System dating – or more specifically, fictive dating – culture is shipping the characters you and your partner are fictives of. Yes, of course my darling and I are cute together, even as our source characters; why shouldn't I ship us?
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insys dating culture is watching ur two headmates dance around each other and just kinda sipping ur metaphorical tea and waiting for them to get together like a gossipy little third wheel friend /pos
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sys4sys dating culture is flirting with your partner while your and/or their co-fronters politely cover their eyes and pretend to not see
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sys4sys culture is being pretty sure you're crushing on someone in a system except they're an introject of you (as in a factive of you) so am i just ?? in love with myself ??? or ????? (and also never telling them because you're way too embarrassed dkjfjfljfdl)
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in-sys culture is having to deal with the pain of your partner temporarily going off the radar because the brain is under too much stress to let you two communicate ;-;
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in-sys dating culture is your husband rocking you (the body) and washing the hair to comfort you whenever you're co-con
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in-sys dating culture is "yeah eheh i have a boyfriend but you can't meet him hehe, he's uh... busy.. a lot, yeah!" to someone who doesnt know ur dating a headmate
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system dating culture is going skating with your BF later!!!!
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insys dating culture is being sad that you can’t ask your bf to pick you up candy from the store while you’re sick in bed because you share the same body :( but also not having to worry about getting each other sick!
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system dating culture is that feeling of finally feeling somewhat safe around a person
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apologies for that accidental rb I forgot this wasn’t my main 😭
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system fictive culture is seeing a fan art drawing of your partner and going “hey I know that guy”
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System dating culture is finding out you're a system while you're dating another system (bonus points if, like in our case, they were also dating a third system, so you had not only a system partner, but a system metamour too)
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sys4sys culture is saying you are dating someone but not really being able to explain it to singlet friends who don’t know your a system
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Hey everyone! It’s Jess, and first off, I’m a singlet. I am currently working with my friend, who is a system (they’re being anonymous because some of you are really mean), and we’re planning on doing a short study on exomemories. The format of this study is comparing exomemories to what we’re calling “present memories”, or “real memories”. This isn’t like, a professional study or anything, we’re just interested in this and want to see if we can learn anything that could help my friend out, and maybe inform the community a bit more.
First off, we do have a basis of the study. We’re going to be conducting interviews with two groups, one with exomemories and the other group a control group without exomemories. We’re trying to see what the differences between exomemories and present memories are, since we haven’t been able to find any studies on this. However, we’re a bit stuck on what questions are the best to ask.
So, we’ve turned to plural tumblr for help! If you have any suggestions or advice or questions about this, please reblog with them! If you have questions, you can send an ask to me, Jess, and I’ll be happy to answer it as best I can. We’ll probably be sharing any findings we have with the community.
If you don’t have any advice or suggestions, please reblog anyway so that we can get this to more people who might have some advice, so please signal-boost! Anyone can reblog, but we’re looking specifically for those who are plural in any way, and singlets who are well-informed on the subject of plurality. Mainly systems though.
We’re going to be @’ing a few blogs at the end here, who we know and hope will help us get the message out! If you want to be removed from the @’s, please just message me, (Jess).
@sophieinwonderland @non-traumagenicsupport @plurals-helping-plurals @exo-meme-ories @dear-systems @systempositive @cafe-collective @monoconsciouscultureis @system-society
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System dating culture is being lovesticky
(basically where your continually drawn to front because of relationships/feelings out side of the system)
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system dating culture is making sure everybody thats in a relationship with ur partner system gets to co-front and chat semi-regularly when theyre online
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