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Yuriko Tiger instagram post 10/30/2023
https://www.instagram.com/p/CzBbReWvPB_/ ——————— (日本語↓)Happy Halloween from your muscled ムチムチLamu.
What is your Halloween plan? (Expect Italians with Lucca Comics)
I have a lot things to say but im too tired right now 😔, im back from Osaka and Tokushima! I walked a lot and my feet hurts lol.
I was almost forgot about Halloween. Please suggest me a good horror movie!!
ハロウィン🎃がきたー みんなは何がしますか〜? 今年は渋谷禁止だからセイフな方でハロウィンを楽しもうね! 私は徳島県と大阪に遊びに行き
#こすました)^o^( 色々話したいですが今疲れすぎてあんまりで気ない(笑)ごめんね! ストーリーとかもチェックしてね✅ ちなみにYouTubeに新しい動画を投稿しましたよん〜🫶🏻
おすすめホラー映画を教えてください! 明日に見ようと思ってますw
#ハロウィンコスプレ #うる星やつら #halloweencostume #sexycosplaygirl
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 3 months
I happened to look at X during a break and saw that our king (Kodaka-san) had posted messages thanking the fans for the birthday gifts sent to Hajime and Izuru, and I completely lost focus on my work. (I'm totally stupid.)
It is SO CUTE the fact that Hajime had an inferiority complex about his birthday, but now he seems to have a positive thought about it 😭💕 I'm happy to see that he got kusamochi and something that looks a lot like the pattern of the underwear he's wearing as birthday gifts. lol
It is also cute that Izuru is not happy about his birthday at all 😂
Happy birthday and I love you both so much! 😘
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Message from Izuru: https://x.com/kazkodaka/status/1752146332511555801?s=20
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arafergirl-artdump · 13 days
Hey ppl I'm alive, just from Japanese talking club(?) and i decided to share with yall things in my sketchbook that relates to RH. はようみんな、生きてる、日本語会話クラブからばかり、リズ天に関してスケッチブックのことを分け合うのを決めた。
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Whatever this is.
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And HD remake
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(i don't know if i should translate it because there's context needed to understand and i don't wanna make anyone uncomfortable)
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Text: HE ruined my LIFE
This also needs context, so basically i drew DJs so much i forgot how to draw in peanuts style.
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Text: is he okeh
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Text: aoao oaoa
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THIS. Everyone i talked with in Japanese club knows about this page.
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Comic i didn't finished. If you can understand what it's saying... Sorry for my bad Japanese i suppose guess
完了しなかったコミック。何を書かれたのかわかるので... ボクの悪い日本語ごめんかもね
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(ignore the text)
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Text: Gay mod DJ School
HD remake
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Whatever this is 2
Bonus: Scratch-NO.
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(Maybe i should remake this comic and translate it to English idk lol)
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real-life-senshi · 6 months
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Oct 23rd is Sawai Miyuu's birthday, and of course, Ayaka posted about it! <3
Also, happy one-year anniversary of Miyuu's marriage! That Miyuu's birthday is one day off from Aino Minako's, and that Miyuu got married on Aino Minako's birthday is absolutely a fantastic fun fact!
Anyway, translation of Ayaka's Insta post:
今日は愛する沢井さんの誕生日🎂🧡 Today is my beloved Sawai's birthday🎂🧡 ⁡ 出会って20年になりますが本当に出会った頃から真っ直ぐで、明るくて、ひまわりのような人🌻 It's been 20 years since we met, and she has never stopped being the genuine, bright, sunflower-like person ever since we met 🌻 ⁡ この20年間どんだけ一緒にいるの? ってくらい一緒にいた気がします😝❤️笑 20 years has gone since we've met? I feel like we have been together much longer than that 😝❤️ lol
これからも一緒に まったりゆっくり過ごしましょ☺️🌸 Continuing onward together Let's live life in a relaxedly and have a good time☺️🌸 ⁡ お誕生日おめでとう🎉 Happy birthday🎉 ⁡ 1枚目はかき氷との写真だけど アップすぎて何が何だかですね🤪笑 The first photo is with the shaved ice we had The angle too close-up to see what's what 🤪 lol
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dumping-ideas · 1 year
I was wondering if you've ever discussed the lyrics of Tondemo Wonderz on a post? If not, what are your thoughts on it?
I haven't because I don't think song analysis is my forte, and because lots of people already posted their thoughts about Tondemo Wonderz my interpretation on how it relates to Tsukasa might overlaps with them, if it's okay with you (o;_ _)o
(I'm using the full lyrics translation from vocaloid wiki and a little bit of my own reading of the JP here)
First, the words "memory" and "erase" kinda appear a lot in different parts of the song in a lot of context:
思い出に消しゴム!? あれっ。(Take an eraser to your memories?! Huh...)
Everyone probably has dissected this part a lot lol. Connecting it to the main story, we're never told why Tsukasa lost sight and forgot his true feeling in the first place. This lyrics kinda hinted that he chose to forget about his painful memories and feelings but unknowingly forgetting his cherished ones (specifically his true feeling that created Wonderland Sekai) as well. If I have to guess, it's because of Saki's long hospitalization and Toya's despair over classical music.
おとなたちの鋭利営利な目盛×メモリー悩まされすぎちゃって寄り目になっちゃいそーね!! (The adults’ sharp, money-making memories make us worry too much!)
This one is... maybe about how reality isn't as sweet as imagination? Tsukasa is someone who firmly has his feet planted on the ground but able to dream big, so maybe it's how his ideal and pragmatism clashed with each other sometimes.
正解も不正解も 大切なメモリー (Right and wrong answers are important memories)
This one referred to the previous "erasing memories" line, how "right and wrong answers" = good and bad decisions = good and bad memories were important so thy shouldn't be erased.
まだまだ消さないで!?未来はここからじゃん!!(Don’t erase it yet?! The future is from now!)
Referring to the "successes and failures" in the lyrics in the reff, ie. and how those decisions lead to his current and future self. Fitting, because Tsukasa needed to learn to embrace his past mistakes (and successes) to look at himself now and the future.
まだまだ一緒しよ?の魂胆です 101回目のソンな小指メモリー拝借 “ハッピーも失敗も消さないから!!” (we’re still doing it together, right? That’s my plan. I borrow the 101st pinky memory.“I won’t erase happiness or failures, after all.”)
Interestingly, why is the memory is written as pinky finger in the kanji? I guess it's to show that memory = promise (as in, pinky promise). It's probably to refer how he promised Miku and everyone else that he won't forget his true feelings anymore, no matter how it brought him happiness and failure--because yes, he would face failure down to road.
つまずく日もあるよ (There are days when I fail too.)
成功失敗も「全部」だいすき!でいいじゃん!!(I love all successes and failures! That’s fine, right?)
Second, there's a lot of posturing in the lyrics:
“どうして!?”も“ああして!!”も“ 君らしくないな?(“Why?!” and “Do it like this!!” aren’t like you, huh?)
Being confused isn't like Tsukasa because he's always confident in himself.
みんなみんな笑っちゃえの魂胆で (In this plot to make everyone laugh)
Tsukasa's true feeling to make everyone smile and the ways how he tried to do so, talking about it as a 'plot' --or in other words as something scripted. There's a possibility he 'scripted' the way he behaved to make everyone smile before it finally stuck.
どうにもこうにも救えない困難もいいじゃん!!みんなみんな救っちゃお!のポーズで ちょっとやそっとじゃ潰れない笑顔どうじゃん! 100回オチても不死議は鳥乱さない
(I reckon it’s fine to have troubles you can’t do a thing about! I make a pose like I’m gonna save everyone. How about this smile, it’s not gonna crumble at all! Even if I fall 100 times, I’m like a phoenix. I won’t get upset!)
So If we put Tsukasa's song, we can see this as how he may not know how to solve other's problems, but by showing a confident smile he wanted others to rely on him. And even if he can't do it, he won't let others give up relying on him because he'll try again and again.
Paired with how the song said that both successes and failures are important, it's good that Tsukasa know learned to take failures as another way to success in the future.
みんなみんな一緒しよ!のポーズで ちょっとやそっとじゃ崩れない笑顔どうじゃん!(I make a pose like I’m gonna do it together with everyone. How about this smile, it’s not gonna break down at all!)
Another repeat of how his smile won't falter, but this time he 'acts' like he'll do it with everyone. Kinda hinted that at this point in time in the song, while Tsukasa worked with everyone, he wouldn't rely on others and had the mindset to be the most reliable person that others can lean on.
It kinda relates to some line after this about being together with others is another 'plan' or script. So, while he worked with others it was just another way for him to make others smile. There was no hint of him wanting to rely or connect with others personally.
みんなみんなくすぐっちゃえ!のポーズで ぜったいぜったいね、消せない笑顔どうじゃん!∞回なんかいオチても不死議は鳥壊せない!(I make a pose like I’m gonna make everyone laugh. How about this smile, it can never ever be rubbed out! No matter how many times I fall, I’m like a phoenix. I won’t get pulled down!)
The last reff was about how he 'acts' to make everyone laugh, and by proudly showing off how his smile will always stay intact, it kinda hinted that maybe his confidence was a front. That his 'poses' won't ever crumble down and show what the real him is really like. Because even if he falls he will always show off a confident 'pose' and smile in his plot to save others and make them smile and laugh.
Tl;dr from these two points my take on Tondemo Wonderz in relation to Tsukasa is:
Tsukasa deliberately forgot his past failures and painful memories but because he did that he accidentally erased his happy memories and true feelings. He erased his own memories because he wanted to act confident so others could rely on his unwavering self. After meeting WxS, he learned that he needed to embrace failures as well to be able to face his current and future self, but it didn't mean that he would give up on his act any time soon. In fact, he thought that his act would only keep getting better because he's learning from his failures. Would he open up to WxS? By that point in the story, no. But Curtain Call hinted that Tsukasa is slowly opening up to his personal worries--starting with Rui.
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dbfandom · 11 months
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作品を作っている準備段階のことCooking(料理中である)あるいはin the kitchen(台所にいる)という場合もあります。cooking の短縮形cookin'が使われているかもしれません。
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例) I’m cooking the next panel now.  (いま次の漫画の原稿描いてるところ。)
Hungry (腹ペコ)を使って、
I hope you're hungryというと、「あなたがお腹が空いているといいな」つまり「(今制作中のものについて)楽しみにしていただけると嬉しいです」「乞うご期待」といった意味になります。他にも、
I'm preparing good food, y'all hungry? (良い作品を準備中なのでお腹を空かせて待っててね)という表現は、クリエイターが現在準備しているものについて、フォロワーやファンをからかうときによく使われます。
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例えばサイヤの日(3月18日)が近くなったら、"Prepare for the feast!"みたいな感じで伝えると盛り上がります。
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R18(英語ではNSFWの表記が一般的)のコンテンツに感想を言いたい時は、spicyやhotが使えます。スパイシーと聞くと辛口評価を連想するかもしれませんが、そのような否定的な意味はなく、自分にとってキャラクターやシチュエーションが魅力的すぎる時に使う用語なのです。”It’s hot(spicy) food, I’m so thirsty now" などと言って、口渇を覚えるほどホットであると表現することもあります。👄や👅や💦などの絵文字を使ってもいいです。
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例えば、公式ストーリーやキャラクターがちょっと理解し難かったり予想外だったりすると、以下のように「ちょっと待て、俺に料理させろ」と言って、ファンならではのアイデアで二次創作することがあります。hollup は hold up の短縮形で、「ちょっと待って」"という意味です。
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絵師: Uhmmm, I want to do a Cell-but-human design… (うーん、人間ぽいデザインのセル描こうかな)
フォロワーA: Oh, noooo! lol Don’t do it!(マジかw やめてー)
フォロワーB:  No, wait, let him/her cook. (いやいや、描いてみたらいいじゃん)
その他、WIPという表記とともにプレビューやドラフトを投稿しているのを見かけることがあります。これはwork in progress、つまりクリエイターが、作業中の内容をフォロワーに見せている場合です。フォロワーは、待ち切れないということを伝えるために、よく以下のようなリプをすることがあり、これは英語圏では全く失礼なことではありません。
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"I'm at the table. Smells delicious!" (テーブルに着席中。おいしそうな匂いがするわー)
"I'm starving (hungry), serve me!"(お腹空いたんですけど、何か出してー!)
“Serve the food!" や "Cook faster!"といったバリエーションもあります。
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"What is Toyotaro cooking?!"(とよたろう先生は何を作っているのだろう)
"SDBH's food is delicious this week!" (今週のSDBHのエピソードはおいしいよ)
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これは、ラムゼイが残念な料理をさんざん食べさせられ失望し嫌気がさしていたところへ、ついに超絶品料理にありくことができてホッとしている様子を表しています。外国人はよく、「Finally some good fucking food」と言って長い苦しみからついに解放されて得た喜びを表現することがあります。
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mistbow · 1 year
I know this may seem so sudden but I unironically love how vague Zesty can be sometimes, that every time I come back to it, I will probably learn something new about it.
And tbh that’s probably intended too. The main reason I probably keep coming back to this game no matter how much time has passed is because I agree with the way Hase Yuuta (the director of the game) thinks.
From his interview in the Complete Guide:
If I explain it too much, it would be uncool, or rather, not intriguing, so I hide the important parts. I wanted to be careful with the direction, such as depicting it with facial expressions or body language [i.e. through the way they act, not what they say; speaking with their backs], so I would be happy if you were to read into it while thinking “Am I reading into it too much?”
Also earlier, from his interview with Famitsu:
Finally, let me tell you something about the game as a whole. In one scene, there’s a line where Sorey says “Isn’t discovering things by yourself the best part of exploration?” This is one of the aspects of the game that we focused on. There are hints of interpretation, of fun things that you can look forward to, scattered here and there in the game: in the battles, exploration, and even the story, so please enjoy the game the way you want to play it until the end!
It’s things like the game (or anyone involved in the game, in any interview, ever) never really brings to your attention that Sorey (or humans in general) being right-handed and Mikleo (or seraphim in general) being left-handed actually explains why Sorey stands on the right side and Mikleo on the left, except for the time Sorey was blind on the right eye that Mikleo covers his right side (in cutscenes, in skits, in battles...), and that Sorey moving to Mikleo’s left side on the night before the final battle scene as a way to ask his support once again. But that’s just one example.
I love how this idea is reflected in Sorey as the protagonist too. I mean, they mentioned about his quote above, but there’s something alluring about a game that doesn’t really explain itself, lol, like uncovering the mysteries surrounding the world it takes place in (it helps that Sorey is naturally curious about the world around him... his curiosity is contagious LOL). This might seem like I excuse what might seem like poor worldbuilding/storytelling to others but that’s exactly why I find Zesty fascinating the way I don’t find a lot of things are lol.
tl;dr I love how there’s probably a lot of things not set in stone by the creators in Zesty and I wish there were more stuff like it because there are not a lot of stuff quite like it. I love to read too much into stuff, let me do it.
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violettranslations · 3 months
to apeiron (ト・アペイロン)
これで何度目の再会なんだ? 揃いも揃って御苦労な事だな。 付き合う側にもなってみなよ もう、冗談じゃないわ…
How many times have we reunited now? You've sure gone above and beyond each and every time. Why don't we give this dating thing a try? Come on, I'm not even joking...
人には“限界”というモノがあるそうだが、 一体、それは誰が決めたんだ? この際に確かめておくといいさ。 未曾有の世界で。
People all seem to have an inherent "limit" ascribed to them, but who on earth was the one to determine it? We ought to take this opportunity to investigate in this unprecedented world.
嗚呼、烏有に帰すはずの命が、 必死こいて足掻く様は(笑) (笑) (笑)
Aah, this life should've returned to the earth, but instead it's scratching and clawing for all it's worth! (lol) (lol) (lol)
杜撰な解と、存在の希薄が、 未だに闌ける脳に縋っていた。 究極的な真理の前では 到達すらも容易じゃないな。
A sloppy solution and the scarcity of existence were, even then, clinging to a superior brain. It's hardly an easy feat to arrive before the ultimate truth.
有り触れていた旋律じゃ足らずに、 貴方達は、至上を望むのか。 不可逆的な誤謬を経て、 また、試行の反芻だ。
Finding a common melody to be the slightest bit insufficient, you all desire supremacy, is that right? Committing many irreversible mistakes, you again ruminate on another attempt.
一人、また、一人と消え、 道半ばで絶えた者よ。 藻掻く事も許されずに、 唯、失意の元に下る。 見て呉れは悪くないが、 ほんの少し、違うようだ。 また、捻って出直しなよ。
One disappears, and then so does one more, those who have faded halfway through their journey. Not even allowed to struggle against their fate, they simply descend to the source of their despondency. They may not look worn on the outside, but their air is ever so slightly changed. You'd better scrap it and do it over again.
増すスピード、消えるライフ、 戦いは続く。けれど、 休むような暇はないぜ。 まだまだ、楽しませてくれ。
Speed increases, life diminishes, the fight goes on. And yet, there's not a spare moment to rest. Come on, entertain me even more.
…ちょっとギアを上げすぎたか? そんじゃ一度、落ち着こうか。
...Do you think we haven't gone a little too hard, too fast here? Yeah, why don't we take a minute to calm down some.
防衛、正当性、逃走本能。 遊泳、汎用性、延命処置。 開眼、大団円、押し問答。
Defense, legitimacy, flight instinct. Staying afloat, versatility, life-prolonging measures. Enlightenment, denouement, verbal tug-of-war.
I'm starting to understand heartlessness.
現在、最終戦の前段階。 方法は、屹度、気付いている。 収斂する意識をキープして、
Just now, we've taken the first step towards the final battle. Our methods are, of course, known. We will keep a collective consciousness,
and continue the challenge.
なあ! 終焉に向けた最後の狂奏 偽りだって、本当に為って、 幻想に過ぎぬ讃美を頂戴! 叫んだ声は、掻き消えていった。 貴方に対する挑戦状は、 愈々以て、最終局面。 まだまだ気を抜くには早計だ。 私はこの程度では無いから。
Hey! A final competition (mad performance) as we approached the end. Though it is false, it will become truth, so illusory though it may be, hand over your extolment! The voice I'd screamed hoarse vanished into thin air. The letter of challenge I've addressed to you is at last in its final phase. It's still much too early to let your guard down. This is far from the best I can do.
悠久の刻を模る音像 憧れだって、近くになって “想像”に過ぎなかった思考も いつしか、“創造”に化けたようだ 私が発した挑戦状は、 希望か、将又絶望なのか。 嘗ての自分を置き去りにして、 限界すら超越した究極へ!
A stereo image takes the shape of an eternal moment. I longed for it, and so I got close, and it was as if all of my thoughts amounting to nothing more than mere "imaginings" would one day morph into "creations." Is the letter of challenge I issued hope, or is it despair? Leaving the person I used to be behind, I transcend even my limits in pursuit of the ultimate!
Sure, congratulations.
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pikahlua · 1 year
MHA Chapter 371 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 病院内の安全? びょういんないのあんぜん? byouinnai no anzen? [What about the] safety of those in the hospital?
tagline 1 代弁者、混濁した意識の中で… スピナー、こんだくしたいしきのなかで… SUPINAA (kanji: daibensha), kondaku shita ishiki no naka de... Spinner, (read as: Representative) inside his muddled consciousness...
tagline 2 No.371 しょーじくんといっしょ。  堀越耕平 ナンバー371 しょーじくんといっしょ。  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 371 Shouji-kun to issho.   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 371 Together with Shouji-kun.   Kouhei Horikoshi
2 あると言え…‼︎ あるといえ…‼︎ aru to ie...! "If it did, then speak...!!"
3 じゃなきゃ俺はおまえ達を許さない! じゃなきゃおれはおまえたちをゆるさない! ja nakya ore wa omae-tachi wo yurusanai! "If not, I won't forgive you all!"
4 考ぇがあアるかってェエぇえ? かんがえがあアるかってェエぇえ? kangae ga aAru ka tteEEee? Did that thought oCCUr to me, he sAYs?
5 痛ってえエナんだあこいつうう⁉︎ いってえエナんだあこいつうう⁉︎ itteeE NAndaa koitsuuu!? It hurTS, whAaat's with this guuuuuy!?
6 障子くんの声… しょうじくんのこえ… Shouji-kun no koe... Shouji-kun's voice...
7 なんだあのガキ… nanda ano GAKI... "What's with that brat..."
8 ひでえ傷… ひでえきず… hidee kizu... "[Those] awful wounds..."
9 いや…でも…‼︎ iya...demo...! "No...but...!!"
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1 代弁者あんた言ってた筈だ! だいべんしゃあんたいってたはずだ! daibensha anta itteta hazu da! "Representative, you'll definitely tell him!"
2 俺たちは従う おれたちはしたがう ore-tachi wa shitagau "We will follow [you]"
3 「黒霧奪還」に伴う犠牲は! 「くろぎりだっかん」にともなうぎせいは! 「Kurogiri dakkan」 ni tomonau gisei wa! "The sacrifices associated with recapturing Kurogiri"
4 言ってくれあんたが正義だ! いってくれあんたがせいぎだ! ittekure anta ga seigi da! "Tell him, you are [our] justice!"
5 あァあァあア⁉︎ aAaAaA!? AAaAaAh!?
6 あっ a Ah[?]
7 あっ a Ah[?]
8 あ〜〜〜 a~~~ Aaagghhh
9 知らネぇよ しらネぇよ shiraNEe yo "DunnOOo"
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1 知らねえって… しらねえって… shiranee tte... "He doesn't know..."
2 これは‼︎ kore wa!! "He means:" (Note: Literally, "This.")
3 "流れる血こそ歴史を紡ぐ"と‼︎即ち やむなしだとそう言っているのだ "ながれるちこそれきしをつむぐ"と‼︎すなわち やむなしだとそういっているのだ “nagareru chi koso rekishi wo tsumugu” to!! sunawachi yamunashi da to sou itte iru no da "of course history is spun by flowing blood!! In other words, he's saying that it's unavoidable."
4 あの小僧…それにスピナー!余計な事を! あのこぞう…それにスピナー!よけいなことを! ano kozou... sore ni SUPINAA! yokei na koto wo! That kid... [saying that] to Spinner! Those excessive things! (Note: He means that Shouji is overloading Spinner with excessive thoughts, which he can't handle at this time.)
5 前進せよ‼︎ ぜんしんせよ‼︎ zenshin se yo!! "[Now] move ahead!!"
6 スピナーこれでまた SUPINAA kore de mata "Spinner, this will"
7 30年退行する 30ねんたいこうする 30nen taikou suru "set us back 30 years."
8 ウる…せえ…! Uru...see! "SHUt...uuup...!"
9 マジでもう MAJI de mou Seriously, geez
10 その「剛躯」でも手こずるようなら その「ごうく」でもてこずるようなら sono 「gouku」 demo tekozuru you nara If that "rigidity" becomes a problem,
11 これも使うといい これもつかうといい kore mo tsukau to ii you should use this too.
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1 本当にもう俺はもう ほんとうにもうおれはもう hontou ni mou ore wa mou Really, I'm already...
2 「スケイルメイル」これで力と防御と 「スケイルメイル」これでちからとぼうぎょと 「SUKEIRU MEIRU」 kore de chikara to bougyo to "Scale Mail, with this you will have the combined power, defense,"
3 容姿を兼ね備えたリーダーだ ようしをかねそなえたリーダーだ youshi wo kane sonaeta RIIDAA da "and appearance of a leader."
4-5 そういうのもうイイカラ sou iu no mou II KARA "BEYOND that sort of stuff." (Note: Literally, he says something like "what you're saying, I'm good [without it]" but that doesn't make much sense in English.)
6 LoL⁉︎ ロル⁉︎ RORU!? “LoL?”
7 俺もやってた おれもやってた ore mo yatteta "I also played that."
small text ソロだけど SORO dakedo "Only solo though."
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1 イィかラ Ii kaRA "I'm beYOND that, so"
2 進 すす susu "press"
3 めぇえ meee "oooon."
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1 障子くん‼︎ しょうじくん‼︎ Shouji-kun!! “Shouji-kun!!“
2 同志よ‼︎代弁者の歩みこそ どうしよ‼︎だいべんしゃのあゆみこそ doushi yo!! daibensha no ayumi koso "Comrades!! [Only our] representative's path"
3 虐げられた者の逆襲と勇気! しいたげられたもののぎゃくしゅうとゆうき! shiitagerareta mono no gyakushuu to yuuki! "[is for] the counterattack and courage of the oppressed!"
4 革命に殉じよ!今日の血が未来の異形に権益をもたらすのだ かくめいにじゅんじよ!きょうのちがみらいのいぎょうにけんえきをもたらすのだ kakumei ni junji yo! kyou no chi ga mirai no igyou ni ken’eki wo motarasu "Martyr [yourselves] to the revolution! Today's blood will secure the interests of future mutants."
5 ふざけるな…障子くんは…‼︎ ふざけるな…しょうじくんは…‼︎ fuzakeruna...Shouji-kun wa...!! "Don't mess with him... [not with] Shouji-kun...!!"
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1 障子くんはーー! しょうじくんはーー! Shouji-kun wa---! Shouji-kun---!
2 両親にこの腕はなかった りょうしんにこのうではなかった ryoushin ni kono ude wa nakatta "My parents didn't have these arms."
3 酷い村だったよ人に触れようものなら総出で「血祓い」だ ひどいむらだったよひとにふれようものならそうでで「ちはらい」だ hidoi mura datta yo hito ni fureyou mono nara soude de 「chiharai」 da "It was a cruel village, where if I should have come into contact with people, it was all about 'pure blood.'"
4 常闇や口田ら都会生まれには教科書の中の話かもしれんが とこやみやこうだらとかいうまれにはきょうかしょのなかのはなしかもしれんが Tokoyami ya Kouda-ra tokai umare ni wa kyoukasho no naka no hanashi kamoshiren ga "To those born in the city like Tokoyami and Kouda, it might [sound like] a story from a textbook, but"
5 子どもにこんな傷を負わせる地域がまだ残ってるんだ こどもにこんなきずをおわせるちいきがまだのこってるんだ kodomo ni konna kizu wo owaseru chiiki ga mada nokotterunda "there are still regions that inflict these kinds of wounds on children."
6 ゆるせんそんな奴ら根絶やそ…! ゆるせんそんなやつらねだやそ…! yurusen sonna yatsura neda yaso...! "Unforgivable, that those sorts of people would exterminate others...!" (Note: Not fully confident on this one.)
7 それもいいが sore mo ii ga "That's fine, but"
8 やはり"差異"というものはある… やはり"さい"というものはある… yahari “sai” to iu mono wa aru... "there really are those who are 'different.'"
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1 オイラ…"タコ"って言った気ィする…! オイラ…"タコ"っていったきィする…! OIRA...”TAKO” tte itta kiI suru...! "I...just realized I said 'Octopus'"
2 ごめんなァでも気味悪ィとかそんなん考えてねーよ ごめんなァでもきみわるィとかそんなん考えてねーよ gomen naA demo kimi waruI to ka sonnan kangaetenee yo "I'm sorry, I don't think that's creepy or anything!"
3 この腕から蛸を連想するのは当然だ このうでからたこをれんそうするのはとうぜんだ kono ude kara tako wo rensou suru no wa touzen da "It's natural to associate these arms with an octopus."
4 ヒーロー名テンタコルだし ヒーローめいテンタコルだし HIIROO mei TENTAKORU da shi "My hero name is Tentacole." (Note: The "tako" in TENTAKORU, Shouji's hero name, means "octopus.")
5 それに俺だって"敵っぽいヒーローランキング"とか下世話なもの見たりしてるし それにおれだって"ヴィランっぽいヒーローランキング"とかげせわなものみたりしてるし sore ni ore datte “VIRAN ppoi HIIROO RANKINGU” to ka gesewa na mono mitari shiteru shi "And then even I watch the 'Villain-Like Heroes Rankings' and other vulgar things like that."
6 触れないで変に気を遣ってほしくない ふれないでへんにきをつかってほしくない furenaide hen ni ki wo tsukatte hoshikunai "I don't want [people to] strangely fuss over [me] without touching on the subject,"
7 けれどこの"傷跡"と けれどこの"きずあと"と keredo kono “kizuato” to "but these scars and"
8 "異形"は意味を強制する "いぎょう"はいみをきょうせいする “igyou” wa imi wo kyousei suru "mutations would force the issue." (Note: Contextually, he's saying "I don't want people to coddle or treat me differently while walking on eggshells about his scars and mutations, which cannot be ignored aka they're elephants in the room.)
9 だからマスクをしてる俺は"復讐者"と思われたくない だからマスクをしてるおれは"ふくしゅうしゃ"とおもわれたくない dakara MASUKU wo shiteru ore wa “fukushuusha” to omowaretakunai "That's why I wear this mask, because I don't want people to think I'm [some sort of] avenger."
10 …強いのだな …つよいのだな ...tsuyoi no da na "...You're a strong one."
11 嫌なことは山ほどあったし忘れる事はない いやなことはやまほどあったしわすれることはない iya na koto wa yama hodo atta shi wasureru koto wa nai "There's a mountain of terrible things that I'll never forget,"
12 でも demo "but"
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1 嫌な思い出を数えるより いやなおもいでをかぞえるより iya na omoide wo kazoeru yori "rather than count the terrible memories,"
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1 たった一つでも たったひとつでも tatta hitotsu demo "even just one memory"
2 この姿で良かった思い出に このすがたでよかったおもいでに kono sugata de yokatta omoide ni "[when I] was glad for this form--"
3 縋りたいんだ すがりたいんだ sugaritainda "I want to cling to that."
4 "たった一つ"とかやめて…マジでえ! "たったひとつ"とかやめて…マジでえ! “tatta hitotsu” to ka yamete...MAJI dee! "Stop with the ‘just one’ stuff...seriously!"
5 これからいっぱいつくろおよお!もぉお‼︎ kore kara ippai tsukuroo yoo! moo!! "From here on, let's make a ton! Come on!!"
6 ぬくいの知ってるの ぬくいのしってるの nukui no shitteru no "Do you know how warm you are?"
7 ぼくらとさぁ‼︎良い思い出をさぁー! ぼくらとさぁ‼︎いいおもいでをさぁー! bokura to saa!! ii omoide wo saaa! "Come with us!! Make good memories!"
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small text ぬくいぬくいよぉ nukui nukui yoo "It's warm, so warm!"
1 うん un "Yeah."
2 100年以上続く柵を一世代でフラットにできるとは思わない 100ねんいじょうつづくフェンスをいちせだいでフラットにできるとはおもわない 100nen ijou tsudzuku FENSU wo ichi sedai de FURATTO ni dekiru to wa omowanai "I don't think I can flatten a fence that's been around for 100 years in one generation."
3 だからこそ先人たちがそうしてきたように だからこそせんじんたちがそうしてきたように dakara koso senjin-tachi ga soushite kita you ni "That's precisely why, just as my predecessors did,"
4 俺も紡いでいきたいんだ おれもつむいでいきたいんだ ore mo tsumui de ikitainda "I want to build upon [their work]."
5 世界一かっこいいヒーローになって せかいいちかっこいいヒーローになって sekai ichi kakkoii HIIROO ni natte I will become the world's coolest hero,
6 "次"に "つぎ"に “tsugi” ni and to the next [generation]
7 良い思い出を いいおもいでを ii omoide wo [give] good memoeries.
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1 俺も迫害を受けてきた おれもはくがいをうけてきた ore mo hakugai wo ukete kita "I, too, have suffered persecution."
2 俺たちを傷つけてきた者に正当性などない! おれたちをきずつけてきたものにせいとうせいなどない! ore-tachi wo kizu tsukete kita mono ni seitousei nado nai! "Those who have hurt us have no legitimacy!"
3 でもやり方が違うだろう⁉︎ でもやりかたがちがうだろう⁉︎ demo yarikata ga chigau darou!? "But will this method be any different!?"
4 異形は入れられないって… いぎょうはいれられないって… igyou wa irerarenai tte... "They said mutants won't be admitted..."
5 何か所か避難所断られちゃってね なんかしょかひなんじょことわられちゃってね nan ka sho ka hinanjo kotowarare chatte ne "I've been rejected by some shelters."
6 知ルか しルか shiRU ka "Who cares?"
7 全部ブッ壊れロオ ぜんぶブッこわれロオ zenbu BUKkowareROO "DEStroY everything!"
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1 怒りの使い方を考えろ!!!考えられる筈だ‼︎ いかりのつかいかたをかんがえろ!!!かんがえられるはずだ‼︎ ikari no tsukaikata wo kangaero!!! kangaerareru hazu da!! "Think about how to use your rage!!! You should be able to think [about it]!!"
2 だって俺たちには傷があるんだから‼︎ だっておれたちにはきずがあるんだから‼︎ datte ore-tachi ni wa kizu ga arunda kara!! "Because we have the scars!!"
3 水に流せるならこうはなっていない‼︎ みずにながせるならこうはなっていない‼︎ mizu ni nagaseru nara kou wa natte inai!! "If it can be flushed with water, it won't become like this!!"
4 具体性もない!所詮其方の望みを叫ぶだけ! ぐたいせいもない!しょせんそなたのエゴをさけぶだけ! gutaisei mo nai! shosen sonata no EGO (kanji: nozomi) wo sakebu dake! "Nor do you give specifics! After all, you're just shouting your ego (read as: wishes)!"
5 青臭さに打たれる胸はとうにヒトにつぶされた!!! あおくささにうたれるむねはとうにヒトにつぶされた!!! aokusasa ni utareru mune wa tou ni HITO ni tsubusareta!!! "My chest, struck by naivety, was crushed by people long ago!!!"
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1-2 障子くんを嗤うな…!!! しょうじくんをわらうな…!!! Shouji-kun wo warauna...!!! "Don't ridicule Shouji-kun...!!!"
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2 ああ aa "Yes."
3 これが俺だ これがおれだ kore ga ore da "This is me."
tagline 逆境を征け‼︎ ぎゃっきょうをゆけ‼︎ gyakkyou wo yuke!! Conquer adversity!!
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mizoreame00 · 8 months
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昨年に引き続き『プレイヤーの声を開発に届けよう!』という趣旨の企画、PlayersVoiceProject 略してPVPにお声がけ頂き今年も参加させて頂きました! 今年の私の分はこちら
今回レイアウト自由の記載があったので正方形ではないイラストにしよう!からスタートして、個人的思い入れキャラを描いていくうちに、新生からの冒険を思い返しながら、あの人もこの人も描くならじゃあこっちも~…としていくうちに気づけばこんなことになってしまいました。 あんなにキャラクターがいるlolでもこんなに描いたことないですので私の過去最高人物密度だと思います。 初期にもらった原色染めの装備の自分の初期キャラクリがスターバード(ドロップみたことない)とメテオマーク上に新生から暁月までを振り返るイメージで。でもメテオマークが分かりづらいのでやっぱり無理矢理にでも真ん中は開けたほうが良かったなぁとか…でもそうすると配置が本当に難しくて…こういう系のイラストまとめれる人ほんとにすごいと改めて思います…
一番最初の段階ではもっと少ない人数だったのですが、10周年なのだからと新生から色々思い出しているとどんどんキャラクターが増えてしまって… でもその分10周年という節目のお祝いに合うような普段描かない大人数の作品にすることができてよかったとは思います! ただ本っ当に時間がかかったのでこういう絵はもっと時間を取って取り組まねばとも反省しています…いや、本当に最初は5~8人位しかラフにはいなくて…
本当はガイウスとかシドネロ辺りとかゴウセツとか、ジョブクエ、サブクエで好きな人とか、もっといえば蛮族(友好部族)とかもっとミニオンとか蛮神とかも入れれたら良かったんですが如何せんそんなことをしてると終わる気がしなかったので、とりあえずメインで出会う仲間、盟主達、敵、(24人)レイド関係…でなんとかまとめました… でもどうしても自分の思い出としてはフレイくんとサイエラさんはいれたかったので個人的思い入れキャラ枠としています。 一部ハーデスみたいに二人いたりしますけどそういう人選をしてるのでまぁそうなるのです… リターン・トゥ・イヴァリース枠は最初兄弟を描こうとして、いや英雄ラムザの方がいいだろう→FFT未プレイなのでイメージが『大』しかないし右上に背中が多すぎるのでボツ→じゃあ誰ならいいんだ!って悩んだんですが、…ここに赤チョコボがいるのは実装当時やってる人はなんとなく察してくれると思ってます…(≖.̫≖)こっちのほうが自分にとって思い入れ深いかな、なんて。
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nihongoseito · 2 years
vocab pt. 1 from 夜カフェ and 魔女の宅急便!
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i recently joined @onigiriforearsさん’s discord book club and we’re reading the first book of the 青い鳥文庫 series 夜カフェ! i have also separately begun reading 魔女の宅急便, and i’ve kind of lost track of which vocab list is which (lol) so here’s a combined set!
圏内(けんない) = within range; within the sphere (of influence)
反対(はんたい)方向(ほうこう) = opposite direction
まな板(いた) = cutting board
断言(だんげん) = assertion, declaration
難関高(なんかんこう) = elite school, highly selective school
背筋(せすじ) = spine, backbone
挿絵(さしえ) = illustration (e.g., in a book)
よそ見(み) = looking away, aside; doing something without looking (e.g., よそ見運転)
心得顔(こころえがお) = knowing look
エクボ = dimple
お世辞(せじ) = flattery, compliment
牧場(ぼくじょう) = livestock farm (cf. 農場)
贅沢(ぜいたく) = luxury, extravagance
自慢(じまん) = pride; boast
雪平鍋(ゆきひらなべ) = aluminum pot (with hexagon pattern)
たな = shelf, rack
憂鬱(ゆううつ) = depression, melancholy, gloom
波風(なみかぜ) = strife, discord
入浴(にゅうよく) = bathing, going in the bath
距離(きょり) = distance, gap
お釣り(おつり) = change (for a purchase)
お辞儀(じぎ) = bow, bowing
後悔(こうかい) = regret, remorse
画用紙(がようし) = drawing paper
眉(まゆ)をひそめる = to knit one’s eyebrows
乗り切る(のりきる) = to weather (e.g., a storm), ride out; to overcome
紛れる(まぎれる) = to be diverted from, forget about (e.g., negative emotions)
照れる(てれる) = to be shy, embarrassed
瞬く(またたく) = to twinkle, flicker; to blink
滑り落ちる(すべりおちる) = to slip off
押さえる(おさえる) = to cover (a part of one’s body with one’s hand); to clutch (a body part in pain)
言い当てる(いいあてる) = to guess right
切り出す(きりだす) = to begin to talk, break the ice
押し通す(おしとおす) = to persist in, push through
責める(せめる) = to blame, condemn, criticize
覆う(おおう) = to cover, conceal, hide
ほっとく = to leave alone, leave as is
あからさまな = plain, candid, straightforward
生成り(きなり)の = unbleached, undyed (of cloth)
大仰(おおぎょう)な = exaggerated, overblown
すかさず = without a moment’s delay
逆さま(さかさま)に = upside down
もうじき = soon, shortly
ブスッと = sullenly, sulkily
かえって = on the contrary, instead
オタオタ = flustered
すぐさま = immediately, promptly
あっさりと = easily, readily; lightly, plainly
しょんぼり = downheartedly, dejectedly
Vますっぱなしにする/である = to leave something in a negative state (e.g., leaving electronics on, leaving the bathroom dirty)
〜件(けん) = counter for received emails, texts, voicemails, etc.
わがままを言う(いう) = to whine; to be unreasonable
慌てて(あわてて) = doing something rushed, in a hurry
Vるや = no sooner than V; as soon as V (also やいなや)
Vるわりには = considering V; in spite of V
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 2 months
昨日小高さんのツイートを検索した時にたまたま発見してしまったんだけど、2023年の狛枝の誕生日プレゼントのお礼ツイートで狛枝が日向くんにプレゼントをたくさんもらったことを自慢してるのがあまりにも可愛すぎて今日ずーっと思い出してはニヤニヤしてる(これの話→ https://x.com/kazkodaka/status/1658486718398631947?s=46&t=A9vYdtV5WVGgywgcA3Pwcg)
Yesterday, while searching through Kodaka's past tweets, I happened to find a tweet about Nagito's birthday presents in 2023 and saw Nagito bragging to Hajime about getting a lot of birthday presents, and I can't stop remembering it from time to time and grinning today because it was extremely cute... (I'm talking about this: https://x.com/kazkodaka/status/1658486718398631947?s=46&t=A9vYdtV5WVGgywgcA3Pwcg)
I'm thrilled that Hajime is at Nagito's side as a matter of course 😭 and I can't stop loving the fact that when Nagito is happy or surprised, Hajime is the first person he talks to.😭😭 It's also cute that Hajime finally left, whether out of anger or because he was fed up with Nagito 😂💕
(I'm sure that I just found it too late and most komahina fans know about this tweet, right?)
I want them to hold back because it's too cute and it's driving me crazy 😭 lol
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Their Profiles Ten Years Later
These are the profiles ten years later
For you and for us
Everything's changed
That is, for whoever's still alive
I don't know anything about the old me
I'm just a receptacle without memories
I guess the only thing that hasn't changed is that you're still watching
Her, who he won't show
Ah, I'll do the best I can
Ah, since I do want to show you
Ah, the continuation of the dream
君だけのね 私になる
I'll become a me that's just for you
Right now
I'll live like I'm a commander before the climactic decisive battle
Though I'm gasping and wheezing for breath
I'll go on
I know they'll laugh at me, say that love is blind
But I won't lose
I'm your diva after all lol
Ten years ago I saw happiness
It came from that story in Russia
I became a VOCALOID, and this dog undid his chains
I'd have rather had my time stopped
I can't go back
All that confidence I'd been brimming with
Has all disappeared somewhere
I hate that Hatsune Miku sacrificed herself for this
Wish I'd known
It would be so hard
To love someone in this accelerating world...
Since I've got nowhere to reach out my hand to
I'm spending my time not producing anything
Have even my feelings changed too?
There's no way I can be satisfied with this
In the past story, I was evil
And I ended with only a minor role
But I can move forward now
Towards a future where I'm not a killer
I'm forgiven just by living on
Following up on a modest happiness
Work sucks, but sake's pretty good
I'll save up some money, and then
I wanna go catch a bite with you
And laugh with you at a fancy restaurant
It still keeps on ringing
That red sky
Chasing me down
I'm looking for some salvation
I was the heroine ten years ago
In a world just for me
It's only in that world in my computer
That I was saved
I wonder why Hatsune Miku
Set us all free?
What is the world I wished for?
My happiness lasted only a moment
Are you in the story
That'll be depicted from here on out? Are you not?
I'll build my own future
But I don't know what I want to do
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saradianne14 · 3 months
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A3! 冬組第十回公演曲「STRAIGHT, NO CHASER」 Lyrics
(I got this off of apple music because I couldn't find the lyrics anywhere! If someone would like to translate these lyrics to english or just romanji, please do so lol)
Straight, No Chaser - A3! Lyrics
何かを探していた宛てない夜には、マスター 聞かせて欲しいどんな言葉も 泡沫にシェイカー泡のように消えて 魔法をひとつ貴方にだけ 幾つも人生が今育も訪れては 交ざりあってほら極上のカクテルを召し上がれ 曖昧なflavor無口な夜 建前なんて今飲み千して 偶然の出会いに ひとつまみの 本音を添えて 何かを探していた宛てない夜には、マスター 戸惑い痛み どんな言葉も Goodbye言えなかったそ れぞれにファンタジー 魔法がきっと 貴方にだって 失くしたストーリーの続き で待ち合わせ 名前も知らないそんな最初の夢を語りあえば 後悔はplaybackした情熱少し強めのヤツが欲しいよ どうか今だけは 誰かの声に摇られていたい やがて通り過ぎてった愛しい夜更けにチェイサー 瞳を伏せて 浮いた言葉じゃ 泡沫のテンダー泡のように消える 闇に紛れて 微かに残る後味まだ 甘くはないが真実 君が最後の魔法でも 優しい嘘だって飲み干せた ら ほら さよなら探していた 短い夜更けはペースダウン 終わらないように 結末を知って最後はひとり で ギムレットには早すぎるで しょう? Straight,no chaser 優しい夢の終わりはいっそ (まだ) ああ、忘れて欲しい 泡沫と知ってそれしか��く ても 魔法の後は さよならなんて 似合わなくていい 幸せならって それだけで
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hotarutranslations · 5 months
Fukuoka performance! Thank you very much!
Today's venue, had a gentle slope……?
It looks tight to me🙈🙈 lol
I thought, there are lots of fans from my point of view--!
On one hand, thank you very much, for the lots of support today! Did you enjoy it!
Also, today,
I was really happy……🫶🏻
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Nakazawa Yuko-san came😌💜
Everyone took a photo with her, Nakazawa-san was in the mood to get going right away, so I went to change my clothes but,
After I changed she was still there!!
I got a 2 shot with her after I changed🙈💜
I'm happy
Nakazawa-san really, really, conveyed that she enjoyed it…… It was cool….. that the 2 in 17th generation are cute…… All of her words were warm,
Personally Ishida also, got to talk with her for a bit after taking the photo,
(But its kinda, I ended up talking about myself a ton, moreover I was speaking in a way where I couldn't stop, I was definitely really strange…..I got closer because I wanted to chat but I'm not a good conversationalist so I want to be reborn soon…..)
Its like that, really, my heart was full as it was filled with love
Morning Musuume is big, really……🌏💫
Nakazawa-san always watches over, I couldn't say it well but in any case I love her!!!
I'll do my best from now on!!!
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The mentaiko rice was really delicious, the fried egg with mentaiko on top was also delicious, Its not related to Fukuoka but the hayashi rice was also delicious, The gift I got from Ikuta-san was also delicious, the gift we got from a magazine editor-in-chief, I'm looking forward to eating the Menta-France tomorrow as well~~🤤
Its been a while in this tour, since having 4 performances during the weekend!!! that is,
Speaking of a solo tour its always like that but🙈
Its been a while, When schedule was decided to have lives at this momentum, It was like, Oooh…can we do it…? Thats what I thought at first but,
No actually I was out of breath lol
I've doing my best from the support! there were days where I realized this again😌🫶🏻
This is the end of the 4 performances during the weekends! Thank you very much!
Next week is finally our last hall, Hokkaido
⋆͛📣Tickets are here
There are 9 days till Yokohama Arena …eh, 9 days! lol
November 28th (Tue) Yokohama Arena "Neverending Shine Show" SPECIAL
November 29th (Wed) Yokohama Arena "Neverending Shine Show ~Sanctuary~"
⋆͛📣At movie theaters nationwide, Hong Kong, & Taiwan, there will be live viewings held
→General Sales From The 18th
⋆͛📣The live broadcast will only be available on the 29th
Lets run through------
see you ayumin <3
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noxiatoxia · 1 year
Hey so since you have The correct HikaKao opinions, I was curious if you have any specific songs you associate with them that you'd be comfortable sharing? Either their dynamic or just them individually, i'm personally trying to add to my HikaKao playlist lmao. Its too short cause im overly picky about what fits them, while simultaneously craving music to listen to while I write about them/draw them/endlessly imagine them in my brain while I work
Now to be clear. I have been listening to like, exclusively Japanese music since 2016. So all the songs I'm about to recommend are Japanese. I can read Japanese so I'll provide context when needed.
Firstly, I have a Hitachiins playlist that I put together and subbed myself (half of the subs are my own) but Youtube kept taking it down so it's a vimeo link now....(im not upset. <- is upset)
i do not explain my poetry often (aka some of these songs are based off vibes)
Anyways, besides my own playlist, I have other songs.
I have 2 about Kaoru and his little carriage paranoia. The first is Who? by Azari which you might know as it's become pretty popular. Specifically I like Mashiro's cover which I have linked. English lyrics can be found here. I feel this song VERY much fits Kaoru's "uhhghhgh it's gonna turn back into a pumpkin and ill be all alone" shtick.
Next is Red Is A Scary Color by Iyowa which to my knowledge hasn't been translated so I included a translation under the cut for you. I think this one can again either be read as Kaoru's carriage paranoia OR middle school twins shared ennui.
OH AND FOR BOTH TWINS, NOT A JAPANESE LYRICS SONG BUT....Look-a-like from the Sonic OVA. Song is literally about two beings who look so alike but act very different, who simultaneous are so very different but so very alike. Does that make sense. Hitachiin twins song fr. I have to add this one because I was so obsessed with the Sonic OVA as a kid.
Comparatively I only really have one Hikaru song sourry. YESMAN by Niru (Maruguri cover). Here are the Eng lyrics. I just think this song fits Hikaru because he's a bitter cunt LOL but I could easily see this being how he feels about being bossed around when he was younger.
And lastly a cute one. Twig by rei sirose. (Lyrics) I think this could be from either twins perspective about the other, but Kaoru is more sentimental so I'll go with him.
Ok lyrics under cut vvvv
Red is a scary color - Iyowa
ああ、違和感だった Ah, I had felt out of place. ちょっとした流行だったどぎつい赤は That intense, glaring red was just a bit of a fad, 手遅れな世界の証拠だった And proof the world was on its last legs. ああ、蠢いてんだ Ah, it’s wriggling. まるで隠すつもりもない慈善事業が It’s as if idiotic charities who don’t plan to hide まるで足んない頭で今日もどこかで震えて暮らす生き残りたちを探し回ってんの are looking for the survivors quivering, grouped together someplace today.
何も、何も問題は無いな いつも通りに、さあここで Nothing is wrong, nothing at all. Every day here, it’s all the same. Not at all Not at all 悟られないように Not at all Not at all Don’t think about it too hard. いつか、いつか救いの日まで繋ぐルーティンワーク One day, one day we’ll all be saved. Until then, we keep doing routine work. だから は、は、は、は、は、は、息を乱すな、問題は無い So, ha ha ha ha ha ha, don’t panic, nothing is wrong.
ああ、敗北だった 常識は生まれ変わった Ah, it was a defeat. A strange rebirth of common sense. どぎつい赤は 手遅れな世界の証拠だった This glaring red is proof the world was on its last legs. ああ、蠢いてんだ Ah, it’s wriggling. まるで隠すつもりもない数の暴力が It’s as if the violent mob who doesn’t plan to hide, この街に閉じ込められて Locked up in this town, 外じゃ何にもないようにどいつもこいつも見ないふりしてんの Pretends they can’t see anything that’s happening out there, Every last one of them.
何も、何も問題は無いな いつも通りに、さあここで Nothing is wrong, nothing at all. Every day here, it’s all the same. Not at all Not at all 助けが来ねえ Not at all Not at all Help won’t come. いつか、いつか救いの日まで繋ぐルーティンワーク One day, one day we’ll all be saved. Until then, we keep doing routine work. だけど は、は、は、は、は、は、死にたくなるな、問題は無い So, ha ha ha ha ha ha, (don’t) want to die[*], nothing is wrong.
ああ、首がすげ変わった親友を楽にしてやった I helped my best friend find peace by taking their place. どぎつい赤が 零れて匂った A glaring red spilled out, and it smelled good. やっちまった I fucked up.
今日も、今日も問題は無いな いつも通りに、さあここで Nothing is wrong, nothing at all. Every day here, it’s all the same. Not at all Not at all 今はまだロンリー Not at all Not at all Today, still, I’m lonely. いつか、いつか救いの日まで繋ぐルーティンワーク One day, one day we’ll all be saved. Until then, we keep doing routine work. だから は、は、は、は、は、は、息を乱すな、問題は無い So, ha ha ha ha ha ha, don’t panic, nothing is wrong.
[*]Try as I might I cannot figure this line out. It is either "I want to die" or "[don't say that you] want to die". It's complicated because of a few factors. Take it as you will.
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