chuck-snowbug · 3 months
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定点観測・日本酒、その26 - Sealed Japanese Sake, Part 26 - December 10, 17, 22, January 2, 9, 15 - 2023-2024
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Li Shangyin(李商隠): A great poet in the late Tang dynasty- a overwhelmed boy peeking at blue jewelry (Essay)
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Li Shangyin (李商隠:wiki)
When I was reading a Chinese poetry book before (I forgot which one it was), I evaluated it as "This poem is good !!" and said "This poem is also good !!" It wasn't Du Fu, Li Haku, or Haku Rakuten, but Li Shangyin. He was a poet in Late Tang(晩唐). Known for his exposition, he broke new ground in romantic poetry. The following poems are typical. (Iwanami Shoten, Kazumi Takahashi Note)
Last night sparkling stars and comfortable wind
West writing house East cinnamon house
Also on body no phoenix wing wear
One-point communication of spiritual
Like thread Separate seating
Divide the light red and warm Liquor as spring
 Oh, Listening drumming officer I must leave
Running horse like a Rolling mugwort
  (Free Translation)
無題 昨夜星辰昨夜風 書楼西畔桂堂東 身無綵鳳雙飛翼 心有霊犀一点通 隔座送鈎春酒暖 分曹射覆蝋燈紅 嗟余聴鼓応官去 走馬蘭台類転蓬
(Summary of the poetry above)
I once met a lovely woman at a banquet. There was communication that was dodged only by two person. Like a single thread. Oh, but I have to leave like an official, rolling "mugwort" ... (Note: this mugwort is not an ordinary mugwort, but a different kind of plant that rolls on the ground.)
 In addition, his reading method was unique, and it was to put books here and there to read, so it was very similar to otters(獺) putting prey here and there, so such a reading method was called "Dassai:獺祭". The quote source is "Hatena Keyword" that I created.
(Source: Chinese Poet Selection 15 "Li Shangyin")
 If I pull the outline from the Wikipedia
 Li Shangyin (812 (7th year of Genna)-858 (12th year of the Daichu), but there is a theory that he was born in 813) is a bureaucratic politician in the late Tang dynasty and represents the times. Chinese poet. He has a character of Gizan (義山:very high mountain )and an issue of Li Shangyin.
He is also called a Dassaifish. People from currently Qinyang City, Henan Province. Although he was unlucky as a bureaucrat, his bewitching and aesthetic poetry was highly regarded and gave birth to many followers, becoming the ancestor of the Western Song Dynasty, which was a pandemic in the early Northern Song Dynasty. He is called Wen Li along with Wen Tingyun of the same era, which is characterized by a similar apocalyptic style, and is also called Little Li Du along with Du Mu.
A word of the day: Li Shangyin was unlucky at home, and his sad feelings were pushed into his chest, and he was writing poetry alongside the officials. In Kazumi Takahashi's expression, there is " a overwhelmed boy peeking at blue jewelry" (certainly) about the state of Li Shangyin , and I think that is also true. A lonely color stared at by a lonely poet-a blue jewelry. It's painful.
Although I am afraid of myself, I had a similar domestic discord and was troubled by it. In that respect, I feel that Li Shangyin's heart is understood. In the case of such a raised child, it tickles the maternal instinct of a woman, but I think that he may refuse the mental assistance. We are often ambivalent against women.
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kazunari-hosoda · 2 years
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好きな肴と好きなお酒~サイコー😆😆 人生いろいろあるけど、明るく暮らしていきましょう😙😙😙 #獺祭 #獺祭槽場汲み無濾過純米大吟醸磨き三割九分 #リーデル #かつを #keicondo #鰹の刺身 (Kamisu, Ibaraki) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cex9UwOp7_6UZyQctO94BLVlMfgCsZGGtLAofo0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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proneboy · 7 months
Sake popular overseas. Otters.Cold brewed early in the tank. How does it taste?
We have been drinking it since last time. Otter Everyone knows the very famous sake Dassai polished to 30% and 90% Dassai Taste Evaluation Today’s snack Dassai polished to 30% and 90%. 寒造早槽 Kanzukuri Hayafune Therefore, fresh new sake is shipped at any time of the year, but as the name “Kanzou Haya Tanka” remains on this product, this sake is a limited edition specially brewed only for the…
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orion3sta · 1 year
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2023/03/24 彩色酒房吉で歓送迎会 大酒飲みの本領発揮乁〃~∀~〃ゞ ちゃんぽん飲みが好きなので、最初に生ビール、レモンライム、魔王、初孫魔切、山崎12年ハイボール、テキーラ最後の締めに獺祭 遠州池のソメイヨシノも満開 池からの筑波山 #iPhone日記 #彩色酒房吉 #パーフェクトサントリー生ビール #レモンライム #魔王 #初孫魔切 #山崎12年ハイボール #テキーラ #獺祭 #歓送迎会 #宴会 #遠州池 #ソメイヨシノ #筑波山 (彩食酒房 吉) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqS5nzIyEWD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hirasen · 1 year
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#1合ビン の #Cawaii !!#獺祭 (https://www.asahishuzo.ne.jp) #発見 ☆ #初めて呑みます ♡ #色々な種類の獺祭 が #置いてありますネ ♪ https://www.instagram.com/p/CpH_wV7PIf4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fsravine · 1 year
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#池袋 の 綺麗になった #としま区民センター で手続きをしに行ったら、何とも気になる看板が目に入る #490円飲み放題 #日本酒 が60分飲み放題で490円! どんなお酒かな? と チャレンジしてみた ビールなどをつけると90分1,380円なんだって でもチャレンジなので 60分1本勝負に #陸奥八仙 #いづみ橋 #獺祭 #鳳凰美田 #一本義 #まんさくの花 #北雪 #白炎 #七賢 #だるま正宗 #アスタリスク 11種の #利き酒 が出来ました おつまみも #まぐろ料理半額フェア と #お通し で充分! 1682円の #せんべろ これはヤバい店見つけた! (富士喜商店 池袋本店) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnCAyh8rp3eseQW9dLYdofhKRmK3FUgjmS1_Cg0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jijikuri · 1 year
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岩国生まれの母(83歳)が獺祭飲んだこと無いと言うので緊急入手!実は昨年墓参りで岩国行った時、母は「美味しい~」を連発して獺祭をグイグイ飲んでいたのに忘れている。 #獺祭三割九分 #獺祭 #日本酒美味い #日本酒 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm7ycvRPZdE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iori1976 · 1 year
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#獺祭 #純米大吟醸磨き二割三分 #植月聡也 #山口県 #旭酒造 #日本酒🍶 #酒 #sake #ricewine #伊織酒 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl-QKfESAwa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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scfong · 1 year
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Birthday lunch for 7️⃣gor 🍣🍶 多謝叫埋 🙏🏻 #鐵板燒 #獺祭 #獺祭二割三分 (at 四季酒店-稻菊) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl3YFUJrspL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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marizoh · 2 years
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たまに新宿へ行くと、猿田彦珈琲とティキタカアイスクリームのお店で獺祭のアイスクリームを食べてしまう。美味しい🍶 #アイスクリーム #アイス #icecream #ジェラート #ソフトクリーム #獺祭 #日本酒🍶 #お酒 #猿田彦珈琲 #ティキタカ #ティキタカアイスクリーム #新宿 #新宿グルメ #新宿カフェ (猿田彦珈琲とティキタカアイスクリームのお店) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjxZ9W6yAb5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chuck-snowbug · 7 months
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獺祭(日本酒/純米大吟醸 スパークリング45)、及び、前菜的な諸々。スモーク・サーモン、オリーヴ、ピーカンナッツ、自家製ピクルス、シャインマスカット、梨。
Dassai Sparkling(Japanese Sake) & Appetizers feat. Smoked Salmon - September 15, 2023.
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chinopan2 · 2 years
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初#獺祭 #頂き物の #昨日の1本 #噂以上に美味い #ご馳走様でした https://www.instagram.com/p/CiGuBq9vOMr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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flashwise · 2 years
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LaLa Peninsula #final chapter Thank you all my friends. You’ve been wonderful. My days were filled with joy and happy moment. I can’t ask for anything more. #sake #kureiji #allyoucandrink #sakelover #summernight #withfriends #northwind #9頭龍 #久保田 #獺祭 #赤部 #ダブル #高千夜 #高木 #山縣政宗 #雪男 #水完売 #사케 #파티 #청주 #니혼슈 https://www.instagram.com/p/CfQsOPALmhq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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amiens2014 · 2 years
道の駅萩しーまーととは 道の駅萩しーまーとは、山口県萩市椿東前小畑(やまぐちけんはぎしちんとうまえおばた)にある道の駅だ。 漁協をはじめ、地元生産者が集結して運営する、臨海の生鮮市場です。漁港直結で輸送コストはゼロ、しかも中間流通を介さず生産者直売ですから、新鮮・安全な旬の食材を安価に提供することができます。  杉の原木を構造材として用い、その他の部分も木造を基本にした環境にやさしい建物です。建物の内部では昔懐かしい「公設市場」を再現しています。 道の駅 公式ホームページ 全国「道の駅」連絡会 から引用 道の駅萩しーまーと 山口県萩市椿東前小畑2区4160−64 0838-24-4937 (more…)
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orion3sta · 2 years
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2022/09/15 朝の田んぼ風景 雷雨で稲穂が倒伏してるけど、水の流れの紋様みたいな感じ‥‥‥ 屋敷内には朝顔や藪蘭の花がたくさん咲き始め 夜は、商工会の役員会で「一菜一心」 生ビール2杯飲んでから、獺祭、スローテキーラ、ライジングサン🍸 #iPhone日記 #田んぼ #マルバルコウソウ #稲穂 #足尾山 #加波山 #屋敷内の花木草 #朝顔 #藪蘭 #みたらし団子 #サンキストオレンジ #一菜一心 #獺祭 #スローテキーラ #ライジングサン (旬彩 一菜一心) https://www.instagram.com/p/CikmNf1p8_q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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