herbiemikeadamski · 1 year
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. (^o^)/おはよー(^▽^)ゴザイマース(^_-)-☆. . . 11月16日(水) #友引(癸酉) 旧暦 10/23 月齢 21.7 下弦 年始から320日目(閏年では321日目)にあたり、年末まであと45日です。 . . 朝は希望に起き⤴️昼は努力に生き💪 夜を感謝に眠ろう😪💤夜が来ない 朝はありませんし、朝が来ない夜 はない💦睡眠は明日を迎える為の ☀️未来へのスタートです🏃‍♂💦 でお馴染みのRascalでございます😅. . 流石の食事って朝に目覚めた時に胃 がもたれますよね⤵️焼き魚の鯵と 温奴だけなんだけど、鯵が脂がのり 美味しかったのですが、それかな❓ 奴は冷やじゃなくレンチンして頂くと 即席湯豆腐の様で旨いです🤚ネギと 生姜は生のをおろして食いました😅 . 胃薬を飲んだらスッキリしたので今朝も ヒライモーニングで納豆朝食に卵プラスして 丼めし2杯も行きました🤣😆🤣💦 食い過ぎかな😅💦でも、熊本県に 来てから、米をよく食う様になった。 米食うと太るとか?良い加減な嘘だ と思うわ😅💦にしても食欲旺盛🗻 . 今日一日どなた様も💁‍♂お体ご自愛 なさって❤️お過ごし下さいませ🙋‍ モウ!頑張るしか✋はない! ガンバリマショウ\(^O^)/ ワーイ! ✨本日もご安全に参りましょう✌️ . . ■今日は何の日■. #フェイス&ボディペインティングの日.  神奈川県横浜市に本部を置く特定非営利活動法人日本フェイスペイント協会が制定。  同協会はフェイス&ボディペインティングを安心して楽しむための確かな技術指導や技能検定試験、絵の具の安全性や使い方の周知にも取り組んでいる。  記念日を通してフェイス&ボディペインティングをより多くの人に知ってもらい、人と人とが「夢・笑・喜・楽」の時を共有し安らげる時間と空間を創り出すことが目的。  日付は11月16日で「いい(11)いろ(16)」と読む語呂合わせから。 . #友引(トモビキ). 六曜の名称の1つで、相打ち勝負なしの日のこと。  つまり良いことはないが悪いこともない日のことである。  友引にの日には、結婚式、入籍、七五三、お宮参り、引越し、建築、契約、納車、宝くじ購入、は問題ない日です。  験担ぎで拘るなら、凶となる11時~13時の間を避けると良いでしょう。 . #大明日(ダイミョウニチ).  この日は、建築・旅行・婚姻・移転などすべてのことに大吉であって、他の凶日と重なっても忌む必要がないともいう。 . #神吉日(カミヨシニチ). 「かみよしび」ともいい、神社への参拝や、祭礼、先祖を祀るなどの祭事にいいとされています。 この日は神社への参拝や、お墓まいりに行くといい日です。 . #母倉日(ボソウニチ).  暦で、母が子を育てるように、天が人間をいつくしむという日。 . #一粒万倍日(イチリュウマンバイビ).  一粒万倍日は何事を始めるにも良い日とされ、特に仕事始め、開店、種まき、お金を出すことに吉であるとされる。  但し、借金をしたり人から物を借りたりすることは苦労の種が万倍になるので凶とされる。  また同じ意味合いで、借りを作る、失言をする、他人を攻撃する、浪費などもトラブルが倍増するので避けたほうがいいとされている。 . . #煙突男参上.#琉球紅型の日(いい色・琉球びんがたの日). . #自然薯の日(#じねんじょの日).#いいビール飲みの日. . #源流の日.#いい色・色彩福祉の日. . #いいいろの日.#いいいろ塗装の日. . #ぞうさんの日.#幼稚園記念日. . . #ダブルソフトでワンダブル月間. . #トロの日(毎月16日). . #十六茶の日(毎月16日). . #生命保険見直し月間(1日から30日). . . #国際寛容デー. . . ■本日の成句■. #一念天に通づ(イチネンテンニツウヅ). 【意味】 物事を成し遂げようと一心になれば、それが天に通じて、必ず成功する。 . . 1992(平成4)年11月16日(月)先勝. #西川瑞希 (#にしかわみずき) 【ファッションモデル】 〔埼玉県〕. . . (Saburou, Kumamoto-shi) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck_4S6xyBpRfQyG9v5xM7tV6CHh9KfSLDUwlvM0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bean-doge · 1 year
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ikuzou · 2 months
曇ってきて風も強まってきました 夜中から雨で気温が下がりそうです まだ、もうちょい寒いですね
「ドア・イン・ザ・フェイス」 この手法は色々な場面で使われています。
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wanomin · 1 year
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本日の現場♪ なかなかしびれる展開でした! #ライブ配信代行 #出張ライブ配信 #株式会社フェイス #いつもありがとうございます #今日も今日とて #配信後の楽しみ https://www.instagram.com/p/ClV7ZkiyiUE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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harikyuindan · 2 years
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@harikyuindan エラ張りとたるみ。 最近、お問い合わせが多くなってきました。 エラ張りの原因は様々ですが ☑️食い縛り、歯ぎしり ☑️骨格 ☑️筋肉のコリ ☑️左右の歪み ☑️むくみ ☑️たるみ ☑️脂肪 ☑️噛み合わせ など上げればたくさんあります。 そんなエラ張りやたるみ一気に改善プラン⬇️ ご予約はこちら⬇️ https://reborn-beauty.jp/dan/ #小顔#小顔矯正#小顔サロン#小顔フェイス#セルフケア#小顔矯正サロン#若返り#エラ張り#エラ張り改善#顔やせ#顔コリ#歪み#食いしばり改善#ほうれい線改善#マリオネットライン#フェイスライン#美肌#美白#ニキビ#たるみ#たるみ改善#スキンケア#水玉リフティング#金の糸#脂肪溶解#再生美容 https://www.instagram.com/p/CgQqoQkuKxX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gabriel333blog · 2 years
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gracious-ground · 2 years
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. どこかで見たようなデザイン❓ にゃんこフェイスTシャツにグリーンが仲間入りしたニャー😻 みんなはトレンドの色は追ってるかニャ❓❓ トレンドに敏感なニャンコは春夏のトレンドカラーもしっかり押さえてるニャ😽 (Tシャツ屋さんでお世話になってるおかげだニャ…) 今年の春夏のトレンドカラーはグリーン🍀 ピースフルでSDGsを連想させるようなカラーだニャー😸 見てるだけで心が安らかになるニャ♪ 流行を楽しめるのは今だけ❣ この機会に思いっきりオシャレを楽しむニャー🐈 … 女性モデル:163cm G-M サイズ着用 「ザ・にゃんこフェイスTシャツ」 カラー:ホワイト×グリーン 販売価格:3,190円 ▼詳しくはこちら▼ https://item.rakuten.co.jp/gracious-ground/20-md1909/ +。。 ,+。☆ 。, 。+,゜, ☆  +。 ,+。 ⭐️心地よい適度な厚さ!5.6oz(オンス)コットンTシャツ⭐️ さまざまなシーンで感じる快適感。 すべてのサイズでシルエットはトレンドに左右されないボックスシルエット。 イベントやお揃いでのご利用、プチギフトや大切な贈り物にも喜ばれるアイテムです🐈 +。。 ,+。☆ 。, 。+,゜, ☆  +。 ,+。 毎日の生活に彩りを与える旬なアイテムを ご紹介していきますので応援宜しくお願いします☺️ 先行き不透明で、閉塞感のいっぱいの昨今ですが 当店が少しでもお役に立てること 当店のアイテムで、笑って頂けたら嬉しいです❗️ ++++++++++++++++++++++++ ⭐️ GRACIOUS GROUND⭐️ (グレイシャスグラウンド) 略して、グレグラ! アメカジをベースにイラスト、タイポグラフィー等 性別、ジャンルを問わないオリジナルブランド✨ 他では買えない、ナイスなメッセージと ブラックユーモア溢れるオリジナルデザインです🌟
 10年先でも今っぽいをモットーに❗️ トレンドのようでも色褪せないオリジナルを心掛けて‼️ Tシャツ各種ボディは 5年後でも着用できるタフなアイテムを使用し日々製作しております😁
翌日発送完了のデリバリーピザ屋のようなTシャツ屋です。 \\人気カラー//グリーン特集! https://www.rakuten.ne.jp/gold/gracious-ground/event/pickup-green/ @graciousground のプロフィールリンクからも飛べます🐈 +。。 ,+。☆ 。, 。+,゜, ☆  +。 ,+。 #graciousground #グレイシャスグランド #グレグラ #吉祥寺 #kichijoji #オリジナル #オリジナルTシャツ #おもしろTシャツ #カップル #ペアルック #お揃い #誕生日プレゼント #プレゼント #ギフト #ootd #猫好き #にゃんこフェイス #着心地のよい暮らしの服 #着心地 #春夏コーデ #春夏カラー #トレンドカラー2022 #流行色 #限定カラー #春の新色 #新年度 #新生活 #カジュアルコーデ #カジュアルファッション #ルームウェア https://www.instagram.com/p/CeDnhwTraue/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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copen7133 · 9 months
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Kasame 花雨
スレンダーでくびれを感じるけど、程よくむっちりとした肉感ボディでたまらない( ·∀·)!スリーサイズなどは公表していないようだが、
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tadanotukounin · 3 months
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←きゅるん顔 あざとい笑 →ウィンク顔 可愛い🥰
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『ねんどろいど とりかえっこフェイス 呪術廻戦01 BOX(6個入り)』 『るかっぷ 呪術廻戦 五条悟 高専Ver.』 『るかっぷ 呪術廻戦 夏油傑 高専Ver.』
とりかえっこフェイスは02にナナミンが出るから予約済み! るかっぷ高専Ver.にナナミン出して欲しいなぁ…
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wasagiri · 4 months
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あそぼうよ。 クーロンのお誘いフェイスは本当にかわいい。
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takahashicleaning · 1 month
ユーザーがホログラムのイメージを、まるで現実の物体であるかのように、「見て触る」ことを可能にする拡張現実Meta 2ヘッドセットにより
グリベッツがTEDのステージで行う、Meta 2の初めてのデモに参加しましょう。(TEDキュレーター、クリス・アンダーソンとのQ&Aが続きます)
この拡張現実Meta 2ヘッドセットを複数使用することによって、ホログラムを手にとって遠隔地からメタデータを丸ごと手渡しするように
2019年。現在では、開発は中止になっています。今後は、HoloLensやMagic Leap Oneがこの分野では、有力になりそうです。
法人は潰れることを前提にした有限責任! 慈愛や基本的人権を根本とした社会システムの中の保護されなければならない小企業や個人レベルでは、違いますが・・・
Apple Vision Pro 2023
ナディーン・ハッシャシュ=ハラーム: 拡張現実が変える手術の未来
ピーター・ワインストック: 手術の安全性を高める本物のような3Dシミュレーター
Gloveone: Feel Virtual Reality
クレイ・シャーキー:インターネットが (いつの日か) 政治を変える
東京都北区神谷のハイブリッドな直送ウェブサービス(Hybrid Synergy Service)高橋クリーニングFacebook版
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louisupdates · 1 year
[This article has been translated from Japanese]
Louis Tomlinson came to Japan for the first time in about 8 years since the One Direction era, and he was the “Japa” of his own documentary film "ALL OF THOSE VOICES" held at TOHO Cinemas Roppongi Hills. I attended the premiere with director Charlie Lightning.
This work, which will be released for a limited time simultaneously worldwide on March 22 (Wednesday), starts from One Direction’s last concert before the hiatus. It includes Louis' unreleased home movies and his sold-out 2022 world tour, and is a work that depicts the conflicts and challenges of Louis' new life — going from a super popular group to solo artist, behind the scenes. The title "ALL OF THOSE VOICES" comes from the single "Bigger Than Me,” included in Louis' second solo album "Faith In The Future" released in November 2022. The phrase appears in the lyrics of "Bigger Than Me.”
"All of those voices and all of those choices / I don’t hear them anymore / I don’t hear them anymore."
Louis told me about his thoughts on the title of the movie in a solo interview with the Front Row editorial department, realized at the time of this visit to Japan. "It’s an expression of the situation that many opinions are attached to my work. As you know, everyone says, ‘It's better to do this.’ The media are the same, and everyone at the record label will give their opinions. So this phrase means that while I respect such opinions as much as possible, and while considering some of them, let's look inside ourselves more and do what we want to do, without worrying too much about the influence from the outside. It just is.”
As you know, during the past 8 years, when Louis was not blessed with the opportunity to come to Japan, including the force majeure of canceling performances in Japan due to the pandemic, he actually started his career as a solo artist after One Direction went on hiatus. He gained a huge reputation as a member of a global pop group that had been loved by the nickname of 1D, and even after the hiatus, Louis believed in his own way and pushed forward, and in the latest album, it was finally his first solo album to win the first place in the UK. Now he has established himself as a solo star. Being able to watch this movie that follows Louis' trajectory as a solo artist is a record of the time he was away from Japan, especially because it is too valuable for Japanese fans.
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The front row editorial department met Louis, who was smiling happily all the time in Japan for the first time in 8 years, and while looking back on the activities of the past 8 years when he was absent from Japan after the movie, the latest album "Faith In The Future" I have questions about various topics, including memories in Japan, his world tours that will come to Japan again next month, and start here in Japan, and thoughts on One Direction. Louis answered each one of them sincerely and politely.
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It's been 8 years since you came to Japan! How was Japan for the first time in 8 years?
It's the best! It took a long time to come back. I'm lucky to be able to go to various places as a solo artist and as a member of a group (One Direction). Even so, Japan has always been a place I look forward to coming to again. People are wonderful, the atmosphere is wonderful, and the scenery is the best. And the show in Japan is very unique. It feels different from any region in the world. So I'm relieved to be back. When I was working as part of One Direction, I was lucky enough to come to Japan every year or every other year, but I had been gone for 8 years. I feel relieved to be back, and I'm lucky that there are people who will come to see my movie and want to come to the shows. Anyway, I'm really happy to be back.
First of all, the reason is that I haven't been to Japan for a while. Then, one of the things I wanted to focus on in this movie was how lucky it was to have fans in various countries. I think holding a premiere in London, Mexico, and here in Japan proves the breadth of the fan base.
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Please tell me about the title of the movie "ALL OF THOSE VOICES". What kind of thoughts are put into this title?
It is also a phrase ("Bigger Than Me") in the lyrics of the song, but it expresses the situation that many opinions are attached to my work. As you know, everyone says, ‘It's better to do this.’ The media are the same, and everyone in the record label will voice their opinions. So this phrase means I respect such opinions as much as possible and, while considering some of them, let's look inside ourselves more and do what we want to do without worrying too much about the influence from the outside.
The movie begins with the decision for One Direction to go on hiatus in 2016. Now that it's been 7 years since the suspension of activities, what does One Direction mean to you?
It's everything. It's everything. I really loved it, and I still love it. I can only be proud to be a member of something on that scale. I'm really proud of it. Because we were definitely the coolest when the band was active!
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In the movie, you can see the trajectory after embarking on a solo career, but if you look back on your career as a solo artist and list three turning points to the present, which come to mind?
Ooh, that's a great question. I'll try to answer intuitively. Well, I wonder what kind of words will come out of my head... First of all, when I appeared in "X Factor" and performed for the first time (solo debut song "Just Hold On") with Steve Aoki. At that time, it was a difficult time (*) for me personally, and I was quite overwhelmed. So when I finished that stage, I felt like my fear had been dispelled. I don't think there was a more painful performance than that time. It was the moment when I told myself that I could do it even in extreme situations.
※ Louis is sad that his mother Johannah died of leukemia at the young age of 42 on December 7 2016, just before releasing her solo debut single "Just Hold On" in collaboration with Steve Aoki on December 10, 2016. Being on stage with Steve in "The X Factor" was Louis’ first public performance since his mother passed away.
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Also, I would like to mention when I wrote "Walls" and "Kill My Mind" (included in the first album “Walls"). If I hadn't written these two songs on the first album, I don't think "Faith In The Future" would have turned out like it is. These two songs gave me the confidence that I could make the music I wanted to.
The third turning point was the tour last year. I love tours, but I've also felt uneasy for many years. "I wonder what my show will be like?" " Can I do the show by myself?" I worry like that. So I became confident after I was able to tour last year, and there were wonderful audiences that boosted that confidence. If I were to name the most recent turning point, it would be touring.
In the movie, you cite songwriting as the most personal pride that you achieved through your activities in One Direction. Now that you are in your 7th year of starting your solo career, what do you feel proud of as a solo artist?
There are several, but I’ll mention "Faith In The Future". Without a doubt, this is an album that I've always wanted to make. I have that sense of accomplishment that I was able to make what I really wanted to make while working as a solo artist for several years.
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And there's nothing I'm more proud of than the connection with my fans. I think every artist says that the connection with fans is special, and I'm sure that's right, but the connection between me and my fans is really special. Some of the fans have been supporting me since I was working in One Direction. It's like we've grown up together. There is a bond in the true sense. The bonds should be felt by the fans as well as myself. You can feel that kind of bond at the show.
Let me ask you a little more about the latest album "Faith In The Future". Can you tell me if there is anything that inspired the album itself or the title?
Overall, what inspired me was the live performances I did before I started working on this album. As for the title, when I listened to the first album "Walls" again, I thought it was "hmm" myself, but it was emotionally heavy. I wanted to shake that off. When I look at the title at a glance, I want to make people feel hope and positivity. I thought the title "Faith In The Future" was a title that feels hopeful, isn't it? It set the tone for the whole album. Of course, the album touches both light and shadow, but I think it reflects my current emotions and positive feelings about life.
In relation to positive feelings, when I asked questions from fans for the interview, one said, "I sometimes think negatively, but what do I do to change to positive thinking?" Please let me know if there is anything you are doing to make you feel positive.
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First of all, I want you to remember that emotions are personal, so the ways to deal with them is also different. On top of that premise, how I'm dealing with it, to be honest, I can't say exactly. I didn't fight like a warrior, and I didn't feel sad all the time. Of course, sometimes I do get depressed, but I forget it the next day. I think it's a lucky thing because I can overcome it without thinking about it too much. I don't know why, but maybe it's the way I was raised when I was a child. In any case, fortunately, I'm not the type to keep worrying.
But if you can confide in someone, you’ll see that communication has incredible power. I've always been saved by kind people and kind families around me. It means having the courage to reveal your feelings. Sometimes it's hard to talk about them, but when you confess your feelings, you don't feel as bad. You'll always feel better. I think that's also helpful for me to be positive.
Thank you. And I'm happy to say that you’ll come back to Japan again next month and start the world tour in 2023 from here in Japan. The Osaka performance will be the beginning, but let me ask you about your thoughts on starting this year's tour from Japan.
I was able to have a wonderful time when I came with the band (One Direction). I think it's a nice and fun place. It's like I said earlier, but I'm happy to be able to come back to Japan again soon. I'm really looking forward to going to Osaka.
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If you were to name the song of "Faith In The Future" that you’re most looking forward to performing on the Japan Tour, which song is it?
I did some shows when I released the album, so I've already played some songs from the new work, but I'm looking forward to "Saturdays" among them. For some reason, when I sing this song, my heartfelt emotions come up. It's a song that has already been performed about 4 or 5 times, but I want to sing it many times from now on. And so is "Out of My System" as well. If you listen to it, I think you can imagine how exciting and fun the performance will be. So I'll mention that song too.
What about the songs on the album that I haven't played yet? There are some songs that can be said to be relatively suitable for dancing. I'm looking forward to seeing how such songs like "All This Time" and "She Is Beauty We Are World Class" work in the set list. In the album, they were songs that weee produced while being conscious of making the sound wider. I'm also looking forward to seeing how such songs complement more guitar-based songs.
Do you have any memories that have left a particular impression on your visit to Japan so far?
This is my memory, maybe the fans will say, "You didn't do that!" I might be told that. But in my memory, I remember when we performed "Story Of My Life" for the first time. I chose Japan as a place to perform this song because the Japanese people had sincere respect as an audience. If I did the performance I'm going to describe in England, I'm sure they would scream or shout something toward the stage, but we performed "Story Of My Life" live in Japan a cappella (*). I think that was a performance that could not be realized outside of Japan. It was a magical moment. Japan is the first time we performed in such a way. That performance in a cappella was the best moment. It's the memory of a lifetime.
※ One Direction performed "Story Of My Life" in a cappella several times in Japan, and Japanese fans protected the silence so that the members can perform.
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By the way, will the songs of One Direction be included in the set list of this tour?
Of course! Because I always do that. So far, I've performed about 5 to 6 1D songs solo. Recently, I've been performing "Night Changes", and that song is rather a slow song, but I arranged it into an up-tempo version. Personally, I find it interesting in such a place. I'm going to update the songs I used to sing as a member of the band when I was young to match my current musicality. That kind of challenge is fun.
Finally, please give a message to the fans in Japan!
There are a lot of wonderful memories in Japan. I’ll say it again, the shows in Japan have a special charm, and I can't explain it accurately in words, but I feel a special feeling. It's always special when there's a show in Japan. I'm really grateful to all the fans in Japan. I haven't been able to visit Japan for 8 years, but this time I will hold a premiere like this, and I will be able to go on a tour next month. I'm really happy.
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keroxx-a-go-go · 6 months
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sokmil-idol · 6 months
猫になりたい 猫宮あすか
猫になりたい 猫宮あすかの詳細 発売日 : 2023-10-20 配信開始日 : 2023-10-19 出演者 : 猫宮あすか レーベル : アイドルワン メーカー : ラインコミュニケーションズ ジャンル : 最新作/グラビアアイドル/美少女/ランジェリー/水着/ビーチ/セーラー服/美尻/浴室/メガネ/HD(ハイビジョン) 作品紹介 令和グラドル界最強フェイスと名高い猫宮あすかちゃんが遂にI-ONEにお出まし。見目麗しい圧倒的美貌とぷりっとしたジューシーヒップは天から与えられた最高のギフト! 大学生のあすかの年上彼氏とのにゃんにゃん恋愛劇!生年月日:2000年7月9日/星座:かに座/血液型:A型/サイズ:T155/B80/W61/H87/趣味:シナモロールグッズ集め/特技:クレーンゲーム / 猫になりたい…
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wanomin · 1 year
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本日仕込みデー♪ 尾道の昼は尾道ラーメン!夜はノンアルビール! 明日の配信に備えて勢いよくおやすみなさい♪ 松尾さんいつもありがとうございます! #尾道 #ベッチャー祭 #ライブ配信代行 #出張ライブ配信 #今日も今日とて #株式会社フェイス #わのみん https://www.instagram.com/p/CkdeMOuyV3_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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harikyuindan · 2 years
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@harikyuindan @vi.pulas あなたの顔を調律する 小顔を作る専門家 再生美容サロンだんです😃 ほうれい線や口元のたるみが気になる😢 友人と撮った写真がきっかけで 自分の顔が四角いと思うようやになり始めました😢 自分の骨格や顔のむくみに 肌や毛穴、ニキビもなくなれば そんな方に おすすめなコース 水玉リフティング+再生美容体験 是非してみてください✨ #小顔#小顔矯正#小顔フェイス#小顔サロン#若返り#エラ張り#エラ張り改善#顔コリ#歪み#食いしばり#ほうれい線改善#美肌#美白#ニキビ#むくみ#顔やせ https://www.instagram.com/p/CgQRc_QpYnP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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