random thought #242
can someone pls tell me whats wrong with my ✨aesthetic✨ bc both my fashion sense and my music taste and frankly, also my sexuality are all so *specific* and *picky* but like idk what the pattern is?? i just went clothes shopping and i for some reason just intensely wanted this one tan sweater w white stripes but not ANY OTHER SWEATER IN THE WHOLE STORE like damn i don't do near enough laundry to be this picky about what i wear
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hear ye hear ye
it has come to my attention that i may have ✨social anxiety✨
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random thought #237
been thinking bout ✨words✨, where did the word shampoo even come from? i mean sounds french but even for french standards that's a little weird yknow?
also, i think the french are behind 'length' too, because who else would make the adjective be 'long' like that has french written all over it, but then in that case i guess they created 'width' too, which makes sense because of the silent letter thing.
more research is needed but lmk sum cool word stuff
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idea for the gays
if somebody close to you supports trump, tell them “I’m uninviting you to my wedding,” because they’re already voting to cancel it anyway
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no need to read this, just me feeling sad yo, many triggers mentioned
now that im applying to college its weird because like, every single grade really really matters so now ive felt guilty for literal days about forgetting to turn in a math assignment i did, when even last year i would not have given a fuck bc ive always prided myself on at least not being someone who values grades over personal development but the fact that thats becoming less true while im trying to lock myself into a personality in order to apply to college is really not great atm. 
also my cat (who is about ten years old) has gotten really sick this last week. she’s been really thin for a couple of months now but she’s just been really upset and not eating or even really sleeping like she used to, and the doctors are thinking it might be cancer and i just. im not ready to lose her, even if im in the best mental state of my life rn i’m still not ready to let go since she’s been my longest friend and at times the only good thing in my life and i just want her to know that i love her so much but we’ve had to keep her locked in the laundry room for much of the past few days to clean up after her accidents and she’s just been crying so much that she can’t even meow sometimes, and she doesn’t understand what’s going on and so i feel so bad for her because i want her last years to be happy ones but i feel bad for me too. 
also i accidentally got added to a private chat between some of my friends and they started talking about how annoying i was and how it made them want to leave, but i don’t know if they saw that i had access and then started joking around or if they actually feel that way about me? i guess i had been annoying, these people are my newest friends who know about me through a mutual friend, but our mutual friend then had a falling out and left within a day of me joining, and i thought i could belong with this group but i guess they don’t want me now. i just wanted to participate and talk to them, i hate that i talk so much but i just don’t talk to people at school or at home and i think its undiagnosed social anxiety, but also i feel completely different every single day and it’s hard to maintain a consistent relationship with someone if you are constantly switching personalities. 
also i just started doing theater tech at school and i feel like i have screwed something up every single day ive been there. every time i go i feel like i take a huge hit to my confidence/ego just purely from not being as competent as i thought i was or even just having some sophomore asshole roll her eyes at me while i was doing my best to be friendly. 
also ive just realized the girl i have a crush on probably thinks im a piece of shit. this is because i have, in fact, been a piece of shit, because i broke up with my last girlfriend (a close friend of hers) over text. OVER TEXT. what kind of douchebag does that??? i thought i had a good reason for it at the time (i was “sCaReD” of her when really i was just scared of intimacy and being outed because of my parents views on homosexuality) but i know now that i mustve really hurt her feelings and probably made HER feel like shit when she had been so good and kind to me. 
also recently one of my friends started saying he was going to kill himself and so as someone whos been there i started saying all these things about how much we love him and how much he matters even if he cant see it and how it will get better for him once he moves out, hes just got to hold on for a few more years and he got really upset that i was so pushy and how it was just his humor even though i know he self-harms and i was really actually worried about him. he stopped talking to me and left our group chat (we dont live in the same town) and i just feel awful because hes just the nicest and sweetest guy but because of stuff he cant control his depression has turned him into this apathetic and emotionally detached kid and i dont know, i just dont want that for him or for me or for the countless other kids i know are feeling that way, and i just feel hopeless for our generation. its a scary time, and i just hope we will be able to save ourselves before our rights are taken away. 
im not living up to my parents expectations and they remind me every day. im not living up to my own expectations because i just want to be happy and im not. i just want to value myself and i cant because i dont have time. i want to live a life where im proud of what i do every day, not where im wondering how many more of my personal values i have to sacrifice in order to get by. fuck this. fuck 2020. love y’all tho
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Girls and gays, please stop being mean to boys.
This is not to say you shouldn’t hold men accountable when their actions hurt your feelings. This is not to say that men are better than anyone else. This is not to say “Not ALL Men”.
But the 14-yo boy watching your TikTok or reading your post about how men are trash or gross or stupid or whatever isn’t any less worthy of the love and body positivity and validation that you offer so readily to anyone else of the same age. Depression doesn’t discriminate based on gender, but when boys who often fall victim to toxic masculinity turn to social media for support the same way the rest of us do, they will be told that they aren’t loved and they will feel and act accordingly. 
Making teenage boys grow up thinking they’re trash is not dismantling the patriarchy. Feminism is not just empowering women, but men too. Don’t be a misandrist, it’s not cool. You’re misdirecting your anger at the boys who grew up in the system instead of focusing on the cause at the top, which can’t be generalized into “all men”.
If you are mean to boys you aren’t dismantling the patriarchy. You’re an asshole, and contributing to the problem. 
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sleep deprivation sucks and also caused me to struggle reading a wiki page for several minutes before realizing it was completely in spanish
in other words: im dumb
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same account, similar blogs
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a meme i was thinking about during church
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random thought #72 i believe?
one good thing to come out of the quarantine (and the issue of mask-wearing) is how we’ve really exposed the implicit question that is a core thread of our politics and made it really, rawly, obvious and clear cut: 
do you give even a single fUCK about other people?
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Do not use change.org petitions
Hey, just a reminder: Most governments cannot legally respond to change.org petitions. If you want to do activism to get a specific government to do or not do something, do not use a change.org petition. It will not work. They do not have to respond to those because they can’t check that the people signing it really are their constituents (the only people whose opinions they care about). Instead, use the official petition service of that government, because then it will have to be debated/acted on if it gets a certain number of signatures. 
For the UK: https://petition.parliament.uk/
For Australia: https://www.aph.gov.au/petition_list
For the US: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/
For the EU parliament: https://petiport.secure.europarl.europa.eu/petitions/en/home
There are literally hundreds of different petition systems - at least one for every government. You can also just literally google your country of residence + petition.
These petitions legally have to be acted on if they reach a certain number of signatures. Change.org petitions do not, because there’s no way to verify where the signatories come from or how seriously members of parliament should take these signatures. Change.org (in addition to being an “unofficial” petition channel) is also a for-profit company that only uses your money to boost petitions within its own website. 
“(Change) is a multimillion dollar for-profit private company, not a nonprofit public charity as many falsely assume. The company began as a nonprofit that connected charities to donors, but has transitioned into a for-profit company that makes money by selling advertised petitions on its website, Change.org.” -Activist Facts 
It is additionally misleading - the number of signatures you actually need to have a petition debated/acted on/reviewed by the government will vary from place to place and the population size of the country you’re petitioning. Change.org does not have that information. Have you ever noticed how the number of signatures keeps getting extended? That’s because none of the goals actually do anything actionable. They are not legally binding.
Anyone can sign a change.org petition. Usually with petitions you need  to at least be a resident of the country you’re petitioning. The reason for that is that the democratically-elected representatives should act on their constituents’ desires. It is very easy to not act on a change.org petition from their perspective because they have no way of verifying if you’re actually a constituent and could vote them out. Having a petition that anyone can sign is a very easy way for the entire petition to be discredited. 
Please, I am begging you. I am thrilled by your enthusiasm for activism, but I am exhausted from having to jump onto every post that tries to petition a government through this fraudulent website. This matters because if faced with the option of signing a real petition or a change.org one, the change.org one is going to be more popular because fewer people know how this works, but we really need to boost through channels that work right now.
Examples for what not to do under the cut.
Keep reading
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random thought #69 (nice)
kids really don’t think they’ll fall to peer pressure, but have you ever been at someone’s house and when they asked if you’re hungry, you actually said yes? or if they suggested something to do, you actually straight up said no? 
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bruh i have never related more to a fictional character than martin “my boyfriend told me he loves me but i’m not sure if he even likes me” “i was left alone for five minutes and now this v̶o̶l̶l̶e̶y̶b̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶a̶ ̶b̶l̶o̶o̶d̶y̶ ̶h̶a̶n̶d̶p̶r̶i̶n̶t̶  tape recorder is my only friend” “the lack of comfy armchairs is obviously causing my short term memory loss” blackwood 
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OMG it just hit me after seeing this comic! i thought it was all a little sudden for jonmartin to just spring into existence especially since jon seems so... neutral towards martin prior to season 5, but it’s all falling into place now: HE WAS FALLING IN LOVE WHILE LISTENING TO THE TAPES OHHHHHHHHH 
i ship them wayyy too hard
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Every time Martin talks to the tape recorder like it’s a person I fall in love with him just a bit more so I can only assume it’s the same for Jon
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a meme i was thinking about during church
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random thought #52
how is it that people can be different from each other in ways that they don’t even know about? like isn’t it so trippy that we can have totally different ways of seeing the world and going about our daily lives and not even know because neither of us think the way we live is out of the ordinary?
imagine people with allergies before we understood what they were, just sometimes swelling up like a balloon and not really knowing why, or thinking that some foods just taste absolutely awful when actually it’s just a reaction. so crazy that we have to go to doctors and psychologists so that they can try and figure out for us what’s going on inside of our own bodies. i dunno, i just think it’s insane that we don’t just automatically know these things about ourselves.
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random thought #47
when we say “___ as hell”, we’re referring to hell as the actual place right? so when we say something like “dope as fuck”, what part of speech is fuck??? 
is fuck a noun, like when you say “idgaf”, and in that case does it require an article? if so, what’s THE fuck? 
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