eggsolotl · 1 month
Hear me out.
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fluff-crt · 11 months
【The New Epilogue of TGCF Novel】Personal ranking of the degree of revision & the new novel
Translated by CRT.
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cpopjukebox · 7 months
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roses-yurika · 8 days
2024年4月11日 セトアテ(※BL注意)
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shacchou · 3 months
(To Priest Seto from Mokuba )
He couldn’t believe his eyes. One moment he was in his brothers office, longing for his return, and the next he was overwhelmed by the light of the three cards Seto had left him. Now he finds himself, along with his suitcase full of valuables and the dragon cards he kept in his suit pocket, here in a town laced with sand and stone. And oh did he stick out like a sore thumb, not that he expected anything less after he realizes where he was.
Somehow, he had managed to follow his brother to the Afterlife of Atem. He isn’t sure how it could have happened, but he is for sure his brother’s Blue Eyes had something to do with it, as if guiding him here. They were still glowing inside of his suit jacket, after all. Maybe they wanted the two brothers to reunite just as much as Mokuba wanted to, considering for the VP it’s been a few months since his brother’s departure.
He then notices the crowds that had been surrounding him start to move away as someone approached, someone who appeared to be coming from the giant palace in the distance. And after locking eyes with the taller man, Mokuba drops the briefcase to the ground.
“Seto? Seto!!!”
His heart overwhelms with joy and roller, and without warning, moves forward in an attempt to give the other a hug. He’s so happy to see his brother again he hasn’t noticed neither the different skin tone the other had nor his outfit. This was going to be … awkward.
“I … I thought you might have died! Please, don’t do something so reckless like this again, big brother! I don’t want to lose you again!”
It was the evidence of a rising commotion that had persuaded the High Priest into approaching the crowd that had gathered beyond the august frontage and high walls of the palace; a mixture of curiosity and fright permeating the air amongst the citizens, who appeared to grow more restless with each passing moment. The priest's presence was an unmistakable one given the absolute confidence and self-possession with which he carried himself, coupled with the regalia he wore on his person that betrayed his high status, as well as the entourage of guards that accompanied him. As such, before he even considered giving voice to an order, the crowd parted on its own, making way for him and allowing him to see the unlikely source of the disturbance.
A boy ?
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Before a proper thought could form in the priest's mind, the sound of his own name echoed around him, spoken unreservedly and bereft of the compulsory adornments of his title. It wasn't the utter informality and its concomitant disrespect that succeeded at eliciting a reaction from him akin to shock, but rather, the fact that it was his name that came from the younger one's mouth.
This boy knew his name ? How come ? Not only was he clothed with garments that gave him away as a foreigner, but his features were entirely unfamiliar to the priest. He could only examine the other's appearance for a short moment though, because, in yet another unexpected twist, the boy lunged forward, his action immediately extracting a collective and resounding gasp from the crowd that witnessed the exchange. Though his eyes visibly widened, Seto remained in place. His lack of movement or attempt at avoiding whatever it was that the other intended to do was explained when his guards stepped forward, blocking the boy's way while drawing their spears in a silent threat.
Lose him ? Big brother ? What exactly was this boy talking about ? Clearly he was either confused or simply unwell and speaking incoherencies. Whatever the case may be, he wasn't about to entertaining this much longer; certainly not when they had an entire audience of inquisitive eyes upon them.
A gesture of his hand delivered a command that was instantly understood by the guards, who all lowered their weapons but remained on high alert. Cold blue eyes focused again on the foreign boy, no sign of recognition touching his features as his acute memory assured him that he did not know this person. Consequently, instead of addressing the young one's nonsensical blathering, a question —akin to an order— escaped his lips in a tone that was nothing short of commanding.
❛  What is your purpose here, child ?  ❜
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leawesomesloth · 1 year
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Wanted to draw feng xin and alhaitham in this outfit too but no time right now sooooo here’s the two beautiful babies first!
Outfit reference
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linggluu · 1 year
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God of River Lok (1975) pt 2
this man has been handsome all his life
this cao zhi looks like he kill his brother in 7 steps frfr
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favdaff · 2 years
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Crossover with Heaven Official's Blessing
The last of Eleven Great Calamities
Annihilator Under The Constellation Cetus
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tuliharja · 2 years
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At first, I made a quick pencil drawing of Grand Priest, before I colored it digitally. I wanted to try the watercolor option in Paint Tool SAI, to see how it works when coloring something...
"myhä" comes from the Finnish word "myhäillä", which basically means chuckling. Here, in the translated manga, they often shorten that word to 'myhä'. (I don't know why. Maybe because the original world is too long...?)
Artwork: @tuliharja
Note: I’m fine with reblogging, but ask me first for my permission, if you want to repost my artwork.
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memekyomu · 1 year
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moko1590m · 7 months
「判官びいき」が普通なのは、 我々自身が仇討ち役になれるから
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mdzstgcfmxtx · 1 year
上元佳节 神武大街 惊鸿一瞥 百世沦陷
Tai Zi Dian Xia Xie Lian 太子殿下谢怜
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sakaki-jinja · 2 years
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サイズ:約56mm 素材:表面/PET、バッジ/スチール 生産国:日本
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shacchou · 5 months
❛ promise me you’ll still be here when i wake up. ❜ ( priest seto )
As if on command, blue eyes traveled the short distance to Atem's own, which peered up at him from his chest, where the monarch had nestled his head. The slight breathlessness that accompanied the request did not go unnoticed; an expected consequence of prior activities. The priest had been particularly ungentle that night, his rough handling of the king's willing form leaving no room for unnecessary preambles or a more proper rekindling of a relationship that had been obstructed by both duty, and external efforts that had successfully prevented them from meeting in private for some time. Thus their meeting of that night had promptly turned into a means to quell days worth of hunger; the likes of which only Atem could sate.
The sluggish way in which his arm moved around the Pharaoh's waist betrayed the fact that his mind had yet to come down from the ledge it had scaled, in its euphoria-addled state. The words, though, did serve to accelerate the process, culminating with a furrow of his brow. Despite how easy it would be to fulfill Atem's request ( and how inclined he was to doing so ), this wasn't exactly sensible—- and both of them knew well why.
It seemed as though Atem read his silence to perfection, for he moved closer then, pulling himself up just enough to level his face with the priest's. The warmth of the monarch's body as it moved on top of his threatened to reawaken a fire just recently assuaged, and which danced for a moment in Seto's gaze as he looked intently at king; those purple eyes, and lips that appeared swollen given the rough treatment they had received.
Logic called for him to reject Atem's request, but it was ignored.
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❛ I'll be here. ❜ The words escaped his lips, and surely Atem knew him enough by now to know he would not say this only to appease him. It wasn't that Seto cared about the risks, but rather that he sought to spare Atem from their consequences. Tonight though, he would make an exception per the king's wish.
A tilt of his head allowed him to brush his lips against Atem's, nearly falling prey to the temptation of deepening the caress. Instead, he forced himself away. He had to exert self-control lest he ended up ridding the Pharaoh of the few hours of sleep he had left.
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    在上述监测时间范围内,网上共计发布相关信息1403条(不含跟帖评论),其中新浪微博平台1288条。 “来福士阳性母女被正式逮捕”事件发生后,舆情高峰为24日13时前后,随即被辟谣后,舆情渐渐回落。
#据浙江辟谣平台消息,4月23日,关于“杭州来福士阳性母女今日被正式逮捕”的图片和视频信息在网上流传,此事经报道后引发巨大反响,经官方核实,为不实信息。该母女尚在隔离,案件#4月4日早上6点,母女二人抵达杭州后,在杭州多个人流密集的地方逛街。期间,母女二人并没有戴口罩。直到晚上9点多,母女二人才被工作人员找到。#此事被报道后,引来无数网友热议。而此次的官方辟谣,重新让无数网友把关注点放在“来福士母女”身上。#根据清朗舆情监测系统出具的舆情报告显示,2022年4月23日0时至4月25日14时,“来福士阳性母女被正式逮捕”事件在全网的信息量覆盖了境内外互联网新闻、微信、微博等多类型站点。#在上述监测时间范围内,网上共计发布相关信息1403条(不含跟帖评论),其中新浪微博平台1288条。 “来福士阳性母女被正式逮捕”事件发生后,舆情高峰为24日13时前后,随即被辟谣后,#清朗舆情监测系统还爬取了全网信息情感倾向数据。数据显示,网络舆论对“来福士阳性母女被正式逮捕”事件的评价多为中立。其中,中性信息占比57.59%,主要是网民认为被批捕事件是假#前段时间,有消息称,大部分上海人“出逃”,是为了到处“投毒”。还有消息称,疑似有人伪装成志愿者,挑拨上海人和外地人矛盾,其实背后的推手是“境外势力”。#又比如,网传视频称支援上海的菜即使烂掉也没人管。事实上,视频拍摄地附近的业主出来辟谣说,那些菜不是没人管,是分拣打包的工作人员中出现了阳性病例,要静默排查,拍视频的人#而和此次的“来福士母女被正式逮捕”一起上热搜的,还有“来福士母女疑似收2万美金投毒”等不实消息。#那为什么在疫情期间,网络上总有耸人听闻的“内幕”流传呢?有人把阴谋论简单地归结为是一种“弱者的恶意揣测思维”。但其实,更本质的原因是因为阴谋论不需要证据。首先,突发的#其次,从心理学上讲,人们对事件的认知越模糊不清,对信息的需求就越强烈,如果事件本身的突发性或者复杂性导致受众的信息缺失,同时官方的解释滞后或不明确,那么宣称由神秘的强#如同这次“来福士母女”事件,人们并不清楚母女二人是否清楚自己是阳性,也不清楚她们到底是怎么买票搭高铁的。因此,民众会为母女二人的行为找一个“合适”的借口。虽然,借口并#最后,当某一种突发事件对公众的生活和秩序产生影响时,很多人都会不停地通过网络等传媒方式得到最新的消息。可是,在面对海量信息的时候,大多数人往往会丧失对于信息真实性的鉴#谣言是错误的信息,而这些错误的信息会对人们的心理和社会秩序产生很大的影响。所以,当我们在面对似是而非的信息时,应保持冷静,坚信不信谣不传谣。#fashion#parenting#books & libraries#comics#上海阳性母女“出逃”
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