touhoutunes · 21 days
Title: KIRANAH -涅槃ノヒカリ-
Arrangement: 隣人
Vocals: Nana Takahashi
Album: 氷精 -CIRNO-
Original: The Deviant's Unobstructed Light ~ Kingdam of Nothingness
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jasper-rolls · 2 years
monochromatic Dream - 隣人 [CLOSED SYSTEM]
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omg-tendu-tanju · 2 years
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ギルドの夏祭りが行われました。 今回はあんちゃんもお仕事の昼休み時間にちらりと遊びに来て子どもたちとたくさん遊んでました笑 地域の子どもたちも楽しめる楽しい大人たちがつくる学園祭のようなこの企画。 事前準備の段階ではギルドメンバーも各自での準備が大変で、コロナの流行や告知が遅れたことで本当に人が来てくれるのかな...?と不安な声もありました。 当日蓋を開けてみると、地域の子どもたちと、親子が遊びに来てくれてとても盛況!! ラムネを飲んだり、かき氷🍧や焼きそばを食べたり、団扇やゴム鉄砲を作って射的をしたりと子どもが楽しめる催しをたくさん考え実現できました。 あんちゃんの描いたチラシを見て来ました!という地域住民の方々の発言を聞いた時は夫婦でとても嬉しかったなあー。 ギルドにいるみんなの得意なことややりたいことをひとつひとつ紡いで協力するととても楽しくやりがいのあるコンテンツが生まれていき、地域の子どもたちもとても楽しんで過ごしてくれたことがとても嬉しかったですね。 また今回は地域の方々にも楽しんでもらいたいという思いから、自治会のみなさん、地域のたこ焼き屋さんにチラシを貼らせていただきました。 改めましてご協力いただいた方々にはこの場をお借りして感謝申し上げます。本当にありがとうございました!! ギルドメンバーのみんなも本当にお疲れ様でした。本当にありがとうございました! 小さな子どもたちがギルドで楽しく過ごしている姿は素直にとても��しくこういったイベントをやることにとてもやりがいを感じました。 今後は地域の方々とも連携して一緒にイベントを作ったり、地域の方々がやりたいことをギルドを通じて一緒に実現できて行けたら良いなと考え、定期的にイベントを開催する運びで検討しています。 地域の方々、またギルドで一緒に面白い事、楽しく暮らしの実験をしていきたい方はお気軽にご連絡下さい!! 楽しい隣人が今後たくさん増えていくことを僕たちは本当に願っています!! 直ぐにでもまたやりたいな笑 THE GUIL IKONOBE NOISE 201号室 はれとけ家 #はれとけ家 #横浜 #池辺町 #鴨居 #暮らしを楽しむ #隣人 #賃貸暮らし #diy #日常 #はれとけ #まちづくり #エリアリノベーション #地域 #楽しく生きる #夫婦 #生きる #ワークショップ #neighborhood #小商い #副業 #ライフワーク #ものづくり #生活 #qol #幸福 #ギルド #土間 #the_guild #リノベーション #建築 (THE GUILD) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgX30L1h_Up/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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moji2 · 11 months
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gabbyp09 · 1 month
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alphalin · 4 months
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《鄰人X:謎樣的女子》(隣人X -疑惑の彼女-)
感情的部分因為篇幅有限所以滿直球的不會拖拉還不錯,限制級內容全部被拉掉還滿好笑的,通常這種普遍級就是配角負責賣肉,但我沒想到女主連事後都沒露臉,人直接消失打工去了🤣 只能說是一級女星的保護傘(?)
樹里的演技真的讓人猜不出她到底是不是X,這點做得很成功。另外我也喜歡爸爸的演技,很內斂但很精準。林遣都就稍嫌可惜,有點偏用力,但他蓄鬍真的有帥。姵嘉的哭戲很強,但那個留學生角色的設定是日語很爛,她真的是詮釋到會讓人聽不下去那種🤣 爛到看了都覺得難怪會一直被客人釘,完全不意外😂 (同理心呢)
「Everyone is an alien somewhere」
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toransuretaa · 1 year
The Neighbour in Room 203 Disappeared Leaving a Key Behind Drama CD - Bonus Track (2/2)
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Warning: R18 Drama CD & Yandere shit  
Bonus Track 2: Not a Merchandise
**Iron door opening and closing (?)**
Kurama: “Good morning. Today’s weather is nice again.”
Kurama: “You don’t need to be so scared you know. I haven’t done anything scary right?”
Kurama: “I’ve been really gentle with you. It makes me sad when you react like that.”
Kurama: “No, cause you tried to escape again yesterday.”
Kurama: “It’s dangerous around here, so I’ll be troubled if you go off on your own. So I can’t take them off. ”
Kurama: “Hm. I’m sorry. But no, I won’t let you go home. Cause this is going to become your home.”
Kurama: “It’s a bit small, but it’s quiet and the location is nice. It’s the best. You’ll like it soon enough.”
Kurama: “When you don’t feel like escaping anymore, I’ll show you around. There’s a large aquarian nearby.”
Kurama: “Oh. Hm. What to do. I don’t like seeing a girl cry. What should I do.”
Kurama: “Oh. That’s right.”
Kurama: “This is a medicine that makes you happy.”
Kurama: “It’s not good to use it too much, but cause I don’t want to see you cry.”
**Drinking noises**
Kurama: “Sweet right? They say they sweeten it to make it easier to drink. Ehehehe.”
Kurama: “It’s already too late. Ehehe.”
Kurama: “Ah. I only held it in my mouth a little, but it's starting to make even me excited.”
Kurama: “I already want to do it so so much, I can’t help it anymore.”
Kurama: “Same goes for you right? You’re starting to feel like doing stuff that feel nice right?”
Kurama: “I can see it in your eyes. Ehehehe.”
Kurama: “Cause there hasn’t been a girl until now who didn’t become infatuated by this.”
Kurama: “Though they all cried at first, they each quickly became a melted mess with pleasure.”
Kurama: “But don’t worry, I didn’t make you drink that much. Ehehe.”
Kurama: “Though you might go crazy from an intense pleasure you’ve never experienced before.”
Kurama: “I want to see your face at that moment.”
Kurama: “Hehe. You’re already breathing faster. No need to hold it back. Cause you won’t be able to.”
Kurama: “Let’s feel the pleasure together.”
Kurama: “Ehehehe is it scary? It’s gonna be okay. Leave it all to me. I’ll take you to paradise.” 
Kurama: “Ehehehe.”
**Sloppy sound**
Kurama: “Look, it’s already soaking wet.”
Kurama: “It can’t be helped right, since your body wants it now. Hehe.”
Kurama: “I’ll put in my fingers.”
Kurama: “Hey, two went in. It’s so hot inside. it’s also slimy and tightening up.” 
Kurama: “And it seems like you came a little just by putting them in.”
Kurama: “Will you come again if I move?”
**Sloppy sounds and heavy breathing commence**
Kurama: “Ehe. What a nice voice.”
Kurama: “Ah ehe. You came again. I knew it, this medicine is great.”
Kurama: “Hey, would you feel even better if I rubbed in cream?”
Kurama: “Shall we try?”
Kurama: “So you don’t want to. I see. But it’s better for both of us if you feel more pleasure right? Ehehehe.”
Kurama: “Ah. Aha. Your hips gave a big jolt. You came so hard.”
Kurama: “It must’ve felt really good.”
Kurama: “It also makes me very happy when I see your face like that.”
Kurama: “Let’s come even more.”
Kurama: “Hehe.”
Kurama: “Ehehe. You’re trembling. Ehehe.”
Kurama: “And your pupils dilated.”
Kurama: “Ah. I used less than normal, but maybe it was better to use even less than that.”
Kurama: “Oh well it’s fine. Cause your face drowned in pleasure is super adorble.”
Kurama: “It makes me want to kiss you.”
Kurama: “When I lick your tongue, your insides twitch.”
Kurama: “Ehehe. Did you come while kissing.”
Kurama: “So cute.”
Kurama: “I’m starting to lose control too.”
Kurama: “I can put it in now right?”
Kurama: “Look, I already got this big.”
Kurama: “Ah- just now when I entered you, it tightened up so much.”
Kurama: “Geez, did you want it so badly?”
Kurama: “I also wanted you.”
Kurama: “Our feelings are mutual.”
Kurama: “Why? Pleasure equals happiness right?”
**Moaning and sloppy sounds**
Kurama: “See. Your body sayd it wants to feel good.”
Kurama: “It says it wants much much much more.”
Kurama: “Just this much won’t kill you. Humans are sturdier than you’d think after all.”
Kurama: “You won’t die with just this amount.”
Kurama: “It’s fine even if you go into shock. There’s someone who can treat you nearby.”
**Moaning intensifies**
Kurama: “Ah it feels nice.”
Kurama: “Ah I’ll also take the medicine after all.”
Kurama: “Cause I want to feel even more pleasure with you.”
Kurama: “I wonder if it’ll work with just a little bit.”
Kurama: “Hm. I might’ve come a little.”
Kurama: “I’m starting to become dizzy.”
**Moaning intensifies x2**
Kurama: “Ah. Amazing. Slamming in hard feels amazing.”
Kurama: “They’d all break. I actually know that very well.”
Kurama: “Amazing. You too, your eyes are completely rolled back.”
Kurama: “Your tears are streaming out from the pleasure.”
**Moaning intensifies x3**
Kurama: “Me too.”
Kurama: “It feels so good it makes my eyes roll back.” (1)
Kurama: “I really can’t anymore.”
Kurama: “I’m gonna let it out.”
Kurama: “I’m coming.”
Kurama: “I’m gonna let it out so take it in.”
**Moaning intensifies x4**
Kurama: “Ah. It won’t calm down at all.”
Kurama: “You can tell that it’s still hard inside of you right?”
Kurama: “Huh? Ah. You fainted. Ah what should I do? I still can’t calm down at all.”
Kurama: “I guess it can’t be helped.”
Kurama: “Even when you’re unconscious, it still twitches.”
Kurama: “I’m sorry. I’ll use it until I calm down. Your insides.”
**Moaning commences again**
Kurama: “Good morning.”
Kurama: “It’s okay, it already calmed down right?”
Kurama: “It was like a new recipe. I’m not too familiar with these kinds of things, but since they sold it.”
Kurama: “Even if you touch it now, you don’t feel so much pleasure that it makes your eyes roll anymore right?”
Kurama: “See.”
Kurama: “Right?”
Kurama: “Is that so?”
Kurama: “I get it, I won’t use it anymore.”
Kurama: “I don’t want to break you.”
Kurama: “Cause unlike the others, you’re not a merchandise.”
Kurama: “I won’t use it anymore.”
Kurama: “I promise.”
Kurama: “Pinky promise.”
Kurama: “Merchandise? Oh, humans.”
Kurama: “Especially young girls are my best merchandise.” (T/N: this guys is absolutely nutsssss)
Kurama: “My cute little merchandise are all living a happy life now somwhere.”
Kurama: “When everyone is happy I’m also happy!”
Kurama: “Ehehe. Ehehehehe.”
Kurama: “Ah. But even amongst them, you’re special. Unlike the other girls, it’s fine as long as only I make you happy.”
Kurama: “That’s why, let’s be together forever.”
Kurama: “I love you.”
----------- (1) I think he said this, but can’t say for sure cause he voice is pretty ragged at this point
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Bonus 1 | Bonus 2
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nonging · 7 months
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aishiteru-kenshin · 1 year
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The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten | Mahiru Shiina
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eiysiium · 1 year
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Appreciating for what they are
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touhoutunes · 9 months
Title: knocking on
Arrangement: 隣人
Vocals: 花隈千冬
Album: in/complete
Original: Selene's Light
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jasper-rolls · 1 year
Give No Quarter feat. YURiCa/花たん - 隣人 [DOPE ICON]
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backup-pictures777 · 1 year
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moji2 · 1 year
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gabbyp09 · 2 months
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808impz · 1 year
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