#[ the wordsmith - OC related ]
pomegranarchy · 8 months
Wordsmith haircut reveal!!!! Jsjsjjs
Who doesn't love a cringefail woman?
Wordsmith suffering while being pokes by hornet? Perfect
Wordsmith holding the hand of Hollow and wanting to go home? 👌
she's so lame and trying her best. and yeah! short hair lady :] probably will have grown out to her shoulders by time she actually shows anyone her face pff
she's going to be adopted by this family one day mark my words. in the far future past tumultuous waters and hours of me scrolling through a thesaurus for chapter titles. and taking a jackhammer to a wall of writer's block more than once
i want to draw her face so bad you have no idea. ive entertained the idea of her being a relative to another oc of mine simply bc of their similar appearances and general cringefail miserable living
both of them get taken in and pitied by rich immortals who sponsor their wellbeing. normal ass humans thrust into unfamiliar magical scenarios
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sezja · 1 year
For the character ask: Guydelot!
Character Ask Game
1: sexuality headcanon Bisexual! Doesn't tend to flirt with men unless they initiate it, and sleeps around a lot less than people think he does. He's had his share of casual one-night stands, but he doesn't usually flirt with intent.
2: otp I don't think anyone'll be surprised to learn it's Sanson.
3: brotp It's a close three-way tie between Eve (my partner's WoL, the one I refer to in my fics), Okhi Chelawae (my OC and Guydelot's childhood best friend), and Jehantel... but I think Jehantel takes it. We don't get to see them interact much, but I love how they talk about each other, and I love the sense you get of how much Guydelot looks up to the old man. He wants to make Jehantel proud...
4: notp Basically anyone but Sanson, honestly. I'm not interested in looking for any other ships with either of them.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head He first took up training to become a bard because he wanted an excuse to get out of doing drills - it was kind of a whim, not something he was taking seriously. But after only one lesson, he realized this was genuinely something he wanted to pursue, and he had a knack for it, which came as much as a surprise to Guydelot himself as it did to anyone else.
6: favorite line from this character "Your music is bad and you should feel bad!" is a strong contender.
7: one way in which I relate to this character We both love Sanson Smyth more than breathing No, maybe it's in that we're both wordsmiths of a sort, but fail at communicating how we feel.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character He has never done anything wrong, ever, in his life.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? Sinnamon roll <3
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ask-the-wordsmith · 4 years
When did you discover you were aromantic?
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So, um... I typed out, like, a three-page-long response to this and then just let it sit in my inbox for a few days before deciding I’m not quite ready to put my whole story out there yet, but to answer your question in short form, it took a long time.
My aro identity is partially trauma-based (I don’t like to use the word trauma because I wasn’t abused or anything serious like that, but I’ve talked to people with actual trauma and the effects that time period had on me are apparently the same effects that they experience due to PTSD)? So... that affects it a little bit...? I don’t think I ever would’ve been happy in a romantic relationship (for reasons I’ll discuss below), but the severe panic attacks I sometimes get at the mere unexpected mention of romance are probably due to The Thing that I’m not ready to talk about.
But, uh, this post and this post cover a whole lot of my aro experience! From the the second post, specifically (bolded areas relate to the person I dated before realizing I was aro):
1. When you discovered the word “aromantic,” it felt like something finally clicked into place for you.
2. Identifying as aromantic makes you feel relieved, free, happy, or more like yourself.
3. When you discovered the concept of a “squish” suddenly a lot of things made more sense to you.
11. You thought crushes were something you consciously decided to have, and selected an acquaintance or celebrity to be your crush, because everyone else was doing it.
17. You don’t understand why people do ridiculous, irrational or over-the-top things in the name of love.
21. When a romantic relationship gets serious, it makes you feel cold, distant or uncomfortable.
23. Your romantic partners always seem to be way more into the lovey-dovey stuff than you are.
26. You have felt suffocated, repressed or tense in a romantic relationship, even though you really liked your partner and they hadn’t done anything wrong.
27. When your last romantic relationship ended, you felt relieved and free more than you felt sad, even if your partner broke it off, and even if you liked them very much as a person.
28. You’re more excited by making a new best friend than by falling in love.
29. You wouldn’t mind marrying your best friend and spending your life with them, even though you’re not in love with them.*
*For an absurdly long time, in the back of my mind I always figured I’d end up marrying my male best friend, because at the time he was the only person I could imagine actually being comfortable living with (even though, no, this was not the person I dated). We’d spent long periods of time together, and we both liked our personal space. He wasn’t (and still isn’t) a very openly emotional person, and I couldn’t imagine him acting in a romantic manner (still can’t— I have no idea if he’s aro as well), so I was like, “yeah, I guess I’d be ok to live with him for the rest of my life. we wouldn’t have to spend all our time together, I don’t see him as the type to obsess over anniversaries/events, and we wouldn’t have to make a big deal out of the marriage/spend a stupid amount of money for that kind of stuff. we can just share a house and be cool.”
...looking back it maybe should’ve been obvious to me way sooner, but what can I say, amatonormativity screwed me over hard.
#{uhhhh not gonna tag with a tw but lmk if you want anything tagged!!}#aromantic#aro experience#{the concept of dating still made me so uncomfortable and I literally didn't get it}#{but now I feel so relieved being like 'oh actually I'm allowed to love my friends?'}#{he also doesn't strike me as the type who would want to live w/someone else so that was probably unrealistic on my part anyway LOL}#{but again this was all coming from the mindset of 'everyone's gotta get married at some point right?'}#{but now I'm... so much more relaxed all the time when thinking about the future}#{I personally DO want a roommate at least for a while and I'm gonna get to do that w/my female best friend}#{and I can go visit my male best friend and be happy for him and how much he's succeeding in life}#{without this constant doubt in the back of my head because I have to be thinking about 'growing up' and doing stuff like dating}#{it's taken a WHILE but I'm finally content to accept that that's just not who I am}#{I'm a daughter of God first; I'm a daughter of loving human parents and a best friend of two amazing people second}#{I'm a creative writer and an emotional empath who's learning to regulate my mental illnesses}#{that's who I am! and it's okay if my identity is never as someone's girlfriend/wife!! it is not a prerequisite for happiness}#{screw society I'm gonna go hiking with my youth group and take my friends out for dinner}#{and run across campus in the rain to give my best friend a hot chocolate before a presentation because I love him}#{and none of that is invalid because I'm aromantic. my experiences are meaningful to ME and I'm learning that that's what matters}#{that turned into a LONG ramble yikes}#[ the wordsmith - OC related ]#[ outside the forge - not writing related ]#anon
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p101-in-progress · 4 years
You seem like you would know of good pirate101 fanfics, cause like, I can NEVER find any. Do you have some recs?
Oh, gosh, I’m flattered! I can’t say I’ve read every Pirate fic out there, but here are links to a few of my personal favorites:
Tale of A Cabin Girl by CubanCracker62 on AO3--A rewrite that follows the quest for Gunn’s Gold. Lots of worldbuilding and funny moments, with a focus on character interaction. It’s currently on hiatus, but it’s accompanied by a loosely related one-shot that revolves around some OCs and is also a fun read.
A Mad Plan by WonderAndDoubt on AO3--A bite-size, Phule-centric fic that puts a lot of character study into very few words.
Like Clockwork by Zafaria on AO3--A chilling/heartwrenching look at potential backstories for the Neufarious Five in Moo Manchu’s tower. 
Pirate Legacy by Nroque18 on Fanfiction--This one starts off with a bit of an expository slog, but it takes some interesting liberties with canon, has its share of funny moments, isn’t afraid to lean on the fourth wall, and is part of a series that runs all the way up to events in Marleybone. Sadly, it is abandoned.
The Nefarious Sixth by Heaven’s Wordsmith on Fanfiction--A novelization of the events in Moo Manchu’s tower, with a focus on the crew’s emotional struggle as they’re forced to fight their captain.
Letters Home by Arameyy on Fanfiction--This one is actually a Wizard101 fic, but I felt the need to include it here because it’s flat-out the best Wizard fic I’ve ever read. It takes a much darker and more realistic look at the events of the Malistaire arc, complete with lots of OCs and actual consequences for making teenagers deal with powerful magical beings, world-ending threats, and separation from their homes and families. This one is, sadly, abandoned, but the author has released their outline so readers can still see how the story would have played out.
Hopefully these give you something new to chew on, and thanks for the ask!
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foundationsofdecay · 4 years
i hope you sleep well and can you tell us about your cats when you can please if that's ok? i like hearing about peoples's wc ocs
anon ty.. 🥺🥺🥺i did sleep well, thank you! overslept a little actually haha but not by too much, i should probably change my alarm tunes again before i go to bed.
i have soooo much to say about my warriors ocs and the world they live in... 46 pages so far, to be precise haha. It’s a little hard to do this without going into the major differences between warriors canon (at least as it was defined in arc 5, which is when i stopped reading haha) but I tried. I have extensive profiles for every char in my main clan and most of the chars in other two clans at this point smh but i can give you a little bit of a rundown of a couple of main chars n favs! Descriptions are going from roughly where my planned main fic starts. hence most of them being apprentices lol
Pebblepaw: Pebblepaw was always a nervous and reserved kitten but the circumstances of her introduction into the role of medicine cat apprentice was heavily traumatizing and intensified that by quite a lot. She has a very intensely codependent relationship with her mentor, Dawnheart, who she sees as a mother but also an indirect source of her trauma, since she is the one continually encouraging her to engage with the spiritual side of her role. She focuses heavily on herb-lore to distract herself and try to make up for her lack of social skills in the eyes of her clan, which is why she is eventually given the -leaf suffix (this being a suffix being reserved for medicine cats with extensive knowledge of herb-lore and a great talent for healing in general). She’s very close with her brother Cloudpaw and their friend Maplepaw, but outside of medicine cat duties she really only interacts with them and Dawnheart, at least as far as her clan (Mistclan) goes. She connects with the other clans’ medicine cats and their apprentices much more than most cats in her clan, since they all share the spiritual ability that is the source of her trauma (though not all medicine cats consider it traumatic or even distressing). She may or may not have a big gay crush on Streamclan’s medicine cat apprentice, Raccoonpaw ;P
Spottedpaw: Spottedpaw’s a guy with a really close relationship with his mentor, Silverclaw, but he has some pretty intense complexes relating to his brother, Lizardpaw, and to a lesser degree his other best friend, Dapplepaw. He’s very insecure about not having any standout talents (in my version of warriors, suffixes represent talents or other traits of cats) as compared to his mentor, brother, or best friend. He overcompensates for this sometimes in trying to excel at the various camp duties he’s often given instead of hunting or border patrols, so he’s actually closer to the elders of the clan than he is with cats his own age, which doesn’t help his ability to bond with the other apprentices. He’s kind of self-absorbed when the story begins, honestly, but he’s also the cat equivalent of like a 14 yr old so that makes sense. One of his best skills in training is hiding, because he’s actually quite an observant guy, with an eye for small details and having a good sense of what others are able to see, feel, or hear, but he doesn’t really know how to translate that into a successful hunt or ambush yet. He’s generally feeling untethered and outmatched by his peers but feels more comfortable around elders and senior warriors.
Lizardpaw: Spottedpaw’s brother. He’s an incredible runner – while Dapplepaw is quick, he easily outpaces her and Spottedpaw. He also has excellent reflexes, aiding him in his training as a fighter, though he’s only really slightly above average at it. He’s a rather complacent fellow, with little drive, and has no hopes of becoming a head warrior – so long as he can be useful in some way, then he doesn’t really concern himself with the details. He’s good at reading social situations and is a crafty wordsmith to boot, so he can diffuse arguments if needed, and he’s actually not half-bad as a strategist. Funnily enough, this actually makes him an excellent future candidate for head warrior. He finds it extremely difficult to motivate himself to do things that bore him, making chores the hardest on him out of the apprentices, so Spottedpaw will often offer to pick up his tasks. Other than from Spottedpaw and Dapplepaw, he’s good friends with a guy named Jaypaw. Whether or not that’s a romantic interest is... undefined, as of yet. In a great contrast to Spottedpaw, his relationship with his mentor Mothstripe is a bit clinical, and they aren’t particularly close.
Raccoonpaw: Raccoonpaw’s the medicine cat apprentice for Streamclan, and unlike Pebblepaw, she actually seems to enjoy her role. That isn’t to say that the frightening parts of her role don’t scare her at all, but she’s grown somewhat accustomed to their presence. She gets along well with Quailpaw, the Oakclan medicine cat apprentice, and wants to be friends with Pebblepaw as well. While she likes her mentor Badgerfur, they’ve never had the close relationship like Pebblepaw and Dawnheart did, so she’s mostly been left to her own devices when it comes to dealing with her emotions. Others find her stability remarkable, Pebblepaw in particular, but some cats treat her like she’s older and more mature than she really is (which is only about 12 moons; she still has another ten moons or so to go before she’ll earn her full name). She hesitates to open up to others emotionally, but is heavily protective of her clanmates, and anyone else that she considers loved ones.
Quailpaw: Quailpaw sometimes butts heads with his mentor Wheatstripe but he adores his role in the clan, and holds that adoration and admiration most of all towards his mentor. Even though he’s currently the oldest medicine cat apprentice, about 16 moons, he seems to be the most upbeat of the three medicine cat apprentices. He’s still got quite a bit of energy in him, which works out quite well, since he often ends up running around his territory all day looking for herbs while Wheatstripe takes care of duties around camp. Since he spends so much time perusing the territory, he has a very intimate knowledge of the local plant and animal life, and knows about all sorts of strange things hidden away in various nooks and crannies in Oakclan and unclaimed territory. He has the tendency to infodump to Raccoonpaw and especially Pebblepaw about these things. He’s quite the social butterfly and casually flirts with other cats his age, but he hasn’t taken any serious interest in anyone.
Frostwhisker: Frostwhisker is the deputy of Mistclan. She’s an extrovert who enjoys being at the center of attention. While she was once a huge bundle of chaotic energy as an apprentice, over time she’s learned to channel her energy in ways that help benefit the clan. She’s very comfortable in front of crowds, and looks forward to being able to speak at gatherings and hold clan meetings herself. She’s pretty militant about routine, and makes plans for just about everything she does throughout her day. This gives her a great relationship with the Mistclan leader, Ashstar, who is much more of a go-with-the-flow type of guy than his “high-strung” deputy. He helps calm her down when she gets overly anxious, just as she helps him keep things more organized around Mistclan. Her stark white pelt makes it difficult to hunt at night, but during foggy mornings, she’s an unstoppable force, and she’s more than earned her suffix (-whisker being given to cats with excellent hunting abilities). She often volunteers to help guard kits from predators when they come out to play, and wants to have kits someday, perhaps one day when she’s become a leader - she’s mates with Spottedpaw’s mentor, Sootclaw, and wants to start a family with her one day. They may or may not also be the unofficial power couple of Mistclan (and my favorite oc couple in general, though I’m probably never going to write the story of how they got together)
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chubbyooo · 5 years
OC Romance Tropes Week - Day 2 Fake relationship
Fake relationship - staring Gacen, Guss and Risha
This is set during the class story before they got together, Gacen is trying to make Risha jealous to prove she likes her
“so when Risha comes in I’m gonna talk about my “new girlfriend” and you gotta help me big her up got it?” Gacen had been having a rough time courting Risha and wanted to know wether she was actually interested or not so he had come up with the brilliant scheme to create a fake girlfriend to test if she got jealous
“you have a new girlfriend but what about Risha she’ll be crushed” Guss had become surprisingly invested in getting the two together, it was a little creepy.
“no no Guss they’re not real I’m trying to make her jealous you know to prove she likes me” Guss nodded in realisation
“ah yeaaah I see pretend to be with a girl act like you’re off the market, sold to the highest bidder, the one with the biggest affection wallet” what on earth was he talking about
“maybe I should go ask Corso again” Guss may be too simple for this he wasn’t exactly a wordsmith but he would follow Gacen blindly
“no no no I promise I’ll be good” Guss pleaded 
“fine just follow my lead when she comes in” Guss nodded
They were sitting there for about half an hour waiting before they saw Risha come into the room
“so yeah Guss my new GIRLFRIEND Is great she so NICE and SWEET and AFFECTIONATE” Gacen looked to see if Risha was looking at them and sure enough she had began listening in while pretending to fix a vent
“yeah she sounds so REAL” god damnit Guss 
“well yeah she’s also a REALLY GOOD ENGINEER, I met her last time we were at Port Nowhere” It seemed like it was working 
“that makes sense I haven’t met her because I GOT STUCK IN THE SHIP THAT DAY” Gacen wasn’t sure Guss got how this worked but it wasn’t related to her realism at least
“but no yeah It’s getting PRETTY SERIOUS I think I LOVE HER” that should do it, yes she was coming over
“alright I’ve let this charade go on long enough why exactly are you pretending to have a girlfriend?” what! how did she see through his plan
“what do you mean she’s not fake I was talking to her earlier today” she probably would just prefer if it was a fake, it was still working
“yeah she’s so real” Guss chimed in 
Gacen sighed “Guss hey can you check the cargo for me” as soon as he said it Guss sprung up to go check ‘the cargo’
“Guss kinda gave it away don’t you think” Risha was smirking way too much
“yeaaaaaah just a little, I knew I should’ve asked Corso” Corso would probably have protested saying it’s in some way disrespectful or something
“if this was some meagre attempt to make me jealous it could use some work” she thought he had failed but she was still here so who had really won
“really Rish? then why are you still here? you could’ve just ignored it and last time I checked that vent worked perfectly” Gacen could see a small blush appear of Risha’s face which she quickly replaced with a scowl
“I’d rather you didn’t waste your time in foolish attempts to impress me” her posh smirk had returned but Gacen knew it was an act
“face it Rish you totally like me you can’t hide it” Gacen wondered why Risha was so wary of showing she liked him this definitely wasn’t just a business relationship anymore
“shut up, and don’t call me Rish” she looked cross but underneath it Gacen could see that she had a slight smile
“whatever you say Rish” he smirked and headed to the cockpit mission accomplished...
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writing-at-dusk · 6 years
10 Questions Tag
I was tagged by @bumbling-wordsmith
1. Is there a book that made you start writing? If so, what is it?
I actually just answered this question here, but in short: no.
2. What’s the first story you’ve ever finished writing if you have? 
When I was in second grade I wrote a book about a dog that moves into a mouse town and it’s actually kind of ok- I may post it sometime if I find it. I think I wrote a sequel too but I have no clue where that one is.
3. Have you ever done Nanowrimo/Camp Nanowrimo? If so, how did it go?
I’ve never personally done Camp Nano but I may in the future.
4. Do you have any OCs based on other fictional characters?
None of my Ocs are specifically based on a character but most of them are comparable to existing characters. For example, Gwen is smart and clever like Hermione Granger, but she’s also a born leader like Percy Jackson.
5. Do you have any OCs based on your friends/people in your life?
Yes. Nathan James is an amalgam of a couple classmates that I’ve known over the years. But other than him I try to stay away from basing characters off people. Occasionally I do borrow names of people I’ve met but their characters don’t represent the real person at all.
6. Why did you join writeblr?
I wanted a community of people that I could relate to and feel included in. Coming from a large town and large school I’ve had great friends but no community, and now I have writeblr.
7. Tell me about the music you write to.
When I’m just drabbling or world-building I listen to showtunes mixed with whatever random songs I like at the time. When I’m actually writing I listen to movie scores or piano covers.
8. Any writing rituals?
No, I tend to write when I feel sudden surges of motivation- which can be anywhere from my phone on a couch to index cards in a classroom.
9. If you had to freaky Friday two of your OCs, who would you freaky Friday?
Interesting question, probably Nathan and Piper. They’re so similar and yet so different that it would make it interesting to see them switch. Plus Piper comes from a world of heroes while Nathan comes from a world of villains. It would be interesting to see them see the other side.
10. Which author do you think you have a writing style similar to?
I’m not sure. I’m not quite sure how to define my style so I wouldn’t know how to compare it.
Tagging: @sending-words-home @writer-zero @quillwritten @jaycewriteslikealot @anipwrites
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come2quarks · 6 years
Questions about 3 fandoms
Tagged by @midnight-in-town  and I’m so sorry this is so late, I’m always on mobile so I couldn’t add to it or do the formatting in a way I wanted (the draft was... html on my phone...), and I kept forgetting to when I was on PC. I do very much like being tagged in things like this, though
Rules: choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people.
Tagging goes first (feel free to ignore me if you’ve already done it or don’t feel like it lmao): @allieinarden @pigexn @aprimreaper @kuroshitsujiundertaker @contrarian-marion @thequeensfakedog @asthmaticastre @natt-theghost @twilightknight17 @disco-rangerr @ravencacaw and that’s 11,
the first character you loved:
Undertaker is the character I started the series for! I’ve loved him since I first saw him, and he was one of the first kuro characters I ever came across. The second, in fact. I’ve got a thing for the villain-with-a-grin type, so he was right up my alley. I’ve also recently decided he probably best fits the ENTP typing for myers briggs, which means even if his appearance hadn’t sold me, his personality had to, because that also tends to be my type. There’s nothing about him that isn’t my thing
Taako because I mean................................... who doesn’t love Taako? I feel for him so much, and he’s so entertaining, and I love his whole vibe. He deserves his status as a fan-favourite
Bertie! I didn’t expect at all that he’d be such a favourite, but he’s a ball of sunshine, and he’s so earnest, and the way he talks to the reader like they’re a friend is so inviting?
the character you never expected to love so much:
WILLIAM. I barely knew who he was until I ended up playing him in a closed rp group. There were no OCs allowed and no doubles, so it went like this: Matto chose to be Grelle, and because Grelle was taken, Vlad chose Undertaker, and because Undertaker was chosen and at the time I was closest to Matto, the obvious choice for me was the recently-vacated William (before Will was freed, I’d been playing as Lord Randall lmao), but I very nearly picked Arthur Wordsmith instead. Can you even imagine? From that point, it was an inevitable slow descent into adoration, and he’s now set the standard for a whole new Type I look for in media
None? they’re almost all good characters, and I marathoned Balance, so I never really stopped to think about it. I have complex feelings towards Merle. He’s okay, but I don’t like bad fathers, but he’s worked on that, so, he’s... okay. He’s still not my favourite but I don’t dislike him for that anymore.
see above, Bertie. I don’t tend to go in for the dumb’n’sweet type, but... you can’t not love him. Asides from him, then both Psmith and Mike. Because I knew Psmith was Wild before I started, I was aware of him as a character already, but I didn’t realise just quite how supremely buck wild that boy would be. He’s incredible. Unfathomable. Incomparable. I adore him. But I almost didn’t get through the first half of the first book to even get to him, because I was not so very into Mike and I don’t care for cricket. If Psmith knocked me off my feet when I got to him, then Mike crept up on me slowly, slowly, then very suddenly with a cricket bat. The suddenly was when he not just dropped the ball, but threw that metaphorical ball out the window at breakneck speed during the dinner party with the socialists. When he couldn’t understand the question and so flat out refused to pass whatever it was to the guy with the lisp, I was sold on the spot.
the character you relate to the most:
Othello. Not going to lie, I was legit blown away when he first showed up, even just by his physical appearance. We’re both short (I think we’re close to the same height tbh), babyfaced, wonky eyes, dark hair that defies gravity. And then the lab coat? when I was in high school, up until my final years, I was so into science class, and even though I ultimately went into the humanities because I’m not mathematically gifted so chemistry wasn’t a great elective choice and sort of killed my science buzz, I’m still very personally into the ethically ambiguous scientist character type. Then comes the personality, and oh jeez it’s me, we’re both prone to collecting odd things if they relate to our interests, both not very tactful, (he’s admittedly more outgoing than me), both not physically inclined, both very into our respective interests, both tend to carry snacks, neither very inclined to keep official information secret provided it’s not Super Secret, the only things I can’t agree with him on are his choice of sweets and the specific nicknames the official English has him use for other characters. I can’t relate to, but can forgive, his choice of footwear. He feels like a self-insert almost. It’s incredible
Taako. Just, Taako. He’s nowhere near the same level of “oh, me?” as Othello (I think... it would have to literally be me to eclipse Othello), but there’s so many things about him that I relate to. The rough upbringing, the solitude, the really muddled sense of morals from that upbringing, he’s gay lmao, he has that artistic passion for food, he holds grudges, he’s so extra, I adore him
one part Jeeves and one part Gussie, with a sprinkle of Rocky Todd
the character you’d slap (currently):
oh god. so many. I can’t choose. But I have to pick Grelle, I know she’d kill me for it but I have to pick her, I’ll never like her at this point, her fans have ensured that even if I could get past what she does in canon (which would be possible, I’m not opposed to villains,) I will never fully enjoy her. And let’s be real, she’d deserve it with everything she’s done. I’m so glad Will does it for me,
Currently? Probably Lucas, but idk, I don’t hate him very strongly even though I don’t like him. He’s not really on my radar. the TAZ characters overall are all... good.
let me at Spode, just give me five minutes, please, he’s the Worst,
three favorite characters (in order of preference):
not including Will and UT and Othello (who would be in that order,), then it’s Lau, Doll, and I’m legally required By Law to say Abberline
Taako, Uncle Oni, and Michael (the angel of death from Dust), (followed closely by Beacon)
Psmith, Jeeves, Bertie. (fingerguns)
a character you liked at first but don’t anymore:
Well, I never really liked her in the first place, but Grelle, since she’s fallen so hard in favour and my first impression of a character tends to stick so none of the others have done anything that warrants it.
I mean... none of them really, but I guess Lucas
Madeline. I am... concerned by her taste in men, and the way she acts in a relationship, but I liked her Very much when she was first introduced as the super-sappy poetic ditz
three otps (amongst others):
UTWill, Sharperline (abberhanks), and finally Alexis/Francis because honestly? dream team right there
Taakitz, and I’m not going to hold my breath but I’m kinda feeling agent Stern/Bigfoot. Stern/anyone should be good tbfh. I don’t ship very quick or very much so I don’t have a third here gffhdhffh;;;;
Jooster, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I’d be fond of Psmith/Mike but something within me compels me to accept canon couples so I can’t even start with it - knowing even if I supposed they had a boyhood anything, there’s no future sandbox of ship possibilities there for me since they get paired off. But on the other hand Psmith/Eve just didn’t get enough time together for me to really fall for their pairing and call it a ship of mine, even though I have no complaints about it. Same thing goes in triplicate for Mike/Phyllis. I do support both pairs, but I feel like they could have had another book exploring them both.
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sammycatdraws-blog · 6 years
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ask-the-wordsmith · 3 years
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@masu-pasu said not to post this here so I’m posting it here <3
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ask-the-wordsmith · 4 years
Do you like... edge? I'm not talking about "oh no my entire family died arghhhh blood and gore and death" edge, I'm talking more about Shadow the Hedgehog edge or Teenage anime fandom edge. Sort of what would be described as the "romantic" movement of our time (in quotes because it has nothing to do with romance, the "romantic" era was an artistic movement that emphasized heavy emotion, in contrast to the "enlightenment" movement which emphasized logic and reason).
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Umm... I don’t think I entirely understand your question? I like angst, but black-and-red/purple and “dark broody attitudes” aren’t really my aesthetic. I’m much more of a cutesy pastel girl.
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ask-the-wordsmith · 4 years
So you're white cishet?
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White and cis, yes. Not het; I’m aromantic, but that’s not very helpful with writing anything besides aspec characters.
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ask-the-wordsmith · 4 years
Have you ever written horror?
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No, I have not. I’ve had one idea for horror-based media before (a game, to be specific), but I scare VERY easily and am extremely susceptible to having bad/grotesque/scary images stay burned in my brain. So I don’t plan on ever actually writing it.
I do, however, love mysteries! And I’m in the process of writing one right now!
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