puyama13 · 9 months
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nuaga · 7 months
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kishinaito · 6 months
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Fate ジークフリートさん
毎日投稿86日目 マシュマロよりリクエストいただきました!
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ryuka398 · 2 years
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808impz · 2 years
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fgonovum · 2 years
ジークフリート宛 触らないでください英雄が感染します ジーク君宛 改名しなさい今すぐに クリームヒルトさん早口になるの可愛い
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granblue-advisor · 1 month
Game Tips: Finding Setups on YouTube
The deeper you get into GBF, the more you'll start to realize that a lot of content demands specialized setups. As you get stronger and stronger, your toolbox increases, and it can be tough to have an idea of which tools to bring to which scenario.
I often recommend players look up setups, but beyond just glancing at Advanced Grids on the wiki, the proccess of finding them can often be nebulous and hard to understand, especially for a non-Japanese speaker.
Usually when looking for something, I begin my search on YouTube. Most good setups tend to have a reference video to go along with them, and you can often find "B-Tier" setups as well from players missing core pieces.
I also recommend you use the shown setup as inspiration. Just because someone recorded the setup and put it on youtube doesn't immediately make it good. Furthermore, no setup is immutable, and most of the time you can make reasonable facsimiles that will perform just as well. This should be your starting point, not the end goal.
Anyway, in this post I'll provide you with a small tutorial on what keywords you should be searching on YouTube to find what you need.
Generic Terms
Granblue Fantasy - グラブル
Guild War / Unite and Fight - 古戦場
Nightmare _ - _HELL (eg. Nightmare 200 = 200HELL)
Full Auto - フルオート
Magna - マグナ
Button - ポチ (skill use)
Solo - ソロ
Gacha Weapons - 課金武器
Fire - 火
Water - 水
Earth - 土
Wind - 風
Light - 光
Dark - 闇
Japanese utilizes a numerical system grouping in the tens of thousands. The character for "ten thousand" is 万.
If, for example, you're looking for a 4 million honor setup for a raid, you'd type 400万 (400 x 10,000)
Raid Names
Proto Bahamut HL - つよばは (lit. "Strong Baha")
Ultimate Bahamut HL - アルバハHL
Grand Order HL - グランデHL
Dark Rapture (Hard) - ルシファー or ルシ (add HL for hard ver.)
Beelzebub - ベルゼバブー or バブ
Belial - ベリアル 
The World HL - ワールドHL
Mugen - ムゲン
Diaspora - ディアスポラ (奥義100 for y100 setups)
Siegfried - ジークフリート
Seofon - シエテ
Cosmos - コスモス
Agastia - アガスティア
Super Ultimate Bahamut - スパバハ
Hexachromatic Hierarch - 天元
Dark Rapture Zero - スパルシ (lit. "Super Luci")
Some users will suffix HL to raids that otherwise don't have a non-HL version out of habit (eg. "コスモスHL" / "Cosmos HL").
For any othe raids, you can find the Japanese name in the respective wiki page, shown in the old TweetDeck display, as such:
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Specific Items
If you're looking for setups using specific classes, characters, weapons, or summons, you can include their Japanese names in the search. To find the names, you can use the "Other Data" tab on their repsective wiki pages.
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You can also "negate" by using なし (tl. "none/without"). For example, if I was specifically looking for a setup advertised as without Aliza, I'd use アリーザなし.
Let's say I'm looking for a setup
For Siegfried blue chest (ジークフリート 400万)
In Magna (マグナ)
Without Aliza (アリーザなし)
We can add together all of these terms to find...
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Huh, wonder who came up with that one.
If I missed any important terms, please let me know and I'll edit them in.
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sieg-archive · 2 months
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Finger Puppet Plush PUPPELA (Siegfried) グランブルーファンタジー フィンガーマスコット・PUPPELA(パペラ)/ジークフリート[ぬいぐるみ]
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ni033 · 6 months
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雁夜くんのサーヴァントは最強なんだにした💪 鯖コインあるからなんぼ被っても嬉しいしね‼️
ちなみに☆4交換迷ってる人がいたらジークフリートはとてもいいよ 全ての竜を殺せるからね 
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knotes-tmbr · 2 years
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Fate/Grand Order クリームヒルト&ジークフリート
末永く幸せになってほしいんよ…( ˘ω˘)
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puyama13 · 4 months
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HAPPY NEW YEAR🥳🎉🎉今年は辰年🐲つまりジークフリート年です✌️よろしくお願いします😘💋💋
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wr16 · 1 year
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mzksgr · 1 year
題名:『ドイツ民譚集』「甲羅武者ジークフリート」挿絵2 (1859)
作者:Oskar Pletsch
掲載: Schwab, Gustav; "Der gehörnte Siegfried" in "Die deutschen volksbücher", 1859, Stuttgart
グスターフ・シュヴァープ『ドイツ民譚集』 (第4版)
グスターフ・シュヴァープ;『ドイツ民譚集 1』, 岩波文庫, 1948, 当該図版ページ (送信資料)
ドイツの怪竜 [補4-269]
『水木しげるの世界妖怪事典』 (1985)
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anianimals-moe · 10 months
(Siegfried) from My One-Hit Kill Sister
Today's AniAnimal is Sigfried's view of himself as 'loyal dog Pochi' from "My One-Hit Kill Sister". 今日のアニアニマルは『異世界ワンターンキル姉さん ~姉同伴の異世界生活はじめました~』の ジークフリート が自分を『忠犬ポチ』と見立てたものです。
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sobajima · 1 year
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zoreyan · 2 years
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