燃烧激情,防患未然!教你如何预防维修BBQ燒烤爐故障? 大家好,我是你的烧烤达人小助手。今天我要和大家分享一些有关预防BBQ燒烤爐故障的经验和技巧。毕竟,我们在炙热的炭火中追求美味的同时,也要保证人身和设备的安全呢。 首先,让我们从设备的维护开始。购买一个优质的BBQ燒烤爐是十分重要的。品牌和质量是选择的关键,好的燒烤爐具有更高的耐用性和安全性。建议您在购买前仔细阅读产品说明书,并确保产品经过认证,符合安全标准。 其次,定期对燒烤爐进行清洁和维护是不可忽视的。使用后,将炭渣和食物残渣清理干净,保持燃烧腔内的通风畅通。还要注意清洁燧石和燃烧器的堵塞情况,如果发现有阻塞或损坏,及时更换或修理。另外,在存放燒烤爐时,要尽量避免潮湿和高温的环境,这有助于延长设备的使用寿命。 第三,懂得正确使用燒烤爐也是必要的。在点火前,确保燃烧腔内无燃气泄漏。如果嗅到燃气味道,请立即停止点火,并检查设备…
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furrytyphoonchaos · 11 months
看技术史的感觉是技术路线的开拓存在无数的If线和可能性,比蝴蝶舞动翅膀还轻微的一点因子,比如本地有没有某种材料、动物、植物、矿物、自然现象,看起来和技术毫不相关的社科点数(比如宗教、思想、民族性,某个人的个人想法,偶然的巧合)。 然后再把各个文明内部的这些东西通过交流和战争融合在一起,几万个变量随机结合、产生各类化学反应,终于在无数个超展开之后诞生了的如今的科技路线。如果把里面的任何一点进行随机摆动,整个技术史说不定都能易轨 你以为是这样的:单向的线性发展,只要加大投入,不断向前,一定可以追上某个点
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shwangsx · 1 year
讀經一(誰要同我爭辯,讓他們一起來吧!)恭讀依撒意亞先知書 50:4-9A上主賜給了我一個受教的口舌,使我知道如何用言語援助疲倦的人。祂每日清晨喚醒我的耳朵,使我聽見祂的聲音。我沒有違抗,也沒有退避。我將我的背轉給打擊我的人,我把我的腮轉給扯我鬍鬚的人。對於侮辱和唾汙,我並沒有遮掩我的面。吾主,上主是我的援助,因此我不以為此恥;我板著臉,像一塊燧石,因為我知道我不會蒙受羞辱。那給我伸冤者已來近了。誰要和我爭辯,讓我們一起站起來吧!誰是我的對頭,讓他到我這裡來吧!看,上主是我的援助,誰還能定我的罪呢?——天主的聖言。 答答唱詠 詠69(68):8-10,21-22,31,33-34【答】上主,按禰偉大的仁愛,(參看:詠69(68):14C)領:上主,我為了禰飽受欺淩,羞愧籠罩了我的面容。我的弟兄以為我是外賓,我母親的兒子拿我當客人,因我對禰聖殿的熱愛把我耗盡,那侮辱禰者的辱駡落於我身。…
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nowhereuare · 2 years
人類歷史學家Yuval Noah Harari在著作裡談到,人類會滅絕或是永續,關鍵在於「語言與故事」。
探討新的語言與文化,於是我在前幾天參加了一個別具意義的座談:「比國片更需要搶救的電影評論: 另一種電影研究和電影史研究如何可能?」
一種藝術的研究,首先應是一種藝術語言的研究,一種語言表達方式與意義的研究。」 《電影語言學導論》
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oniwastagram · 2 years
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📸天空の庭ミュージアム / Shinonkyo Tenkuu-no-niwa Museum, Tsu, Mie 三重県津市の『天空の庭ミュージアム』が素敵…!  世界的芸術家 #イサム・ノグチ の共同制作者で、京都迎賓館などに作品を残す石彫家 #和泉正敏 が作庭した野外彫刻庭園。2021年に永眠された氏の遺作も残ります。京都の数寄屋建築の巨匠 #中村昌生 が手掛けた茶室も。(通常非公開/特別公開期間あり) . 三重・天空の庭ミュージアムの紹介は☟ https://oniwa.garden/tenkuunoniwa-museum-mie/ ...... ここ数週間、世の中に「新宗教」が話題になっていて、その中でちょっと紹介しづらい所もあるのだけど…昨年2021年に足を運んだ庭園で最後に紹介するのがこちら。 . 権力者・寺院・神社・新宗教。色んな背景のある庭園がありますが、あくまで「庭園」としてご覧いただけると嬉しい。 . 「天空の庭ミュージアム」は世界的彫刻家:イサム・ノグチの日本国内の制作パートナーであり、自らも『京都迎賓館』『東京ミッドタウン』等に作品を残した石彫家で2021年までイサム・ノグチ日本財団理事長もつとめた和泉正敏さんによる彫刻庭園。 . この庭園を知ったきっかけは、元は京都の茶室/数寄屋建築の巨匠・中村昌生さんの実績にあった茶室“光風亭”について調べ始めた所から。 . 昭和年代の半ばに設立された新宗教団体『ミロクコミュニティ救世神教』が三重県津市に造苑した聖地・神恩郷の中にその茶室があるっぽい…と調べを進めていたら、その苑内には和泉正敏さんにより2012年に作庭された庭園“天空の庭”がある/そして『石楽展』という期間限定の一般公開があると分かり…。 で、2021年10月の『石楽展』で初めて訪れました。 . 和泉正敏さんが手掛けた庭園としては2021年1月には『観音寺市斎場“燧望苑”』にも足を運んだ。 燧望苑が個人的にはものすごくかっこよくて好きな庭園だったので…この石楽展もとても楽しみにしていたのだけど、足を運ぶ直前の9月に和泉正敏さんが永眠。 . この“天空の庭”の中には2021年夏に制作/作庭されたばかりの彫刻作品群「こもれび道の石群」「光風台の石群」もあり、これらは氏の遺作ということになります。 . なお撮影可能な彫刻作品は写真の“天空の庭”“夢湖”と、通年で一般の方も入場可能な「おまつり広場の石群」の“子供たちのための宇宙石”のみ。実際は50以上の石造物・彫刻作品が並ぶ広大な芝庭。 . 和泉さんが石のアトリエをかまえていた四国・高松の牟礼の銘石“庵治石”をはじめ、巨石や奇石なども用いた庭園。 “天空の庭”の最奥にポツンと置かれている巨石は瀬戸内海の太郎島🏝の頂上にあった自然石を「どこかに置かれるべきだ」と構想していたものを、この庭園に運び込んだもので、園内では“天之磐座”と名付けられています。 続く。 ーーーーーーーー #japanesegarden #japanesegardens #beautifuljapan #japanesearchitecture #japanarchitecture #japanarchitect #japandesign #japanart #japanmuseum #japanartmuseum #artmuseum #jardinjaponais #jardinjapones #建築デザイン #アート #現代アート #庭園 #日本庭園 #庭院 #庭园 #美術館 #庭園美術館 #isamunoguchi #彫刻庭園 #野外彫刻 #openairmuseum #おにわさん (天空の庭ミュージアム) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgjA_rtP_3Y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hi-highmt · 2 years
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とは言え、結局あまり早起き出来ず、6:18に飯能駅をスタート。 YAMAPで決めておいたルートを敢えて無視して、気の向くままに川沿いを歩いたり近道したりしながら適当に登山口に向かいました。
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40分ほどで柏木山の登山口に到着。 登山口というか、茜台自然公園の入口なんですが。
5m以上は離れていたので、この二頭の死に関連があるのかは分かりません。 お互いがぶつかった衝撃で倒れたのか、それぞれ車に撥ねられたのか、はなまた猛暑に耐えかねて亡くなったのか…。とにかく痛々しかったです。
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さて、気持ちを切り替えて山に入ります。 自然公園はワイルドに草が生え放題。
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そこから左手に更に進んで行くと、正面に天覚山が見えました。 あんな形だったのね。
そうそう、今目指している柏木山は、2月に登った飯能アルプス(西側)で多峯主山から久須美ケルンに向かう途中で出会ったオジサマ①から教えてもらって以来、ずっと気になっていたお山なのです。 本来は、冬場に登るつもりで残してあったのですが、サクッと登るにはちょうど良い距離だったので、冬まで待てずに来てしまいました。
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標識もしっかりとあるので安心。私はこのままフェンスコースを進みます。 途中、「富士見の丘」もありましたが、今日は曇っていて見えませんでした。
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柏木山の山頂に到着!標高303m。 低いけど、朝から沢山のハイカーで賑わっていました。
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眺望も良好。トリミングしちゃいましたが、左手には都心方面も。 あれ?画面右下に何かある???
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途中にコースガイドがありました。 YAMAPの地図には載っていないルートもあるようなので、参考にしました。
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赤根が峠に到着。さっきの公園は「茜」でこちらは「赤根」なんですね。 もともとの地名は赤根なのかな?
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みはらし台までやってきました。 工場や企業の屋根が見える、ベンチが2基ある広場です。 ここからは、資材置き場のような所に沿って平坦な遊歩道を歩きます。
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こちらは、コマツナギ(駒繫)だそうです。 一瞬、ハギ(萩)?とも思いましたが、ハギは秋の花ですもんね。
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遊歩道が終わった所に小さなトイレがあり、配水場から真っ直ぐ進んで行くと龍崖山公園に到着。ここにも綺麗そうなトイレがありました。 写ってませんが、画面右奥の住宅街の前には自販機もありました。
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少し登ると、熊よけの鐘が。え、こんな住宅街の小山に熊、出るの??? でも、さっきカモシカと鹿も居たしな〜。熊が居ても不思議じゃないか…。
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ベンチでナルゲンボトルに水を補給します。 昨夜凍らせておいたプラティパス、まだ半分以上凍ってる〜♬
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更に登って、龍崖山の山頂に到着!標高246m。 ベンチは沢山あるけど、日陰がない…。
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29℃か〜。これからどんどん気温が上がるんだろうなぁ。 ということで、サッサと下山することに。
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三四郎平に到着。 実はこの山の標識は「龍崖山を愛する80人衆」の皆さんのお手製なのですが、ここを通過しようとした時、前方から「龍崖山」というネーム入りのキャップを被った90歳前後のご老人がやって来ました。 「あれはきっと、80人衆のお一人に違いない!」と一人密かに興奮してしまいました。
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橋の上からは飯能川原で水遊びを楽しむ人々が。気持ちよさそう♬ 昔はここでBBQとかしたな〜、私も脚を冷やしたいな〜などと思いつつ、気温が上がる前に帰路につきました
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ichi-asakura · 3 years
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littleeyesofpallas · 3 years
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(I used the black and white because without any official color work, I don't actually trust the digital colorist's guesses to reflect much of Kubo's intent. Save for Mera's red hair... given the use of toner and her fire powers, I can't imagine her hair would've been anything but bright red, like Renji's.)
Hiuchigashima[燧ヶ島] MERA[メラ]:
"signal fire/hand-drill* island," "ME-RA"
*like a hand-drill for starting fires. Also a homonym with hiuchi[火打ち石]: "flint" and I've seen this part of her name somewhat erroneously translated as "tinder." Basically the common thread in all these readings being fire starters.
**taken from the onomatopoeic or mimetic sound/phrase meramera[メラメラ]: the sound of flaring up, or the sound of bursting into flames.
Tonokawa[砥ノ川] Tokie[時江]:
"Whetstone/Grindstone's River," "Time Bay"
Hashihara[箸原] HASUka[ハス花]:
"Chopsticks Field," "HA-SU* Flower"
*with HASU[ハス] here being a homonym with hasu[蓮]: Lotus/Sacred Lotus/Indian Lotus.
Nomino[鑿野] Nonomi[のの美]:
"Chisel Field," "NO-NO Beauty"
*technically it's the same either way but no[の] as hiragana is the grammatical possessive, where as in a name you'd normally expect it to be the kanji no[乃] but they mean the same thing. And incidentally the name Nonomi would normally be written [乃々実].
Tsuchimiya[槌宮] Tsumiko[罪子]:
"Hammer/Mallet Princess," "Guilty/Criminal Child."
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I dunno why I thought to tackle these 5 as they really don't do much, but it feels like a neatly compact example of Kubo's naming sensibilities, because unlike characters that got to actually speak and interact with others and have any kind of a story of their own, their names are almost all we know about them; that and a few simple tonal notes in how they talk or carry themselves in the one scene most of them show up in.
Obviously the girls are each named after a tool used in sword smithing and serve that role in assisting Oh-etsu. And since they're each a zanpakutou, like the rest of Nimaiyas harem, it feels like it's implied that they are each literally said tool, instead of the more conventional katana. It's kind of weird considering how zanpakutou have worked up until this point in the story, but like much of the final arc we just kind of move on and never elaborate or explore this idea... (It almost feels like an entire Soul Eater thing is implied here, but we'll just never know...)
Its also weird that the girls get full names, with distinctly humanlike etymology and what appear to be full on surnames considering they're all zanpakutou and so you'd expect them to have a singular name, almost more like a title, and more in line with the zanpakutou names we already know.
You can probably tell Kubo decided to lean into this weird alliterative thing with the names. Ironically Mera is named after the meramera thing I mentioned, but her actual full name is the only one without the repetitive phonetics. Otherwise the girls all evoke the repeated sounds, Meramera, TokiToki, HasuHasu, NomiNomi/NonoNono, and TsumiTsumi. I feel like there are some sort of homonyms, or sounds like meramera, or other wordplay at work here that I just don't know enough outside of textbook Japanese to pick up on...
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A random note: I find it funny that Mera's design feels like it was a last minute twist on Kubo's usual wildtype that he just knew he'd never get the chance to throw in there otherwise... Bazz-B's mohawk and fire powers, Renji's hair color, Grimmjow's eyeliner... kind of some Hiyori/Shino adjacent spunky girl energy? She feels like she'd fit that whole character type, even though we barely got to hear from her. It would've been nice to see a spicy tomboy actually involved in the story.
And maybe it's just a coincidence but it almost feels like there's a wuxing thing going on with the girls with the classical 5 daoist elements reflected in their names and tools: Fire-starters, Water-quenching and river/bay, wood "Chopsticks"/Tongs and flower, metal Chisel, and earth Hammer.
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fuyonggu · 4 years
Lu Ji’s “Discourse on the Fall of Wu (Part 2)”
The second part of this post.
And in the second part he wrote:
"Formerly, the realm was split into three kingdoms. The people of Wei occupied the Central Plains, the clan of Han possessed the regions of Min and Yizhou, while Wu controlled the provinces of Jingzhou and Yangzhou and spread to grasp the lands of Jiaozhou and Guangzhou. But although the Cao family had performed outstanding achievements among the Xia (ethnic Han) people, their cruelty was just as great, stirring up the people's hatred against them. As for the old codger Liu (Liu Bei), though he controlled difficult terrain and had pretensions to cleverness, his achievements were slight things, and his state was a mean and vulgar one. It was very different with Wu, which had its foundation laid down by the martial feats of King Huan (Sun Ce) and completed by the virtues of Taizu (Sun Quan).
"How numerous were Taizu's good qualities! He was intelligent and wise, astute and perceptive; he was understanding and measured, generous and farsighted. He sought out worthy people as though worried that he would never have enough of them, and he sympathized with the people as though they were his own children; he drew people in with complete demonstrations of his abundant virtues, and he exhibited kinship and benevolence through utter displays of love and affection. From out of the rank and file of the soldiers did he pluck Lü Meng; from among the masses of the captives did he recruit Pan Jun. He was ever sincere and invariably trusting, with no reservations that we might be swindled or cheated; he was always taking the full measure of a person and employing them according to their full potential, with no suspicion that his proteges might turn against us.
"He could confer the whip of authority upon others, as displayed by the power he granted to Lord Lu (Lu Xun); he could entrust the military defense of the state to subordinates, as exhibited by the army he assigned to Zhou Yu. He lived in a humble palace and ate meager fare, so that he might richly reward the achievements of his subjects; he was modest and unassuming about himself, the better to accept the plans and strategies of his advisors. Thus did Lu Su join him after only a single meeting; thus did Shi Yue yield to his rule despite the natural defenses of his own domain.
"He respected Lord Zhang's (Zhang Zhao's) virtues and so dispensed with the frivolities of wandering and hunting; he honored Zhuge Jin's advice and so reduced indulging his personal wishes and desires; he was moved by Lord Lu's (Lu Xun's) arguments and so mitigated the burdens of the laws and punishments; he was impressed by Liu Ji's criticism and so swore 'the oath of the three cups' (to ignore his commands while drunk). Holding his breath and treading silently, he peered through the gap in the wall to observe Ziming (Lü Meng) on his sickbed; fighting back tears and denying himself delicacies, he adopted the orphans of Ling Tong; ascending the altar and overwhelmed by emotion, he recalled the achievements of Lu Zijing (Lu Su); dismissing and denying words of slander, he trusted in the good faith of Ziyu (Zhuge Jin).
"His loyal ministers all exhausted their minds for his sake, and his ambitious subjects all devoted their full strength to his cause. His aims and ambitions were distant and lofty indeed, nor was he content to restrict himself to a small domain. And for that reason, his offices of state formed quite the collection, nor had he ever any respite from his affairs.
"When the capital was first established at Jianye (in 229), Taizu's ministers asked him to prepare the rites and offices at the usual glorious standards, but he declined and would not agree, saying, 'What would the realm say of me?' And his palaces and chambers, his carriages and clothing, were all kept accordingly frugal. For since the world was experiencing a new era and the division of the realm was a fact, Taizu established the imperial offices on a modest basis and rarely added to their luster. Though there was a gradual increase in finery, it never reached the excesses of past dynasties; though Taizu reduced the forms of government affairs, they were still sufficient for the administration of the state.
"Was not Wu remarkable in those days? Its territory encompassed about ten thousand li, and its army boasted a million armored soldiers. Its fields were fertile, its soldiers were disciplined, its weapons were keen, and its resources were rich. To the east it hugged the wine-dark sea, and to the west it straddled the mountains and gorges; the Yangzi girded its border, and the steep mountains guarded its fiefs and regions. Never before had the state enjoyed such great and abundant advantages.
"If only its later rulers had perpetuated such a system and kept up its practices! If only they had led the people to preserve the laws, acted cautious in their conduct and circumspect in their government, maintained and defined the policies of state, and closely guarded and observed the avenues of approach. Then Wu could have continued to exist, down the years and through the ages, without the slightest worry of destruction or collapse.
"There are those who argue that 'Wu and Shu needed each other like the teeth need the lips; the destruction of Shu meant that Wu's fall was only a matter of time'. Now it was certainly a benefit to Wu to have Shu as its ally and helper. Yet Shu was not so critical to Wu that only through its existence could Wu survive. The border regions of Wu were sufficient in themselves to hold out against any foe. We had our share of many mountains and cliffs, so that nowhere was there any broad avenue of advance upon land, and our rivers had narrow points and swift currents, not to mention the difficulties posed by terrifying waves. Even if the enemy had an army of a million soldiers altogether, the terrain of our land meant that the heads of their columns could never exceed a thousand men; the enemy might amass a navy of a thousand ships, but its vanguard on the water could never surpass a hundred boats. And it was for this very reason that, when the Liu clan campaigned against us (at Yiling in 222), Lord Lu (Lu Xun) compared their army to a massive snake, unable to concentrate all its power at any one point.
"When Shu first fell (in 263-264), our court ministers had various ideas of how we ought to respond. Some proposed checking the flow of the Yangzi by piling stones and boulders in it, while others advocated for setting up barriers and barricades across the river to guard against any developments. The Son of Heaven (Sun Xiu) convened an assembly to solicit the advice of the Grand Marshal, Lord Lu (Lu Kang). Lord Lu told them that, as the Yangzi was one of the Four Rivers (the Yellow River, the Huai River, the Ji River, and the Yangzi) whereby Heaven and Earth make manifest their power, any proposal to dam the river would be doomed to failure. He also argued against building any barricades, saying that they would be an obstruction to us as much as to the enemy; if our foes should ever cede their current advantage and appear weak, then we could use the Yangzi as our own avenue of invasion against them by having the navies of the Jingzhu and Chu regions row upstream. For the Yangzi was a treasure bestowed upon us by Heaven, as he said, and the best thing to do would be to carefully maintain our existing garrisons among the gorges and mouths of the river and wait for the momentum of war to shift in our favor.
"When Bu Chan rebelled against us (in 272), he offered up a valuable city to entice a powerful enemy (Jin) to invade, and he distributed heavy bribes to induce the Man tribes to rise against us. At that time, the vast forces of our enemy gathered together like clouds and advanced like lightning, pouring down upon the banks of the Yangzi; they built ramparts along the river and occupied critical places in order to halt our advance west, and they dispatched their fleet in the Ba and Han regions east down the Yangzi against us. Yet Lord Lu (Lu Kang) led a force of thirty thousand soldiers to occupy Dongkang to the north (of Bu Chan's base at Xiling), where he deepened the moats and raised the ramparts, maintained his soldiers and magnified his aura. The rebel swine (Bu Chan) simply huddled up in his city and waited for death, never daring to march north and take a chance on survival; our powerful foe suffered a great defeat and fled through the night, losing more than half their army. Lord Lu split off a detachment of five thousand keen soldiers and sent them west to block the arrival of the enemy's fleet. He triumped everywhere, east and west, and he took captives and prisoners by the tens of thousands. Such was the genius of this man's planning; would he ever have steered us wrong? And in the years following, there were rarely any disturbances which might have required the signal fires and hardly any concerns within the state.
"It was after Lord Lu left us (in 274) that our fortunes and our planning ebbed. Wu became engulfed by deep divisions, and our armies were gripped by defeatism and despair. In the invasion of the Taikang era (by Jin in 280), the enemy's forces were no greater than in former times, nor were the disturbances we experienced in Guangzhou (during the rebellion of 279) any worse than difficulies Wu had faced before. Yet the state toppled and collapsed, and the ancestral temple was left in ruins. Alas! 'Once good men have all departed, the state never lasts for long.' Was it not so?
"It may be true that the Book of Changes states, 'It was in accordance with the will of Heaven that Tang of Shang and King Wu of Zhou accepted the Mandate.' And someone did once say, 'An age of order will not take shape until the age of turmoil has reached its zenith.' Such things are indications of the importance which the sovereigns of old placed upon the circumstances of the age. Yet it is also true that the ancients tell us that 'Circumstance is not so important as favorable terrain', and when the Book of Changes speaks of 'the kings and nobles employing their natural defenses to safeguard the state', this too is an emphasis on such natural terrain. But greater still than either of these is common purpose among the people, for as the ancients assure us, 'Favorable terrain means less than a united will'. We are instructed to place our faith 'in virtue, not in terrain' because it is through the people that our defenses can be held at all. When Wu rose, it was because it observed all three of these aspects, and acted fully in accordance with the principles illustrated by Minister Sun (Xunzi); when Wu fell, it was because it focused on natural defenses to the exclusion of all else, violating the system that Minister Sun had laid out.
"The four provinces of Wu (Yangzhou, Jingzhou, Guangzhou, and Jiaozhou) had no shortage of manpower; the lands south of the Yangzi did not lack for talents. The natural terrain of our mountains and rivers were well-suited for defense, and our military equipment was neither dull nor difficult to use. We could easily have maintained the same practices which had worked for our ancestors. Why then did we fail? Why did we suffer calamity? It was because, though we had the means, we failed to use them.
"It was for such reasons that the kings of old were always sure to fortify their states by cultivating good traditions, and they studied the rises and falls of states across time. They were modest about themselves in order to reassure the people, and they were kind to the population in order to achieve harmony; they were open of hand in order to attract the advice of talented and righteous people, and they were kind of heart in order to bind the people to them with love. When this situation prevailed, then in times of peace the people shared in their joy, and in times of danger the populace shared in their sorrow. When joy is shared by all during peace, then even danger can pose no threat; when sorrows are held in common, then even chaos will never descend into bloodshed.
"If only this had been the case in our final years. Then we could have preserved our altars of state and protected our territory, and none among us would have experienced the agony of the Barley Ears poem or felt the despair of the Drooping Millet poem."
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cardamomoespeciado · 4 years
角田晶生(つのだ あきお)
※ここで紹介しているのは諸説の一つであり、今も解明されていない地名が数多くあります。 ※また、アイヌ語に特有の発音表記(トに半濁音や、小さな文字)が難しいため、発音は参考程度に願います。
入浴剤「登別カルルス」で有名?な、いかにもアイヌ語っぽい地名ですが、実は外国語で、チェコのカルルスバード温泉と泉質が似ていたことから名づけられたそうです。 それまで、この地はアイヌ語で「ペンケユ」と呼ばれていましたが、今さら「登別ペンケユ」ってのも微妙かも知れません。
北方領土の中では小さな島ですが、人口密度は高かったようで、そこに住むアイヌたちはさぞや勢力を誇ったことでしょう(近世以前の社会においては、人数は勢力に概ね比例する傾向があります)。 周囲のアイヌたちと友好的に交わっていたのか、それとも争いが絶えなかったのか……文字を持たなかったためにほとんど伝わっていませんが、今後の解明に期待です。
陸奥国亘理藩主・伊達邦成(だて くにしげ。政宗の末裔)が明治三1870年、一族や家臣を連れて移住したことから名づけられました。
大きな川が流れているため、アイヌ達はシコツ(si-kot:大きな川)と呼んでいましたが、死骨に通じて縁起が悪い、と和人が改名。 この一帯には丹頂鶴がよく飛んで来るため、縁起を担いで千歳(鶴は千歳=千年生きるとの伝承より)としたそうです。
室町時代、この地に河野加賀守(こうの かがのかみ)が築いた箱型の小さな館がランドマークとなり、そう呼ばれたそうです。
いかにも和語っぽい地名ですが、ちゃんとアイヌ語に由来しており、この地を流れるマトマイ川に由来するそうです。 しかし、マトマイ川の語源となった婦人のエピソードについては不明。今後の解明が待たれます。
※参考文献: 山田秀三『北海道の地名 (アイヌ語地名の研究―山田秀三著作集)』草風館、2000年4月
投稿 北海道と言えば?アイヌ語に由来する地名を調べてみた は 草の実堂 に最初に表示されました。
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ecoamerica · 20 days
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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shwangsx · 1 year
读经一(谁要同我争辩,让他们一起来吧!)恭读依撒意亚先知书 50:4-9A上主赐给了我一个受教的口舌,使我知道如何用言语援助疲倦的人。祂每日清晨唤醒我的耳朵,使我听见祂的声音。我没有违抗,也没有退避。我将我的背转给打击我的人,我把我的腮转给扯我胡须的人。对于侮辱和唾污,我并没有遮掩我的面。吾主,上主是我的援助,因此我不以为此耻;我板着脸,像一块燧石,因为我知道我不会蒙受羞辱。那给我伸冤者已来近了。谁要和我争辩,让我们一起站起来吧!谁是我的对头,让他到我这里来吧!看,上主是我的援助,谁还能定我的罪呢?——天主的圣言。 答答唱咏 咏69(68):8-10,21-22,31,33-34【答】上主,按祢伟大的仁爱,(参看:咏69(68):14C)领:上主,我为了祢饱受欺凌,羞愧笼罩了我的面容。我的弟兄以为我是外宾,我母亲的儿子拿我当客人,因我对祢圣殿的热爱把我耗尽,那侮辱祢者的辱骂落于我身。…
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a-ha-misi · 4 years
《中国文化常识》、《中国历史常识》和《中国地理常识》是由中华 人民共和国国务院侨务办公室组织北京华文学院、南京师范大学和安 徽师范大学编写的一套汉语教学辅助读物,供海外华裔青少年通过课 堂学习或自学的方式了解中国文化、历史、地理常识,同时供家长辅 导孩子学习使用,在海外反响很好。近年来,随着中国经济社会的迅速发展和国际影响的不断扩大, 海外学习汉语的人数,尤其是非华裔汉语学习者人数大幅度增加。为 了进一步适应广大海外汉语学习者了解中国文化的需求,促进中外文化 交流,中华人民共和国国务院侨务办公室授权中国国家汉语国际推广领 导小组办公室对《中国文化常识》、《中国历史常识》和《中国地理常 识》进行改编。《中国文化常识》、《中国历史常识》和《中国地理常识》改编本是 一套面向世界各国汉语学习者的普及型、口语化的文化辅助读物,适 用于海外对中国文化和汉语感兴趣的各类人员。在中华人民共和国国 务院侨务办公室编写的中英文对照版基础上,此次改编增加了中文与 德、法、日、韩、俄、泰、西班牙、阿拉伯语的对照版本。中国国家汉语国际推广领导小组办公室委托高等教育出版社对《中国 文化常识》、《中国历史常识》和《中国地理常识》进行改编,高等教育出 版社对原书的部分内容进行了增删,修订了部分数据,重新遴选和修改了插 图,并翻译出版英、德、泰语版本;外语教学与研究出版社翻译出版法、 日、韩语版本;华语教学出版社翻译出版俄、西班牙、阿拉伯语版本。此 次改编力求在原书强调科学性、思想性和实用性的基础上做进一步创新。 希望本系列读物成为您了解中国的窗口,成为您通向汉语世界的桥梁。此次改编得到了海内外诸多专家、学者和教师的关心与支持,他们 提出了许多中肯的建议,在此向他们表示诚挚的谢意。由于时间所限,书中不免会有疏漏和不当之处,希望使用者和专家 学者不吝赐正,以供今后修订时改正。中国国家汉语国际推广领导小组办公室 2006年11月
概 述秦始皇统一中国以前的漫长的历史时期。
中国境内最早的人类元谋人(距今约170万年,目前中国境内发现的最早的直立人) YuanmouMan(datedbacktosome1700000yearsago,theearliesthumanbeingseverfoundinChinasofar)蓝田人(距今约100万〜50万年,已经完全直立行走)
UpperCaveMan(datedbacktoabout18000yearsago,resembledmodernhumanbeingsinappearance)中国是世界文明古国,也是人类的发源地之一。中国到目前为止是世界上发现旧石器时代的人类化石和文化遗址最多的国家,其中重要的有元谋人、蓝田人、北京人、山顶洞人等。 1987年12月,发现北京人头盖骨的周口店北京猿人遗址被联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录. 1. 北京人头盖骨和元谋人牙齿
2. 山顶洞人头部复原图
AreplicaoftheheadofUpperCave Man
3. 北京人头部复原图
TheGreatMythoftheCreationofManinAncientChina1. 神农氏像
2. 伏羲氏像
3. 伏羲六十四卦方圆图
1. 湖南株洲炎帝陵 YandiMausoleum,Zhuzhou,HunanProvince
2. 贵州镇远蚩尤陵 ChiyouMausoleum,Zhenyuan, GuizhouProvince
3. 指南车Asouth-pointingchariot中国人常说自己是“炎黄子孙”,这个说法跟传说中的人物黄帝和炎帝有关。大约4000多年以前,中国黄河流域一带生活着许多氏族和部落,黄帝、炎帝就是两个最有名的部落的首领。
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rachels-wonderland · 5 years
城垣  城緣
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bookofjin · 5 years
Liu Yuan founds the fourth Han
WS001, Preliminary Annals
10th Year [of Emperor Zhao, 304 AD], Emperor Hui of Jin was detained at Ye by the King of Chengdu, Ying. The Xiongnu offshoot Liu Yuan rebelled at Lishi, titling himself King of Han. The Inspector of Bing province, Sima Teng came to request a host. Emperor Huan led more than 100 000 cavalry. The Emperor likewise at the same time greatly raised up to accordingly assist him. They greatly routed Yuan's multitudes in Xihe and Shangdang. It happened that Emperor Hui returned to Luo. Teng therefore bid farewell to the host. Emperor Huan swore a covenant with Teng at the east of the Fen [or “at Fendong”] and then returned. He therefore sent the Assistant Assessors Wei Xiong and Duan Fan to Leishi west of Canhe Slope to raise and set up a stele to accordingly record the act.
WS095, Biography of Liu Cong
Yuan spoke to Xuan and others, saying:
Emperors and Kings, when where they regular? I will at best be Gao of Han, at worst be Wu of Wei. But the people of Jin are not necessarily similar to us. Han had Under Heaven for many generations, kindness and virtue connection to the population's hearts. I am also a sister's child of the Han clan, sworn to be elder and younger brothers. When the older brother perishes, the younger carries on. Can we not do likewise? Now moreover, I can raise up Han, posthumously honour the Later Ruler, and thereby comfort the populace's expectations.
He therefore moved to Zuoguocheng. The far-away people who reverted to adherence were several ten thousand. He designated himself King of Han. He set up the hundred officials, with the year titled Yuanxi [“Inaugural Radiance”], and posthumously venerated Liu Shan as the Filial and Cherished [xiaohuai] August Emperor.
Yao, courtesy name Yongming, was orphaned young and was reared by Yuan. He quite understood books and registers, his aspirations were by nature not ordinary. He was powerful and brave, and was very strong. Iron 1 cun thick he could shoot at and pierce it. He was convicted in an affair and was to be executed, but absconded and hid in Zhaoxian, he took service as a county soldier. There happened to be an amnesty and he got to return home.
JS004, Annals of Emperor Huan
The General who Calms the North, Wang Jun [JS039], dispatched Wuwan cavalry to attack the King of Chengdu at Ye, greatly routing him. Ying drove with the Emperor in a single chariot to flee to Luoyang, those submitting to the carriage divided and scattered, hustled and bustled above and below without presenting.
The Palace Attendants and Yellow Gates were presented from within [their] bags 3 000 cash, decreed to borrow and employ. By buying food they thereby supplied, the palace people stopped to eat in the middle of the road and in guest houses. The palace people had grasped a sheng with surplus husks from rice to eat and dried garlic and salted beans to thereby advance to the Emperor. The Emperor ate it. The Imperial Palace Yellow Gates were draped in cloth.
They lodged at Huojia and traded for unpolished and uncooked rice to eat, filling thereby earthen pots. The Emperor ate two cups. There was an old father presenting and offering chicken, the Emperor accepted it.
They arrived at Wen and wanted to pay visit to the Mounds. The Emperor lost his slipper[s] and accepted the slippers of a follower. The subordinates bowed with flowing tears. Left and right all blew their noses and sobbed.
When they crossed the He. Zhang Fang lead 3 000 cavalry and used a sun beacon green covered chariot to receive and welcome. Fang bowed to pay his respects, the Emperor personally stopped him.
On xinsi [1 October], a great amnesty, bestowed those who followed each proportionately.
JS037, Biography of Sima Teng, King Wuai of Xincai
Ying was afraid. He held onto the Emperor to return to Luoyang, and advanced Teng in rank to General who Calms [the North?].
JS039, Biography of Wang Jun
He used the Master of Accounts, Qi Hong as the vanguard. He came across Ying's general Shi Chao at Pingji, struck and defeated him. Jun exploited the victory to thereupon overcome Yecheng. The multitude soldiers brutally plundered and the dead were very many. The Xianbei greatly carried off the wives and girls. Jun instructed that those who dared to be holding onto [them] in secret would be beheaded. Hence those who were drowned in the Yi river were 8 000 people. The black-haired commoners' bitter poison started with this.
JS059, Biography of Sima Ying, King of Chengdu
The outriders arrived at Ye. Ying dispatched the Inspector of You province, Wang Cai, with Shi Chao, Li Yi and others to resist Jun. They were defeated by Jiezhu and others.
Within Ye they greatly shook in fear. The hundred companions fled and ran, the soldiers split up and scattered. Ying was afraid, he commanded several tens of riders of his personal followers, held the Son of Heaven close, and, together with a the Overseer of the Palace Writers, Lü Zhi, then ran. After five days they arrived in Luo. Jiezhu pursued to Zhaoge, but did not catch up and turned back.
JS089, Biography of Wang Yu
(see http://bookofjin.tumblr.com/js089 for full translation)
When the King of Chengdu. Ying, was at Ye, he also used [Wang] Yu as General who Excites the Martial. At Liu Yuanhai becoming Northern Shanyu, Yu talked to Ying, saying:
Yuanhai is now leaving. Yu requests to be pressing him for Your Highness. If not done, [I] fear he will not arrive.
Ying made it so, and used Yu as General who Rout the Caitiffs. Yuanhai thereupon kept him, afterwards using him as Grand Tutor.
JS091, Biographies of Cui You and Fan Long
Cui You, courtesy name Zixiang, was a native Shangdang. As young he was fond of studying, he was discerning and enlightened in the Ruist methods, tranquil, peaceful, humble and withdrawn. From young to old his mouth not once spoke about wealth and profit. At the end of Wei, he was examined as Filial and Upright, and appointed Retainer of the Chancellor's Office. He set out to be Chief of Dichi, he was very kind in government affairs. He retired due to illness, and thereupon was disabled and sick.
At the beginning of Taishi [265 – 274], Emperor Wu favoured the succession [?] from Emperor Wen's old office companions and staff, and attended on the family to designate a Palace Gentleman. Aged more than 70, he still esteemed studying and did not tire. He compiled a Chart of Mourning Clothes, which has come down through the ages. When Liu Yuanhai usurped the throne, he instructed him to be Imperial Clerk Grandee. He firmly declined and did not go. He passed on at home, at the time he was 93 years old.
Fan Long, courtesy name Songyan, was a native of Yanmen. His father Fang was Wei's Grand Warden of Yanmen. The pregnancy for Long lasted 15 months. When he was born then his father deceased. At the age of 4 sui, he also mourned his mother. The sound of his mournful shouts moved to anguish the travellers on the road. A lonely orphan, he had no relatives in mourning [?]. His distant clansman Fan Guang pitied and reared him. He received him [as if?] coming home, and taught him books, and had erected a sacrificial hall. Long was fond of studying and cultivated prudence, he served Guang like a father.
He had a broad and comprehensive understanding of the classics and records, overlooking nothing [?]. He put forth Spring and Autumn, Three Traditions, and compiled Three Rites, Good and Evil [in] the Ancestral Records, they considerably were ordering righteousness [?].
In the time of Emperor Hui, Under Heaven was about to be chaotic. Long hid his traces and did not obey the instructions of the province or commandery. In daytime he industriously ploughed and sowed, at night he recited the books and canons. He was quite versed in the esoteric calendar's teachings of yin and yang, and knew Bing province was about to have omens of vapours and malign auras. For that reason he more and more did not again set out to serve.
He was good friends with Zhu Ji of Shangdang. Once he wandered the mountains together with Ji. They saw an old man at the banks of a spent [?] mountain brook. The old man said:
You two Dukes, why are [you] at this place?
Long and others bowed to him. When they raised their heads to look at him, they no longer saw him. Later he and Ji depended on Liu Yuanhai. Yuanhai used Long as Great Herald and Ji as Grand Master of Ceremonies, both were enfeoffed as Dukes. Long died in the reign of Liu Cong. Cong bestowed Grand Teacher.
JS101, Yearly Annals of Liu Yuanhai
Wang Jun sent General Qi Hong to lead Xianbei and attack Ye. Ying was defeated, and held onto the Son of Heaven to run south to Luoyang. Yuanhai said:
Ying did not employ my words, on the contrary he is himself running from disaster. He truly has menial talents. However as I and him had words, I cannot but aid him.
Hence he instructed the Yulu King of the Right, Liu Jing, and the Dulu King of the Left, Liu Yannian, and others to lead 20 000 infantry and cavalry, and commanded them to punish the Xianbei. Liu Xuan and others firmly remonstrated, saying:
Jin is without the Way, slaves and lackeys govern us. Therefore the Worthy King of the Right's fierceness does not surpass his anger. Just now Jin's guide ropes are not spread. [If] the great affair is not followed through, the Worthy of the Right will smear [himself?] with earth, to the Shanyu's shame.
Now in the Sima clan, father and son, elder and younger brother, are themselves [chopping] each other [like] fish meat, this is Heaven casting aside Jin's virtue and conferring it on us. [If] the Shanyu stores up virtue in his body, and is submitted to by the people of Jin, [he] soon will raise up our nation and tribe and restore the patrimony of Huhanxie. The Xianbei and Wuhuan could be used as helpers, why would [we] resist them and aid [our] foes!
Now Heaven is acting through us and cannot be disobeyed. To disobey Heaven is not auspicious, to go against the multitudes is not helpful. [He who when] Heaven gives does not take, will in turn receive his calamity. [I] wish the Shanyu would not doubt.
Yuanhai said:
Good. I will be raising up the hill to the pinnacle mound, why would I make a hillock! As for Emperors and Kings, when where they regular? Yu the Great set out from the Western Rong, King Wen was born among the eastern Yu. Looking back, they were conferred for virtue, that was all.
Now [I] see a multitude of more than 100 000, and anyone of us is a match for ten of the Jin. To strike the march and then destroy chaotic Jin is like snapping deadwood, that is all. At best I can complete the legacy of Gao of Han, at worst I will be no less than the Wei clan.
However the people of Jin are not necessarily similar to us. Han had Under Heaven for many generations, kindness and virtue connection to people's hearts. Thus though Zhaolie [lived] rough and rugged in the lands of a single province, he was yet able contend at an equal level Under Heaven. I am also a sister's child of the Han clan, sworn to be elder and younger brothers. When the older brother perishes, the younger carries on. Can we not do likewise? Moreover, I can raise up Han, posthumously honour the Later Ruler, and thereby comfort the people's expectations.
He therefore moved to Zuoguocheng. The far-away people who reverted to adherence were several ten thousand.
1st Year of Yongxing [304 AD], Yuanhai therefore had an altar in the southern suburbs, and falsely acceded as King of Han. He sent down an order, saying:
Formerly our Grand Founder [ta], the Exalted [gao] August Emperor used his divine martial ability to follow expectations, and broadly began the great patrimony. The Grand Ancestor [taizong], the Filial and Civil [xiaowen] August Emperor gave weight to using enlightened kindness, peace and prosperity was the Way of Han. The Generational Ancestor [shizong], the Filial and Martiaizul [xiaowu] August Emperor expanded the territory and repelled the yi, the territory exceeding the days of Tang. The Middle Ancestor [zhongzong], the Filial and Propagating [xiaoxuan] August Emperor, sought and lifted up the capable and outstanding, many scholars filled the court.
Hence the Way of our founder and ancestors strode pass the Three Kings, their achievements exalted as the Five Emperors. For that reason the foretold years were many times the Xia and Shang's, the foretold generations exceeded the Ji clan. But Yuan and Cheng had many crimes, Ai and Ping were briefly blessed. The traitorous subject Wang Mang overflowed Heaven and usurped disobediently.
Our Generational Founder [shizu], the Brilliant and Martial [guangwu] August Emperor was expansively endowed with sagely martial ability. He immensely restored the vast foundation, worshipped Han matched with Heaven, and did not neglect old matters, so that the Three Luminaries' obscurity were yet restored to clarity, the Three Receptacles' darkness were yet restored to visibility. The Manifesting Ancestor [xianzong], the Filial and Enlightened [xiaoming] August Emperor, and the Solemn Ancestor [suzong], the Filial and Articulating [xiaozhang] August Emperor, amassed eras, the blazing light twice revealed.
From He and An and afterwards, the august guide-ropes gradually decayed, Heaven's pace was hard and difficult, the state's government again and again cut off. The Yellow Turban seas boiled in the Nine Provinces, the crowd of eunuchs' poison flowed in the Four Seas. Dong Zhuo following that indulged his careless heedlessness, Cao Cao, father and son, fell rebels, were soon after.
For that reason Xiaomin let go and put aside the ten thousand states. Zhaolie strayed beyond Min and Shu, hoping the stoppage in the end would have exaltation, returning the carriage box to the old capital. How to assess Heaven not regretting the calamity, the Later Emperor was embarrassed and humiliated.
Since the altars of soil and grain were lost and ceased, the ancestral temple have not had blood to eat for forty years until this point. Now Heaven is coaxing its inner self, regretting the calamity to August Han, and making the Sima clan, father and son, elder and younger brother, repeatedly break and wipe out each other. The numerous multitudes are in the mud and soot, scattering to denounce and accuse.
This Orphan is now all at once pushed forward by the crowd of excellencies, to carry on offering to the Three Founders' legacy. Looking at [my?] current crippled ignorance, [I] shiver in fear for collapsing in a shallow grave [?]. However, as the great shame is not yet wiped away, the altars of soil and grain are without a host, with gall in the mouth and the roost cold [?], [I] will strive to follow the crowd's opinion.
He therefore made an amnesty within his region, with the year titled Yuanxi [“Inaugural Radiance”], and posthumously venerated Liu Shan as the Filial and Cherished [xiaohuai] August Emperor. He established Gaozu of Han and below, three Founders and five Ancestors, as divine rules and worshipped them. He established his wife, Ms. Huyan, as Queen. He set up the hundred officials, using Liu Xuan as Imperial Chancellor, Cui You as Imperial Clerk Grandee, Liu Hong as Grand Commandant, the remainder were designated and conferred each proportionally.
JS101, Biography of Liu Xuan
Yuanhai acceded as king at the advice of Xuan. For that reason he especially received honour, his merits among the relatives [?] had no equal, in the army and state, inside and outside, nobody did not esteem him.
JS102, Biography of Chen Yuanda
Chen Yuanda, courtesy name Changhong, was a native of the Rear Section. His original family name was Gao, due his birth month hindering his father, he for that reason changed to be called Chen. As young he was faced with orphanage and impoverishment. He often personally ploughed while reciting books. He enjoyed the Way and walked chanting, in exuberant delight like that. Reaching age fourteen, he did not interact or communicate with people. Yuanhai was Worthy King of the Left. He heard about and summoned him, but Yuanda did not answer. When Yuanhai usurped the title, people spoke to Yuanda, saying:
Formerly Excellency Liu was submissive. You Lord disregarded [him] and did not look back. Now he is esteemed as the flying dragon. Are you, Lord, afraid?
Yuanda replied, saying:
Why are you saying that? His person's bearing and measures are prominent and outstanding, and he has the aspirations of caging and netting space and time. I firmly understood it a long time ago. As such in former days, although I did not go, it was due to destined time having not yet arrived. [I] was not able with no affairs to babble babble. He himself had accordingly confidence [?] in me. You Sir only just became aware of him. I fear it will not go beyond two or three days before the relayed letter will surely arrive.
That evening Yuanhai actually summoned Yuanda as Gentleman of the Yellow Gates. The person said:
You Lord is likely a sage!
When he had arrived, he was brought in for audience. Yuanhai said:
You Sir assented to come early. Why be a Gentlemen and that is all.
Yuanda said:
Your Subject has considered an allotment for his nature [?], the abundant allotments are brimming. [If] Your Subject early knocked the Heavenly Gates, maybe the Great King would bestow a place among the Nine Ministers or Receiver of Words. If these then are not allotments for Your Subject, Your Subject may ask accordingly for what he is worthy of! Thus due to curbing feelings, hemming and hawing, waiting for allotment and then arrive, [then] the Great King is without the slander of excessive bestowal, Your Small Subject avoids the calamity of summoning bandits, can this not be done!
Yuanhai was greatly pleased. While in his post, he was loyal and bold, frequently advancing with frank words. When he withdrew to edit a draft, even his sons and brothers did not get to know about it.
JS103, Yearly Annals of Liu Yao
Liu Yao, courtesy name Yongming, was Yuanhai's clan-child. He was orphaned young and was reared by Yuanhai. While a child he was intelligent and discerning, and had unusual measures. At the age of eight sui, he accompanied Yuanhai hunting in the western mountains. It happened to rain, and they stopped beneath a tree. Suddenly thunder shook the tree, the nearby people could not but fall over. Yao's spirit and appearance remained self-composed. Yuanhai was astonished with him and said:
This our family's thousand li colt. Cousin is not dead!
He was 9 chi, 3 cun tall, his hands hung down beyond the knees. When he was born, his eyebrows were white and his eyes had a red shine. His beard and whiskers did not exceed a hundred roots, but all were 5 chi long. He by nature lifted up schemes and was eminently bright, he stood out from the crowd. He studied books and treatises with a broad outlook, he did not precisely consider sections or sentences. He was good at composing texts and was skilled with the draft and clerical scripts. His gallantry and martial ability exceeded other people, iron 1 cun thick he could shoot at and pierce it, at that time he was nicknamed as a divine archer. He was particularly fond of military books could recite roughly all of them from memory.
He often made light of and insulted Wu and Deng, and compared himself with Yue Yi, Xiao and Cao. At the time people did not agree with him, only Cong always said:
Yongming, to flow with Shizu and Wu of Wei, why are those excellencies sufficient to speak of!
As a youth he drifted to Luoyang. He was convicted in an affair and was to be executed, but absconded and hid in Zhaoxian. There befell an amnesty and he then returned home.
He himself, due to his appearance and quality being different from the multitudes, feared he would not be tolerated by the era. He hid his tracks in the Guancen Mountains, using the zither and books as his affairs. One night as he was dwelling idle, there were two servant boys who entered, knelt, saying:
The King of Guancen sends his Young Subjects to receive and pay respects to the August Emperor of Zhao.
They presented a single edged sword and set it up before them, bowed twice and left. He used a torch to inspect it. The sword was 2 chi long, its shine and polish was not ordinary, red jade made up the scabbard, on its backside there was an inscription which said: “The divine sword reigns, removes the multitudes' posion”. Yao thereupon wore it. The sword followed the four seasons and changed to have five colours.
劉曜,字永明,元海之族子也。少孤,見養於元海。幼而聰彗,有奇度。年八歲,從元海獵於西山,遇雨,止樹下,迅雷震樹,旁人莫不顛仆,曜神色自若。元海異之曰:「此吾家千里駒也,從兄為不亡矣!」身長九尺三寸,垂手過膝,生而眉白,目有赤光,鬚髯不過百餘根,而皆長五尺。性拓落高亮,與眾不群。讀書志於廣覽,不精思章句,善屬文,工草隸。雄武過人,鐵厚一寸,射而洞之,於時號為神射。尤好兵書,略皆闇誦。常輕侮吳、鄧,而自比樂毅、蕭、曹,時人莫之許也,惟聰每曰:「永明,世祖、魏武之流,何數公足道哉!」 弱冠游于洛陽,坐事當誅,亡匿朝鮮,遇赦而歸。自以形質異眾,恐不容于世,隱迹管涔山,以琴書為事。嘗夜閑居,有二童子入跪曰:「管涔王使小臣奉謁趙皇帝,獻劍一口。」置前再拜而去。以燭視之,劍長二尺,光澤非常,赤玉為室,背上有銘曰:「神劍御,除眾毒。」曜遂服之。劍隨四時而變為五色。
TPYL045, Geography Part 10: Mountains of Hebei
The Records of Former Zhao states:
Liu Yuanhai's clan-child Yao, once escaped to hide in the mountains of Guancen. At night suddenly there were two servant boys who entered, knelt, and said:
The King of Guancen sends his Young Subjects to receive and pay respects to the August Emperor of Zhao.
They presented a single edged sword and set it up before them, bowed twice and left. He used a torch to inspect it. The sword was 2 chi long, its shine and polish was not ordinary, on its backside there was an inscription which stated: The divine sword worn [by] the ruler, removes the multitudes' poison”.  Yao thereupon wore it. In the following season it changed to have five colours.
TPYL119, Regional Hegemons Part 3: Liu Yuan
Cui Hong's Spring and Autumn of the Sixteen States, Records of Former Zhao says:
Yuan said:
I will be raising up the hill to the pinnacle mound, why would I make a hillock! As for Emperors and Kings, when where they regular? Yu the Great was born among the Western Rong, King Wen was born among the eastern Yu. Looking back, they were conferred for virtue, that was all.
Now [I] see a multitude of more than 100 000, and anyone of us is a match for ten of the Jin. To strike the march and destroy chaotic Jin is like snapping deadwood, that is all. At best I can complete the legacy of Gao of Han, at worst I will be no less than the Wei clan. How is Huhanxie a sufficient course of action!
Xuan and others praised it as good.
1st Year of Yuanxi [304 AD], he moved to Zuoguocheng. The Jin people who [came from] the east to adhere were several ten thousand. Xuan and others sent up [to assume] the venerated title. Yuan said:
Now the Jin clan still exist, the Four Regions are not yet settled. [We] can look up to and honour the Exalted August's first regulations, and moreover designate [me] King of Han [while] for the moment delaying the tile of August Emperor. [When I] hear the cosmos is mixed into one [I] will once more discuss it.
10th Month [14 November – 10 December], he had an altar in the southern suburbs, and falsely ranked as King of Han. He changed Jin's 1st Year of Yongxing to be the 1st Year of Yuanxi [“Inaugural Radiance”], there was a great amnesty Under Heaven. He posthumously venerated Liu Shan as the Filial and Cherished [xiaohuai] August Emperor, established the divine rulers of the three Ancestors and five Founders and worshipped them. He set up the hundred officials, using  Liu Xuan as Imperial Chancellor, and designated and conferred each proportionally.
TPYL119, Regional Hegemons Part 3: Liu Yuan
Cui Hong's Spring and Autumn of the Sixteen States, Records of Former Zhao says:
Liu Yao, courtesy name Yongming, was Yuan's clan-child. He was orphaned young and was reared by Yuan. While a child he was intelligent and discerning. He by nature lifted up schemes and was eminently bright, he stood out from the crowd. Iron 1 cun thick he could shoot at and pierce it. He was 9 chi, 3 cun tall, his hands hung down beyond the knees. When he was born, his eyebrows were white and his eyes had a red shine. His beard did not exceed a hundred roots, but all were 5 chi long.
TPYL421, People's Doings Part 62: Righteousness, Middle
Cui Hong's Spring and Autumn of the Sixteen States, Records of Former Zhao says:
The King of Jiangdu, [Liu] Yannian, at the age of 15 mourned his two parents. He served his uncle and had a reputation for filial piety. His son Liangsun and first cousin once removed were seized by a man-eating thief [?]. Yannian pursued and requested them. The thief considered Liangsun to return home with Yannian. Yannian did obeisance and requested saying:
I as a young orphan was reared by my uncle. This is my uncle's orphaned grandson. [I] hope that [you will] consider my son to change with him.
The thief said:
You Lord is a righteous gentleman
He released him.
ZZTJ085, Annals of Jin
He dispatched the Yulu King of the Left, Hong, to lead 5 000 elite cavalry and meet up with Ying's general Wang Cui and resist the Duke of Dongying, Teng. But Cui had already been defeated by Teng, so Hong returned back with nothing done.
Wang Jun and the Duke of Dongying, Teng, combined troops to strike Wang Bin, greatly routing him. Jun used the Master of Accounts, Qi Hong as vanguard. He defeated Shi Chao at Pingji, and exploited the victory to advance the army. Within Ye they greatly shook in fear. The hundred companions fled and ran, the soldiers split up and scattered. … Ying thereupon commanded several tens of riders of his personal followers, and together with Zhi served the Emperor in driving a calf chariot fleeing south to Luoyang.
Wang Jun entered Ye. The multitude soldiers brutally plundered and the dead were very many. He sent Jiezhu of the Wuhuan to pursue the Brother-Heir, Ying. He reached Zhaoge but did not catch up. Jun turned back to Ji. Since many of the Xianbei carried off people's wives and daughters, he instructed that if there were those who dared to be holding onto [them] in secret, they would be beheaded. Hence those who were drowned in the Yi river were 8 000 people.
The Duke of Dongying, Teng, requested a host from Tuoba Yitou to accordingly strike at Liu Yuan. Yituo and his younger brother Yilu combined troops to strike Yuan in Xihe, and routed him. He swore a covenant with at the east of the Fen, and then returned. The outriders arrived at Ye.
Liu Yuan heard the Brother-Heir, Ying, had left Ye, he sighed and said:
He did not employ my words, on the contrary he is himself running from disaster. He truly has menial talents. However as I and him had words, I cannot accordingly not aid him.
He commanded to send out troops to strike the Xianbei and Wuhuan. Liu Xuan and others remonstrated, saying:
The people of Jin's slaves and lackeys govern us. Now their bones and flesh harm each other. Thus Heaven rejects them and causes us to restore the patrimony of Huhanxie. The Xianbei and Wuhuan are of our manners and type, and could be used as helpers. Why would we strike them!
Yuan said:
Good. A man of great talent must become Gao of Han or Wu of Wei. Huhanxie, how is it enough to emulate him!
Xuan and others touched head to ground, saying:
[They] are not reaching up [to you].
Liu Yuan moved the capital to Zuoguocheng. The Hu and Jin who reverted to him were more and more multitudes. Yuan spoke to his crowd of subjects, saying:
Formerly Han had Under Heaven for a very long time, with kindness connecting to the population. I am a sister's child of the the Han clan, sworn to be elder and younger brothers. When the older brother perishes, the younger carries on. Can we not do likewise?
He therefore founded a state titled Han. Liu Xuan and others requested to elevate to the venerated title. Yuan said:
Now the Four Regions are not yet settled, moreover [we] can rely on the Exalted Founder and designate [me] King of Han.
Hence he acceded as King of Han. There was a great amnesty, and he changed the inaugural to be Yuanxi [“Inaugural Radiance”]. He posthumously honoured the Duke of Anle, Shan, as the Filial and Cherished [xiaohuai] August Emperor. He made Han's three Founders and five Ancestors divine rulers and worshipped them. He established his wife, Ms. Huyan, as Queen. He used the Worthy King of the Right, Xuan, as Imperial Chancellor, Cui You as Imperial Clerk Grandee, the Yulu King of the Left, Hong, as Grand Commandant, Fan Long as Great Herald, Zhu Ji as Grand Master of Ceremonies, Cui Yizhi of Shangdang and Chen Yuanda of the Rear Section both as Gentlemen of the Yellow Gates, his clan-child Yao as General who Establishes the Martial. You firmly declined and did not go.
Yuanda as young had aspirations for commitment. Yuan once summoned him, but Yuanda did not answer. When Yuan became King of Han, someone spoke to Yuanda, saying:
Are you, Lord, afraid?
Yuanda replied, saying:
I understood that person a long time ago. He likewise revealed the heart of mine. However [I] fear it will not go beyond three or two days before the relayed letter will surely arrive.
That evening Yuan actually summoned Yuanda. Yuanda served Yuan, frequently advancing with frank words. When he withdrew to edit a draft, even his sons and brothers did not get to know about it.
When Yao was born, his eyebrows were white and his eyes had a red shine. While a child he was intelligent and discerning, and made daring calculations. He was orphaned young and was reared by Yuan. Becoming adult, his deportment and appearance was remarkable and imposing. He by nature lifted up schemes and was eminently bright, he stood out from the crowd. He was fond of studying books and good at composing text. Iron 1 cun thick he could shoot at and pierce it. He often compared himself with Yue Yi and Xiao and Cao. At the time people did not agree with him, only Liu Cong esteemed him, saying:
Yongming, to flow with Shizu of Han and Wu of Wei, why are those excellencies sufficient to speak of!
王浚、東嬴公騰合兵擊王斌,大破之。浚以主簿祁弘為前鋒,敗石超於平棘,乘勝進軍。候騎至鄴,鄴中大震,百僚奔走,土卒分散。... 穎遂將帳下數十騎與志奉帝御犢車南奔洛陽。
10th Month, Liu Yuan moved the capital to Zuoguocheng.
{Below it is said “In Lishi there was a great famine, he moved to Liting”, then thus Yuan was still at Lishi. Note that in Du You's Comprehensive Statutes: Lishi has the Southern Shanyu's courtyard at Zuoguocheng. As such, though Yuan moved to Zuoguo, he still was within the borders of Lishi county.}
Yuan acceded as King of Han.
{In the Annals of Emperors, Li Xiong and Liu Yuan were both designated kings in the 11th Month, after Emperor Hui entered Chang'an. In the Treatise on the States of Huayang, Li Xiong was designated in the 10th Month, one source writes 12th Month. The Thirty States, Spring and Autumn of Jin, and the Records of the Sixteen States all have it in the 10th Month. Now [I] follow them.}
十月劉淵遷都左國城〈下云「離石大饑,遷于黎亭」,則是淵猶在離石也。按杜佑《通典》:離石有南單于庭左國城。然則淵雖遷左國,猶在離石縣境內也。 〉
淵即漢王位〈《帝紀》,李雄、劉淵稱王,皆在十一月惠帝入長安後。《華陽國志》,李雄十月稱王,一本作十二月。《三十國》、《晉春秋》、《十六國鈔》皆在十月。今從之 〉
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