iiinsendo · 11 months
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✎_ ⓪⓪⑦ ∕ ⓪②① 𝗡𝗲𝘂𝗿𝝾𝗻 Typeface Used - Cyrano - 二〇二二年二月二十日 第二次手術後隨著腦水漸漸消退,重回康復之路的爸爸感覺像重開機的電腦,可以與我們有簡單的對話,但很多記憶都在重組中,有時候很正常,有時候感覺卻像另一個人。 常常想像他腦內正在進行的是什麼活動,是否在他昏迷的時候有另一個靈魂住進了他的身體?很多問題醫生也沒有正確答案,變化莫測的神經令人難以掌握。 - [陪病日記] 將過去一年陪病的心路歷程視覺化成一系列的海報。 - 20th.Feb.2022 It was the Hydrocephalus causing Dad to behave like a stroke patient. After the second surgery, he was finally back on track to recover; however, everything about him was like a reset computer having memory glitches. Sometimes he would say something clever as he was normal while at other times he could be totally nonsense. At one point I had this strange feeling that he might not be the same Dad, wondering if his brain could be taken over by some spirit while he was in a coma. The neurons are so fickle that even the doctor would not be able to know the whole picture under the surface. - [тнᴇ Ꭶ𝒾ϾƘ Ḏ𝕀ᗋ℞Ⴘ] is a series of poster design inspired by my father’s illness. - - -
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hanyunliang · 7 months
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Poster / Illustration (Freelance graphic design work)
April 2023
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persimmon-h · 1 year
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陽光明媚的日子,我們走訪社子島濕地,透過認識這裡的生態,感受社子島的鄉土風情,從「社」開始,發現未曾有過的驚喜。 ❙ 設計概念 ❙ 以幾何簡約的風格, 塑造出不同於以往的教育活動視覺印象, 用色塊組合成「社」字, 並呼應社子小築LOGO設計中的山水意象。 藍色圖形:社子濕地遼闊藍天及遠山 白色+橙紅色圖形:燦爛陽光 綠葉圖形:三種顏色來傳達本地植物的多樣性 深綠圖形:大色塊及鳥類剪影來彰顯自然題材的主旨 閃星圖形:有發現、創意及驚喜的意味 波浪圖形:代表水的意象,加入螃蟹及曲線剪影,傳達生態豐富 Client | 台北市政府工務局水利工程處 Design | 柿子紅了 Scope | 教育活動主視覺、主題活動宣傳Banner、社群圖框、學員姓名牌
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chuhaochin · 2 years
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在這個網路的時代,利用社群軟體呼籲大家開始節能減碳做環保吧! 種植物是最有效的減碳方式,地球上每多一棵樹,一年就可以減少十二公斤的二氧化碳,也可以試試去海邊淨灘,把人類的垃圾收好,還給大自然一個健康的環境。 In this era of the Internet, let's use social media to call on everyone to start saving energy, reducing carbon, and doing environmental protection! Planting plants is the most effective way to reduce carbon dioxide, every tree on the earth can reduce 12 kilograms of carbon dioxide a year. Also try to clean the beach at the seaside, collect garbages, and give it back to nature a healthy environment. #illustration#illustrator#illustrationartists#illus#design#designer#designers#設計 #平面設計 #設計師 #平面设计#海報 #海報設計 #插畫 #插畫家 #台灣插畫 #插畫日記#posterdesign #poster #主視覺 #主視覺設計 #主視覺海報#排版 #排版設計#layout https://www.instagram.com/p/CfjPsa6h5ZT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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zoomindesignstudio · 7 months
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❙ 活動主視覺、周邊延伸設計 ❙
國立中興大學畢業晚會主題為「青春時光機」, 視覺以派對的「霓虹」、「時光隧道」營造未來穿梭感, 也因應 After Party 的活動方式,視覺帶入電音DJ氛圍, 並以 Slogan 「一起搖滾吧!青春」呼應主題, 邀請與會者一起同歡!
而在邀卡上也分為兩種設計型式, 趣味的童年回憶-聯絡簿設計, 另正式的主視覺形式做延伸。 - Design | 放大設計 Zoom in Design Studio Copywriter | 放大設計 Zoom in Design Studio 活動執行 | 金旺整合行銷 -
歡迎洽詢:Line | @499jkcqb [email protected]
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thetiffchen · 1 year
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iphoto-tw · 1 year
39th Chicago Latino Film Festival Poster Contest
39th Chicago Latino Film Festival Poster Contest DEADLINE: FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 2023. In addition, the winner receives $1,000 compensation. #點子秀
POSTER CONTEST Every year, the International Latino Cultural Center of Chicago selects the winning poster for the annual Chicago Latino Film Festival. The selected poster becomes the face of the Festival, as it will be on the official trailer, program book, invitations, electronic ads, t-shirts, and more. In addition, the winner receives $1,000 compensation. (more…)
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tanztikorn · 1 year
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Occult poster by Tantikorn/TheDesk 
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logosai · 2 years
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@anwtaipei . 孰非偶像 林宥嘉|演唱會主視覺設計 Nobody is (not) Idol Yoga Lin|World Tour Key Visual

Black edition — Leading promotional visual
Fluor-green edition — Taipei Tour Visual
Fluor-orange edition — Kaohsiung Tour Visual
Animation gif — Leading motion
Flag — Concert visual kit Client — HIM International Music Inc.
Year — 2019

#idol #林宥嘉 #演唱會視覺 #演唱會 #worldtour #設計 #海報設計 #主視覺設計 #KV #keyvisual #idolworldtour #poster #posterdesign #有夠厲害的演唱會 #平面設計 #graphicdesign #icon #emoji #type #face #typeface #yogalin #yoga https://www.instagram.com/p/CgxCUq7hkxR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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guanlinart · 2 years
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iiinsendo · 11 months
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✎_⓪⓪⑧ ∕ ⓪②① 𝗣𝗖𝗥 𝝩𝗲𝘀𝘁 Typeface Used - PowerGrotesk - 二〇二二年三月一日 疫情期間在院的陪病者一次只能有一名,離開醫院再回來就必須做一次PCR篩檢,在與家人輪流照顧父親的情況下,平均每週要篩檢一次,篩檢站總是大排長龍,常常和疑似有確診的民眾排在一起等,早已置是否確診於度外。 - [陪病日記] 將過去一年陪病的心路歷程視覺化成一系列的海報。 - 1st.Mar.2022 During the pandemic time, only one companion was allowed to stay with a patient. It was Mom, sister and me looking after Dad in turns. Every time going back to the hospital required a new negative PCR test proof. Taking PCR tests had been a weekly task for us. The test station was always full of people queuing, and I was among them without knowing if anyone was tested-positive. I did not seem to worry. - [тнᴇ Ꭶ𝒾ϾƘ Ḏ𝕀ᗋ℞Ⴘ] is a series of poster design inspired by my father’s illness.
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vasstudiotw · 2 years
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persimmon-h · 1 year
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一聲「勞力」(lóo-lat),是台語表達由衷感謝的一種問候,社子咱的家生活藝術節以「勞力」(lóo-lat)為今年主題,討論社子島產業發展,同時對支撐產業的每份勞動力說聲感謝。 ❙ 設計概念 ❙ 匯集了落腳於社子島的各種產業, 及出現在生活場域中的物品, 以貼紙、插畫的技法轉化這些產業印象, 用每一份在這塊土地上的努力, 拼貼組合出社子島的生活光景。 Client | 台北市士林區富洲社區發展協會 Design | 柿子紅了 Scope | 活動識別、主視覺、摺頁DM、作品說明牌、旗幟、邀請卡、社群Banner
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chuhaochin · 2 years
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Nowadays, technology has made people's lives more and more convenient. However, to protect the environment, the choice of energy-saving resources can leave us a healthy environment. Small changes can make a big difference, try walking and cycling instead of driving, they are both environmentally friendly and healthy. Want to buy a car? You might as well try electric vehicles, they are stylish and energy-efficient. When installing lights, choose LED light, it saves a lot of electricity. #illustration#illustrator#illustrationartists#illus#design#designer#designers#設計 #平面設計 #設計師 #平面设计#海報 #海報設計 #插畫 #插畫家 #台灣插畫 #插畫日記#posterdesign #poster #主視覺 #主視覺設計 #主視覺海報#排版 #排版設計#layout https://www.instagram.com/p/CfhFK4NB_CV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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goldfishiscat · 1 month
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zoomindesignstudio · 11 months
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❙ 活動主視覺 設計 ❙ - Client | 大學畢業電音派對 Design | 放大設計 Zoom in Design Studio Copywriter | 放大設計 Zoom in Design Studio 活動整合、執行 | 金旺整合 - 歡迎洽詢:Line | @499jkcqb [email protected]
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