studyingartbum · 1 year
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the last few weeks have been such a slog :’))) trying to get through what i can before break but things are not cooperating w me
i’ve been knitting a lot though. if that counts for anything.
🎧 : twist it, shake it. rock & roll - trudy and he romance
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studyingartbum · 1 year
Say hello to my 2023 bujo! I love it but I missed out on the Black Friday sale. It’s from Notebook Therapy
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studyingartbum · 2 years
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pictured: sleepy cat + caffeine and reading
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studyingartbum · 2 years
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studyingartbum · 2 years
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I couldn’t be more excited to level up my game at backyard astronomy. Hopefully it won’t be cloudy tonight!
I also got a green laser which I’ll be returning because I’m scared I’ll accidentally point it at a plane & get in deep sh** when I’m actually just trying to show someone a constellation…Maybe I’m overthinking it but still lol
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studyingartbum · 2 years
Hi, langblr world. I’ve just discovered this hashtag and it’s awesome. I’ve wanted to be a polygot for as long as I can remember and I’m determined to make that a reality.
Reasons to learn Italian:
- I’m part Italian
- I want to spend time living in Umbria and study art in Florence
Reasons to learn Spanish:
- Second most commonly spoken language in my country
- I just moved near Miami and there’s maybe just as many Spanish speakers as there was back in Colorado
- My closest friend speaks fluent Spanish (Mexico) so I have someone to speak to. My aunt is also from Cuba so I can talk to her, too.
Reasons to learn French:
- I’m part French
- I spend a lot of time at EPCOT. In Epcot, the park is divided into countries. In the France section, the workers are mostly French interns so it’s the perfect place to speak to French speakers. Not to mention one of my favorite rides is mostly in French (the Ratatouille ride)
- I took 4 years of French in hs so it will be like review
- why wouldn’t I want to travel to French-speaking countries?
Reasons to learn Japanese:
- it’s awesome
- I def need to go to Japan
Reasons to learn Mandarin:
- same reasons as Japanese
- most commonly spoken language in the world
I didn’t add German to the list but I love German and I’m currently learning some words and phrases. Actually, I love all languages, so there’s that.
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studyingartbum · 2 years
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Photo by ladyduinel
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studyingartbum · 2 years
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Lunar Eclipse 9/27/2015
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studyingartbum · 2 years
flying through the Eagle Nebula to the Pillars of Creation
amateur astronomer Andrew McCarthy made this spaceflight animation using four hours of exposures using his 12" telescope
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studyingartbum · 2 years
Studying Korean 📖
And also I've to arrange my books and clean my cupboard 😬
Have a good day/night everyone 🌻🌙
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studyingartbum · 2 years
Le consonanti doppie
Double consonants in Italian can be tricky cause at times having 1 single consonant or 2 in the same word, can change its meaning. For example:
capello = hair (1 single hair); cappello = hat pala = shovel; palla = ball nono = 9th; nonno = grandpa pena = pain (be in pain); penna = pen Papa = Pope; pappa = porridge, food (esp. for kids) rosa = pink, rose; rossa = red sete = thirst; sette = 7 note = notes (music, annotations); notte = night pane = bread; panne = breakdown (macchina in panne = car breakdown) pani = breads; panni = rugs, laundry sera = evening; serra = greenhouse
Now, how to deal with double consonants? There are a few rules. (Remember that especially if you are a beginner, your Italian vocabulary won't be as wide for obvious reasons, so when I mention about some words forming others don't mind too much, you can just learn the double consonants' ones as they are. Practice will be the first thing that will help you use and get used to these words and their meanings anyway):
if a word is made as: "prefix + word starting by consonant", you need to put a double consonant among the two (double the consonant with which the word is starting): -with conjunctions: e, se, ne. E.g.: e + pure = eppure ne + meno = nemmeno se + bene = sebbene -with prepositions: a, da, fra, su. E.g.: a + prendere = apprendere da + prima = dapprima fra + porre = frapporre su + porto = supporto -with adverbs: là, più, così, sì. E.g: là + su = lassù più + tosto = piuttosto così + detto = cosiddetto sì + che = sicché - with prefix as: ra, sovra/sopra, contra. E.g: ra + cogliere = raccogliere sopra + tutto = soprattutto (ITALIANS I SEE YOU) sovra + carico = sovraccarico contra + bando = contrabbando
when you have words ending with the suffix -iere, you always need to add a double "z": e.g. corazziere, carrozziere (autobody repairman), tappezziere (upholsterer). Be mindful that we have also: -> corazza (armor) -> carrozzeria (car body) -> tappezzeria (tapestry)
It probably gets easier to know also when you should not put a double consonant:
First and foremost, words starting by 2/3 different close consonants (esp. the groups sc/sch/sg/sgh/st/sq...), never double: e.g. scuola (school), stare (to stay), squalo (shark) - if you have 2 (or 3) different consonants close in the middle a word (esp. the groups sc/sch/sg/sgh/st/sq/cq/rz...), none or them will double: e.g. acquazzone (downpour), scherzo (joke) -in particular s+consonant will never double, not even if it's in the middle of a word (esp. if you have the word "stare") e.g. sovrastare (tower over)
when you have words ending as a/e/i+bile: e.g. amabile (lovable), indelebile (indelible), incedibile (not transferable)
When you have words ending in: g/z + ione e,g, colazione (breakfast), ragione (reason)
When you have words with zia, zio, zie: e.g. reazione (reaction), pazienza (patience), anziano (old person) [exceptions: razzia (raid), pazzia (crazyness)]
When you have words buildt as: "prefix + words that start with a consonant", especially with the prefixes "contro, sotto, tra". E.g.: contro + corrente = controcorrente sotto + stare = sottostare tra + scorrere = trascorrere
There are ofc many other situations, but as I mentioned above, the main thing is to try and remember new words, espcially those you yourself find tricky, and try to work on their memorization. Practice, ask for help, and do not give up. For as tricky as it may seems, remember we do make mistakes too sometimes. I'm here if you have doubts or questions or want to point out something!
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studyingartbum · 2 years
The polyglot urge to learn irish rn
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studyingartbum · 2 years
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studyingartbum · 2 years
learning languages aesthetic
• reading a translated book and wondering how this specific sentence looks in the original, trying to translate the book by yourself and then comparing your translation with the original
• "I GET IT, I KNOW IT" in your head when you hear or see a word you just recently learned
• watching tv-shows and calling it studying
• this feeling when you hear a song you loved back when you didn't speak the language and understanding it now that you do
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studyingartbum · 2 years
🇯🇵 Master Post of Japanese Resources 🇯🇵
Ive been wanting to learn Japanese for forever, so I’ve got quite the collection of resources to learn! I created this master post with hundreds of resources for us!
From tons of websites to textbook PDFs to online courses to podcasts and apps and so much more!!
I really hope you can find a new resource here that helps you learn lots 💜
As always, PLEASE send me links to more if I missed any! Thank you!!
(P.S - if you are learning Korean, check out THIS master post on Tumblr. For German, check out THIS one. For Spanish, check out THIS one!)
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studyingartbum · 2 years
💃🏻 Master Post of Spanish Resources🕺🏻
From sites with full courses, to sites to watch Telenovelas, to worksheets, to apps, to TONS of podcasts, and so much more!
I collected every single resource I could find that was made just for Spanish 💜
I really hope this helps you!! And if you have any more to add, please let me know!
(PS - if you are learning German, check out THIS master list. If you are learning Korean, check out THIS one!)
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studyingartbum · 2 years
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2022.06.17 // 17:30  i used to really like a coffeeshop at this location that closed a while back, so i’m excited that another one has opened here! also it’s near my new apartment, so i think i’ll be here a lot
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