon's writing can get lengthy so I want to at least make his font smaller so those ones don't seem longer than they are.)
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So I Don't Forget Again: A Breath of The Wild Fanfiction
Entry 238: Home
I swear I still feel it sometimes, feeling in my missing limbs. It’s so strange. And I’m scared. We should be safe now, but what if I need to fight again someday? Can I even still do that? I guess though, even if I was uninjured I’d be having some thoughts like this anyway, wondering what I’ll do next.
Purah and Robbie are looking into making me replacement body parts, but things like that are going to take a very, very long time, and my cooperation to make. It’s been good to see them again. It seems they are keen on getting Zelda’s help for the project. She says she’s still the princess of Hyrule and needs to look into rebuilding but… I hope she accepts. For so long she had been working for the protection on Hyrule, surely she could take a little break, just have fun with studying and tinkering with inventions. To just live for even a short time, not be back to work already, it just seems cruel.
Riju has so excitedly been telling me about her time here, never before had she left the town so being outside the desert has been amazing. She loves all the greenery, and she’s become very fast friends with everyone, listening to all their stories. Her and Sidon have taken to learning Hateno cooking and have insisted on making my meals for me. There have been a few accidents in the kitchen mostly trying to make fusions of Hateno, Gerudo, and Zora cuisine and the ingredients not agreeing with one another whether it be taste wise or… surprising explosiveness. Riju really likes Sidon, she asks me a lot about him, mostly about our relationship. She thinks we make for a good pair. She’s still learning the Hylian way from Calisa but still hopes I might be able to teach her a few things. Sidon has been teaching her as well using the moving moments in the slate as a guide, she’s also started learning the Zora ways from him.
Calisa, Kass, and the Leathersmith have been getting along well. The Leathersmith always visits me at the late evening for tea, usually Kass, Calisa and sometimes others join, we always trade stories, they can be about anything really, to exciting battles, or the latest gossip. We’ve gotten to try lots of different teas and treats. Riju has been insisting that she teach Sidon how to make desserts for me and they usually have me try them then. It’s nice how we get so engrossed in each other’s stories, I really like it when we have to stop in the middle of a story and seeing everyone getting playfully upset about it and having to excitedly wait for tomorrow!
Yunobo and Riju have been sticking close, both unfamiliar with the area. The town has been showing them around and even teaching them farm work. Yunobo likes seeing all the animals and insects around, there are so many more here than back on Death Mountain. The kids have really taken a shine to him, well everyone really but especially him, I think they can tell how gentle he is and like how animals are more willing to approach him than them.
Teba visits on occasion, he returns home often to make sure everyone is safe, well fed and to keep them informed of my condition. He’s taken to visiting all the towns actually, making sure they are all fine, the warriors are being well cared for and informing others of my condition, it’s because of him acting as messenger that Sidon, Riju and others are able to stay here as long as they have. He’s surprised by how unarmed many places are, like Hateno. Even in times of peace people should be able to fend for themselves and be able to hunt. He even once told me that as soon as I recover I need to start teaching the people of Hateno how to defend themselves. He has no idea how I could have even been able to bring myself to leave knowing they don’t know how to fight. I was confused till he told me, that I’m a true warrior, and nothing other than death can keep a true warrior from fighting, protecting those who need it. He believes I can still fight and teach. He even asked if when I was feeling up for it, if we could spar again.
There’s also Kass. He’s been traveling with Teba as well. He’s been writing songs nonstop. Songs of me, and Sidon, and Riju, and Teba, and Yunobo, and Calisa, and us working together to save Hyrule. When he found me before battle he had actually wanted to see me outside of my absence from Hyrule. He had written a song about Rivali, unfortunately, unlike the others he as not able to find a new story about him and simply wrote one about our meeting. He had also found something. Looking through his old things to make space, he ended up looking through his Master’s things and found something he thought I should have. More frozen moments of them, the Champions, like our group one they’re in frames like a fancy portrait or painting. There was one of Mipha with a young Sidon, he’s so tiny. There was another of me and Daruk, him laughing and giving me that firm back pat, that was a bit too close to the edge of a cliff for my liking. Another of Rivali and Zelda chatting as I stood by. Urbosa and Daruk sharing a meal. I ended up bringing out the one Kass had given me before. The frozen moment of me, and Mipha, and Dahruk, and Urbosa, and Rivali, and Zelda. He was pulling us into a group hug of sorts right as the moment was taken, catching many of us off guard. Zelda remembers all these moments.
She remembers a lot of things, like how when she was close enough by for me to still be able to protect her I’d stick closely to Dahruk, though I never talked, he seemed to be able to understand me without words, or how Rivali and I always got into silly competitions with one another over the pettiest of things, well more so Rivali trying to bait me into such, or how Mipha would often scold me for getting myself into danger and how kids seemed to like me despite me seeming to be my usual distant self, I was even able to win over the distrustful Sidon, he seemed to like everyone but me, but I was able to win him over eventually. That last story in particular embarrassed Sidon to no end.
It feels so strange to be around her. It’s uncomfortable. She knows the knight, the chosen hero, not me. Unlike everyone else, even if they had passing knowledge of that person, she very clearly remembers him, how cold and distant and quite he was. I hate how she compares that person to me. I don’t want to be that, not anymore. I really don’t like how she tries to explain how even back then I still showed some warmth like now. It’s just…
It all feels like a bit too much for me.
I still haven’t left the bed, but I think I should be able to soon. I can at least stick my head out the window beside the bed. I like looking out to the scenery, the snow has been beginning to pile up, the little lake in the yard has frozen over, but the rivers and such down below still move. Maybe it’s for the best I stay in bed, at least it’s warm here, and I always have plenty of company.
And it seems like I’m about to get more, a certain fish prince and chief waving to me from outside with a basket full of ingredients. So it’ll be the evening tea time soon.
I think I won’t warn them about the giant capybara attempting to get a snack from their basket.
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I'm so sorry for the long absence without a word. Truthfully I've gotten burnt out, I really want to write more, heck I have more planned out but I just can't get myself too. At least things stopped at a decent end point. I'm hoping once Breath of the Wild 2 comes out it'll reinvigorate me, but as of now it seems things will be finished here.
Thank you to anyone who followed this to the end or just bothered to check this out at all, it was a joy to write.
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So I Don’t Forget Again: A Breath of The Wild fanfiction
Entry 237: Home
*I can recall those next few moments all too clearly. All at once we attacked those accursed eyes, anything less and they would not have broken. It tried to get in one last attack, but you would not let it.
*None of you would.
*I saw her, my sister, she was right beside you. Yunobo saw Daruk, Riju said she saw a Gerudo woman while Teba says a Rito warrior swooped in to your side. It seems we all truly came together to end this.
*However as that was the finishing blow was struck the beast broke, unable to keep on any form the malice bursting and exploding in a desperate final strike against us. We were sent flying, Yunobo used his shield to protect us, but… it too broke, unable to take any more and… the same happened with yours.
*Your screams, that overwhelming pain and suffering I shan’t ever forget. Many of us got hit somewhere by that putrid muck but you by far had gotten the most, the stuff was almost completely covering you, quickly eating away at your armor. But some had already reached you.
*To keep it from eating you whole we had to remove it before it could spread any more.
*We knew of nothing else we could do to save your life. As much as it may have pained us but you even more so to do.
*We amputated your arm and leg before rushing you to get proper medical care, if we had waited for doctors, it would have been too late. Still, a part of me fears we were too rash in our judgments and caused you undo harm.
Don’t forget, you still saved a part of me though. Your armor and scale, the malice wasn’t able to eat through it as quickly as the rest of my armor, so I still have one because of you.
*And that I am glad for, but we still hurt you, even if it was to save you and it was a time sensitive situation, I can’t help but to wonder. I know the Sheikah doctors said our judgments were sound, but if I were able to save any more of you, I would have!
I think it might have happened no matter what. It was my infected arm, and you saw how poorly it was already doing in the battle. I, I think I wasn’t able to pull it away in time, maybe? You and the others did nothing wrong. Besides I wasn’t the only one who lost something, the back of your head tail fin had to be removed as well as some of your other head fins.
*Perhaps, but that was but from little splashes like what took your foot. Link you were covered in the stuff, you were writhing in agony, it had gotten so much of you. We all have suffered, but that doesn’t minimize your pain. Most of your body appears to have been burned from it in a way, but light purple burns.
*As we were trying to figure out how to save you, the monsters disappeared and the guardians all halted as a great light burst from the Calamity, but it was nothing like the lightning, and with it fading away the beast was gone leaving but a girl behind. She was in a panic, she wanted to use her magic to save you, but she simply could not summon it so… we did what we did.
*Once you were given to the doctors none of us were able to see you. You were in such a delicate state, so much lost blood, internal damage, broken bones, bruises, and countless other ailments. They were not sure you would make it. But I knew you would. You fought so long and so hard for this peace, I knew you would make it through to be able to see it, you just had too.
*Moments after the Calamity fell the Divine Beast seemed to die, all their light fading, instead of standing they all suddenly sat at the same time, shaking the earth beneath us one last time.
*Once you were in a more stable condition you were taken to Hateno.
*And we simply waited.
I’m glad after all that, the first thing I saw was you. I knew everything was okay. I was confused where I was for a moment though, I was in a waterbed, but I clearly was not in the Domain. I hadn’t seen my house after it was remodeled with the improvements I wanted, so it came as a bit of a surprise to see it.
*And I was glad to see you awaken at last, even with your healing ability your body had been through so much, and surely, it’s been traumatized by the… damage. I was told to get a doctor when you had awoken so they may speak with you, but I could not help lingering. I thought it was best you took your time to awaken and not be rushed into speaking. Yet when you saw me, you immediately fretted over my injuries and the state of everyone else.
*You are a true marvel, you know that? Even without that blade, after being told you were no longer the one who could save us all, you still raced on into that fight, even accepting Bossa Nova’s help despite your fears. If you do not embody courage, then courage must be unknown to me, because you most certainly embody it, even to your own determent, getting hurt for the sake of others.
Not just me, everyone else is amazing too. We all won, we all did it, like you said I needed Bossa Nova’s help, as well as your’s, and Riju’s and Yunobo’s, and Teba’s and especially Kass’. I asked him to make sure you guys knew to defend yourselves and instead, because I said I was scared, and not sure if I could, he called on you all to fight. I would have died without you all. I needed you.
*Kass, it is amazing how he was able to reach all of us just in time, but we didn’t fight because of him. It’s funny, I was hoping to unite all our people after all this, but… it seems the Hylians still do so, after all, we fought for you, you were the one who brought us all together. You who had gone out of your way to help and save our homes, you who stayed and took the time to learn from and experience our cultures. You who did it all out of the kindness of your heart and nothing else. You didn’t even mean to but made allies and friends out of all of us. You are our hero, the hero of all people in Hyrule, of course we’d come, you may be a hero, but even heroes need help. It was only natural we came.
Why must you do this to me. Even when writing about me just- the look in your eyes is so kind and tender and it’s gotten my heart racing!
*Well, you are always awfully smiley when I see you writing of me, so I suppose words are simply not enough and our love seeps through our expressions.
*I just adore seeing you blush so!
It hasn’t even been long, yet it feels like forever since we’ve gotten to be together like this. I really need it. Thank you. I love you.
*I love you too. You more than deserve this respite.
I am feeling antsy though. I’ve been bedridden all this time. I’m to wait for Purah and Robbie to arrive to see if they can make some technology for me. I don’t see why I can’t at least try walking around with a stick for a cane or something!
At least I’ve gotten to see everyone. They’re all okay. Everyone is. Even Zelda. She doesn’t look any different than in my memories. She hadn’t changed at all.
She apologized a lot for not being able to save me, how she was able to keep up her magic for so long but when I needed it, she couldn’t.
I have a lot of mixed feelings seeing her. I think she can tell, she hasn’t come to see me much after that.
As of now, it’s mostly been a blur of seeing doctors, sleeping, being visited, sleep, more doctors and so on.
Some more had happened but it’s a little difficult writing with only one arm, having to lean my book on my legs and… I don’t want to think about my missing arm or foot right now. I just want to remember that I’m here, and alive, and with everyone, especially you.
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So I Don’t Forget Again: A Breath of The Wild fanfiction
Entry 236: Home
 One thing at a time. Just go from the beginning.
I think I can remember it all. Sidon and Kass helped jog my memory a bit, but I think I’ll save the aftermath for the next entry. So much had happened in so little time. My memory is still a bit fuzzy, but I want to make sure I don’t lose anything like bigger events so some details might be a bit... off or unclear.
It was still raining. We took shelter for some time, a few days or more when a storm came by. I did some training. In that time I thought a lot. If indeed the sword was there, I had to go straight to the Calamity, I didn’t want to bring Bossa Nova with me, but whenever I tried going towards the domain he’d refuse to budge. We ended up racing past the tower.
Trees lined the path all the way to the forest. It seemed rather discrete what with the land around the little way raised like walls to hide it. Much like how the island which the forest flourished on is a sheer drop to the large lake way below.
Without realizing it we were there. This strange fog surrounded us. Glowing specks drift around in it and swirl like patterns twist and turn making my sight a haze, I could hardly see my hand even when I held it right before my face. Even Bossa Nova was a bit apprehensive once we realized we were lost. No matter how I try, I can’t remember how we got in it, we just… got there, gradually and suddenly at the same time. Despite the moving fog the air was stagnant. There were ruins, but… they didn’t appear decaying, more so like they were cared for, or forgotten by even time itself with how long it had stood there. Though there was much greenery, none of the trees had any leaves, they were all barren. This warped laughter also kept ringing in my ears. Following it only seemed to make our situation worse. We just kept wandering, with no direction in mind, just looking for a sign of… anything.
How long had it been, I wonder? The fog never dissipated or got any thicker, it never seemed to get darker or lighter either. It was maddening just about how stagnant everything, but the fog was. Without light I simply would have taken Bossa Nova’s lead on when to rest and eat, but… he never did. I should have noticed the time, but I never did.
I did hear something eventually. I think it was music, a flute or something. And I thought I saw another animal, a big furry one so maybe a bear or wolf. We raced after it, then suddenly there was sunlight, rays beaming down from out between the leaves and branches. The fog was gone, the sight was crystal clear. That beast’s roar rang out again, but unlike at Kakariko, it was rather muffled like it was so far away. Bossa Nova immediately began to graze on anything he could get at like he hadn’t eaten in so long… like when I was getting sick and trapped him in the shrine. That’s when I noticed it, that throbbing, lightning pain shooting through my arm and side. My arm couldn’t stop trembling, even taking my medicine didn’t help, but it’s not a painkiller, just prevent my infection from spreading so I shouldn’t have expected much, but still… I thought I was going to throw-up from that hot, convulsing, twitching pain.
I wandered further into the clearing, hoping I could find one of the plants Calisa had taught me had pain killing effects. But I quickly forgot it. There was a stone path, it didn’t seem man made, but like it occurred naturally, and it led to a blade, a softly glowing one with a blue hilt and handguard, plunged into the ground on a pedestal.
I can’t seem to figure out what I was feeling. Disbelief, neutrality, relief, anxious, joyous. There, hidden in the forest, was a blade, one with an unnatural shine.
I tried pulling it, the more I did though, an agonizing, unbearable pain unlike anything I had ever felt before coursed through me, I swear that sword was stealing my life from me the more I tried.
I was suddenly told to stop just before by far the largest roar and earthquake boomed, I swore I also heard cracking, like the ground was splitting apart.
I think for a moment I hurt so much everywhere it was numb? My head rang, and swam, I couldn’t breathe, I felt like I was deep underwater with no sign of the surface anywhere, I couldn’t even see.
I came back to my senses hearing a voice.
I’m too late, it told me. The Calamity sensed the one thing that could stop it was attempting to awaken and it too awoke to defend itself.
The sun rays that once lit the woods was now gone, the sky pitch black.
In the gigantic tree, branches filled with soft, little pink flowers, was a face. It noted I finally decided to return, though… return may not be the right word since I’m not the same as the one who came a hundred years ago. I heard more of that laughter, but I couldn’t see who it came from… The Deku Tree asked if I could no longer see the spirits, if not… it wasn’t surprising. I had changed a lot, too much perhaps. It had watch over Hyrule since before the kingdom even existed. It told me how the sword before me was made by a goddess, how only the chosen knight can wield it, how it can seal darkness, how the hero wielded it a hundred years ago, how I’m not that hero, not anymore. I lack the one thing needed, something I had lost
I lost it by that tower before this forest. The hero must face anything with courage by their side, and I refused to face that tower time and time again. Some power dwells in me, but it’s being blocked because I no longer embody it.
I had failed before I had even known it. The hero must not be allowed to speak for actions speak more than words, for he is a servant to the goddess, the princess, and queen of the royal family. He is courage, and
I don’t have that. Not any more according to the Deku Tree and the Master Sword. That was why I was lost in those woods and its warped time took it’s toll, I wasn’t supposed to be able to get here, but it seemed some incarnation of the past took pity on me according to the Deku Tree.
Once more the ground trembled, but this time a light illuminated the world.
My mind went blank. Hearing all that so suddenly, it donning on me the end was coming, I just couldn’t think. I got atop Bossa Nova and we immediately rode back into the fog and next thing I knew we were zipping past that accursed tower.
Suddenly I was being called from above. Kass stopped before us. He asked me where I had been, he had been searching all over, he knew finding me would be difficult, but I usually stop at some town not after too long, however it were as if I had disappeared from Hyrule entirely for the past several months. That was when I finally realized it, how much longer my hair was, the patches of snow that blanketed the once lush greenery and that horrid chill in the air.
Kass told me he had something he thought I should have, but then was not the time. I needed to go! I told Kass the end was here, that I had to fight. That… that I failed already. My vision began blurring, my chest tightening, but I pushed through it, telling Kass I can’t get the Master Sword, but I had to try still. I just had too. When I had placed my hand on his shoulders when speaking I noticed Sidon’s scale, the one in my armor. A thought came to me then… I told Kass, that I came this far without the Master Sword, that I came this far not as a hero but a simple traveler, so maybe I can end this as a traveler and not the chosen hero.
He seemed a little startled to be suddenly bombarded by all this, but he simply nodded. I gave him my letters to Sidon, Riju, Yunobo and him and Teba. I asked him to race to those towns and any others on the way like Kakariko and Hateno, and warn everyone to prepare for the worst, set up all their defenses. He agreed, telling me he’d reach everyone before I could even make it to the castle with Bossa Nova. Before he’d let me leave though he pulled me into a tight hug and asked me if I felt prepared for this. I guess… I could have at least kept part of my promise to him. It feels so long ago now when I made that, and my joyous emotions from then. I
I couldn’t lie to him.
Clutching him as tightly as I could, burring my face into those soft, warm feathers thinking this would be the last time.
I admitted I don’t, I was so scared, but that did not matter. I HAD to save everyone no matter what, and I was going to do everything I could. I hated seeing how worried and hurt he looked when I managed to rip myself away from his tender, comforting embrace. I think he tried following for a moment before remembering his mission and left for Death Mountain.
The red lights that the Divine Beasts pointed toward the castle, out of nowhere they exploded in size and turned blue, like whatever the guardians shoot. Soon though it was just those red lines again. Periodically they’d shoot, piercing holes into that impenetrable smog.
We ran, we just ran and ran and ran, we stopped for nothing, not even when we were spotted by guardians, not even when those armies of monsters began appearing, not even when everything began to act more and more aggressively, not even when the ground jolted, knocking us over, not even when we could no longer see, the glow from the stones from the Domain, the purple in the malice and the random bursts of light from the caste was our only light we kept running. I didn’t even notice the danger I was placing Bossa Nova in. I wasn’t thinking, just moving, and I think he may have been doing the same too. Hesitating or thinking for a moment would have killed us, we could only rely on instinct, I absolutely could not get stuck in my head again, just let any possible thoughts pass. We only made it by getting the things to shoot one another in the crossfire, the explosions from them also provided some much-needed light. A pair of great metal doors served as the gate to the castle, thankfully with the slate we could get in easily, and I was able to rip it off it’s hinges and chuck it at the guardians, knocking a few out.
I should have held on to it, inside was a guardian I’ve never seen before, they’re big, can’t move but make up for that with a huge range. Thankfully there are many bodies of water, caves, tunnels, and other such things and places to hide in.
The inside of the castle, it’s unlike anything I’ve faced before. Guardians of all sorts on the attack not just roaming, monsters appearing out of nowhere, entering a room only to be locked in and forced into combat to escape, the grounds being a maze that twist, turn, flip over, inside the castle, outside of it, and even under it, dead ends left and right, malice creeping all over the place even randomly bursting out from cracks in the ceiling, walls and floor, to survive we could not stop for even a moment.
Then it happened. After one last roar that light tried holding it back, the Divine Beasts shot, but it escaped, breaking through the castle walls, sending it all flying away and crumbling to dust almost crushing us in the process. That misshapen beast, the Calamity. It was gigantic. Almost insect like, uncountable arms, each with a weapon from clubs, to swords, to spears, like me. An amalgamation of malice and that ancient technology. Even a head with a red mane and beard. Less of a head and more a decaying skull with missing teeth. The mere sight of it almost made me sick let alone that rotting stench. It was similar too and nothing alike the nightmares. It relentlessly chased us as if not noticing anything else, crashing and stumbling through anything in its path.
 I need to spend the rest of my life thanking him. Without Bossa Nova, his speed and steadiness no matter the crumbling, decaying, uneven terrain, his bravery for charging into danger even leaping through windows and off high areas he never faltered or stopped.
If it wasn’t for him… I’m not sure I’d even be here right now.
Even if I was hero, surely even someone like that could not handle literal armies of monsters, and guardians while trying to fend off that thing.
 It had a long range, able to just keep wildly swinging it’s weapons, guaranteed to hit something even if it wasn’t us. I tried sticking to mostly using Rivali’s bow and arrows but it was just too fast, scudding around, even on the walls and ceiling like a cockroach. I was on my feet atop a bridge, fighting it in hand to hand combat. I kept relentlessly going after that head, without it, it surely would die, that’s what I thought at least. Still though, my infected arm kept freezing up so most my attacks didn’t land. I tried to mostly defend myself with my uninjured arm but it got to me, smacking me with a club, sending me flying across the ground, bouncing across it like a thrown stone on a lake’s surface till I landed in a river, or that was what it felt like at least. I had no idea what was up or down, all I knew was I need air. I was able to quickly figure it out though when one of those immovable guardians shot at me and luckily missed. When I finally resurfaced it was after Bossa Nova! Using the slate I froze Boulder Breaker in the air then hit it as many times as I could, sending it crashing right into the thing’s face giving Bossa Nova a chance to get away! It immediately charged after me, but before it could swing down that mighty hammer a part of the tower above it collapsed, by where Bossa Nova was, he was still bucking at more of the scaffolding making more crumble down.
That was just the chance I needed. I was able to get in many blows before it erupted from the rubble. It had been injured enough though, if I just kept attacking, not giving it a chance to run off and go for another more distances attack, I could do it. All my weapons disintegrated on impact with it, reminds me now of adding salt to water and how it just dissipates. All weapons were like that except for the ones I inherited, even then the black and purple gunk stuck to them except for Mipha’s trident. It was the only one that didn’t retain any of that poison.
And I did. It screamed, writhed, jets of malice shooting out of it like blood. Then it fell along with the rain. The monsters suddenly began disappearing, the guardians shut down. For a moment, all that seemed to live, was the pouring rain and ferocious wind. I was out of breath, and each one I took trembled, due to my body starting to give out or seeing that beast so still I don’t know, and I’m not sure I ever will. I was stuck in place, so tempted to approach it, but my body unable too, the first time I was able to get a good proper look at it, and… that fear and dread seizing my body, freezing it, while sending my heart and breath into a racing panic, sight blurring from tears or rain, something inside me was begging and screaming to run, but I just couldn’t. Bossa Nova kept pulling on my tunic more and more frantically with each passing moment, but I couldn’t, like the weight of the world was crushing in on me.
Bossa Nova managed to knock me onto the ground. There was malice on my boot, just a little splatter on the boot it was, in an instant, eating through it leaving a hole… in the middle of the boot… I could see the ground beneath my foot through that hole. I desperately tried eating anything I had on hand but just as soon as that hole healed it melted away again. Before I could even scream it suddenly burst to life that beast, fleeing the castle, leaving destruction in it’s wake. I tried chasing after it but my foot, that wracking pain from the hole shot up through my leg. Bossa Nova helped me get on his saddle and we chased after it.
The field was a true nightmare. The thing grew in size, rivaling that of the Divine Beasts. Boar like in appearance purplish-pink flames burst from it, bringing along that horrendous smoke from which hoards of monsters of all types came marching out. Specks of blue light from all across Hyrule came rushing towards it, guardians, all after us to protect that thing. With it’s every step a fountain on malice erupted from the ground raining down momentarily decaying monster and guardian alike. It was merciless. It craved but one thing. Destruction at any cost.
We couldn’t even get near it. Wave after wave of monsters, guardians shooting us at a distance allowing openings of attack on us. No matter what we were always open to attack. Blades slashed; clubs pounded; Bossa Nova couldn’t keep charging ahead anymore. I couldn’t even stand on my own, I needed to lean on him for support, leaving us both exposed.
I couldn’t do this. I just scraped by the last battle but now having to go up against literal armies I just couldn’t it was too much.
 Of course, when he flashed me that smile, telling me it was going to be okay, that all seemed to be meaningless. Before that claymore could strike, there he stood before us taking down any enemy that drew near. Sidon stood tall looking out toward the Calamity. He apologized for being late, but he was so glad for to him it appeared he made it just in time. He thanked me and Bossa Nova for being able to hold out for this long on our own, and now, it was time to finally finish this.
I could hear a war song sung over the melodies of an accordion blaring out over the chaos, and in the not too far distance I could see a new army charging in, several actually all coming from different directions. Sidon asked me if I didn’t believe his words before, that I wasn’t in this alone this time, that I was never going to have to bare the fate of the whole world on my shoulders on my own again. We were going to all fight together and win!
Even when my body is on the verge of collapsing that man can bring me back to life, ignite a raging fire in my soul that can’t be stopped.
We blazed a path through the monsters desperate to draw closer to the raging beast, Kass kept just overhead of up, still playing attempting to keep up motivation for one and all, deftly avoiding all arrows or beams of light. However not all distanced attacks were aimed for him. I tried getting before Sidon, holding out my shield to block that beam of light, but it never came. Instead I heard a yelp, that orange glow around him cracked, Yunobo kneeling before us wincing in pain. Yunobo with tears in the corners of his eyes asked what I was doing, that I should have waited to fight with them, because I didn’t I was so bloodied and bruised. Sidon said Yunobo seemed to have good judgement about how reckless I can be, but my talking too could wait till after battle. Yunobo seemed confused to see Sidon, I suppose that would probably have been his first time seeing a Zora, but he nodded and asked if we just needed to defeat the giant beast, then everything else would stop and we’ll have won.
The storm kept raging making battle all the more difficult, being knocked around, vision blurred from both the water and wind. Soon booming crashes could be heard, sudden bursts of light illuminating the entirety of the battlefield blinding everyone, leaving roaring fire in it’s wake. It was so close, so ferocious, like the very storm I first met Sidon in. Thunder clapped, lightning struck almost constantly… till it seemed to stop. It still happened, but nowhere near us. Riju was glad to see there were others with me, the more people by my side to help protect one another, the less likely I was to take unnecessary damage. Calisa and Buliara were with her. Though they took up protecting our rear I can see she’s improved so much… even using some Hylian techniques. It… was really touching to see. Though even in the heat of battle I noticed the common thread of them coming to protect me from myself, I guess I really am that reckless though…
 I truly am, it was bound to have repercussions someday, at least it didn’t any sooner than now.
 We were getting there, we were so close. One last push and we’d finally be able to face the Calamity. However the monsters and guardians were now in a frenzy, even attacking one another if it meant even getting a tiny nick on us. Even with our own armies getting through was so difficult. However he swooped in, seemingly out of nowhere, raining bomb arrows from above, Teba opening the way for us.
A huge circle was formed around the thing our armies trying to hold back the monsters and guardians so we could focus solely on the Calamity. No matter how intense those monsters got Kass was able to keep everyone motivated, circling around and around, playing and singing away getting them to keep going just a bit longer.
This was it; it was finally the end. Riju asked if we had any plans as to how to fell the thing. Like the guardians it had these glowing eye things all over its body, we needed to aim for those. They absolutely covered the thing, on its back, legs, stomach, neck, literally everywhere. All we could do was whittle it down little by little, avoid it’s feet at all costs, run when springs of malice sprung up. With all of us together we were able to make quick work of those eyes, each and every last one disappearing one by one. Many of the eyes wouldn’t break to arrows so we had to get creative to do it. Kass and Teba would carry Calisa, Riju, Buliara, and I over to get the ones on the back, they even switched over to use spears as well. Yunobo would use the rubble to his advantage as ramps to jump off of, me freezing him with the slate and Sidon hitting Daruk’s Shield sending Yunobo crashing into the thing, it heavily damages his shield the malice but he doesn’t get hurt which was the most important thing.
Eventually they were all gone. However with a defining roar more of those eyes appeared on it’s forehead, these ones were all bunched up together, bulging out all trying to fit into one little space. The Calamity began charging, rampaging in a blind panic thrashing about. He had to do something, anything to stop it before it could get to the surrounding armies. Kass and Teba took Riju, Calisa, and Buliara to the skys, while I froze a large stone, Yunobo, Sidon riding it, hitting it from underneath to launch ourselves upward.
It wasn’t enough. It still lived, and it was charging a beam attack, it was going to kill everyone, we wouldn’t have been able to get away in time.
I tried leaping off Yunobo’s shield to reach it, but it wasn’t enough. I was just falling.
Then I heard that snarky voice telling me that I surely wasn’t going to keep all the glory for myself as a gale of wind shot up from under me. I heard herd her determination as lightning struck the beast, managing to get it to halt in its attack for a moment, telling me it wouldn’t escape this time. Then I heard that boisterous encouragement, telling me I got this as an orange glow surrounded me. I heard her praise, her words seemingly coursing through me giving my exhausted, battered body the last push it needed, telling me I had done so well to finally make it here. Then as I plunged my blade down into the beast I heard them all, calling out for me to finish this once and for all.
Pain unlike anything I have ever experience before
That’s all I can remember after that before waking up here, back home.
 I know I was told what happened next but I rather Sidon tell it. Thinking too much about it hurts my head.
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So I Don’t Forget Again: A Breath of The Wild fanfiction
Entry 235: ???
 My arm is acting up badly. I think I may have pulled something in battle yesterday. We decided to just rest.
I look… very tired. I’ve never really took the time to just LOOK at myself before. It was cloudy so I couldn’t quite see my reflection in the lake or river so I used Sidon’s mirror. My hair is longer than I thought it was, it reaches past my shoulders. It’s also much darker than in my memories, it looks dirty and flat. I have a chip in my ear I never noticed before, I don’t think I had in my memories. There are scars on my face, they’re darker in color than the rest of my skin, on my cheek going down my neck, through my eyebrow. I know the stories behind them but I’ve never really acknowledged they’re mine, have I? Under both of my eyes are large dark spots. My lips are chapped, even bleeding at spots.
What did I look like when I started this? I didn’t emote much, not that I’m really any better now, but even back then… Did my ears always point more downward than up? Did my eyes seem half closed like they’re being dragged down by some invisible force. Did I wear a slight frown? Did I always look this… tired? I think that’s the best word, but I’m not sure.
Sidon’s told me about my eyes before, how they are always so expressive. I guess I’ll never really get to see it, but for that one moment I could.
This… has been a very long journey, and I guess it will come to an end soon…
It’ll be nice to get some sleep.
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So I Don’t Forget Again: A Breath of The Wild fanfiction
Entry 234: ???
 There’s nothing but ruins around the castle but it’s different from every other ruined town I’ve seen in Hyrule. Stone pillars toppled over, walls collapsed in on themselves, rusted guardians scattered everywhere, and many more live, active ones marching around. The air there feels thick, unbreathable like it’s ladened with ash and smoke. The red glow from the pillars surrounding the place send waves of chills down the spine, I didn’t even realize I was holding my breath from it all till I gasped for air, but even them, I felt light headed like I wasn’t getting enough, like what breath I did get was contaminated, tightening my lungs instead of filling them.
We had to run, a lot. Guardian after guardian came after us. There were also several earthquakes, one after another, and the ear-piercing roar rang out.
Can it sense me? The Calamity…
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So I Don’t Forget Again: A Breath of The Wild fanfiction
Entry 233: ???
 It began to rain. I can see lightning in the distance, towards the Domain. They don’t use metal so it should just hit tall trees. They’re fine.
The closer we get to the castle the more of that fiery black goo we see. I never realized how close it is to the place where we took shelter from the storm when I first came to the Domain. The one with the sinking mud and giant bones.
I want to go back. See Sidon again. Ask him to search for the sword with me. I want to so badly, my heart aches for it, but I can’t keep relying on him. If I do, I won’t be strong enough, but…
I don’t know if I’m strong enough yet to go where she passed.
Where I failed Friend.
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So I Don’t Forget Again: A Breath of The Wild fanfiction
Entry 232: Whistling Hill
 Calisa and I both thought it was about time we went our separate ways.
The quickest route to that forest… we’ll have to go right by the castle. Last time I was there, there were many guardians. I wonder if that’s changed. We’re going to try to avoid it, stick to the river.
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So I Don’t Forget Again: A Breath of The Wild fanfiction
Entry 231: Forest of Time
 MEDITATION GOES HAND IN HAND WITH THE GERUDO STYLE OF FIGHTING! I finally figured it out! Well for me at least. I was thinking too hard on not automatically doing hylian, THAT was what was messing me up! Maybe I should try learning more from Bossa Nova. Though…
It’s taken me so long just to get to this point, can I even afford to keep learning? I need to get moving. I need to find the Master Sword. But since it is a sword, the Gerudo style would certainly be useful to use with it!
I just need to keep trying.
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So I Don’t Forget Again: A Breath of The Wild fanfiction
Entry 230: Forest of Time
 I think I might be getting the hang of this. I really like training with Calisa. She’s a bit hands off, but still leads me where I need to go. She has me learn more on my own while still keeping me on track. I think she’ll be a good teacher for Riju.
Calisa also tried teaching me meditation. Well… she had Bossa Nova teach me. We spotted him just napping by a monster camp and none of them attacked him despite clearly knowing he was there. When I wondered aloud how or why that happens Calisa simply said to follow his lead and we ended up following him for the day.
He’s very calm. He seems to do whatever he wants, without a care. He wanders off, not just staying in one place for long, but he doesn’t seem to have any particular path or destination in mind. He just… is in the moment? Calisa asked me how I fight. If it’s instinctual, or if I have certain strategies. I was confused, surely she would already have figured that out, but she wanted me to say it aloud.
I need to do the same with my thoughts. Let them pass and flow into the next movement, not get hung up on any particular one. Cause that will get me killed, or at least hurt me. I tried, but it didn’t quite work out. Calisa told me it can take some practice, just letting yourself relax. She used to fret over finding a husband, but eventually, the more she traveled, the more she learned, and she figured out how to let go and move on, focus on herself and what she truly wanted.
I think I’ll stay up tonight and try again.
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So I Don’t Forget Again: A Breath of The Wild fanfiction
Entry 229: Forest of Time
 It’s been several days now, I still haven’t made any progress. At least I’ve been able to teach Calisa. Still though…
Calisa insisted we just relax today. I… Something in me broke and I panicked. Calisa lead me through some breathing exercises again. I know stressing over my task will only get me killed but, everyone I love will die. I can’t
I’m so scared I’m not good enough. Even if Sidon is with me, what if it’s not enough? Are we strong enough to fight against the end of the world? I guess once we’re all dead it won’t matter, but
I don’t want that! I need to protect them. But I’m up against the literal end of the world! Can even a goddess do that? Or were they the ones who wrought this? Zelda has the power of the gods and she can only hold it back. What difference could I possibly make!?
With the time I brushed through my hair. It was… rather relaxing admittedly. Maybe it was the sound of the flowing river, feeling Bossa Nova resting his head in my lap for his nap, or closing my eyes, just taking in the feeling of the bristles running across my head but it felt nice. A part of me felt like I was with Sidon again. I felt like I was safe. I know I have his scale and his creations so he is always with me, but I could really feel it in that moment.
If only I could hold on to that feeling… maybe then I really could do anything.
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So I Don’t Forget Again: A Breath of The Wild fanfiction
Entry 228: Forest of Time
 Gerudo specialize in use of the sword and shield, like Hylians. Trying to not automatically use the Hylian ways has proven to be… challenging. I have to force myself to not do it, but it’s instinctual for me, I don’t even think about it, so trying to stop is so hard.
I’m worried this is going to take even longer than I thought before. I can’t learn if I can’t even do it.
Calisa says part of my problem is constantly working up myself. But Zelda is fading fast, I have to kill the Calamity before she fails. If I don’t
I shouldn’t even write it… It feels too real to do so, I already know the gravity of the situation, I don’t need to give it more power, etching it into my memories, even if it had already made a home for itself in my mind. All these fears. The many ways I can fail them.
I need to get stronger. I need to do better. I’ll break myself to do that. Whatever it takes.
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So I Don’t Forget Again: A Breath of The Wild fanfiction
Entry 227: Forest of Time
 My chest feels heavy and tight, like it’s hard to breath, like a large stone is resting atop it. I find myself choking up seeing it, the castle, as small and far away as it seems. I can’t bring myself to look away.
That distraction was enough for me to get hit by an attack. Thankfully Calisa and Bossa Nova came to my rescue. I’ve messed up so horribly. I’m getting too distracted and lost in thought. At least I learned something, I do retain some scaring even after I heal. I have scratches on my hand, mini versions of the gashes I got. It stings a little, feels itchy almost. I wrapped my hand in bandages to keep from scratching it. Calisa even gave me a salve to alleviate the discomfort. Calisa saw it too, the light coming from the castle. She’s notices that light has been appearing more frequently the past couple of years. She’s not sure whether to be concerned about it or not. It always gave her a bad feeling though. She only saw that light once as a child but soon after she began traveling, she saw it again, and that light had always returned much quicker than the last. This was the fifth time this year now.
I asked her if she was going anywhere in particular, if not, I begged her to stay. I need her to teach me or at least give me a crash course in the Gerudo ways, I’d teach her Hylian and she would go to Gerudo town to teach Riju, I’d even give her a letter to give to Riju, a letter explaining the situation.
I’m preparing letters to send to Kass and Teba, Sidon, Riju, and Yunobo after I get the Master Sword, the moment I get it, I’ll have to fight that Calamity and I have no idea what it will do… I want them to be prepared for the worst. I have no more time, I need to stop it now, so I have to prepare everything I can in advance.
Calisa didn’t respond right away, she instead placed a hand on my back and lead me through some breathing exercises. After she asked if I was feeling better. Other than my chest, I was, a little. She then smiled and told me she’d be glad to teach me, after all she didn’t think getting me a drink before was enough to thank me for saving her hometown.
How long is this going to take though?
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So I Don’t Forget Again: A Breath of The Wild fanfiction
Entry 226: Kakariko Village
 I’ve sent Riju the book, apologizing that I couldn’t keep my word. I explained how time is running out and how I need to find the sword still. Once I get it then perhaps I can return and check that she’s fairing well with the techniques.
The sword just has to be in that forest. If it’s not…
I have no idea what I’ll do.
Back in Gerudo Town I was pointed to the Faron region, maybe they know of another forest and I could search Faron again. It is rather vast. I must have missed some. I must have! I still have another place to search!
Please let the Master Sword be in that forest, I’ve just seen no sign of it anywhere else.
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So I Don’t Forget Again: A Breath of The Wild fanfiction
Entry 225: Blatchery Plain
 Before we could go Impa showed me something, a picture in her home. She told me to go there, it may unlock another memory for me. It’s of the field filled with guardians between the Twin Peaks and Hateno.
I left Bossa Nova behind so I could go there on foot and not risk him getting hurt.
He was right about all of it, Zelda unlocking her power to save me. I had collapsed by that point, getting hit by one of those polls of light the guardians shoot, but even with my hazy vision I could so clearly see that blinding light. That must be her power it can’t be anything else. But surely as inexperienced in using it as she is she couldn’t be skilled enough to keep it up for a hundred years.
She’s going to fall, she can’t take this any longer. I need to get to her. Now.
But I’m still worried about Riju as well…
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So I Don’t Forget Again: A Breath of The Wild fanfiction
Entry 224: Kakariko Village
 I’ve been helping protect the village, going on reconnaissance missions and fighting. They have served as great practice. Bossa Nova has been joining me, he can be very stealthy when he wants to be.
I don’t think I’ve mastered much of anything though.
I just need to practice on my own.
Impa told me she’s getting an ominous feeling in the wind.
There was an earthquake before a ground shattering roar pierced through the air. We collapsed to the ground, all out minds reeling, and ears ringing. Others have continued chest pain. It was night so that blinding light was all the more consuming, it were as if the sun suddenly appeared on the castle. I swear my heart stopped. Everything stopped, holding it’s breath as the light faded along with repressing the black aura.
She told me Zelda can’t hold out much longer.
 I have no more time.
I had to send a letter back home telling everyone that I can’t come back just yet.
I need to meet with Riju and make sure she’s prepared for the worst.
I’ll leave by dawn’s first light, for now everyone is gathering supplies for me, and I’m hurriedly writing a little recipe book for Koko and leaving her with the necessary ingredients.
If the worst happens
Is it okay to think of the worst? If I fail. If I die. What I’ll leave behind, try to tie up any loose ends before I face the thing. Is it okay? Preparing Riju to fight and protect herself, instead searching for the one thing that may be the deciding factor if I win or not…
The Master Sword.
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