stayhappybros · 2 months
Trees without fruit
In 'Gulistan,' Sheikh Sadiq al-Shirazi narrates a conversation with a wise man. A person said, 'Of all the great trees created by God, why is the cypress alone called 'azad,' or free, when it doesn't bear fruit? What's the meaning of that?'
The wise man replied, 'Every tree has its season - a time for growth, followed by a decline. The cypress remains independent of this. It symbolizes those who are truly free ('azad'). Don't set your heart on what is fleeting, impermanent. The Tigris River will flow through Baghdad long after mankind is gone. If fortune grants you abundance, be generous in your giving, like the date palm. But if you have little, be like the cypress
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stayhappybros · 11 months
Biotech job hunts
are brutal
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stayhappybros · 1 year
The sky is not inherently blue, nor is it inherently any color at all. The sky is an ever-changing atmospheric condition, an intricate and vibrant tapestry of energy and particles in constant motion and collision. The colors we see in the sky are a result of the way our brains interpret the light that comes from the sun and travels through the atmosphere to our eyes. When sunlight hits the atmosphere, it is made up of a spectrum of vibrational energy, each with a different wavelength. Some of these colors are absorbed or scattered in different directions by gases, particles, and other substances in the atmosphere. Some reach our eye and catalyze a chemical reaction in specialized cells. Similarly, a bird's chirp is not an inherent quality of the bird but rather vibrations in the air that our ears interpret as sound. Nothing has a fixed or permanent nature; everything is in a state of flux and transformation. There is no sound, no color, no taste. There is a reality we experience: but is it the one we perceive? 
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stayhappybros · 1 year
When two masters meet on the street, they need no introduction; when thieves meet on the street, they recognize each other instantly.  The perfect man employs his mind as a mirror. It grasps nothing. It refuses nothing. It receives but it does not keep.
Alan Watts “Zen Bones” lecture 
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stayhappybros · 1 year
The man next to me is one of legend:  his necklace Is a bright red identification badge with DOCTOR written in white text.  We sat together in the microscope room to examine the patient’s biopsy. The massive microscope sits on a gyroscopic table that automatically levels itself in response to tilting or pressure – and balances an array of fluorescent lasers and mirrors.  It automatically relays information from the eyepiece onto a digital monitor. The combination of antibodies we’ve used produces a mosaic of bright pink and deep blues, highlighting our regions of interest.  
“Switch to 10x please, let’s find a blood vessel with a better signal.” his voice has a rhythm and speed hinting his roots in Mumbai.
“We have to cure this disease. Even if this idea fails, I will sleep better knowing we at least tried. What I want is this study to move to clinical trials and you get into medical school.” He laughs  
“Covid was an extremely testing time man. There was so much death that bodies were being left out at room temperature in the hospital.  I had to take an early break from rounds one day after a patient grabbed my hand in fear as he died.” He pauses briefly, and his tone of voice softens to a gentleness we reserve for the expression of lived truths.  
“People have varying sensitivities to the suffering of others. You are more sensitive than most, and I think that will make you a great advocate for patients as a physician. In time Austin, you will learn that in medicine you can have nothing else. You live it and breathe it. and you only breathe because it is involuntary; or there would be no time.”    
The words sheathed a meaning that impacted me yet simultaneously contain a hidden lesson that evades my comprehension; as if foreshadowing a story I’ve lived before yet am a stranger to.  I wake before 5 am unable to return to sleep, as if subconscious pushes my system online.
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stayhappybros · 2 years
You've placed him in a dilemma where there are two choices, both of which are wrong.
Jiu-Jitsu Instructor during a demo
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stayhappybros · 2 years
I was watching when you were sparring with the wrestler to see if you would keep your composure. You did at the start of the round - but then lost it. Just because your opponent begins to speed up doesn't mean you have to. Keep calm and play your game.
Instructor to student
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stayhappybros · 2 years
Finger warm up , jiu jitsu
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stayhappybros · 2 years
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“For nothing is fixed, forever and forever, it is not fixed; the earth is always shifting, the light is always changing, the sea does not cease to grind down rock. Generations do not cease to be born, and we are responsible to them because we are the only witnesses they have. The sea rises, the light fails, lovers cling to each other and children cling to us. The moment we cease to hold each other, the moment we break faith with one another, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out.”  ~ James Baldwin
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stayhappybros · 2 years
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stayhappybros · 2 years
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stayhappybros · 2 years
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stayhappybros · 2 years
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stayhappybros · 2 years
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stayhappybros · 2 years
When approached by a stranger speaking fast - start thinking slow.
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stayhappybros · 2 years
“I’m faced with the paradox that I as a human with a human emotional heart want to take away your suffering … and at the same moment, there is another part of me that understands that suffering is grace; that suffering is the sandpaper from the spiritual point of view that is awakening people. And once you start to spirituality awaken, you re-perceive your own suffering and start to work with it as a vehicle to awakening.”
— Ram Dass
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stayhappybros · 2 years
To wrest from nature the secrets which have perplexed philosophers in all ages, to track to their sources the causes of disease, to correlate the vast stores of knowledge, that they may be quickly available for the prevention and cure of disease—these are our ambitions.
William Osler
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