akimiya · 1 year
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asuna20163 · 7 months
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kanyoko · 2 years
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max-vegetable · 2 years
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Will you cry?After becoming the lunarians.
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terasu-waraku · 2 years
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hrim-2ndwh · 2 years
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john-hc-doe · 1 month
Land of the Lustrous 宝石の国 Hōseki no Kuni
Phosphophyllite フォスフォフィライト Fosufofiraito
Cinnabar シンシャ Shinsha
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kosova404 · 2 months
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❣ The Most Dangerous Gem ❣
2024 // 2020
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pc-yaruhito · 2 years
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lokumst · 2 years
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We don’t know “tear”
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cuddly-asexual · 9 months
Shadowpeach Mood Playlist
I love music and listen to a lot of it. I also love Lego Monkie Kid and have too many thoughts about it which led me to making some character mood playlists. I felt pretty good about them and thought it would be fun to share them with y’all :)
This is my “Shadowpeach” Playlist, but it’s really a mixture of Wukong songs, Macaque songs and shadowpeach songs. Thoughts below the cut. My method of choosing songs for mood playlists is kinda eclectic, but I hope you enjoy it! I’ll keep this updated too when I add new stuff.
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King Bitch - Well, Wukong is a king and I think he can also be kind of a bitch especially when he’s at peak hubris.
ごめんね… - Just the vibes on this one tbh. The track is titled “I’m sorry…” and I vividly picture the immediate aftermath of when Wukong took Macaque’s eye (and/or killed him depending on how y’all read that scene). Also the Kamen Rider Blade soundtrack goes so unbelievably hard I had to share it.
Lost in the Clouds - The Monkey King with his head lost in the clouds…
Close to the Heavens - …And his shadow watches from below.
Gonna preface these next few with how funny I think it is that most of my emo nu metal/alt rock shit fits Macaque really well.
A Place for My Head - Literally THIS:
“I watch how the moon sits in the sky in the dark night
Shining with the light from the sun
And sun doesn't give light to the moon assuming
The moon's gonna owe it one”
But for real this is just macaque after they have their last (?) big fight while Wukong is trapped under the mountain, he’s done.
Get Out Alive - Coward Macaque anthem babey. This feels very s3 Macaque to me, but I can see Brotherhood Macaque fitting as well. (“He” as the teasing Peng and “She” as the teasing LBD, despite him not being able to run away in either of those situations)
Gave It All Away - Some of Macaque’s general feelings while Wukong is out there trying to become the strongest. I also think it fits the situation of the Brotherhood going to fight the jade emperor when Macaque just wanted things to return back to what they were (him and Wukong on Flower Fruit Mountain, just the two of them, forever).
Enemy - Macaque to Wukong when he returns from the dead. Bonus: mentions the shadows babey.
Cast No Shadow - Shadow boy Macaque time babey. Bonus moon mention.
uoY mA I - They are alike in almost every way so…
Don’t Forget - A more hopeful Macaque trying to cheer up a trapped Wukong.
黒点 - Hard to pin down my thoughts on this one, but I think the visuals from Houseki no Kuni when the luanrians start to appear from the black spots reminds me of Macaque and his shadows. He is looming.
シンシャ - Macaque reminds me of Cinnabar from Houseki no Kuni with all the moon imagery and the fact that both of them are loners, but have a deep connection to a very “bright” personality. It’s a beautiful track and I thought it fit him as well.
光よ - Real “Macaque swimming in the cold, cold afterlife” vibes.
Tek It -More Macaque being fucking done with Wukong’s shit. Bonus moon mention.
Man on the Moon - Sappy shadowpeach time babey
Chasing the Torrents - Song slaps and they need an epic battle theme so here it is.
Lonesome Mood - Wukong left this monkey in a Lonesome Mood™
The Day Before - We love a post break-up cry song.
Icarus - Kinda superficial but the line where Macaque says he got too close to the sun replays in my mind and I love this song so here it is
Last Regrets - I think we all know these two have many regrets, especially regarding each other.
ARE WE STILL FRIENDS? - This feels more Wukong to me, feeling apologetic, but I can see Macaque having these thoughts too.
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asuna20163 · 7 months
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sunhated-a · 5 months
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what matter of emotions did you hide underneath such still waters? ; i could never understand you.
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dododode · 1 year
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varyvarious · 1 month
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notebookonji · 4 months
2023年 読んだ本
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