#Światowe Centrum Modlitwy o Pokój
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"In 1934 St. Maximilian Kolbe wrote in letter from Japan: 'I picture a beautiful statue of the Immaculate within a large altar, and in front of her, between spread arms - a monstrance in perpetual exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.'
In 2017 this was realised. The adoration chapel in Niepokalanow is one of 8 places in the world, where people pray for peace and reconciliation. That is why it is also known as the Peace Chapel.
A special indulgence is granted to those who visit, even virtually. You will receive under the normal conditions: being in the state of sanctifying grace, pious Holy Communion, remorse for sin and prayer (including adoration), ending with 'Our Father', 'Apostles’ Creed' and 'Holy Virgin Mary pray for us' and 'St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe pray for us.'"
-EWTN Polska | Adoracja z Niepokalanowa
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