#+ baby pang looking so lost. you have no idea how amazing you are sweetie. love you
hooned · 4 years
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Mark my word. I’ll be in the Gifted Program. Not just me. My friend will be in the Gifted Program as well. I sure hope that comes true.
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louu-7 · 4 years
everything i don’t know
on wattpad
“No, she’s acting weird lately, I don’t think the rumors worked…”
“It has to work, we can’t let her do her things, and sometimes she’ll have to work with us. The problem is her behavior of spoiled rotten little girl. We can’t let her starts to stick her nose into our business, not now, we’re so close and she doesn’t give a shit about what we’re doing. She’ll know when the time will comes.”
“Don’t worry, she’s not gonna mess everything up. She’s not confident enough to face up to you.”
Are they talking about me? I stay where I am and continue to listen to them with attention, stuck against the living room wall. Are they fucking talking behind my back about me, and just put me down like it was normal. And after my Mom’s gonna coming to my room and proposes to go shopping together… bullshit.
“I’m not sure about this anymore, look what she did at the Cameron’s, we can’t continue to go to this kind of events with her.” My Dad seems to contain his anger inside.
Is he that mad at me? What did I do like, I apologized for the Cameron’s… I decide to walk in as if nothing had happened, just to see their reaction. Are they gonna argue or be kind…
“Sweetie, how’s it going?”
“Good.” I try to act normal, but it’s rather delicate when I see how they lie to me. That’s disgusting. “What were you doing?” Asks my Mom to break the silence, as I get some cookies and an apple. “Some work. Not gonna disturb you for too long, I’m just getting these.” I show us what I’m taking and give them a faint smile that burns my lips before coming back to my room.
So on top of being hypocrites with the other Kooks, they’re also hypocrites with their own family. Great, I’ve such a good entourage... I climb up the stairs and lock my door before jumping on my bed and open my laptop to keep my mind off things.
OK. If I understand well, something’s going on in this house, and they think I’m gonna mess everything up, even if I don’t know what they mean. What the hell… and since when they’re hiding things from me? And… what the hell could I do?
Maybe I just should forget it, why do I even care… I don’t have to care anymore about their problems, or anything else. As long as I managed to get out of this house secretly, I also have to play the good girl, not to be suspected to leave and enjoy. Apparently enjoy is a crime here.
Let’s call Sarah, and if never she’s with John B, I could call Kie, and, if she’s with Pope… well, I won’t call anyone.
“Heyy! What’s up babe?” Her screaming voice resonates in my ear.
“Not much.” I laugh as wincing a little. “What happen, you just destroyed my ear.”
“It’s John B’s birthday and I have a gift like, the best ever!”
“Oh, I didn’t know! What’s the gift, I wanna know!” I shout out at my turn, certainly destroying her ear.
“He kinda hates to dress up, so I bought a whole chic outfit, just to joke, and then the true gift will be revealed, it’s a new surf board and it’s awesome! I had the idea that we all could dress up and celebrate at John B’s before going on the marsh, so I give him his outfit, we celebrate and everything, and then you all arrive and I give him the surfboard, and we put music and-”
“Eh, aren’t you a little nervous? “
I laugh and don’t hear any answer form her. The silence is the only response that I got for a while so I frown as I sit up in my bed, is she OK…? “Sarah?”
“Yes, sorry I…” Her sniffing make me feel more and more worried as I completely stand up, concerned about what’s happening. “Eh, what’s wrong?” I ask with a sympathetic voice, this kind of behavior doesn’t feel like her, that’s really troubling to know her in such a state. When she starts to sob quietly I got a pang of emotion, that just makes me shake as tears come into my brown eyes.
“I don’t even know why am I crying.” Her strangled voice stop her from talking as her words become little sob. “Sarah is it serious?”
“Non, no I’m just feeling so-so nervous about today because I-I never loved someone as I love John B and I...”
“Baby, you don’t have to be nervous, you’re the best girlfriend John B could be with and he loves you I swear. Sarah I’m not tellin’ you this because you’re my best friend but, you’re my best friend and you’re gorgeous so don’t be nervous.” I wipe the lonely tear that runs on my cheek and sigh a little. “Thank you, I’m ridiculous I just don’t know how to act, I can’t describe how… I don’t know, I just love him. So much.”
“I know, you guys are so cute and he’s gonna love your gift.” We continue to talk for at least an hour and we eventually stop the call to prepare for the famous birthday of mister Routledge. I’m not sure my whole business family left the house but they’re not gonna lock me in this house today, even less now.
It’s been two weeks that I manage to get out when they left to enjoy my summer, and then I come back before they do and they don’t know anything. Moreover, I’m not sure he’s ready to come in the Cut to search me so, there’s no problem.
Lately I noticed that my parents were at home sooner than usual, so they maybe have doubts, I hear them talking a lot about me, without they know it, and they have million calls, more than before, so I don’t know whats going on but… the ambiance here is weird feel like I’m kind of excluded from all this business. It doesn’t disturb me that much but it’s like they don’t want me to know, and the little talk between my parents earlier confirm my doubts…
I have to admit I prefer to stay away from their things but something changed and I feel so… curious about all this. Curious, but scared. My Dad’s sometimes yelling at the phone like it was a matter of life and death.
Anyway, I but on a tiny bit of makeup and chose to wear a short ruffle blue dress, with thin straps and a V-neck, something pretty and comfy at the same time. Then I put my Converse that I washed a while ago and am perfume myself as someone ring the doorbell. “I’m comin’ babe!”
I go downstairs quickly with my bag full of a chiller outfit, some deodorant and food, check my face in the mirror next to the door and finally open it. My eyes wide and I step back as I discover a broad-shouldered man in front of me, all black dressed except his whit shirt under his suit. “Hum, hello?”
“Thara Abrams?”
“Follow me.”
“What? No, I don’t even know you.”
“A friend of your parents, they want you to be with them.” Does he think that I’m dumb? Who the hell is this man, I never saw it in my whole life and he says that he’s a friend of my parents, really?
“And how could I be sure about what you’re saying?”
“Because they charged me to pick you up maybe?”
“Drop dead.” I shut the door in his face without him stopping me from doing it and I breath. I didn’t notice but my heartbeats are too quick to be normal, and my hands are shaking. Why am I so nervous, he’s nobody.
What if he’s right? Since when my parents send someone to pick me up like… they never did it, I don’t understand why would they do it now. I grab my phone and call my Dad to get some answers to the questions that cross my mind.
“Yes, what’s wrong?”
“Did you send someone to take me to the vineyard with you?” He sigh and doesn’t respond to my question. S it probably means that’s true. “Just follow him darling, he’s a friend.”
“‘Darling’? Really?”
“Don’t make me come and do what I say Thara.” I hang up the phone and run my fingers in my hair as a sigh escape from my lips. Like I said, there’s something wrong, that’s obvious. My phone rings and I see Sarah’s face on the screen.
“Girl who’s the man in front of your door?”
“He’s still here? Oh, fuck…”
“Who’s it?”
“I don’t know, he wants to take me to the vineyard of my father, just…” I stop to talk as an idea is emerging in my mind, and a crooked smile is drawing on my lips. “Thara?”
“Yeah, I have a plan, wait me at the police station, I’ll be there quickly.”
“Be careful girl, we don’t know this man.”
“He doesn’t look like a criminal, and moreover he doesn’t even really look like a smart-ass.” We laugh a little before hanging the phone and I breath again. I don’t even know why would it be dangerous. That’s totally OK, he’s just not ready for what I got in mind.
I re-open the door and fake a smile that he seems to see as a smile of excuse. Not a smart boy… “I’m sorry I just lost my composure. You’re well-dressed, nice suit.” I continue to smile and walk until the car to get in, next to the driving seat. He take place in front of the steering wheel. He starts the car in silence and he drives toward the vineyard. “Can we please stop to the Starbucks? I rarely get out of the house, it would be a pleasure to drink something better than water of fruit juice. But just if you’re OK.”
“Yeah, of course, but be quick please.”
“Thank you, I really appreciate. Do you know where is it?” He confusedly says no, so I change a little my plan and tell him the direction to the police station. I don’t think he’ll understand until we park before I get out of the car to run away.
Once arrived I take my bag and look at him, a grateful air on my face. “Thank you for this ride monsieur.” I open the car door and put a first foot on the ground. “It was a pleasure but I’m pretty busy, say hi to my dear daddy.”
“What, no!”
When his voice resonate in the street my feet are already running on the concrete toward the black Volvo of Sarah, parked some meters further away. She gets in the car and I do the same, out of breath and a victorious smile on my face. It feels amazing.
“Starts the car, c’mon!” We laugh and leave the police station parking to drive through some little streets that the smart-ass is not gonna know to follow us. “Thank you, you saved me.” I manage to say, short-winded. “You’re welcome. We should do this more often, it was cool!”
“Yeah, but not to much if I don’t wanna die before the end of the summer.”
“Oh” she looks at me as she slows down. your father, “I forgot about it, we never should’ve do that he’s gonna kill you… I’m sorry if you want I can-”
“No, he’s not gonna say anything, it’s OK. I’ll find something. Let’s have a good time.”
She agrees by nodding quietly her head and I raise my eyebrows. “Sarah that’s OK, my father’s not killer anyway.” I laugh and she sighs in a smile before telling me to shut up.
We arrived at John B’s and Sarah explain to me that we all arrive well-dressed, she gives him his outfit, we party and then we give him the surfboard. When she finishes talking she starts to feel some pressure.
“He’s gonna love it. Let’s go, I’m sure he can’t wait anymore to see you, and I’m also sure that the only thing he wants is you, so don’t be antsy.”
“Yeah, OK, it’s gonna be perfect.”
“Of course it is!”
We get out of the car together as the three others John B’s friends arrive, all really prepared and clean and beautiful. That’s so cool, he’s gonna love it. I don’t know John B for a long time but he’s a really cool guy, big-hearted and completely in love with my girl. And he accepted me, not like a certain blond who can’t stand me, not yet. I think it’s fro never.
We all say hello to each other, almost all, and walk to the door of the chateau. Kinda good name thought.
Sarah’s knocking at the door as we all wait, a smile on our faces. He opens the door, bleary-eyed and confused of our presence. Is eyebrows are frowning and his shoulders raising as a yawn escape from his mouth. “Happy birthday!” We all shout out, and Pope and JJ are jumping on him to piss him of gently.
They push him on the bed to crush him while laughing, and the girls and I are just… present? Yeah, we’re not really useful for the moment.
“Guys c’mon, get off!”
“Happy birthday old man!” JJ yell before tousle the brown hair of his best friend. Once they finish to tease John B, they all stand up and we look at them. They’re kids. They’ll be kids until the end of their life. “Thank girls, that’s really, hum, nice.”
He steps toward Sarah and the smile on her face widen. They kiss so softly that it adds something romantic in this non-romantic ambiance, before a pillow hits John B’s head and stop them. Kiara and I just burst out laughing as the face of the old man raise his face. I laugh so much that my abs hurt, then Sarah gives him his outfit.
He put it on and come back, her eyebrows raised. “Dude I never saw you prepared and you decide to do it for my birthday, what a gift bro.” He pats JJ’s shoulder and put his other arm behind Pope’s back.
We go take the cake in the car with Sarah and come back as we all starts to sing the happy birthday song. John B’s eyes are sparkling and when my phone suddenly ring in my bag a bad feeling capture me and I wince as they all look at me, singing.
“Fuck I’m so sorry… I ruin everything…”
The desire to leave this room and just go away is completely present in me, and I don’t even know why. Something like this can happen to everyone one but, I already struggle a lot to prove that it’s not because I’m a ‘kook’ that I can’t be a good person, even if they don’t always seem convinced and it makes me so nervous, so ruining everything makes me feel like shit.
I grab my phone and get out of the house not to disturb even more the celebration and see my father’s face on my screen. “Fuck… I sigh and pick up. Hi, Dad… what’s u-”
“Thara what’s going on in your head!” He yells so loud that I can move my phone a little away. “Where are you and… Are you thinking about your acts or are you just disobeying to everything I told you to do, because this little game is over, you come back home now.”
“No, Dad not now please it’s important and-”
“I don’t care!” His deep voice make me shiver and I grit my teeth, upset but scared as fuck. “Let me just today I swear I won’t disobey again please let me today and I-”
“Because you think that I believe you? Are you that much naive?”
My heart’s kind of… breaking like, in a million pieces when his words resonate in an echo in my head. Some tears run automatically on my cheeks as I try to stop them. “How do…” my strangled voice prevent me from saying anything more and the silence is the only noise that we can hear.
“Thara you come back home now and we’ll talk about it tonight. And don’t think you’ll ever get out of this house again. How can you be that ridiculous, do you think I didn’t notice your new behavior of perfect little girl?”
Tears can’t stop to run my cheeks and my face is soon sinking into tears as my heart’s almost dying when his insults come one after on, moving me so much that my body shakes a little. “Oh, you’re crying? Don’t think that I care, you can’t just play the rebel and then crap out like a coward. See you tonight at home, Alyssa’s at home to see if you come back.”
He hangs up the phone before I answer anything, but anyway I don’t think I have the strength to… What is wrong with him…
I stay here for a while and look around to see if I can sit somewhere and not totally ruin the party. It’s supposed to be the best day of the year for one of them so I’m not destroying everything Sarah prepared for him. I walk toward a tree and sit in front of the water, in a silence broke by my sniffle.
My tears are flooding my face and I can’t stop to wipe my eyes if I want to see something. His words are in repeat in my mind, I just can’t stand these things that just got out of his mouth so naturally, to talk about me.
I feel like these are the words he never could told me before, so he took advantage of the situation to hurl me insults and prove me that I’m nothing.
I feel like I’ve never been nothing.
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some1foundme · 7 years
Fic: Lost in the Memory ch. 5
Title: Lost in the Memory
Author: Some1FoundMe
Summary: Oliver Queen returns to his home in Star City after a five year tour overseas, much to the delight of his friends and family. There’s just one small problem. The injury that effectively ended his military career also erased a part of his memory.  As he struggles to put together the missing pieces of his past, his connection to his best friend’s little sister becomes something he can’t avoid. Who is Felicity Merlyn and why can’t he seem to stay away from her?  Olicity AU, no Arrow, no island.
A/N: Good morning!  Decided to do an early post today rather than waiting until after work (at least early where I am).  The response to this fic so far has been overwhelming.  You guys are amazing and I’m so glad that everyone seems to be enjoying this so far.  Hopefully this chapter brings some answers for everyone, it certainly does for Oliver. Enjoy!  Also, westernbeauty, thank you so much for everything, as usual!
Cross posted on AO3 and ff.net.
Chapter Five
“Mom, do you think I did the right thing?”
Her mother turned to her with a look of concern and a bit of mirth.
“Baby girl, don’t tell me you’ve got cold feet now!  It’s a little late for that.”
Felicity shook her head, smiling broadly, and looked down at the thin band of diamonds that twinkled on her finger.  She glanced up and sought out her husband.  He was on the dance floor with Nyssa in his arms, both of them laughing and happy.
“Of course not, Mom.  Oliver is… Oliver’s perfect,” she murmured, her cheeks warming at the look on her mother’s face, “I meant about Dad.  Doing this without him.  I know that we haven’t always been close but I – I never thought that he’d hate me so much that he’d miss my wedding.”
“Oh sweetie, your father doesn’t hate you.  He’s just being a stubborn ass.  He’s worried that you’re making a mistake, getting married so young, and he’s going to regret not being here.  I promise you that.”
Felicity sighed and twirled her engagement ring around on her finger absently.
“I know we’re young, Mom, I do.  But I love Oliver more than anything.  He and Tommy are going to be deployed soon and we didn’t want to wait. We both know what could happen… Besides, it’s not like we’re having a baby.  Dad was perfectly okay with Laurel and Tommy getting married after Thea was born. Why couldn’t he be here for me?”
Her mother sighed and squeezed her hand.
“I know it doesn’t always seem like it, honey, but you’re his little girl and it’s just hard for him to watch you grow up.  He’s so proud of you for going to college, because you’ve always been such a good kid.  I think the idea of you being someone’s wife is a little much for him.”
Felicity looked away from Oliver and Nyssa, turning to her mother. She hated that her father hadn’t been there to watch her marry the love of her life, she hated that a part of her family was missing.  But as she thought about what her mother was saying, she wondered why she was surprised, why it hurt so much.  After all of the yelling and the fighting, she wondered if it was better for everyone that he hadn’t come.
“Felicity, baby, don’t worry so much about your dad.  Today is your day, it’s about you and Oliver.  As long as being together is what you want, what makes you happy, then nothing else really matters.”
The blare of a car horn behind her signaled that she had been sitting at the light for too long. She threw a glare at the driver in her rearview mirror before turning left onto Water Street and heading for the cemetery.
It was the three year anniversary of Tommy’s death and, just as it had every other year, emotion overwhelmed her as she took the narrow road around the cemetery that would lead her to his grave.  She had dropped Thea at school, electing not to remind her niece of the date, and found herself en route to Iron Heights Memorial Hill.  She would bring Thea by after school if that’s what she wanted but Felicity needed time alone.
She parked the truck high on the hill and braced herself for the cold.  The temperature had dropped considerably through the night as snow had fallen, leaving everything blanketed in white.  She pulled up the collar of her coat and adjusted her scarf to cover the lower half of her face.  Climbing from the truck, her boots crunched as they sank through a thin layer of ice. Frigid air stung her eyes and Felicity ducked her head to avoid the harsh wind.  She trudged along the familiar path that would take her to the plot where Tommy, her mother and Laurel lay.
She paused at the last bend in the path, startled to see that someone had beaten her to Tommy’s grave. Oliver sat in the snow in front of the granite marker with her brother’s name engraved on it.  He sat with his knees drawn to his chest, his back to her. Felicity moved closer and he lifted his head, turning at the sound of her approach.
She sat down beside him, wincing as the snow immediately seeped into her jeans.
“I remember the day that he died like it was yesterday.  That is the one memory that I wish I could forget.”
Felicity nodded, pulling her knees to her chest and mirroring his position.
“I was supposed to be there that day,” he continued, “I was supposed to be on patrol with the unit but I’d cut up my hand the day before and the medic wouldn’t clear me.  I was stuck at base camp.  When word got back to us that they’d been ambushed by insurgents, I… I knew that he didn’t make it.  I just had this feeling.”
Felicity held her breath, waiting for him to continue.  They’d never talked about the day that Tommy died.  In all of the letters that they’d exchanged over the years, he’d never mentioned that he was supposed to have been with the unit that day.  He’ never really mentioned Tommy at all after it happened.
“I think about it every day. If I’d been there, I could’ve saved him. I could’ve done something.”
She clenched her hands into fists where they were tucked in her pockets and took a slow, deep breath.
“Or you could’ve died, too, Oliver,” she said finally, “I’m – I’m glad you weren’t there.”
Oliver took a shuddering breath, his shoulders sagging, and Felicity wanted nothing more than to throw her arms around him and offer him comfort.  But she couldn’t do it.  It had been difficult enough to be protected by him the night she’d confronted her father. Just those few moments had left an impact.  It had been two days and she could still feel him.
“Oliver?  Do you – do you know what happened to you?  How you lost your memory?”
He shrugged, “There were five of us, my team.  We were doing a sweep of a village about thirty clicks from our camp.  We’d gotten reports that there was a heavy weapons cache there.  We’d just stepped into this house when the bomb went off.  We were buried in the rubble.  I don’t know how long it took for them to dig us out.  I woke up in a hospital in Germany almost a week later.”
A tremor raced through her that had nothing to do with the cold.  Her brain conjured up a terrifying image at his words and she shook her head to dislodge it.
“I didn’t realized that anything was wrong, not at first.  They asked all of the usual questions; name, rank, serial number. Standard stuff.  But then they sent in a shrink to talk to me.  Two of my men were killed in the blast and they assumed that I’d want to talk to someone.  She started asking questions that I couldn’t answer.  I remembered my parents, details about my childhood and Star City and my friends.  It wasn’t until she started asking about my wife that they figured out I had amnesia. She pointed out my wedding ring and asked me about her, her name, what she looked like… But I had no idea.”
Felicity’s heart slammed against her ribcage, the sound of it so loud in her ears that it was almost deafening.  It had been almost a whole week since she’d learned that he was home and she hadn’t known. She hadn’t had any idea that Oliver knew he was married.  He knew he had a wife.  He just had no clue who she was.
“They didn’t tell you anything?  The doctors didn’t give you her name?  They had to have had that information in your records.”
If Oliver noticed the way that her voice trembled as she spoke, he didn’t comment on it.  He shook his head.
“No.  I didn’t question it at the time.  And when I got back stateside and searched through my stuff, I realized that I didn’t even have a picture of her.”
She swallowed past the tears that clogged her throat, willing herself not to cry.  She’d complained once that he never took any photos of her when he went away, never took anything from home, but Oliver had confessed that it was too hard.  It was difficult enough for him to be away from her with just his memories, seeing her smile in a photograph when he couldn’t see it in person, he’d called it torture.
“And your parents?” she asked, “You questioned them, didn’t you?  They wouldn’t tell you who she is?”
It felt beyond odd to be talking about herself in the third person but she had to gauge how much he’d actually learned.  It was clear that no one had told him that she was the woman he was married to.
“They refused to talk about her,” he confirmed, “My mother… well, you obviously know how she is.  She seems to think that it’ll be better for everyone if I remember that part of my life on my own.  I just wish that I could figure out where she hid all the evidence of her, of the wedding.  I’d like to find her.  I can’t imagine what she’s going through, how she must feel.  I don’t even know if anyone has told her what’s happening. She has to be wondering why she hasn’t heard from me, right?  It’s been a few months, at least.”
A sharp pang of guilt swept over her.  Oliver was worried about her, about a woman that he couldn’t remember.  It was obvious that he wanted to know who she was, he needed to, she thought, because he felt like he owed it to her to come home.
“But you – you have no idea who she is?  No memory of her?”
He shook his head.  He stared straight ahead at Tommy’s headstone and a small part of her wished that he’d just look at her.  Because if he looked at her, he would see the truth on her face.
“I remember our house though.  At least I think it’s ours,” he told her, “It’s a small cottage, set back off the road. There’s a huge maple tree in the front yard.  It’s got dark wood shingles and white shutters and a giant picture window.  I think.  I’m not – I’m not convinced that I’m not making all of that up.”
She squashed the hysterical laughter that tried to escape her.  Nothing made sense to her anymore.
Oliver turned to her suddenly, realization lighting his eyes.
“You know who she is, don’t you?” he asked, “Felicity, please, tell me.”
She inhaled sharply and looked away.  She started to shake her head, pausing when Oliver’s hand landed on her elbow.
“You’d want to know, wouldn’t you?  If you were me?  You’d want to know.”
She thought back to her conversation with Moira.  She hadn’t agreed to anything.  She wasn’t going to avoid him, she wouldn’t lie to him.  His parents had made the decision not to tell him about her and they’d done so without discussing it with her.  It wasn’t fair.  If Oliver wanted to know his wife, he had that right.  And as his wife, she had the right to tell him.
She nodded, “Yes. Yes, I’d want to know.”
“Please, Felicity, I need you to tell me.”
Closing her eyes briefly, she took a steadying breath.
“I – it’s me, Oliver. I am… I’m your wife.”
When she opened her eyes it was to find him staring openly at her.  He didn’t speak as he watched her and Felicity couldn’t decipher what she was seeing in his expression.  Was he surprised by her answer?  Did he not believe her?  As the silence stretched on, doubt began to creep in.  Had she made a mistake?
She barely noticed the cold air biting at her exposed skin as she waited for him to say something.
“Felicity, look at me please.”
She blinked up at him, not even aware of the fact that she’d looked away, and hoped that he couldn’t see the threat of tears in her eyes.
“Why – why didn’t you say something?”
She shrugged.
“I didn’t know what to say. When I realized that you didn’t recognize me that night at Verdant… God, I don’t know.  I just didn’t know what to do.”
The hand at her elbow fell away and she huddled into her coat.  
“You’re not wearing a ring,” he pointed out.
She shrugged again, “It’s on a chain around my neck all the time, I never take it off.  But I work in a bar.  I wait tables and do dishes all day.  I was worried about knocking the stones loose so I don’t wear it on my finger.”
“Alright.  I – how long?  How long have we been married?”
“We got married in December. It was seven years ago last month.”
Oliver nodded, “And Thea… she’s definitely not our daughter?”
Felicity snorted, “No, Oliver, definitely not.  I did not have a baby at fifteen.  Well, she’s not ours biologically.  When Tommy died, I was granted sole guardianship of her.  We officially adopted her last year.  Legally she’s ours.”
“And the two of you live in our house?”
“We do.  Would you – do you want to go there?  I can take you to the house.”
“I’d like that.  But I have more questions.  Do you mind if we stay here for a few minutes?” he asked.
Felicity smile.  He looked so young and hopeful, even a little eager, and she couldn’t say no to him.  It didn’t matter that she was freezing or that her ass had gone numb from sitting in the snow for so long.  She would do anything he asked to see that look in his eyes.
“What do you want to know?”
His grin made her feel lighter than she had in days.
“How long have we been together?”
“Nine years now, almost ten.”
“We’ve been married for seven years… you were only nineteen.  Is that why my parents didn’t tell me about you?  Did they not approve?  They fought us on getting married when we did, right?”
She laughed, shaking her head.
“Surprisingly, no.  No one really tried to stop us.  Well, my dad wasn’t happy about it but that’s a story for another time.  Thankfully your parents have always like me.  Tommy and I were both really close to them.”
“But you’re not close to them now?”
“I – it’s not the same. It’s always been easier with you around. But your mom has been great with Thea, she’s always willing to help when I need her.  And we always spend the holidays with her and your dad.”
She shivered as another strong gust of wind shoved at their backs and Oliver pushed gracefully to his feet. He held a hand out to her, pulling her up beside him when she took it.  They stayed close as they trekked down the path to where she’d left her truck. He was quiet as they went.
“Are you alright, Oliver?” she asked, climbing into the truck.
She fiddled with the dials, flinching when cold air burst from the vents before it began to warm.
“I’m just trying to absorb all of this… it’s not what I expected.  You’re not.  And please don’t take that the wrong way.  I’m just surprised, that’s all.”
Felicity smirked, “I can understand that.  Best friend’s little sister and all.  Kind of a cliché.”
Oliver shook his head ruefully, “Kind of.”
When she turned out of the cemetery back onto Water Street, Oliver angled himself on his side of the bench seat, watching her as she drove.
“I’m sorry.”
She frowned, “For what?”
“I don’t know… all of it? All of this?” he sighed and raked his fingers through his hair, “I wish that there was something I could do to make myself remember you.  I just – there just isn’t anything there.  How is it that I don’t remember you?  That I can’t remember the woman that I love?”
“How do you know that you love me?” she asked quietly, “You didn’t even know I existed ten days ago.”
The sad smile on his face hurt more than she was ready to admit.
“I don’t know… but the fact that we’ve stayed together for almost ten years has to mean something, right?”
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