softswampwitch · 4 years
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softswampwitch · 4 years
Energy Cleansing!
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Energy Cleansing Through Cleaning!
Have you been feeling down? Too tired to get up and do things. Or that no matter how much normal witch-y cleansing you do, there is always something going on? Well, from my experiences, running around with a broom or vacuum smacking those dirt away really helps!
Here are some ways I clean up the energies in my house. If you have any additions add them on! I’d love to hear them and I’m sure others would love it too!
Vacuuming - Oh the smell of a room after it’s been vacuumed. Cleaner but also a little empty. Vacuuming is a good “lets whip the slate clean of everything”. It sucks up the energies in your home leaving it clean and blank.  After a good vacuuming is a perfect time to do some home blessings and protections!
Sweeping - Banishing! Now go go go, the broom shrieks as you brush away dirt and old leaves. Sweeping is a perfect way to banish energies. Not suck them up and get ride of them. Oh no, banish them. Forcibly remove them from your place cuz those nastiest aren’t allowed to stay around. You can also put charms on the broom so it lays down goodness as it banishes the not so good stuff.
Window Cleaning - Opening the mind to inspiration and clear thinking. Whipping away the muck from the windows allows the home to be charged and energy flow in smoothly. It also can bring in more inspiration and clearer intuition. 
Cleaning The dishes - Time to help harmony move around. Spreading love and charm with eat spoon, plate, and bowls. Allowing fulfillment of the stomach and the soul! Wipe away the muck of the day, and bring in time to for better days!
That’s all I can think of right now. But all of these simple things are great ways to move away from the past and start a fresh slate. After or while you clean is a perfect time to light some warm comfy smells. Good luck with you happy cleansing!
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softswampwitch · 4 years
Hi my love I hope you’re well. May I please have a free reading on how J ♋️ is currently feelings and his current thoughts/emotions towards me? Thank you HT ♏️ 💙
When asking about how J was feeling Theo gave me the card Temperance. Temperance is a very neutral card and actually takes pride in it's sense of balance which leads me to believe that J is feeling comfortable within themself which is great. I also pulled the Page of Cups which is a message for a happy surprise. It wasn't clear if the surprise was for you or J though so take that as you will. With the message though is a signal that the unconscious mind is attempting to make contact, but it may not be getting completely understood. As for how J feels about you specifically I asked Delilah and she said specifically to share your feelings and opinions. That J wants to know what you're thinking and feeling, which to me seems like they know and want you to make the first move.
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softswampwitch · 4 years
Hi I’m Janice, if I could please know what two cards were in the reading? You don’t have to interpret them yourself, I can Try to look them up! 💞 thank you for your reading! I didn’t understand it now but I’m sure in the future it may click. As of no we are just very stagnate.
I figured you might want them lol. I just genuinely wasn't feeling them but sometimes that just means they aren't for me so I'll just give you quotes and see if they mean anything to you
Seven of Pentacles:
"Seven of Pentacles Meaning: A balanced card by nature the VII suggest you will avoid failure, but fall short of runaway success in an endeavour. Or, equally possible, that you will achieve your goals, but not in the time frame you had hoped for. You will face setbacks, and in order to succeed you will need to take care to avoid becoming too hesitant or timid. Progress may be slow or difficult, but it is possible.
Past :The delays in your projects have been affecting you, but do not lose hope. Your perseverance will lead you to success.
Present: The long period of hard work you are currently in will bring you much personal growth and achievement.
Future: Your path will be long, but the rewards will be great if you can continue without losing determination or vigour.
Yes / No Key Interpretation: The Seven of Pentacles represents perseverance in your occupation or business. It is associated with success but through slow, steady growth. It suggests that you will have to wait a long time for your reward and that perhaps your are not working at your full potential. There is no clear answer here"
Three of Cups:
"Three of Cups's Meaning: This card is both a portent of celebration and cause for it. It tells of great happiness in the future for you, and not of the passing kind, but secure joy which will last and be shared with those around you. Commonly associated with the completion of a meaningful project, or, even more likely, a birth.
Past: Long dormant talents are beginning to influence your life and the work you have done is beginning to influence your future. You may find richer rewards by investigating more experiences than you have previously.
Present: There is abundant energy gathering around this moment that signifies you are approaching a new phase of life.
Future: The desire to help other people will factor greatly into your considerations and you will take a greater joy in a significant role among your community. A full life lies ahead of you, to be celebrated by the ones who love you.
Yes / No Key Interpretation: The Three of Cups brings with it an abundance of love and joy. It suggests happy gatherings or celebrations and success in various aspects of your life. It is associated with loving celebrations and close relationships, and it means the answer you seem is yes."
Again, this didn't speak to me at all but sometimes they speak to whoever I'm doing the reading for
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softswampwitch · 4 years
Hi friend! I Janice, the person I’m inquiring about is Jacob. I’m conflicted about our situation. He’s basically high class and I’m lower class. In every aspect of material and wealth we are on opposite ends as of now and it discourages me from making advancements on our relationship... is like to know what advice your intuition has for me at this time! Do I take a leap of faith? Would he reciprocate the romantic feelings? Should I just walk away? My lucky numbers are 5,7, and 13 🥺
Okay this is serious and personal so I'm not going to explain myself I'm just going to jump right into it (and I'm sorry I didn't get to it sooner, I would love to hear an update about how things are going)
Nine of Swords: negative. Incredibly negative card. One of the most negative in the deck. This isn't directly about the relationship, this one is about you specifically. I'll pull some quotes from the book and then explain. "One of the more negative card to discover in your spread, the IX of Swords foretells or describes a powerful mental anguish. The source of this anguish may well be within you, arising from you being too quick to cast a negative light on your actions or abilities. It may also arise from paranoia. Despite often being unfounded, your pain can take the form of sleeplessness, of fear, depression, loneliness and isolation. Beware pushing away those who are seeking to help you, and find the courage to reach out for help. Even if these feelings are based in reality, it may be difficult for you to clearly find a solution in your current state. Carefully consider the other cards in your spread, look for the card associated with potential sources of aid and counsel." And "The standards you have set for yourself may be unreasonable and steer you towards self-loathing and disappointment. You must be able to forgive yourself and others in order to move past your negative feelings."
Okay this one is about you. Whether or not this relationship is going to work, you are hindering any chance you have with him by putting yourself down. You may be focusing too hard on what you DON'T have when you should've been paying attention to what you do. Even if you aren't in a romantic place with Jacob, you should look into talking about this with him. You might not be this extreme now, but Valerie is forewarning you that this anxiety and train of thought is/could take you to a terrible place mentally.
King of Wands: "It can also represent an association with a masculine authority figure, a leader and arbitrator. You may find yourself aided in solving a dispute. Be open to the advice of those with more experience than yourself." And "The King of Wands is a voracious, determined, and confident authority figure. He represents some sort of expansion, establishment of something in your professional life, or financial gain along with success. He is a positive presence, likely to bring along positive outcomes."
This card feels like the authority figure the last card mentioned. I didn't click with a lot on this one but I think Valerie has someone in mind you should seek advice from. This could represent Jacob, however I doubt it.
Knight of Cups: I have a feeling that this is Valerie's view on Jacob. Not much to interpret with this one but I'll tell you what parts I clicked with. "The Knight of Cups encourages you to remember that victory is not just an exercise in strength of arms, but can be achieved through cleverness and a savvy mind. He can also be given to flights of wild fancy, though, so you may also interpret him as a warning to maintain your focus. The Knight of Cups is a romantic and compassionate dreamer bringing along new opportunities or some sort of positive invitation. He represents self acceptance and an arrival to finding the proper path for your life. The answer you are looking for is yes."
Based on this I think you have a good chance with him but I couldn't for the life of me feel connected at all to this reading. This is super vague and doesn't answer a lot of your questions and I promise if you still need clarification I'll do another reading a different time.
Also there are two other cards I drew that don't feel like they go with the reading but if you want to know them and have them interpreted later let me know. And as always, if you want pictures just message me
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softswampwitch · 4 years
Hello may I have a tarot reading? I was wondering if I will get the art job I applied for at BTH in UT? Thank you so much ❤️!! -CL
You and I talked a bit about this but I’ll explain the process anyway.
Valerie likes to give predictions, yes/no/maybe answers and such. I used her for the first part of the reading. Something told me to draw two cards so I did.
King of Wands: This is the first one I pulled and I’ll give you a brief quoting of her interpretation of this card. “The future will bring you success in your professional life. Good investments and prudent spending will outweigh the risks you take and the strong conviction you have shown will grant many opportunities.” I asked her outright if you got the job and so her yes/no interpretation said: “He represents some sort of expansion, establishment of something in your professional life, or financial gain along with success. He is a positive presence, likely to bring along positive outcomes. The answer is yes.”
Ace of Pentacles: This is the second card from this deck and already pentacles represent material wealth/ the material world (in a less broad sense, money). The ace cards typically represent the beginning or the start or the “baseline” as I like to call it, of each suit. So without even glancing at the interpretation, just from general meanings, this card is about to tell us about the start of something material/ wealth wise. Already her interpretation says, “Aces always represent a new beginning in some form, and the Ace of Pentacles suggests a strongly positive one for you.” Since this is a positive card, I can already tell you the interpretation is a Yes. “Your life is about to enter a very productive period. The Ace of Pentacles represents prosperity, financial gain, and successful endeavors ending in promotion.” It continues on with more positive things but it’s just repetitive
Overall: So from this deck, it really seems to me like you got the job. These cards aren’t just random yes cards, both of these have themes that represent work related/ monetary success and gain. I see no reason why you wouldn’t get this job but Valerie is a sticky one she could be talking about a different job. (She answers the questions she wants to answer but I have a good feeling about this one)
So based on what we talked about it sounded like you could use some advice or intuition into what’s going on so I decided to consult Delilah for some.
I was going to draw three for the fun of it but I could only ever get two cards to click and one still doesn’t feel right.
Reversed The Chariot: I don’t get this card in readings very often so this is interesting. This is the one I felt RIGHT away. I’ll just give you her interpretation and let you see “You may be overreaching in an attempt to control every aspect of your life. Perhaps it is time to loosen up on the reigns and accept that some things are beyond your power to change.” I genuinely think she is trying to tell us that this job and the things keeping them from choosing an applicant over there is beyond our control. At this point, you need to stop dwelling on it and sit back and wait to see what happens. There is nothing you can do now as it is out of your hands.
Reversed Six of Cups: Okay something didn’t feel right about this and I don’t really know if it even has to do with the job but I feel like I’m obligated to share it with you anyway. “The reversed Six of Cups may signify that you are dealing with painful memories, or a lack of fulfilled expectations. Step outside yourself and try to move on, for dwelling is never healthy.” I don’t really know what to say about this one since I don’t know what question Delilah is answering for you.
Note: As always, if you want a picture of your spread just message me and let me know :)
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softswampwitch · 4 years
hello! may i get a general reading on the future and just some insight if possible? thank you so much- dee♌️
Hi Dee! I don’t really know why but I was feeling three? So I decided to just do a three card spread and see what Valerie wants to tell you
Card 1, The Two of Pentacles: The two cards always (well y’know mostly) represents change. (ha ha change and it’s the two of coins sorry) Valerie is telling you that there is big change coming towards you in the near future. The suit of pentacles suggests that the outcome of this change is best when you go through careful planning. She specifically said that the outcome of this can go either way and she doesn’t have any input at this time. I want to emphasize that her interpretation says: “The Two of Pentacles shows movement, balance, and growth through change. It suggests possibilities of fluctuating wealth that will likely require some sort of juggling act and will bring with it both ups and downs. The workload will be heavy, and there is no clear answer provided by the presence of this card.” Which is super duper vague I am really sorry.
Card 2, The Lovers: OOOOOOOOkay I haven’t gotten this card in a reading yet for her (or my others I don’t think. . . ) I really like her interpretation book’s meaning for this so I am going to quote a lot of it directly so here we go: “Your first instinct will most likely be to associate this card as representing love, but, much like love, it does not possess a simple nature. Not only does love come in many forms, but the Lovers may indicate important or difficult choices ahead in your life. This is bad, in that the choices it portends are generally mutually exclusive, paths to two very different futures, but also good, in that it also confirms that at least one of those paths will take you to a good place. As such, if you happen to find it in your spread, you should consider it carefully, but not fear it. It tells a story of difficult choices, likely painful, but that the correct decision and a positive outcome are within your grasp.” That is a lot to take in but I have really high hopes for you and I can’t explain why. I wouldn’t put a false sense of hope there, I genuinely get good vibes. Valerie is telling us that you have a very difficult choice to make ahead (which she mentioned via last card too) and this choice can go either way but we know that AT LEAST one of them leads to a very good future. So far this reading has been vague and open ended I am really sorry Valerie isn’t giving me much to work with
Card 3, Princess/ Page of Wands: This card is really positive from what I can tell. This is all about starting something new and good things coming your way (see? I told you I had a good feeling). Her interpretation of this card is much different from Delilah’s so I’m gonna: “A vital indicator, the Page suggests good news coming to you from or about a youthful individual. If the card is describing you, personally, it indicates you possess boundless energy, deep loyalty, and a youthful love of learning. It may also point towards a new project you will soon be undertaking.” Got anything exciting coming up? Her present and future interpretations say that there is good news coming to you and it will infuse your life with joy and bring about a flash of inspiration. Whether or not this is the same thing as the big change and decisions coming your way, hopefully this good news will help you along your way of tough times coming ahead of you.
NOTE PLS: If you want a picture of your reading, like always, just private message me and I can send it your way (Valerie is very pretty and loves attention). PLUS if you want some intuition or another card pull from Valerie or anyone else, just let me know and I don’t mind helping or answering any questions you may have (also I am really sorry it took me so long to get this out to you I feel bad)
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softswampwitch · 4 years
Hey just saw your free tarot post and would it be okay with me asking what are N (Gemini) feelings for me? Also what can I expect to happen between me and him in the near future? Thank you so much for your time🧡 my initial is T
So we decided to do a situation spread. This was simply 1. The situation 2. What you SHOULD do 3. What you should NOT do. We did this with Theo.
The Situation:The card- Justice
All this card says is simply, what you put in, is what you will get back. Meaning that how you have handled your relationship until this point will dictate the outcome. 
I should note that Theo doesn’t work in Yes and No. You will ultimately be in control of if you ask or not, but we are here to help with that decision. 
Do:The card- Two of Wands
This card is a strong representative of two people coming together to grow and transform their plans into progress. Saying this, you should have a mental state that is prepared for any answer that N could give you. You also have to be certain of the path you want to take in regards to asking or not asking, because any form of hesitation means you are not mentally ready. 
Don’t:The card- Ace of Wands
This is a card of strong passion. It is in the DON’T portion because too much passion can lead to confusion and a stagnation in your decision making process. Having a preconceived notion of N’s reaction to you will not give you any form of comfort. 
Overall Reading:
Theo is telling you to do only what you’re ready for, but he has provided a few starting guidelines for you. Be confident in your choice, to waver means that you are still in a state of self growth. Work on yourself before you work with others. Please, I can not stress this enough, don’t go into this thinking you already know what’s going to happen. You may have good guesses, but you will want to go into this completely neutral because you can never truly know where a person is in their own life. Respect their wishes no matter what while also respecting yourself. 
So next I did a future reading to answer your second question and I did this with Valerie and it was just a simple three card pull. (if you want a picture of either spread just message me and I’ll get it right to you)
The Heirophant: This is the middle ground and is still a relatively positive card but the answer is still a “maybe”. What I took from this card was that you need to approach the upcoming situation (a possible relationship?) with unselfish intentions. Going into this selfishly (with only yourself in mind) will not lead to the positive outcome that could be. This being a “possibly good” outcome. Her interpretation book says specifically “”Your actions should be motivated beyond selfish reasons, or there will be little reward for them.” The main takeaway is: discipline. Do with that what you will. (don’t worry it gets more and more positive as the reading goes on)
Temperance: I clicked pretty well with multiple different parts if this card interpretation so I’ll give more direct quotes than the last one. This card is optimistic and positive. She warns to “Tread carefully in any major decisions you make, with confidence that good decisions will lead to a good resolution for you.” This card can often indicate (in the present) a strong bond (either partnership, friendship, or both) coming to develop in your immediate social circle. She really stresses self-confidence in this. Not necessarily just with this situation but in general. This is a “most likely yes” card. Main takeaway: self-confidence, new chapter, good decisions
Ten of cups: The suit of cups represents emotional endeavors. The ten being very strong, as well as incredibly positive. This card highly suggests marriage, lifelong friendships, strong bonds (familial or otherwise). Now I know throwing marriage in here is a bit crazy but Valerie said marriage so I’m telling you. This doesn’t mean you guys are going to get married. Not in the slightest. This is her way of showing you that the chances are very high that a strong emotional relationship is coming your way. I asked her specifically about N, so this could be him but it could also be someone else. She specifically mentions a very strong and long lasting friendship. As someone who wants my significant other to be my best friend, I find this to be good news. Final takeaway: take all of this with a grain of salt. This card is an “overwhelmingly yes” card but she always has conditions and the universe rarely operates in a way that we expect it to. Whether this card is referring to N or not, Valerie is hinting towards some good times coming very very soon.
OKAY SO I am really really really really sorry I didn’t get to this sooner but there was break and I was around family. And then my grandma died last week as soon as I got back to school so forgive me please
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softswampwitch · 4 years
Will P & I get back together or am I wasting my time? -ASW
My roommate and I both just randomly did a one card pull and BOTH turned out positive.
Roommate's: this is about overcoming conflicts and moving forward. One just needs to keep going and put in a whole lot of hard work and commitment. However, my roommate says she thinks it's for both parties. "You can't have a horse without a carriage"
Mine: The Three of Cups brings with it an abundance of love and joy. It suggests happy gatherings or celebrations and success in various aspects of your life. It is associated with loving celebrations and close relationships, and it means that the answer you seek is yes.
So. . . Good news!
But this is best case scenario and is going to come with work.
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softswampwitch · 4 years
Hi!! So I was wanting to know what’s coming up for me in regards to my love life? Thank you! -B 🌟
I hate to break it to you, but things aren't looking so hot moving forward.
In the past you have avoided conflict, but conflict can be useful to your own personal growth be it in mind, body, or energy. In this avoidance there have been missed opportunities and strengths that could've helped you along the way. You also tended to be misled by fantasies and daydreams halting any progress you could have made.
Currently, we feel that you are missing or maybe even refusing to acknowledge important and relevant information to your question. In order to get past this you will need to go back to the basics to get a better grasp on your aspirations and goals. In other words, figure yourself out before persuing a milestone task, in this context, a new relationship.
Funnily enough, the future encourages you to reflect on your past. Hindsight has 20/20 vision so recognizing past mistakes and even accomplishments because more decisions are coming your way. As of right now, we predict that you will revert back to your old ways.
The cards emphasized that you don't have to prove yourself to anyone anymore. Do what you will with this piece of advice.
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softswampwitch · 4 years
Tarot Readings
Finals are seriously kicking my ass so I'm sorry I'm taking ages but good news!! I got a 100 on my chem final and a cute boy with freckles bought my food yesterday so I am definitely doing something productive with my time
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softswampwitch · 4 years
if a woman has starch masks on her body does that mean she has been pargnet before.? (period question mark)
pargnet before.? (period question mark)
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softswampwitch · 4 years
your energy is so wholesome and adorable why aren't we friends 🥺😤😤😤
we can be friends
I have like two (2) friends (pals)
pls more? more pls? period question mark (.?)
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softswampwitch · 4 years
Tarot Readings: A NOTICE
I've gotten so many wonderful asks and I PROMISE I will get to all of them as fast as I can but I like to give really good in depth readings and interpretations for you and I am struggling through finals week. Tarot is my way of settling down and relaxing but it takes a lot of my energy so I only do a few at a time.
You are all super nice and I want to make sure I give you good and accurate readings. I don't want to lead anyone in the wrong direction
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softswampwitch · 4 years
Thank you for the reading!~ - J.A.N. 🤗
No problem!!! Let me know if you want pictures! (My decks are gorgeous)
Seriously you guys if my reading doesn't make sense or you need clarification please let me know because that's how I get better! I've only been doing this for about a week or so!
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softswampwitch · 4 years
Is J the one for me? -J.A.N.
Well hot damn you really just got to the point, huh? Short and sweet I like it. I’m gonna make the reading the same way :)
So I used Valerie and I just did a simple yes/ no interpretation reading for a simple question so I shuffled with intention and Valerie lead me to a single card
Princess/ Page of Pentacles: The page of pentacles represents a skillful, attentive, and studious youth who is both self disciplined as well as a go-getter. He could indicate some sort of promotion or acquiring a new, enjoyable hobby in the near future. The overall mood of this card is positive and suggests that the answer is yes.
So that’s good news but “the one for me” is a bit of a weighted idea. This could mean that at this time, for your personality and aura and maturity and time of life, J fits into it. That might mean that later on J doesn’t fit quite so well. This also doesn’t suggest that anything with J would be perfect because all love, whether friendship, romantic or QP, takes effort and work
(That was a long winded way of explaining why I drew a card from Delilah for advice)
Reversed The Lovers: Shows that your inner voice may be leading you in contradictory directions. Perhaps a commitment you’ve made has turned sour or one side of a relationship is failing. You may need to identify and work out this issue, or remind yourself why the commitment was made in the first place. Aligning one’s values can be difficult, but the effort will be worthwhile.
Okay I SWEAR I do all of this in order so I had no idea that Delilah was going to read my mind and tell you exactly what I told you in the paragraph right before that one so props to how connected we are I guess. I don’t feel the need to interpret this card since I very explicitly said the same thing right before I pulled this card (#certifiedgeniusyall)
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softswampwitch · 4 years
Free Tarot Readings
Hey guys!!! I’m starting out doing Tarot and I’m trying to get good at it and honestly that means practicing so I’m TOTALLY open to doing any kind of reading you guys want or need. 
My ask box is open just slide in there with a question and depending on the reading I might ask you a question or two
I don’t mind doing them for anons but for an accurate reading I would love to have at least initials or pronouns so I can connect it to you.
I have two different decks so please tell me if you want a serious reading or a happier one. One deck is more vague but gives clarity the other is darker but more specific.
If you have a spread in mind please message me or include a picture
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