#└ — filed under ( study / sterling wesley. )
venetoresgemiinae · 3 years
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i said it on my other blog before i got around to making this one, but-- i’m calling it as i see it: somewhere down the line, sterling gets along better with sam and blair gets along better with dean. probably.
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venetoresgemiinae · 3 years
i’m in pain and sick, so basic rundown for my version of the girls until i get their docs up and running !
rules doc is here, generic info is here, my main blog is here !
wesley parents were hunters, but didn’t want their daughters to end up in that line of work, tried their hardest to keep that white picket fence life for them
surprise, surprise, that doesn’t last long-- twins end up monster bounty hunting and juggling high school at a ‘christian’ private school ( uniforms, bible studies, etc. ) in the south
blair is very fighty, and frequently has a lot of angry “nOT TODAY, SATAN” moments-- might actually want to fight lucifer, himself, but there’s no real telling for sure
sterling is bi, but still figuring herself out, and blair is totally supportive as long as they don’t keep secrets from each other
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venetoresgemiinae · 3 years
as far as heights go, blair is 5′5 and sterling is 5′7-- they don’t particularly care whether or not someone is taller or shorter than them, but if blair comes across a guy significantly taller than herself, her only reaction is just ‘wow’.
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venetoresgemiinae · 3 years
tag dump 2/2
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