neamayehia · 1 year
تقريباً اللغة العربية هي اللغة الوحيدة اللي عندها كلمات مناسبه لدرجات الحب، زي مثلاً الهوى والعشق والغرام والنجوى والشوق والود والهيام والتتيم، مفيش لغة في العالم زي اللغة العربية
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milkeybananaa · 8 months
”يحاصرني في منامي كلامي.. كلامي الذي لم أقله؛ ويكتبني.. ثم يتركني باحثًا عن بقايا منامي!“
محمود درويش
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youssefguedira · 3 months
anyway aside from the italian thing i managed to successfully make the غ sound like 3 times today so i'll take it
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senoritasema1 · 8 months
كـل مـا هـو عـربـيٌ جـمـيـل 🌹
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andreistudies · 10 months
Hello all! I’m looking for new mutuals on langblr! Here from langtwt, so let me introduce myself:
Andrei, he/him, 19
Speak: 🇺🇸🇫🇷
Study at Uni: 🇫🇷🇦🇹🇪🇸🇪🇬(العربية)
Self-Study: 🇵🇹🇮🇹🇮🇸🇷🇺🇧🇬🇮🇷🇨🇳
Casual/Dabbling: 🇬🇷🇩🇰🇹🇷🇰🇷🇻🇳🇭🇰🇮🇳(தமிழ்)
Future Possibilities/Interests: 🇱🇺🇳🇱🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇦🇩🇵🇱🇸🇰🇧🇾🇭🇺🇹🇿🇯🇵
Like and reblog to be moots! Looking forward to studying and succeeding with you all :)
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tealingual · 1 year
Birthday vocabulary in Arabic
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عِيد مِيلَاد [ʕīd mīlād] - birthday عِيد مِيلَاد سَعِيد!‎ [ʕīd mīlād saʕīd] - Happy birthday! مِيلَاد [mīlād] - birth سِنّ [sinn] - age سَنَة [sana]- year حَفْلَة [ḥafla] - party, celebration كَيْك [kayk] - cake شَمَعَة [šamaʕa] - candle حَلْوَى [ḥalwā] - candy, confection, sweet pastry‎ هَدِيَّة [hadiyya] - gift, present بِطَاقَة [biṭāqa] - card بالُون [bālūn] - balloon نِثار [niṯār] - confetti أُمْنِيَّة [ʔumniyya] - wish أُغْنِيَّة [ʔuḡniyya] - song دَعْوَة [daʿwa] - invitation ضَيْف [ḍayf] - guest مُفَاجَأَة [mufājaʾa] - surprise اِحْتَفَلَ [iḥtafala] - to celebrate
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newegyptiana · 2 years
لأني لم اؤمن ابدا بالوقت، ولأني اعود دائماً لأشتاق للحظات مضت، وذكريات تلاشت، ومشاعر انطفئت، ووعود نُكست، ونسخ قديمة من أشخاص ضلوا الطريق الذي رسمناه سوياً.
Because I never believed in time, and i always miss past moments, faded memories, burnt-out feelings, broken promises and old versions of people who went astray from the roads we drew together.
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nonenglishsongs · 8 months
Hatari, Bashar Murad - Klefi / صامد
Hatari, Bashur Murad - Klefi / SAMED (Icelandic & Arabic)
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qpic · 1 year
تأتي الشَّدائدُ ساعةً وتغيبُ
‏ وتلُوعُكَ الأيَّامُ ثُمَّ تطيبُ
‏هيَ هكذا الدُّنيا وهذا حالُها
‏ ما كُلُّ شِرْبٍ في الزمانِ عَذِيبُ
‏إنَّ الرضا عند النوائبِ سلوَةٌ
‏ والصبرُ إنْ حلَّ الأسى تطبيبُ
‏ما طالَ ليلٌ، أو تداعَت كربةٌ
‏ إلا ولطف الله منك قريب
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saucedlx · 1 year
Pixel Font: Feedback Appreciated!
So I'm making a pixel font, where I try to make letter bodies 7 tall or less. One of my goals is for it to support a wide variety of writing systems. But because this includes scripts I'm not familiar with, it's hard for me to get a feel for what looks right or wrong in the letters I've drawn. So if you see this and you speak a language that uses one of these writing systems, or consider yourself familiar with them for any reason, I would appreciate any feedback you could give. My main focus is in making it readable within the font's limitations; I would like to make it look natural and good-looking for the standards of that writing system, but if that's not possible with my limitations then that's alright.
Somewhat-complete scripts: Latin, Cyrillic, Arabic, Greek, Kana, Ge'ez/Amharic, Hangul, Hebrew, Tsalagi/Cherokee, Armenian.
WIP scripts: Devanagari
Sample Images:
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Again, if you regularly use any of these writing systems and you want to give feedback, I would appreciate it very much!
List of edits since the original post was made:
-Adjusted some glyphs to improve legibility for Armenian & Hebrew
-Fixed ligature encoding in Arabic
(also standalone ه is narrower now)
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drdoaasabry · 1 year
“قَعَدَتْ تُعَقِّدُ عِقْدَهَا فَتَعَقَدَتْ .. وتَعَقَدَ العِقدُ المُعَقَّدُ بالعُقَدْ ..”
كم هي عظيمة
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hamaad17gomaa17 · 4 months
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aireenruhee · 6 months
اتظن أنك عندمـــا أحـــرقتنــي
Do you think that when you burned me
ورقصت كالشيطان فوق رفاتي
And danced like a demon over my ashes
وتركتنـــي للذاريــات تـذرنــي
And left me to be scattered by the winds
كحلاً لعين الشمس في الفلـوات
Like kohl for the eye of the sun in empty deserts
أتظـن أنك قـد طــمست هويتي
Do you think you have effaced my identity?
ومحــــوت تاريخي ومعتقـــداتي
And erased my history and beliefs?
عبثا تحاول … لا فنـــاء لثائر
You're trying in vain, for there's no annihilation for a rebel.
أنــــا كالقيامـــه ذات يـــــوم آت
I am like the Day of Judgement, inevitably coming one day
أنا مثـل عيـسى عــائد وبقــــوة
I am like Jesus, returning and with strength
مــن كـــل عاصـــفة ألـم شتـاتي
From every storm, I gather my scattered parts
سأعــود أقدم عاشــــق متمــرد
I will return as the oldest rebellious lover
سأعـود أعظـم أعظم الثــــورات
I will return with the greatest of revolutions
سأعود بالتوراة والإنجيـل
I will return with the Torah, the Gospel,
والــقـــرآن والتسـبــيح والصـــلوات
The Qur'an, glorification of God, and prayers
سأعــود بالأديـان ديــناً واحـــداً
I will return with religions united as one religion
خــــــال مـــن الأحقـاد والنعرات
Free from rancours and conflicts
رجل من الأخدود ما من عودتي بـد
A man from the trench, my return is inevitable
أنا كل الزمــــــان الاتي
I am the entirety of the coming time
Do You Think That When You Burned Me
By Muhthal al-Siqur; Translation: Mohamed Ghilan
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youssefguedira · 5 months
my dad is (re)learning arabic at the same time as i am learning it and so the other day he texted me like 'sometimes i forget the difference between ٧ and ٨ (7 and 8) but then i remembered ٨ looks like a little mountain and 8 mountains'. and the thing is. i do now remember it better but it's a very funny way of doing so
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haroun-dosty · 6 months
🟢 معلومات و اسماء عن بعض الطيور الشائعة في منطقتنا باللهجة المحلية لبلدية عين التين ولاية ميلة و ضواحيها :
ادخل رابط الفايس بوك الخاص بي 👆
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omaralthouiny98 · 1 year
وأنا الذي كان يركض في الحياة دهرًا طويلًا تُطارده وتتعبه، ثم في عينيكِ استلقى واستراح واتَّكأ !
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