cbgsocialsteam · 1 year
ChanBaek Global Socials Team 🍒🍓
Hello! We are @chanbaekglobal 's account for announcements on streaming & voting activities and for informations of updates on charts, sales & brand reputation of #CHANYEOL & #BAEKHYUN 🍒🍓
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dailyexo · 1 year
[TRANSLATION] Baekhyun - 230506 Official EXO-L Japan website update: “【HAPPY BIRTHDAY BAEKHYUN!】 A message from Baekhyun has arrived!”
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"今日5月6日は、ベクヒョンの誕生日🎂 ベクヒョンからEXO-L-JAPANのみなさんへ、メッセージと写真が届きました!
==================== エリたち、誕生日をお祝いしてくれて本当にありがとう! また早く日本に行って、一緒に楽しい想い出を作りたいな!! いつも元気に、いつも幸せでいようね!!"
Translation: "Today, 6 May, is Baekhyun's birthday!🎂 To celebrate, Baekhyun has prepared a message and a photo for EXO-L-JAPAN!
==================== Thank you so much for celebrating my birthday, Eries! I can't wait to go to Japan again and make happy memories with you! Be well and always be happy!"
Photo link: 1
Credit: translation, dailyexo.tumblr.com, Source: Official EXO-L Japan.
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hadajun · 10 months
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chanbaekglobal · 1 year
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Hello! We are ChanBaek Global, a new international fanbase for EXO's Chanyeol & Baekhyun. Kindly follow & RT or like this tweet so more people can find us! Thank you! 🍒🍓
🔗: chanbaekglobal.carrd.com
#찬열 #チャニョル #灿烈 #백현 #ベクヒョン #边伯贤 #CHANBAEK #찬백 #EXO #엑소
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lamechellephotog · 3 years
5 years ago today mullet BaekHyun was born!🔥 Our Boss Baek always setting the trends! Wbk!👏🏼 110711
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tontawantu · 3 years
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baekhyun in Get You Alone
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moon-soo-ah · 3 years
BAEKHYUN ベクヒョン 'Get You Alone' MV
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nugufan · 3 years
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For you a fan of someone​ http://www.nugufan.com/ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nugufanreactnative https://apps.apple.com/kr/app/id1476340317
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tellmewhatislove112 · 5 years
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baekharu · 7 years
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good night ♥ #baekletters #poem #poems #poetry #poet #words #letters #l4l #baekhyun #byunbaekhyun #ベクヒョン #邊伯賢 #백현 #백현아사랑해
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dailyexo · 1 year
[TRANSLATION] EXO - 230410 Official EXO-L Japan website update: “『2023 EXO FANMEETING "EXO' CLOCK"』が終了!EXOから写真が届きました!” (”‘2023 EXO FANMEETING "EXO' CLOCK”’ is over! Here is a photo from EXO!”)
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"EXOデビュー11周年記念イベント『2023 EXO FANMEETING "EXO' CLOCK"』が、4月8日(土)・9日(日)に韓国のソウルオリンピック公園KSPO DOMEにて開催されました! そして、9日(日)の公演は、Beyond LIVEを通して全世界に生配信され、本当にたくさんの方々にご覧いただき、イベントが始まる前から「待ってたよ~!」「11周年おめでとう!」といった、たくさんのメッセージが寄せられました! Beyond LIVEをご覧いただいたEXO-L-JAPANのみなさん、ありがとうございました!
公演は、ライブパートからスタート!♪ メンバーがステージに登場した瞬間から会場は大きな声援に包まれました!『The Eve』『Love Shot』 を披露し、かっこいいパフォーマンスで魅了しました!
キレキレのパフォーマンスの後は、「We are ONE!こんにちは、EXOです!」と全員でご挨拶^^会場、そしてBeyond LIVEを通してご覧いただいているみなさんに、一人ひとり気持ちも伝えていました。
次のコーナーでは、「今回の公演タイトルは"EXO' CLOCK"です!"EXO' CLOCK"を動かして、思い出の時間に戻ってみましょう!」とLEDに映し出された“EXO CLOCK”の数字が回転スタート! 1日目の公演では『Obsession』と『Tempo』の時間に止まりましたが、2日目の公演ではまず、「20130805」、『Growl』 の時間にストップ!
『Growl』の時間ということで…メンバーはブレザーを着て制服姿に! 「Growl高校」の生徒となって、スホは生徒会長、セフンは風紀委員、ベクヒョンは伝説のバンド部、シウミンはテニス部部長、チェンは放送部のアナウンサー、カイはダンス部部長、D.O.は映画鑑賞部、そしてチャンヨルはバスケ部部長として自己紹介^^ 『Growl』のMVを彷彿とさせる姿で、「チームワークを感じる時はいつですか?」などの質問に答えていきましたが、みなさんいかがでしたか!?
続くライブパートでは、『Don‘t Go』と『Unfair』をお届けしました♪
そして再び"EXO' CLOCK"が回転! 「20160609」、『Lucky One』の時間でストップしました。 スホ、チャンヨル、D.O.、カイの「ピンクチーム」、シウミン、チェン、ベクヒョン、セフンの「ブルーチーム」に分かれて「お題の曲を一斉に歌って同じ部分を歌えるか!?」「お題と同じポーズを協力して完成させられるか!?」などの、チームワークを試されるゲームにチャレンジしました! メンバーたちのお題に本気で挑む姿に思わず笑顔になったEXO-L-JAPANのみなさんも多いのではないでしょうか?^^
イベント中盤~後半にかけてのライブパートでは、『Lucky』で会場一体となって幸せな時間を過ごしたり、『Growl』でパワフルなステージを披露したり、さらに『LOVE ME RIGHT』では爽やかなパフォーマンスで魅了したりと、EXOの様々な魅力がたくさん詰まったステージをお届けしました🎵
ラストパートでは、世界のEXO-Lのみなさんへの気持ち込めて『Angel』をお届けし、「また会いましょう~!」とメンバーたちが名残惜しそうにステージを去り、イベントは終了…と思った瞬間! 再びメンバーたちがステージに登場!新曲の『Let Me In』をサプライズ披露し、イベントの幕が閉じました♪
ご覧いただいたみなさん、ありがとうございました! メンバーたちからEXO-L-JAPANのみなさんへ届いた写真を公開します!
4月15日(土)、16日(日)には、ついに!『EXO-L-JAPAN presents EXO CHANNEL "THE BEST"』がベルーナドームにて開催されます! EXOメンバーも、日本でEXO-L-JAPANのみなさんにお会いできるのを、とても楽しみにしています✨ 待ち遠しいといった様子でリハーサルにも力を入れていますので、みなさんも盛り上がる準備をして待っていてくださいね! ベルーナドームでお会いしましょう!!^^"
Translation: "To celebrate EXO’s 11th year anniversary, they held a fanmeeting titled ‘2023 EXO FANMEETING "EXO' CLOCK”’ on 8 and 9 April at the KSPO DOME in Seoul, South Korea! The performance on the 9th was available worldwide for livestreaming via the Beyond LIVE app. Lots of people tuned in to watch and the chat was buzzing with fans saying things like ‘We’ve waited so long!’ and ‘Happy 11th anniversary!’! We want to say thank you so much to all the EXO-L-JAPAN members who tuned into the Beyond LIVE stream!
The fanmeeting kicked off with a mini-concert!♪ As each member came onto the stage, they were greeted by loud cheers from fans! The group performed ‘The Eve’ and ‘Love Shot’, showcasing their cool and mature visuals and charms!
After showing off their nimble and energetic moves, the members came forward to greet fans with, ‘We are ONE! Hello, we are EXO!’. Each member also made sure to greet Beyond LIVE viewers.
For the next segment, an LED board lit up with the words 'EXO' CLOCK' with a description of what the segment would entail; 'The fanmeeting is called 'EXO' CLOCK'! Let's go back in time with the 'EXO' CLOCK'!'. The clock ticked back to 'Obsession' and 'Tempo' on the first day and then for day 2 it went to '20130805' to 'Growl'!
For the 'Growl' theme... The members wore blazers! To match the high school theme of 'Growl' each of the members introduced themselves as if they were high school students! Suho was the class president, Sehun was the head of the disciplinary committee, Baekhyun was a vocalist in a legendary band, Xiumin was the tennis club president, Chen was the broadcasting club announcer, Kai was the dance club president, D.O. was in the film club, and Chanyeol was the basketball club president!^^ With the members all dressed in their 'Growl' attire, they answered a number of questions such as 'when you do you feel like you work best as a team'? What did you guys think of the segment!?
For the next segment, the group performed 'Don't Go' and 'Unfair'.♪
Next, they looked to the 'EXO' CLOCK' for what memories to relive next! The 'EXO' CLOCK' stopped on '20160609', which was 'Lucky One' era. The group split up into two teams; Suho, Chanyeol, D.O., and Kai formed the 'Peach Team' and Xiumin, Chen, Baekhyun, and Sehun formed the 'Blue Team'. Both teams had to compete against each other in a number of different challenges that tested their teamwork such as 'Can you sing the same part in the song!?'and 'Can you copy the pose on screen!?'. The fans watched with all smiles and laughs as the members took on each and every challenge with fierce competitive spirit. Did you guys enjoy it?^^
For the performance part of the second half of the fanmeet, EXO filled the venue with happiness as they performed 'Lucky' and then showed off their powerful dance moves with 'Growl'! They ended with 'Love Me Right', showing off their unique individual charms in their dancing!🎵
For the last ment they expressed their gratitude, ‘It's been a while since we last met, we're really happy to be here.' They finished off saying, 'We're ready to take on 2023 head on, so please wait for what we have in store for you guys!' ^^
They ended the fanmeeting with their heartfelt performance of 'Angel', showing their love and appreciation for every EXO-L around the world! The members sent fans off with a 'See you again soon~!' and then waved goodbye to close out the event.... Or so we thought! The members reappeared on stage and surprised everyone with a sudden performance ofa new song titled 'Let Me In'! After that song the event finally came to a close!♪
Thank you so much to everyone who watched! EXO also has sent a photo for EXO-L-JAPAN!
The next fanmeeting will be on 15 and 16 April in Japan's very own Belluna Dome! The fanmeet is titled 'EXO-L-JAPAN presents EXO CHANNEL "THE BEST"'! The members are so excited to finally be able to return to Japan to see EXO-L-JAPAN!✨ They are all working hard in rehearsals to be able to give you all the best show ever so please wait a little while longer! See you all at Belluna Dome!! ^^"
Photo link: 1
Credit: translation, dailyexo.tumblr.com, Source: Official EXO-L Japan.
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hadajun · 10 months
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silvinakimkai · 7 years
#Rensta #Repost: @popteen_official via @renstapp ··· “ Popteen7月号表紙メイキング第三弾😊😊 ベクヒョンさんのスクールLOOKがおしゃれ💕💕 #popteen#ポップティーン#表紙#exocbx#エクソチェンベクシ#baekhyun#ベクヒョン#popteen7月号#発売中 ” #byunbaekhyun #baekhyunee_exo #baekmyboo #puppy #puppybyun #exo #kai #sehun #exol #kpop #BAMA2017DiamondEdition_EXO
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smarty85 · 6 years
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Finally finished it! Well kind of😅 not quite satisfied with the jacket and hands but I got too tired fixing it over and over. Besides that it’s not so bad I think #exo #baekhyun #엑소 #백현 #エクソ #ベクヒョン #exol #weareone #cbx #fangirling #fanart #koreanart #drawing #art #digitalart #アート #絵 #그림 #아트 #рисунок #арт #ipadpro #applepencil #tokyo #japan (at Shinjuku)
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