stthegemini · 3 months
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Everything about this photo is beautiful
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stthegemini · 8 months
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Nina Simone eating breakfast at a Juan-Les-Pins hotel during the Jazz festival in the French southern Riviera town (1988).
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stthegemini · 11 months
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stthegemini · 1 year
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stthegemini · 1 year
Can the Hoodoo Practitioners , Obeah Practitioners, Black Witches, and anyone who is black and does magic reblog this post so I can follow y’all?
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stthegemini · 1 year
Today we venerate Ancestor & Hoodoo Saint, Zora Neale Hurston on her 132nd birthday. 🎉
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Novelist, Anthropologist, Folklorist, Scholar, Vodou initiate & Historian, Zora Neale Hurston's legacy is forever cemented in Hoodoo Culture (and beyond) as the masterful wordsmith who cast a shining light on black excellence in all everyday forms/spaces, our ATR roots, & the preservation of Black Voices during the prime of the Harlem Renaissance.
“Let no Negro celebrity, no matter what financial condition they might be in at death, lie in inconspicuous forgetfulness. We must assume the responsibility of their graves being known and honored.” - Zora Neale Hurston to W.E.B. Dubois
Auntie Zora wanted to be remembered & demanded that the same honor and respect be given unto her peers & others. Never forget the infectious voice that defined & defied, inspired & struck fear in the hearts of the generations of her time & after.
Give Saint Zora her libations & extra 💐 today; words & music as well! Read her work. Let her studies inform our own. Let her spark a fire in us to reconnect to our roots & grow within our lineages.
May she bless those who remember her voice & water her legacy, who have an affinity for wordsmithing, & the lore of our people. 🙏🏾🕯
There are only 10 copies left of The2023 Hoodoo's Calendar is on sale now! Be sure to subscribe to the official e-newsletter for the latest updates & exclusive content access. Link in bio🌟
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stthegemini · 1 year
Hoodoo Colors; Red like the love of my heart and the blood of my enemies.
A cultural analysis on the symbolism of colors in African-American religion and culture.
By Hoodoo Vogue. Jan 2022.
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Good morning Sunday folks. Get a coffee. Let’s chat.
Colors, like in many cultures as well as in/out of spiritual spaces, hold a significance in the diaspora of Afro spiritual/religious traditions. However, it’s more than the commonly-known, oversimplified attributions such as, pink is for love, black is for hexing and green is fertility. It should be noted that even some of these reduced attributions, are in fact foreign to our Hoodoo tradition, brought on by outside cultures during an era where many were trying to capitalize off our practices, at the expense of our Ancestors. Colors in general for ATR/ADR (African Traditional Religions/African Diasporic Religions) systems, are attributed to many things, such as spirits for one example. Not for the sake of simply “having a corresponding colour”, more so because the colour represents an aspect of their background story. Some don’t even share just a colour like red, but a specific shade, like burgundy. Certain patterns and prints hold an importance to many different ethnic groups in the African Diaspora as well, for many diverse reasons.
So why am I writing this article? For a reason you’ll hear me say for a lot of things: I’m doin it for the culture.
I won’t be getting into all colours for now, but we will start with one: Red. Le Rouge.
Let’s get into where we see red in the culture. Certain Hoodoo items/objects have traditionally been red. In the Pan-African flag and African American heritage flag, the colour red still figures. Red bandanas. Red lipstick. Red hair. Red and Black Jordan 1’s.
In colour psychology, branding and advertisements, we are told red stands for power, passion, sex, and bla bla bla. We have heard it all. And as much as that’s true, it’s deeper than that for us. Red for one, is one of the colours that symbolizes life, wether a gain or loss of, because it represents the blood. It’s also a symbol of creating life, and that’s not just because it’s directly linked to sex doing so, but also because of it’s link to blood, and how many living things have it and require it to live (mammals such as humans and other carnivorous animals). It is also synonymous with courage, war, revolution and freedom because of bloodshed (like the symbolism of red on many flags in the African Diaspora). In these parts of the diaspora, for that same reason, red is associated with death. Considering Hoodoo’s close relationship with death, it’s not always a sad and taboo topic, but also one that brings feelings of peace, comfort, encouragement, empowerment and celebration. Even family. Funerals bring us together. On another note, due to the undertones of our skin, red, as shocking of a colour as it is, complements us well in art, fashion, and everyday wear. Even the era of the Ancient Egyptians, were familiar with red lipstick. Brown is a tone variation of yellow/orange or red (see a colour wheel for an example) and parts of the diaspora even have a blue or purple hue to their skin, hence this is a colour that adorns us well. Some Monarchies, along with blue, yellow and purple also employ red as a colour attributed to royalty and an exertion of their power.
Now, let’s look into red under another lens; herbs and curios. Paprika, cayenne and chilli are red-pigmented hot spices, associated with many different elements, such as warming or speeding things from a conjured (juju, magic, occult) perspective. Saffron is another one with multiple attributes, including personal power. It’s also a symbol of wealth, since it’s one of the most expensive spices in the world. Certain Hoodoo powders corresponding to protection are also naturally red. Certain legendary Hoodoo figures, notorious for having access to all paths, are identified by the colour red.
But let’s talk about power for a moment, shall we?
In the previous two paragraphs, I’ve highlighted how red comes up in different elements attributed to power. In African-American culture, themes of power, and more specifically being empowered, are core principles seen throughout our history and culture, connecting us all the way up to today. As a people, we have seen our rich histories and cultures plundered by many others, our sovereignty striped away, our bodily autonomy violated and our dignity walked on. At many points in time, the act of viewing one’s self as being worthy of respect and human dignity, was not only an act of rebellion, but also an act that removed power from the oppressor, back into our own hands. The act of wanting to educate oneself or others, and learn to read and write, was one that would promise cruel torture if not death. It’s another reason why we often hear in our community, the phrase: “Knowledge is power”. Every tactic to dehumanize our Ancestors, was combatted with their stubborn desire to always remember who they once were and everything they could be. Circling back, it’s why we continually see themes of power, royalty and strength tied in to different movements in African-American culture; all themes that are linked into the colour red.
In Hoodoo we understand adorning something in colors, symbols and oils brings actual spirit life into things. That is why there is a philosophy of beauty, particularly seeing beauty in oneself and defining one’s beauty, as simple or detailed as that is, as a path of medicine. Considering our history and current tribulations, before going to war, our ancestors stress the importance of being adorned with ones war medallions as well as the medallions of the lineage. The very inspiration and motivation we feel, is their Ase, wafting through, strengthening our life, with theirs. Traditionally, that was talismans and war paint. Now days, it’s bandanas, rings, shoes, heirlooms, our hair, our grandfather’s cologne, tattoos and much, much more.
And finally, we end with a quote from our well-known Hoodoo and Fashion designer, Samone, notorious for saying this in regards to the colour red:
“[It’s] the return of the Matriarch.”
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stthegemini · 1 year
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stthegemini · 2 years
hello. as a black woman who does not know who my ancestors are nor where my origins orginiated from ( I don't know if i can use tarot to help me get an idea on that) what you recommend for a beginner who is considering getting into rootwork?
thank you
thank you for your asking, I hope my answer can bring you some comfort.
I would recommend connecting with your people (living & ancestors). If you don’t feel comfortable setting up an altar just a hello and honest prayer will get you far. Don’t expect anything the first time, spirits wanna know you’re committed and consistent.
For rootwork generally I would recommend connecting with nature. Go outside and study your local wildlife and in the kitchen as well. Study their magical and medicinal properties, and how they were used to heal. An exercise: go to the produce/spice section and pick out what herbs are calling to then when you get home research them.
Finally, trust whatever is meant for you to know will come. That doesn’t mean you don’t gotta work though.
If you have any more questions please feel free to ask!
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stthegemini · 2 years
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Today is the last day of the year,this is the time to conclude old business today and prepare for the new year. It's time to stay up to see the old year out and greet the new one. You should learn to remove all garbage today take them out of your house today.
This spell I want to teach you all now will attract a lot of surprise financially to you next year I mean the year 2022.
You must cast this spell before midnight on New year's eve like today. The effect of this spell is to bring unexpected money from happy sources in the forth coming year.
1: Place some money in a container and bury it. Choose the amount but be aware you are no longer going to spend the money it must be donated to charity so choose amount comfortable for you. It must be real currency not fake money. If you don't have a backyard to bury it you can bury the money in a flower pot filled with soil.
2: Tomorrow been January 1 dig up the money. This should be done before midnight before the first day of the year ends. This money you must donate to the less privileged or charity.
Do this spell today and tomorrow then make sure you give the money to charity I assure you unexpected blessings that will be flowing your way. It's tested and trusted,this works very well.
Ori power.
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stthegemini · 2 years
I talked about this last week and if you did it by now you should have seen your results. For those of you who did not do it I will repeat it again and try to do it inside this week.
Get cloves and green stick candle. Write on the body of the green candle what you desire for example you can carve on the candle prosperity,wealth,money,$10000 etc then stick nine cloves into the body of the candle and place the candle on a flat surface then burn. You will see the way things will flow for you I assure you.
Do this and come thank me later.
Ori Power
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stthegemini · 2 years
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She dared show her hair outside of her hijab and the morality police beat her to death.
Women have been cutting their hair off in solidarity and protest:
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A thuggish supporter of the tyrannical order fucks around and finds out:
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stthegemini · 2 years
Oooh thank you for mentioning the oaks so and aluminum foil.
Reversal Spell:
(Yes, this can be done with a dual action/reversal candle, but for this of us only fortunate enough to have a kitchen. Use what ya got.)
Best Done During:
Waning Moon; Saturday or Tuesday; Planetary hours: Mars and Saturn
• Cleanse
• Reverse negativity
• Protect
• Mirror plate
• Candle
• Marker
• Black Pepper (banish/exorcise)
• Salt (protect/cleanse)
• Cayenne/Red Pepper Flakes (banish/protect)
• Cinnamon (protect/attract/banish/money)
• Basil (exorcise/protect/money)
• (Olive) Oil
1) Bless the mirror plate and herbs (if you haven’t already and if you have a second, third, etc., time wouldn’t hurt). Remember the time and energy you invest in this you’re also investing in yourself. Write words sigils, runes, and magical symbols for protection/reversal.
2) Cleanse yourself with the candle. Rub yourself down head to toe, crack and crevice. The candle is taking the excess, stagnant and bad energy from you. It should feel heavier. Write words, sigils, runes, or magical symbols of cleansing/protection/reversal.
3) Fix it. Dress it with: oil, a pinch of Salt (ask the salt to cleanse you), a pinch of Basil (ask it to protect your finances), a pinch of Cinnamon (ask it to bless your love life and your passions and protect the things you love and care about).
4) If you can grind it great, if not just mixing these together will work fine. Mix:
Salt, peppers, basil and cinnamon ( break them down, or use two sticks making a cross). Ask that they:
“remove and expel negativity from your life. Just like the mirror works to reflect and send back any negativity so will the B. Pepper, Basil, and cinnamon work to break down and return negativity to its sender(s) in all areas of your life. Ask the salt, R. and C. Peppers to build a fiery wall of protection around you that works to reflect and destroy any negativity that tries to come your way. That protects you and shields you as you move forward so you may grow in trust and confidence with your magic.”
-visualize for a few minutes negativity melting off you. Onto the ground or up into the atmosphere to be sent back to where it came from.
-visualize a wall of fire around you and feel protected, calm, comfortable. Now would be a good time to ask for your trusted spirits to lend their hand in the work. To protect you. To guide you.
5) Put that mix in a circle around the candle (size doesn’t matter 😏 lol). Then focus on your goal of sending all this sh*t back that you’ve experienced recently or overall. Focus on knowing from this moment on you are protected and divinely guided. When you’re ready/if you have them lay the sticks down asking them to uncross your path.
6) Once you feel calm and relaxed and have a solid visual in your mind. Light the candle and focus that feeling into the flame. (It might help to use your hands/make an energy ball/put your hands around the flame. But if you’ve ever been mad Asf and kept starting at someone you were mad at while holding that feeling in. That’s directing your focused energy towards something. So do that but towards the flame.) Hold the idea/intention/emotion and let it loose on the flame.
7) Let the candle burn (keep and eye on it). Go back to it at least once a day and work on it. Say affirmations, meditate, cleanse in front of it, pray, add an herb or another candle or start another work where you’re building your finances or self love or that helps you develop your psychic gifts. Something to shift your focus and fill the void that cleansing creates.
8) When it’s finished burning thank it, bag it, throw it away or bury it away from the home. Let it know it’s physical work is done but the energy of the work is still active and flowing in your life. You are protected and cleansed
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stthegemini · 2 years
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stthegemini · 2 years
A simple spell for finding lost things:
Get a strong magnet & a number of smaller magnets (or magnetic things), some pieces of paper, and string or tape.
With the paper wrote your name or “me” and the things that you need to find.
On the strong magnet attach your name paper and on the smaller magnets attach papers with the lost items.
Scatter them in front of you then pass the strong magnet over/by them until they attach. Literally drawing the lost items to you.
I keep losing sh’t so I’ma try this. Let me know how it goes if you try it!
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stthegemini · 2 years
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stthegemini · 2 years
Hey y’all!! It’s been a while.
So, recently, I’ve been experimenting with smoke blends and have made one I really like. I’d like to share it with you guys.
💸 Money Draw Smoke Blend 💸
• Mortar & Pestle
• A Container
• A Candle (green, yellow, gold; white)
• A Cup of Water
• Incense Stick (or burn cloves, camomile, cinnamon, or patchouli on a coal)
• Basil (wealth, protection)
• Thyme (money draw, cleanse)
• Cloves (opportunities, expansion, protection)
• Allspice (money, luck)
• Patchouli (stability, abundance)
How to meake:
Light your candle and place your cup of water beside it. This guides the spirit to you. Take this time to call down spirit.
Cleanse yourself and your tools.
Mix together the Patchouli, Basil, Thyme, Cloves, and Allspice (if you want to incorporate numbers I use 4 allspice berries and 4 cloves for stable foundations) until it’s all one consistency. While you mix speak your intentions.
Feed your herbs and speak your intentions.
I want to note that smoking this alone will be very harsh. You should add grounded: Cannabis, Mullein, Mugwort, or Damiana (this should be the base of the blend, making it 50%-60% of the blend) for a more pleasant smoking experience.
Finally, cleanse yourself and your tools. Then bottle that bad boy up.
When smoking:
While you pack or roll, add this to the mix.
Pray: The Our Father, Psalm 23, and Psalm 112:3, then follow up with your personal needs/prayers
Smoke and focus on your intentions before or by the time the blunt/bowl/joint is gone you’ll see movement.
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