#´ ・ .  ✶ ━━ REGULUS & SEVERUS ⧼ won’t you kiss me once
Severus Snape being an awesome teacher and human being
Au Volant - Elsa & Emilie
He makes sure to let students work on their own when they brew Amortentia. They only have to pass in a list of things they smell and he draws little smiley faces on them because he knows a lot of kids are very insecure about their feelings. (Once a kid passed in a list that just said, I’m sorry Professor but it doesn’t smell like anything, and on their paper Severus drew an ace and aro flag and a time for the student to be at Mcgonogall’s office that weekend for tea, along with a smiley face and an O grade.) (The student was Newt.) (Hailee’s just read, People are gross and if I fall in love with one I want you to kill me, to which Severus responded, Valid, and drew her a picture of a turtle.)
He makes fake batches of Felix Felicis and gives one to every student secretly before their O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s so they feel extra confident going into the test but aren’t actually cheating.
He knows his area is Potions, but he teaches defense spells to students who come after class or report bullying anonymously. Severus Snape does not fucking stand for bullying in his classroom or outside of it. If you dare to pick on one of his students, he will burn you so hard with his mere words that you will wish you were dead. Do not fuck with Severus Snape’s kids.
On parent-teacher day, he drinks different batches of Polyjuice Potion to imitate certain students, all of whom hide away in their dorms after drinking a fine batch of invisibility potion. He then follows these select parents around and endures their horrifying, demeaning remarks about their “failure of a child” so his students don’t have to. He makes sure to give these students glowing praises to their parents when it’s his turn to offer feedback (after making up an excuse to go to the bathroom as the student), and takes mental notes of the parents’ most prominent criticisms so he can be sure to compliment those parts of his students during their next assignments (and also just because).
He brews sleeping potions for students he knows stay up all night studying and sometimes slips it into their drinks if they refuse to take it willingly. He then gives them back their (usually almost flawless) tests with the note that if they want a full O they need to sleep more.
He invites kids he knows don’t have many friends to have dinner and lunch and breakfast in his classroom whenever they’d like. He tries to make friends with some of them too, hoping to make their lives a little less lonely than his was.
He keeps an eye out for abusive home situations. He does his best to come up with excuses for those unfortunate students to stay at Hogwarts over breaks or to visit often over the summer. He tries to find them friends that will help them the way James helped Sirius and Regulus, and speaks to Mcgonogall about opening a home for these kids on campus. He does his best to be the parent he knows these kids don’t have, and is open about his own horrid past in hopes of getting some of them to fess up so he can help them better than he can without hearing it explicitly from their mouths.
He uses his Pensieve to collect happy memories of and for his students to reflect on when they need to and they sit in the corner of his classroom. (Among them are his wedding day to James and Lily, the day Harry was born, a couple playdates with the other Marauder children, Sirius and Remus’ wedding day, studying with Remus, pranking James with Sirius, Sirius and James asleep cuddled together with Remus on the couch in ugly Christmas sweaters, his son and many nieces and nephews playing dress-up, reading with Hermione and exploring with Luna and Newt, dancing with Draco (he likes to dance but was always ashamed to do it at the Malfoys), going on long drives with Regulus, the Blacks’ funeral (Regulus and Sirius performed a very gay stripper dance on top of their graves, it was beautiful), and many, many more.) Sometimes he can see his saddest students watching them and smiling, and their sad eyes twinkling make him smile.
He brings in a box of small kittens, puppies, and bunnies one day and lets them wander around the classroom. Some kids start crying because they haven’t felt this loved in years. After an incident with a bad potion and a rainbow puppy, he stops bringing them all out during class, but they’re there on the weekends and whenever a student needs to hug one (or borrow one, much to Mcgonogall’s chagrin).
He works to break down House biases and help students develop inter-House relationships and friendships. He wants every student to be proud of their House and not to treat anyone differently because of theirs. He creates (with Dumbledore, Sirius, and Regulus’ help) an annual House Pride, in which every student dresses up in their House colors and has their nails and skin painted and everyone is smiling and laughing and waving flags with their House emblems in the air. Even the teachers get in on it.
He stresses the importance of friendships, communication, and choices. He urges students not to make his mistakes by treating their friends well, talking about their feelings even if they’re ugly, and making the right choices in life for you and your loved ones, even if those choices are hard. He invites Lily in to talk about this too sometimes.
He sends out his Patronus every night to wander around the school. Often it comes back to him with nothing, but sometimes he can hear a student crying through it. He’ll instruct his doe to sit with the student until he gets there, and then he’ll walk around the castle, pretending to “accidentally” happen upon the crying student. He’ll sit with them until they’ve calmed down and listen if they want to talk and then take them to their dorm, bidding them goodnight and get well soon.
He gives students hugs when they want them. He didn’t want to originally, but Harry would greet him every class with a hug, and then one day Draco came in crying and attached himself to Severus like a sloth, so he patted him on the back and continued to hug him. Not long after, Hermione couldn’t figure out a potion and burst into tears out of frustration, turning and burying herself in his chest. After Luna wrapped her stick arms around his neck for no reason, Severus just accepted his fate and let his students hug him.
A lot of first years get scared in the hallways, since the staircases move and everywhere is incredibly crowded and they are oh so very small. Severus will often hold the hand of the most anxious ones for the first few weeks and walk them to class. Eventually they become more confident with the castle and themselves and stop needing it, but the occasional sixth year will slip their hand into his just because sometimes.
He walks around campus with students sometimes. He can tell when they’re nervous or sad or angry and he takes them on walks around the outskirts of campus and lets them vent. He also teaches them how to throw curses at the Whomping Willow just because (it’s for Remus but nobody’s gonna say it out loud).
He teaches students how to walk dramatically (as he should). He puts on student drag shows in the Great Hall with James’ help (who always kisses him way too enthusiastically because of it) and Dumbledore’s permission (so long as he gets to be the finale). The students work with Sirius on their drag looks and Sirius and Remus both join in the drag show for the opening act. Sirius’ job is to design and create the students’ looks while Remus tells them they look pretty and tames their stage fright. Severus just sits in the audience smirking while Lily screams in delight. (Regulus also shrieks with excitement eventually, though he does usually spend the first half trying to look disinterested.) (Peter’s job is to get the cookies and sweets (and underage alcohol).)
He turns into his snake Animagus form sometimes without warning when his students aren’t looking and just slithers around the classroom scaring the crap out of people. His favorite students are the ones brave enough to pet him. Harry and Newt are the only ones brave enough (and allowed) to wind him around their shoulders. Severus and Harry sometimes have conversations in Parseltongue.
He invents spells to help with dyslexia and other learning disabilities in his spare time. When he’s done with that he plans to try looking into some cures to mental illness. He’s thinking possibly a potion that treats PTSD by replacing traumatic memories with pictures of puppies, unicorns, bunnies, cats, and parrots. What do you think?
He tries hard to come up with solutions and modifications to his lessons for students with ADHD. He often talks to James about what the best steps to take are because James has ADHD. (So does Sirius, but his insecurities are bad enough that he won’t talk about it with anyone but Remus and James.)
He plays the violin sometimes during tests and uses Sonorus to make it echo throughout the classroom. Occasionally he cancels class and just plays until most of his students fall asleep. Those who want to work on extra work can, but he tries to keep their stress and general teenage angst to a minimum. (Though he encourages the emo phase.)
One of the first things he does after the Prank is get to work on a lycanthropy solution for Remus. After a couple years he invents the wolfsbane potion, but it doesn’t quite do the trick. Eventually he manages to figure out the cure, and when Remus finds out he cries so hard he can’t breathe right for days. (Sirius also cries. So does James. And Peter. And Lily and Regulus and Mcgonogall. Seriously, everyone cried and everyone hugged him and Severus tried to get away by transforming into his snake form but toddler Harry just grabbed him and refused to let go, so that didn’t work.) (He also helps Remus become a wolf Animagus when he asks almost a year later.)
He teaches certain kids Occlumency and Legilimency after school. It’s strictly for kids he knows come from abusive homes, whether they’re open about it or not, so they can tell when it’s going to be a bad night and get away or protect themselves. He teaches Occlumency for those who need to hide things from their parents (like Sirius and Regulus used to) and Legilimency to all, just in case. He focuses on stealth and untraceable versions of the craft to earn the kids as much time and protection as he can.
He figures out how to remove the Dark Mark from his own arm after the war. The next person he calls is Regulus, whose he also removes. He writes down the entire process and when the war starts up again, he keeps an eye out for students suddenly wearing long sleeves. He speaks with those he does find and helps them to make the right choice and join the right side of the war, starting with removing that horrid tattoo. (Draco bawls uncontrollably when Severus removes his.)
When they do the lesson on Veritaserum, he’s extra careful to make sure students don’t test it, especially on themselves or their friends. It, along with Amortentia, is the most guarded potion in his stash. The only times he uses it is when a student from an abusive home is too scared to tell him what’s going on, in which case he finds them somewhere private, asks them if they’d be okay with it and if so which teacher they want to be there to ask the questions (usually Remus, Sirius, or himself), and then administers the potion and leaves or begins to ask yes or no questions. It’s helped a lot of kids escape their families.
He tries to ease trepidations about himself early in the school year, since he’s aware he can be intimidating and the rampant stories regarding his time under Voldemort (though entirely as a spy) do not help. His friendships with Remus and Sirius often serve to alleviate students’ fears though, as they tend to tell embarrassing stories about him from their own Hogwarts days that make him seem more human (and make him want to strangle them, but that’s neither here nor there).
Every year, he works with Remus and Lily to arrange Muggleborn Pride. It’s an incredibly popular event with tons of Muggle inventions and artifacts floating through the air over students’ heads. At any time they can reach up and pull one down to study it. Many students dress as their favorite Muggle icons and characters. Because of this, Muggleborn students are more comfortable being who they are than ever before. (Some have even reclaimed the word Mudblood by setting up mud pits during their Pride.) (They also have more Slytherin Muggleborns now than any other time in recorded history.)
He tells Regulus’ story to every class of students, to teach them what true bravery is and how love and family, even if not blood, can change the course of history. Regulus survived his encounter with the Horcruxes and worked to destroy them and eventually Voldemort, but now lives away from the public eye in a secluded part of Muggle London. He and Severus are friends and visit often, and Regulus will occasionally come back to Hogwarts to say hello to his brother and mum (Remus), but for the most part he keeps his life intensely private. He allows his family to tell his story because he wants other kids to know they are not alone and that there is a way out, and that you are not a bad person for things you did in your childhood. Severus does his best to do it justice.
He has incredibly loud arguments with Dumbledore until he finally agrees to implement sex ed as a mandatory class at Hogwarts. Severus works with the other Marauders on the curriculum and they try to include multiple angles and identities in their lesson plan. At first they try to trust Remus with it, but Remus doesn’t go anywhere without Sirius who is less than tactful and Remus himself has some deadpan sarcasm and a lack of shame to rival James Potter’s, so. They try Lily. She can’t stop giggling. Finally they beg Regulus to come back and teach it. He’s surprisingly… perfect for the job. (He steals parenting books from Amir, that’s his secret.)
When James visits, everything becomes chaos for a bit. While he mostly hangs out with Sirius and Remus and causes trouble with them, he certainly seems to enjoy sitting in the back of Severus’ classroom and bothering him during lessons. The only way to get him to leave is to turn into a snake and wind himself around his shoulders, which makes James shriek and sputter and run away (James has always had an irrational fear of snakes; odd that he married one then, innit?). But when James isn’t causing chaos, he’s following Severus around adoringly and grabbing at his hand, whispering jokes in his ear and kissing his cheek. Despite all of the times he’s a pain in the ass, there are always these little moments that remind Severus why he fell in love with him in the first place (entirely unwillingly and with much stubborn pride on both ends, but, well. It is what it is and they got here eventually, so that’s all that matters).
When Lily visits, everything is calm. She reigns all of the Marauders in and forces them to have picnics under the tree where they all used to do homework. She often holds Severus’ hand and dances with him there, turning his insides to useless goo. She’s always full of laughter and fairy bells, and though she makes every student question their priorities and life decisions, she’s a favorite of them all. Not a day goes by that someone doesn’t pull him aside and say, “You’re a lucky, lucky man.” (Or, in James’ case: “Fuck, love, how’d we bloody manage that?” (Severus just shrugs. It’s not like he knows.))
He helps kids with autism feel more like they belong. He also works to educate non-autistic students how to better socialize and respect those who are, and takes extra care to dispel myths about autism and its causes, effects, and characteristics. Lily helps when she can.
Above all, Severus tries to give his students the education he never had. Anything he can provide for them he will. He’s been given a second chance and by Merlin is he going to bloody use it.
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warning - none
main couple - Severus Snape x reader
warning - sad and happy memories, conversation to resolve things, fluff, a little bit of irony, sacasmo, doubts, some kisses , Implicit obscenity , hot moments and cursing (possibly)
Summary - It takes place at the time of the goblet of fire. You are a teacher who studied with Snape and Sirius' sister, Dumbledore asks you to help Severus and with what he does alone, feelings are put on the table
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I was going to dungeons, I would only spend the whole night with the most unpleasant person in the world, Severus Snape, since when we studied together we had hatred of each other, the best I could not describe as hatred, nor do I know exactly where this came from bitterness on both sides, it may be because she is the sister of one of the people he hates the most, Sirius Black but I was also the sister of Regulus, they were best friends, I can't explain it properly.
The night would be long, Dumbledore asked me to help him finish faster because we would have a ball to plan, I go downstairs listening to the bubbles in the portions, a magnificent smell of herbs and coffee greets me when I get to the door. I think about knocking but it was already open, I see the figure of the man from the back, I knock on the door to warn that I had arrived:
- Ah you're late!
- Ah, good night Severus, sorry I had some setbacks, if you understand me. I speak by going to your table. - Ok, you're already here, I don't understand Dumbledore I asked the Muggle study teacher to help me!
He snorts, adjusting the scrolls and a box with all the potions we have to analyze.
- I must remember that you were not the only one of your time to be the best in potions! I speak with an ironic smile. - But I was one of the only ones that managed to pass the level of alchemy!
He speaks looking at me, for a moment I thought he was going to melt me ​​with that look, I couldn't deny that Snape was a man I would go out with, he is robust, he has a muscular body despite his clothes not showing and still had the air of a domineering man, who left anyone without walking for a week. I swallow, I think of an answer but nothing comes out, as an alternative to get out of this subject, I ask what type of potion would be analyzed.
- So, what are we going to see here?
Before answering, he lets out a nasal laugh, because he liked that I was speechless.
- Amortentia.
I take one of the bottles to analyze the contents.
- I thought you were not the teacher who liked to see his students in love during class. My tone is playful, but I get a cold response. - Dumbledore's idea, he wanted me to help him at the ball, he asked me to spend some easy time to stay that didn't take too much of my time besides that it was a potion that I was extending.
- Ah yes, so where can I start?
- Take some scrolls and smell them, you know what the point is to write them down. I sit on the chair in front of him, pick up a parchment, a quill and the inkwell starts to smell the potions, I start to write about the smells of dampening that were not pleasant.
- Snape, tell me why your students are so ...
- Bad?
- Of course I'm not talking bad about your work. I speak by finishing analyzing Dean of Griffinoria's fourth year. - Sometimes I want to retire when I remember that!
I laugh, taking his attention off the parchment.
- What?
- Nothing, you really give me that image that at the first opportunity you would leave here and isolate yourself from the rest of the world! I speak, leaning over the table. - You are sure about me just about one thing.
- Maybe, we studied practically our whole life. I speak staring at the. - You are a year younger than me!
- Even so, I know because of Lily, she told me. After saying that I remember that I loved or still love her. - Why would she tell you that?
- I don't know, Severus! I speak a little nervous, it was a lie I had asked Lillian to find out what his problem was with me and she told me about the family, I was sorry for him because I knew how to have a troubled family. - And what do you think of me?
- What? He fumbles when I ask. - What do you think about me? I talked about you, now you.
-Oh you, you were the girl who lives in a rich family but still suffered from the pressure of her mother and was expelled from home, she lost the people she loved most, a brother who died and another who disappointed her. So she became a teacher so I didn't feel alone, but she still hopes to start her own family. I remain silent, looking at the paper for a minute, how could I describe myself so well. - Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you.
- No need to worry, you told the truth, it was very difficult for me, I never thought it would happen. I speak by dropping my quill and looking at him. - Life is injustice!
- Yes, Snape wanted to apologize to you. I'm ashamed of someone I should have done a long time ago.
- Why ?
- Because I didn't defend you from my brother, James and Peter, and worse that I knew you and was Reg's best friend, but you acted in bad faith with me, but I didn't do anything because I knew what you had said to Lily , I had practically no right opinion about you.
-I think I should apologize too, I always saw you with Sirius and James, I thought you were there with Regulus to play like them, now I realize that you are different from Sirius and his gang, Y \ N!
- NakedI never thought that just two hours together we could make up for so many years of evil looks and splinters! I laugh frankly. - I think the external factors have affected our relationship a lot!
- You are less stupid than your brother!
- Which of the two ? I ask in a malicious tone. - Obviously, Sirius, I think nothing will replace Reg but you are a little cooler than him!
I frown, crossing my arms.
- A little? If I remember correctly, two years ago, I made you burst out laughing when Lockhart asked me to go out in front of all the teachers and I dumped him and at the dueling club I faced him and played in the other half of the main hall.
- That was so good! He laughs, I hold my head in my hands. - I said, don't say we haven't had a good time, I have a list!
- When we were young we only had fun once. He speaks with a smile on his face. - I remember that day, we played a prank on Filch, blamed the Griffins.
- Lucius and Narcissa were sometimes worse than us who were the youngest!
- Yea ! I agree by remembering the five young men running down the hall on the second floor hiding in a broom room. - Where's a bathroom, do I need to go?
- Over there at that door. I get up and go to the bathroom to do my needs and when I leave I smell so good.
- Finally, a potion that works, is from Miss Granger! I stop beside her to try to distinguish the smells, coffee, herbs, old books and woody scent.
- What a good smell, it was a while since I smelled my shock!
- So it is .
- What does your dampening smell, Snape? I ask. - Ah hot chocolate, dog hair, molasses pie and sweet citrus scent and yours?
- Coffee, herbs, old books and woody perfume.
When I finally think about it, I was in a place surrounded by herbs and old books with a man who, since the moment I entered, drinks coffee.
- Snape ... He gets up, for a moment I realize how small I am of him. - I smelled your perfume!
- Me either . My mouth is ajar prepared for any action by Snape, but his hands go to my waist pulling closer to him, his lips touch mine.
My arms are around his neck, his hands squeeze my buttocks making me gasp and as a consequence I squeezed his shoulders.
- Sev, please, we need to finish this! I groan when one of his hands goes over the buttons on my dress. - We can be quick, but I won't insist if you don't want to.
- Snape, I want you, but I don't want you to be quick, I want you to fuck me until I can't walk!
- I never thought I would be such a slut, I won't be able to wait!
- I can stay later, if you want. I speak in a sensual tone, with my eyes closed he kisses the curve of my neck. - I love you, y \ N!
- Me too, Snape. He lets go of me, still panting, looks at me while I get ready. - What it was ?
- When ?
- I already had a crush on you when I was younger, more intensified when in the fifth year that I started working, and you?
- Even if it doesn't seem like it, I had an interest in you when we were in seventh grade, but you were my best friend's sister and on top of that you went with Sirius and James, I thought you were with Remus.
- Remus and I never did anything happen even if I wanted to. I speak in a bold tone .- Even though I thought I wanted you to fuck me before.
- Every time you say that, I think I can't take it.
- We waited so long, because we can't wait now!
- Because I can have you between my legs now. He pulls me, making me sit on his lap. - Then let's finish this!
- I decided that I will give good grades to everyone. He speaks, his hand trying to find my bare skin beneath the fabrics of the dress. - Are you sure, Severus Snape?
- Yes, now my attention is all yours. He gets up, taking me on his lap and already taking possession of my lips, we enter his room. The night was busy, but thanks to a dampening I realized that the love of my life was with me all the time.
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lumosandnoxwriting · 3 years
Let Me Save You - Sirius Black
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Title: Let Me Save You Pairing: Sirius x Fem!Reader Summary: Y/N will do whatever it takes to save the ones she loves, even if it means joining the dark side. A/N: for the anon who wanted Sirius helping his girlfriend after she takes the dark mark! This is the first time I’ve written a full imagine for Sirius, so I hope it’s okay!! Feedback is always welcome!!! Tags: @feltondarling​ @pandaxnienke​ @raerae27​
Sirius’ first thought when he boards the Hogwarts Express with James after the Christmas holiday is Y/N. They’ve only been apart two weeks, but for him it feels like an eternity. It doesn’t help that most of his letters went unanswered, and when she did write her letters were short and uneventful.
Sirius and James race each other to their usual compartment, shoving each other as they run. James just barely cuts in front of Sirius as they reach the door and he grins up at his friend as he plops down next to Lily, slightly out of breath.
“Better luck next time, Pads,” James teases, throwing an arm around Lily.
Sirius flips James off as he collapses on the bench across from them. He looks around the compartment, frowning when he doesn’t spot Y/N. Marlene is seated between Lily and Wormtail, and Mooney is sitting a few spaces away from Sirius, dead asleep with his head leaning against the window. “Where’s Y/N?”
“I was just thinking the same thing,” Lily responds leaning into James’ side. “I figured she was with you guys.”
“You don’t think she’s not coming back, do you?” Marlene asks, a worried look on her face.
James rolls his eyes. “Why do you always have to be so dramatic, Mar? Maybe she’s in the loo or got caught up talking to someone. I’m sure she’ll be here any minute.”
Marlene reaches behind Lily to smack James upside the head. “Shove it, Potter. I’m being serious.” Marlene leans in and drops her voice to a whisper. “We all know what her family is like. Things with the war have only been getting worse. Maybe they’re not letting her come back.”
“I hate to admit it but what if Marlene is right?” Lily asks, her face contorting into the same worried look that’s on Marlene’s. “She didn’t return any of the letters I sent over break, and Remus said he didn’t hear from her either.”
James nudges Sirius’ leg with his foot. “You wrote to her a bunch, Pads. You get anything back?”
Sirius nods lamely. “One or two letters, if you could even call them that. She didn’t say much in either of them. Mainly just bullshit pleasantries.” Sirius runs his hand through his hair and closes his eyes, leaning back into his seat.
He’s known Y/N since he was a little boy, her family is part of the Sacred 28 as well, and their parents have been friends since they were kids. Even though they spent quite a bit of time together growing up, Sirius and Y/N only truly became friends when they both started at Hogwarts. Like him, she was the first in her family to be sorted into Gryffindor and they quickly bonded over being the family disappointment. They started dating just before the beginning of their 5th year, and now halfway through 7th year Sirius is sure that Y/N is going to be the woman he marries.
“She seemed fine on the train ride home at the end of term last year,” Wormtail adds. “Something must have happened during the break.”
Sirius’ eyes snap open as the train starts to move. “I can’t just sit here. I’m gonna go see if I can find her.”
Before anyone can stop him Sirius is out of the compartment, frantically heading down the hall.
“Where the hell were you?” Sirius asks as he engulfs Y/N in a hug. They’ve all just stumbled into the Great Hall worried about their missing friend, only to find her already sitting at the Gryffindor table.
Y/N returns Sirius’ hug lamely before pulling him down beside her. “Sorry, love. I got to the train late so I just sat in the first compartment I could find.”
Sirius watches her for a few moments as his arm winds around her waist. He can tell that she’s lying, but he’s not sure exactly why. Wormtail was right on the train, she’d been acting fine all term, and had been joking around with Sirius and everyone else on the train back to Kings Cross. Something must have happened at home, that’s the only way to explain her distant behavior. Y/N had cut herself off from all of them over the break, and even now as she talks with Lily Sirius can see that her smile isn’t genuine, and there’s no light behind her eyes.
“What’s wrong with you?” Sirius whispers in her ear when Lily turns her attention towards something Remus has said.
“Nothing, Sirius. I’m fine,” Y/N responds, trying to sound genuine. But in reality, she’s dying on the inside.
Spending time at home with her family is mentally and emotionally draining, and after the events that went down over Christmas Y/N just doesn’t feel like herself anymore. But she has to put on a fake smile, for her sake and her friends. They can’t know what really happened over the break, and if she wants to keep them safe she has no choice but to start slowly pulling away from those she loves most, Sirius included.
It’s no secret to anybody, especially her friends, that Y/N’s family are willing to do anything to keep their money and their power. Even though she’s well and truly the black sheep of the family, they expect the same things out of her. There’s a war brewing in the Wizarding World, and up until Christmas break Y/N and her family had been on opposite sides of it. But Y/N would do anything to protect the people she loves, and so on Christmas Eve Y/N stood in the middle of her family’s living room and took the Dark Mark.
The Mark burns with pain every time she thinks about it, but Y/N knows she deserves it. Whether she truly believes in Voldemort’s mission or not, she’s now one of his slaves. She’d done it to protect her younger brother, who was supposed to be the one taking the Mark. But he’s barely 15, and Y/N couldn’t stand there and watch her parents ruin his life. She also did it to protect Lily, her sweet Muggleborn best friend who was already on Voldemort’s radar as a target. And she did it to protect Sirius, who had already been cast from his home and no longer afforded the same protections from Voldemort’s torture as the rest of the Black family.
If taking the Dark Mark is what it takes to save her friends’ lives, then she’d do it over and over again.
“If you’re sure,” Sirius murmurs, before pulling Y/N into a deep kiss. She’s his whole entire world, and he’s willing to wait for her to be ready to open up to him. “I love you. You know that, right?”
Y/N nods and lets her hands tangle in his hair for a brief moment. “Of course, Sirius. I love you too. More than you’ll ever know.”
It starts off slowly. Y/N knows the only way to truly keep all of her friends safe is to keep her distance. But just immediately cutting them off would be too obvious. So she starts by heading to breakfast early, so by the time all of her friends are awake and heading to the Great Hall, she’s already on her way to the first lesson of the day. The first few times Sirius questions her, since normally Y/N likes to sleep in until the last possible second. But she brushed his concerns away, simply stating that she never gets to sleep in at home, and she’s gotten used to rising early. Everyone seems a little confused, but they accept her explanation anyway.
Next she moves her seat in all of her classes, so she’s no longer sitting by her friends. They don’t all have every class together, so it takes them all a while to figure it out. Lily confronts Y/N about it during lunch after Potions, when she’d completely ignored Lily and sat next to Severus of all people. Again, Y/N had tried to brush off their concerns casually. Her parents had gotten on her about her grades during break and sitting with her friends would only distract her.
Then she stops hanging out in the common room. Whenever there’s downtime everyone is usually piled up in front of the fire, messing around or playing games. But Y/N is always absent. She either hides away in her dorm room with a book or is in a dark corner of the library doing schoolwork. The first half dozen times it happens one of her friends always seeks her out, usually Sirius or Lily, and they try and coax her back to the common room. But she always denies their offer, either blaming it on her large amount of schoolwork to prep for NEWTS or feigning some kind of illness. Eventually they stop trying, no matter how much it pains them to do so.
The final straw is when Y/N stops sitting with her friends at all. They come down for dinner one night and find that she’s not sitting at their usual spot at the Gryffindor table. Instead she’s at the far end of the table, sandwiched between a group of first years and a group of fourth years. No matter how hard they try no one can get her to come sit with them, even Sirius’ best puppy dog eyes, which can make even Lily melt.
“So, what are we going to do about her?” Remus asks one night over dinner. Y/N has just left the Great Hall, walking by them without even sparring any one a glance.
“She’s being a proper bitch, I don’t know why we need to do anything. She doesn’t want us to be friends with her anymore? Fuck her then,” Marlene sneers, clearly using anger to cover up the hurt she’s feeling.
Lily throws her arm around Marlene’s shoulder, pulling her in tightly. “It’s okay, Mar. I miss her too.” She turns to Sirius then. “Got any ideas?”
Sirius shrugs. “She doesn’t even look at me anymore. Not sitting with us in class or choosing not to hang out with us is one thing, but the silent treatment? It’s killing me. Something must have happened during break and she won’t talk about it.”
“Have you talked to your brother lately?” James asks suddenly.
“Regulus? No, why?” Sirius asks, his tone lit with confusion.
“I wasn’t going to say anything, but I’ve seen him and Y/N talking in the halls a few times while doing Head Boy stuff after curfew. Snivellous was there once or twice too. Seemed like they were talking about something serious, and once they’d spot me they’d all run off.”
Sirius frowns. “So she can talk to that greaseball and my brother but not talk to me?”
Remus sighs. “I think this is far worse than any of us have imagined.” When everyone turns to look at him he continues. “We know Snape has a pension for Dark Arts, and it’s likely that Sirius’ family has aligned themselves with You-Know-Who, right? Well who’s family is close friends with the most ancient and noble house of Black?” He lets the question hang in the air for a moment, but no one has to answer, they all know who it is. “Sirius, you suspected that your parents had made Regulus take the Dark Mark over the summer, after you ran away. What do you think are the odds that Y/N’s family have forced her to take it as well?”
Lily gasps and covers her mouth with her hand. “That makes sense. As much as I hate to admit it, it makes sense. I mean of all the people to sit next to in Potions she sat next to Snape. That never made sense to me, she knows how vile he is, the vile things he’s said about me. But I’d bet all the money in the world that Snape has taken the Mark as well and that’s why she’s talking to him and Regulus.”
“Alright, that’s it,” Sirius says, standing up. “I can’t just sit here and theorize about what might be happening. I’m going to go find Y/N and make her talk to me. Whether she’s taken the Dark Mark or not, something is wrong, and I can’t just watch her suffer.”
When the door to the dorm creeps open, Y/N figures it’s Alice or Mary coming to grab something quickly. Lily and Marlene stopped checking up on her ages ago. So she’s surprised when Sirius walks into their dorm. He looks like a mixture of concerned and angry, and it makes Y/N’s chest aches.
“What?” she asks coldly, turning her attention back to her book.
Sirius doesn’t say anything at first, choosing to watch Y/N as he comes over and sits on the edge of her bed. “We need to talk.”
“Didn’t you get the hint? I don’t want to talk to you.” Y/N hates having to be like this with Sirius. He’s always been the person she trusted most in this world, but now she has to let him go. As painful as it is for the both of them.
Sirius crosses his arms over his chest. “I don’t care about what you want. You’re in pain, Y/N. And you can’t lie your way out of it. I know you too well. I can see it in your eyes. Please just stop pushing me away so I can help you.”
Y/N slams her book shut and puts it down on the bed. “It’s too late for you to help me, okay? So just give it a rest. It’s in everyone’s best interest to just stop thinking about me and stop caring about me, okay?”
Sirius watches Y/N storm towards the door and he reaches out, grabbing her forearm. She immediately winces and tears her arm from his grasp. Sirius’ eyes widen and fear washes over him. “You have it, don’t you?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Y/N responds lamely, looking down at her hands.
Sirius clears his throat. “The Dark Mark. It’s on your forearm, isn’t it?”
Y/N shakes her head and pushes past Sirius and heads back towards your bed. “You’re out of your mind, Sirius. Now just leave me alone please.”
“Not until you show me your arm, Y/N,” Sirius demands firmly. He already knows what he’ll see when she finally rolls her sleeve up, but he needs to see it. He needs to know that this is really happening.
Y/N sniffles as she turns to face Sirius. At some point she’d started crying, but she’s not entirely sure when. She rips the sleeve of her shirt up to her elbow and holds her arm out so Sirius can see the Mark on her skin. “There! Are you happy? I’m a dirty, rotten death eater. Is that enough to finally get you to leave me the fuck alone?”
“Baby,” Sirius coos, taking a step towards her. “How did this happen, please, Y/N. I love you. This doesn’t make any sense. Talk to me, please.” Sirius isn’t even sure if what he’s saying is making sense, but his mind is going too fast to string a coherent thought together. This was never supposed to happen to them. Sirius ran away from his family to avoid this fate, he let himself be disowned so he and Y/N would have a chance at a long, happy life together. And the sight of that Mark on her arm has suddenly ripped those dreams right from under him.
Y/N collapses onto her bed, holding her head in her hands. “I didn’t want it to happen. You have to believe me, Sirius. I’ve hated myself every single day since I took this fucking thing.”
Sirius sits down next to Y/N and wraps his arms around her, bringing her to his chest. “I know, baby. I know,” he soothes, starting to stroke her hair. “Let me in, please. I can’t see you hurting like this anymore.”
“They were gonna make him do it. Michael,” Y/N starts. “He’s barely even 15, I couldn’t let him. He looked so scared when they told him, like he was going to cry. I had to protect him Sirius, I couldn’t let them ruin him. So, I told them I would do it.”
Sirius leans down and presses a kiss to the top of her head. “Then why not just say that to us? Y/N we all care about you. We love you. You can tell us anything. We’d never be mad. I’d never be mad.”
“Because, Sirius. This isn’t just some game or joke. I’m his slave now, I’m at his every beck and call. Being around me is dangerous, especially for you and Lily. He has information on muggleborns, Sirius. Like files and files about people. He knows pretty much everything you can about Lily. Being friends with her gives him a direct connection to her and I can’t let that happen. And you. God it would kill me if you got hurt because of me. I love you, Sirius. More than I love anything in this world.”
Sirius grabs Y/N’s face in his hands and tilts her head up so he can kiss her slowly and passionately, trying to convey every feeling he has for her through this one kiss. “Runaway with me,” he whispers when their kiss breaks.
“What?” Y/N asks, blinking up at him.
“Let’s go to Dumbledore. If anyone can help you out of this mess it’s him. He’ll be able to hide us away somewhere, until it’s safe.” Sirius hugs Y/N tightly. “I love you, Y/N. There’s no one else in the world who will ever make me feel like this. You’re the person I’m supposed to marry and have kids with. Grow old with. You’ve already saved me, now let me save you.”
Y/N kisses Sirius. “I love you too. There’s no me without you.”
Y/N lets Sirius drag her from her dorm and to Dumbledore’s office. There’s no guarantee that he’ll say yes, or that hiding will work. But with Sirius by her side, Y/N knows that everything will work out in the end.    
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Princess Part 11
Harry Potter Marauders Era 
Link to Part 10
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: M- smut
Regulus sat watching Emma’s feeble attempt at seducing him with an amused smile on his face. This had to be one of the most laughable moments that he had in some time. When Emma batted her eyes at him for the fiftieth time, Regulus knew that he had to put a stop to the charade before he started laughing and missed a chance at being an ass.
“Do you have something in your eye?”
Emma’s smile fell as an annoyed expression went over her face. She expected Regulus to take the bait. Why wouldn’t he? Emma was, after all, a pureblood girl from a good family. She hadn’t betrayed him. Why wouldn't he be interested in her? Maybe she should have just taken her top off as she had originally planned or kissed Regulus? Guys seemed to have a hard time saying no to her when her clothes were off or her lips were on theirs. Regulus would probably be no different.
“Are you serious, Regulus?”
Regulus raised an eyebrow with a smirk. He had the perfect response to annoy the slut a little further.
“No, that’s my brother. I figured that you would know who you are trying to very poorly seduce. Just a heads up...Remus Lupin will probably have something to say about you trying to steal his boyfriend.”
It took all that Regulus had to keep his calm cool composure when Emma’s mouth dropped.
“I do not want Sirius! I want you!”
Regulus picked his book back up and went back to the place that he had stopped reading.
“Well, go make me a sandwich or something.”
Emma stomped her foot before crossing the room and taking the book away from Regulus. He gave her an annoyed scowl before crossing his arms over his chest.
“I want you to pay attention to me.”
“People in hell want ice water.”
Regulus calmly replied as Emma became angrier.
“I don’t get it! Why would you not want me? I’m beautiful….perfect….”
Regulus held a hand up.
“I’m going to stop you right there. First off, you aren’t perfect. You’re a selfish snooty bitch who was never told no enough. Second, Evan isn’t even cold in his grave and you are throwing yourself at me knowing that I am engaged to your best friend. I think that you need to go look up the definition of a best friend. You should also know that I am very hard to please and nothing about you does anything for me. Now, the door is over there. Go see yourself out.”
Emma furiously picked her coat up before storming to the door. Regulus didn’t bother looking at her as he gave her a sassy little wave.
“You’ll regret this!”
Emma snapped before slamming the door behind her. Regulus chuckled. Was he supposed to be afraid of her or something? Not a chance...
“Foolish girl. You know nothing of my power.”
You sat at your desk looking over some files that Mr. Crouch asked you to catalog. The door opening and closing didn’t pull you away from your work. You were used to people always coming and going so someone coming in was nothing new. It wasn’t until you heard Emma’s voice did you look up.
“Hello, Y/n.”
“Hello, Emma.”
You replied as she sat down in a chair across from your desk. It had been months since you had spoken a word to your “best friend.” You had begun to question just what Emma actually was to you. Out of all of your friends, it was only Melissa that seemed to not fall off the planet when the relationship with Regulus failed. Melissa didn’t care less what was going on with Regulus. She took the time to explain...
“I care about you. I want to see you happy. Clearly, you aren’t happy without him but by the words that he said to you...he may not be good for you. If you decide to patch things up, however, I will still be here for you.”
Emma never took two seconds to ask if you were okay or to check-in. You weren’t even invited to her wedding to your own damned cousin. Emma’s intentions were very clear. She was only your friend to make herself look better.
“So, the rumors are true. You are working for Barty’s father. Aren’t you embarrassed to work for a man that would lock up his own son?”
Leaning back in your chair, you fought back the urge to tell her to go fuck herself.
“The evidence against him was too damning. Just like if your husband was alive there would be enough to lock him up to.”
Emma’s smile turned even icier.
“I guess the same could be said about your fiance. I heard that Regulus charmed you again. It seems that he doesn't really care about his reputation anymore. Dating a blood traitor doesn’t seem like a very wise thing to do. What’s going on with the Black family?”
You swallowed back the burning rage that was beginning to build.
“If you’ve come to insult me it isn’t working. It's funny how you used to love to be in my presence now you are acting like you are better than me. I hate to break it to you, Emma, there is nothing better about you. Lucky for me, I got to see a lot better views on the world than what was shoved down your throat. It's probably best that you leave.”
Emma stood up.
“Regulus will tire of you eventually. He wants the spoiled princess that he fell in love with. This whole Y/n the social justice warrior...it won’t do you any good. He’ll want a girl like me and I think you know that. He and I would make a good couple.”
The taunt shook you to your core. It was the worry that you had in the back of your mind. What if Regulus decided to go back to the old ways? What if he decided that your new-found personal growth was going in the opposite direction of what he was going in? Would you be able to stand back and watch him leave you for someone like Emma?
“In your dreams. Hell would freeze over before Regulus became interested in you.”
You replied as Emma smiled coyly.
“You aren’t good enough for him anymore and I think deep down you know it too.”
Emma didn’t wait for you to reply before walking out without another word.
Emma’s words plagued your thoughts for the rest of the afternoon. Did she really think that you weren't good enough for Regulus? If so, the better question was why did you care? Maybe it was the fact that you had grown up thinking Emma was your best friend? Best friends didn’t do each other that way.
It seemed like all of your best friends were falling apart. Evan was dead. Barty Crouch Jr was in prison. Severus Snape had gone to teach at Hogwarts and wouldn't answer any owls from his friends. Literally, the only people that you spoke to was Regulus and Melissa (when she was in town).
It all isn’t bad. Your friends now are much nicer.
That particular thought made you smile. A truer statement couldn’t have been said. Maybe there was some good that came out of the brief break up with Regulus. You had grown closer to Sirius which led to your now close friendship with Remus, James, and Lily.
You had considered calling Lily several times that afternoon and talking to her about what happened. She would probably have some excellent motherly advice to offer or she would sympathize with you. Lily always knew what to say when you needed help the most. Maybe this is what having “healthy” friends felt like.
Regulus looked up when you stepped into that afternoon. It didn’t take him knowing everything about you to know that something was bugging you.
“What’s wrong, love?”
You sat your bag down with a sigh.
“Enma is a bitch. I can't believe that I ever liked her.”
Regulus frowned a bit as he stood up to follow you into the kitchen.
“So was it tequila day down at Crouch's office?”
You poured a glass of water before turning to face your fiance. Did you tell him how you were feeling? It would go one of two ways. Regulus would get annoyed with you for even thinking that he would want someone like Emma or he would brush it off with a sarcastic comment.
“Emma came to see me today. It was the first time that I have spoken to her in 2 months. She took the time out of her busy schedule of eating bonbons and living off of my cousin’s money to come to tell me what a blood traitor that I am. She also seems to fancy you.”
Regulus rolled his eyes and limped over to you.
“I would rather die a virgin...if I was one. You have my v-card so it isn’t like she would be getting anything.”
“Very funny.”
You replied with a huff.
“I better go ahead and tell you so this doesn’t come back and bite me in the ass later. She came by here earlier. I assumed it was to get the stuff of Evan’s that I had. She tried, very poorly might I add, to seduce me.”
You interrupted. Regulus quickly reached out and pulled you to him. His mouth was on yours silencing any chances of you throwing a fit. Putting a hand on the side of your face, Regulus didn’t move away from you. He wanted to preserve whatever kind of closeness that he could get.
“Nothing happened. I made a bunch of sassy snarky comments until she left. She made me want to vomit...my stomach still hurts.”
“What did she do?”
“Y/n...it doesn’t…”
You cut him off.
“Yes, it does! You’re my fiance, not hers.”
You pulled away and walked to the other side of the room. Picking up a dish, you started furiously washing the delicate china until the plate broke in half.
“Damn it.”
You as Regulus came over to join you. He took the two broken pieces of the plate and laid them on the counter. He wrapped his arms around you from behind and snuggled his face into the back of your neck.
“You should stop trying to clean things so we don’t run out of china. You’re right. I am your fiance...all yours. Princess, I don’t be mad. Why would I want Evan’s sloppy seconds? That’s gross.”
“That’s fair.”
You replied.
“I mean it, Y/n. I want nothing to do with her. I think it's best that we distance ourselves from our old friends. We have other things to worry about now and soon Voldemort is going to figure out what I did with the locket. Maybe lying low won’t be such a bad idea.”
You lay your head back against Regulus’ shoulder.
“What do you suggest we do?”
You asked. If the two of you were going to “lay low” you knew this meant taking an extended leave from work. Mr. Crouch would probably understand once you let him know fully what was going on. He was already aware that you were back with Regulus.
“As much as I don’t want to do this, maybe staying with Sirius for some time wouldn't be a horrible idea. It will be difficult. I’ve lived with my brother before and...god he’s annoying but he wants to help.”
“Sirius isn’t that bad anymore. He’s actually kind of funny.”
You replied, hoping to ease the tension that you felt in Regulus’ body. Regulus would never admit it to you but he really didn’t mind the idea of being near his brother. Sirius had saved him after all. If Sirius didn’t care, he never would have made sure that Regulus was put back together.
“Yeah, I suppose that he is. I’ll talk to Sirius about everything later. What about us?”
You turned in Regulus’ arms with a confused expression.
“What about us?”
Regulus gently lifted you onto the counter.
“I don’t want you mad at me.”
You reached out and pulled Regulus to you by his shirt. Running your fingers through his hair, you pulled him into a soft kiss.
“I’m not mad at you. I only wish that I could have seen you sass her.”
Regulus smiled against your mouth.
“I told her to shut up and make me a sandwich.”
You were both laughing over that one. That little comment probably got under Emma’s skin more than anything.
“I’m sure she loved that.”
Regulus nodded.
“She was thrilled. I’m sure she doesn’t want me now. She probably thinks that I just order you around like a servant. What can I do to make your day better, love?”
You immediately smiled.
“I want to be fucked now...if you’re up to it.”
Regulus bit his bottom lips before smiling up at you.
“I was asking for it this morning.”
Sliding off of the counter, you wrapped your hand around Regulus’ and tugged him into the bedroom. Regulus didn’t bother to kick the door closed behind him as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. Enjoying the closeness was as nice as having him inside of you. In your time apart, you had grown to treasure the small things in your relationship. It wasn’t all about sex anymore. It was about the simple things before sex...the way that Regulus held you, your face pressed in his neck, hearing the sound of his heart beating as your skin finally touched again.
“I can’t believe that it's been two months since I’ve touched you.”
Regulus commented as he tugged your dress over your head.
“Never again.”
He added. You only nodded. There was a lot more that you could say but you had a feeling that Regulus knew it. You could see it in his eyes.
“This means everything...you and I…”
You finally commented before beginning to unbutton his shirt. Regulus reached up to cup your face in his hands. He didn’t want you to look away from him.
“It does...you’re mine.”
The next kiss was soft and sultry for a moment before turning hungry and desperate.
“Love me like you do.”
You whispered against his lips. Regulus reached out and gently pushed you onto the bed.
“As you wish.”
You quickly wiggled your way out of the remaining bits of clothing that was still on your body. Laying back in the soft sheets, you watched with a pleased smile as Regulus undressed. The scars and bruises from that night in the cave were slowly disappearing from his body leaving Regulus’ body as you had known it.
Regulus moved to get on top of you but stopped when you sat up.
“No, lay down.”
You instructed. Regulus didn’t argue as you carefully placed a leg on either side of his body. You took extra care to not put too much weight on him. Even though Regulus said he was fine, you still wondered if he was just trying to act tough so you wouldn’t fuss over him?
“I’m fine, sweetheart. Hurry...I don’t want to wait. Two months has been long enough. I want to claim what is mine.”
Regulus sat up enough to yank your body down onto his. His mouth was back on yours before reaching between your bodies to slowly push in. Your head fell back with each inch that was pushed inside of you.
You sighed his name as his mouth latched onto your neck. He could mark you up for all that you cared.
“I could listen to you say my name for hours.”
Regulus groaned, trying to keep his mind on the slow steady pace that he was trying to keep. He wanted nothing more than to pin you down to the mattress and make rough love but today didn’t seem the time. You needed the soft romantic side of lovemaking (even if the slowness drove him crazy at points.) You were worth every moment of this. Besides, Regulus knew that he could win you back over to the rougher side of things as soon as his own body would permit it.
You closed your eyes, trying to hold onto whatever grip on reality that you had. When you could get the strength to open your eyes, you were relieved to see Regulus’ eyes were closed and an expression of sheer ecstasy was on his face. It was taking all that Regulus had to hold on. The way you gently ground your hips to match his slow, deep, penetrating thrusts was enough to make someone who hadn't been touched in two months want to fall apart.
“Close, Reggie.”
You managed to choke out as he nodded eagerly.
“Me too.”
The cascade of an orgasm was enough to make you want to sob in his arms.
“That’s it. Princess...that’s it.”
Regulus muttered like a prayer as he focused his thrusts at pushing you through each wave of what had to be one of the best orgasms of your life.
“Come, beautiful boy.”
You cooed, focusing your attention on pushing him over the edge. Pressing your lips back down to his, you poured whatever passion that you could give into the kiss. Regulus shuddered against your still convulsing body before finishing inside of you.
Neither of you could move for a few quiet moments. You were still gently kissing Regulus hoping to tease whatever you could out of him.
“I think we still have it.”
Regulus commented when you finally pulled away to snuggled back against his face. You didn’t argue when he pulled you back down against him.
“Like we ever lost it…”
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siriusmuch · 4 years
Friday I’m In Love | Chapter Six
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series masterlist here
word count: 3k!!!
warnings: this chapter could potentially be triggering, it hints towards abuse. there’s nothing described or anything of the sort, but please be safe!
taglist: @interestingthingsthings@siriuslysirius1107@scaredofvscogirls @lizlil @themihala@mainstreambitchlife @phenylethyllamine @jellyfishbeansontoast @accio-rogers @blackpinkdolan @nickangel13 @witchywrter @tomshollandz​ please message me or send an ask if you’d like to be added to the taglist! if you didn’t receive a notification, it’s because i can’t tag you.
a/n: sorry about being gone for a whole month without posting a new chapter! anyway, you’re in a huge ride in this chapter. hopefully i can get chapters out at least once a week after this! :)
Things changed after the conversation. Slowly, your new normal included hanging out with the Marauders, much to the dislike of most Slytherins in your house. Regulus didn’t comment on it, although you knew he was hurt. After all, he had supported you all along, and you were practically running back to his brother.
You wanted to reassure him that its wasn’t like that, because it really wasn’t. No matter how much you loved Sirius, you were doing your damn best to get over him, and for good this time. You had more friends, and better ones. You spent your meals with Regulus, usually splitting seating in classes between him and Severus. After classes, you did your studying with Remus before hanging out with Regulus or the Marauders. 
You had wanted this for so long, and you plunged into it without any self-control.
The rest of November passed quickly, and as December slowly went by, you got increasingly nervous about heading home. Your parents hadn’t sent out any howlers, which you appreciated, but you knew they were watching. And you knew that you’d have hell to face when you got home.
Even with that thought hung above your head, nothing could bring your mood down. For the first time, it felt like you could truly appreciate Hogwarts like every other student.
“Are you guys heading home for Christmas?” You brought up, sitting in the Gryffindor common room. You knew the other Gryffindors were giving you weird looks, but no Gryffindor would mess with you while the Marauders were around.
“I’m heading to James’,” Sirius told you, and you nodded.
“I think my parents want to travel before things get any worse in the wizarding world,” Peter shared, and you smiled.
“I’m heading home, but I’ll probably be around James’ a bunch. What are you planning to do?” Remus asked. You shrugged, feeling the sinking feeling that you felt whenever your mind drifted to your family. You wished you had an escape, but you didn’t. Not like Sirius did, at least. It was going to be your first ever Christmas without your sister, and the thought of that was something you hadn’t truly processed yet.
“I’ll probably see Regulus a lot. My parents told me they’re hosting another party, so I might end up seeing Mulciber, maybe Severus and Malfoy too. A lot of the Black family, really. My parents adore them,” you sighed, “but I’ll have Regulus around, so it won’t be terrible. Merlin knows he’s the only Black I tolerate,” you joked.
“Very funny, (Y/L/N),” Sirius deadpanned.
“You’re going to be alright though, yeah?” Peter asked, and you shrugged.
“I hope so…” you trailed off, not wanting to share just how bad your family was. You were strong, and you could handle another Christmas with them. And then it’ll be back to Hogwarts, where you’d be safe.
You arrived at King’s Cross quicker than you would’ve liked, but a train ride spent with Regulus was a time well spent. You could practically feel his mood shifting as he prepared himself to see his family. Both of you started slipping into your personas of being the perfect child, and before you got off the train, you gave him a tight hug.
“I’ll see you soon, I hope. Write to me often, Reg, you know your letters get me through this.” He smiled at you one final time, and you kissed him on the cheek before getting off the train to face your parents. They had written you to tell you that they’d meet you at the station, and you were hoping they wouldn’t. Any moment spent away from them was a blessing.
Once you exited the train, it was easy to find your parents. They were talking with the Blacks, and you could see the Marauders from a distance away. You were able to meet eyes with Sirius, and you gave him the tiniest of waves before turning to face your parents.
“Mother, father,” you greeted simply. They turned to meet your eyes, and your mother opened her arms for a hug. You didn’t have any choice but to pretend — that was all this was. A game of pretend, a game of dolls, a game of house and the perfect pureblooded family. 
“It’s good to see you again, my sweet,” your mother said, but you could hear the coldness of her voice. Walburga and Orion looked at you with fake pitiful smiles, and you knew. You knew that whatever you’d face with this break would be terrible.
Letting you go, you took a few steps back before turning to the Blacks. “Hello.” Out of the corner of your eye, you could spot the Marauders looking over at you, and a lurch in your chest told you that you’d rather be with them. From behind you, Regulus finally joined you — you wondered where he went, although you wouldn’t ask till later.
“Hello, Miss (Y/L/N) and Mister (Y/L/N), and hi, (Y/N).” You smiled at him, relieved to be around someone you could tolerate, but also worried. Although your parents had a strong friendship with the Blacks, you wondered what would be so important that they’d be waiting for the both of you together.
“(Y/N), Walburga, Orion, and Regulus are going to be staying with us. We’ll be hosting the party the day after tomorrow, and there will be important news announced. You are to be on your best behavior, understand?” You nodded. “Good,” your mother brushed her thumb against your cheek, and you willed yourself not to flinch. Taking a look at Regulus, he shrugged, and you inwardly sighed. Whatever your parents had prepared, it wouldn’t be good.
“What do you think they’re planning?” You wondered, laying in Regulus’ lap. It was the day of the party, and the house had been chaotic for the past few days, everyone frantic to throw the perfect party to welcome the beloved heirs home. On the bright side, with the Black family here, your parents hadn’t tried talking to you about how you were acting up in school.
“No clue, but I think it involved both of us. Why else would we be staying?” You looked up at him, his eyes peering down at you. “And as comfortable as we both are, we need to get ready soon.”
“Right he is!” Your mother chimed as she opened the door. She looked pleased as she took in the position that you and Regulus were in, but turned to face Regulus. “You should get going, sweetheart, your mother is waiting for you in your room.”
You wished Regulus didn’t have to leave so that you didn’t have to be with your mother alone, but you didn’t protest. Watching as he left the room and closed the door, you turned to face your mother, who was rummaging through your (rather big) closet. “As you know, I’ve been preparing for this party for a while, and we’re so very lucky to have the Blacks on board. I thought things would’ve been complicated after Sirius turned out the way he did…” Your mother pulled out a dress before making a look of disgust, continuing to flick through the clothes.
“But we’re happy that things have worked out. You get along well with Regulus, right?” You nodded, brushing through your hair. Your mother felt the littlest bit motherly, and you indulged yourself in it, at least until it would get worse. “Good, good. I was worried that things wouldn’t work out after your little act at school, even though I know you’re still hanging around Gryffindors. At least two of them are pureblooded, even if they’re blood traitors.” You rolled your eyes. So much for that.
“Besides the point. We’re expecting a lot of you when you return to school. I know what we did over the summer had scared you, but it’s showing you reality. You’re one of us, now, my sweet. Anything you do now reflects on that, and I just don’t want you to get into trouble. Your father wishes the same, even if he never shares that.” Finally, your mother pulled out a green ballgown, one that was strapless and had a slit to show off your leg. There weren’t any sleeves, and you knew you couldn’t get away with wearing something over your arm either.
The Dark Mark sits on your arm, a painful reminder of just how deep you succumbed.
“I know it was early for you to get the mark, but we had to prove your worth. You’re already part of the sacred twenty-nine, and with Sirius turning out to be the way he is, we had to do something. There’s no doubt that Regulus will have to too.” Once you got changed, your mother pulled you to your vanity so she could do your hair. “I would’ve preferred you get the Dark Mark in your last year. But what’s done is done, and we can’t dwell on that.”
Every minute you spent with your mother felt like it’d never end, but by the end of her dolling you up, you looked like how you did for every other party. Except this time, your mother pulled out a thin long box, and you raised your eyebrows.
“This is my necklace. It’s been passed down for generations, but you’re growing up now. I want you to have it. It’ll show that you’re truly a (Y/L/N) now.” You nodded, and your mother clipped it on, making sure to not get your hair in the way. “I love you, my sweet. You’ve never looked as beautiful and mature as you do now.” Your heart clenched a tiny bit, and you willed yourself not to cry. There was something about this moment that felt different than the other ones you shared with your parents, and no matter how much you hated them for what they’d put you through, you felt as if they loved you. 
“Thank you,” you said, “The party is starting soon, right? You should head downstairs, I’ll be down in a bit.”
Your mother gave you a kiss on your forehead, and you watched as she left. She felt so much like a mother, and you wished it was like this all the time. Even if she got on your nerves by sprouting some stuff about the Gryffindors, you knew that you’d pick this over the regular relationship you had with your parents any day. You wished your sister was here to see you now.
The mark on your arm throbbed again, and you sighed. It was time to go to the party.
The ballroom was filled with people, most of which you recognized were avid Voldemort supporters or pureblooded. Looking around for Regulus, you noted that you could see Mulciber chatting someone up. Someone was playing piano, and all the tables were filled with food. This had to be the grandest party yet.
Finally spotting Regulus, you hurried over to him. “Reg! You look good,” you smiled. It was true; he looked more dressed up than he normally would be. You noted that his bowtie was the same shade of green you were wearing. Seeing a small blush on his face, you chuckled.
“You look nice, too. Green’s a pretty color on you, but I’m sure you already know that.” You laughed, opening your mouth to speak before effectively getting cut off by your father’s booming voice.
“Thank you all for joining today, as we have very pleasing news. About a decade ago, the Blacks and us had made an arrangement to marry off our first borns.” You turned to face Regulus in shock only to note that his face was the same. “Unfortunately, the Blacks’ first born turned out to be a blood traitor and as you know, this summer, my firstborn had passed away. Therefore, the Blacks and I have been talking, and we had agreed that Regulus and (Y/N) would be a far better match. Their chemistry is undeniable, and their wedding is going to happen as soon as they turn of age. This is our formal invite to everyone in this room. Congratulations, Regulus, (Y/N).” Your father stopped speaking, but at this point, you didn’t know what to say.
An arranged marriage? With Regulus?
It’s true that you and Regulus were close friends, hell, he was probably your closest friend, but you never considered him romantically. But you’d never considered anyone other than Sirius romantically. You didn’t know if you could even indulge in this; sure, Regulus was nice, but he was almost like your little brother. You weakly smiled at all the stares in the room, but didn’t voice any of the thoughts you shared out loud. Instead, you whispered to him, “I’m happy it’s with you out of anyone it could’ve been with. Meet me at my room after the party?” 
Regulus agreed, and your only question was how you could possibly deal with this after the party. Would you have to wear engagement rings? There’s no doubt that you couldn’t date anyone anymore, not in public anyway. It’d get back to your parents, and you couldn’t risk that. 
And for the first time since meeting the Marauders, you truly realized that you were stuck with nowhere to go.
“I’m sorry this ended up happening,” Regulus whispered. The two of you were sitting in your bedroom, still wearing your party outfits, and you were still reeling from the revelation.
“A decade, Reg. And I bet even if things had worked out differently, we would’ve ended up married anyway. Sirius and my sister, and then you and I. Talk about a union,” you scoffed, leaning into your bed. “What are we going to do at school? Are we going to be… a couple? Actually date?”
“I don’t think we really have a choice other than do that, do we?”
“Ugh…” You stuffed your face into a pillow for a good minute before peeking your head out at Regulus, “This would be so much easier if I was bloody in love with you,” you sighed.
“We could. Actually d-date, I mean. It’d probably be more enjoyable for the both of us than to just pretend.” Regulus nervously spluttered out. You stared at him, thoughts rapidly shifting from one to the next. Could Regulus actually have feelings for you? Your eyebrows furrowed as you tried to comprehend this thought. You never considered the possibility that Regulus might have a crush on you, but you never considered a possibility of dating anyone other than Sirius either. And now that Sirius had made it clear he wanted to be friends and nothing more…
Could you imagine spending the rest of your life with Regulus? Waking up to his face, kissing him good morning, joking about his terrible morning breath before he has to leave? Could you imagine pretending that a war wasn’t going on out there, surrounding you, and having your newfound friends fighting for your life? Could you imagine being married to Regulus?
But what you actually said was, “You… have a crush on me, right? I never suspected anything until, well, now. But you know I’m still trying to get over Sirius, and if we did date, I do wish that it would’ve happened naturally instead of like. This.” You gestured with your arms, trying to read what he was feeling. He’d always been hard to read, especially when he grew up in a family just like yours, but he was much easier to read than Sirius.
“I am. I never told you because there wouldn’t have been a chance that you’d like me back, but you’re trying to get over Sirius and even though I’m unhappy that my parents planned this out for us, I’d be a fool to put my all into this relationship without making it clear how I felt. We’re in the same boat, and it’s better now than never.”
“Quite Gryffindor of you to say that,” you joked with a wry smile. “I… can’t say I like you back. If I were to be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever considered you to be more than my brother, and I can’t promise you anything else. But we can try and date, and even if it doesn’t work out, we’re still going to be stuck with each other no matter what. There’s nothing stopping that. I can try learn to love you as more, but I can’t promise anything.”
“I know,” Regulus whispered, and he took hold of your hand. “And I’m willing to enter this relationship with just that.” 
You smiled warily, but squeezed his hand. You were afraid to hurt him beyond repair. When Sirius had been sorted into Gryffindor, their relationship had become strained and you were the only person he held close, other than Kreacher. You found their relationship amusing, but never commented upon it. 
Maybe you couldn’t have Sirius, and maybe you were stuck in a marriage you didn’t want with in-laws you despised and you lived under the roof with people you frankly wished you didn’t care about, but at least you could try and make your life as good as it could be.
Soon, you’d be back to school. Soon, you’d have to face Sirius and Remus and tell them of your new marriage. Soon, people will know you as Regulus Black’s soon-to-be wife, and soon, you’d end up in a similar position as your sister. Not that you knew that part, though. 
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hpdabbles · 4 years
Changes in Storms
Severus stares wondering if he somehow hit his head this morning and what he was hearing and seeing was just a hallucination caused by too much blood in his brain.  “I beg your pardon?”
Regulus Black- the newly made Heir to the Ancient and Noble House of Black- huffed.  “I want you to pretend to be my boyfriend. I’ll pay you.”
The younger man, who had just turn seventeen if he remembers correctly, had come knocking on his door at an unholy hour, drenched head to toe from the rain and looking half craze with his long dark wavy hair plastered to his face. For a second Severus thought he was here to kill him.
Come to put an end to the Half-blood that pushed his luck a little too far. 
It would make sense seeing as Severus hadn't yet accepted the Dark Lord’s invitation passed to him by Lucius. He pushed back his official joining of the Death Eaters only because Severus was waiting to see if he would be able to secure a Potion Appriatincehip with his own skills. He didn’t want to be in anyone’s debt. He wanted to be his own man. Who could finally be recognized for his own abilities, instead of the background he came from. 
He wanted to be claw and fight his way to the top, maybe one day open up his own potion shop and while he agreed with the message of the Death Eaters, their methods left much to be desired. He couldn’t focus on bottling fame if he was running around on the front lines.
On the other hand, the war seemed to have taken a turn in favor of the Death Eaters and should they win, Severus would rather be in their good graces. This is why he hadn’t fully rejected the offer of finical support and other benefits that came with siding with them. 
He managed to stay neutral by supplying the Death Eaters with potions, anything from healing to veritaserum, and that was why the Dark Lord himself took notice of him. There really wasn’t any potion Severus could not brew and claiming he would be more useful studying advanced potions to help the cause was the only reason he hadn’t been branded yet. 
It may be a fool’s dream because Severus certainly didn’t have the funds to achieve the more exclusive ingredients which meant all of the potions he summited weren’t going to stand out. In fact, as loath he is to admit it, the half-priced potion ingredients turn his work into mediocre at best.
No Potion Master would waste their time trying to make their mediocre apprentice less mediocre.  
He had a stack of rejected to prove it.
But time was running out. The Death Eaters would not wait forever.  
If a Potion Master didn’t take him on, then Severus would have to fully apply himself to the war and the Death Eaters wouldn’t be above using him as a human shield. He was, after all, only a Half-blood. 
So why on earth was Regulus here asking a mere half-blood, a poor one at that, to be his boyfriend?  
“Look, Severus” Regulus snaps pushing his soggy hair out of his eyes  “I need a yes or no, and I need it tonight.”
“Why?” He can’t help but ask ignoring the teen’s frustrated tone. “Why do you need a pretend boyfriend so badly? And why me?”
Silver eyes, so close to mercury, seemed to stare into his soul. “You’re the only person I could turn to. You’re my only friend.”  
That’s not overly true. Severus has spoken to the younger boy on occasions back when he was still a Hogwarts student, but they never spent too much time together to be considered friends. Though seeing as Regulus was basically ignored by the whole school, teachers included, a few exchange words must have looked like fondness to him.
That...is a little bit sad if Severus thinks about it. Sadness like this could lead to loneliness which could lead to someone being easily manipulated. Someone could easily turn the Black Heir into their personal toy if he is not careful. 
Too bad for Regulus, Severus had never been the one to feel the guilt of using others.  
He opens the door wide, giving the other male an invitation to come inside. The boy scurries by him, closer then what could be considered polite and stoping to look around the pathetic flat Severus has called home for the past two years.
It was the only place he could afford once he graduated Hogwarts, leaving his childhood house unable to spend another minute with his parents. If it meant living in a flat that was tiny enough to be a shoe cabinet then so be it. 
“You said something about pay?” Severus says leading the teen to sit on his bed. His flat only had two rooms, and one of those was the restroom, which meant everything was squished together. The bedroom, the kitchen, and the living room were all the same place.  He hadn’t bothered with couches since they took up unnecessary space, assuming he wouldn’t be getting guests anyway. 
Now watching as Regulus stares at his bedding with a slightly pink face he wished he had. “Regulus? The pay?”
“What? Oh!” The Black snaps out of whatever disgust he must be feeling for sitting one something so beneath him. He pulls out a little box from his inner rooms and taps his wand against it. 
Severus watches the box expand until it’s a fairly large chest. It opens on it own to present shinnying gold. What really stands out is the runes around the inside of the lip, indicating that it was using expansion charms, hiding much more gold then met the eye. His jaw drops. “The pay would be all of that.” 
“Are you out of your mind!? That’s way too much!” He can’t help but exclaim. “That looks like half the Black vault!”
Regulus pulls a face, pulling out three more boxes from his robes. He throws them into the corner where they expanded and spill most of the things they carry. It’s a mess of clothes and random books, almost as if the owner had just grabbed what he could get his hands on before leaving “...It is half the Black vault.”
“What?!” Severus demands. He eyes the teen who hunches his shoulders refusing to met his eyes, then looks between the boxes making his small flat even smaller and it clicks in his head. “You ran away.”
“I can’t stay there anymore!” Regulus blurts, fisting the sheets into his hands. “I can’t! Mother...the Death Eaters Severus, they’re insane and Mother wants me to join them. She wants me to die for them, for the Dark Lord, but I won’t. I won’t! If I do die for them no one will mourn me anyway! I don’t want to die alone!”
“...What does this have to do with me?”  Because he highly doubts he’ll be able to keep Regulus safe form the Death Eaters. How being his pretend boyfriend will even help.
“Father help me get away,” Regulus says looking into Severus' eyes with desperation. Begging him to understand. To agree. “He’s never cared about Sirius or me before but he’s....my father once had a male lover that the family didn’t approve of and they force them apart to make my parents web.”
Severus raised a brow. That shouldn't matter too much, unlike the muggle world, same-sex marriage was common in the wizarding world. If Regulus is attempting to say his preference for males is why his cold father suddenly gave a rat ass about him then it obviously a face lie.
Regulus sighs. “The reason the family didn’t approve of him was due to the man in question being a muggle.”
“I told him I had a half-blood lover that I was running away with. He caught me taking half the money form the vault....and he agreed to help us get out of the country. I think it’s because he wanted to do that with his lover a lifetime ago. He’s going to have an international portkey set up in a week's time so I can hide in the United States of America. I just need you to pretend to be my lover, until then.” Regulus finishes.  
Severus stares again. “But what about me? Your mother won’t hesitate to kill me the moment she finds out I was involved with you, even if it is a lie. The Death Eaters won’t be happy with me either.”
Regulus goes ghostly white  “You aren’t one of them are you?”
“Good.” Suddenly Regulus reaches out and grabs onto Severus' hand, covering it in shaking fingers. It’s hard to say if they shake due to the cold or the fear tucked in Regulus’s eyes. “Come with me.”
“I...I beg you pardon?”
“You can come with me. The States are known for their potions, you could find a job there, any Potion Master would trip over themselves to employ you. You don’t have to die for them either Severus.”  
Severus says nothing. He doesn’t know what to say.
This is all too much at once. 
Regulus tugs the hand he is holding, making the older man stumble onto the bed. The Black pulls until Severus is half kneeling on the bed and half leaning over him, staring up at him with an odd blend of adoration and longing. No one has ever looked at Severus like that. (He would later learn, that Regulus has been looking at him this way since the boy was in the third year. Severus had merely never noticed.)
At that moment he notices how utterly beautiful this boy turned out to be. The Blacks were a gorgeous lot, but Regulus was never as good looking at his brother, often overlook since he sported softer features compared to Sirius rugged good looks.
Regulus was often teased in the Slytherin common room for his fragile appearance. He looked like a good wind would knock him over, especially with self-esteem so low it was blood in the water for the snakes.
Severus wonders why he never gave the boy the proper second look he deserved. He’s attracted to both females and males, surely he would have noticed tiny fragile Regulus blossoming? 
“We should kiss,” Regulus says in a voice barely above a whisper, shaking in a way that almost feels like a touch. Severus gulps.  “To practice. My father will not believe we been sneaking around since my third year if we don’t know how to kiss properly.”
“....You’re absolutely right.” Severus hears himself say before he leans down, pressing his lips against the Black’s. The teenager under him gasps slightly, then he is pressing back, not at all experienced but more than eager to learn. It takes a moment for his mind to catch up with what’s happening and it’s only until Regulus releases a moan that reality comes crashing back. 
Pulling away he ignores the slight whine to ask. “If I agree to this, if I run away with you, what then? We get over there and never come home again?”
Regulus' eyes are slightly daze but he answers clearly.  “We can live together over there until it’s safe. Father will allow us to come back when the war ends. If you want to, I’ll come back for you. I’ll do anything for you.” 
Severus grins. Aw, poor little Regulus, still much too soft to be a proper Slytherin. “Anything?”
Regulus flushes “Anything”
Pressing the male into the bed, Severus makes his choice. “We best practice proper boyfriend techniques then.”
The storm keeps howling outside but for once, Severus doesn’t even notice it in his tiny flat that barely keeps the cold out. He has something far warmer to hold on to for the night. 
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Pure Blood 8 (Sirius Black x F!Oc)
A/N: I’m not crying, you are.
Words: 2,384
Warnings: Tears, and broken hearts
Series’ Masterlist
Chapter 7 // Chapter 9
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Chapter 8: Lost girl
“Persephone? Are you all right? ”Regulus asks“ What does the letter say?”
My hands shake and I drop the letter on the table. I look up and meet Reg.
"I ... I don't ... this ..." everything around me becomes blurred for a few seconds. I don't understand anything, this can't be happening to me, not now.
"You have to be kidding!" My trance is interrupted by a scream. Reg flips in place and I also look in that direction, among the other tables.
Sirius stands up and I can see he has a paper in his hand.
No no no! His face is completely red. James tries to calm him down without success. Both argue and their entire table focuses on them.
My heart is racing, it wants to run away from my chest, my whole body trembles but I'm not sure if it's because of anger, fear, anguish, maybe it's all combined.
Suddenly I feel the look of the older Black, his body seems to relax a little and returns to his normal color, but his hands are still in fists. He makes a movement with his head towards the door and leaves the great dining room. I don't think twice and also get up to leave, but Regulus's hand stops me.
"Persephone, talk to me, please," He pleads. My sight goes from the door to him several times.
“Later, I will tell you everything, I promise,” I don’t let him answer and let go of his grip.
I almost run out of the great dining room and stop in the hall, looking for Sirius. It doesn't take long for him to come to my side and take my wrist. He pulls me and we both run through the halls until we reach an empty hall.
"What the fuck does this mean?" He says raising the letter the moment he closes the door behind him. I think I left mine on the table. "Why did your parents send me this?"
"Your parents also sent me one, I have no idea," I say in a shaky voice. He growls.
"Union? What the fuck? ”Asks out of his mind. I shake my head walking to the back of the room. I hold my hands as if that could help.
“Marriage," I whisper turning towards him. "They want us to get married when we leave Hogwarts"
"That won't happen," He says mockingly.
“Black, they have done it before. Your parents, their marriage was arranged ”
"And look how that worked"
“My parents also did it, we have no alternative,” If it doesn't happen, I would be dead. I am not exaggerating. Sirius brings his hands to his hair to dishevel it.
"Of course there is an alternative, I don’t intend to get married,” He walks from one side to another like a caged animal, "Isn't it enough to control everything else?" He stops. "No, I refuse, after Hogwarts I will be of an adult, I will leave that house. I won’t marry, specially someone like you. My life would be ruined”
I frown at the last thing he said. I shake my head, it's not time for this. Then he finally looks at me and lets out a wry laugh.
“We have no alternative? Of course, it would be better for you to get married, right? ”
"What is that supposed to mean?" I shift awkwardly in my place.
“Oh, come on, Singh. We get married and money will no longer be a problem, your status will remain intact, lineage and all that nonsense. And you take the jackpot,” He says pointing to himself. Anger now replaces any other emotion in my body.
"Do you think I agree with all this?"
"Surely it was your idea" I approach until I reach a few inches from his face.
“Listen to me, Black. I don't care if your selfish brain can't see beyond your butt, but I can assure you I'm not happy with this news. Why would I want to be with someone as narcissistic, self-centered and idiotic as you? Not in a million years will I be your wife and I doubt anyone would want to be.” I clench my teeth with every word.
Sirius looks at me nervous, apparently he didn’t expect that reaction, I don’t his throat and takes a step back, we are still close.
Why Sirius Black? Of all the people in the world, why him?
Get married? I'm only fifteen years old, I hadn't even thought about it. I am not ready and I will not be ready when I leave school, I simply cannot and less with the person who has hurt me and I am sure that will do it again. I don’t want an unhappy marriage. I don't want one, do I?
Finally, my eyes tear up and I surround my body with my arms.
"We must do something to avoid it," Sirius says in a whisper.
"What?" I observe, "Everything will get worse if I refuse,” I say without thinking, he looks at me confused.
"What do you mean?" I shake my head.
"Forget it,” He seems to realize something.
“I heard something happened at home during the holidays,” He says… shy?
"It's none of your business" He nods uncomfortably.
"Does it have to do with the discussion you had with Juno?"
I can't believe what I'm hearing.
“What do you care, Black? Since when you have so much interest in me? ”
"I don't care, I'm not interested in your life, don't think you’re so important," Sirius snorts like an idiot.
"Then why do you ask?" Before I could answer, the door opens.
"Can I know what are you doing in a room alone?" I roll my eyes at the boy's voice.
“Great," says Sirius also annoyed. “It’s none of your business, Snivellus”
"I guess the normal reaction to seeing the womanizer of the school with the Slytherin princess in a room alone is to ask what happens... especially if she is crying,” Sirius turns to see me surprised and I touch my cheek, I hadn’t realized that the tears had come out. I clean my face in a hurry.
“Nothing happened, Snape. Forget that you saw us and go on with your life, ”I say, fixing my clothes and raising my chin.
"Oh, but this can benefit me," he says maliciously.
"You won't say anything," Sirius says, grabbing him by the shirt. "If you don't want me to break your teeth."
"Stop it, leave it," To my surprise, Sirius obeys. “If he says something, I don't care, nobody will believe him. It's not important"
"There are rumors, Singh," he replies, adjusting his shirt, angry.
“It's just that, Snape. Rumors.” I say and walk to the door, I hit my shoulder with Severus's and leave the room.
After a few minutes walking, I stop at a pillar, I lean on it and breathe.
It feels like I’ve held my breath all this time, my chest hurts just like my head. I want all this to be a nightmare, I want to wake up.
"What did you tell your friends to get away with it?" I ask Remus as soon as he gets to my side. Luckily the boy is punctual.
"I told them I would go to the library," he says smiling.
"So late?" He shrugs.
"As soon as I said library his brains turned off, it was easy,” I chuckle.
"Well, where are we going?"
Remus just turns and tells me to follow him. I obey and all the way we don’t talk, we’re careful not to be discovered by Filch and his cat until we reached the seventh floor. The boy stops in front of a wall.
“Remus? It has to be something more private ”
"Close your eyes"
“Trust me, Persephone. Close your eyes,” I release a sigh and close them. “Now think about what you need.
"This is absurd," I complain.
"Come on, remember the contract," he insists. "Think about the place you need, imagine what we need to start our classes.”
And I do, I imagine a large room, with shelves and bookcases, armchairs, cushions and a fireplace. Comfort.
"Now open them,” I step back as soon as I see that the smooth wall is replaced by a huge door.
"But- What?" I look at Remus and he smiles.
“Magic," He mocks, opens the door and enters. I laugh and follow him, as I enter I see everything I had imagined and close the door behind me. “Great! It looks like Gryffindor’s common room…”
I bite my lip remembering the time Sirius helped me into his common room in the first year.
“Yes," Is the only thing I can say. After observing everything, we both settled on a carpet in front of the fireplace next to some cushions.
"Well, first, do you have any specific questions?" I frown and look toward the fireplace thinking.
"I know, does being the son of Muggles affect intelligence?" I look at him, now he giggles. "What?"
"Oh, it's for real," he says trying not to laugh again. I feel a stab in my stomach and the shame grows in me.
"It is," I say seriously. And he stops laughing. “All my questions will be serious, Lupin. You don't have to make fun of me.”
Now he is ashamed and blushes.
"You're right, I'm sorry,” He clears his throat. "It has nothing to do with intelligence, Persephone" I nod. "Actually, it has to do with the person, sometimes parents or family members do influence, but it can also happen with people of pure blood"
“Okay…” What else? I thought this would be easier. He notices my conflict.
"Tell me something that bothers your parents, about Muggles.”
“Well, they think they’re inferior, useless, and idiots. We shouldn't get together with them, it's like… as if they had a contagious disease,” He frowns. I sigh, "Once ..." I’m nervous, but he seems calm, "Once, Lily... Lily Evans touched my hand, it was in third year and I went mad,”
I put a hand on my face, what a fool I was.
“Or when she took Ernest Duncan from me and I treated her very badly, I must confess that I convinced him that, being Muggle's daughter, she was going to spread a disease…”
Remus is surprised, but again he smiles.
"She hated Ernest, the boy just wanted to bother James.”
"What? Really?” He laughs nodding and I can't help laughing too. "I'm an idiot. And he didn't kiss well, he was a fool,” Now we laugh harder.
The questions continue, I tell him a little about my family and he answers without hesitation.
Apparently, muggles only see magic as fictional, they have it in books or on... television? Quite strange. We had no order of questions or subject, they were coming out how they occurred to me.
"Can I ask you a question?" He says as I relax leaning on the cushions.
"What happened to you and Sirius at lunch?" I knew he would ask that.
I sigh in defeat.
"I guess it has to do with this," I say as I settle into my place. “…Our parents sent us a letter saying that they already fixed our engagement.”
"Engagement?" He asks insecure.
“Wedding. They want us to get married as soon as we leave Hogwarts,” I feel chills. It’s different when someone else knows.
"It has to be a joke,” His eyes seem bigger.
“That’s what Black said, but no. It is not a joke"
“But how can they do that? They don't even want Sirius, they have no right to control that”
"They have it, he's still a minor and I guess it's the last hope for Sirius to continue with the Black lineage"
"Why do you sound so calm?" Again the lump in the throat.
"I'm not. I already discussed this with him and it was not pretty. I can't do anything, my hands are tied," I say with a broken voice.
"Surely you can do something, you are too young, even in two years, aren’t you supposed to choose who to marry?" I smile.
"Apparently not,” This time I let the tears fall. "You know? I hadn’t thought of that. Getting married. As a girl yes, but just the idea of getting married, everything was nice and exciting,” I let out a sad smile, “but now it terrifies me. I thought that upon leaving school, I would be free, maybe just a year in which I could do what I wanted… I'm afraid of being unhappy and still being a puppet to my father.” I sob.
I feel like Remus approaching, then he surrounds me with his arms and I put my head on his chest and cry.
I cry for the damage that my parents have done to me, of Ares ‘screams, the fight with Jenna, for my friendship with Regulus, for Sirius' words, marriage. I cry like a lost girl.
“I feel trapped, Remus. I feel like I'm about to explode. I’m going to get hurt.”
"I'll help you, Percy," I slowly break apart and look straight into his brown eyes. That nickname was only used by Sirius. "You can change if you ask for help"
"I don't want someone else to get hurt," My lower lip trembles.
"It won’t be easy, but we’ll try" I nod and lean on his chest. He jeeps hugging me in his arms until I calm down.
At that moment Remus Lupin could see the Slytherin princess breaking into a thousand pieces. He knew how the girl felt, or at least he could understand what it’s like to feel afraid and lost. He’d been like this all his life, he didn't want to hurt anyone, but he was afraid to say what really happened to him. Each full moon was a concern that exceeded his mental health.
But everything improved when his three best friends helped, he couldn’t believe he’d learned to tolerate his life. He could never stop being grateful to them.
Therefore, he is now sure that he will help Persephone Singh. Because she doesn't have James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, and lost Sirius Black. That will change, because she’ll have Remus Lupin.
 “I'll help you," He whispered against my hair.
@treestarrrrrrrr @siriuslysirius1107 @thagreenmoonblack @madmaiden2890 @bloodorangemoonlight   @ren-ela @avipshamitra​
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blankdblank · 4 years
Anaticula Pt 53
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In the dingy streets under a layer of early morning fog on what looked to be another rainy day, Bellatrix said, “Cissy! You can't do this! He can't be trusted!”
Narcissa, “The Dark Lord trusts him.”
“The Dark Lord's mistaken.”
A knock at the black door on the building they had been sneaking to opened revealing Peter behind it, Bella pushed past him, “Run along, Wormtail.”
Narcissa, glancing at Bella’s back in her inspecting the things across the mantle in the study, said. “I know I ought not to be here. The Dark Lord himself forbade me to speak of this.” Making it clear just who forced her to come here to do this.
Snape, “If the Dark Lord has forbidden it, you ought not to speak.” Without turning around he stated, “Put it down, Bella. We mustn't touch what isn't ours.” Bella stuck out her tongue at the back of his head putting it down sideways. “As it so happens, I'm aware of your situation, Narcissa.”
Bellatrix eyed Barty in his stroll into the study with a cup of tea he was sipping on as he sat down peering at the group curiously, “You? The Dark Lord told you?”
Snape, “Your sister doubts me. Understandable. Over the years I've played my part well. So well, I've deceived one of the greatest wizards of all time.” Bellatrix scoffed, “Dumbledore is a great wizard. Only a fool would question it.”
Bellatrix, “I don't doubt you, Severus. You should be honored, Cissy. As should Draco.”
Narcissa, “He's just a boy.”
Snape, “I can't change the Dark Lord's mind. But it might be possible for me to help Draco.”
Narcissa, “Severus.”
Bellatrix blurted out, “Swear to it.” Then circled the pair of them, “Make the Unbreakable Vow. It's just empty words. He'll give it his best effort. But when it matters most...he'll just slither back into his hole. Coward.”
Snape rolled his eyes, “Take out your wand.”
Snape and Narcissa’s arms were locked and Bellatrix aimed her wand at them after a pointed gaze at Barty seeing the coat similar to one she’d seen you in before, “Will you Severus Snape watch over Draco Malfoy as he attempts to fulfill the Dark Lord's wishes?”
“I will.”
Bella, “And will you, to the best of your ability protect him from harm?”
“I will.”
Bella, “And if Draco should fail will you yourself carry out the deed the Dark Lord
has ordered Draco to perform?”
“I will.”
Their hold broke and the Bella smirked her way over to Barty, “New jacket?”
Barty shook his head, “Nope.”
Bella, “It does look, familiar is why I ask.”
Barty smirked at her, “Didn’t think my wardrobe was that important to you. Should the Dark Lord be concerned?”
Bella glared at him, “Never. I am his most faithful.”
Barty nodded and stood with a smirk finishing off his tea turning to the door, “We can call it that, sure.”
Her hand reached out which he avoided with a click of his tongue saying, “Don’t damage the coat, it was a gift.”
Bella, “And just where is your lady? Saw you and her getting cozy at the Manor.”
Barty smirked, “I thought you hated your niece.”
She shook her head, “No it isn’t that. Merely a disagreement.”
Barty nodded, “Ah, normally my disagreements don’t trade punches for Cruciatus curses, must be just me.” He said strolling out of the room.
Narrowing her eyes she huffed and then looked to Narcissa, “Must have a date to prep for.”
Snape sighed stating, “We happen to be readying for our trip to Diagon Alley. Jaqi has been hired and will need fresh supplies.”
Bella’s chin tilted in shock, “Hired? As what?”
Snape, “My old position as Potions Professor. I have been shuffled around. So when you share with the Dark Lord you do not trust his judgment you can share that as well. One day after her first task she has achieved it. Will you question her loyalty too?”
Bella’s face fell and she turned to head to the door, “Come on Cissy.” Snape flashed Narcissa a wink making her smirk to herself and follow her sister while Snape made for the kitchen to meet Barty in the kitchen.
Barty, “That was fun. Right on schedule too.”
Snape chuckled, “She might be more terrifying if she wasn’t so predictable.”
Peter entered the kitchen saying in handing over a letter freshly arrived, “This just arrived, from Brazil.”
Snape nodded accepting it to break the seal, “Yes, found world of a rare breed of snake for Jaqi. Been pestering the Muggles, rather easy capture, and it seems it will arrive in a few weeks.” He said with a grin making Barty chuckle.
Barty, “No doubt she will love that.”
He couldn’t help but chuckle and Snape asked, “Any limit on how long you will push this suspicion of hers between you and Jaqi?”
Barty, “I figure, if she’s busy decoding her love life it might keep her from snapping and trying to piss Jaqi off again.”
Peter, “The suspicion in her is already making Riddle doubt Bella.”
Snape nodded, “No doubt when she passes on word of Jaqi’s new position the doubts will only grow.”
Peter, “All I have noticed is if Bella keeps pressing to learn what Jaqi is being used for, she won’t be alive much longer.”
Breakfast brought on a slew of letters, with it came worried letters from Viktor and Sebastian, both of whom had been concerned that Igor Karkaroff had gone missing. Furrowing your brows you hadn’t heard anything about any plans to capture or kill him leaving it all the more mysterious to you.
Though by the weekend the story had broken into the papers of it being blamed on all the other captures along with more and more Dementors had been broken out too around the image of the shack Igor was found in. The title story however was about the destroyed remnants of Ollivanders and Fortescue’s and with it came use of your fourth floor. More and more first years and others in need of wand had begun to trickle into your shop just down the street to ask if you had known anything about it. Each and every one of them were puzzled to be sent up to your fourth floor where they were relieved to have the men and their shops safe for hopefully generations to come.
Asleep across the couch in the Grimmauld sitting room your eyes shot open bright silver making Regulus nearly drop his book after having spent the day helping both Tonks and Remus prep for their first dinner together when a night patrol together left the sparks they had been ignoring far beyond ignorable. 
Straight through your door to the Hollow you sent glowing orbs with the Twins helping to ensure the home was empty while the others raced off into the tall reeds and grass while Bella, Fenrir and Rudolphus who fought with the others. In the middle of the living room floor you knelt after the clap summoning your draconic spell book.
Between your hands planted on the carpet you eyed the incantation to duplicate the house and began to recite it causing the words to glow etched across the walls that shrunk in around you into a tiny model inside a glowing bubble. Closing the book you stood feeling the weight of the spell on your body that had gone nearly a week without any substantial sleep causing you to wobble and weave your way to the open front door. Outside the door into the grass you fumbled your way to George’s back taking hold of his shoulder in watching Bella’s plume of smoke circle the home then crash through it making it burst into flames.
Soft gasps came from the Weasleys peering up at the house while Harry stared open mouthed at the house. A tap on Molly’s arm broke her teary eyed gaze at the house to move to the glowing orb you held out to her parting her lips. “Jaqi…” Around her the group all looked to the orb, all but George, who shifted to lift you in his arms when your body drooped against his side.
Fred moved closer to his mother saying, “Mum, I’ll swap it out.”
Her eyes remained on you for a moment until George said, “It’s a tiring spell Mum. She’ll sleep it off.”
Looking to the house the group all saw Fred wave his wand diminishing the illusioned building before he raised the orb and blew on it making it expand and float over to the foundations it nestled into once again warming their hearts while the glowing orb around it spread to the barriers around the property now camouflaging it to show the burned foundation stretching across their land in case they returned. Molly moved closer to you brushing back your hair to cup your cheek as she cupped George’s too saying, “Off to bed now.”
George nodded and leaned in to kiss her cheek saying, “You too Mum.”
Fred came over to hug and kiss her cheek too, “With that barrier, no one can cross it but us. Don’t you worry.”
Molly nodded and Arthur said, “Wouldn’t expect any less. Everyone, off to bed.” He said guiding each of the teens inside with stolen hugs for each, including Harry who was still staring up at the house.
Arthur grinned pulling him into a hug, “There are so many spells in this world we’ve all yet to learn.” Pulling back his eyes locked with Harry’s, “A book is a very dangerous weapon, a single library can conquer the world. That is why you must not squander your time in Hogwarts this year especially.” Harry nodded, “Get some rest. We’re safe now.”
Harry nodded and turned to head inside after another glance up at the bubble he could no longer spot and the protected home to head up to bed.
Train, sleep, train, sleep. In the usual pattern you stood in your sneakers, cut sweats and a baggy tank top over your sports bra. Inside the practice stadium for the Kenmare Kestrals you tightened the band holding your looped bun up high on your head as Oliver went over the usual workout the old team used to go through. You, the twins and Cedric, all dressed to train eyes the stand filing with reporters, all eager to post heir stories on how the team had recruited replacements mainly from Hogwarts. Your fellow chasers were nowhere to be seen so you got down to work.
Flashes milled with comments on why the others weren’t there to join the dedicated teens trying to earn the chance. Even the coach over in the office to the side readying the plays he wished to pass over to you to memorize and run through was impressed at how hard you were pushing. Through your baggy layers all your toned figures all made sense at the weight enhanced workout lasting even through the hour late entrance of your missing chasers Troy and Moran. Open mouthed they stared on lost for their effect they wished their entrance to have as you barely even noticed them. Yet the coach approached when you put your weighted balls away and you accepted the playbooks to look over the first one you each called your brooms to you silently with outstretched hands towards the wall they were propped up by.
For hours you pushed hard and did all you could to perfect your places on the team then retired for showers and lunch in the apartment building designated to you as rookies beside the veterans in the one next door. Around the table you ate your own helpings of food mumbling out comments on each play out on the back patio the others timidly came out to join. To their surprise there was no tension, no egos from your group, just focus on trying to make the best of what you could do against the fellow professional players across the world. And by the end of the week they both blended into your team dynamic perfectly and shared that their alternates would be arriving in a few days, seeing as they were both nearing their own ends of their careers after so many injuries and the wear it had on their families.
Three weeks you focused hard and between training days felt somewhat calmer as you spent the days in your shop. One by one students would peek into your shop and their parents would ask about another shop to procure wands and be sent up to your fourth floor. Heavy barriers guarded the openings to both Ollivanders and the ice cream parlor adding to your business as people would come to mingle inside flitting back and forth between your shop and theirs relaxing that the traditional stops could be upheld from years prior.
Between them were the curious Muggle Borns, all of whom heard whispers about you and caught glimpses of the articles about and interviews from you. All skirting around the questions they wished to ask, too afraid to bring it up they waited for you to and remained vaguely hinting at the subjects you would not answer unless asked directly for the public. More and more others would stroll by simply to ask for confirmation that you were in fact still going to be teaching this year.
A wave of calm spread and in your final days of practice you stood behind the counter hunched forward between conversations and confirmations to sketch out a calendar of your own to work out the dates. The games would be on weekends and the day practices could be handled easily as they were in the gaps of the days your classes weren’t three times a week. And for the shop Angelina relaxed having the full time work as long as she was to be asked along to each game on weekends.
Across the front pages of the Daily Prophet they had their smoke screen, interviews of you all, the now nearly half Puff team while Troy and Moran had both been Gryffindors like Oliver. Questions of nerves were common after your team, the Kenmare Kestrals, winner of the British and Irish Quidditch League Cup twice over and winner of the most recent Quidditch World Cup over Bulgaria’s National team against the Krum brothers. All you could answer was you all would try your best to be worthy of the chance. The first game against the Montrose Magpies would give them a better view of how your efforts had to be tested.
Fred, “Step up! Step up! We've got Fainting Fancies! Nosebleed Nougats!”
George, “And just in time for school... Puking Pastilles!”
Angelina offered a Cauldron loaded with the sick boxes, “Into the cauldron, handsome.”
Fred spotting Harry’s interest in a pitch black nook with shimmering clumps Harry lifted one of to inspect, “Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder.”
George, “A real money spinner, that one. Handy if you need to make a quick getaway.” Adding it to his basket tucked in his elbow realizing what you had thrown in the Department of Mysteries.
The pair of them strolled over to Hermione and Ginny inspecting the love potion stand with a pink lotus bubbling pink smoke hearts near the other attraction charms, “Hello, ladies.”
George, “Love potions, eh?”
Fred, “Yeah, they really do work. Then again, the way we hear it, sis, you're doing just fine on your own.”
George’s eyes shifted to Cormac peering on at Hermione, whose brows scrunched up in her turn away making him pass her a yellow box from the orange flower stand next to it, “Small dab on your wrists each day after slipping him the taffy inside should keep him a good five foot minimum distance.”
She flashed him a weak grin, “Thank you.” Adding it to her basket while Luna eyed another stand meant to attract birds and butterflies she added to her basket Neville claimed one as well.
Ron held up a wrapped box, “How much for this?”
Fred and George both said, “Five Galleons.”
Ron, “How much for me?”
They looked at one another then repeated, “Five Galleons.”
Ron, “I'm your brother.”
They repeated, “Ten galleons.”
Ron rolled his eyes saying to Harry, “Come on, let's go.”
A curly haired blonde waved and bounced past the pair with a love struck grin, “Hi, Ron.”
With a nod he replied, “Hi.” Then continued on to look at another stand.
Harry, “How are Fred and George doing it? Half the Alley's closed down.”
Ron, “Fred reckons people need a laugh these days. I reckon he's right.”
Hermione sighed seeing the charred remains of the wand shop down the street, “Everyone got their wands from Ollivander's. Where will they go now?”
Angelina smirked and whispered into her ear spreading a quick grin onto her face as Angelina flashed her a wink and carried on with another display tray in hand to show to some first years. Turning around however Harry saw Oliver taking over for you at the register while you strolled through the first floor to the front door where Draco and Narcissa were waiting.
Ron caught his gaze, “Harry?”
Harry, “Is it me, or do Draco and Mummy look like two people who don't want to be followed?”
“Quibbler.” Luna strolling by with a bag of Quibblers smiled seeing Harry, “Quibbler.”
Harry accepted it looking over the cover page, “Lovely.”
Luna, “They've been known to sing on Boxing Day, you know.” Looking to a young girl she asked, “Quibbler?”
Cho passing by grinned accepting the one the girl avoided, “Oh, please.”
Harry showed Ginny his copy and she asked, “What's a Wrackspurt?”
Luna, “They're invisible creatures. They float in your ears and make your brain go fuzzy. Quibbler.” She turned to finish passing out the rest of her copies and Harry continued on following after you with his bag of purchases alongside Ron, Hermione and Ginny trailing after him.
Ginny, “Why are we following Jaqi and Draco?”
Harry, “I want to see where she’s going. Haven’t seen her all day, now she’s headed off to the shady side of Knockturn Alley.”
Hermione tapped his arm pointing to a side alley where Vincent Crabbe came out of with a snarl following after you as well, “Crabbe’s after them too.”
Ron, “Why?”
Ginny, “I thought he’d be more, I mean, Dad says Riddle wouldn’t touch her.”
Harry, “Perhaps he’s not over what his Mummy and Daddy did to Jaqi, and how they were punished.”
Ron, “Still, if he blames her-,”
Ginny, “Really what could he do?”
Harry wet his lips, “We’ll have to wait and see.”
Draco lowly asked in latin, “Why are we here?” He asked entering the open door of Borgin and Burkes.
Lowly you replied, “Reserving something to help sneak people in the school.”
His lips parted and you turned seeing Lucius next to a giant triangular wardrobe forged of old blackening metal coated in old runes, a pouch was passed over and hands were shaken in the promise of delivery and your head turned to a display case with old jewelry in it. Curiously your brows furrowed and you pointed at a necklace the shop keep behind the counter approached and brought out all you had pointed at. “Could I see these?”
In the end twelve various pieces of jewelry you felt you had to have were wrapped up and you slid them into your enchanted pouch and asked him, “Would you let me know if you find anymore pieces like this?”
With a nod he replied, “In fact, they are from a collection. A rare designer from France, sold off in bulk some decades ago from the Gaunts no less.”
“Who bought them?”
He shook his head and waved his hand, “Some obscure millionaire, at the time, now set on funding for a new wing on his manor.” His eyes looked over your face at the ripple of your hair from silvery blue to a deep midnight and back again, “He did say he wished to start with these, to test how well they would sell before handing over the rest. If you are interested I can send word you are interested,”
He wet his lips and looked to Lucius now at your side saying, “It would be fitting, seeing as she is the last of the Gaunt line.”
Parting the lips of the shop keep who nodded his head, “Of course, of course, how had that slipped my mind. I will write to him at once and then to you about when the rest could be purchased.” Lowly he added, “Mums the word on your lineage, to keep him from gouging your purse.”
You nodded, “Thank you.”
“Shouldn’t take long, he seemed eager to be rid of it.”
Lucius stated, “You have my address for the shipment, I can handle the transfer on her behalf since she will be away.” Earning another nod and you turned to leave making Ginny besides the other teens on the roof across the shop whisper, “What’s with the jewelry?”
Hermione wet her lips, “I recognized that blue one, it was her grandmother’s.”
Ron, “You think Lucius spotted the collection and warned her?”
Hermione, “Jaqi said the Gaunts were poor, squandered their wealth, part of why they must have taken Suzsienne.”
Ginny, “They used her, and sold off her things…Then what about the wardrobe?”
Harry shrugged, “Maybe it’s hers too?”
Ron inched higher seeing Crabbe rush in demanding something furrowing the keep’s brows in the start of an altercation ending with his magically barring the teen from the shop with the door slamming in his face and refusing to open for him again. “Looks like he won’t be getting what he wants any time soon.”
Ginny, “Good.” She pulled back saying, “Come on, we gotta meet Mum at the robe shop.”
In the dead of night when yet another dream came to Dumbledore sending another questioning glance your way in the halls at Hogwarts, not even as a Professor, memories back from when you were a student. If he didn’t trust you why was he doing this? Why had he hired you? Why was he letting you back in if not to draw the fire away from him? He fought Grindlewald, Yes, however, had he acted sooner Grindlewald would never have risen the height as he had. None of this made sense and the man himself you knew would refuse to answer you truthfully. So you needed someone who had no reason to lie, someone with nothing to lose.
Nurmengard. A tiny island prison in the middle of the stormy seas, silence ruled here. Between the incoherent babbling of those in solitary confinement for the rest of their lives the thick stone let little noise out save for the slots on the doors for food and other supplies. Deep in the depths of it inside the strongest cell of all sat a magically blocked Wizard seated in the corner of his cell staring up out the window of his cell at the tiny cloud billowing larger in the coming storm blocking his sight of the stars.
A flash of flames erupted in the corner and blinking through the sudden light the white haired Wizard with one bright eye and one dark watched at the white and blue Phoenix morph and take shape of the woman he knew that would come to him one day.
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A simple bow of his head and his gravely hum of a greeting all but made your heart skip, “Your Majesty, I have been waiting a long time for a chance to meet you.”
“You know me?”
“Not from the papers no, they do not allow me papers, however whispers carry, and not nine years past I first heard whispers of you, and have had dreams since.”
“What sort of dreams?”
“Tiny fragments, your arrival here, you have a question for me my Queen?”
“I’m not a Queen.”
A horse wisp of a chuckle left him and his yellow smile was exposed raising his high cheekbones accentuating his sunken cheeks, “And I suppose you believe that Dark Lord holds a candle to you?” He shook his head clicking his tongue, “Never, that child knows nothing of true power. True pain. The agony of an ever bleeding heart.” Hastily he wet his lips and said, “All that another time. The guards will circle past in five minutes, what have you come to ask me. I have waited a long time to hear these questions.”
“I wanted to ask you something personal,” he nodded, “something about Dumbledore. I know he would never answer me truthfully.”
“No he would not. Not after knowing me. What would you like to know?”
It all seemed so odd, the twins hugged you tightly and swore to keep the shop together while you were off to Kings Cross Station. In the sea of students you were comfy in a pair of black jeans you topped with your tight grey sweater stretching to your thighs covered with a black vest holding your wand sheath in the pocket.
Through the crowds you joined the teens with a trunk of supplies on the cart shared with Neville and Draco while Ron, Harry and Hermione followed Ginny and Luna with theirs. The rest of your things was left at home as you would be commuting through your enchanted doorway each day linked to a closet in your class office. The chatter around you grew and heads turned when sight of you was caught by the students and parents around you stirring up comforting grins.
A shift from the ball of your foot to the heel of your favorite heeled booties eases your sock from its bunched position around the toes on that foot. Just enough time for an arm to loop around your back and for whispers to grow at Barty’s stating in a tilt of his head, “This way, Love. Me and Sev brought something called boggle.”
With a smirk you watched your trunk get loaded up and waved to the teens in your turn to stroll back to the teacher car. Though behind you Harry mumbled, “Love?” Looking to Ron he asked, “Did he say Love?”
Ron nodded, “Blimey, first Remus and Tonks and now them…Mad times, Harry. Mad.”
Hermione rolled her eyes, “Could just be an endearment you know. Fairly common. Either way, if she’s happy I’m happy.”
Ginny chuckled saying, “If they are she certainly does have an eye for picking ones who love their hair.” Making the group chuckle and Draco to steal a glance back at you slightly worried about what you had planned for this year to come.
Pt 54
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seirioscanis · 4 years
{ the death of regulus arcturus black }
It was cloudy when Lily had told him Regulus had dropped out of school. She’d been forward yet delicate, saying the words while she picked at a scone and he nursed his mug of coffee in her living room. Severus told me that Regulus has dropped out of school. 
To anyone else, that could have sounded as just an immature boy running away, refusing to educate himself, but Regulus wasn’t like that. He was a good kid, an intelligent kid, but Walburga had sunk her claws into him the way that she couldn’t with Sirius and Regulus had taken the bait. No, in a time of war, there was only one thing that phrase could mean to someone with a family of Death Eaters. 
Regulus was one of them. Shit.
He dropped his mug without meaning to and jumped up from his seat when hot coffee splattered across his legs, but he hardly felt the heat or heard Lily’s worry. Instead he waved his wand to clean the mess and promised to pay for a new mug, striding quickly for the door. He had to find Regulus, had to make sure he got to him before he took the Dark Mark and became one of them. Lily’s voice still fell on deaf ears, and Sirius only looked at her when she grabbed his shoulder, spinning him around to face her. Sirius kept his face neutral, passive, but it was hard to fool her. Seven years of schooling and an additional six-and-change years of friendship led to that sort of perception, he supposed. 
Are you alright? she had asked, and Sirius laughed, ignoring her hurt expression.
Just peachy, Evans. I’ll see you later.
He found his brother in a field on the outskirts of the city, standing alone. Lightning flashed behind him rather dramatically, Sirius noted, which was rather fitting for this confrontation. It was like some scene from a fictional novel: the climax between two opposing sides, shouting their plans at one another stupidly before they were set to fight. He wanted to laugh, but as he got closer he could see the seriousness on Regulus’ face, and any humor he’d found was promptly wiped away. He’d been a troublemaker and a prankster in school, yes, but even he knew when to draw the line on when to laugh or not. Sirius stopped a few feet from his brother, hair hitting his cheek from the breeze that followed the storm along with a few raindrops. It was finally beginning to drizzle.
“I know why you’re here,” Regulus called, taking a small step toward him. “Severus said he’d told Lily about me. It was only a matter of time before it got to you.”
“You dropped out of school,” he responded, pocketing his hands in his trench coat and gripping his wand, its magic lightly thrumming with his touch. “I know what that means, Reg. Tell me you didn’t.”
“Why do you care? It doesn’t matter what you think, anyway. Mum blasted you off the tree.”
“Mother is an old hag who likes the sound of her own voice too much,” Sirius snapped, jaw clenching. He did not want to think about Walburga at the moment. “I care because you’re my brother, Regulus. No family tree is going to change that.”
“So, what?” Regulus gestured outward, almost a shrug. “That’s the only reason you’re here? Not to convince me to join your precious Order or what have you?”
“Please, I know losing battles. I won’t waste my breath on that.” Sirius sighed and pinched his nose with the hand not holding his wand, counting to three before continuing. “I just want you to reconsider joining them, Reg. That’s all. It won’t end well if you join them, and I--I don’t want to fight my brother. Don’t make me fight you, Regulus.”
“You don’t get it,” Regulus said, voice rising in volume. “If I didn’t join, I’d be against Him, and nothing is going to end well for those who associate with the Order. He will kill you, Sirius! Just drop the bloody rebellious shit you’ve been going on and come back home. Come to safety.”
Safety. Sirius spat on the ground and stepped closer to his brother; they were maybe a meter apart now. “That shit hole isn’t safe, Reg, and you know that. Nothing was safe when Walburga screamed herself sore at me, or when she’d paddle me to submission because Merlin forbid I think differently, or all those fucking black eyes by her hand.” He hadn’t meant to scream at Regulus when he’d went searching for him, but Walburga lit a fire in him that he couldn’t tamper down. He didn’t notice that his brother stepped back, maybe in fear, maybe just to gain some ground. “She. Wasn’t. Safe. Home was never home to me, because I didn’t agree with the bullshit she and Orion spouted at us. Think about it, Reg! Blood purity? It’s absolutely mad! There’s nothing special about blood--it’s all the same no matter where it’s from. Do you seriously not get that?”
“Of course I do!” Regulus hissed. “But that’s not how the world works, Sirius. I did what I had to in order to survive. You should do the same.”
Wait. “You… did. Past tense, did?” His eyes flickered to his arm. “Let me see it.”
Regulus hesitated but slowly tugged his sleeve up, revealing the Dark Mark that adorned his pale forearm. Sirius felt queasy, and he looked at his little brother. His little brother. Tears pricked behind his eyes, but if Walburga was good for one thing, it was making sure he knew how to hide emotion. Conceal don’t feel, eh Mother? When he didn’t respond, Regulus stepped back again, head falling down until his chin touched his chest.
“Just consider it, Sirius. I have to go.”
“... no. You don’t.” He brought out his wand before Regulus looked up and pointed it at his brother, face passive as he said, “Diffindo,” slicing an arc across his chest and neck.
His brother fell to the muddy ground with a sick thud, and it was then that Sirius realized how hard it was raining. Slowly, like time was stopping, he walked over and sat next to Regulus in the mud, unable to tear his eyes away from his face even as his blood soaked through his favorite pair of jeans. You two look so similar, Aunt Druella had said once, and Sirius couldn’t agree more as he stared into a matching, albeit younger, pair of brown eyes. He took Regulus’ hand and held it to his chest.
“Why?” Regulus whispered, coughing up blood. Sirius took a shaky breath.
“Better for you to die by my hand than a stranger’s, Reg,” he said, and honestly believed it. “I’m so sorry.”
The light faded from his eyes before Regulus could respond, and Sirius waited to feel something, anything, but was met with a numbness he couldn’t figure out. He didn’t know how long he sat there in the field with his brother, but eventually he kissed the back of Regulus’ hand and stood up, cleaning the blood and mud off with a spell and stepping away. He’d find a pay phone, send an anonymous tip to the police station, and after that he’d need a long, stiff drink.
He had a funeral to attend within the week, after all. Might as well start drinking to forget while he was ahead.
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aidanchaser · 5 years
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: Everyone Lives AU
Table of Contents beta’d by @ageofzero
Chapter Twenty-Two Owl Post Again
Remus Lupin arrived in the infirmary only moments after Harry and his friends had been dismissed, which he was grateful for. He didn’t particularly feel like enduring Harry’s worried stares just yet. Remus loved how much Harry cared, but there were days when he looked too much like his parents, and Remus always hated seeing any of the Potters worrying about him. He couldn’t endure that after last night, not just yet.
Madam Pomfrey looked over him to be sure he’d sustained no serious injuries in his escapade last night. She confirmed that there was nothing more than a few scrapes and gave him a tea for his aches.
“Thank you,” he smiled, and buttoned up his shirt.
“I know you’re a bit old for it, but,” she kissed his forehead. “Thank you for coming to see me, even though you really didn’t need to. Only a few small cuts.”
“Better safe than sorry,” Remus said.
She laughed. “If only you’d had that perspective when you were smaller. I seem to recall a lot of ‘Madam Pomfrey, don’t trouble yourself.’”
“Hopefully we all get a little wiser as we age,” he said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.
There was a quiet knock at the door of the infirmary that made both Remus and Madam Pomfrey turn.
In the doorway stood Draco Malfoy, shoulders a little hunched, like he was trying to hide, and he couldn’t seem to look up at Remus or Madam Pomfrey.
“Is everything alright, dear?” Madam Pomfrey asked.
“I just wanted to talk to Professor Lupin,” Draco said.
Madam Pomfrey raised an eyebrow and Remus could tell she was instinctively going on the defensive for him.
“It’s alright, Poppy. I was just leaving anyway.”
Madam Pomfrey pursed her lips, then took away the empty mug and went back to her office.
Remus reached for his robes. “Is everything alright, Draco?”
Draco watched Remus pull on his robes, like he was looking for something specific, but Remus couldn’t guess what.
“Professor Snape said something very interesting at breakfast today,” Draco said. “He said you… He said you had resigned.”
“I have. First thing I did this morning, in fact.”
And Remus could tell from the glint in Draco’s eyes that Snape had said a little more than just that Remus had resigned, that Draco knew the truth; he was only waiting for Remus to lie to him.
Remus let out a heavy sigh. “It’s actually a rude question to ask, Draco —”
“Is it true that you’re a werewolf?”
“You actually completed the extra credit essay. You tell me.”
Draco turned his wand over in his hands and Remus wondered briefly if he should reach for his own wand — then remembered that his wand had wandered off with Barty Crouch, Jr., and that was probably the worst wound to come from everything that had happened the night before.
“You disappear for a day or two before or after the full moon,” Draco said quietly, “and you always look so sick when it happens. I don’t know if you have scars and I don’t pay attention to what you eat but when Professor Snape said it this morning it made sense and I just wanted you to tell me he was lying.”
“He wasn’t lying.” There was no echo in the infirmary, but Remus felt sure his words rang for minutes after they were spoken.
Draco tightened his grip on his wand and pointed it at Remus. “You were my — you were a teacher. Dumbledore let you teach?”
Remus remembered a similar moment when he was twelve years old, and his friends had approached him with wands brandished, demanding to know why Dumbledore had let a werewolf attend school. Then, Remus had been terrified that he would lose everything, and in the end he’d gained three friends he could trust with anything. Now, Remus didn’t feel an ounce of fear. He felt sad, but unsurprised. He’d imagined it was only a matter of time before Snape broke his promise to Dumbledore. He had known that if Draco Malfoy ever found out, Draco would not take the truth like Remus’s friends had.
But he also knew that some small part of him had always wanted to believe in the best of Draco Malfoy, as he had gotten to know the best of Sirius Black.
“When I’m human,” Remus said, “I’m not a danger to anyone. If you learned anything in my class this year —”
“I learned how to fight monsters.”
“Draco, do I look like a monster?”
Draco’s wand arm shook. “Not right now, but —”
“Monsters come in many forms. Sometimes their appearances are deceiving. If you truly think I am a monster, I know you know what spells to use right now. Your essay on defeating werewolves was well-done and received full marks.”
Remus knew that Draco Malfoy was probably too confused to use a proper spell, especially an unpracticed and complicated one. He also knew that Madam Pomfrey was only just behind her office door. But he still hoped, beyond all reason, that Draco could somehow trust him, even after all this.
Draco lowered his wand. “Don’t contact me ever again, or I’ll tell my father,” and he turned on his heel and left.
Remus let out a deep sigh and rubbed his forehead. He didn’t know how he could have expected that to go any better.
He didn’t have much of an appetite for breakfast, so instead he went to pack up his office. He was surprised to find Dumbledore waiting for him with a slip of parchment Remus recognized as the resignation letter he’d left in Dumbledore’s office just a few hours earlier.
“I’m glad to see you’re feeling better,” Dumbledore said.
“You can’t talk me out of leaving,” Remus said as he began to empty his desk.
Dumbledore hesitated, then rolled the piece of parchment up and stood. “It was worth a try, Remus. I need someone here that I can trust, someone who can protect Harry. It’s important now more than ever.”
“Now that Barty Crouch has escaped.” Remus sighed, remembering the prophecy Trelawney had given Harry just yesterday.
Dumbledore stroked his beard. “And if what Regulus Black told me is true, we may not have as much time as we thought.”
When Remus was a boy, he’d imagined Dumbledore to be a bit like the Merlin in fairytales. Dumbledore had a twinkle in his blue eyes, and a sagacity that made him seem omniscient. But as the war had increased in violence, and Remus had gotten closer to Dumbledore outside of their relationship as student-teacher, he’d learned that sagacity came with the cost of years of pain and mistakes. He’d learned that the blue twinkle in Dumbledore’s eyes was for children who still had wonder, but it vanished in the presence of hardened adults and became a steel grey. They were that steel grey now.
“What did Regulus Black tell you?”
“Disturbing things about Lord Voldemort and his plans during the war. It seems that Voldemort's return will be inevitable, as we feared, especially now that he has the help of one of his most loyal servants. If that does not convince you to stay….”
“I could have hurt a student last night. It’s too easy for mistakes to be made, no matter what precautions I take. And I won’t have you fending off all the Howlers you’d receive for keeping me on. You’ll have enough as it is with my resignation.”
“Very well,” Dumbledore said, voice heavy. “I wish you all the best. I trust you heard about Regulus Black’s thrilling escape?”
“I can’t imagine how you managed it.”
“I did very little, believe it or not. But I think it is important that he have a place to stay. I’m sure you know a life on the run is no life at all.”
Remus had had his fair share of “life on the run” during the war, and so had Lily and James. It wasn’t easy, and from what he remembered of Regulus Black during their time in school, Regulus could be about as subtle as Sirius when it came to secrets.
“I think I have an idea. I’ll speak with Sirius about it.” Remus glanced at the small clock on his desk. “If he’s properly given his statement, he should be by to collect me in just a few hours.”
“Let us hope, for all our sakes, that he has told the Wizengamot all about the horrors of being Imperiused, and he will be released shortly. And James’s character reference will go a long way, of course. They still respect him quite a bit there, Order of Merlin aside, if only for his family name.”
Remus gave Dumbledore a thin smile, thinking how nice it must be to have a name that could get anyone out of trouble, anyone except him. His name got him into quite a bit of trouble.
“If anyone can convince Sirius to do something sensible, it’s James.”
“Should I ask him to convince you to stay?”
Remus shook his head.
“I am sorry, Remus. I know you made a difference for these children.”
And Remus suddenly remembered a very similar conversation he’d overheard between Dumbledore and one of the many other Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers he’d had while he was in school. She’d been his favorite professor, and he realized, all at once, how much she’d influenced his teaching. He wondered if he’d left that impact on any of his own students, but he couldn’t honestly imagine how.
“Thank you, Headmaster. I am and have always been grateful for the opportunities you’ve given me.”
Remus finished packing his desk into his briefcase and that seemed a final enough act for Dumbledore.
“You will always be welcome here,” he said as he left, but to Remus they felt like words said to placate a situation that couldn’t be placated, like the way Dumbledore had spoken to Severus on that awful night.
Remus shook those memories out of his head and made sure his trunk was all in order. He had been prepared for the end of the year, knowing the full moon would be close to the final day, so there wasn’t much packing to do. He only made sure all final exams were scored properly, then took his trunk down stairs, passing by the students at lunch. He nearly ran into Harry at the Entrance Hall.
“I just heard from Percy. You’re really leaving?” Harry asked.
Remus smiled. “I’ll see you at home, Harry.”
“But you can’t go. You’re the best teacher we’ve ever had, better than Mum —”
“I’m the most dangerous teacher you’ve ever had.”
“You didn’t let loose a herd of Cornish pixies on the classroom and tell us to clean it up ourselves.”
“I don’t expect you to understand —”
“I do understand,” Harry said, “but I don’t think it’s right.”
Those were hard words for Remus to hear. They were words Remus had thought when he was seventeen and eighteen, when James and Sirius had convinced him that he was something worth fighting for, and then at twenty-one, reality had set in, and Remus learned that the world didn’t work on what was right and wrong. The world went on as the people around chose to go on, and he could do his best but it wouldn’t always be right.
“There are many battles to be fought in the name of right and wrong,” he said. “You must choose the most worthy ones, just as you did last night.”
Remus knew the fierce glint in Harry’s eyes, a glint he had seen in Lily’s so often. James was the one people assumed was wild and uncontrollable, but those people had never seen Lily confronted with injustice. Those people had never been on the wrong end of her temper. Harry shared that same righteous anger.
“What did Snape mean when he said he wasn't the only one who believed Sirius had betrayed my parents? It wasn't about when he learned your secret, was it?”
Remus sighed heavily. “Another time, Harry. Not here in the hallway. For now, though,” Remus dug into his robes and handed Harry the Marauder’s Map, “I think now that I’m not a teacher, I can return this to you. I think you can make good use of it.”
Harry looked like he was torn between a thank you and a protest. Finally, he managed, “I’d rather you stay.”
Remus shook his head. “Go enjoy your feast with your friends. If you need to, we can talk about it at home.”
Harry nodded, then went back into the Great Hall.
Remus made it out of the castle without running into anyone else. He did say his goodbyes to Hagrid, who was on his way back from Hogsmeade. He congratulated him on Buckbeak’s escape from the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures, and Hagrid gave him his condolences about the resignation. It was a pleasant walk the rest of the way, even though he was alone. It was nice that there were no more dementors patrolling the borders of the castle.
Remus made it to the front steps of James’s cottage when Sirius threw open the door before Remus could even lift his hand to the handle.
Sirius was, expectedly, furious. His face was like a storm as he took Remus’s trunk from him. “James is finishing up lunch,” and there was so much restrained rage in his voice that Remus knew the court trial must have gone as well as they’d all hoped.
“Congratulations on being a free man,” Remus said, and shrugged himself out of his robes.
“Freedom on a lie is as terrible as being unjustly imprisoned.”
“I think I disagree.” But Remus had a small smile on his lips as he watched Sirius fume. It was good to see Sirius behaving the way he expected Sirius to behave. It was like knowing the world was in order.
“Are you still going on about it?” James called from the kitchen. He came out with two plates and handed one to Sirius. It looked like a sandwich. He handed Remus a plate with a thick slab of undercooked steak. “Honestly, Sirius, it’s not forever. Just until we catch Barty Crouch, and then everything can be set straight. It’s a temporary fix. The truth will always out. Besides, you didn’t exactly make it easy for us, running off with Regulus Black for months without actually telling anyone what you were doing or why.”
Sirius didn’t argue as he ate the food James gave him, but his expression seemed stuck on sulking.
Remus sat down at the table in the living room with his plate. As a boy, it would have made him uncomfortable to eat raw meat in front of his friends, but now he knew he could trust them, and he didn’t mind at all.
James sat down beside Remus with a sandwich of his own. “Lily and I will probably sell this place, since we don’t really need to be this close to Hogwarts anymore. It was nice to have, but Remus, if you’re not staying on, we don’t have much need for it.”
Remus glanced over at Sirius. “I wouldn’t sell it just yet. Unless Sirius has somewhere else to stay?”
James tilted his head. “Sirius, what’s wrong with your flat?”
Sirius’s face went red and he hastily took another bite of his sandwich.
“Sirius got evicted in January. It’s part of why he started spending so much time here. It wasn’t just because of me and Regulus.”
“How’d you find out?” Sirius said, still clearly irritated.
“It wasn’t hard,” Remus shrugged. “You moved quite a few of your things here. And I know that Firebolt you bought Harry wasn’t cheap.”
James nearly choked on his sandwich. “You spent all your money on Harry’s Firebolt? Merlin, Sirius, we would’ve gotten him a Nimbus.” James shook his head in disbelief. “How do you spend the entirety of the Black family fortune in seven years?”
Sirius shrugged his shoulders. “It’s easy when you don’t want it.”
“Now what are you going to do? I mean, of course Lily and I won’t sell, you two can stay here and manage the place for us. That’ll count as rent and —”
“Actually,” Remus said slowly, knowing this was going to be hard for Sirius to take, but he wanted the idea to catch, “I was thinking that Regulus would need a place to stay.”
“He can’t stay in Hogsmeade,” Sirius snorted.
“No, I was thinking he ought to stay somewhere a little more... outside the Ministry’s reach.”
Sirius sulk gave way to a very dark scowl. “The property’s in my name, thanks to that paperwork the two of you had him sign several years ago. He can’t stay there without me.”
“I know,” Remus said. “Maybe it’ll be better that way.”
James shook his head. “So Lily and I are selling the cottage? I’m confused.”
Sirius said, “Remus wants me to move back into my mother’s house with Regulus.”
“Oh,” James said. “Remus, I’m not sure….”
“It’s a good idea,” Sirius said, voice flat. “The Ministry won’t be able to touch him there. It’d be as safe as hiding out on the continent, anyway. I’ll send an owl tonight.” He set down the rest of his sandwich and stood. “I’m not very hungry anymore, but thanks.”
James watched Sirius leave with a frown. “Remus, you know going home is the last thing Sirius wants to do.”
“I think living with Regulus will be good for them both.”
“Then I’ll buy them a cottage in Ireland, but I can't let him go back to his mother’s house.”
“It isn’t just that,” Remus said. “Voldemort’s returning. Sibyl Trelawney issued a prophecy yesterday to Harry —”
“Merlin’s pants — Another prophecy?” James sank into the couch, expression and posture images of utter defeat. “Why?”
Remus ignored the “why” partially because he had no idea what the answer really was, and partially because he knew James was only whining. “Barty Crouch’s escape last night will aid Voldemort’s return. We’ll need to be ready. We’ll need to have a place the Ministry can’t touch.”
“You want Sirius and Regulus to turn their family home into a base for the Order. Did Dumbledore suggest that?”
“Dumbledore didn’t say nearly so much, but I have a feeling we’re going to need somewhere like last time very soon. And not only somewhere the Ministry won’t touch, but somewhere that won’t involve Harry.”
James ran his hand through his hair, shoving his bangs back. “I don’t want to keep lying to Harry. We’ll have to tell him soon. Maybe this summer....” James turned to stare out the window as a tawny brown owl approached the glass. It tapped its beak against the glass anxiously.
When Remus realized James was too lost in thought to even see it, he got up to let the owl in.
He’d expected it to be Lily writing to James, but instead the parchment was addressed to him.
He broke the seal and pulled out the letter. He was surprised to find a picture of a wolf inside, with the ink charmed to run in a circle, chasing its own tail, then pause to howl at a full moon. It repeated on a loop, and Remus was impressed with the spell work, though embarrassed by its content. He turned the picture over and read,
“Dear Professor Lupin,
We already miss you. You were the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher we ever had. I hope next year we get a vampire. We wish you the best.”
It was signed by several of his students in Gryffindor, and suddenly the charmed ink made sense. Dean Thomas was always very good at charming pictures. He had a promising career as a portrait-maker, if he wanted.
He looked over the signatures, unsurprised to see Harry’s in there, or Anne and Christian Thelborne’s, but there were other signatures he was surprised to see. Like Neville Longbottom and Ron Weasley. Fred, George, and Ginny had signed it as well as Hermione and Seamus and Lee and Oliver and at least half of his students in Gryffindor, as well as a few of his N.E.W.T. students in other houses. Not quite all, but nearly all. He was overwhelmed by the sentiment, and when James asked what was wrong, all he could do was pass the paper to him.
James laughed at the drawing. “That’s pretty funny. I bet it’ll cheer Sirius up, at least.” He looked up at Remus again. “You sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine,” Remus said, though his voice sounded a little distant to him. “I’ll be back in a minute.” He went into the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water. He didn’t drink it, though, not right away. He stood at the kitchen sink, leaning against the counter, unsure how to process the letter.
He hadn’t dreamed that his students had cared that much about him. This, as much as it made him want to stay, reminded him that he couldn’t. He could have hurt any one of these students last night, and he never would have been able to forgive himself.
The kitchen door opened and Remus prepared to compose himself for James, but it wasn’t James who walked in. It was Sirius, stomping mud off of his boots and carrying a box of butterbeers. He hadn’t noticed Remus yet.
“I’m sorry,” Remus started quietly, before Sirius could notice, and ask him what was wrong. “I shouldn’t have suggested your parents’ house. I know that’s not somewhere you ever want to go back to.”
Sirius looked up, all the rage strangely gone from his face. But Sirius’s moods changed from one to another in the time it took a Snitch to cross half of a Quidditch pitch. It was hard to know what really bothered Sirius and what would blow over in minutes.
“It’s alright,” Sirius said, but his voice was still a little hurt. “It makes sense, and I think Regulus will like that idea.”
“You can stay with me any time you like. If you need to get away, or take a break from your brother, you can just visit me.”
“Where will you stay? You don’t have a place to live either. I know you won’t stay here, not so close to the school.”
In the way that Remus knew offering Sirius the idea of Grimmauld Place had been a mistake, Sirius knew that Remus would never stay another night in Hogsmeade.
“I’ll find a new flat, I guess. Something I can afford. I’ve saved up a bit this year.”
“Let’s make a deal,” Sirius said. “You stay three nights a week at Grimmauld Place. That’ll make the mausoleum more bearable.”
“What’s the point in paying for my own flat if I’m not there half the time?”
“Then spend the other four with James and Lily. They won’t mind. Harry would love to have you around more often.”
Remus considered it. They could use Sirius’s house for the full moon. Regulus and Sirius could both turn into animals and wouldn’t be bothered by him at all. He imagined Sirius relished the idea of having a werewolf sleeping in his mother’s house. If that was what made it bearable to return home, Remus would give it to him.
“Alright, fine. Three nights with you, and four with James and Lily. If James and Lily don’t mind.”
Sirius laughed, because they both knew James and Lily wouldn’t hesitate to offer their home to Remus.
Remus took a sip of his water and started back towards the living room. Sirius wasn’t far behind. They sat down together and James brought out a game of Exploding Snap. Sirius opened up three bottles of butterbeer for them, and Remus thought it was almost like when they were kids, when Remus had hours to himself in the hospital wing and his friends would come by to entertain him. They were short one member of that party now. One member who had nearly killed James, Lily, and Harry, but in the end, and saved them all.
He glanced at his letter on the table and thought about how lucky he was, to have people who cared so much for him. He’d never have a way to repay them for everything they’d done for him. And there was a strange comfort in knowing they would never ask him to.
—————————— ✶✶✶——————————
Dear Regulus,
If I remember anything about growing up with you, I think I know that a life on the run won’t suit you, and that you’d much prefer a warm fireplace and somewhere you can stay well-groomed.
You know I own all titles to our family fortune and property. Or, owned, at least, the fortune part. There’s no more money. But I do still have the property you signed over to me. Thought about selling it a lot, but never could manage to wish that pit of hell on anyone else, for any amount of money, so it’s still in my name after all this time.
I’ll be waiting there for you, if you want somewhere to stay, somewhere the Ministry has traditionally held no jurisdiction.
See you soon.
—————————— ✶✶✶——————————
Dear Ronald,
I’m sorry about all the trouble I caused between you and your sister. I know fighting between siblings can be bad enough without pets causing additional strife.
I did, however, enjoy being a cat in your Common Room. Especially all the extra ham. Seeing how I’ve cost you and your sister a pet, I’ve enclosed a few sickles for you to get Ginny her own cat. And for you, Ron, this owl is quite an energetic little thing that needs a good, caring owner. I think you’ll suit him well.
I hope you all have an excellent summer.
Sincerely, Regulus Black
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The Kissing Booth- Part 3
Word Count: 1,753
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The next few weeks rolled by quickly, and Y/N found herself thinking about Sirius more often than she ever had before. She actively avoided him around school, another thing she had never done before, but she felt so guilty every time that she saw him that she couldn’t help but turn the other direction. Yet he still crossed her mind throughout the day. She wondered why he constantly stuck up for her, and why he was so nice to her even though they rarely spoke to one another. Up until the night of the party, the two hadn’t had a real conversation since Y/N was 11. The more she thought about it, the more she realized he had always been nice to her. Sure, they each threw a playful insult here and there, but subconsciously, Y/N always knew that Sirius had her back.
Quidditch practices had picked up, and classes had assigned a little more homework, so Y/N was seeing Regulus a little less than normal, but for the first time, she was okay with it. Ever since the party, she had felt slightly guilty whenever she was around him. Sure, nothing had happened between her and Sirius, but she had lied about where she was. And she would never admit it out loud, but her feelings for her best friend’s older brother had shifted, and she couldn’t help but feel guilty about that as well.
Before anyone knew it, the night of the festival arrived, and everyone was restless. Some were frantically trying to perfect everything with their booths, others were excitedly waiting for the festival to begin. “Reg, is everything in place?” Y/N called. “I believe so, everyone is here,” he called back. Y/N burst through the curtain to join Regulus and all the people working the Booth. “Brilliant. Remember, you will all be blindfolded, so you can’t be prejudiced about who you’re kissing. We want as little drama as possible. Plus, it adds a little mystery, which could be really fun. Lucius, we’ll start with you, then you, Marlene. Then Davey, then Emma, and then Lily, you’ll finish up the evening. You don’t all have to wait here all night, go enjoy the festival and just make sure you’re back here for your shift, okay?” Y/N announced. Once everyone agreed, Y/N stepped out to take a look at the rest of the booths, since she would be working the booth for the majority of the night.
“Looks good, huh?” Sirius’s voice next to her made Y/N jump. “Merlin, Sirius,” she sighed as she tried to catch her breath. “But yes, it looks amazing. I’m sad I won’t be able to participate much,” she admitted, refusing to look at him. “You think you’re gonna be at the booth all night?” He raised an eyebrow. “Somebody’s gotta make sure everything runs smoothly,” she shrugged, “And I love Regulus, but I don’t think he cares enough to make sure it’s perfect.” “Maybe I’ll swing by to see it,” Sirius offered. “Go for it. However, if you pay to kiss Emma Vanity, I will have to hex you into next year. You’ve been warned,” Y/N told him. “Nah, I wouldn’t. She’s not my type. Plus, I see the way Regulus pines after her,” Sirius shrugged with a slight shake of his head. “Well, um, good. I’m glad we have an understanding, then,” Y/N nodded once. “I’ve got to get back to my booth,” she decided, quickly turning and making her way back to the kissing booth.
“Regulus, Emma’s shift is about to be over! Are you gonna get out there and kiss her or what?” Y/N asked frantically. “I don’t think I’m gonna do it,” Regulus admitted. “Regulus Arcturus Black! That is literally the whole reason we put this booth together!” Y/N whisper-yelled at him. “I know! But she and I were talking about it the other day and she said she was happy to help the club, but it felt weird to be kissing so many people at once, and I don’t want to contribute to that,” Regulus explained. “You we’re discussing the kissing booth at Quidditch practice?” Y/N asked, raising a disapproving eyebrow. “No wonder you lost to Ravenclaw last week..” “I’m going to ignore that comment because we weren’t discussing it at quidditch practice.” Regulus told her. “We had a study date in the library after dinner on Tuesday,” he said sheepishly. “On Tuesday!” Y/N exclaimed. “It’s Friday! Why have three days gone by and this is the first I’m hearing of it?”
“I don’t know, I guess I just wasn’t sure where it was going, so I didn’t want to talk about it and get my hopes up,” Regulus shrugged, unable to hold back his smile. “Well, I’m proud of you, Reg,” Y/N grinned and squeezed Regulus’s shoulder. When they were kids, rule number 18 was “always be happy for your bestie’s successes,” and that had always been the easiest rule for Y/N to follow. “You should ask her to the festival when she’s done with her shift,” Y/N suggested. “Are you sure? I don’t want to leave you alone at the booth...” Regulus trailed off as he watched Emma kiss her last patron. “There’s only a little bit left. I’ve got it,” Y/N assured him with a smile. Emma thanked the crowd for participating, and then made her way backstage. As Y/N walked onstage to announce Lily, she noticed Regulus and Emma heading off into the festival and smiled to herself.
A little while into Lily’s shift, Regulus and Emma returned to the kissing booth. “Y/N/N, would you mind if Emma and I went back to the castle?” Regulus asked Y/N. “Of course not, you two go have fun!” Y/N smiled. “You are amazing,” Regulus planted a grateful kiss on Y/N’s cheek before taking Emma’s hand and leaving the booth. Y/N watched them disappear with a proud smile, only to be interrupted by Lily rushing backstage. “Y/N!” Lily exclaimed. “Yeah, Lily, what’s up? Is everything alright?” Y/N asked, alarmed that Lily had left the stage. “Is someone behaving inappropriately? Did someone make you uncomfortable?” She asked frantically. “No, no, not really,” Lily shook her head. “Not really?” Y/N raised an eyebrow. “It’s just that, Severus is next in line, I can hear him, and I’m just not comfortable with kissing him,” Lily admitted.
“Okay,” Y/N nodded, pondering her options for how to solve the issue. “Okay... what if... what if I went out there? Yeah. I could go out there, and either he’ll not want to kiss me and leave, or I’ll do it, and you won’t have to,” Y/N suggested nervously. “Are you sure? I don’t want you doing anything you aren’t comfortable with,” Lily assured her. “No, it’s alright. Severus and Regulus are friends, so we hang out occasionally. It’ll be fine. If he even ends up staying in line,” Y/N replied, trying to convince herself more than Lily. “If you’re sure...” Lily sighed, handing her blindfold to Y/N. “It’s just one little kiss,” Y/N mumbled as she made her way onstage. So, maybe it’ll be Severus, maybe I’ll never know who my first kiss was. It’ll make a good story, though, Y/N told herself as she prepared for the next person in line, whoever it was, to come up.
Meanwhile, as soon as Y/N stepped onto the stage, Snape scoffed. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” he muttered, rolling his eyes and walking away- leaving one James Potter next in line. “Well that’s not my girlfriend,” he commented as Y/N took Lily’s position on the stage. “Hey, Padfoot,” James called to Sirius, who was beginning to wander away. “Hm?” Sirius asked, not taking his eyes off of the festival in front of him. “You wanna take this one mate?” James asked with a smirk. “Do I wanna what?” Sirius whipped his head over to see what James was talking about. “Well, I’d imagine it would be wrong, seeing as she isn’t my girlfriend, and extra wrong, seeing as my best mate is pining after her,” James gave Sirius a smug grin. “You know what, why not? Sure, I’ll give it a go,” Sirius decided, laying down a sickle and making his way up the steps to the stage.
Y/N could hear the person’s steps approaching her. “Hi,” she spoke up nervously. “I know you’re probably expecting Lily, but her throat got really dry, so she went to get some water really quick. I hope you don’t mind that I’m having to take her place,” she rambled. “And I’m sorry if I’m bad at this, I’ve never really kissed anyone before, and-“ Y/N knew she was procrastinating, but she wasn’t expecting the person to cut her off by gently grabbing her waist and pulling her into a kiss. Wow, okay. This isn’t so bad at all, Y/N thought to herself, it’s pretty nice. Not that I have anything to base it off of, but he’s a good kisser. A really good kisser. Wait a minute... something seems... familiar... Y/N’s heart started racing as they pulled away. She had to know who it was, so she pulled her blindfold off-even though it was against the rules. Y/N couldn’t conceal her surprise. “Sirius,” she breathed, unable to think of anything other than him. Sirius leaned down to kiss her again, and Y/N didn’t hesitate in kissing him back.
When they finally pulled away, Y/N and Sirius couldn’t help but stare at each other in awe for a moment. “I thought you were very selective when it comes to the women you kiss?” Y/N asked him, trying to hold back a smile. “I am. I paid a whole sickle and everything,��� Sirius grinned. “A sickle? Is that what you think a kiss from me is worth?” Y/N teased. “I’m worth at least ten galleons,” she smiled. “At least,” Sirius agreed. He leaned down to kiss her once more, but realization hit Y/N and she pulled away quickly. “Oh my godric, Sirius,” she gasped. “We just did that in front of everyone.” Sirius looked over to the crowd watching in awe. “It appears we did,” he agreed. “Your brother is going to kill me,” Y/N told him. “We’ll take care of that later. Right now, just smile and take a bow,” Sirius replied, eyes flirting over to the crowd. Y/N nodded and the two of them turned and bowed. “I’ll meet you backstage,” Sirius said quietly just before Y/N made her way back to where Lily was waiting behind the curtain.
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A/N: aaaaaaand the actual kissing booth is here! Feedback is always appreciated! 
Tagging: @argentinemango @kbaille92 @allertonn @espressoo-patronum @themarauderstheoutsidersandpeggy @rhyxn @magical-spit @obscurilicious @thecurlyhairedwinchester
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Songs that make me think of the Marauders (PART TWO)
(part one)
Everything Happens For A Reason (Madison Beer)
Remus, after the Prank, completely heartbroken and completely confused… when did Sirius stop loving him in that sweet, gentle way he’d always promised to?
When did Sirius start seeing him as the monster he's always sworn Remus isn't?
I used to believe That everything happens for a reason But I just can't find a reason You'd wanna hurt me so bad
Can't get no relief Time moves on with the seasons But I still can't find a reason You'd wanna hurt me so bad
And what in the world did I do to deserve such a pain in my heart? Guess it's true I'm never getting over you
I still love you I still want you I still love you
If You Love Her (Forest Blakk)
This is the song Sirius and Remus play during their first dance. Fight me.
She always has trouble falling asleep And she likes to cuddle while under the sheets She loves pop songs and dancing, and bad trash TV There's still a few other things She loves love notes and babies and likes giving gifts Has a hard time accepting a good compliment She loves her whole family and all of her friends So if you're the one she lets in
Kiss her with passion as much as you can Run your hands through her hair whenever she's sad And when she doesn't notice how pretty she is Tell her over and over, so she never forgets
Take it If she gives you her heart, don't you break it Let your arms be a place she feels safe in She's the best thing that you'll ever have On days when it feels like the whole world might cave in Stand side by side and you'll make it She'll love you if you love her like that
cowboy like me (Taylor Swift)
Sirius and Remus go on the run together after James’ death. Not at first - they meet up in a bar about three months after. But after that three months they’re inseparable again - desperately in love, playing Robin Hood, driving a blue Mustang into the sunset - they’re miserable, sure, but they’re also very good at pretending they’re not.
And you asked me to dance But I said, "dancing is a dangerous game" Oh, I thought, this is gonna be one of those things I've got some tricks up my sleeve Takes one to know one You're a cowboy like me Never wanted love, just a fancy car Now I'm waiting by the phone
Perched in the dark Telling all the rich folks anything they wanna hear Like it could be love I could be the way forward, only if they pay for it You're a bandit like me, eyes full of stars Hustling for the good life Never thought I'd meet you here It could be love We could be the way forward, and I know I'll pay for it
And the skeletons in both our closets plotted hard to mess this up And the old men that I've swindled really did believe I was the one And the ladies lunching have their stories about when you passed through town But that was all before I locked it down Now you hang from my lips like the Gardens of Babylon With your boots beneath my bed Forever is the sweetest con
And I'm never gonna love again I'm never gonna love again
no body, no crime (Taylor Swift)
Sirius Black’s soulmate, James Potter, is dead. And Sirius knows who did it.
He just can’t prove it.
(I rewrote it for y'all. You're welcome.)
Cell Block Tango (from "Chicago")
The Dark Marauders. James, Sirius, Remus, Peter, Lily, Severus, and Regulus - performing uselessly sensual dance routines in Azkaban because why the fuck not? Their Dark Lord is dead, and all they have left of him is their loyalty and a bout of snakes and skulls on their arms.
(Wrote this one too. Again, you're welcome.)
Broken Bones (KALEO)
Remus Lupin is a werewolf, and every full moon, this song runs through his mind as James and Sirius envelop his naked body in their arms and tell him he’s beautiful, and so so good, and they’ll love him forever and ever and ever, they promise. And for a single, measley second every time, Remus believes them.
Hoping things might go my way Some might say I talk loud, see if I care Unlike them, don't walk away from my fear I've busted bones, broken stones, looked the devil in the eye I hope he's going to break these chains
Another hard day, no water, no rest I saw my chance, so I got him at last I took his six shooter, put two in his chest He'll never say a word no more The devil got him good for sure
Ain't got no place to call a home Only chains and broken bones Ain't got no place to call a home So come on lord, won't you take me now? So come on lord, what you waiting for?
Oh, the devil's going to make me a free man The devil's going to set me free The devil's going to make me a free man The devil's going to set me free...
traitor (Olivia Rodrigo)
Sirius is innocent. Remus believes that. Remus knows that. He knows it. Because he doesn’t know how he’ll live if he’s wrong. Well, okay, he knows -
He won’t.
Brown guilty eyes and little white lies Yeah, I played dumb but I always knew That you'd talk to her, maybe did even worse I kept quiet so I could keep you
And ain't it funny how you ran And ain't it funny how you said you were friends? Now it sure as hell don't look like it
Ain't it funny all the twisted games All the questions you used to avoid?
Ain't it funny? Remember I brought her up, and you told me I was paranoid
You betrayed me And I know that you'll never feel sorry for the way I hurt Loved you at your worst, but that didn't matter
God, I wish that you had thought this through Before I went and fell in love with you When she's sleeping in the bed we made Don't you dare forget about the way you betrayed me
Never Not (Lauv)
The Marauders, slowly breaking apart over the years. James and Lily settle in London, and Sirius and Remus run off to travel the world. They split off somewhere in Asia and forget to call. Peter cleans dishes in Hogwarts’ kitchens and Severus spends his time in those dungeons, teaching potions and writing letters he never sends. Regulus holes up in Grimmauld Place, never marrying, never moving. James and Lily divorce when Harry is ten, and go their separate ways. They always move forward, but -
They also always look back.
I lost myself, seventeen Then you came, found me There's a room in my heart with the memories we made Took them down but they're still in their frames There's no way I could ever forget
For as long as I live, and as long as I love I will never not think about you From the moment I loved I knew you were the one And no matter whatever I do I will never not think about you
What we had only comes once in a lifetime For the rest of mine, I'll always compare To the room in my heart with the memories we made Nights on fifth, in between B and A
Didn't we have fun? Didn't we have fun, looking back?
We were so beautiful We were so tragic No other magic could ever compare...
Scared To Live (The Weeknd)
Sirius and Remus after twelve years apart, having no idea what to do with each other. They were in love once - are in love? - but those days are long gone. Sirius sees how Remus looks at Tonks, but knows Remus can’t ever really love her, much as he likes her, because his heart has forgotten every word but Sirius' name. And Sirius is happier than he thought he’d ever get to be without James, really, though he’s far from happy or even content - is this all there is? Is this how they die? Is this their ending?
No. No. No, after everything, this can’t be it - this cannot be it.
(But if he dies, well... he hopes Remus lives on without him. Happier.
I guess.)
When I saw the signs, I should've let you go But I kept you beside me And if I held you back, at least I held you close Should have known you were lonely
I know things will never be the same Time we lost will never be replaced I'm the reason you forgot to love So don't be scared to live again Be scared to live again No, don't be scared to live again
You always miss the chance to fall for someone else Cause your heart only knows me They try to win your love, but there was nothing left They just made you feel lonely
I am not the man I used to be Did some things I couldn't let you see Refused to be the one who taints your heart
I hope you know that I've been praying that you find yourself We fell apart, right from the start I should have made you my only
So don't be scared to live again I said, "don't be scared to live again"
I Know Where I've Been (from "Hairspray! Live")
Remus and Sirius, sad and happy together, alone in Grimmauld Place and dancing deep into the night as this song plays on the record player and they sway. Their whole lives have been war, but in these moments, there is peace.
Fleeting, hopeless peace, but peace nonetheless.
There's a light in the darkness Though the night is black There's a light burning bright Showing me the way But I know where I've been
There's a cry in the distance It's a voice that comes from deep within There's a cry asking why I pray the answer's up ahead Cause I know where I've been
There's a road we've been travelling Lost so many on the way But the riches will be plenty Worth the price we had to pay
There's a dream in the future There's a struggle we have yet to win And there's pride in my heart Cause I know where I'm going And I know where I've been
Brooklyn Baby (Lana Del Rey)
Sirius Black being himself, and James Potter and Remus Lupin being in love with him.
They say I'm too young to love you I don't know what I need They think I don't understand The freedom land of the seventies
I think I'm too cool to know ya You say I'm like the ice, I freeze I'm churning out novels like Beat poetry on Amphetamines
Well, my boyfriend's in a band He plays guitar while I sing Lou Reed I've got feathers in my hair I get down to beat poetry And my jazz collection's rare I can play most anything I'm a Brooklyn baby
They say I'm too young to love you They say I'm too dumb to see They judge me like a picture book By the colors, like they forgot to read I think we're like fire and water I think we're like the wind and sea You're burning up, I'm cooling down You're up, I'm down You're blind, I see
But I'm free I'm free
I'm talking about my generation Talking about that newer nation And if you don't like it, you can beat it Beat it, baby You never liked the way I said it If you don't get it, then forget it Cause I don't have to fucking explain
Yeah, my boyfriend's pretty cool But he's not as cool as me Cause I'm a Brooklyn baby I'm a Brooklyn baby
I Can't Go On Without You (KALEO)
Sirius and Remus are lost to each other, for twelve years and then two more, Sirius locked behind bars and then a Veil and Remus on the run alone and then with a woman he’s somehow fooled himself into thinking he loves.
They’ll be together again. One day. But for now, there’s nothing to do but wait.
Well, they thought they were made for each other Only thinking of one another Never thinking just for one second She would take a different attraction
We don't want that We don't want that, oh no I can't go on without you
Oh, so what's the point of breaking my sweet heart? She wanted me to let down my guard Well, you know what they say It's better that way So, you better hush and walk away
Well, was I supposed to wait for you sweetheart? And hide away the shame, yes I keep it all inside Though the thought had crossed my mind! To do all the things I'll regret, we don't want that
I can't, I can't, I can't go on without you I can't go on without you, oh, lord I can't go on without you, babe
Oh, she loves me She loves me not She loves me My love don't love me...
Oh, so what is left but a broken man? Cause nothing hurts like a woman can I can't go on without you...
happier (Olivia Rodrigo)
Sirius as he watches Remus fall in love with Tonks right in front of him, unable to love Sirius the same way after everything. Sirius loves his cousin - he does. He just kind of hates her, too.
There’s been a lot of things in this life he’s been afraid of, but Remus leaving him never even crossed his mind.
That was his mistake, I guess…
You've moved on, found someone new One more girl who brings out the better in you And I thought my heart was attached For all the sunlight of our past But she's so sweet, she's so pretty Does she mean you forgot about me?
And do you tell her she's the most beautiful girl you've ever seen? An eternal love bullshit you know you'll never mean Remember when I believed you meant it when you said it first to me? And now I'm picking her apart Like cutting her down make you miss my wretched heart But she's beautiful, she looks kind, she probably gives you butterflies
Say you love her, baby, just not like you loved me And think of me fondly when your hands are on her
I hope you're happy, just not like how you were with me I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go So find someone great, don't find no one better I hope you're happy, but don't be happier.
That's The Kind Of Woman (Julia Michaels)
James left Sirius for Lily, and that was okay. Sirius loved Lily, and he loved James, so it was okay. At least he still had Remus.
Well, he did. Until Tonks came along.
It’s okay. Really. Sirius has gone his whole life feeling unloved.
He can die that way too.
James, Sirius, and Remus fell in love in fourth year, and it was wonderful. And then Sirius started to notice things - small things, little things. Like the gentle way James and Remus are with each other, the way they wake each other up with kisses in the morning and dance the night before the full moon, the way their hands fit together the way everyone expected Sirius’ to fit with them, but better.
The way they love each other more than him.
And that’s okay. That’s fine. He wants them to be happy, and they make each other happy. So he lets them go the last day of seventh year, and disappears into the wind never to be seen again, just like their love for him.
Childhood picket fence, smells like confidence Raised with a little more common sense Isn't always on defense Sits up straight and knows how to take a compliment Jealous but the right amount Isn't scared of missing out, missing out's scared of missing her Doesn't buy things to fill voids Doesn't hate the sound of her own voice
Doesn't cry when someone leaves Isn't contradictory Mind takes a break when she falls asleep Always takes her own advice Crosses T's and cuts her ties Figured out sympathize from empathize Doesn't keep those letters in a drawer Doesn't keep a closet full of things she bought and never wore Gives all her attention to the people that are with her She still loves to dance She still loves her sister
If the me I am Walked out that door Would I miss her?
Maybe, a little bit, sure Oh, I love myself, but I'd love her more Yeah, that's the kind of woman I'd leave me for
Quarter Past Midnight (Bastille)
The Marauders steal a Muggle’s pick-up truck and fly down the highway, literally. The lights are bright and the music is loud, and they’re screaming with laughter, dancing and kissing under the stars. It’s that one perfect moment, the one poets write about seeking their whole lives. This is that moment, this is their moment.
They’ll never be this happy again.
It's a quarter past midnight as we cut through the city The streets are getting restless Good times, bad decisions And the sirens are mending some hearts But we're the losers on our back seats Singing love will tear us apart
It's a quarter past midnight, still avoiding tomorrow It's a quarter past midnight, but we're just getting going We keep on running through a red light Like we're trying to burn the night away This is my favorite part Help me piece it all together, darling Before it falls apart
And the speakers are blowing We want the bodies on the billboards Not the lives underneath them And now we're crawling up the walls again And it's a quarter past twelve And you said we'd leave this place in dust And fall from heaven straight through hell We never know what we have We never knew what we had
We keep on running Why are we always chasing after something Like we're trying to throw our lives away?
And the secrets are flowing Our lips are getting looser I don't know what I'm saying We never knew what we had I never know what I've had
Home (Edith Whiskers)
The Marauders remember each other in a haze - well. The ones that are still alive do, that is.
Regulus, falling.
James, fighting.
Lily, screaming.
Sirius, smiling.
Peter, choking.
Remus, crying.
Severus, bleeding.
They all went, and not one peacefully.
If I close my eyes, I can still see them. Laughing.
I do love my ma and pa Not the way that I do love you Well, holy moly, me oh my, you're the apple of my eye Girl, I've never loved one like you Man, oh, man, you're my best friend, I scream it to the nothingness There ain't nothing that I need Well, hot and heavy pumpkin pie, chocolate candy, Jesus Christ Ain't nothing please me more than you
I'll follow you into the park, through the jungle, through the dark Moats and boats and waterfalls, alleyways and pay phone calls I've been everywhere with you We laugh until we think we'll die, barefoot on a summer night Nothing new is sweeter than with you And in the streets, we run afree, like it's only you and me Geez, you're something to see
Oh, home, let me come home Home is whenever I'm with you Oh, home, let me come home Home is wherever I'm with you
I Hate That You're Happy (Tiny Little Houses)
Severus is alone, alone again. Lily’s gone. She’s run off to marry James Potter, the prat, and Severus - Severus doesn’t hope for much in this life, but he holds out hope for her. Because everyone knows she loves James now, but she loved Severus once too… and she still keeps his green ribbon tied around her ring finger, almost like they’re still married in mind.
So Severus keeps his vows to her. He promised her forever - it’s okay, honestly. That forever can be spent apart. He’ll love her anyway.
He'll love her always.
I'm sorry if I ever hurt you And I never kissed you enough And I just have trouble unravelling sometimes The feelings that I kept locked up
And I know it's my own misfortune And I didn't hold tight enough But I found it hard to keep myself whole While drowning in my bitter blood
I'll stay awake again and start feeling The spot where you used to reside And I'll lay beneath these cold empty sheets Huddled and clutching my sides
And I know it's my own misfortune And darling, believe me, I do And you've got your problems, and hell I've got mine But I find it hard that we're through
And I hate when you're with him And I hate when you smile And I hate that for once you don't seem like you've cried And I hate that you've kissed him And I hate that I'm sore But most of all I hate that you're happier than before
And I hate when you're with him And at night you're entwined And I hate that I have to pretend that I'm fine And I hate that I miss you but you miss him more But most of all I hate that you're happier than before Most of all I hate that you're happier than before
Call Your Girlfriend (Clara Mae)
James knows Lily isn’t happy with him. It’s been months, she’s had plenty of time to come around, but she just - she doesn’t love him. She never has. He should’ve seen that, but he was too busy hating the greasy-haired git to realize that Lily has always loved him more than anything else.
Gently, he lets her go. He presses the green ribbon he found in her drawer around her hand, and he kisses her goodbye, and he tells her to go after her happiness, whoever that is. And she smiles at him, the tears in her eyes happy, and she runs away, crashing into Severus’ arms. And they look… they look so perfect together. Like they make so much sense.
It’s okay. James can take it.
Regulus is staring at him. James winks at him, and smiles.
Call your girlfriend It's time you had the talk Give your reasons Say it's not her fault Tell her not to get upset Second guessing everything you've said and done
And when she get upset Tell her that you never meant to hurt no one You just tell her that the only way her heart will mend Is when she learns to love again And it won't make sense right now But you're still her friend
Cloud 9 (Beach Bunny)
James, Sirius, and Remus. It’s an unconventional love story, but not one they feel the need to explain.
They can and will dance together forever, butterbeers in their hands and magic in their eyes, hearts colliding in a messy, three-way kiss.
I don't wanna seem the way I do But I'm confident when I'm with you Lately all I feel is bad and bruised Tired of tripping on my shoes
When I start to tumble from the sky You remind me how to fly Lately, I've been feeling unalive But you bring me back to life
But when he loves me, I feel like I'm floating When he calls me pretty, I feel like somebody Even when we fade eventually to nothing You will always be my favorite form of loving
the last great american dynasty (Taylor Swift)
The Most Ancient and Noble House of Black, and its last heir, Sirius Potter Lupin.
Fuck those assholes. He’ll be as mad as he likes.
Was the heir to the name, and money And the town said "how did a middle class divorcée do it?" The wedding was charming, if a little gauche There's only so far new money goes They picked out a home and called it Holiday House Their parties were tasteful, if a little loud The doctor had told him to settle down It must have been her fault his heart gave out
And they said, "there goes the last great american dynasty" Who knows, if she never showed up what could've been There goes the maddest woman this town has ever seen She had a marvelous time ruining everything
Rebekah gave up on the Rhode Island set forever Flew in all the Bitch Pack friends from the city Filled the pool with champagne and swam with the big names And blew through the money on the boys and the ballet And losing on card game bets with Dalí
There goes the most shameless woman this town has ever seen She had a marvelous time ruining everything
They say she was seen on occasion Pacing the rocks staring out at the midnight sea And in a feud with her neighbor She stole his dog and dyed it key lime green Fifty years is a long time Holiday House sat quietly on that beach Free of women with madness Their men and bad habits, and then it was bought by me
Who knows, if I never showed up what could've been There goes the loudest woman this town has ever seen I had a marvelous time ruining everything
I Don't Believe You (P!nk)
Regulus, alone after Sirius runs away. All alone in a giant house, all alone with his wretched mother and her Death Eater friends, all alone without the only person he’s ever loved.
Sirius never comes back, but Regulus waits at the door for him every day anyway.
(Sirius writes Regulus a million letters. He wonders why he never answers. Not even with a cursive fuck you. Maybe he should go back… maybe - no.
No, best not.
It’s not like Regulus misses him.)
I don't mind it, I don't mind at all It's like you're the swing set and I'm the kid that falls It's like the way we fight, the times I've cried We come too close, and every night The passion's there, so it's gotta be right Right?
I don't mind it, I still don't mind at all It's like one of those bad dreams when you can't wake up It looks like you've given up, you've had enough But I want more, no, I won't stop Because I just know you'll come around Right?
Just don't stand there and watch me fall Cause I still don't mind at all
No I don't believe you When you say, "don't come around here no more" I won't remind you You said we wouldn't be apart No I don't believe you When you say you don't need me anymore So don't pretend to not love me at all
Cause I don't believe you.
Little Miss Perfect (Annapantsu cover)
Regulus Black, the perfect child.
He and his brother are nothing alike. Sirius is rebellious, Regulus is obedient. Sirius is brash, Regulus is controlled. Sirius is bravery, Regulus is misery. They have nothing in common.
Well -
Except their hearts, bothing beating for a boy named James Potter with twinkling eyes. A boy only one of them will get to kiss.
Regulus is happy to be the one who’s lost out. At least, that’s what he tells himself as he stares up at the white light, the surface too far above to reach.
Straight hair, straight A's, straightforward Straight path, I don't cut corners I make a point to be on time Head of the student council I don't black out at parties I jam to Paul McCartney If you ask me how I'm doing I'll say...
Well, hmm Often I ask myself, "what did I do?" To get as far as I've gotten A pretty girl walks by my locker My heart gives a flutter But I don't dare utter a word Cause that would be absurd behavior For little miss perfect
No, I can't risk falling off my throne Love is something I don't even know Straight hair, straight A's, straightforward Straight girl Little miss perfect That's me You don't even know Rewind, induce amnesia Deny the truth, that's easier You're just confused, believe her When she says there's nothing there It's never worth it When you're little miss perfect
Achilles Come Down (Gang Of Youths)
Sirius, running from his family and his predetermined madness, his wildness carrying him so far he makes a circle.
Remus, hiding from love and freedom, his happiness stitched from his skin in ugly, painful scars.
James, watching his best friends tear each other apart, too blind with love to see the monsters they’ve made of each other.
Children, come down.
Achilles, Achilles, Achilles come down Won't you get up off, get up off the roof? You're scaring us and all of us, some of us love you Achilles, it's not much but there's proof You crazy assed cosmonaut, remember your virtue Redemption lies plainly in truth Just humour us, Achilles Achilles, come down Won't you get up off, get up off the roof?
The self is not so weightless, nor whole and unbroken Remember the pact of our youth? Where you go, I'm going So jump and I'm jumping Since there is no me without you Soldier on, Achilles Achilles, come down Won't you get up off, get up off the roof?
Hurt and grieve, but don't suffer alone Engage with the pain as a motive Today of all days, see How the most dangerous thing is to love How you will heal and you'll rise above
Achilles, jump now You are absent of cause or excuse So self-indulgent and self-referential No audience could ever want you You crave the applause, yet hate the attention Then miss it, your act is a ruse It is empty, Achilles, so end it all now It's a pointless resistance for you
Achilles, just put down the bottle Don't listen to what you've consumed It's chaos, confusion, and wholly unworthy Of feeding and it's wholly untrue You may feel no purpose nor a point for existing It's all just conjecture and gloom And there may not be meaning, so find one and seize it Do not waste your self on this roof
Feel your breath course frankly below And see life as a worthy opponent Crowned by an overture bold and beyond Ah, it's more courageous to overcome You want the acclaim, it's not worth it, Achilles More poignant than fame or the taste of another
Don't listen, Achilles, but be real and just jump You dense motherfucker (you're worth more, Achilles) You will not be more than a rat in the gutter (so much more than a rat)
You want my opinion (no one asked your opinion) My opinion you've got You asked for my counsel (no one asked for your thoughts)
I gave you my thoughts Be done with this now, and jump off the roof Can you hear me Achilles? I'm talking to you
Throw yourself into the unknown with pace and a fury defiant Clothe yourself in beauty untold and see life as a means to a triumph
Achilles, come down.
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things (Taylor Swift)
Remus gets super drunk after the Prank and gives a fucking performance on top of the coffee table in front of the entirety of Gryffindor. Sirius is bright red. James is on the verge of tears. Severus is gaping. And Remus is seething.
You woke the wolf. Now watch it bite.
And there are no rules when you show up here Bass beat rattling the chandelier Feeling so Gatsby for that whole year So why'd you have to rain on my parade? I'm shaking my head, I'm locking the gates
It was so nice being friends again There I was giving you a second chance But you stabbed me in the back while shaking my hand And therein lies the issue, friends don't try to trick you And so I took an axe to a mended fence But I'm not the only friend you've lost lately If only you weren't so shady
Here's a toast to my real friends They don't care about the HE SAID, SHE SAID And here's to my baby He ain't reading what they call me lately And here's to my mama Had to listen to all this drama And here's to you... Cause forgiveness is a nice thing to do
Hahaha, I can't even say it with a straight face!
This is why we can't have nice things, darling Because you break them, I had to take them away This is why we can't have nice things, honey Did you think I wouldn't hear all the things you said about me? This is why we can't have nice things
right where you left me (Taylor Swift)
Remus is pretty sure he died on October 31, 1981. He’s not sure why his body’s still moving.
Friends break up, friends get married Strangers get born, strangers get buried Trends change, rumors fly through new skies But I'm right where you left me Matches burn after the other Pages turn and stick to each other Wages earned and lessons learned But I'm right where you left me
Help, I'm still at the restaurant Still sitting in a corner I haunt Cross-legged in the dim light They say, "what a sad sight" I swear you could hear a hair pin drop Right when I felt the moment stop Glass shattered on the white cloth Everybody moved on I stayed there Dust collecting on my pinned-up hair They expected me to find somewhere Some perspective, but I sat and stared
Did you ever hear about the girl who got frozen? Time went on for everybody else, she won't know it She's still 23 inside her fantasy How it was supposed to be Did you hear about the girl who lives in delusion? Break-ups happen every day, you don't have to lose it She's still 23 inside her fantasy And you're sitting in front of me
At the restaurant, when I was still the one you want Cross-legged in the dim light, everything was just right
I'm sure that you got a wife out there Kids and Christmas, but I'm unaware Cause I'm right where I cause no harm, mind my business If our love died young, I can't bear witness And it's been so long But if you ever think you got it wrong
I'm right where you left me You left me no choice but to stay here forever...
Every Day a Little Death (from “The Count of Monte Cristo”)
Remus Lupin, waiting.
Waiting, waiting, waiting…
For what, he’s not sure. Maybe death. Maybe madness.
Right now all he’s got is lonely.
Lonely, lonely, lonely; la, la, la…
Come out, come out, wherever you are, Peter. Come out and kill me, you coward.
Another day, another week Another month, another year Another day, another night Until it’s day again The sun has fled, I go to bed And scratch a line on the wall Another day, where nothing changes at all
And everyday shuffles by like the day before! On its way to the blackest of skies And everyday a little death comes and paces the floor! And a little bit more of me dies... Another day, another week Another month, another year Another night I spend alone Until it’s day again Our little star has moved away And all the world is a blur I only see I am not me Without her
Everyday a little death for everyday I die Everyday a little death and still I know not why...
He will come back! Perhaps but still… He will return to me! Another prayer You’ve got to live for today I will live when we’re together again Everyday I will pray until then
And everyday another prayer will bring him close to me And every night out little star we will share The one day when I open my eyes He will be standing right over there, one day
There’s something I must say I wanted to protect you
I wish there was a way I could make it untrue I heard the news today I fear the worst has happened An accident occurred He is dead! Dead and gone Rest in peace may flights of angels sing him to his rest Let me hold and help to heal you!
Everyday a little death...
tolerate it (Taylor Swift)
Remus Lupin. Abandoned, alone, aimless. Unwanted, unseen, unloved. Mad, morbid, monster.
He wonders if in the next life, he’ll be dealt some better cards.
Best not hope. Best not be greedy. He could be dead -
Isn’t sadness better?
I sit and watch you reading with your head low I wake and watch you breathing with your eyes closed I sit and watch you I notice everything you do or don't do You're so much older and wiser and I
I wait by the door like I'm just a kid Use my best colors for your portrait Lay the table with the fancy shit And watch you tolerate it
I greet you with a battle hero's welcome I take your indiscretions all in good fun I sit and listen I polish plates until they gleam and glisten You're so much older and wiser and I While you were out building other worlds, where was I? Where's that man who'd throw blankets over my barbed wire? I made you my temple, my mural, my sky Now I'm begging for footnotes in the story of your life Drawing hearts in the byline Always taking up too much space or time You assume I'm fine But what would you do if I
Break free and leave us in ruins Took this dagger in me and removed it Gain the weight of you then lose it Believe me, I could do it! If it's all in my head tell me now Tell me I've got it wrong somehow I know my love should be celebrated But you tolerate it
Téir Abhaile Riu (Celtic Woman)
Sirius being Sirius and Remus and James trying to reign him in. I don’t know. Just vibes, I guess - three soft little gays living out a domestic half-insane life on a little farm in Wales, not a mile from the ashen sea.
Stay here and never you mind The lights of the town are blinding you The sailors they come and they go But listen to what's reminding you Handsome men surrounding you Dancing a reel around you
Listen to the music flow I'm falling for the flow of home I'm home to dance till dawning
Stay awhile and we'll dance together now As the light is falling We'll reel away till the break of day And dance together till morning
No One Knows Us (BANNERS, Carly Paige)
James, Sirius, and Remus are queerplatonic partners. Well, James is theirs - Sirius and Remus are dating. In love. But they and James, they’re not. Not that it matters - every assumes, from their atypical affection, that they are.
James wishes he could be with them, sometimes. The way he wants. Like it’s normal. Without all the prying eyes.
He wonders if he stole a pirate ship and sailed them somewhere else, if it would be any different. Any easier.
Loving the right people shouldn’t be a burden.
Wish I could kiss you when I wanna Without all the fear and all the drama Kill to hold your hand in public I could try to fight the feeling Dull it down like sleeping without dreaming
I wanna push you up against the wall Want them all to hear me call you baby I know it's never gonna happen And I've learned to accept that I accept that
I need you closer Can we go somewhere? No one knows us Leave our world behind We can hole up in a motel room Where no one knows us
See You Again (Carrie Underwood)
The Marauders as they die, one by one. James too early, Sirius too soon, Remus too late. Reunited wherever wizards go when they die, after a long, hard road of what felt like a whole lot of goddamn nothing.
But here they are, at last: alone no longer.
Said goodbye, turned around And you were gone, gone, gone Faded into the setting sun, slipped away But I won't cry cause I know I'll never be lonely For you are the stars to me You are the light I follow
I can hear those echoes in the wind at night Calling me back in time, back to you In a place far away where the water meets the sky The thought of it makes me smile You are my tomorrow
Sometimes I feel my heart is breaking But I stay strong and I hold on cause I know...
I will see you again This is not where it ends I will carry you with me Til I see you again I will see you again...
Bloom (The Paper Kites)
James and Sirius and Remus, loving each other. And not knowing what queerplatonic partners are until Severus and Lily shove a Muggle book into their hands with sweet, manic grins.
“Oh,” James says, with wonder. Sirius kisses him. Remus takes his hand. James looks at them, his eyes wide and twinkling. “Oh, that’s us.”
In the morning when I wake And the sun is coming through Oh, you fill my lungs with sweetness, And you fill my head with you
Shall I write it in a letter? Shall I try to get it down? Oh, you fill my head with pieces Of a song I can't get out
Can I take it to a morning Where the fields are painted gold And the trees are filled with memories Of the feelings never told?
When the evening pulls the sun down, And the day is almost through, Oh, the whole world it is sleeping, But my world is you
Can I be close to you?
Me and My Husband (Mitski)
Sirius and James. Fight me.
(Oh, and Remus - hopelessly in love with them and chasing after their shenanigans as the world stretches out before them, endless.)
I steal a few breaths from the world for a minute And then I'll be nothing forever And all of my memories And all of the things I have seen will be gone With my eyes, with my body, with me
But me and my husband, we're doing better It's always been just him and me together So I bet all I have on that furrowed brow
And I'm the idiot with the painted face In the corner, taking up space But when he walks in, I am loved, I am loved And at least in this lifetime, we're sticking together Me and my husband, we're sticking together
You & Jennifer (bülow)
Regulus, angry and bitter, left alone in his big black bed wondering what’s so fucking amazing about Lily Evans that could make James want her more than him.
Remus, so fucking in love with his two best friends… his two best friends, who are so fucking in love with each other, who look at each other like they’re the world, who fuck Remus when the world is ending. His two best friends… assholes.
Listen, no, we don't need to be enemies Ain't got a vision of us in the future with a white picket fence and eternal decisions Now I'm sitting here wondering, when did this all start?
Would rather be the girl that got away than be under your thumb Don't need to spend no more time on you, not like I was in love Not that I'm having a nervous breakdown, I'm just let down You don't know what that's like though to wait up all night So I thank you for teaching me how I could live without you Never needed me, I don't need you
Fuck you and Jennifer, I know that you're out with her Go pretend that you're just friends I'll pretend that I'm not hurt I know all the shit I heard, you can take these bitter words Fuck you and Jennifer Go fucking make love to her
Soon You’ll Get Better (Taylor Swift, The Chicks)
James, surrounded by people he can’t fix.
James, holding a screaming Sirius against his chest as he sobs and shakes from the fifth nightmare that week.
James, brushing salve across the scars of a terrified and bruised Remus after yet another full moon.
James, trying to lure a quiet and cold Peter back to them with candy as he recedes even further away into Slytherin robes.
James, fucking Lily; James, kissing Severus; James, touching Regulus -
James, doomed to love people he can’t help.
The buttons of my coat were tangled in my hair I didn't tell you I was scared That was the first time we were there Holy orange bottles, each night I pray to you Desperate people find faith, so now I pray too And I say to you
I know delusion when I see it in the mirror You like the nicer nurses, you make the best of a bad deal I just pretend it isn't real I'll paint the kitchen neon, I'll brighten up the sky I know I'll never get it, there's not a day that I won't try And I'll say to you
And I hate to make this all about me But who am I supposed to talk to? What am I supposed to do if there's no you? This won't go back to normal, if it ever was It's been years of hoping, and I keep saying it because cause I have to
Soon you'll get better Soon you'll get better You'll get better soon Cause you have to.
Dance Alone (Blanks)
James Potter being his usual idiotic adorable self. (It’s just the vibes, man.)
Been staring at the wall today, to find some hidden meaning My momma called to ask me how I'm feeling I've been running out of things to think So what's the point of dreaming? Called all my friends cause I cant get along with all my demons And I've been watching from a distance how the seasons change
Been staring at the wall today, still looking for some meaning I tried talking to myself for a change to ask me how I'm feeling I've been running out of room to think I need a higher ceiling
I've been lost, lost in the rhythm lately I don't know, know how to dance alone
Strawberry Blond (Mitski)
James falls in love with Sirius first - make no mistake, it was absolutely Sirius first. Because Sirius was just so bright, and so lovely, and so daring, and he made James laugh as they ran and drove and flew for miles without a direction. Anything for a touch.
And then there came Remus - beautiful, sweet, kind Remus, his eyes so gentle and his smiles so pure, and James wanted to hold him forever, wanted to take his hand and dive right into the sun, wanted to burst into flames. Anything for a taste.
And then Sirius and Remus fell in love with each other, and now James watches them from the outside, grinning behind tears and thinking, Oh god. I’m happy.
I love everybody because I love you When you stood up, walked away, barefoot And the grass where you lay left a bed in your shape I looked over it and I ached
I love everybody because I love you I don't need the city, and I don't need proof All I need, darling, is a life in your shape I picture it soft and I ache
Reach out the car window, trying to hold the wind You tell me you love her, I give you a grin Oh, all I ever wanted was a life in your shape So I follow the white lines, keep my eyes on the road as I ache
Look at you, strawberry blond Fields rolling on, I love it when you call my name Can you hear the bumblebees swarm? Watching your arm, I love it when you look my way
FML (Arizona Zervas)
James has a habit of falling for people so fierce he can never refuse them. Regulus is just the last one - the one he keeps, even if he dies still trying to figure out how.
(This is the James and Regulus theme song, I’m calling it.)
I might let you drive me crazy Usually I ain't the type to stay Cause you could fall in, and go psycho Ain't no telling where this might go But I take my chances either way
You look like somebody that could really hold it down You look like somebody that would always stick around I know you probably crazy All my friends said stay away but that shit just don't faze me Got a little bit of sass, I like that You don't take no shit, yeah you fight back Never let a dude hit it on the first night I can't even sleep over til I wife that All these bitches in my phone, hit the boy But I've been curving everyone for you Girl I would give you every single password All you gotta do is let me through
Imma keep it honest, I know that you got a plan I know you ain't perfect, but basic bitches never last I don't usually do this type of shit So baby trust me when I tell you that I'm all about it Yeah, I might fall in love and let you fuck my life up Just so I could go and write a song about it
Last man left you brokenhearted, let me treat you right If you need me I could pull up any night You just say the words, girl, I don't need a reason Give me something more than just a lover on the weekend
Come and fuck my life up.
Lay Me Down (Sam Smith)
If James married Regulus instead, but the war still tore them apart and to shreds.
They still fall, they still die, they still lose… but James is captivated by grey eyes rather than green ones, at least in this lifetime. At least for now.
Yes, I do, I believe that one day I will be where I was Right there, right next to you And it's hard, the days just seem so dark The moon, and the stars are nothing without you Your touch, your skin, where do I begin? No words can explain the way I'm missing you Deny this emptiness, this hole that I'm inside These tears, they tell their own story Told me not to cry when you were gone But the feeling's overwhelming, it's much too strong
Can I lay by your side, next to you? You And make sure you're alright I'll take care of you I don't want to be here if I can't be with you
Forever (... is a long time) (Halsey)
Remus didn’t know anyone could love him, the way he is. You can’t blame him for letting James and Sirius slip through his fingers when he didn’t know they would’ve stayed forever.
He wonders if happiness still sounds like his name on their lips.
I spent a long time watering a plant made out of plastic And I cursed the ground for growing green
I spent a long time substituting honest with sarcastic And I cursed my tongue for being mean
Weightless, breathless, destitute Motionless and absolute He cut me open, sucked the poison from an aging wound Now fifty thousand walking deads would cower at this small brunette It's a nice surprise knowing six feet high Would reach and grab the moon if I should ask
Or just imply that I want you to be more light So I could look inside his eyes And get the colors just right
But love built provinces, callouses, break promises Cause I could never hold a perfect thing and not demolish it What am I thinking? What does this mean? How could somebody ever love me?
"Tell him he's got bad news coming..."
Used To This (Camila Cabello)
James and Sirius, crazy kids in mad love in a big Muggle city, dancing and kissing under the lights every night… and then meeting Remus, and wondering if all these years they’ve been mistaking magic for something else, because this, love, this is what magic is.
No, I never liked San Francisco Never thought it was nothing special Til you kissed me there No, I never liked windy cities But I think maybe when you're with me I like everywhere
It's the strangest feeling Midnight, I'm not leaving No, for once, I think I'll stay I say your name, just listen Doesn't it sound different? Never whispered it this way
It's gonna take me a minute But I could get used to this The feeling of your fingertips The feeling of another kiss Like every tattoo on your skin I'm memorizing every inch
The callouses on your fingers I admired them from a distance Now they're on my cheek
Oh, I've known you forever Now I know you better Let's just get carried away And it bears repeating Now my heart's bleeding When you tell me that you'll stay
It's gonna take me a minute But I could get used to this I could get used to this...
Love Me Like You (Little Mix)
You cannot tell me James and Sirius did not stand on top of the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall and serenade Remus with this while he covered his bright red face with his hands and damn near cried with embarrassment and laughter, because they did. I promise you, they did.
I solemnly swear.
Darling, he can't buy my love It's you I'm dreaming of
so baby, baby Come and save me
Last night I lay in bed so blue Cause I realized the truth They can't love me like you I've tried to find somebody new Baby, they ain't got a clue Can't love me like you
Come Home With Me (from “Hadestown”)
Sirius and James tripping over themselves trying to say hi the first time they meet Remus, his nose buried in a book in a small cafe, at a table by the window in a dress covered in sunflowers, his cheeks pink and his smile blinding.
James, tripping over himself to win Severus over, who just isn’t having it. (Fuck off, Potter.) (Please?) (No.)
You wanna talk to her?
Go on. Don't come on too strong.
Come home with me.
Who are you?
The man who's gonna marry you
Is he always like this?
Your name is like a melody
A singer, is that what you are?
I also play the lyre...
Oh, a liar, AND a player too! I've met too many men like you.
Oh, no. I'm not like that.
He's not like any man you've met.
That's what I'm working on - A song to fix what's wrong. Take what's broken, make it whole; A song so beautiful, it brings the world back into tune, back into time. And all the flowers will bloom... When you become my wife.
Oh, he's crazy. Why would I become his wife?
Maybe because he'll make you feel alive.
Alive? That's worth a lot... What else ya got?
You Belong With Me (Taylor Swift)
Sirius and James, unable to figure out why they're so bothered by the amount of people who have suddenly started flirting with Remus after the summer of fifth year.
He's just... he's theirs. Their werewolf. Their scrawny motherfucker. Their Moony.
She doesn't get your humor like I do She'll never know your story like I do
Walk in the streets with you in your worn-out jeans I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be And you've got a smile that can light up this whole town I haven't seen it in a while You say you're fine, I know you better than that
Standing by and waiting at your backdoor Oh, I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're about to cry And I know your favorite songs, and you tell me about your dreams Think I know where you belong, think I know it's with me...
Have you ever thought, just maybe, you belong with me? You belong with me.
Scrawny (Wallows)
I just really love Remus Lupin, okay?
Used to be level with all my friends Still wear the same shoes I did back then I don't think they've ever been untied I can't regret the things I don't try I'd switch it up but I don't like change Only content if things stay the same Don't care to watch the story unfold Hate feeling like I'm not in control I've been sleeping with the light on I tend to freak myself out Will you come a little closer?
I say the wrong shit at the right times If I'm offending them, I don't mind Maybe they all should listen to me It isn't all about what you see Question though, how do I look to you? Am I so thin that you can see through? I've been sleeping with the light off I wanted to remember Will you come a little closer now?
I'll be one of those people you remember They'll be looking at us when were together I'll be a mannequin you can dismember You don't like my clothes but you still like my smile Take me home to mom but it'll take awhile They might think they're cooler than me by a mile I can still have wisdom and look like a child
I'm a scrawny motherfucker with a cool hairstyle
Hate You (Seann Bowe)
Severus and Lily after the Incident. Still loving each other, but not knowing why or how. Having a million things to say, but never the words.
I'm sorry. What a tragic fucking joke.
Look at me now, such a pitiful place You found someone I thought that'd help erase These crazy thoughts that we were never broken You can't see red flags through rose colored glasses!
I killed you in my head now If I see you out with friends I'll just tell myself that it's a phantom or illusion Guess I haven't chosen which
I hate that I miss you, I hate that I'm lost I hate those dead flowers you taped to your wall I hate that you're okay and I can't move on I hate that somehow this is all my fault! I hate that I'm wide awake watching the door I hate these long showers sitting on the floor I hate in the end it was me who was wrong I hate that I don't really hate you at all
But I kind of wish I did...
I don't really hate you at all.
Bitter And The Sweetness (The Ready Set)
James and Sirius and Remus, dancing in the rain. Sirius is screaming up at the sky, and James is pulling Remus against him, quelling his shivering in an instant.
“I love you,” he whispers, and Remus beams, throwing his arms around his neck and kissing him as Sirius screams, “ELECTRIFY ME MOTHERFUCKER!” at the clouds.
That’s love, bitch.
Troublemaker look on your face Followed by a smile and I melt away It ain't always been this lovely We turn the ice and start a fire, melt away
It don't happen overnight It's laughing after fights Knowing which song I should sing to make you smile again Your favorite flowers How I know before you say, "It's gonna be okay"
Love, I think we got time to make mistakes Bitter and the sweetness, I just love the taste
You give me trouble in the best way When you let your hair down I can't look away You've just always been that lovely We turn the dark into light You'll be staying close
Like the time we got stuck out in the rain When you took my hand said, "Baby, we should stay."
Serenade (BANNERS)
James Potter's ghost, watching over Sirius Black forevermore. You don't just leave your soulmate behind. Never.
Stolen, some people stay a life, some for a moment Some hearts they set a light just to be frozen And so we're out of time, broken But now you've got the chance to travel oceans I hope the world's as wide as you were hoping Don't let heartache cloud your mind
If the days go darker, darling And you lose your way Go on, go on, I'm not beside you But I'll be the song there in the silence Let go, let go, darling, it's over now You're on your own, but I'm on your shoulder I'll always be your serenade, serenade, I I'll always be your serenade
They told you It's not the being drunk, it's being sober That's when it really hits you that it's over It's hard to say goodbye So you can keep me Somewhere out of reach but if you need me Just hum these memories and you can feel me I'm always standing by Go and write your story, darling You will find your place
You can always remember that I'm here to ease your mind I'm on your side and You can call me and just like that I'll sing a song to bring you home, babe
It's Quiet Uptown (from "Hamilton")
Remus, alone. His husband gone, his friends dead, his family murdered. Nothing left for him, until...
A sheepish smile.
"Hi, Moony."
Remus takes a deep breath. Sirius reaches for his hand.
They'll figure it out.
There are moments that the words don't reach There is suffering too terrible to name You hold your child as tight as you can And push away the unimaginable The moments when you're in so deep It feels easier to just swim down And so they move uptown And learn to live with the unimaginable
I spend hours in the garden, I walk alone to the store And it's quiet uptown, I never liked the quiet before And I pray, that never used to happen before
If you see him in the street Walking by himself, talking to himself, have pity You would like it uptown, it's quiet uptown He is working through the unimaginable His hair has gone grey He passes every day They say he walks the length of the city You knock me out, I fall apart Can you imagine?
Look at where we are Look at where we started I know I don't deserve you But hear me out That would be enough If I could spare his life If I could trade his life for mine He'd be standing here right now And you would smile and that would be enough
I don't pretend to know The challenges we're facing I know there's no replacing what we've lost And you need time But I'm not afraid I know who I married Just let me stay here by your side That would be enough
There are moments that the words don't reach There's a grace too powerful to name We push away what we can never understand We push away the unimaginable They are standing in the garden Standing there side by side She takes his hand It's quiet uptown
Forgiveness, can you imagine? Forgiveness, can you imagine? If you see him in the street Walking by her side, talking by her side, have pity They are going through the unimaginable
Dynasty (MIIA)
The Marauders are dead and gone, did you know?
But they were great once. Unstoppable. Invincible, young, in love.
Can you tell? Can you...
Some days, it's hard to see if I was a fool or you a thief Made it through the maze to find my one in a million And now you're just a page torn from the story I'm living The scar I can't reverse And the more it heals, the worse it hurts Gave you every piece of me, no wonder it's missing Don't know how to be so close to someone so distant
And all I gave you is gone Tumbled like it was stone It all fell down, it all fell down
Thought we built a dynasty that heaven couldn't shake Thought we built a dynasty like nothing ever made Thought we built a dynasty forever couldn't break up.
Dancing After Death (Matt Maeson)
Oh. It's you. You're here.
I never thought I'd see you again.
Do I know better than this? You're a word that I can't forget Though the thought rattles my brain Will you fold or will you remain?
If I don't get better than this man in my skin If I let go, would you hold on? Would we fly? Is it safer if we just say that we tried? Are we laughing at the danger?
As the sun waits to eclipse And the taste teases my lips I'm too tired to wrestle with it Will we burn, or will we repent?
Are we dancing after death, you and I?
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littlemulattokitten · 6 years
SingleFather!Snape Valentine’s Day Drabble
No one asked for this, (and I’m 98% positive I haven’t posted this before?)  but here’s a drabble from the universe of The Fourth Blood Princess, since I have no self control and I’ve been sitting on this for over a year...
Topaz was carefully cutting a small heart-shaped waffle into sizes Roslyn could manage when Severus entered the kitchen. He was still horribly tired after unintentionally keeping himself awake with thoughts of Evangeline the night before, and Roslyn seemed to be having trouble waking up as well. When Topaz noticed him, she frowned.
"Happy Valentine's, Master," she said worriedly, "please tell Topaz yous not sick, sir?"
Severus shook his head. "Just tired," he assured her quietly. He set Roslyn in her high chair before taking his seat next to her. "Happy Valentine's."
He could smell cinnamon, meaning Topaz had tweaked the waffle batter this morning, and he was curious to see how Roslyn liked it.
"The other elves wished to know if Master and Miss Rosie would like a picnic in the garden for lunch today," Topaz continued as she popped beside Roslyn and set her plate on her tray.
"We may visit the Blacks for lunch," said Severus. "Orion said he'd owl."
"Topaz will look out for owls today, Sir."
With a yawn that ended in a small squeak, Roslyn tiredly reached for Topaz. The elf's light blueish-grey eyes widened in joyous surprise before she gave Roslyn the requested hug.
"Rosie is a sweet Miss," said Topaz. She kissed Roslyn on the forehead and got a lopsided, sleepy smile in return. "Juice, Miss Rosie?" Roslyn shook her head. "Tea?" Another shake.
"If she has any more chocolate almond milks, she can have one of those if she'd like," Severus said. "A bit more sugar than normal won't hurt for just one day."
Roslyn finally nodded when Topaz asked, "Chocolate milk for Miss?" and the bright-eyed elf vanished momentarily.
With another yawn, Roslyn pinched a piece of waffle and started eating. Severus sipped his tea and watched her suck on her index finger and thumb as she chewed, wondering if her toothless state somehow made the action possible. She frowned at her sticky fingers, but seemed to resign herself to the inconvenience when she picked up another piece.
Topaz reappeared with Roslyn's carton of milk, it's straw already inserted, and held it so Roslyn could take a few drinks before she set it on the tray. Topaz also had a stack of letters in one hand, which she set in front of Severus' plate.
"Top one's from Mister Black, Sir," she said. "Opal and Onyx wishes to know if Master would want a special dinner instead of the picnic, if Master and Miss Rosie go see Mister Black."
Severus opened the letter, quickly scanned it, and nodded. "Dinner is preferable, yes. We'll be spending the afternoon out."
Topaz bowed and vanished to relay her orders back to the kitchen elves.
After breakfast, Severus let Roslyn play in the bath for a while before cleaning her up. He put her in the thin pink long-sleeved cotton dress Narcissa had thrown at him - sans explanation - a week prior, and a pair of soft grey leggings. It was only after he'd slipped on her crochet white booties, also courtesy of Narcissa, that he asked Topaz to keep an eye on her while he dealt with himself.
His hair was still slightly damp when they Floo'd to Grimmauld Place an hour later, and he could feel Roslyn playing with the strands as he dusted soot off the front of his robes. Regulus was waiting for them and his expression brightened when Roslyn waved at him.
“There’s my best friend,” he said. “Hi, pretty girl.”
Roslyn coo’d at him, to her father’s amusement, and Severus passed her over when she reached for her uncle. Regulus was happy to hold her for a bit and carefully carried her into the other room with Severus trailing them.
“Look who I found,” he said to Orion when they entered the drawing room.
Orion looked up from that morning’s edition of the Prophet with a warm smile aimed at his granddaughter. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Roslyn.”
She gave him a wide, chubby-cheeked smile and made a small chirp that verbalized how she felt about seeing him. Roslyn allowed Regulus to pass her to Orion, who held her gently under her arms and sat her upright in his lap.
“You’re so aware, little one,” he mused, returning her smile as he used one hand to gently toy with the wisps of curls at the nape of her neck.
“More so by the day,” Severus muttered under his breath. “She’s a clever, wriggly little thing.”
Orion hummed in agreement. “She’s getting strong. Crawling yet?”
“No, but not for lack of trying,” said Severus. “She’d be shuffling under my feet already if she had her way, I’m sure.”
“Maybe,” Regulus said. “She likes to be held though, doesn’t she?”
“Clever, cuddly, wriggly thing,” Severus amended, giving the barest of smiles when the other two chuckled quietly. “And yes, she has a rather obvious preference for being held at all times.”
“You’re going to have to try a little harder to convince me that you find that trait bothersome, I’m afraid,” Orion said. “Otherwise I’m left to assume that you’re more than content to indulge her whims in that regard.”
Severus chose to not comment, watching Roslyn relax as Orion gently massaged the back of her neck. “I’m hardly going to stunt her emotional development just so I always have both hands free,” he said blandly. “I just use my wand more than usual for simpler tasks. Content infant and I get my own affairs done.”
Orion and Regulus shared a glance, and Severus could tell they were laughing at him. He didn’t give a damn, and it was his turn to be smug when Roslyn became discontent a few moments later and reached for him.
Orion smiled wryly when Roslyn settled in the space between his neck and shoulder. “She takes after her mother,” he said quietly.
Severus didn’t comment. He didn’t want to think about Roslyn mother any more than he already had in the past twenty-four hours.
Roslyn sighed against his shoulder and he knew she was probably ready for her mid-morning kip. He rubbed her back, trying to gently coax her to sleep, and was rewarded with a small string of quiet coos.
“We can make her bed on the floor on the other side of the room,” Orion said, keeping his voice low. “Once she’s asleep.”
Severus adjusted her position so she was more snugly tucked against him. “She’ll wake up if I set her down,” he said. “She’s used to being held while she sleeps.” His eyes dared them to comment.
Regulus snorted quietly, but aside from teasing grins, neither Black said a word about it.
Tags: @ibuzoo, @disillusionist9, @moonnott, @accio-echo, @weestarmeggie17, @jasperandgemma , @turbulenthandholding & @whoever else is following this one.
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bloodyredfox9 · 7 years
My Big Brother
Regulus Black was not happy. Not happy at all. Why you ask? Because his brother Sirius had somehow gotten into his room and turned it upside down, literally upside down. His study table, chair, his lamp, heck even the mirror and his quill stand was stuck upside down. He sighed and walked in and closed the door. His bed was mercifully on the ground the straight way up. He was exhausted, the Dark Lord had certainly not shown mercy to him nor had he shown it to the other Slytherins who had been initiated with him.
He would turn 16 in a month now. His brother was another headache he had to bear. He had run away two years ago to that Potter brat and then came back a changed boy, no man. Regulus had felt betrayed when Sirius left him in the old, black, creepy Grimmauld house all by himself. Sure he acted as if he was following his dear mother's words and dream about being the Black Heir, but his brother had always come first to him.
So when Sirius came, last year thumping on the door to let him, he was surprised to find him ragged, beaten, and starved. He remembered what Sirius had told him after hugging him close and nuzzling his head into the joint between his shoulder and neck, "I ran, and went to live with the Potters. They were very kind to me, Reg. They fed me, cloth me, not that I didn't have any money, but it felt nice to know they were there for me. Then he came. That stupid old goat! He fed rumours about into Prongs' parent's ears, he said I was turning dark, that I was not good for James and that I was going to betray their trust in some way or the other. Prongs and I denied everything but eventually even James started believing his words.
He-" here Sirius's sobs had gotten hard as he couldn't stop his voice from cracking, Regulus rubbed his brothers back and just held him close, he knew how it felt. And then Sirius continued, "He started giving this looks at me. He never said it to me but I knew what he was thinking, that it probably ran in the family or that I had lied to him. Reg, then I ran away from them too. I lived on the streets, ate scraps from bins, heck I haven't got a decent night of sleep in months. Then it happened Reg. The streets are a very dangerous place to live; I came close to dying thrice. Once I got in the middle of a muggle gang I got punched and kicked and had bruises for days, then there was an accident where I broke ribs and could wake up after a week and the muggles healing is very painful. I am sorry. Please forgive me. I don't want that anymore. I won't listen to mother or father but I am staying here for you, I will stay here and be there for me, little brother."
That had gotten him so mad, that foolish Headmaster! How dare him! How dare he make his precious brother so broken and sad. That made up his mind. If he was going against him, do it the old fashioned way, join the Dark Lord. That had seemed so easy back then. Sirius was not happy with his decision and so made pranks to torture and that tried his patience. But he was glad that Sirius had bounced back, three months of glooming away in his room he had come out looking ready to start his new life. His parents hadn't forgiven for his traitorous act. At that Sirius had held his neck high chin up like any regal lord and said that he had not made in wrong decisions but it was the Potters who were in the wrong now.
Walburga Black for the first time had seen him act as his blood. And the whole last month Sirius had been studying the Old Ways, and the Wizarding politics which he had neglected for the last six or so years. Sirius tried to cope up with the idea that being in the Dark Lord's ranks would help the family, but he refused to believe him. Regulus smirked at the answer he had gotten, "I may be learning about the Dark and the Dark Arts, but I don't want that burden to be fallen on you. I don't want my baby brother getting hurt." His brother was so protective about him; it made him giddy in the inside. Yes, he had a brother complex. Who wouldn't? He had looked up to Sirius all these years, he still would look up to him. And he also knew that the brother bond they once had had been sewn together stronger than ever.
That was how it was up till now, but that still didn't make up for the fact his brother, a Marauder, pranked him every single time he got called for his "Death Eater-in-training" meetings. Now that he had been mad one he feared for his noiseless, chaos-less, days.
'Ah, I will think about it when he starts something. I am sleeping.' And he fell asleep.
The next day, when went down in the kitchen he was surprised to see his brother already sitting there. But he was even more surprised to see his cousin Bellatrix, Narcissa and Andromeda sitting there and talking to Sirius. He pinched himself to check whether he was still sleeping or not. Nope it hurt a lot. Why would Bella want to speak with Sirius, let alone freely laugh about him? He shook his head, now was not the time to think about his crazy relatives, and now was the time for sandwiches and his stomach demanded them.
He walked up front towards his plate but his gut insisted to stop his hand from picking one, he looked at Sirius who was innocently talking with Cissa, but Bella was looking at him with glee in her eyes. He sighed and waved his wand vanishing the plate; it was too early in the morning anyways.
"Hey, why did you do that?" he looked at the pouting face of his brother.
"I am not going to eat anything you have touched, not when I am still getting over what you did last time you gave your tart." He still had horrible memories about that, he gotten boobs! And even lost his Little Reggie for day and a half!
Sirius smirked and turned to look at Bella, "I won. My baby brother is learning. Now pay up."
He put out his hand and Bella scowled but put five galleons in it. "Sheesh, Regulus couldn't you just them."
Narcissa stepped in before things got out of hands, "Bella, it was your fault that you didn't know well enough. Now learn your lesson."
Regulus looked at Andromeda and said, "What are you three doing anyways? You never come here and never talk to Sirius. And Bella's talking to him as if he was his best friend, which I shudder to believe at."
It was Bella who answered, "Sirius called us here. Imagine our surprise when he bowed and apologized for his comments and views for the last seven years."
Regulus had his mouth opened, jaw slacked. All going in his mind was, 'What?'
Sirius leaned up the table and closed his little brother's mouth for him, "Close your mouth, Reg. I know you are not hungry enough to eat flies."
"Why did you call us here, Siri?" Andromeda opened her mouth for the first time since she came here this morning, still trying to wrap her mind around it.
At this Sirius gave a crooked smile which made his face seem sinister like he did when planned his utter humiliating pranks.
"I wanted you four to be the first ones to know. I have made my decision regarding the family." Then he looked at Regulus, right into his eyes when he talked again, "I am not going to stop you from working under Voldemort. In fact I have found a new way to protect my dear baby brother. I am going to become a Death Eater."
Regulus did the only logical thing that came to his mind. He fainted.
 Sirius looked at the fallen body of his brother and hid a smile, Regulus thought he knew him well, it would have been a great prank had it not been true. Bella and Cissa both looked as if he had kissed Snape while Andromeda just took a sip from her cup of tea.
When Regulus came to, he was lying on the couch of the living room, his head on his brothers lap, who on the other hand was weaving his fingers through Regulus’s hair with one hand and reading a book with the other. He didn’t want to leave such a comfortable position that he moved and was completely lying on Sirius. He looked up to his brother who had his eyebrow quirked as If asking ‘What?’
Regulus shook his head and wrapped his arms around Sirius’s waist and nudged his head further in. Sirius laughed and patted his hair, “Bella and Cissa have gone to the Malfoy Manor to talk to Lucius about my wish to get marked, Meda is still in the house in the basement.”
Sirius closed the book with a snap and tapped his nose, “How are you feeling? I didn’t mean to scare you, Reggie. And no, it was not a dream.” He kissed Regulus’s forehead, “I will never let you suffer when you have me by your side, forever. Get it Reggie, you are not alone!”
Regulus felt giddy inside, those sentences had made his heart ache with hope brimming till the top. The word forever caused heat to turn his cheeks red, he didn’t care whether Severus disliked his brother, whether his Lucius turned up his nose at him, whether Potter had almost managed to severe their bond, He loved Sirius more than anything.
“You are so stupid Sirius.” Atlast he managed to get a few words out. “ If you join us, no longer will you be able to hide, you will have to fight your friends.” His grip around Sirius’s waist tightened, “Would you be able to last long trying to kill the people who were once by your side?”, murmuring his doubts in a low voice he wanted some consensus. Instead he got another kiss on his cheek and his brother pulling him up on his lap and hugging for all the worth in the world, “Who’s the moron here? I thought I said I am never leaving you alone, didn’t I?”
Regulus looked up shyly to see the familiar roguish smirk, “Truly?” a nod of the head, “Truly.”
His face split in two as he laid his head on his brother’s chest, “I am going to sleep, you will regret it if you try and move me.”
A bark of laugh was what he heard as his eyes closed and an arm going across his chest to pull him up and more close to the other.
He had finally got his brother back.
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Lost Part 6
Harry Potter Marauders Era 
Link to Part 5 
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: T 
The next morning Regulus sat across from his mother as she stirred her tea for the thirteenth time. It didn’t matter that Regulus had arrived home at 4:30 am. His parents expected him down for Christmas breakfast at 8:00 am. As usual, no one was saying a word to each other. It made Regulus wonder why they had to “keep up appearances” and dine together. Clearly, no one liked it.
Regulus glanced at his father. Orion was bored as he read over the Daily Prophet. If Orion had his way, all the members of the household could eat at their own schedules in their own way. No one would be locked at the formal dining room table scowling at each other. Orion, like Regulus, only did it to appease Walburga. Neither man really wanted to listen to her nagging. This was a silent agreement that both Orion and Regulus had agreed to years beforehand. If Walburga wanted something then they would just go along with whatever it was. It was best to be reserved and compliant unless they wanted to deal with her hair-trigger temper.
Christmas morning had been a silent affair since Sirius left home years before. There were no longer loud screaming matches on whether or not Sirius was going to eat the Christmas pudding or wear a certain suit to the Christmas dinner with the “cult.” Regulus and Orion simply did as Walburga wished and no one had a thing to bitch about.
“You look tired, Regulus.”
Walburga commented as she studied her youngest and favorite son’s face. His eyes rolled up to meet her face.
“It was a late night last night.”
“You’re doing things for the right reasons. The family should be here around seven. Bella is bringing a nice girl that I think you should get to know better.”
Walburga commented, smiling proudly. Regulus fought the urge to scowl as his father looked up from the newspaper. Orion had made it perfectly clear that he didn’t want Regulus to feel rushed to settle down with some girl.
Walburga shook her head.
“I would like for you to get to know her, Regulus.”
Regulus put his fork down. This was not the way that he wanted to spend the morning. He had a woman...you. The last thing Regulus wanted was some ugly pureblood girl that he was probably related to in some way. He wanted to put an end to the madness!
“Who is she?”
Walburga put down her teacup.
“Marigold Parkinson.”
Regulus, forgetting himself, groaned.
“Mother, please...no.”
“What’s wrong with her?”
Walburga asked, getting angry. Regulus put his palms on the table.
“For one, she looks like a walrus. Second, I dated Ambrosia...her sister. That family is crazy. I mean look at how they named their children.”
Orion was silently chuckling at Regulus’ comment.
“A walrus?”
He questioned, fighting back a laugh. Regulus nodded. He was relieved that his father appeared to be on his side.
“Yes, father. Just get her some tusks and boom...National Geographic magazine cover shot.”
Orion was laughing hard at that. He didn’t care if Walburga was scowling at him. Regulus’ out of character humor was enough to send the older man into hysterical giggles. Orion couldn’t say it but that was the one thing that he missed about Sirius being home. There was always something funny happening.
“Orion, Regulus...that isn’t nice. Telling a girl that she looks like a walrus is a horrible way to get a second date.
Walburga grumbled. Regulus shrugged.
“But I don’t want the first one so...put her in a ballgown and she’ll just be a fancy walrus.”
Walburga's dark eyes were glaring at her son with disapproval.
“Well, who would you rather see then, smart mouth?”
Regulus shrugged.
“No one really. I don’t have the time at the moment.”
It was a big ass lie and Regulus knew it. He wanted nothing more than to be with you and he would go to whatever length to make sure that happened. Glancing down at his left arm, he decided to put his master plan into high gear. Regulus had no intention of spending more time than he had to with mummy and daddy. He wanted to spend his day with you and that was just where he was going.
Regulus snapped his right hand over the dark mark with a groan before standing up.
“I have to go.”
Walburga looked a bit annoyed but understood.
“Try not to be late for Christmas dinner.”
You stood helping Sirius dry dishes from breakfast. He had been unusually quiet since arriving with James.
“So are you going to tell me about the ring?”
He finally asked. You looked up, trying to fake innocence.
“I’m sorry?”
Sirius motioned down to the ring on your finger.
“I know that particular ring from anywhere. I also happened to know that my grandmother gave it to Regulus. Did you two run off and get married?”
You didn’t reply at first which made Sirius even antsier. How were you supposed to tell Sirius that he had just figured out the little plan that Regulus had suggested? Regulus was all for the two of you sneaking onto a train to a nearby village (where no one knew either of you) lying about your ages and getting married. You thought that the plan was crazy at first. The two of you were children. Neither of you was emotionally ready for a step that BIG. Besides, your relationship was still rocky getting married would make it worse. Regulus’ comment on the idea made more sense…
“If you marry me, my parents won’t have anything to stand on to pull us apart. Once we are married we are each other. My mother may be a lot of things but she won’t be able to change what’s already legal. If they annul it, then when we are 17 we’ll run off and do it but they won’t hear from us anymore. At least, with allowing things to happen this way...they can still have contact. I know that you don’t believe me but my mum and dad are still extremely sore about losing Sirius. They won’t want to lose their other son too.”
Sirius said your name a little more urgently before you reached up and tugged him into your father’s office.
“Sirius! I need you to keep your trap shut especially to James and my sister.”
“What did you two do? Y/n this is crazy. Regulus is a death eater...he’s doing bad things with bad people....and...you’ll get caught in the crossfire eventually…”
Sirius questioned. He felt his face beginning to burn. How the hell was Sirius supposed to keep something this huge from James. Sirius was not a good person to tell secrets to. James would probably say hey to Sirius and Sirius would start blabbing.
You quickly shushed Sirius.
“We aren’t married. That hasn’t happened...not yet. Sirius, I am going to need some time before he and I do that. I have to fully trust him again. Regulus did give me the ring last night. Sirius, I understand your concern but Regulus...he has something up his sleeve that he won’t even tell me. There’s something going on with Voldemort that Regulus is working on. Regulus won’t let anything happen to me. Evan, Barty, Severus...all of those lot know that I am off-limits.”
Sirius ran a hand through his hair.
“But there are other death eaters….Evan’s father, Dolohov, Mulciber...those guys won’t be so thrilled with a fellow death eater dating a muggle-born. Love, they’ll kill you. Y/n, I know what you’re thinking. You think that you are going to be getting some happiness ever after where you won’t have to want for anything in life but you aren’t going to get it, sweetheart. You’re signing up for a lifetime of sadness and heartbreak. I am not trying to sound like a dick but I’m worried. In case you haven’t forgotten that day back in the forest at school...you weren’t handling the news of Regulus’ secret life too well.”
Sirius was right. You remembered that afternoon all too well.
“Sirius, I just need you to trust me on this...please.”
Sirius didn’t look too convinced. He was more than ready to go find James and Remus to talk some sense into you.
“Okay but I don’t like this.”
You quickly stood on your tiptoes and hugged him.
“It’s going to be okay.”
The rest of the morning and into the early afternoon was peaceful. Sirius’ mood had quickly repaired itself and he was back to making Remus want to choke him. You were sitting beside Remus playing chess when the doorbell rang. Glancing down at your watch, you couldn’t help but smile. Regulus had kept his promise. He did find a way to get to you.
You quickly stood and walked to the door, ignoring James asking Lily who it was. In all of the Christmas chaos you “forgot” to tell your other friends that Regulus would be coming too. They would figure it out soon enough.
Sirius quickly started improvising some weird Christmas carol to keep the rest of his friend’s minds away from what you were doing. Why he decided that he was going to be the one that came to your and Regulus’ rescue was beyond him but here he was doing it...
Opening the door, you smiled seeing Regulus on the other side. He didn’t smile at first but gave you that raised eyebrow that said, “come here, little girl.” You quickly stepped outside and shut the door. Your parents were so busy in the kitchen that they wouldn’t notice you were gone.
As soon as the door was closed you threw your arms around Regulus’ shoulders.
“You haven’t kissed me.”
He stated calmly. Regulus was trying so hard to keep up his dom-like behavior but seeing your face was exactly what he wanted. The two of you shared a smile before he pulled you into a kiss.
“I missed you.”
You happily said against his lips.
“It's only been a few hours.”
Regulus pointed out. Yes, it had only been a few hours and they felt like an eternity for both of you. You knew that Regulus wouldn’t admit it but you could tell that he missed you as much as you missed him.
“Are you coming to me again tonight?”
You asked with a sly smile.
“Yes, I have a surprise for you but you’ll have to keep it down.”
The door opening stopped any further comment. You turned to see Lily and James standing with their mouths wide open. Sheepishly smiling, you intertwined your hand with Regulus’.
“So... we are a couple again.”
James crossed his arms over his chest.
“I didn’t know that you were a couple, to begin with. I didn’t think boyfriends typically made their girlfriends cry and question their sanity but maybe I am missing something.”
You gently stood in front of Regulus. The last thing that you wanted was for him and James to start fighting.
“James, please.”
You said trying to keep your voice as calm as possible. James ran a hand through his hair before turning and meeting Sirius’ gaze as if asking his best friend for advice. When Sirius shrugged, James turned.
“Fine...Regulus, as god as my witness, if you hurt here again...I am going to break your face.”
Regulus raised an eyebrow.
“You’ll have to catch me first.”
You hissed his name making Regulus’ tense frame ease. He wrapped an arm around your waist as James turned and walked back into the house.
Lily, meanwhile, wondered if any of her little speech on respect had sunk in at all with Regulus. She had a bad feeling that the answer was no but time would have to tell on that one. Lily wanted nothing more than to protect you and at the moment, she felt like she was failing miserably.
As a big sister, Lily wanted nothing more than for you to be happy. Your happiness was always important but so was your safety. Lily felt even more inclined to try to protect you as Petunia didn’t want a thing to do with either of you now.
You felt a little better when Lily gave you a small smile. That small smile simply said, “I’m trying.” Turning your attention back to Regulus, you gently tugged on his hand.
“Come on love.”
Both James and Lily exchanged matching scowls when you called Regulus “love.” James wanted to make a comment about there not being anything “lovely” about Regulus. He would have been happier if you decided to form some weird love triangle with Sirius and Remus. At least, you would be treated properly.
You were relieved when the tension between Lily, James, and Regulus seemed to ease off. James and Lily were busy looking at “future dream homes” while you sat snuggled against Regulus’ side. The two of you were off in your own little world.
“What’s with Petunia? She hasn’t stopped glaring at me from the moment that I walked in?”
Regulus questioned. You turned your attention to Petunia who was whispering to her new boyfriend Vernon. The two looked as if they were disgusted to even be in a room with the lot of you. Rolling your eyes, you turned your attention back to Regulus.
“She’s a muggle and very jealous of what Lily and I are. Petunia has barely talked to either Lily or me since the day that we received our Hogwarts letters.”
Regulus looked at Petunia a moment longer.
“Her boyfriend looks like a male walrus.”
He internally giggled at the thought of Vernon and Marigold Parkinson making a lovely “walrus couple.” It would be a great joke to make but he didn’t want you to know about his mother wanting him to be with the Parkinson girl.
Regulus instead leaned closer to you, letting his lips tease your ear.
“She’s no beauty that’s for sure. You are a million times more lovely...everything about you, darling.”
You shivered as the desperate attraction began to build again. Since that morning, you had been craving any kind of physical affection that Regulus would be able to give you. Of course, it wasn’t possible to just lift your skirt to climb on his lap for a good fucking but a little caress wouldn’t be bad. Regulus whispering erotically in your ear was equally welcomed.
You whispered his name. Regulus smiled and nuzzled his face closer to your ear. He kept his voice even and reserved which made his teasing all the more exciting.
“No one is as beautiful as you, Y/n. I love it when you blush like you are now. Tell me, darling, what kind of knickers do you have on under this skirt?”
You swallowed, mentally begging Regulus to raise his hand up your thigh but he wasn’t budging. Regulus’ hand stayed stagnant on your knee.
“Black lace.”
You finally whispered back. Regulus smiled, feeling the beginning of an erection coming on. He fought the urge to lift a finger to trace over your nipples. From where he was sitting, Regulus could see them through your dress. Touching you, like that, would be a horrible idea at the moment. All that Regulus could do was sit and think about you dressed in only lace knickers.
“Only be wearing those when I come back to you later.”
“What’s my surprise?”
You asked. Regulus laughed lightly.
“You’ll find out...if you’re a good girl.”
For the rest of the night, Regulus was a perfect gentleman. You were convinced that he had your parents in the palm of his hand within five minutes. James really had to work to get your father to like him how here was smooth-talking Regulus Black winning him over in one evening.
“I’ll see you soon.”
Regulus said in a low voice as he leaned down and kissed you. You knew that he was going to “leave” to hide out in your bedroom until you were able to be free but you wanted him now.
“Yes, I’ll see you at school.”
You waited for another fifteen minutes before politely bidding your parents a good evening. James had just left with Sirius and Remus. Lily was clearly as exhausted as you were.
“Aren’t you two going to stay up and watch the Christmas specials with us?”
Your mother questioned. Lily shook her head before heading toward the stairs.
“We are both exhausted, mum. Good night, Y/n.”
“Good night, Lily.”
You replied before walking down the hallway to your bedroom. Stepping in front of the door, you knew what was waiting for you on the other side and you couldn’t wait any longer.
“Time to be a good girl…”
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In times of chaos, distraction is always welcome, and the National Quidditch League is sparing no expense at all to make sure that the English National Team’s sendoff celebration is just that. Areen Bakri, the President of the NQL, has arranged a huge party at one of the biggest clubs in wizarding London, hired performers and bands, and invited not only the entire English National team, but every team in the National Quidditch League of Britain, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales to come and participate in the monumental sendoff. Celebrities, athletes, politicians, and stars gather for the sendoff, not wanting to miss the chance to wish the English team well before they depart for Barcelona for the Quidditch World Cup at the end of the week.
And really, the party is a welcome distraction from the current tension. Minister Minchum times the passing of a new law especially well with the beginning of the Quidditch World Cup; put into place just two days before the sendoff begins, it is now legal to search private property without a warrant, and for anyone to be arrested and held indefinitely without a trial. This obvious breach of human rights and justice has been extremely controversial, but heavily supported by the Ministry, the Daily Prophet, and the WWN in an attempt to get it to settle. This law, entitled the Wizard Protection Act, has infuriated not just purists, but members of the Wizengamot as well, and discord in the Ministry has been higher than ever before. But the coverage of the new act has been fairly minimal in the wake of the near constant coverage about the Quidditch World Cup. Minister Minchum counts it as a double victory when objections about the law are lost in the excitement over the World Cup.
           “Welcome, everyone, to this explosive day.”
Celestina Warbeck’s voice croons into the microphone as she holds out a hand. The English National Quidditch team march out onto the stage, striking their team pose, preening on the stage as the crowd cheers. Celestina’s voice croons into the microphone once again.
“Please join me in giving our brilliant and talented team a proper sendoff to the Quidditch World Cup! Put your hands in the air and give them a cheer, won’t you?”
The crowd erupts into excited applause and cheers as the English Quidditch team take their bows, at ease and basking in the attention on the stage and grinning at Celestina as she blows kisses in their direction. She grins back at the crowd.
“I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’ve got a Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love for these dolls, don’t you?”
The crowd feels like it’s filled with electricity as the energy all but radiates through the crowd.
Celestina points to the drummer.
                                           “Hit it.”
The beginning notes of her famous hit, “A Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love” begins, and the crowd falls into dancing and celebration. It’s impossible to tell that a war is happening with so much energy and excitement in a room; it’s like the entire club has been transported somewhere completely untouched by the Death Eaters. Dress robes and gowns flash under the lights, people laugh, and champagne pours as the club is flung into full party-mode.
The QUIDDITCH WORLD CUP SENDOFF EVENT has officially begun! You may now post starters and other things related to the event. This event is not mandatory, but participation is strongly encouraged! Please remember:
tag your starters and event-related posts with ofc: put your best foot forward
include “Put Your Best Foot Forward” in the title of your starters
this event ends at 5pm EST on SUNDAY, JANUARY 15TH
and as always, and most importantly, have fun!
Also please look under the cut to find special instructions given to your character! This is just like the plot guidelines that are passed out after events and plot drops, but will help you place your character during the event. Don’t worry, all characters ( with the exception of those working at the WWN radio station ) are invited and welcome to participate in this event, so no one should feel left out at all! If you would like clarification on anything, or if you would like your character(s) elsewhere for any reason, please do not hesitate to message us! 
Defense is the best offense, and the Order has decided not to take any chances this time. Though all Order members are expected to keep an eye out for suspicious activity today, Dumbledore contacted specific members to pay extra attention to what is going on, and to make sure that things do not end in disaster or tragedy. The party is the perfect target, after all, with people of importance from all over the UK in attendance, and no risks are being taken. These individuals are to attend the party as normal, but be on the lookout for anything that might go wrong and handle it before it becomes a disaster. 
The night before the party begins, Voldemort summons twelve of his Death Eaters to him for a special briefing. They are told to attend the party, and make their presence there known, so that everyone remembers that they were there, but to not cause any trouble. And to be ready. They are also warned that if they speak a word of their meeting and orders from him to anyone, he will not hesitate to show his displeasure towards them. They are dismissed, and the next day, all of them attend the party as normal. 
The Ministry wants to ensure that nothing is messed up for this party, and that no trouble occurs. The Minister knows what a catastrophe it would be if things were to end in tragedy, and he’s not going to risk it. So, several members of the DMLE and their trainees and work partners are hired to work as extra security for the party. They are permitted to attend the part as normal, but must be in uniform and check in regularly with the private security hired by the National Quidditch League for the celebration. 
Members of National Quidditch teams are expected to be in their finest party mode, and along with the English National team, they are one of the highlights of the party. They attend the celebration as normal, and each of them wears a small badge with their team’s symbol on it to show that they are a Quidditch player, and they must pose for photographs as well as talk with many special members of the party. They are also all responsible for helping to collect donations for Celestina Warbeck’s charity, The Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Unity Foundation. 
Certain members of society and the Ministry are especially important at this party, and are encouraged to mingle with as many people as possible. BERTHA JORKINS and LUCIUS MALFOY are both requested to make as many connections as they can at this party, as both of their departments are heavily involved, while APOLLINE BONACIEUX is hired as a translator for anyone in need of one during the evening. 
Both are hired as entertainment while Celestina Warbeck is taking her breaks during the party, and are also encouraged to help to collect money for Celestina’s charity, The Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Unity Foundation. 
Members of the WWN Radio Station are participating in a roundtable discussion and live broadcast of the happenings of the party. Radio employees are the only ones who are not permitted to be at the party, as they have to work during and after it. 
A party is the best distraction, and all those attending are eager and ready to be distracted from all that is going on. Members of this group are free to attend the party as normal, and if their job requires them to do anything specific ( ex. Daily Prophet reporter collecting quotes for a story on the party, etc. ), they are more than welcome to do so; however, they are not required to. This is a night to celebrate, a time to enjoy, and they are free to do so. 
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