#【smooth talk】
arbalistic · 4 years
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I made Leon and Raihan in the sangled Picrew! :3
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redux-pain · 3 years
chapter 07: Civic Hall
「まったくほんと世の中、  クズばかりだ嫌になるよ!」
奥から極めて派手な 格好をした女性が歩いてきた。
”This world is just full of human TRASH, I swear!”
A woman with flashy clothes comes out from the back.
[HIROOKA, offscreen:] “I can’t take it any more! There are so many lowlifes in the world!”
/Out of the back [of the civic hall] came a woman wearing an extremely gaudy outfit./
ん? なんだいアンタ!?
Hmm? What?
What do you want?
[HIROOKA:] Huh? What’re you lookin’ at?
You want something from me?
…おや~、それともさぁ 私に見とれてたとか言うのかい?
ふふっ…まあ、 アンタ顔はいいからね~。
You fall in love with me or something?
Hehe, you’re a good looking kid...
[HIROOKA:] ....Oh? Or maybe you find me fascinating, is that it?
Heh heh... You’re good-looking, so [I’ll humor you].
ああ、私かい? 広岡トモヨ、 ここのオーナーみたいな者さ。
それで、まさかこんな所を 見物ってわけじゃないわよね。
Oh, me? I’m Tomoyo Hirooka, the owner here.
You’re not here for sight- seeing, are you?
[HIROOKA:] Oh, you’re wondering about me? I’m Hiro’oka Tomoyo. I’m kind of like the manager here.
I’m going to guess you’re not coming to a place like this to sight-see.
ちょっとさ、こんなところで 話って言うのもなんだから。
We shouldn’t really be talking here,
Wanna’ have a cup of tea?
[HIROOKA:] Say, this is no place to be standing around talking.
Would you like to come in for a cup of tea?
別にバレやしないし、誰も喋りや しないんだからどう?
I’ve got wine, too.
It’s OK, I won’t tell anyone.
[HIROOKA:] There’s wine, too, if you don’t like tea.
It’s only a problem if someone finds out. Which they won’t from me. What do you say?
>That sounds nice
>No thank you
>That sounds nice.
>I’ll have to say no.
[note: both options are extremely polite. You’re talking to an adult, after all!]
{Option 1: That sounds nice.
いったいそうやって何人の 女を泣かせてきたのかしらね?
What a smooth talker.
How many girls have you burned through, hmm?
[HIROOKA:] Oh, my, what a smooth talker you are.
I wonder how many girls you’ve gone through?
嬉しいお誘いだけど、 今日はちょっと時間が無いんだよね。
I’m afraid I don’t have much time today.
I have to deal with the idiot.
[HIROOKA:] Well, I’m flattered, but I’m a little low on time today.
There’s a dull man who needs looking after.
{Option 2: I’ll have to say no.
まったく…愛想の欠片も ない男だね。
Oh, I see...
What a rude young man...
[HIROOKA:] Oh, is that so?
Hmph... what a rude boy.
[NOTE: It does say “man” in Japanese, but that doesn’t sound as natural in English, and she definitely knows you’re too young to drink, so....]
まあいいさ。 今日は私も忙しいからね。
それにしても……最近の男共は いまいちだね~。
Whatever. I’m busy today anyway.
The men around here are such losers recently.
[HIROOKA:] Well, no matter. I’m busy today too.
In any case. ....Men these days just don’t make the grade.
本当に残念だよ。 女を楽しませる事すら出来ない。
まあ、あんたは居るだけで 女が寄ってくるんだろうけどさ。
What a shame. Can’t even show a girl a good time.
Well, girls probably just flock to you, though.
[HIROOKA:] It’s such a pity. Can’t even show a girl a good time.
Well, I’m sure women come flocking to you no matter what.
そんな愛想無しじゃ、 直ぐ逃げて行ってしまうよ。
But with such bad manners they won’t stay for long.
Women hate fools, you know.
[HIROOKA:] But if you can’t be friendly, they won’t stay for long.
Women despise a dull man, you know.
今からグズの相手をしなくちゃ いけなくってね~。
But anyway...
I have to go deal with the idiot now.
[HIROOKA:] But anyway...
I have to go take care of a dull man myself now.
ほんと、私はお人よしだと自分でも 思うことあるんだよ。
I’m such a good person, I sometimes think.
Listen to this...
[HIROOKA:] Honestly, sometimes I wonder if I’m too nice.
Just listen to this....
恋人って言うのかね~、 付き合っている男がいるんだけど。
I have a kind of 
lover a guy I’m dating.
[HIROOKA:] I have this...
Lover, of sorts. Well, more like a man I’m dating.
なんの取り得もない男でさ、 別にこれといった趣味もなし。
それに外見もごく普通の オッサンだしね…。
He’s worthless and totally uninteresting.
He even looks like some regular old schmuck.
[HIROOKA:] He has no good qualities. No hobbies or interests whatsoever.
And on top of that, his looks are as ordinary as you can get.
たった一つの取り得というのは、 気前の良さ、それだけなんだよ。
そりゃあ、私も最初はいろいろと プレゼントも貰ったんだけど。
Only good thing about him is his generosity.
So, I may have received a few presents at first,
[HIROOKA:] His only redeeming quality is his generosity. That’s it.
So I may have accepted a few gifts at the outset.
それが事もあろうにギャンブルに 手を出して破産寸前……。
そうなったのは私のせいじゃ 無いって言うのにさ。
but then he starts gambling & goes bankrupt...
I told him it wasn’t like it was my fault, but he
[HIROOKA:] Then he takes up gambling, of all things, and goes almost bankrupt.
And I told him, it’s not like I made this happen!
今まで貢いだから、金の工面をして 欲しいなんて言うんだよ。
asks me to help him out, since he gave me so much.
[HIROOKA:] But he says he wants me to help raise the money back, because of everything he bought me before.
Well, I just won’t!
何で私がグズの面倒まで 見なくちゃならないんだい?
本当に面倒だけど、 今からキッチリ話つけに行くよ。
Why do I have to take care of this idiot?
It’s such a hassle, but ���’m gonna’ go talk to him now.
Excuse me.
[HIROOKA:] Why should I have to take on the troubles of a fool like that?
It’s such a hassle. But I'm going to go break the news now.
Excuse me.
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arbalistic · 4 years
Y'all ever see canon images of Leon and it's like god DAMN that man got some tiddies
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Me: That's my lil brother!!!!!!!! We stan!!!!!!!!!
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arbalistic · 4 years
Archiving this blog!
This just serves as a little announcement that I'm gonna be archiving this blog! I feel like I'm spread a bit too thin lately, so I'm gonna be moving most of my posting to my main blog! Feel free to come join me on @clinicallyfine!
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arbalistic · 4 years
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