#“Alluka’s not even real *he’s* a fictional character!”
thehuntyhunties · 2 years
had thoughts about Ikalgo in ghost hunters AU and my thoughts are that he’s Killua’s friend that he mentions now and again but the spooky gang never manages to meet. And they’re so used to Killua being all ~mysterious~ about his life that they honestly aren’t sure if Ikalgo even exists. Leorio is convinced this "Ikalgo" guy is some shady character Killua has dealings with, maybe even in the mob, and everything he says about him is a cover for something worse. Kurapika thinks "Ikalgo" is a fictional friend Killua has made up for some elaborate running joke at their expense. Killua isn’t even trying to be vague this time but it doesn’t help that he always manages to dodge out of explaining how the two of them met (it’s literally just that Ikalgo makes some bonus cash working the door at a gay bar Alluka dragged Killua to once and they hung out while Killua was totally not hiding outside) (nothing about this is embarrassing Killua is just weird). 
Gon is the first one to discover that Ikalgo is a real person and it’s only because Killua gets him to play, like, a game of Among Us with them or something. He still never manages to meet Ikalgo in person. Both Ikalgo and Gon complain at Killua about this. Killua tells them to shut up, it’s not his fault that they can never manage to be in the same place at the same time. Leorio and Kurapika just assume that Gon’s in on the fake friend prank but they politely don’t call him out on it (this misunderstanding lasts almost a full calendar year).
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susie-dreemurr · 13 hours
(Was out so liveblogs of where I stopped in HXH election arc up till beginning of ep 144 were written in notes app. It’s long .)
Lmaooo even Hisoka is like “bitch you think Killua loved you? Tf is wrong with you”
Oh my God Pariston is a fucking influencer
Let’s fucking go
Gon is LITERALLY IN THE SAME TOWN as Gin but he can’t go see him because he’s in a coma. Fuck everything and FUCK GIN
Please Leorio win this election it would be so fucking funny. If not you then Morel because Bisky is too cool to be president as wel so
HELP “Gin Freecs o vagabundo dos Zodíacos. Foram votos de pena que o colocaram aqui?” Quem quer que for o comentarista (não posso ouvir a voz mas acho que é o feijão verde) te amo.
Also I never mentioned it before but. Everyone but Killua deadass misgendering Alluka. Zoldyck family (aside of Killua and Alluka herself) will be killed in the gender war.
Btw Ginger Hisoka is strange to see can your hair go back to being pink-ish. Also can’t believe he’s the tamer one out of tbh he two Illumi really is unhinged
… did hisoka intentionally rile him up to show people Illumi is here. Because as soon as he found out there were rules Killua knew, maybe he’d be hoping then that Gon would be able to be saved after all. He wants to fight him so bad— HEP THE SHOW LITERALLY STATED THIS RIGHT AFTER. Unfortunately I know Hisoka well enough to tell.
“Alluka, if I were the only person in the whole world who loved you, would you be alright?” Fuck he’s asking that because he knows. He knows they don’t love her. At the very least, they don’t show it not even a little bit.
And yet all Alluka can hear is that there is someone in the world who loves her. All she can hear is she’s loved, after all.
Btw given that “you could have fought the president or those ants had you not been playing tag with Chrollo” so I’m assuming that the reason Kurapika isn’t going to Gon is because he’s back to hunting the Phantom Trouoe
NAOOOOOO GOTOH PUTA QUE PARIU. Tem algum jeito dele sobreviver com esse pescoço não :((( uma das duas únicas pessoas boa pro Killua nessa casa….
You know I was thinking to myself more jokingly that I was so starved for girls in shonen interacting that Canary and Amane are yuri to me, but… “You’re cute when you let lose a little” 🤨🏳️‍🌈? Canary do you have something to share with the class. (And then Amane blushes.)
HELP. Illumi and Hisoka “need more people” but neither of them have any friends aside of MAYBE each other so Illumi has to resort to brainwashing. Ok the cringe & fail duo
Ok is it bad that I’m rooting for the Anti-Netero faction. Like they make a good point (the exam allows to many crazy ass murderers in) … although their speech isn’t good, but like. Politics.
Fucking. Hisoka trying to sabotage Illumi with a fake map but Illumi having a real one so Hisoka is just like “ah. Never mind.” Anyway fucking insane that we have to rely on Hisoka of all people
Btw I’m like 99% sure Amane is the “spy” Illumi is talking about so RIP my Yuri. Oh well, what fictional gay couple didn’t betray each other at least once, right?
Oh Tsubone was the spy. Nvm.
HES CRYING NOOO KILLUA :((( also fucking creepy too Illumi godamnit
Hisoka don’t you dare do what I think you will. Get this murder card OUT of the hospital
Oh thank God it wasn’t gonna target Gon or Morel
Lets go call Gin’s ass out Pokémon character looking girl
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
Analyzing Killua Zoldyck's Character
Illumi Analysis| Hisoka Analysis| Chrollo Anaysis|
What’s up y’all?! I’ve had at least 2 cups of coffee this morning and I am ready to write my butt off! This post will be about Killua Zoldyck, my second favorite character and you will know why by the end. If you’d like me to write about your favorite character, Be sure to send me a message and I will get on it ASAP.
Here we go!
I saw Killua for the first time on Tumblr. Someone created various icons for several anime characters and edited them. They were all aesthetically pleasing but for some reason, his picture stood out. Now that I look harder, it is because he was holding a Pepsi can instead of the off-brand one they drew for him in the cartoon. I noticed everyone on TikTok and Twitter had the very same icon as their profile picture (usually those that like to troll and say racist things to others). Once I started watching Hunter x Hunter, I realized the character immediately. Thank you for your edits!
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Killua Zoldyck is the youngest child in the family and is the only child that developed a mind for his own.
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Instead of taking the pleasure of killing, he runs/avoids and achieves this by becoming friends with Gon. It’s interesting to think that no one in the Zoldyck family wants to kill for fun except for Illumi.
I remember Zeno telling Chrollo: “Do you think I enjoy killing?”.
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This makes me think that the family’s job is to destroy enemies that are a threat to society. Are the Zoldyck’s taking on the role of cops or an extension of such? If that statement is true why does Illumi take pleasure in abusing his power when his own grandfather only does it when criminals are involved? Granted, Silva and Zeno’s reasoning for brutally fighting criminals isn’t legal, and (to me) are considered to be vigilantes, at least they don’t go around doing the horrible things like how Illumi and Hisoka do.
This very reason why Killua ran away from home. He decided to rebel against his mother and implied: “Fuck you. I’m going to do what I want.” Killua and his siblings are victims of child abuse and show that they deal with that abuse in different ways. Killua masks his abilities in public and tries to keep them under control, Kalluto seems to be very quiet and obedient, Milluki is just as abusive as Illumi, and we already know about Illumi. Milluki is physically abusive; this can be seen when he is whipping Killua for running away and threatens to destroy Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio while Illumi plays mind games on Killua and uses his Nen to do the trick.
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Killua’s character is very special and in a way takes the lead as the main character instead of Gon. I don’t know if that was intentional or not. Killua is a 12-year-old boy who leaves home to escape his abusive home and see the world for his own. During phase 1 of Hunter’s Exam, he instantly clicks with Gon; probably because he’s the only 12-year-old there. They constantly challenge each other to see who will win and who will buy dinner or some other reward. Because of his abusive home, Killua often masks his feelings. This is noticeable every time Gon talks about him being his best friend and he always reacts as if he’s embarrassed by it.
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Gon is his shield from going bat-shit crazy like his family. They both have faced opponents (like Hisoka and others) where Killua could have unleashed his assassin abilities but didn’t. Yes, some of the opponents are stronger than him, but it wouldn’t hurt to try.
Killua is the best friend Gon could ever have. Since he knows about aura and any supernatural abilities, this is why he stops Gon and even insults him for pushing himself too far. Killua stopped Gon from using too much aura in the past especially once Kite’s arm was cut off by Pitou. Because Killua wasn’t there to stop him when fighting Pitou, this resulted in Gon’s downfall. Did Killua believe it was his fault that Gon almost died? He isn’t responsible for Gon’s actions but he focused so much on running away from his “demons” and masking his temper by maintaining his friendship that he wasn’t paying attention to Gon’s noticeable and developing temper.
Killua Zoldyck is a child that suffered from abuse and to escape that reality, he runs away, takes Hunter’s Exam only to match with his brother, chooses defeat, and then kills an opponent, not of his own free will.
But wait, there’s more.
After being rescued from his prison of a home, he goes to Heaven’s Arena, met Zushi and his teacher, develop Nen, follows the Phantom Troupe around and somehow managed to survive that, meet Bisky, join a game to get closer to Ging, witnesses Gon disappearing, trying to form a relationship with Alluka, and then tries to heal Gon with a quickness.
Whew, chile!
At the beginning of the show, it appeared as if Killua was taking on too much and only did so to keep his mind off what he escaped from.
One thing to point out is Killua’s motivation to heal Gon no matter what. It is implied that he doesn’t care what will happen to him or anyone else as long as Gon can live again.
Isn’t that along the lines of what Gon said about getting revenge for Kite? He didn’t care about what happened to him? Hmmmm. I guess they’re very similar after all!
Killua and Gon are BFFs and will do anything for each other. Friendships in real life should be this way; let’s follow his fictional example.
Killua’s face is the typical shape for someone his age. His eyes are wide, as blue as the morning sky, and honestly, I wish he’d smile more. Even though he is 12 years old, he still has a babyface.
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Killua’s hair color is very similar to Princess Allura’s and Lotor’s. According to verywellmind.com, the color white represents innocence and purity. Ironically, Lotor and Killua are the opposite of that while Allura has maintained her innocence. Killua’s unique hair color and hairstyle are amazing! I love how it stays in shape while he is fighting or running.
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Regarding clothes, he is JUST like his brother. Again, Illumi irks me, but they both have a great taste in fashion. Through the show, Killua changes his clothes more than Gon, which is funny. I guess if Gon changed his clothes too much it would take away from his character. Killua’s default style contains a sleeveless white shirt with a purple one underneath, basketball shorts, and gym shoes. Just look at these outfit changes! This is why Killua is my 2nd favorite character in this show.
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As stated before, Killua cares more about others. This is ironic because the Zoldyck family only cares about themselves or their family while Killua feels the complete opposite. It’s almost as if he trusts strangers more than his own family. A common phrase: “She/He turned to the streets” that I’ve heard in my hometown can be applied here. Killua probably hates his family and turned to strangers to find love and comfort since they neglected that. He is also the only one that tries to develop a relationship with Alluka. At first, I thought “Wow he’s only developing a relationship with her to heal Gon” but then I realized it was bigger than that. Alluka has been separated from her family because of her dangerous abilities. She will demand something and if that person doesn’t fulfill her demands, they will suffer horribly. Killua learns that Alluka has a healing ability and while Illumi complains that Killua was hiding rules from him, he never took the chance to talk to him about it and continued to threaten Alluka. The family “banished” her to a confined room for who knows how long because, apparently, she had been possessed by a demon from the Dark Continent and they do not know when it happened. Despite knowing that Killua could parish with the rest, he still develops a relationship with her. He is the true example of excepting someone for who they are. As far as I’m concerned, running away was the best decision he made. It saved his life and in return, he’s going to save another. I do find it ironic that something considered to be so dark has the power to bring something back to life when usually it’s something bright like a light...interesting. You all know what I’m saying. Most television shows only portray angles to heal others while demons only seek to destroy. The Zoldyck family is wrong for pushing Alluka away. How could you do that to your own kid? Shit, you should be blaming yourself for not watching her and allowing the demon to posses her.
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In conclusion, Killua is my second favorite character. He is bold, loves his friends, and isn’t afraid (anymore) to step up to people he may not win against. His character has blossomed from a young boy afraid to step up to his brother to a boy who isn’t afraid to do so. He has learned about Nen and has gone through many trials and tribulations just to say he is much stronger than before. What characters would you like to hear about next? Send me a DM!
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aspoonofsugar · 4 years
Would you argue that Makishima from Psycho Pass is a psychopath? I know you said you don’t like to assign real world illnesses to fictional characters but it would explain why his psycho pass doesn’t go up even when he’s murdering someone.
Hello anon,
I am sorry, but as I have already stated I don’t feel comfortable to make diagnosis of fictional characters. I would also add that I also do not find it interesting, to be honest, because labeling a character as a psychopath/sociopath and the like does not add anything to my understanding of them or their role in the narrative. Finally, it is really not something I have the competence of doing, even if I wanted to.
The most I would do is to comment that a character is mentally ill coded when I think it is relevant for the understanding of the story. For example, I think that Vanya in The Umbrella Academy is partially mentally ill coded;
Vanya represents two kinds of people. At first glance she represents a person who is ordinary and who, because of this, is not able to emerge from the mass. However, it is later revealed that she has within herself a power much stronger than the others and which she can’t control. This power and the way it works make her similar to a person who suffers of some kind of mental illness or at least make her character mentally ill-coded.
This is also evident when one considers her story again after knowing the truth about her powers:
Vanya: “If the benchmark is extraordinary, what do you do if you are not?”
The problem with Vanya’s childhood was not really that she was ordinary, but that she was different from the others. Her lacking some kind of special ability did not make her normal, but rather “special” in a negative way. In a family full of people with super-powers her not having one is perceived as some sort of handicap by the others who, encouraged by Reginald, ended up exluding Vanya even when their missions were not involved.
I have quoted a meta I have written to make a point. I do not feel comfortable with diagnosing Vanya with a specific mental illness. I am not even sure she has a mental illness. What I feel comfortable with is to highlihgt how Vanya’s narrative can be read and resonate with themes linked to people having some kind of handicap, either mental or physical because it fits with how she has been treated by her family. Her siblings excluded her because she had no powers and so she was different. Her father brainwashed her and gave her pills to suppress her emotions. These patterns of behaviours could easily be found in a more realistic story dealing with mental illnesses or handicaps or discrimination. So Vanya’s story touches on these themes, but there is no need to make a diagnosis to understand it. And a specific diagnosis can’t probably be done. That said, the coding is important to understand the character’s role in the narrative.
The same can be said, for example, about Alluka/Nanika. As stated previously, she is a twist of the split personality trope and I think she can be read as a mentally ill coded. That said, Alluka herself does not have that mental illness because Nanika is literally a fantastical creatures. Because of this, Togashi can play with the coding and at the same time be freer in his representation of Alluka and of her dynamic with Nanika.
When it comes to Makishima, there can be multiple reasons as to why his psycho pass is not clouded when he kills. It can be because he is a psychopath. It can be because he is a sociopath. It can be because he has another unspecified mental illness or simply because his brain works a little bit differently than others. It can simply be because, as it is stated by the series itself, the Psycho Pass is not the heart of a person. And the characters themselves are not even sure of what it is. And the same thing is true for the readers. Personally, I think that unless one can understand better how psycho pass are calculated, it is impossible to pint-point the exact reason why some characters have more clouded psycho-pass than others. I mean, we are given very generic explanations and are shown multiple times different individuals’ psycho pass behave differently.
Akane is able to endure a lot of violence and negative emotions without her psycho-pass getting darker. Kagari is honestly one of the kindest character ever and one of the most loyal, but he was diagnosed as a latent criminal when he was a child. Why do these things happen? Why is an innocent person diagnosed as a latent criminal and a guilty person considered normal? The answer is that the psycho pass is an illusion. It is a simplification of who the person really is.
Psycho Pass society is built on the idea that your Psycho Pass and the system tell you who you are, so you do not have to worry about that anymore. However, the characters’ journey proves that this is false. The Psycho Pass is simply an instrument, which simplifies reality and makes it easier to read, but it also makes it more superficial and approximated. This is why within the narrative the reading of a psycho pass is juxtaposed with the method of profiling.
Profiling is presented by the narrative as more difficult and also more dangerous because you have to make a struggle to undertsand other people, while the Psycho Pass offers you an easy read of them. However, this person is compensated for this struggle and danger because they are able to grasp and understand a more complex reality.
I think that the point of criminally aymptomatic people is to convey the idea that the system does not know everything and that human nature is way more complex than any categorization that may be offered.
Thank you for the ask!
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so speaking of popping that bubble and starting the discourse can i just go off and say that i have an immediate distrust of cishet male hxh fans bc so often i see them misgender alluka and sometimes even kalluto and like feverishly deny any subtext between characters like kurapika and leorio or even like gon and killua and like even in togashi’s previous works like Yuyu Hakusho there was CLEARLY gay representation he wanted to put in there in a positive light but was prevented from doing so by his editors and like....ok like i know certain people who r really thrilled that alluka is p much canonically trans like please can you cishet weirdos just let us LGBTs have this shit??? and this is like a trend with EVERY dudebro anime geek on yt making hxh analytical videos and yeah they make some really good points about the writing and have interesting theories but honestly as a certified Trans Person i just get so uncomfortable when youtubers like aleczander say shit like “well alluka is a boy but wants to be called a girl but he’s a boy but killua calls alluka a girl and i like killua so i’ll call Alluka she even tho she’s a boy” like SHUT UP and normally shit like this would not get to me bc it’s fiction at the end of the day except for the fact that most of the time this is telling of how these people treat trans folks in real life and it’s just :( anime is my escape if shit like alluka and kalluto using she/her pronouns bothers u so much im sorry but just. don’t watch the anime. ok bye. 
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cryingmiriam · 6 years
A Brother In Him (a long anime and life related rant by me.. ayoko na)
Killua Zoldyck. Ah. He was the brother I wished I could have. The way he cares so much for his little sister Alluka Zoldyck... It brings tears to my eyes as I wonder why I don't have that kind of brother anymore.
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My brother and I grew distant from one another, especially since his wife hates my guts whereas I stay away from him because of that sole reason. Deep within me, I long for a brother that loves me the way Killua loves Alluka. Unfortunately, my brother doesn't love me like so now. I think he even has forsaken me for his own family. I don't want to further expound on that because it pains me and saddens me.
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I rewatched Hunter x Hunter (2011) after an arduous day of coming to UP Diliman to submit my requirements and claim a freaking test permit with my Mom last Friday. That's why I was absent at school. My test permit said that the day of wrath and doom impending is on September 16th, 2018. Me and my stupid anime obsessed mind! I know that I should review for the dreaded UPCAT, but here am I obsessing over an anime I liked since I was a stout, cheeky fourth grader.
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So, yeah. UPCAT aside, I am still on the Hunter Exam Arc, and I don't know when I could finish the anime because UPCAT Reviews and school requirements are way more important than my likes. Anyway, going back to the topic, I said I was only in the Hunter Exam Arc, which is just the first phase of the anime. I grew fond of the characters over time, and mostly, that fondness is drawn to Kurapika and Killua. My liking for Kurapika is induced by weird romantic feelings (don't judge me), while my liking for Killua mysteriously stems out of a longing for a close(r) relationship with my brother. I see a brother I wish I have in a silver haired and blue eyed fictional boy who deeply cares for his friends and his dear sister.
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It's weird, yeah. Don't judge me, please. When I finished Hunter x Hunter back at my last days as a fourth grader, I witnessed how Killua deeply cared for Alluka, defending her from his manipulative brother, Illumi, and apologizing to her with tears in his ocean blue eyes for making her cry, telling her that he's a bad big brother even if he's not really bad like he thinks he is.
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Those sweet sibling moments between Alluka and Killua are still fresh in my mind after almost eight years. I remembered how my brother and I used to be as close as the two Zoldyck's. Now, it's only a bittersweet memory. I see him laughing with his wife and kids, ignoring me when I'm pleading him to talk to me and such. It hurts me so much, darn it.
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I resorted to going back to my all time favorite anime to alleviate the pain in my heart, and when I see Killua, I imagine him as my figurative brother who comforts me in my all of my numerous downfalls. I imagine him hugging me when I feel nervous as I graph Cartesian coordinates for the UPCAT. I imagine him talking to me when my real big brother ignores me. It's really creepy to most people, but I don't care. Just imagining those silly little things with my favorite anime character certainly helps me cope up with the agony of losing someone I once held dear. It helps me think less about the bittersweet days of old, when it was only me and my brother laughing together under the smiling sunshine.
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icharchivist · 6 years
Do you have any songs you associate with the hunter main 4 :o? liek for each of them.
Ohhh ye I have a few. I have…. quite a lot more than a few but I do ahah!
I love to associate characters with song and all, so I have main playlists made about it. I talk about those sometimes, but I didn’t share a lot of them.
I’ll… limit the amount of songs since I always point out some lyrics I like from said songs ahah so ye
Under the cut because ye
Take care!
Still Breathing - Green day
I’m like a child looking off in the horizon(..)I’m like a soldier coming home for the first timeI dodged a bullet and I walked across a landmine(…) I’m like a son that was raised without a fatherI’m like a mother barely keeping it together(…)As I walked out on the ledge, Are you scared to death to live?I’ve been running all my life just to find a home that’s for the restlessAnd the truth that’s in the message Making my way, away, away
Young and Menace - Fall Out Boy
We’ve gone way too fast for way too longAnd we were never supposed to make it half this farAnd I lived so much life, lived so much lifeI think that God is gonna have to kill me twice(…) I woke up in my shoes again, but somewhere you exist singing,“Oops! …I Did It Again”, I forgot what I was losing my mind aboutI only wrote this down to make you press rewindAnd send a message I was young and a menace
State of my Mind - Shinedown
It’s been a long bumpy ride sittin’ back in the saddleIt’s time to get down, dirty up our knees in the battleCome on, round up the boys, gonna make the walls rattleOh, our flag is tattered and our bones are shatteredBut it doesn’t matter, ‘Cause we’re movin’ forward(..) ‘Cause I’m not shakin’, when the earth starts quakin’Got my own foundation with no hesitationOh, my eyes are seein’ red, Double vision from the blood we’ve shedThe only way I’m leavin’ is dead, That’s the state of my head
Dust Bowl Dance - Mumford and Sons
The young man stands on the edge of his porchThe days were short and the father was goneThere was no one in the town and no one in the fieldThis dusty barren land had given all it could yieldI’ve been kicked off my land at the age of sixteenAnd I have no idea where else my heart could have beenI placed all my trust at the foot of this hillAnd now I am sure my heart can never be stillSo collect your courage and collect your horseAnd pray you never feel this same kind of remorse
On My Own - Ashes Remain
There’s gotta be another way out, I’ve been stuck in a cage with my doubtI’ve tried forever getting out on my ownBut every time I do this my way, I get caught in the lies of the enemyI lay my troubles down, I’m ready for you now(…) In the end I’m realizing, I was never meant to fight on my own
Little Pistol - Mother Mother (esp pre-needle)
Under the skin, against the skullThey put a little chip so that they know it allI think I might be scared of the world and the way it makes you feel afraidAnd how it gets in the way(..) And I, well I found what’s best for me, and now I see no tragedyAnd I, I found a burning rose, and now I won’t be packing little pistolsNo, no, no more
Figure It Out - Royal Blood  (Pre canon)
Nothing here to see, just a kid like me, Trying to cuss and see, Trying to figure it outNothing better to do, When I’m stuck on youAnd still I’m here Trying to figure it outGetting hard to sleep, But it is in my dreams, But it’s killing me, To try and figure it out(..) I’ll let it go ‘cause I won’t see you later, And I’m not allowed to talk it outI said I’ll come, I’ll promise I won’t show, but I see you trying to figure it outI promise you, I’ll take a bet on you, but you didn’t know I planned it outI said I’ll go, yeah, I won’t see you laterAnd I’m not allowed to figure it out
Mercury - Sleeping At Last
I am desperate, If nothing else, In a holding pattern to find myselfI talk in circles, I watch for signals, For a clueHow to feel different, How to feel new, Like science fiction bending truthNo one can unring this bell, Unsound this alarm, unbreak my heart newGod knows, I am dissonance, Waiting to be swiftly pulled into tuneI’ll go anywhere you want  meI know the further I go, The harder I try, only keeps my eyes closedAnd somehow I’ve fallen in love with this middle ground at the cost of my soulYet I know, if I stepped aside, released the controls, you would open my eyesThat somehow, all of this mess, Is just my attempt to know the worth of my life…
I more or less tried to post a Leorio playlist, more or less sucessfully, but well, some songs:
Champion - Fall Out Boy
I’m calling you from the future to let you know we made mistakesAnd there’s a fog from the past That’s giving me, giving me such a headacheAnd I’m back with a madnessI’m a champion of the people who don’t believe in championsI got nothing but dreams inside, I got nothing but dreamsI’m just young enough to still believe, still believeBut young enough not to know what to believe inIf I can live through this, I can do anything
Believer - Imagine Dragons
Second things second, Don’t you tell me what you think that I could beI’m the one at the sail, I’m the master of my sea I was broken from a young age, Taking my sulking to the masses(…)  Third things third, Send a prayer to the ones up aboveAll the hate that you’ve heard has turned your spirit to a dove, Your spirit up above.I was choking in the crowd, Building my rain up in the cloudFalling like ashes to the groundHoping my feelings, they would drownBut they never did, ever lived, ebbing and flowingInhibited, limited, Till it broke open and rained down
Counting Stars - OneRepublic
Said no more counting dollars, we’ll be counting starsYeah, we’ll be counting starsI see this life like a swinging vine, Swing my heart across the lineIn my face is flashing signs, Seek it out and ye shall find.Old but I’m not that old, Young but I’m not that boldAnd I don’t think the world is sold, I’m just doing what we’re told
Us Against the World - Coldplay
Like a river to a raindrop, I lost a friendMy drunken as a Daniel in a lion’s denAnd tonight I know it all has to begin againSo whatever you do, don’t let goAnd if we could float away, Fly up to the surface and just start againAnd lift off before trouble, Just erodes us in the rain(…)Through chaos as it swirls, It’s us against the world
I have a lot more Pika saved but I’ll just select a few
Eyes On Fire - Blue Fondation
I’ll seek you out, flay you alive. One more word and you won’t surviveAnd I’m not scared of your stolen power: I see right through you any hourI won’t soothe your pain, I won’t ease your strainYou’ll be waiting in vain. I got nothing for you to gainI’m taking it slow, Feeding my flame, shuffling the cards of your gameAnd just in time, In the right place, suddenly I will play my ace Eyes on fire, Your spine is ablaze, Felling any foe with my gazeAnd just in time, In the right place, Steadily emerging with grace 
Diamond Eyes - Shinedown
Wait a minute take a step back, you gotta think twice before you reactSo stay a little while, because a Promise not kept is the road to exileWhat’s the circumstance? you’ll never be great without taking a chance (…) We watch with wounded eyes, So I hope you recognize:I’m on the front line, Don’t worry I’ll be fine, the story is just beginningI say goodbye to my weakness, so long to the regretand now I see the world through diamond eyes. Damn it all down, took one to the chest without even a sound soWhat! What are you worth? the things you love or the people you hurtIt’s like deja vu, a suicidal maniac with nothing to loseso wait, it’s the exception to the rule, everyone of us is expendable.(..) Every night of my life, I watch angels fall from the skyEvery time that the sun still sets, I pray they don’t take mine
Come with me Now - Kongos
Afraid to lose control, and caught up in this worldI’ve wasted time, I’ve wasted breath, I think I’ve thought myself to deathI was born without this fear, Now only this seems clear, I need to move, I need to fight, I need to lose myself tonightCome with me now, I’m gonna take you down, I’m gonna show you howI think with my heart and I move with my head(…) Confused what I thought with something I feltConfuse what I feel with something that’s realI tried to sell my soul last night, funny, he wouldn’t even take a bite
Seven Devils - Florence + The Machine
Holy water cannot help you now. Thousand armies couldn’t keep me outI don’t want your money, I don’t want your crownSee I’ve come to burn your kingdom down(…)And no rivers and no lakes can put the fire outI’m gonna raise the stakes, I’m gonna smoke you outSeven devils all around me. Seven devils in my house.See they were there when I woke up this morningI’ll be dead before the day is done
I must have better songs in my playlists and I might share them by list without lyrics but…. ye those are some of them ahh
For more, I posted my huge Leopika playlist, a Killugon one, platonic Gon & Kurapika, Hisoka, Alluka, and Chrollo
djfhkjdfhdf anyway take care and thanks for bearing with me o/
Take care!
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whos-gonna-love-you · 6 years
This time around I was tagged by: @chuuyazai 😂💙😂
1. Post the rules
2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger
3. Write 11 questions of your own
4. Tag 11 people
1. Favorite music genre?
Probably Pop
2. Top 3 books you’ve read (series or single).
Fairy Tail, Hunter x Hunter, and Percy Jackson and the Olympian’s (I cried after finishing the last book in that series the way uncle rick makes you love the bad guy at the end when he’s dying with just a few words to me means he’s an amazing author and I really want to meet him some day)
3. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
England or Japan; I’ve always wanted to go to England I love the accents 😍😂 and then Japan of course because it would just be amazing
4. Favorite thing about yourself.
My hair I like to keep it long and people never realize that even though it doesn’t look extremely thick it actually is and I like to mess with people like that 😂 it’s also nice to hide behind 😂
5. What is one song lyric that really speaks to your soul?
“If it ain't you, then who is gonna love you?” -Sleeping with Sirens
6. If you could bring one fictional character to the real world, who would it be?
Natsu, maybe? We need more nice and sweet people who treat others with the respect the deserve
7. If you could enter/live in one fictional world, what would it be and why?
Probably Fairy Tail 1.) all those gorgeous men 2.) everyone seems so nice and it’d be like a brand new life a brand new me
8. What name do you want to name your child (if you want kids)?
I have two boy names planned out Jason Castiel and Nico Azazel and I think for girls maybe Mavis Tatiana and maybe Lucy Juvia I like putting different combinations together and seeing what may or may not work
9. Favorite fanfiction trope/AU.
Don’t really have one 😂
10. Do you cosplay? If so, who’s your favorite to cosplay?
HELL YES I DO 😂 and so far probably Suicide Squad Harley Quinn or Alluka Zoldyck
11. Favorite movie.
I’m not gonna make 11 more questions 😂😂😂
But feel free to do these above if you’d like 😂💙😂
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🐰🌠☀️🎁💙🐇🌻🍓 Beans, Tonpa, Hisoka, Illumi ☕️🌸🎵⚡️💚💎🌺🍀☁️🐬🍄🍪🍰😪🙀💥😊🎤🎨🐶Hisoka, Tonpa, Illumi 🐴 Duct taped fetus 🍋📚🐧🐵💫👻🎀🎬🍦🐼 ~ 🍀
Hrrnnngh oh my gosh so many emojis! Darn you “anon” :P I know who you are!!!!!!
I’m gonna put all of this under the cut because it’s just... really long.
🐰 what is one secret that you’ve never told anyone?
Answer: I... really honestly can’t think of one? Like honest to God, I am usually such an open person! Well, about myself. I can keep someone else’s secrets, but God forbid me to keep my own XD
🌠 if you were in charge of the world, what would the world look like? 
Answer: I’d like to say more accepting but... I can’t help but to feel that putting me in a position of power wouldn’t be a very good idea. I’m a human disaster, honestly. I’d try to do good and somehow destroy the world in the process.
☀️ what do you like the most about your best friend?
Answer: Well first off, I have two best friends soooo :P @dragmakihiveka and @destructionofsanctum are both equally my best friends in the entire world! No one could ever replace them! I think my favorite thing about the both of them though is that they are just... so patient with me. I know I can rely on them and not sugar coat things for me. It’s honestly the best, just like them
🎁 what never fails to make you happy?
Answer: Many things! My best friends, my boyfriend, HxH, the many friends I have made through HxH, music, ice cream! Those are the things I can think of off the top of my head!
💙 what annoys you about some people?
Answer: Well... I guess that some people can just... say/do things knowing full well that they can and/or did hurt someone else. Like, the fact that some people can just sleep peacefully at night knowing that their actions caused someone else pain. It kills me.
🐇 what do you always daydream about?
Answer: .... All of these Killugon AU’s, my fresh dudes.
🌻 if you could change 3 things about the world what would you change?
Answer: 1. The way people treat one another
2. Killugon would entirely be canon (Can I do that? Does that count?)
3. Everyone could actually get a legit education without feeling like they have to kill themselves to make ends meet.
🍓 send me 4 names: kiss, befriend, kill or marry?
Names: Beans, Tonpa, Hisoka, Illumi
Answer: Hrrrnnghh.... I hate you XD
Kiss Beans on the cheek (Didn’t specify! Rolly Polly Loopy Holey, bitch!)
Befriend... Hisoka??? (Is that even possible??)
Kill Tonpa because... yeah. Ew.
Marry Illumi, steal all his money, then divorce his ass, yeet~
☕️ talk about your ideal day
Answer: Hmm... Either a whole day spent lazing about with friends or walking around the mall or somethin’, or if I’m by myself, I think my ideal day would just be to relax and work on Killugon stuffs.
🌸 are you an introvert, ambivert or extrovert?
Answer: So I actually didn’t know that ambivert was a thing until now, and I’m so glad honestly. I had always felt like I was a bit of a mixture between the two, but it made me sad whenever I felt I had to be split into one of the two categories. I just felt like sometimes I was really introverted and other times extroverted and then sometimes just kinda fuzzy in between. 
🎵 name 5 songs you love at the moment
Answer: 1. Unconditonally (Acoustic) by Fame On Fire (This song has literally become my life right now tbh.)
2. Don’t Let Me Down by Fame On Fire
3. Bounce by The Cab
4. Can You Keep a Secret? by The Cab
5. Friction by Imagine Dragons
⚡️ if you had any superpower, what would it be and why?
Answer: Probs invisibility. I dunno, I just like the thought of being able to disappear when I want to.
💚 who are you jealous of and why?
Answer: No one, honestly. Maybe other artists who I feel have better styles than I do?? But overtime that has become less of jealousy and more of admiration and a convincing of “if I keep practicing, one day I could do that too!”
💎 which one would you rather have more of: intelligence, beauty, kindness, wealth or bravery? why?
Answer: Hmmm... This took a lot of thinking. I would guess bravery? I feel like I could get a lot more done with myself if I could just convince myself to take the first step.
🌺 which languages do you know? which do you want to learn?
Answer: Unfortunately, as of right now I only know English. :( But there are so many different languages I want to learn! Japanese, German, ASL, Korean, French... The list goes on, really. There are so many unique and beautiful languages in this world! I wish I could just learn them all... 
I actually want to do something with foreign languages... I just haven’t exactly decided what yet ^.^’
🍀 if you could be any fictional character’s best friend/lover, which fictional character would you be?
Answer: So... I don’t ever really imagine myself wanting to be a fictional characters lover? I am always more interested in the relationships within those fictional worlds. So maybe best friends? I want to say I would love to be either Gon or Killua’s best friends because I love them so darn much but... I think I would much rather them be best friends instead, y’know?? They’re just too amazing together whether platonic or romantic...
But I guess... I would most definitely love to be best friends with Leorio!! He’s so funny and cool! Oh but Kurapika is so smart... But Alluka is so cute!!! But Melody is so kind... and Bisky is so strong and amazing! But Canary is so precious... And so is Komugi!!! But but but there’s just... so many good characters in HxH I can’t choose!!! 
☁️ talk about your dream universe.
Answer: Any universe where Gon and Killua are happy together is my kinda universe. 
You know what, I give them so much love, but I really want so many characters happy in that show. I want Leorio and Kurapika happy together. I want Alluka and Zushi happy together. I want Canary and Amane happy together. I guess I want Hisoka and Illumi together but I don’t really care for their happiness (I’m bitter, alright?) The list goes on.
🐬 if you could transform into any animal/magical creature, what would you be and why?
Answer: Hmmm... I’m not sure?? Maybe red pandas??? They’re super duper cute!!
🍄 talk about someone/something you really dislike
Answer: My anxiety and depression for sure... Boy I hate it so damn much because it makes me hate myself and that just... Feels like such a wrong feeling to have all the damn time.
🍪 what did you want to be as a kid, and what do you want to be now?
Answer: I wanted to be an art teacher when I was a kid! But now... I’m not sure... Like I said, something to do with languages! :)
🍰 what are some of your favourite sugary foods?
😪 what are you sick of?
Answer: Seeing so many amazing people in my life being treated cruelly simply for being who they are. But no matter what, I know I will never be as sick of it as they are :/
🙀 are you an adrenaline seeker?
Answer: Hahahha I frickin’ wish.
💥 what are some unpopular opinions that you have?
Answer: I... don’t know??? Honestly, I don’t have any clue... Uhm... I guess maybe that Greed Island was my favorite arc in HxH? And I guess that while I love all the arcs in HxH, I’m truthfully not a huge fan of Yorknew arc that much? I dunno??? (Please don’t kill me)
😊 what do you like to do as hobbies?
Answer: Drawing! Writing! Reading fanfics! Creating new worlds with my friends! Oh, and hanging out with my friends! Does being a bum on Tumblr dot com count?
🎤 what’s the last song you hummed or sang by yourself?
Answer: Unconditionally (Acoustic) by Fame On Fire
🎨 what do you always doodle when you’re bored?
Answer: Killugons, of course
🐶 send me 3 fictional people and I’ll choose my favourite!
Names: Tonpa, Hisoka, Illumi
Answer: Bruh... Why??? ... I guess I’ll have to go with the clown man... Not because I actually like him, but because he’s such a complex character and there’s just so much to him. Also, he’s actually a really good looker once you get past all of his... Hisoka-ness.
🐴 opinion on __?
Term: Duct Tape Fetus
Answer: I want to launch myself into the sun, good bye
🍋 do you consider yourself an emotional person?
Answer: Haahaha yup. More than what I’d like to be, really.
📚 share 3 books that you love and your favourite quote from them.
Answer: I don’t really read books much anymore.... Just lots and lots of fanfiction. I also am running on a time schedule here so I’m sorry, but I’m not doing quotes :P
1. Words That Water Flowers By @decembercamiecherries: it’s.... honestly such a beautiful story. Truly, a masterpiece. I’m still so empty now that it’s over. I just wish I could read it all over again~
3. And... Well, I guess this probably shouldn’t count but I’m gonna put it anyways. Lately, my friend and I have been working on a Killugon AU where Gon is the lead singer of a rock band and Killua is very pastel. It’s been my life and I’ve been getting a few people into it, but unfortunately there’s no real fic written out for it yet :P Maybe one day we can get it up and moving for others to enjoy~
🐧 describe yourself in 3 words
Answer: 1. Open-minded (At least I try to be)
2. Selfish (Probably)
3. creative
🐵 which quotes changed you?
Answer:How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” -Winnie the Pooh. This quote honestly just... I love it so much.
💫 who inspires you?
Answer: Honestly.. every single one of the amazing people I have met so far through this fandom. They’re so kind and amazing, and I can’t express how much I feel I truly belong with this group. Like, every one who leaves a good comment or says that they like my art or writing or both or even just me in general it just... inspires me to do so much more.
👻 do you believe in ghosts and why?
Answer: I was going to say I’m not quite sure, but then I remember all the nights @dragmakihiveka spent screaming in her house because we were sure some sort of other worldly being was going to tear us apart.
🎀 what’s your fashion sense like?
Answer: It’s pretty neutral, but I feel like I’m slowly starting to branch out bit by bit ^.^ Now that I have my navel pierced I think I’m gonna start investing in some crop tops! I still feel a bit insecure about my stomach, but I think having the piercing will make me want to show it off and then I will feel better about showing my belly!
🎬 what are some of your favourite films?
Answer: Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron (I don’t think I spelled that correctly but whatevs), Lion King, Moana, Anastasia, Road to El Dorado, Wolf Children: Ame & Yuki, Hercules, Mulan, Fern Gully, Brother Bear, Star Wars.... There are probs so many more that I’m just not thinking of right now. 
🍦 what is one treasured childhood memory?
Answer: Hmm... In third grade, I had the most amazing teacher! She gave me christmas gifts, she took me out to dinner with her two baby twin boys and adopted little girl, I went to her daughter’s birthday party! She was so amazing! I think her validation was one of the reasons I was able to get a perfect score on my first state test! I got a plaque to prove it! :D
🐼 if you could meet anyone, who would it be and why?
Answer: Literally, meeting any one of my friends that I’ve made on here would be a dream come true!
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