#犬. crack
loyaltycollared · 2 years
@asterisque replied to your post:
joe, looking at the tags: do i need to call the cops.​
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“I am certain we can work out some other arrangement…” It isn’t as though he is planning to collide with Reki — it just pays off to be prepared.
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seventhdecrees · 1 year
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ “ Time to trick or treat with Kage and Dango. The plan is in motion! ”
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Twin Rabbits Come and Play their Flute (Rabbit Rampage)
If you find a pair of twin rabbits
You mustn't chase them
For there's surely no Wonderland
In the hole they've jumped down
God decided on this rule
Where you lose your memories if you're reborn
If you don't
You'll start to break
そう パパとママのように
Yes, just like Papa and Mama
そう パパとママのように
Yes, just like Papa and Mama
The demon's flute starts to play
Only children who have no parents
その音 聞くことができる
Can hear its sound
We're sizing them up
Those with lonely hearts are our
If you're an ordinary child
You'll lose your worries and your memories
If you're our master, then you're our
ラヴィ!ラヴィ!ウサギ 来りて
Raviii! Raviii! Rabbits come
Raviii! Raviii! And play their flute
ラヴィ!ラヴィ!双子 来りて
Raviii! Raviii! Twins come
Raviii! Raviii! And play their flute
ひび割れたガラスの小瓶 もう道は示さない
The cracked glass bottle no longer shows the way
影のパレード その行く先は誰も知らず
No one knows where the shadow parade will go
If you find a candy mansion
You mustn't be drawn in
For there are twin rabbits inside
Who carry along the dog cook's meals
Our master's determined to get a body
She needs as many candidates as she can get
This endless journey
Will continue
そう パパとママのように
Yes, just like Papa and Mama
そう パパとママのように
Yes, just like Papa and Mama
The demon's flute begins to play
Today again the restaurant's a success
As the rabbits carry out each dish
We're sizing them up
Those with wicked hearts are our
The guests keep eating their meals
And so we steadily fatten them up
It's eat or be eaten
One day you too will be a
ラヴィ!ラヴィ!ピエロ 来りて
Raviii! Raviii! Pierrot comes
Raviii! Raviii! And plays his flute
ラヴィ!ラヴィ!メイド 来りて
Raviii! Raviii! The maid comes
Raviii! Raviii! And plays her flute
この道がどこに続くか いまだにわからない
We still don't yet know where this path will lead
明けない月夜抄 辿り着けぬ僕らの家
In this Tale of an Endless Moonlit Night, we have yet to reach our home
All are enticed by the timbre of the flute
And so tonight as well we've got a full house
We're sizing them up
Superb ingredients are our
When they're engulfed by the scorching fires of hell
Tonight's dinner is complete
Our special for today is grilled meat
You are tonight's
ラヴィ!ラヴィ!ウサギ 来りて
Raviii! Raviii! Rabbits come
Raviii! Raviii! And play their flute
ラヴィ!ラヴィ!双子 来りて
Raviii! Raviii! Twins come
Raviii! Raviii! And play their flute
ラヴィ!ラヴィ!ピエロ 来りて
Raviii! Raviii! Pierrot comes
Raviii! Raviii! And plays his flute
ラヴィ!ラヴィ!メイド 来りて
Raviii! Raviii! The maid comes
Raviii! Raviii! And plays her flute
Wake up...Hänsel...
Evillious Chronicles
Crime and Punishment World
気が付いた時にいたのは あの森の真ん中
When we came to, we were in the middle of that forest
A Tale of Abandonment on a Moonlit Night
We'd always dreamed of this until now...
...Or so we dreamed
Arte Ente Conchita
Pollo Gnese Conchita
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thekimonogallery · 2 years
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"I said it before, but dogs can crack their abs." Text and photography by ジョーは犬&猫と共に古民家で暮らしている @6464prpr
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nzchao · 5 months
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今週末、本日から明日の2日間にかけて京都文化博物館で開催される、ビデオパーティーに出品します。 拙作は初日9日の16:30〜、プログラム3にて『PurpleLine の Tetsuyaizer』が上映されます。 よろしくお願いします。
10:30~ Program 1 13:30~ Program 2 16:30~ Program 3
10:30~ Program 4 13:30~ Program 5 16:30~ Program 6
●学生(高校生以下無料) 1プロ…700円 1日券…1,600円 2日券…3,000円
●一般 1プロ…1,200円 1日券…3,000円 2日券…4,000円
●友の会/障がい者 1プロ…700円 1日券…1,600円 2日券…3,000円
■会場 京都文化博物館 3F フィルムシアター 〒604-8183 京都府京都市中京区三条高倉角(東片町623ー1) TEL. 075-222-0888 FAX. 075-222-0889
・地下鉄「烏丸御池駅」下車【5】番出口から三条通りを東へ徒歩3分  駅周辺図 ・阪急「烏丸駅」下車【16】番出口から高倉通りを北へ徒歩7分  駅周辺図 ・京阪「三条駅」下車【6】番出口から三条通りを西へ徒歩15分  駅周辺図 ・JR・近鉄「京都駅」から地下鉄へ ・市バス「堺町御池」下車、徒歩2分
京都文化博物館 The Museum of KYOTO https://www.bunpaku.or.jp/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100042244075900 Twitter: @kyoto_bunpaku https://twitter.com/kyoto_bunpaku Instagram: @the_museum_of_kyoto https://www.instagram.com/the_museum_of_kyoto/
VIDEO PARTY10を2023年12月9〜10日の2日間、京都文化博物館フィルムシアターにて開催します。 本上映展は15分以内の一般公募による映像を紹介するもので、ドラマやアニメーション、ビデオアートといった様々なジャンルの映像を上映します。 2013年に始まり、これまで上映した作品は610作品。京都を中心に札幌、岩手、東京、マカオ、台北、台中、深圳、ソウル、釜山、リッチモンド、ベルリンと各地での上映を通した交流も行なっています。 個人で作られた映像を発表する機会は多くありません。VIDEO PARTYは様々な表現の可能性を秘めた映像作品を公開しする場を作りたいと考え運営しています。 出品・鑑賞どちらでも構いません、皆様のご参加をお待ちしています。
■企画・運営 AF PLAN ■共催 京都文化博物館 ■協力 新視角、株式会社デンキトンボ、Brand new day、tapetum works、Medienwerkstatt(Berlin)、畑洋子
AF PLAN http://www.af-plan.com/ Twitter: @AF_Plan_info https://twitter.com/AF_Plan_info
●program 1 [12/9(sat)10:30~] 中村 古都子 / 魔法の紫ウサギ Michael LYONS / パーツ 山川 智輝 / 不在の存在 高上 雄太 / なんでやねん! 相内 啓司 / 愛撫-The caress/La caresse 小川 泉 / 山火事 高原 修一 / ギャラリーでの一日 Yüiho Umeoka / Manipulated Colorbars いまいゆか / 春の日 後藤 由香里 / Book 龍 健太 / さや 石川 亮 / Signify GUP-py / Beyond The Door 扉の向こう側に Michael Hoepfel / Inner City 近視のサエ子 / 次回、納豆ファンク「叫んで、おまめ!」
●program 2 [12/9(sat)13:30~] 宮里 洸樹 / OPENING 相内 啓司 / Days in uncertainty 不確かな日々 吉田 孝行 / ある日のモエレ しもきた観覧車 / ゴンドラリー つはる&ババカヲルコ / 呪殺の曼荼羅 小野 光洋 / 落としもの なかやまえりか / カゾクノキョリ Isa Schmidlehner / Beate まきのみつる / 怪獣リューリとメシエ、デジタル刺繍ミシン編 中沢 志保 / きみの感触 延 紗英子 / 4 Little Swans? ニシノユキコ / ワン・トゥー・スリー 三ツ星レストランの残飯 / FUSI GEA Alessandro Maggioni / Gideon‘s Tale 葭原 武蔵 / Midnight Special
●program 3 [12/9(sat)16:30~] (実在しない)切り抜きチャンネル / お絵描きは孤独 永山 凜太郎 / nowhere らぐすけ / Trickle 栗原 亜也子 / MindGames ‘ I am Here’ 20170915-1025 ニシノユキコ / 女の会話〜The Age of 27〜 岸本 真季 / 陛下と丞相、あと皇后 菊沢 天太 / ACTOR1 Short 坪根 正直 / Foton 西田 知司 / 裏小樽モンパルナス 島津 凜音 / 43歳の夏休み 中林 空 / NO ONE CAME TO HELP 柴原 直哉 / 思洞 ムラカミロキ / PurpleLine の Tetsuyaizer 高橋 幸太郎 / お墨さん パート2 Manuela Johanna Covini / # The Speculative in the Spectacle 高山 隆一 / 遠雷 中本 京佑 / 魂のふるさとより
●program 4 [12/10(sun)10:30~] 蒼太 / パーク らぐすけ / Earth 永山 凜太郎 / GIVE ME BACK MY PRECIOUS 林 恭平 / 宇宙血液 (実在しない)切り抜きチャンネル / 魔法使いに聞いてみた 猪鼻 秀一 / 護謨の中の吠える犬 朝倉 小冬深 / Landscape Flicker 三木 はるか / 安吾のごときもの歩く 龍 健太 / 畢生 岡澤 侑希 / 響 田中 いずみ / ナンゾヤ tama-style / your eyes Lina Walde / In circles DOGlover / DANCE 役者でない / too small to get 藤井 アンナ / グランス
●program 5 [12/10(sun)13:30~] 塩原 璧 / 双翅軍雷攻 具志堅 裕介 / mikikikikimimi まちだリな / ニンジンは待ってくれない 永山 凜太郎 / HACHIOJI TO DISMEMBER 多田 文彦 / 稲荷遊技場 林 ケイタ / BUG STRIPE -CRACK MATSUMO / 放課後の怪物 龍 健太 / 唯一 伊奈 新祐 / Sketch of Kyo(京) Vol.2~祇園祭~ 赤木 崇徳 / Lowrider Johnny HUNG / Semordnilap zihiro / ワンネス Lioba von den Driesch / ludo_2 ないとう日和 / ボ―――――― 柳瀬 昇 / 新月ウォーク さとうゆか / もも 立川 清志楼 / 微景 東 遼太 / 飛蚊症
●program 6 [12/10(sun)16:30~] 相馬 あかり / 愚者の石 龍 健太 / PREPARE TO MARCH!! うえだしょうた / composition 野村 建太 / ☀︎★✈︎←→ 蒼太 / マリンシークレット 景燁 / 本当の私が見える? りけいき / sleep issue 長野 清香 / キャンディはいかが 三ツ星レストランの残飯 / スタぁ錦肝 あるふぁ@ / シンセリアリティ Hiroko Tanahashi & Post Theater / SPOOKAI Gaby Schulze / abstraktes abstract 片岡 ���海 / 書動―游泳― Momgua Eom / Nino 山口 健太 / ロックダウンボーイ③-またきてね-
●映像展示[12/9(sat)12/10(sun)] よこえれいな / Relief
WebSite http://www.af-plan.com/vp/ Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/video.party.kyoto/ Twitter: @VIDEOPARTYKYOTO https://twitter.com/VIDEOPARTYKYOTO
Facebook Event Page https://www.facebook.com/events/1690005014777532
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zurazuran · 1 year
yeah we cruise through life そうさ、オレたちは人生を航海している with our grip held tight 拳を固く握りしめて if only time could tell きっと時が証明してくれる cause our fears just might 恐れがあるから collide with dreams we had 理想と一致しないんだ all these paths offline 隔絶された生き方をして if i could make more sense of things i like 好きなものにただ無我夢中でいられたなら regardless なりふり構わずにさ i create what i feel inside 心の中にあるものを創り出すんだ this thera-peutic place where my tears all dried 涙が枯れ果てた、安息の地で it's blissful seasons change & the time flies by 季節の変わり目は心安らぐのに、あっという間に過ぎ去っていく i always feel so strained and i don't know why どうしてオレはいつも神経を尖らせているんだ be honest ぶっちゃけさ how many mother fuckers do what you do? お前のようなクソ野郎は何人いるんだろうな you got everything you want but ain't nobody got you 欲しいものは何でも手に入れたんだろうが、誰もお前を手に入れることはできやしない they're so amazed by the constant drops, the plays & the views ヤツらは、絶え間ない変化、戯れ、光景に驚愕している but i'm deranged, fucking insane, spittin my pain in the booth でもオレはイカれてるんだ、正気じゃない、レコーディングブースの中で痛みをぶちまけている it's a mad fucking world we chasin pennies & truth 1セント硬貨と真実を追い求める狂気の世界 can you believe i fucking made it dodged a box & a suit 信じられるか?塀の中と裁判を切り抜けられたんだぞ i'm just a boy from outer space who ain't got nothing to lose オレは宇宙から来た少年で、失うものなんかない so imma chase away the pain with 40 ounces of booze だから1.2リットルの酒で苦しみを追い払うのさ
cracks in every wall 障壁に走る亀裂 but they ain't ever seen me fall でもアイツらはオレが失墜するのは見たことがない they ain't ever seen me fall 這いつくばる姿をな shootin like a star 流星のごとく流れていく
yeah your planet ain't that far
ああ、お前の惑星はそう遠くはない you'll be home by monday 月曜には家に帰れるさ
i burn a blunt & bridge the gap to what is left 葉巻とよすがを燃やし尽くして、残りのギャップを埋めるんだ i'm upset cause half my childhood was theft 子どもの頃のほとんどは盗みばかりしていたから狼狽えている it's apparent that my scars all tell a story east to west オレの傷跡が東から西へと伝わっていく話なのは分かりきってるだろ but i can't tell it cause i'm occupied by beds i overslept ベッドで寝過ごして手一杯なんだ、なんて言えやしないが in a second i'll feel fine, but in a minute i'm depressed ほんの一瞬、気持ちが晴れても、1分後には憂鬱な気分になる all these voices in my head been telling me what to do next 頭の中でいろんな声がして、次にすべきことを教えてくれる is there any fucking answers underneath the skin i'm dressed 着飾った皮膚の下にくだらない答えがあるのか? in i always think about it till i say nah & forget いつもやめよう、忘れちまえって思うまで考えてる there's evil locked inside me but i don't know where it went 心の中に悪魔を封じ込めたんだけど、どこいっちまったんだろうな so i practice tying knots in case the thoughts inside my head だからさ、頭の中で考えていることを結びつけられるように練習している leave me manic watch me panic bout the past until i'm dead 躁状態のまま、死ぬまで過去のことでパニックになってるのを見ててくれ all because some fucking loser touched my dick when i was ten なにもかも10歳のころ、オレのチンコに触った負け犬どものせいだ yeah they say men can't be raped but i'm a victim in the end 男はレイプされないなんて言うが、結局はオレも被害者だった let it shake up my whole world until the day that i ascend くたばるまで、自分のすべてを揺さぶるだろう it's a blessing and a curse but what's worse is most men 天恵であり、呪いでもある でも最悪なのは、たいていの男どもは do not open up about it till they start to comprehend これを理解し始めるまで打ち明けることすらないってことだ fuck クソくらえ
cracks in every wall あらゆる障壁に亀裂が走る but they ain't ever seen me fall でもオレが失墜するのをヤツらは見たことがないんだ they ain't ever seen me fall 誰もないんだ shootin like a star 流星のごとく落ちていく yeah your planet ain't that far ああ、お前の惑星はそんなに遠くないな you'll be home by monday 月曜になれば帰れる
yeah we thrown in the ocean そうさ、オレたちは海に放り投げられたんだ deep end swimmin with a pocket full of potions ポケット一杯に薬を詰め込んで海の底を漂う vices to commend the fallen ones that lost their focus 挫折した落ちこぼれを讃えるための悪癖 i'm a toy solider moving weight in slow motion オレはスローモーションで体を動かす玩具の兵士だ oh shit あークソッ i'm losing focus 意識が飛ぶ how the fuck you fix it with a bottle and some roaches 酒と葉巻の残骸でどうやって解決するつもりだ you ain't been yourself & it's been noted by the hopeless お前らしくない、それは無駄なことだ they look up to you & you've been stuck in a hypnosis 人々の注目を浴び、お前はまるで催眠術にでもかかっているようだ no sis 違うだろ、なあ? i ain't drunk that's bullshit 酔ってねえよ馬鹿野郎 i've been chasing dreams and getting money on the road shit 夢を追いかける道中で、金を稼いできたクソ野郎なんだ i cut off my friends by being anxious on some ghost shit ぷっつりと連絡を断ち切って心配する友人たちを切り捨ててきたクズ野郎さ i don't like myself and i don't even think i'll post this 自分が嫌いだし、これを投稿する気にもならない fuck another track about myself you probably know this 自分自身に関するもう1つの曲 お前は多分これを知っている i can hardly breathe but you're too dense to even notice 息も出来ないほどなのに、お前は鈍感だから気づかないんだ is it a.d.d. or apathy of all i know A.D.D.なのか、それともただ無関心なだけなのか、分からない this year has been the worst for me but i don't like to boast 今年は最悪の年だったが、自慢するつもりはないさ chyeaaahhh so やってやったぜ
cracks in every wall あらゆる障壁に走る亀裂 but they ain't ever seen me fall だがオレが失墜するのを見たヤツはいない they ain't ever seen me fall 誰もないんだ shootin like a star 流星のごとく流れていく yeah your planet ain't that far ああ、お前の惑星はそんなに遠くないな you'll be home by monday 月曜になったら帰ろう
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inusedai · 3 years
@arashisedai​ @senpujin​ because he knows that look and it’s extremely inuyasha of her.
クンクン           クンクン !!
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                  “Keh. Something STINKS ‘round here.”
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notoriouslydevious · 4 years
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His Smell ♥ by 犬舍舍主千机机
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nanamikashewaky · 3 years
Ahuevo los shipps crack son mi pasión 🤭💖
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A rare YurryCanon translation from us, congratulations to the 5k subscriber raffle winner! Here is their requested song!
這って縋って嫌になって また懲りずに吐いてる 遊び足りんね Crawling, clinging on, and growing to hate it all I vomit again without learning my lesson There's not enough playtime
鳴いて歌って踊り舞って ほら囂しい程生きてみようぜ Howling, singing, and dancing, hey, let's try and live to the point it’s annoying
去ってしまった今に泣いた んな無駄は捨て置き かつえる輪廻 I've cried about the present that's gone away Discarding such uselessness, I've reached a starving Samsara
解いて縛って砕け散った 夢も何もかも忘れ去るの I was unraveled, bound, and smashed into pieces I'll forget it all, even my dreams
素寒貧な心の隙間に 不格好にあれもこれも並べて Things like this and that are clumsily lined up in the cracks of my destitute heart
摩天楼と化すまで積んだら 崩れ去るだけ If you keep piling it up until it becomes a skyscraper, all it'll do is crumble
いちにのさんで咲いて散る人生だ 今だって灰になる なら踊ろうぜ It's a life that blooms and dies with a 1,2,3 Even though the present will turn to ash, let's dance
さあ腐ってしまう前に すべて喰らい尽くせ 阿修羅修羅 Come, before it all rots away, completely consume it all, Asura Sura
じっとしてる間に天国だ 現在も未来もほら過去になるんだ As I stand still, I'm in heaven The present and future will now become the past
待って こんなんじゃ足りないわ ならば奪い尽くせ 阿修羅修羅 Hold on, if you haven't had enough, then steal it all away, Asura Sura
待っていたって変わらないな 考えてるだけじゃ伝わらないな Even if I wait, it won't change I can't communicate by just thinking
どうなったって構わないさ もう失うもんなどなにもない I don't care if it even comes to this, because I have nothing else to lose
生きる理由も生まれた意味も なんにもないけどそれでもいいか A reason to live and meaning to birth— none of that exists, but I guess that's fine  
酸いも甘いも永久も刹那も すべてを歌にしよう Sweet and sour, forever and in the moment, let's sing about it all
いちにのさんで全部忘れ去って 今をリセットなんてできやしないな I can't reset and completely forget the present with a 1,2,3
さあ狂ってしまう前に 意の儘 攫えや 阿修羅修羅 Now come, before I go crazy, run away with it all to your heart's content, Asura Sura
もっと求めろ貪欲に 負け犬らしく吠えてみせようぜ Wish for it with even more greed let's just try and howl like the losing dogs we are
どうしようもない運命に ほらふてぶてしく笑え Hey, let out a shameless laugh at the hopeless destiny
いちにのさんで咲いて散る人生だ 今だって灰になる なら踊ろうぜ It's a life that blooms and dies with a 1,2,3 Even though the present will turn to ash, let's dance
さあ腐ってしまう前に すべて喰らい尽くせ 阿修羅修羅 Come, before it all rots away, completely consume it all, Asura Sura
じっとしてる間に天国だ 現在も未来もほら過去になるんだ As I stand still, I'm in heaven The present and future will now become the past
待って こんなんじゃ足りないわ ならば奪い尽くせ 阿修羅修羅 Hold on, if you haven't had enough, then steal it all away, Asura Sura
ハイハイ 隨に舞いな今 らりぱっぱ 齷齪してないで Yes yes, we're now at the mercy of this dance Raripappa, don't be so fussy
ハイファイな今に曖昧な 盲愛の類はバイバイバイ In the hi-fi present that kind of vague blind love goes bye bye bye
ハイハイ 隨に舞いな今 らりぱっぱ フラフラになるまで Yes yes, we're now at the mercy of this dance Raripappa, til we become unsteady
ハイファイな今にありがちな もう哀の類はバイバイバイ In the hi-fi present that kind of usual pity has already gone bye bye bye ________________________________________________________________ *Asura and Sura (Deva) are god-like clans that fight: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asura
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yourultraarchive · 2 years
Hey! I've been thinking up an OC for the past few days, except I'm completely stumped with the surname. I was trying to connect it to her quirk (She's a Hyena mutant) and got Tsume for first name, except I've been cracking my head over last names, trying to search names with related concepts (sand, dryness, rocks, etc.)
Any ideas? Or even sites that could be useful, I only know Behind the Name.
Hi! Have you had a look at my "Creating a Name for your MHA Character" post? It's probably a good place to start if you haven't, especially since it looks like you're going with a Japanese name!
I did a quick search of "hyena" in Japanese and the only associated kanji word I see is 鬣犬 (tategami-inu) meaning "mane dog", but that's a mouthful for a name. At a first-glance, the alternate readings suggest a possible name can be Ryouken, though. If you like that, go ahead and use it, but if not you can do your own research and jump off from there!
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loyaltycollared · 3 years
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he truly hopes that none of the kids ever attempt to eavesdrop on his private conversations with ainosuke. they will surely regret it (because they will never be able to un-hear the content).
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shingia · 3 years
𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 - 𝐧𝐞𝐤𝐨𝐦𝐚 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
disclaimer : i am still not japanese, i only study it in college so please correct me if i wrote any mistake :)
↳ link to my karasuno edition
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⇀ kuroo tetsurō - 黒尾 鉄朗
黒尾 : the first kanji 黒 (kuro) means “black” and i don’t think more details are needed. the second is 尾 (o) and means “tail” which is obviously a reference to the team (kuroo’s such a great captain that his name screams nekoma how cool is that ?)
鉄朗 : the first kanji 鉄 (tetsu) means “iron”. now i know that nekoma is no iron wall like datekō but we can’t ignore that kuroo is an incredible blocker and this kanji might be a reference to his position in the team. however, even though kuroo might give off pretty impressive and strong vibes like iron, we can’t forget that he’s a major dork. this trait of his personality is more expressed in the second kanji 朗, meaning “cheerful, bright, melodious (maybe kuroo can sing?)”
⇀ kozume kenma - 孤爪研磨
brace yourselves, this one hurts a bit. ready ? let’s go
孤爪 : the first kanji, 孤, means “orphan, alone”. see ? told you i’d hurt. ok so the beginning of kenma’s name is a reminder of his introverted personality, but the second kanji has a very different meaning
爪 means “claw, nail”, obviously the meaning that holds our attention here is claw. i think it’s pretty interesting that kuroo represents the tail, because it’s what people see first when a cat walks (maybe even struts, depends on the cat but kuroo would definitely strut), it’s what’s usually standing up for people to see while the claw is the part that’s the closest to the ground, and something that people tend to avoid. it seems like a great metaphor for, on one hand, kuroo who’s hard to ignore, and on the other hand, kenma who’s hard to notice and much less approachable
研磨 : ok now for this one i think it’s not very relevant to analyze one kanji after the other because “kenma” actually is a noun on its own. it means “grinding, polishing” but also “striving to master something”. and i think it’s clever to have named kenma with these kanjis because, beyond his detached appearance, we know that he’s deeply involved in subjets that matter for him (even if it’s mainly video games)
⇀ haiba lev - 灰羽 リエーフ
灰羽 : lev’s family name kind of has the same function as kuroo, because the first kanji seems to be linked to his hair color since 灰 means “ash”. on the other hand, the second kanji’s meaning is a bit more difficult to understand
羽 means “feather”, which is a bit surprising considering that lev is a part of nekoma and that kuroo and kenma both have cat features in their names. but the fact that feathers relates to birds and that birds are the preys of cats  kinda cracks me up because i can just imagine all nekoma hunting lev down and yeah i’m tired. but in my opinion lev’s family name is just a reference to his hair, like “ash-colored feathers” or something like that, but it’s just a big assumption
リエーフ : as you know it, lev is a russian name and its meaning is “lion” or “heart”, and i don’t have much to say about it except that i think it’s a really pretty name
⇀ yaku morisuke - 夜久 衛輔
ok so i’m just going to go over yaku’s family name real quick. the kanjis 夜久 respectively mean “night, evening” and “long time, old story”. i can’t find any symbol in that but if you do you’re more than welcomed to share your thoughts :)
衛輔 : the first kanji, 衛 means “defense, protection” which seems pretty relevant for the nekoma’s libero
the second kanji 輔 means “help”. if you’ve read my post about karasuno, you might remember that one of the kanji’s in tanaka’s first name also means “help”, which is not surprising because morisuke and ryūnosuke have the same ending. however, the kanji is different : for yaku, the kanji means help in the sense of “advise, assist someone” while for tanaka, the kanji’s more in the sense of “saving from danger”. it’s not very susprising because yaku seems to help his teammates in a way that it’s much more “mature” and level-headed than tanaka (kind of similar to suga’s attitude)
⇀ yamamoto taketora - 山本 猛虎
i won’t go over his family name because it’s a really common last name in japan and, like yaku, i don’t think it has a particular meaning that corresponds the character. his first name on the other hand....
猛虎 : we all know there’s a parallel between yamamoto and tanaka. and i was glad to find that this parallel also translates in their first names. the meanings of the first kanji, 猛, are “fierce, rave, rush, become furious, wilderness, strength”. that’s a lot of meanings but they all fit yamamoto pretty well
the second kanji, 虎, means tiger. and that’s our parallel with tanaka, since his first name means “dragon”. and what’s also pretty cool is that when you combine the two kanjis of yamamoto’s name, it actually forms the word “fierce tiger, ferocious tiger” (but it’s pronounced mōko)
⇀ inuoka sou - 犬岡 走
犬岡 : the first kanji 犬, meaning dog, seems to correspond inuoka’s vibes, which are very similar to hinata’s. the second kanji is also pretty appropriated to inuoka - especially regarding his position as a wing spiker after lev replaced him as a middle blocker - because 岡 means “height, knoll, rising ground”
走 : the meaning of this kanji is “run, race”. and overall, the kanjis of inuoka’s name give me the impression that he’s kind of a discount version of hinata, no shade honey. because hinata’s name means sun while inuoka’s “still” related to the ground, it’s like he’s right below hinata. and shōyō’s kanjis mean “soar, fly” while sō only mean “run, race”. don’t get me wrong, running is good, but who would want to run when you can fly ?
⇀ nekomata yasufumi - 猫又 育史
猫又 : obviously you guys have already noticed that coach nekomata carries the name of the team in his own (just like ukai with the crow). but these two kanjis actually have a meaning in the japanese culture ; indeed, nekomata is a mythical two-tailed cat. it’s most definitely not related to coach nekomata but i thought this was a pretty cool information
育史 : in my post about karasuno, i said that the second kanji of ukai’s name means “foster, bring up, develop, nurture”. well this idea can be found again in nekomata’s first name since the first kanji means “bring up, raise, grow up”. and the second kanji means “history, chronicle” because let’s be honest : coach nekomata is obviously linked to nekoma’s history
⇀ naoi manabu - 直井 学
i won’t go on about naoi’s name because it's pretty self-explanatory and does not have a very deep meaning. but i thought it’d be a pity not to include him in this post since his name is still linked to the character
直井 : the first kanji means “straightaway, honesty, frankness, fix, repair” and the second means “well, well crib, town, community”. i think the first kanji tells us a few things about naoi’s personality, because i don’t know about you guys but before writing this post i barely knew what kind of person he was. that’s what great with kanjis, they can give us informations about characters that aren’t much developed in the show
学 : the meaning of this kanji is “study, learning, science”, in other terms, it’s corresponds well his position as a coach. we might also interpret that as naoi still learning things from nekomata ? just a thought
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i think what we can get out of my pretty basic analysis is that it seems like furudate really cared about forging links between the players of nekoma and karasuno, with inuoka/hinata, yamamoto/tanaka and yaku/suga. it was already noticeable in the manga/anime but i think the kanji allow us to understand these links a bit better !
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Chill me
Chill me
今お目覚め 黄昏のアイコニック
Wake up now, iconic of twilight
昨日は昨日でお別れ 別に今日は関係ない
The farewells I had yesterday don’t really have anything to do with today
Got a lingering scent of irritation
うつ伏せで寝るlonely night
A lonely night spent sleeping face down
No matter how many times I do it, I never learn my lesson
I just grit my teeth and dance
Things never go how I plan (I’m cursed)
Getting hurt is just my bread and butter
Sometimes I’ll make an ass of myself
Is god some savage giving me tribulations?
Man, what a life. I’m lost and confused 100% of the time.
Before I know it I’ve got metabolic obesity; oh well, maybe I’ll just take a nap
Reality is out here giving me vertigo again
Even so, I still love tomorrow
Go ahead, keep making me stagger about
お任せあれ Have a wonderful day
Just leave it all to me, have a wonderful day
Dalalalia dalalalia oh-eh
解き放て what a day
Just let it out, what a day
Dalalalia dalalalia oh-eh
In the sunlight filtering through the trees
The weather’s nice now too
Did it rain while I was asleep?
All the stuff that bugged me yesterday just flows right off
That cracked asphalt
Those overgrown weeds
My bike’s passing them all by at an alarming speed
There are people who keep asking for a reason, but you don’t have to stress over it
As long as you like it, that’s reason enough
振り回されないで アタシが良けりゃいい
I won’t get twisted around; as long as I’m good, it’s alright
Reality is out here giving me vertigo again
Even so, I still love tomorrow
Go ahead, keep making me stagger about
お任せあれ Have a wonderful day
Just leave it all to me, have a wonderful day
Dalalalia dalalalia oh-eh
解き放て what a day
Just let it out, what a day
Dalalalia dalalalia oh-eh
In the sunlight filtering through the trees
スーパー食う super cool ぶってやけ食い
Eating supermarket food, chowing down like crazy on “super cool”
Giving myself heartburn
Even my dog’s looking at me funny
後悔はないけど 反省してる
I’ve got no regrets, but I am reflecting on it all
Reality is out here giving me vertigo again
Even so, I still love tomorrow
Go ahead, keep making me stagger about
お任せあれ Have a wonderful day
Just leave it all to me, have a wonderful day
Dalalalia dalalalia oh-eh
解き放て what a day
Just let it out, what a day
Dalalalia dalalalia oh-eh
In the sunlight filtering through the trees
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osomanga · 4 years
Of Superior Privates and Tattoed Criminals
Since Master Heita left us the three tattooed prisoners that have appeared and three of our our guys reflect each other in mysterious ways. Two superior privates and one:-
0. Not a Superior Private...
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Sugimoto and Boutaro: Lost family to disease; were ostracized
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On the other hand, Boutaro is very much more like Ogata in being too perceptive. He also..has something mysteriously untrustworthy air but unlike Ogata has a charming charisma that is the exact opposite of antagonizing.
1. Usami, the Seventh Division Jack-in-hand, & Rip the Jacker
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*“Holmes, the Scotland-Yard Jack-in-office!”
2. “Disappoint enthusiasts” who had “disappointed” dads in hell:-
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Ogata- that’s Sugimoto’s assessment. 
Ueji- self confessed. 
The Wild Cat and the Bad Dog...
And just one vague line...Ogata is still a complete mystery, made even more so since Usami analyzed him with all we know to the point it creates confusion- does that mean it isn’t so? Or does Usami truly know his fellow Superior Private that well that we can truly take it as true.
On the other hand, his brother and mother: Asirpa is intrigued by the odd crack in his persona which points to what we and Usami know of Ogata- the shakespearean ghost of Yuukun(hallucinations due to disorder/weakness of the mind/conscience in simple words for those that know not the layers of ghosts in lit and take the words too seriously).  
Ogata and Usami were given some level of being similar. With contrasting histories and yet they stand as equals. 
As to Ueji’s part-backstory...The answer is writ loud and clear on his un-disappointed face. 
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Re-read his tattoes and as much as they are historic prisoner tattoes(read our scanlator’s notes on ch 233), they also happen to spell 悪犬(right to left horizontal reading Meiji times) basically “Bad Dog”. 
It may be his twisted sign of pride in being the bad dog. As is Ogata’s twisted feelings about being the cursed son? 
1guess1- Ueji’s dad killed his dog? Or tried to kill him? Or made him kill it? Or killed his sibling if he had one(Blade of the Immortal again...). Or he went and did an Usami?
I think made him kill the dog. Or something...to that effect. Or roundabouts. 
There is in few samurai stuff(the least morbid thing mind you in those jidaigeki) is...beheading a dog or training the kid on beheading dogs and animals since childhood(5) to attune them to killing people when older(Hagakure: The way of samurai = a psychopath’s handook? Sure...), etc.  
2guess2: He killed the dad(?). Like, Ueji may literally be an exception in the series if that isn’t as such and dad still lives.
Talking of paternal patterns, it suddenly struck me- we have two men whose young daughter we saw died. And historically, there is Hijikata who had a daughter with a gesiha and both mother and infant daughter died. This is a shit-theory I’ve had since long but there’s 3 people Hijikata is grandad-y potential: Asirpa(least likely; said something weird) , Sugimoto(the Toni comparison, the eyes): TB in his family and the black cat equates Sugi as Shinsengumi’s Okita Souji however; Ogata(the hair antenna): again Shinsengumi had a captain named Ogata Shuntaro. Boshin War...
On that note, Sei Kobiyama speculates Ueji family are probably Choshu-han samurai. Satsuma and Choshu- the winners of the Boshin War-...the Choshu samurai are often described as the most bloodthirty of the two in several anecdotes. Not that Satsuma ones were not- they were too.
Ogata and Koito are the sons of Satsuma fathers. On the one hand Hanazawa is thought of as Nogi and Heiji as Togo Heihachiro although Hanazawa looks like a younger version of and Heiji and Yuki look like Nogi and his wife(minus eyebrows). Etc. Ergo...they’re both Nogi and not Nogi.
The irony being, Ogata is popularly considered to be Katsusuke(Nogi’s elder son). Nogi was more openly fond of his younger son Yasusuke while his elder was his mother’s favorite. Katsusuke twice failed the army academy entance exam though Nogi like Heiji was not a bad dad(Katsusuke spoke fondly of his father in a letter to his mother about Nogi’s extravagence on the account of his finally getting in). In a strange way one can draw an inference from a photograph of the brothers of a story that loosely fits the brothers to Ogata-Yuukun: Katsusuke was disciplined and proud to be in the army, Yasusuke was laid-back, cheerful and boyish. But Katsusuke in contrast to his younger brother is always described critically in contrast as not being as bright nor graceful in every account you read of them despite the fact that the two brothers were close to one another and both died too young, horribly, in war. 
Ogata’d be at odds even if he were Hanazawa’s legitimate eldest son- just not as bad as is in his actual status. In contrast Usami does not mind his state being exactly where Tsurumi is. And yet both of them were the sort that could they have gone to the Army academy they may have excelled as few others who got the opportunity to did. 
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Talking of....the gruesome Dog beheaded scene became just “oh, yeah...” to me coz of Blade of the Immortal. The ultimate sadist Shira not just beheads the stray dog Rin had taken a fondness to...it’s pretty gruesome what he does. And he relishes making her horrified, laughing to the skies. Shira was the plain old horrible-terrible sadist just coz villain is. And the fated mirror antagonist to Manji(the protagonist). Manji, mind was a real ‘immortal’ with characteristic face scars who had to take on helping the teen Rin get her revenge. A very basic but unrelated parallel to our protagonists.
Talking of other stuff the edge of horror of gk was dulled by to me is:- the skinning. Roald Dahl’s short story Skin was one of my most nightarish reads years back. It...is not graphic and yet I remember the ‘shudder(?)’ and itchiness(english to me is a limited language) coz of the idea of skinning off a person’s back..uff...>_<
Bact to Ueji:-
The usual odd Supinamarada design-reuse- Ueji’s cat-slit pupil and those thin eyebrows and only these two features(not rest of his face or eyeshape) comes from the main protagonist(who is Sugimoto parallel) Shirakawa Rou. Rou throughout had a cat-theme. Cat, wildcat....
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On that note, Ariko got the Genma bro’s square pupils and Ogata, Kai’s telephone eyebrows. Etc. 
But, Noda really needs more and more cloth pattern templates(Golden Kamuy only) coz the kimono patterns have now been reused ad-infinitum.
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pupa-cinema · 4 years
Daft Punk - Instant Crush (一目惚れ)
I didn't want to be the one to forget 私から忘れてしまいたくなかった I thought of everything I'd never regret 絶対に後悔しない事全て振り返っていた
A little time with you is all that I get 二人きりでいられるのも束の間 That's all we need because it's all we can take それで十分さ、取られる時間は取るさ One thing I never see the same when you're 'round 君がいる時は普段嫌な事もどうも見えなくなる
I don’t believe in him, his lips on the ground あの人は信頼に足りない、唇が泥に I wanna take you to that place in the “Roche” ロッシュ限界の狭間へ連れてあげたい
But no one gives us any time anymore でももう誰も時間をあげてくれない He asks me once if I’d look in on his dog 犬の面倒を見てくださいっと彼がお願いする
You made an offer for it, then you ran off オファーして逃げ去った君 I got this picture of us kids in my head 若い頃の俺たちが頭の中に映る And all I hear is the last thing that you said 君が最後に言い残した事が心に響き渡る
"I listened to your problems, now listen to mine” 「相談を聞いてあげたから、今度は私の番です」 I didn't want to anymore, oh-oh-oh ついていけなかったなあ、おーおーおー
And we will never be alone again 私たちはもう一人ぼっちにはならないよ 'Cause it doesn't happen every day いつもの事ではないさ Kinda counted on you being a friend 友達だと思ってちょっと期待していたけど Can I give it up or give it away? 投げ捨てられるか投げつけられるか? Now I thought about what I wanna say これで言いたい事は見つけ出した
But I never really know where to go でも行き先がわからないままだ So I chained myself to a friend だから鎖で友にくっついてた 'Cause I know it unlocks the door だって扉の鍵なんだってわかってるさ And we will never be alone again 私たちはもう一人ぼっちにはならないよ 'Cause it doesn't happen every day いつもの事ではないさ Kinda counted on you being a friend 友達だと思ってちょっと期待していたけど Gotta give it up or give it away 投げ捨てるか投げつけるかだ Now I thought about what I wanna say これで言いたい事は見つけ出した
But I never really know where to go でも行き先がわからないままだ So I chained myself to a friend だから鎖で友にくっついてた Some more again またこの流れで
It didn't matter what they wanted to see あいつらが何を見たかった���だろうとどうでもいい He thought he saw someone that looked just like me 私にそっくりの人を見たんだってな The summer memory that just never dies 永遠に死なないサマーメモリー We worked too long and hard to give it no time 時間かからないようにずっとずっと頑張りすぎた He sees right through me, it's so easy with lies すっかり見透かされてる、嘘言うと簡単だ Cracks in the road that I would try and disguise 覆い隠そうとしていた道のひび割れだ He runs his scissors at the seam in the wall ハサミで壁の縫い目を沿う He cannot break it down or else he would fall 綻びたら共に堕ちる One thousand lonely stars hiding in the cold 寂しそうに寒さの中で隠れる幾千の星々 Take it, oh I don't wanna sing anymore 持ってけ、もう歌いたくはないの
"I listened to your problems, now listen to mine” 「相談を聞いてあげたから、今度は私の番です」 I didn't want to anymore, oh-oh-oh ついていけなかったなあ、おーおーおー
And we will never be alone again 私たちはもう一人ぼっちにはならないよ 'Cause it doesn't happen every day いつもの事ではないさ Kinda counted on you being a friend 友達だと思ってちょっと期待していたけど Can I give it up or give it away? 投げ捨てられるか投げつけられるか? Now I thought about what I wanna say これで言いたい事は見つけ出した
But I never really know where to go でも行き先がわからないままだ So I chained myself to a friend だから鎖で友にくっついてた 'Cause I know it unlocks the door だって扉の鍵なんだってわかってるさ And we will never be alone again 私たちはもう一人ぼっちにはならないよ 'Cause it doesn't happen every day いつもの事ではないさ Kinda counted on you being a friend 友達だと思ってちょっと期待していたけど 投げ捨てられるか投げつけられるか? Now I thought about what I wanna say これで言いたい事は見つけ出したよ
But I never really know where to go でも行き先がわからないままだ So I chained myself to a friend だから鎖で友にくっついてた 'Cause I know it unlocks the- だってー鍵なんだってわかってるさ
I don't understand, don't get upset わからないよ、怒らないで
I'm not with you 私がいないから We're swimming around, it's all I do 私と君は泳ぎ回ってる、ずっとこのまま When I'm with you 君といる時は
And we will never be alone again 私たちはもう一人ぼっちにはならないよ 'Cause it doesn't happen every day いつもの事ではないさ Kinda counted on you being a friend 友達だと思ってちょっと期待していたけど Can I give it up or give it away? 投げ捨てられるか投げつけられるか? Now I thought about what I wanna say これで言いたい事は見つけ出したよ
But I never really know where to go でも行き先がわからないままだ So I chained myself to a friend だから鎖で友にくっついてた 'Cause I know it unlocks the door だって扉の鍵なんだってわかってるさ And we will never be alone again 私たちはもう一人ぼっちにはならないよ 'Cause it doesn't happen every day いつもの事ではないさ Kinda counted on you being a friend 友達だと思ってちょっと期待していたけど 投げ捨てられるか投げつけられるか? Now I thought about what I wanna say これで言いたい事は見つけ出したよ
But I never really know where to go でも行き先がわからないままだ So I chained myself to a friend だから鎖で友にくっついてた 'Cause I know it unlocks the- だって扉の鍵なんだってわかってるさ
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