dismaidenart · 1 year
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Tohru from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid won last month's poll on my Patreon!
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saboten · 2 years
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katamu63 · 11 months
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usachan0324 · 11 months
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qutan111 · 2 years
The THOR 吹き出し 機能
トールに標準装備されている 吹き出し投稿機能を使ってみました くーたんと馬が出てきて こちらも楽しい気分になります🎵 編集画面では写真が反映されていなくて ネコとイヌのキャラク���ーがでていて うー---ってなっていましたが 間違って投稿したら 写真がちゃんと出ていましたよ 飼い主が全然違うという声があると思いますがご了承ください💦 こちらのブログでも一度バルーンの吹き出しを入れてみたのですが エラーが出たのであきらめていました 登録方法も説明の記事どおりでスムーズに進みました😊 説明の記事と言葉の違いがほとんどなかったのでわかりやすかったです そして 昨日グーグルサーチコンソールとアナリテイクスに連携してみたのですが その後にサイトマップ送信のプラグインを入れるように記事に書かれていたので そのとおりにしたら エラーが出てしまいすぐに外してリセットしました マニ…
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nondesired · 5 months
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Sakurai discussing 無限 LOOP // BUCK-TICK 35th Anniv. Interview
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madamcrimson · 9 days
The three Higuchi brothers
Thanks to Buck-Tick Zone and her Buck-Tick listening parties I got to know some facts about Yagami Toll's life that I'd like to share.
Yagami Toll is the drummer for the japanese band Buck-Tick along with his younger brother U-ta Higuchi on bass.
He also had an older brother who passed away at a young age. This brother had a great influence on him. In 2004, Yagami released an album "1977/Blue Sky" in his memory, as 1977 is the year his brother died.
Toll grew up in Takasaki City, prefecture of Gunma.
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His father was a real lady's man who got married multiple times. In fact, he married Toll & U-ta's mom twice. Toll was born from the first marriage, U-ta from the second.
Toll describes in his book that he thought he was an only child. Then one day his father said he has an older brother who's been living apart and soon after U-ta was born. It happened very quickly and he was very happy to have siblings. His father has even more children.
Below, they are at the entrance to their house (the older brother sitting down). This is what a traditional japanese house looks like.
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Now, what truly surprised me is the origin of the stage name "Yagami Toll". His older brother's name was 亨 (touru, stylized as Toll). And he liked to play drums.
Here are the two Tolls again:
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The older brother died shortly after a motorcycle accident. He had an undiagnosed brain injury. He didn’t appear injured so he was sent home and was in pain for 2 years before dying in his sleep.
After the older brother died, their father wanted to put away the drums and all the music. But Yagami refused that and took up the drums himself and kept all the music.
Earlier, Toll was yelled at by his older brother for putting fingerprints on vinyl. That appears in the lyrics of one of the songs on 1977/Blue Sky.
Toll became very active in playing the drums and eventually it lead him to be in a band called Spots, which ended up changing their name to S.P.
As we all know, Sakurai Atsushi had played drums before he became a singer. Atsushi's father hated the drums so he ended up practicing at U-ta and Toll's house and Toll gave him some lessons...
Credit goes to B-T zone and Toll's book ヤガミ・トール自伝. There were 2 versions of his autobiography sold. Left side is the cover sold at Tower Records. Right side is the cover sold only at live shows.
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playitagin · 1 year
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Thor Heyerdahl KStJ (Norwegian pronunciation: [tuːr ˈhæ̀ɪəɖɑːɫ]; 6 October 1914 – 18 April 2002) was a Norwegian adventurer and ethnographer with a background in zoology, botany and geography.
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animepopheart · 7 months
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★ 【Sentter】 「 トール 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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yoga-onion · 11 months
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Legends and myths about trees
Celtic beliefs in trees (16)
D for Duir (Royal Oak) - June 10th - July 17th
“June Tree - 7th month of the Celtic Tree Calendar (Ref)”
metal: gold; Gemstone: diamond; Gender: male; Patrons: Dagda, Esus, Taranis, Artemis, Zeus, Jupiter, Thor; Symbols: strength + patience, generosity + protection, justice + nobility, honesty + courage
The oak was the most revered tree of the Celts, with a tall, round, stout trunk that is thick and round, spreading out like a crown. They grew into huge, imposing trees and lived long lives, so they became objects of worship for the Celts, who wished to live forever. 
Another reason for their worship was their high level of usefulness. It was used for housing and furniture. The round table around which the knights of King Arthur's Round Table were surrounded was made of one solid piece of oak wood. Merlin the Wizard used magic in the oak forests and his magic wand was made from the finest oak branch. The ancients also believed that with the help of acorns, they could come into contact with the gods who ruled the natural world.
The bark was used for tanning, dyes and medicinal purposes and had a wide range of uses. Oak wood was also used for coffins to hold the remains of the dead and was associated with the afterlife. Oak acorns were a favourite food of pigs in ancient times and helped in the mass rearing of pigs. Oak trees, as well as the mistletoe that inhabits them, were a factor in oak worship. Because it was believed to have fertility and reproductive benefits, a ceremony was held on the sixth day of every month in the lunar calendar to reap the mistletoe by the druids (Ref2).
The oak woodland was revered as a sanctuary by the Celts and was called Nemeton. Druidic rituals were held under the oak trees of this Nemeton. There is evidence of the presence of many Nemetons in continental Gallia (the ancient name for the ancient Celtic settlements).
The oak tree, imbued with energy, power and vitality, represents divinity in nature as a gateway to the inner world, a passage to the Kingdom of God, and communicates its divine will to us in the company of the gods.
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ケルト人の樹木の信仰 (16)
D for Duir (Royal Oak) - 6月10日~7月17日
『6月の木〜 ケルトの木の暦(参照)の第7月』
金属: 金; 宝石: ダイヤモンド; 性: 男性; 守護神: ダクダ、エスス、タラニス、アルテミス、ゼウス、ユピテル、トール; シンボル: 力+忍耐、寛容+保護、正義+高貴さ、正直+勇気
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dj-73 · 9 months
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〜HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!トールちゃん🎉✨〜
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ogawa-xd · 11 months
第一部 認知革命
第1章 唯一生き延びた人類種
第2章 虚構が協力を可能にした
• 存在しないものについての情報を伝達する能力
• たとえば伝説や神話、神々、宗教
• 総じて虚構、すなわち架空の事物について語る能力
第3章 狩猟採集民の豊かな暮らし
• 農耕以前は「石器」の時代というより「木器」の時代
• 彼らは毎月毎週、あるいは毎日すべての持ち物を手で持って移動していたので、運べるのは本当に必要な所持品だけ
• 精神的、宗教的、情緒的生活は、器物や道具といった人工物の助けなしでおこなわれた
• 狩猟採集社会のもっとも大きな特徴は「多様性」
• 「群れ」と成員は一つの例外「犬」をのぞいて、すべて人だった、つまり家畜もない
• 平均的な人は、自集団以外の人を見かけたり声を聞���たりすることなく何ヶ月も過ごした。一生を通じて出会う人はせいぜい数百人程度。
• つまりサピエンスは広大な範囲にまばらに分布していた。
• 「狩猟採集」というが、一般的な「狩りをする人」のイメージよりも「採集」がメインだった
• 狩猟採集には多大な「脳」力と技能が必要で、個人レベルで見れば、その頃のサピエンスが史上もっとも秀でていた
• 一般に背が高く健康的だったが、平均寿命は30〜40歳。それは子供の死亡率が高いせいで、60からときに80歳まで生きる人もいた
• その理由は食物の多様性、感染症の少なさなど
• 感染症は農耕社会以降の家畜は由来のものが多く、そもそも人同士の距離ががまばらで感染・伝播の機会がほとんどない
• とはいえ、きびしく、情け容赦のない、欠乏と苦難の社会ではあった
第4章 史上最も危険な種
• 4万5千年前のオーストラリアへの進出は、屈指のできごとだった。コロンブスのアメリカ発見、アポロ11号の月面着陸に匹敵する。
• それ以前にオーストラリアへ到達した人類はいなかった。
• それはサピエンスが特定の陸塊で食物連鎖の頂点に立った瞬間だった。
• 大型カンガルー、フクロライオン、大コアラ、大サイズの鳥、ディプロトドン(象サイズのウォンバット)などすべて姿を消した。
• 最後の氷河期は、7万5千年前から1万5千年前にかけて。7万年前と2万年前の二度のピークがあった。
• 1万6千年前、サピエンスはシベリアから凍結したベーリング海を超えてアラスカをとおりはじめてアメリカ大陸へ渡った。
• それ以前にアメリカ大陸へ渡った人類はいなかった。
• アメリカに到達からわずか1000年から2000年の間に大きなげっ歯類、馬、ラクダ、巨大アメリカライオン、サーベルタイガー、象より大きなオオナマケモノなどを駆逐しながら南米南端に達する。
• この騒ぎからただ一つ無傷だったのがガラパゴス諸島。
• 「サピエンス全史」ユヴァル・ノア・ハラリ
• 「ホモデウス」ユヴァル・ノア・ハラリ
• 「神々の沈黙」ジュリアン・ジェインズ
• 「ユーザーイリュージョン」トール・ノーレットランダージュ
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nondesired · 5 months
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GUSTAVE // BUCK-TICK in TOUR THE BEST 35th anniv. FINALO in Budokan 2022.12.29
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buck-tick-stash · 4 months
俺にはそれが理解できなくて、受け入れられなくて。 だって昨日までは元気だったのに。昨日までいた人が突然いなくなるなんて。
"I couldn't comprehend it; I couldn't accept it.
"After all, he was fine the day before. How can someone who was fine just yesterday suddenly be gone today?"
1977 ヤガミ・トール自伝 (from Toll Yagami's autobiography, 1977, pg. 58, on the passing of his brother)
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yougetsu · 8 months
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